Results for 'Lucy Makoae'

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  1.  40
    HIV and AIDS Stigma Violates Human Rights in Five African Countries.Thecla W. Kohi, Lucy Makoae, Maureen Chirwa, William L. Holzemer, Deliwe RenéPhetlhu, Leana Uys, Joanne Naidoo, Priscilla S. Dlamini & Minrie Greeff - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):404-415.
    The situation and human rights of people living with HIV and AIDS were explored through focus groups in five African countries (Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania). A descriptive qualitative research design was used. The 251 informants were people living with HIV and AIDS, and nurse managers and nurse clinicians from urban and rural settings. NVivo™ software was used to identify specific incidents related to human rights, which were compared with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The findings revealed (...)
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    HIV and AIDS Stigma Violates Human Rights in Five African Countries.Leana Uys, Maureen Chirwa, Minrie Greeff, Lucy Makoae, William L. Holzemer, Thecla W. Kohi, Priscilla S. Dlamini, Joanne Naidoo & Deliwe René Phetlhu - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 4 (4):404-415.
    The situation and human rights of people living with HIV and AIDS were explored through focus groups in five African countries . A descriptive qualitative research design was used. The 251 informants were people living with HIV and AIDS, and nurse managers and nurse clinicians from urban and rural settings. NVivo™ software was used to identify specific incidents related to human rights, which were compared with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The findings revealed that the human rights of people (...)
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    Book Symposium on Lucy Allais' Manifest Reality: Kant's Idealism and His Realism An Overview.Lucy Allais - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):235-240.
  4.  88
    Manifest Reality: Kant's Idealism and His Realism.Lucy Allais - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Lucy Allais presents an original interpretation of Kant's transcendental idealism. She argues that his distinction between things in themselves and things as they appear to us has both epistemological and metaphysical components. Kant is committed to a genuine idealism about things as they appear to us, but this is not a phenomenalist idealism. He is committed to the claim that there is an aspect of reality that grounds mind-dependent spatio-temporal objects, and which we cannot cognize, but he does not (...)
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    Self-Knowing Agents * By LUCY O'BRIEN.Lucy O’Brien - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):187-188.
    How is it that we think and refer in the first-person way? For most philosophers in the analytic tradition, the problem is essentially this: how two apparently conflicting kinds of properties can be reconciled and united as properties of the same entity. What is special about the first person has to be reconciled with what is ordinary about it. The range of responses reduces to four basic options. The orthodox view is optimistic: there really is a way of reconciling these (...)
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  6.  11
    Freedom and Dissatisfaction in the Works of Agnes Heller: With and Against Marx.Lucy Jane Ward - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, Lucy Jane Ward argues that although contemporary scholarship tends to divide Agnes Heller's work chronologically in terms of her “Marxist” and subsequent “post-Marxist” periods, a closer reading reveals her work as a continuing engagement both with and against Marx's idea of the human being rich in need.
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    L'évaluation muséale: savoirs et savoir-faire.Lucie Daignault - 2011 - Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. Edited by Bernard Schiele.
    L'évaluation muséale célèbre en 2011 le centième anniversaire de la publication du premier article sur le sujet par Benjamin Ives Gilman. Le présent livre s'adresse autant aux professeurs et étudiants en muséologie, en patrimoine et culture ainsi qu'en tourisme culturel, qu'aux professionnels et aux gestionnaires de musées et des autres secteurs connexes intéressés par les retombées de l'évaluation. Ce guide méthodologique présente les principaux processus auxquels ont recours les évaluateurs en contexte muséal. Les cas présentés ont été sélectionnés en fonction (...)
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    Losing our minds: the challenge of defining mental illness.Lucy Foulkes - 2022 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    A compelling and incisive book that questions the overuse of mental health terms to describe universal human emotions Public awareness of mental illness has been transformed in recent years, but our understanding of how to define it has yet to catch up. Too often, psychiatric disorders are confused with the inherent stresses and challenges of human experience. A narrative has taken hold that a mental health crisis has been building among young people. In this profoundly sensitive and constructive book, psychologist (...)
