Results for 'Luísa Faria'

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  1. Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Review.Ana Costa & Luísa Faria - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Mental models about the self in paranoid schizophrenic discourse: An analysis of clinical interviews.Isabel H. Faria & M. Luisa Figueira - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    My Health Too: Investigating the Feasibility and the Acceptability of an Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program Developed for Healthcare Workers.Raven Bureau, Doha Bemmouna, Clara Gitahy Falcao Faria, Anne-Aline Catteau Goethals, Floriane Douhet, Amaury C. Mengin, Aurélie Fritsch, Anna Zinetti Bertschy, Isabelle Frey & Luisa Weiner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The COVID-19 crisis has had a considerable mental health impact on healthcare workers. High levels of psychological distress are expected to have a significant impact on healthcare systems, warranting the need for evidence-based psychological interventions targeting stress and fostering resilience in this population. Online cognitive behavioral therapy has proved to be effective in targeting stress and promoting resilience. However, online CBT programs targeting stress in healthcare workers are lacking.Objective: The aim of our study is to evaluate the feasibility and (...)
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  4. On transcendental semantics beyond critique of pure reason, p. 165-170.Andrea Luisa Bucchile Faggion - 2007 - Kant E-Prints 2:165-170.
    It is safe to say that the main line of criticism against the reading of Critical Philosophy as Transcendental Semantics is that Kant would be concerned about semantic problems only on Critique of Pure Reason so that such reading would not make sense beyond that work. In this paper, I describe Transcendental Semantics in short words and analyze at length Kant’s theory of concepts on Transcendental Analytic of Critique of Pure Reason in order to make a suggestion: every concept has (...)
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  5. Educar para mudar.Célia Faria Ferreira (ed.) - 1986 - Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais: Editora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.
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    Understanding How Climate Change Impacts Food Security and Human Development in the Fragile States.Ane Cristina Figueiredo Pereira de Faria - 2018 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 28 (1):3-39.
    Human security is being threatened as a consequence of climate change. However, the human security paradigm still needs to be addressed as a cause and effect of environmental degradation. Therefore, this article aims to comprehend the impacts of climate change in fragile states regarding food security and human development. The article is a comparative case study of the five most vulnerable countries in Africa: Somalia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Sudan, and Congo (Dem. Republic). This research contends that climate change (...)
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    Os muitos sentidos compartilhados: Bakhtiniana e a Jornada comemorativa de seus 15 anos.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes, Paulo Rogério Stella, Regina Godinho de Alcântara & Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (4):e68180p.
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    Bakhtin and Linguistics: A Dialogue Settled in the Beginning of the 20’s.Beth Brait, Geraldo Tadeu Souza, Marília Amorim, Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Carlos Gontijo Rosa, Paulo Rogério Stella & Letícia Jovelina Storto - 2025 - Bakhtiniana 20 (1):e66039p.
    RESUMO Em diversas obras do Círculo (Bakhtin, Volóchinov, Medviédev), a referência a Saussure e/ou às especificidades da Linguística, enquanto ciência da língua, pode ser encontrada em diálogo, mais ou menos polêmico, entre pensadores e tendências epistemológicas, teóricas e metodológicas que propõem diferentes abordagens para a complexidade representada pela linguagem humana e, consequentemente, para seu estudo. Neste artigo, o objetivo é circunscrever e discutir a presença da Linguística, enquanto ciência da língua instaurada por Saussure, nos escritos de Mikhail Bakhtin. Após uma (...)
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    Bakhtin e a Linguística: um diálogo iniciado nos anos 1920.Beth Brait, Geraldo Tadeu Souza, Marília Amorim, Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Carlos Gontijo Rosa, Paulo Rogério Stella & Letícia Jovelina Storto - 2025 - Bakhtiniana 20 (1):e66039p.
    ABSTRACT In several works by the Circle (Bakhtin, Vološinov, Medvedev), the reference to Saussure and/or the specificities of Linguistics, as a science of language, can be found in a dialogue, more or less controversial, between thinkers and epistemological, theoretical and methodological trends that propose different approaches to the complexity represented by human language and, consequently, to its study. In this article, the objective is to circumscribe and discuss the presence of Linguistics, as a science of language established by Saussure, in (...)
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    Televisão, Educação e Religiosidade: Experiências No Campo Do Ensino Religioso e da Sociologia.Taciana Brasil & Paulo Vinícius Faria Pereira - 2023 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 29:240-251.
