Results for 'Ludwig, Otto'

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  1.  12
    1853–1855.Otto Wigand, L. Feuerbach, Rostockius, C. J. Duboc, J. J. Weber, Jac Moleschott, M. Droßbach, Ferdinand Kampe, Otto Meißner, A. H. Ewerbeck, Herz, Jos Dietzgen & Bruder Ludwig - 1996 - In Bruder Ludwig, Jos Dietzgen, Herz, A. H. Ewerbeck, Otto Meißner, Ferdinand Kampe, M. Droßbach, Jac Moleschott, J. J. Weber, C. J. Duboc, Rostockius, L. Feuerbach & Otto Wigand (eds.), Briefwechsel Iv. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 1-106.
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  2. Briefwechsel Iv.Bruder Ludwig, Jos Dietzgen, Herz, A. H. Ewerbeck, Otto Meißner, Ferdinand Kampe, M. Droßbach, Jac Moleschott, J. J. Weber, C. J. Duboc, Rostockius, L. Feuerbach & Otto Wigand - 1996 - De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
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  3. Briefwechsel Iv.Otto Meißner, Jac Moleschott, Heinrich Wuzer, Heinr Benecke, L. Tilliard, Wilhelm Bolin, F. Ludwig, L. Knapp, Arnold Rüge, G. F. Kolb, Otto Wigand, Heinrich Benecke, August Goldberg, J. Roth, J. Schachtel, Ferdinand Kampe & L. Feuerbach - 1996 - De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
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    1856–1858.Otto Meißner, Jac Moleschott, Heinrich Wuzer, Heinr Benecke, L. Tilliard, Wilhelm Bolin, F. Ludwig, L. Knapp, Arnold Rüge, G. F. Kolb, Otto Wigand, Heinrich Benecke, August Goldberg, J. Roth, J. Schachtel, Ferdinand Kampe & L. Feuerbach - 1996 - In Otto Meißner, Jac Moleschott, Heinrich Wuzer, Heinr Benecke, L. Tilliard, Wilhelm Bolin, F. Ludwig, L. Knapp, Arnold Rüge, G. F. Kolb, Otto Wigand, Heinrich Benecke, August Goldberg, J. Roth, J. Schachtel, Ferdinand Kampe & L. Feuerbach (eds.), Briefwechsel Iv. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 107-214.
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    Compte-rendu: Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science.David Ludwig - 2015 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 2 (1):14-16.
    Review of John Symons, Olga Pombo, and Juan Manuel Torres. 2011. Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    Otto Friedrich Gruppe, 1804-1876: Philosoph, Dichter, Philologe.Ludwig Bernays (ed.) - 2004 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach.
    Der 1804 geborene, mit Hegel, Marx und anderen Denkern seiner Zeit auf Kriegsfuß stehende, aber Anschauungen des späten Wittgenstein vorwegnehmende Sprachphilosoph, Philologe, Literarhistoriker und vielseitige Autor Otto Friedrich Gruppe hat seit seiner Wiederentdeckung durch Fritz Mauthner im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts zunehmend Beachtung gefunden. Dies rechtfertigt eine nähere Betrachtung seines reichhaltigen, in mancher Hinsicht in die Zukunft weisenden Oeuvres anläßlich seines 200. Geburtstags. Neben den von Mauthner neu edierten philosophischen Hauptwerken hat Gruppe Gedichtbände, literatur- und kunstkritische Schriften sowie altphilologische (...)
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    Herders sämmtliche werke: Herausgegeben.Johann Gottfried Herder, Jakob Balde, Bernhard Ludwig Suphan, Carl Christian Redlich & Otto Hoffmann - 1880 - Weidmann.
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    Metaphysics.Otto Weininger - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Research 15:311-327.
    This is a translation of a posthumous essay by the Viennese philosopher-psychologist, Otto Weininger (1880-1903). His main book, Sex and Character, was published in 1903 (English version, 1906). Many distinguished Viennese were deeply influenced by Weininger; among them was Ludwig Wittgenstein, who paid tribute to him even late in his life. In particular, he is known to have admired the present essay and its foray into “animal psychology”. The investigation of the significance for human psychology of dogs and other (...)