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    PoMo Oz: fear and loathing downunder.Niall Lucy - 2010 - North Fremantle, W.A.: Fremantle Press.
    That's according to Niall Lucy in his latest book, PoMo Oz. Pitting his humour and intellect against the conservative power brokers, Lucy champions the notion that free thought, not free trade, is the basis of democracy.
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  10. Estetica, política, hermeneutica. Don Juan: Alegoría de una estética.Lucy Carrillo Castillo - 1984 - Universitas Philosophica 3:65-74.
  11.  46
    Nietzsche and Jung: the whole self in the union of opposites.Lucy Huskinson - 2004 - New York: Brunner-Routledge.
    This book considers the thought and personalities of two popular icons of twentieth century philosophical and psychological thought - Nietzsche and Jung - and reveals the extraordinary connections between them. Through a thorough examination of their work, Nietzsche and Jung succeeds in illuminating complex areas of Nietzsche's thought and resolving ambiguities in Jung's reception of these theories. This demonstration of how our understanding of analytical psychology can be enriched by investigating its philosophical roots will be of great interest to students (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Kant, non-conceptual content and the representation of space.Lucy Allais - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):pp. 383-413.
    :Space is not an empirical concept that has been drawn from outer experiences. For in order for certain sensations to be related to something outside me , thus in order for me to represent them as outside and next to one another, thus not merely different but as in different places, the representation of space must already be their ground. Thus the representation of space cannot be obtained from the relations of outer appearance through experience, but this outer experience is (...)
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  13. A case for a duty to feed the hungry: GM plants and the third world.Lucy Carter - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (1):69-82.
    This article is concerned with a discussion of the plausibility of the claim that GM technology has the potential to provide the hungry with sufficient food for subsistence. Following a brief outline of the potential applications of GM in this context, a history of the green revolution and its impact will be discussed in relation to the current developing world agriculture situation. Following a contemporary analysis of malnutrition, the claim that GM technology has the potential to provide the hungry with (...)
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  14.  35
    The ethics of germ line gene manipulation — a five dimensional debate.Lucy Carter - 2002 - Monash Bioethics Review 21 (4):S66-S81.
    Contributors to the debate surrounding the ethics of germ line gene manipulation have by and large concentrated their efforts on discussions of the potential risks that are associated with the use of this technology. Many international advisory committees have ruled out the acceptability of germ line gene manipulation at least for the time being. The purpose of this work is to generate much needed discussion on the many other ethical issues concerning the implementation of not only germ line gene manipulation (...)
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  15.  28
    Of Pure Blood.Lucy S. Dawidowicz, Marc Hillel, Clarissa Henry & Eric Mossbacher - 1977 - Hastings Center Report 7 (5):43.
  16.  75
    Empirical ethics: a growing area of bioethics.Lucy Frith - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (2):51-53.
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  17.  48
    Travailler en projets dans la R & D. Contraintes temporelles et transformations du travail de recherche.Lucie Goussard & Tiffon - 2013 - Temporalités 18.
    Cet article traite de la mise en place de l’organisation par projet dans une unité de R & D du secteur de l’énergie. Il montre que l’un des principaux effets de cette politique de « modernisation » est d’avoir transformé les contraintes temporelles qui pèsent sur le travail des chercheurs et ce, à au moins trois niveaux. D’abord, la composante administrative du travail de recherche s’est accrue au détriment du temps consacré à la production scientifique. Ensuite, le projet d’intensification du (...)
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    Livy 40.51.9 and the Centuriate Assembly.Lucy Grieve - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):417-.