    O programa Se Liga na Educação foi uma iniciativa da Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Minas Gerais, para atendimento dos estudantes da rede estadual durante a pandemia. Após o término do isolamento social, o programa continuou sendo exibido em televisão aberta e através da internet. Este trabalho apresenta relatos de experiência docente nos conteúdos Ensino Religioso e Sociologia, enfatizando os desafios e potenciais de trabalhar questões relacionadas à religião e religiosidade em condições de ampla exibição. Concluímos que a exposição (...)
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    Cross-Sector Partnerships as Capitalism’s New Development Agents: Reconceiving Impact as Empowerment.Thilde Langevang, Mette Morsing, Luisa Murphy & Anne Vestergaard - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1339-1376.
    Cross-sector partnerships are currently praised as capitalism’s key governance instrument to address development challenges. Although some concern has been raised about the effectiveness of such partnerships, little is known about their actual impact. Often it is assumed that partnership outputs transform straightforwardly into societal impact such as poverty alleviation. This article problematizes this assumption. Employing a critical micro-level study, which draws on a qualitative case study of a nongovernmental organization (NGO)–business partnership in Ghana, we examine how outputs provided by a (...)
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    Reaction Is Not Enough: Decreasing Gendered Harassment in Academic Contexts in Chile, Hong Kong, and the United States.Liz Jackson & Ana Luisa Muñoz‐García - 2019 - Educational Theory 69 (1):17-33.
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    Sur les Algèbres de Hilbert.Antonio Diego, Jean Porte & Luisa Iturrioz - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):139-139.
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    Reading Italian Psychoanalysis.Franco Borgogno, Alberto Luchetti & Luisa Marino Coe (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalysis in Italy is a particularly diverse and vibrant profession, embracing a number of influences and schools of thought, connecting together new thinking, and producing theorists and clinicians of global renown. _Reading Italian Psychoanalysis_ provides a comprehensive guide to the most important Italian psychoanalytic thinking of recent years, including work by major names such as Weiss, E.Gaddini, Matte Blanco, Nissim Momigliano, Canestri, Amati Mehler, and Ferro. It covers the most important theoretical developments and clinical advances, with special emphasis on contemporary (...)
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    Color Categories in Thought and Language.Rudolf Arnheim, C. L. Hardin & Luisa Maffi - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 32 (4):109.
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    Medioevo e filosofia: per Alfonso Maierù.Massimiliano Lenzi, Cesare A. Musatti, Luisa Valente & Alfonso Maierù (eds.) - 2013 - Roma: Viella.
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    La personalización del aprendizaje: un objetivo del paradigma educativo centrado en el aprendizaje.Dolores Lerís & María Luisa Sein-Echaluce - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):123-134.
    En este artículo se presenta una panorámica general sobre la personalización del aprendizaje y sobre las herramientas tecnológicas que contribuyen a llevarla a cabo. Se da una rápida visión de las características consideradas en los modelos de usuario de los sistemas de aprendizaje adaptativo. A través de las experiencias realizadas, se muestra nuestra contribución en el diseño y experimentación de aprendizaje adaptativo, deteniéndonos especialmente en las variables de adaptación y en las características de los diseños implementados.
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    Una experiencia de innovación docente en el ámbito universitario. Uso de las nuevas tecnologías.M. ª Dolores Lerís López & M. ª Luisa Sein-Echaluce Lacleta - 2009 - Arbor 185 (Extra):93-110.
    En este artículo exponemos algunas de las iniciativas docentes y experiencias que hemos llevado a cabo las autoras en algunas asignaturas de Matemáticas de titulaciones de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Zaragoza y dentro del ámbito de la enseñanza presencial con ayuda de la plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje Moodle. Los proyectos de aprendizaje que hemos ido poniendo en marcha durante estos últimos años han estado condicionados por el contexto en el que se están aplicando, por ello indicamos aquí las fortalezas (...)
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    Workload, Techno Overload, and Behavioral Stress During COVID-19 Emergency: The Role of Job Crafting in Remote Workers.Emanuela Ingusci, Fulvio Signore, Maria Luisa Giancaspro, Amelia Manuti, Monica Molino, Vincenzo Russo, Margherita Zito & Claudio Giovanni Cortese - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The radical changes deriving from the COVID-19 emergency have heavily upset some of the most familiar routines of daily work life. Abruptly, many workers have been forced to face the difficulties that come with switching to remote working. Basing on the theoretical framework proposed by the Job Demands-Resources model, the purpose of this paper was to explore the effect of work overload, on behavioral stress, meant as an outcome linked to the health impairment process. Furthermore, the aim of the study (...)