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    Philosophie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität: die philosophische Lehre an der Universität Ingolstadt-Landshut-München von 1472 bis zur Gegenwart.Hans Otto Seitschek, Wolfhart Henckmann, Martin Mulsow & Peter Nickl (eds.) - 2010 - Sankt Ottilien: EOS.
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    Nachruf Auf Ludwig Heyde.Machiel Karskens & Ernst-Otto Onnasch - 1999 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 1 (1):29-29.
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  11. Otto Neurath and Ludwig von Mises – The Socialist Calculation Debates and Beyond.Alexander Linsbichler - 2015 - In Burçin Ercan (ed.), Interactions in the History of Philosophy II. Delta Publishing House. pp. 311-324.
    In the first part of this paper I review the two most recent biographies on Otto Neurath and Ludwig von Mises as well as the scarce literature on the relations between their lives and ideas. Recent publications by Nemeth, O’Neill, and Uebel reflect growing interest in the connections between these two main proponents of Logical Empiricism and the Austrian School of Economics respectively, but are mainly focused on the so-called socialist calculation debates. In the second part I propose that (...)
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    Das Wesen des Menschen im Allgemeinen (Kap. 1).Frieder Otto Wolf - 2020 - In Andreas Arndt (ed.), Ludwig Feuerbach: Das Wesen des Christentums. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 47-62.
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    Politischer Messianismus: Totalitarismuskritik und philosophische Geschichtsschreibung im Anschluss an Jacob Leib Talmon.Hans Otto Seitschek - 2005 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    Previously issued as author's dissertation, 2004/2005, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitèat, Mèunchen.
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    Otto Neurath and Ludwig von Mises. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics in Viennese Late Enlightenment.Alexander Linsbichler - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (2).
    Logical empiricism and the Austrian School of economics are two of the internationally most influential intellectual movements with Viennese roots. By and large independently of each other, both have been subject to detailed historical and philosophical investigations for the last two dec-ades. However, in spite of numerous connections and interactions be-tween the two groups, their relationship has captured surprisingly sparse attention. My dissertation focuses on the many-faceted juxtaposition of two supposedly antagonistic championsof Viennese Late Enlightenment: logical empiricist Otto Neurath (...)
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    Ökonometrie: Das R-Arbeitsbuch.Ludwig von Auer, Sönke Hoffmann & Tobias Kranz - 2024 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Dieses R-Arbeitsbuch bietet seinen Leserinnen und Lesern ökonometrische Übungsaufgaben, die eigenständig am Computer bearbeitet werden können. Die notwendigen Kenntnisse des kostenlosen Programmpakets R werden in,,R-Boxen" quasi nebenbei Schritt für Schritt vermittelt. Den Auftakt bildet dabei eine einfache Installationsanleitung. Auch alle Lösungen der Übungsaufgaben sind sorgfältig dokumentiert. Das R-Arbeitsbuch lässt sich zwar mit jedem einführenden Ökonometrie-Lehrbuch kombinieren, die optimale Verzahnung besteht jedoch mit dem Lehrbuch Ökonometrie - Eine Einführung (von Auer, 8. Auflage, 2023). Die Zielgruppe dieser Lehrbuch-Arbeitsbuch-Kombination besitzt weder statistische oder (...)
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  16. de henide als paradigma. Otto Weiningers invloed op Ludwig Wittgenstein.Louk Fleischhacker - 1998 - de Uil Van Minerva 15.
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    A ética do gênio: aproximações entre Otto Weininger e Ludwig Wittgenstein.Edimar Brígido - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019027.
    Em Modern Moral Philosophy, Elisabeth Anscombe aponta para uma atitude tipicamente wittgensteiniana que corresponde a uma crítica e, ao mesmo tempo, uma rejeição às formas tradicionais de pensar a ética. A consequência mais radical dessa crítica rompe de maneira original na exigência de “tornar-se um ser humano melhor”, realizando uma atividade sobre si mesmo, com a finalidade de se constituir enquanto sujeito ético. Tendo essa perspectiva como fundamento, esta pesquisa defende a existência de um itinerário – indicativo, não prescritivo – (...)