    In 179 b.c. the censors M. Aemilius Lepidus and M. Fulvius Nobilior brought about a reform in the voting. The only evidence for this is a single sentence in Livy : mutarunt suffragia regionatimque generibus hominum causisque et quaestibus tribus discripserunt The meaning of these words has often been discussed but never in a fully systematic manner. Further, the attempts to discover their meaning have always been made in an effort to throw light upon some other problem. They are thus (...)
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  19.  17
    The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature.Lucy Grig - 2005 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 125:169-170.
  20.  11
    Attitudes of students at the faculty of Regional Development and International Studies toward plagiarism.Lucie Herbočková & Josef Smolík - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (1):46-58.
    This study aims to identify student attitudes to and perceptions of the topical phenomenon of plagiarism at the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies at Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. The paper includes a theoretical framework describing plagiarism, academic ethics and provides a different perspective on plagiarism by many authors. Furthermore, the article presents a semi-structured questionnaire conducted in July 2018 with a sample of 235 respondents. The questionnaire was used in this research to explore students’ personal experiences, (...)
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  21.  14
    Defining ‘Baltic Germanness’ in Post-Soviet Latvia and Estonia - Ethnic Germans’ Life Stories between East and West.Lucie Lamy - 2023 - History of Communism in Europe 11:167-188.
    This article, based on interviews conducted in 2019 with Latvian and Estonian citizens ethnically defining themselves as “Baltic Germans”, aims to analyse the way this self-identification is shaped by the experience of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, and by the ideological polarisation between East and West. Studying this hybrid ethnic belonging allows taking a look at individual life paths through a transnational lens and paying attention to all forms of mobility that play a role in its construction. By integrating the (...)
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  22. Induced pluripotent stem cells as new model systems in oncology.Lucie Laplane, Allan Beke, William Vainchenker & Eric Solary - 2015 - Stem Cells 33:2887-2892.
    The demonstration that pluripotent stem cells could be generated by somatic cell reprogramming led to wonder if these so-called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells would extend our investigation capabilities in the cancer research field. The first iPS cells derived from cancer cells have now revealed the benefits and potential pitfalls of this new model. iPS cells appear to be an innovative approach to decipher the steps of cell transformation as well as to screen the activity and toxicity of anticancer drugs. (...)
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  23.  29
    Reflections and New Perspectives on Virgil's Georgics ed. by Bobby Xinyue and Nicholas Freer.Lucy Nicholas - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (2):238-239.
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  24. Kant’s Racism.Lucy Allais - 2016 - Philosophical Papers 45 (1-2):1-36.
    After a long period of comparative neglect, in the last few decades growing numbers of philosophers have been paying attention to the startling contrast presented between Kant’s universal moral theory, with its inspiring enlightenment ideas of human autonomy, equality and dignity and Kant’s racism. Against Charles Mills, who argues that the way to make Kant consistent is by attributing to him a threshold notion of moral personhood, according to which some races do not qualify for consideration under the categorical imperative, (...)
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  25.  5
    Lire Ryle aujourd'hui: aux sources de la philosophie analytique.Lucie Antoniol - 1993 - Brussels: De Boeck Supérieur.
    La philosophy of mind est le terrain principal sur lequel Gilbert Ryle a mis à l'épreuve sa réponse personnelle à la question "Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?". Il nous montre comment la philosophie peut nous remettre sur la piste d'une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes humains. Cette philosophie de l'homme est ancrée dans une méthode qui a reçu le nom d'analyse du langage ordinaire : prêter une attention particulière à la façon dont nous parlons de nous-même et des autres devrait nous permettre (...)
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  26.  11
    Dreaming the Myth Onwards: New Directions in Jungian Therapy and Thought.Lucy Huskinson (ed.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    _Dreaming the Myth Onwards_ shows how a revised appreciation of myth can enrich our daily lives, our psychological awareness, and our human relationships. Lucy Huskinson and her contributors explore the interplay between myth, and Jungian thought and practice, demonstrating the philosophical and psychological principles that underlie our experience of psyche and world. Contributors from multi-disciplinary backgrounds throughout the world come together to assess the contemporary relevance of myth, in terms of its utility, its effectual position within Jungian theory and (...)