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    Contributions from the Philosophy of Science to the Education of Science Teachers.Vicente Mellado, Constantino Ruiz, María Luisa Bermejo & Roque Jiménez - 2006 - Science & Education 15 (5):419-445.
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    The impact of rationing of health resources on capacity of Australian public sector nurses to deliver nursing care after‐hours: a qualitative study.Julie Henderson, Eileen Willis, Luisa Toffoli, Patricia Hamilton & Ian Blackman - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):368-376.
    Australia, along with other countries, has introduced New Public Management (NPM) into public sector hospitals in an effort to contain healthcare costs. NPM is associated with outsourcing of service provision, the meeting of government performance indicators, workforce flexibility and rationing of resources. This study explores the impact of rationing of staffing and other resources upon delivery of care outside of business hours. Data was collected through semistructured interviews conducted with 21 nurses working in 2 large Australian metropolitan hospitals. Participants identified (...)
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    Optimizing Magnetoencephalographic Imaging Estimation of Language Lateralization for Simpler Language Tasks.Leighton B. N. Hinkley, Elke De Witte, Megan Cahill-Thompson, Danielle Mizuiri, Coleman Garrett, Susanne Honma, Anne Findlay, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini, Phiroz Tarapore, Heidi E. Kirsch, Peter Mariën, John F. Houde, Mitchel Berger & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    The Necessary Limits to Temptation: The Turnkey Project.Enrique Hernández-Montes, Luisa María Gil-Martín & Armando Segura-Naya - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):529-533.
    In case of special engineering projects of important relevance it is interesting to pay attention to several possible risks; some of them are in the field of morality or ethics. Due to the social importance of these risks, additional considerations or even additional warranties are justified.
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    Everybody Knows.Andrea Gualmini, Stephen Crain & Luisa Meroni - unknown
    Much current research is devoted to children’s non-adult responses to sentences containing the universal quantifier every. In this chapter we review two alternative views: one that attributes children’s responses to nonadult grammars and one that focuses on extra-linguistic factors to explain children’s non-adult responses. We argue that the grammatical view faces several theoretical concerns, and, in light of research experimental findings, we demonstrate that it also suffers from limited explanatory power.
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    Nature or Nurture in Finger Counting: A Review on the Determinants of the Direction of Number?Finger Mapping.Paola Previtali, Luca Rinaldi & Luisa Girelli - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Ethical Leadership as Antecedent of Job Satisfaction, Affective Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay Among Volunteers of Non-profit Organizations.Paula Benevene, Laura Dal Corso, Alessandro De Carlo, Alessandra Falco, Francesca Carluccio & Maria Luisa Vecina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:423971.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate among a group of non-profit organizations: a) the effect of ethical leadership on volunteers’ satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and intention to stay in the same organization; b) the role played by job satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between ethical leadership and volunteers’ intentions to stay in the same organization, as well as between ethical leadership and affective commitment. An anonymous questionnaire was individually administered to 198 Italian volunteers of different non-profit (...)
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    Relocating care: negotiating nursing skillmix in a mental health unit for older adults.Julie Henderson, David Curren, Bonnie Walter, Luisa Toffoli & Debra O’Kane - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (1):55-65.
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    Case report: Dancing in the dark: A critical single case study engaging a blind father in the rehabilitation journey of his visually impaired child.Livio Provenzi, Giada Pettenati, Antonella Luparia, Daria Paini, Giorgia Aprile, Federica Morelli, Eleonora Mascherpa, Luisa Vercellino, Serena Grumi & Sabrina Signorini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFace-to-face visual contact is a key component of the early parent-child interaction, therefore a visual impairment condition of the parent or the child represents a risk factor for dyadic patterns' development.AimsThe study presents a critical single case of a blind father and a 18-month-old visually impaired child. The study aims to explore changes in the relational functioning of this dyad during an early family-centered intervention.Methods and proceduresTen parent-child sessions were videotaped and micro-analytically coded. Data were analyzed through a State Space (...)
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    A qualitative examination of (political) media diets across age cohorts in five countries.David Nicolas Hopmann, Agnieszka Stępińska, James Stanyer, Denis Halagiera, Ludovic Terren, Luisa Gehle, Christine E. Meltzer, Raluca Buturoiu, Nicoleta Corbu, Ana S. Cardenal & Christian Schemer - forthcoming - Communications.