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  18.  45
    Otto Neurath as an Austrian Economist: Behind the Scenes of the Early Socialist Calculation Debate.Thomas Uebel - 2007 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 13:37-59.
    Otto Neurath is well known as a founding member of the Vienna Circle, one of several points of origin of logical empiricism or neopositivism. While Neurath’s distinctive contribution to the philosophy of science and epistemology in general has come to be recognised after long neglect, his economic thought remains relatively unexplored. A striking fact has thus remained long obscured: Neurath is not the “positivist” economist one might expect. To throw this point into further relief, the question I want to (...)
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  19.  39
    Otto Friedrich Gruppe 1804-1876: Philosoph, Dichter, Philologe (review).Hermann J. Cloeren - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):367-369.
    Hermann J. Cloeren - Otto Friedrich Gruppe 1804-1876: Philosoph, Dichter, Philologe - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 367-369 Ludwig Bernays, editor. Otto Friedrich Gruppe 1804–1876: Philosoph, Dichter, Philologe. Freiburg: Rombach, 2004. Pp 279. Paper, € 39,90. Two hundred years after his birth, Otto Friedrich Gruppe is commemorated in essays by American and European scholars. Contributions in English, French, German, and Italian treat diverse aspects of Gruppe's life and work. (...)
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  20. Wien vor und während Heinz von Foerster. Radikaler Konstruktivismus : Kybernetik zweiter Ordnung und Wien : ein Beziehungs-Geflecht ; Vermischte Bemerkungen zur Leibniz-Tradition in Österreich ; Ernst Mach als Zentralfigur eines radikal-empiristischen Wiener Denkstils ; Otto Neurath, Kurt Gödel und radikal konstruktivistische Denkformen ; Ludwig Wittgenstein und Heinz von Foerster : konstruktivistische Parallelaktionen ; Wiener Salons, Zirkel und Kreise als radikal konstruktivistische Kommunikations- und Innovationsmodell.Karl H. Müller - 2011 - Weitra: Bibliothek der Provinz. Edited by Heinz Von Foerster.
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    Busse und Beichte. Theologische und seelsorgliche Überlegungen. Mit Beiträgen von Bruno Schüller S. J., Otto Semmelroth S. J., LudwigBertsch S. J., Herbert Roth S. J. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Bertsch S.J. [REVIEW]C. Lindner - 1968 - Augustinianum 8 (2):400-401.
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    L'énigme Otto Weininger.Jacques Antoine Malarewicz - 2017 - [Nantes]: Éditions nouvelles Cécile Defaut.
    Le jeune philosophe viennois Otto Weininger se suicide en octobre 1903, âgé de 23 ans. Il vient de faire paraître un brûlot, Sexe et Caractère, qui restera un succès de librairie pendant deux décennies, avec 36 rééditions jusqu'en 1925. Sigmund Freud le considérera comme un génie. Ludwig Wittgenstein le tiendra en grande estime, tout comme Karl Kraus, Stephan Zweig, Robert Musil, James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Georges Bataille ou encore Emil Cioran. Malgré tous les hommages qu'il a reçus, Weininger est (...)
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    Otto Neurath: Mapping the City as a Social Fact?Sophie Hochhäusl - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 99-136.
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    (1 other version)Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger.Nancy Harrowitz (ed.) - 1994 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    In 1903 Otto Weininger, A Viennese Jew who converted to Protestantism, published Geschiecht und Charakter, a book in which he set out to prove the moral inferiority and character deficiency of "the woman" and "the Jew." Almost immediately, he was acclaimed as a young genius for bringing these two elements together. Shortly thereafter, at the age of twenty-three, Weininger committed suicide in the room where Beethoven had died. Weininger's sensationalized death immortalized him as an intellectual who expressed the abject (...)