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    Temporality of Suspension.Lucie Tuma & Kiran Kumār - 2022 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31 (64).
    NOTE FROM THE AUTHORS The context of our co-authored contribution to the ‘Aesthetic Relations’ conference-publication is a performance devised by Lucie in 2020 to which she invited Kiraṇ as a collaborator. Due to international travel restrictions however, our physical co-pres-ence in a studio and on stage remained suspended throughout that year. Our exchanges nevertheless continued in adaptive turns both before and after that performance. It is this condition of, at once, compromised yet consistent relation with each other that we refer (...)
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  28. Wiping the Slate clean: The heart of forgiveness.Lucy Allais - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (1):33–68.
  29. Feeling togetherness online: a phenomenological sketch of online communal experiences.Lucy Osler - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):569-588.
    The internet provides us with a multitude of ways of interacting with one another. In discussions about how technological innovations impact and shape our interpersonal interactions, there is a tendency to assume that encountering people online is essentially different to encountering people offline. Yet, individuals report feeling a sense of togetherness with one another online that echoes offline descriptions. I consider how we can understand people’s experiences of being together with others online, at least in certain instances, as arising out (...)
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  30. (1 other version)What Properly Belongs to Me.Lucy Allais - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (4):754-771.
    Kant has a number of harsh-sounding things to say about beggars and giving to beggars. He describes begging as “closely akin to robbery” , and says that it exhibits self-contempt. In this paper I argue that on a particular interpretation of his political philosophy his critique of giving to beggars can be seen as part of a concern with social justice, and that his analysis makes sense of some troubling aspects of the phenomenology of being confronted with beggars. On Kant's (...)
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  31.  34
    Music, Gender, Education.Lucy Green - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first book to focus on the role of education in relation to music and gender. Invoking a concept of musical patriarchy and a theory of the social construction of musical meaning, Lucy Green shows how women's musical practices and gendered musical meanings have been reproduced, hand-in-hand, through history. Dr. Green views the contemporary school music classroom as a microcosm of the wider society, and reveals the participation of music education in the continued production and reproduction of (...)
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  32.  22
    Articulation et rythme : matière, pensée et création dans le discours.Lucie Bourassa - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Première parution dans Intermédialités — Intermediality, Rythmer, n° 16, Automne 2010, p. 185-206. — URI : — DOI : 10.7202/1001962ar. Nous remercions Lucie Bourassa de nous avoir donné l'autorisation pour cette nouvelle mise en ligne. Résumé : Cet article propose un rapprochement et une confrontation entre la notion de rythme d'Henri Meschonnic et celle d'articulation de Wilhelm von Humboldt. Ces notions présentent plusieurs parentés, bien - Linguistique et théorie du langage – Nouvel article.
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  33. Al-Andalus et l'agronomie: Orient, Occident, ou Andalousie? Réponse collégiale à Robert H. Rodgers et Bachir Attié Attié à travers Al-Qantara.Lucie Bolens - 1990 - Al-Qantara 11 (2):367-378.
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    Death and Its Denial.Lucy Bregman - 1986 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 61 (1):150-161.
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    ¿Puedo probar que estas manos son mías? Wittgenstein y Merleau-Ponty sobre el cuerpo.Lucy Carrillo - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):545-555.
    La antigua creencia de que los humanos son seres compuestos de cuerpo y alma alivia el desconsuelo de que esta vida sea todo lo que tenemos, apaciguando el temor a la muerte al ofrecer la ilusión de una vida sin la carga dolorosa del cuerpo; pero también justifica prejuicios y supersticiones surgidos de fenómenos como el sueño, la alucinación o la mera imaginación. Esas hondas motivaciones recibirían con la filosofía cartesiana una poderosa justificación. Sin embargo, aceptar que cuerpo y mente (...)