    In recent research, the concept of “media diets” has received increased attention. However, the concept remains vague and not fully developed, and rarely, if at all, do researchers ask citizens about their perceptions of their own and others’ media diets. With the ongoing transformation of the media landscape, there has never been a more pertinent time to explore these perceptions, which this research intends to do. The main goal of this paper then is to identify recommendations addressing recently voiced concerns (...)
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    Reconsidering Morphology Through an Experimental Case Study.Alessandro Minelli, Rocco Micciolo, Mara Rosa, Paolo Chistè, Luisa Canal & Liliana Albertazzi - 2017 - Biological Theory 12 (3):131-141.
    This study analyzes shells of marine gastropods of a zoological museum and the Latin epithets expressing perceptual and connotative attributes that they have received in the standard, Linnaean nomenclature. Making use of the Osgood semantic differential, we presented the subjects with digital 3-D reproductions of the shell specimens to be subjectively evaluated according to 17 pairs of attributes. The results show that, overall, the subjective evaluations given by the subjects are consistent, which suggests that an intersubjective characterization of the shells (...)
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    Alice in Wonderland: experimental jurisprudence on the internal point of view.Corrado Roversi, Michele Ubertone, Caterina Villani, Stefania D’Ascenzo & Luisa Lugli - 2022 - Jurisprudence 14 (2):143-170.
    Humans have this extraordinary cognitive ability: They imagine inexistent objects, they treat them as if they were real, and by doing so they make them real. They thus give rise to a shared institutional reality that enables them to cooperate in ways that would be impossible otherwise. In this paper, we would like to revisit the account that HLA Hart gives of the practice of collective acceptance that makes a legal system possible. We try to provide an explanation of what (...)
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    The modality-switch effect: visually and aurally presented prime sentences activate our senses.Elisa Scerrati, Giulia Baroni, Anna M. Borghi, Renata Galatolo, Luisa Lugli & Roberto Nicoletti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    An investigation of the neural circuits underlying reaching and reach-to-grasp movements: from planning to execution.Chiara Begliomini, Teresa De Sanctis, Mattia Marangon, Vincenza Tarantino, Luisa Sartori, Diego Miotto, Raffaella Motta, Roberto Stramare & Umberto Castiello - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Geografia em perspectiva: ensino e pesquisa.Nídia Nacib Pontuschka, Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira & Amélia Luisa Domiani (eds.) - 2002 - São Paulo, SP: Contexto.
    Este livro, escrito por vários autores, apresenta e discute os resultados das pesquisas de geógrafos conceituados sobre problemas e temáticas da Geografia em evidência na atualidade. Visa atender tanto os profissionais da área, como pesquisadores e professores, como os alunos em processo de formação intelectual e profissional. Dividido em cinco partes, o livro apresenta um conjunto variado de análises sobre questões diversas como - temas emergentes na geografia, pesquisa e prática de ensino, geografia e interdisciplinaridade, formação de professores, metodologia de (...)
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    On euthanasia: Exploring psychological meaning and attitudes in a Sample of mexican physicians and medical students.Asunción Álvarez Del Río & Ma Luisa Marván - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (3):146-153.
    Euthanasia has become the subject of ethical and political debate in many countries including Mexico. Since many physicians are deeply concerned about euthanasia, due to their crucial participation in its decision and implementation, it is important to know the psychological meaning that the term ‘euthanasia’ has for them, as well as their attitudes toward this practice. This study explores psychological meaning and attitudes toward euthanasia in 546 Mexican subjects, either medical students or physicians, who were divided into three groups: a) (...)
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    The Influence of Family Support According to Gender in the Portuguese Language Course Achievement.Heldemerina S. Pires, Adelinda A. Candeias, Luísa Grácio, Edgar Galindo & Madalena Melo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Apresentação.Inácio Helfer, Jaison M. Partchel, Joel Decothé Jr, Luciane Luisa Lindenmeyer & Polyana Tidre - 2022 - Controvérsia 18 (1):01-03.
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    El objetivo último de la física.Mariano Hermida de la Rica & María Luisa Marquina San Miguel - 1998 - Endoxa 1 (10):115.
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    Relative source credibility affects the continued influence effect: Evidence of rationality in the CIE.Carolin V. Hey, Marie Luisa Schaper & Ute J. Bayen - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106000.
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    Conexión entre el gusto Y la moral.Mark Hopkins, Lucas Céspedes & Luisa Jiménez - 2021 - Humanitas Hodie 3 (2):H32a6.