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  25. From Otto Neurath’s Isotype to Multiple Worlds of Visual Media.Armin Reautschnig & Karl H. Müller - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 195-214.
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    ‘Words Divide, Pictures Unite.’ Otto Neurath’s Pictorial Statistics in Historical Context.Sybilla Nikolow - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 85-98.
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  27. Rationalities and Their Limits: Reconstructing Neurath’s and Mises’s Prerequisites in the Early Socialist Calculation Debates.Alexander Linsbichler - 2021 - Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 39:95-128.
    Austrian economist Ludwig Mises’s central role in the socialist calculation debates has been consensually acknowledged since the early 1920s. Yet, only recently Nemeth, O’Neill, Uebel, and others have drawn particular attention to Mises’s encounter with logical empiricist Otto Neurath. Despite several surprising agreements, Neurath and Mises certainly provide different answers to the questions “what is meant by rational economic theory” (Neurath) and whether “socialism is the abolition of rational economy” (Mises). Previous accounts and evaluations of the exchange between Neurath (...)
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    Scientific Attitude and Picture Language. Otto Neurath on Visualisation in Social Sciences.Elisabeth Nemeth - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 59-84.
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    Rondom Rembrandt and Beyond: On Otto Neurath’s Isotype Contributions to Visual Communication and Museum Learning.Hadwig Kraeutler - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 137-174.
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    Viennese Late Enlightenment and the Early Socialist Calculation Debates: Rationalities and Their Limits.Alexander Linsbichler - 2021 - Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University Working Paper Series.
    Austrian economist Ludwig Mises’s central role in the socialist calculation debates has been consensually acknowledged since the early 1920s. Yet, only recently, Nemeth, O’Neill, Uebel, and others have drawn particular attention to Mises’s pertinent encounter with one of the most colorful characters of “Red Vienna”: logical empiricist and “skeptic utopist” Otto Neurath. Despite several surprising agreements, Neurath and Mises certainly provide different answers to the questions “what is meant by rational economic theory” (Neurath) and whether “socialism is the abolition (...)
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    Written Language and Picture Language after Otto Neurath—Popularising or Humanising Knowledge?Friedrich Stadler - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 1-30.
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    Wittgenstein Reads Weininger.David G. Stern & Béla Szabados (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Otto Weininger was one of the most controversial and widely read authors of fin-de-siècle Vienna. He was both condemned for his misogyny, self-hatred, anti-semitism and homophobia, as well as praised for his uncompromising and outspoken approach to gender and morality. For Wittgenstein Weininger was a 'remarkable genius'. He repeatedly recommended Weininger's Sex and Character to friends and students and included the author on a short list of figures who had influenced him. The purpose of this new collection of essays (...)
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    Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited.Allan Janik - 2018 - Routledge.
    Fin de siecle Vienna was once memorably described by Karl Kraus as a "proving ground for the destruction of the world." In the decades leading to the World War that brought down the Austro-Hungarian empire, the city was at once an operetta dream world masking social and political problems and tension, as well as a center for the far-reaching explorations and innovations in music, art, science, and philosophy that would help to define modernity. One of the most powerful critiques of (...)
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  34. The Physiology of the Sense Organs and Early Neo-Kantian Conceptions of Objectivity: Helmholtz, Lange, Liebmann.Scott Edgar - 2015 - In Flavia Padovani, Alan Richardson & Jonathan Y. Tsou (eds.), Objectivity in Science: New Perspectives From Science and Technology Studies. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 310. Springer. pp. 101-122.
    The physiologist Johannes Müller’s doctrine of specific nerve energies had a decisive influence on neo-Kantian conceptions of the objectivity of knowledge in the 1850s - 1870s. In the first half of the nineteenth century, Müller amassed a body of experimental evidence to support his doctrine, according to which the character of our sensations is determined by the structures of our own sensory nerves, and not by the external objects that cause the sensations. Neo-Kantians such as Hermann von Helmholtz, F.A. Lange, (...)