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    Law’s Judgement: a Summary.William Lucy - 2019 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:3-8.
    EspañolLa iconografía de los tribunales de todo el mundo está dominada por la imagen de la Justicia. Casi invariablemente sostiene balanzas y una espada y a menudo tiene los ojos vendados porque, por supuesto, la justicia es ciega. Pero no del todo. Cuando nosotros, los destinatarios de la ley, nos encontramos en la sala del tribunal frente a la sentencia, o leemos el copioso y complejo cuerpo de "lo que se debe y lo que no se debe hacer" en materia (...)
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  37.  14
    Welcome to the Wisdom of the World. By Joan Chittister.Alexander Lucie-Smith - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):530-531.
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    Rethinking the Will to Believe.Lucy Vollbrecht - 2022 - Southwest Philosophy Review 38 (1):71-79.
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    Philosophy as Practice in the Ecological Emergency: An Exploration of Urgent Matters.Lucy Weir (ed.) - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    This book argues that philosophy is as practical as plumbing and what we need right now is what philosophers can offer as philosophers to help us all, our species, and beyond, through this ecological emergency, this climate change, this anthropocene. This book is about the meaning and purpose of philosophy as a way of, a practice of, responding to the ecological emergency, which includes climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, habitat destruction, and all the associated impacts that fragment, and threaten to (...)
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    Rethinking Low-Wage Markets and Dependency.Lucy A. Williams - 1997 - Politics and Society 25 (4):541-550.
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  41. What is wrong with ideology?Lucy William - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (2).
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  42. Contract as a mechanism of distributive justice.Lucy Wnr - 1989 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 9 (1).
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    Zipfian distributions facilitate children's learning of novel word-referent mappings.Lucie Wolters, Ori Lavi-Rotbain & Inbal Arnon - 2024 - Cognition 253 (C):105932.
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    Music on Deaf Ears: Musical Meaning, Ideology, Education.Lucy Green - 2008 - Abramis.
    "Hooray! Professor Lucy Green's classic text is now available, in its second edition, to a new generation. The first edition contributed to the development of a new field, the sociology of music education. But the argument is of wider interest, and has been useful to me in better understanding the mechanics of the professional life as applicable to the working player." Robert Fripp, King Crimson RESPONSES TO THE FIRST EDITION OF MUSIC ON DEAF EARS: "This is a fine book (...)
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  45.  41
    Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers, written by Brian Ribeiro.Lucy Alsip Vollbrecht - 2023 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 14 (1):60-65.
  46.  62
    Symbiotic empirical ethics: A practical methodology.Lucy Frith - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (4):198-206.
    Like any discipline, bioethics is a developing field of academic inquiry; and recent trends in scholarship have been towards more engagement with empirical research. This ‘empirical turn’ has provoked extensive debate over how such ‘descriptive’ research carried out in the social sciences contributes to the distinctively normative aspect of bioethics. This paper will address this issue by developing a practical research methodology for the inclusion of data from social science studies into ethical deliberation. This methodology will be based on a (...)
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  47. Sociality and embodiment: online communication during and after Covid-19.Lucy Osler & Dan Zahavi - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (4):1125-1142.
    During the Covid-19 pandemic we increasingly turned to technology to stay in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues. Even as lockdowns and restrictions ease many are encouraging us to embrace the replacement of face-to-face encounters with technologically mediated ones. Yet, as philosophers of technology have highlighted, technology can transform the situations we find ourselves in. Drawing insights from the phenomenology of sociality, we consider how digitally-enabled forms of communication and sociality impact our experience of one another. In particular, we (...)
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  48.  95
    Replies to Critics.Lucy Allais - 2016 - Kantian Review 21 (2):303-311.
  49.  52
    The Letter and the “Thing” in Femininity.Lucie Cantin - 1990 - American Journal of Semiotics 7 (3):35-41.
  50. Richard vengroff.Lucy Creevey & Henry Krisch - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (2):197-227.
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