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    Portioning-Out and Individuation in Mandarin Non-interrogative wh-Pronominal Phrases: Experimental Evidence From Child Mandarin.Aijun Huang, Francesco-Alessio Ursini & Luisa Meroni - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:592281.
    Portioning-out and individuation are two important semantic properties for the characterization of countability. In Mandarin, nouns are not marked with count-mass syntax, and it is controversial whether individuation is encoded in classifiers or in nouns. In the present study, we investigates the interpretation of a minimal pair of non-interrogativewh-pronominal phrases, includingduo-shao-N andduo-shao-ge-N. Due to the presence/absence of the individual classifierge, these twowh-pronominal phrases differ in how they encode portioning-out and individuation. In two experiments, we used a Truth Value Judgment Task (...)
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    Teachers’ Experiences on Gender Issues.Daniel Rubén Tacca Huamán, Barbara Carletti, Renzo Cuarez Cordero, Ana Luisa Tacca Huamán, Miguel Angel Alva Rodriguez & Luis Junior Tirado Castro - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (69):99-110.
    Gender issues are still under debate in Latin American societies, especially in the educational sphere; for this reason, the objective of the research was to know the experiences of high school teachers regarding gender issues in the classroom and during their university education. The research was qualitative, phenomenological and 22 teachers participated voluntarily. Unanimity was not found in the use of terms related to gender; most of the participants have been adapting their didactic strategies to give the same opportunities to (...)
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  43. As transformações da expertise sobre saúde na cultura contempor'nea: uma análise do Instagram da Bela Gil.Igor Sacramento, Maria Eduarda Ledo Martins de Abreu, Guadio Uchôa Ney & Luisa Lopes - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 26 (1).
    Neste artigo, analisamos postagens do Instagram da Bela Gil sobre alimentação saudável e comentários publicados pelos usuários. Partimos de uma observação sistemática do perfil entre janeiro de 2015 e julho de 2016 que nos permitiu identificar posições de sujeito da/à alimentação saudável presentes no processo de aconselhamento ali existente e nas formas de reconhecimento engendradas. Concluímos que as declarações produzidas por Bela Gil concebem a saúde, sobretudo, como responsabilidade individual e que sua autoridade é reconhecida mais pela identificação com sua (...)
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    “I feel your fear”: superior fear recognition in organised crime members.Gerardo Salvato, Gabriele De Maio, Elisa Francescon, Maria L. Fiorina, Teresa Fazia, Alessandro Grecucci, Luisa Bernardinelli, Daniela Ovadia & Gabriella Bottini - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):430-438.
    Individuals who deviate from social norms by committing crimes may have reduced facial emotion recognition abilities. Nevertheless, a specific category of offenders – i.e. organised crime (OC) members – is characterised by hierarchically organised social networks and a tendency to manipulate others to reach their illicit goals. Since recognising emotions is crucial to building social networks, OC members may be more skilled in recognising the facial emotion expressions of others to use this information for their criminal purposes. Evidence of a (...)
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    DVPB aktuell.Toralf Schenk, Myoung Seo, Bettina Zurstrassen, Udo Dannemann, Gudrun Heinrich & Luisa Girnus - 2021 - Polis 25 (3):22-30.
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    Theories of consciousness from the perspective of an embedded processes view.Nelson Cowan, Nick I. Ahmed, Chenye Bao, Mackenzie N. Cissne, Ronald D. Flores, Roman M. Gutierrez, Braden Hayse, Madison L. Musich, Hamid Nourbakhshi, Nanan Nuraini, Emily E. Schroeder, Neyla Sfeir, Emilie Sparrow & Luísa Superbia-Guimarães - 2025 - Psychological Review 132 (1):76-106.
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    Malebranche e la visione in Dio.John Locke, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Luisa Simonutti - 1995 - ETS.
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    Judith Butler fuera de sí: espectros, diálogos y referentes polémicos.Ariel Martínez, María Luisa Femenías & Rolando Casale (eds.) - 2017 - Rosario, Argentina: Prohistoria Ediciones.
  49. Ensino Público da Filosofia. Perspectivas Programáticas e Ideológicas.António Pedro Mesquita & Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira (eds.) - 2014 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Psychometric Properties of a Measure of Borderline Personality Organization in a Spanish Court-Referred Partner-Violent Male Sample.Natalia Redondo Rodríguez, José Luis Graña Gómez, María Luisa Cuenca Montesino & Marina Julia Muñoz-Rivas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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