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    Bollnow leitor de Heidegger e de Binswanger.Irene Borges Duarte - 2019 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 2 (1):238-254.
    Em 1945, Otto Friedrich Bollnow publica uma recensão da obra fundamental de Ludwig Binswanger, aparecida em 1942, em que procura desenvolver uma concepção antropológica, tomando como ponto de partida e fundamento a Ontologia Fundamental de Martin Heidegger, tal como fora exposta em 1927, em Ser e Tempo. O presente trabalho consiste na tradução e apresentação desse texto de Bollnow, enquadrando-as numa hermenêutica da existência, desenvolvida por este autor ao longo da sua obra, e na tematização, por ambos os autores, (...)
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    Philosophische Untersuchungen: kritisch-genetische Edition.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 2001
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    Wittgenstein et l'énigme de l'existence: la forme et l'expression.Emmanuel Halais - 2007 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Dans une célèbre conférence, Ludwig Wittgenstein affirme que l'éthique, répondant " au désir de dire quelque chose du sens ultime de la vie ", ne peut être une science. L'éthique serait-elle donc dénuée de sens? Serait-il vain pour un philosophe d'y consacrer ses réflexions? Non, car " elle porte témoignage d'un penchant de l'esprit humain ", que Wittgenstein estime " profondément respectable ". Il nous faut relire le Tractatus. La conception du sens et du non-sens qui y figure est devenue (...)
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  38. (2 other versions)Notebooks, 1914-1916.Ludwig Wittgenstein, G. H. von Wright & G. E. M. Anscombe - 1964 - Mind 73 (289):132-141.
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    The functional contributions of consciousness.Dylan Ludwig - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 104 (C):103383.
    The most widely endorsed philosophical and scientific theories of consciousness assume that it contributes a single functional capacity to an organism’s information processing toolkit. However, conscious processes are a heterogeneous class of psychological phenomena supported by a variety of neurobiological mechanisms. This suggests a plurality of functional contributions of consciousness (FCCs), in the sense that conscious experience facilitates different functional capacities in different psychological domains. In this paper, I first develop a general methodological framework for isolating the psychological functions that (...)
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    Letters to Russell, Keynes, and Moore.Ludwig Wittgenstein, John Maynard Keynes, G. E. Moore & Bertrand Russell - 1974 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Bertrand Russell, John Maynard Keynes, G. E. Moore & G. H. von Wright.
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  41. trans. Anscombe GE M.Ludwig Wittgenstein - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations., Upper Saddle River, Nj: Prentice Hall.
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  42. Mensch und Raum.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1967 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 22 (4):459-460.
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  43. (1 other version)Populäre Schriften.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1906 - The Monist 16:320.
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    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle.David Edmonds - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    From the author of Wittgenstein's Poker and Would You Kill the Fat Man?, the story of an extraordinary group of philosophers during a dark chapter in Europe's history On June 22, 1936, the philosopher Moritz Schlick was on his way to deliver a lecture at the University of Vienna when Johann Nelböck, a deranged former student of Schlick's, shot him dead on the university steps. Some Austrian newspapers defended the madman, while Nelböck himself argued in court that his onetime teacher (...)
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    The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl: six essays.Ludwig Landgrebe - 1981 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Donn Welton.
  46. The Racer's Mind—How Core Perceptual-Cognitive Expertise Is Reflected in Deliberate Practice Procedures in Professional Motorsport.Otto Lappi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  47. (2 other versions)Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. Volume I.Ludwig Wittgenstein, G. E. M. Anscombe, G. H. von Wright, Heikki Nyman & C. G. Luckhardt - 1982 - Philosophical Quarterly 32 (127):162-170.
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    The Language of Sense Date and Private Experience.Ludwig Wittgenstein & Rush Rhees - 1984 - [S.N.].
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    Codices Latini Antiquiores. A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts Prior to the Ninth Century.Ludwig Bieler & E. A. Lowe - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (3):323.
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    First Two Major Transitions in Rep. VII.Ludwig Chen - 1989 - Hermes 117 (4):446-454.
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