Results for 'Luca Leone'

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  1.  3
    Unlocking the potential of NeuroAI in Latin America.Luca Sarramone, Matias Presso, Elias Todorovich, Marcelo Arlego, Alejandro Zunino, Gerardo Acosta & Jose A. Fernandez-Leon - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Latin America struggles to reach advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) development due to limited resources and talent retention. However, different public indexes indicate the region’s potential to become an AI hub. Our analysis of research databases indicates a growing trend towards NeuroAI — an interdisciplinary field emerging from neuroscience and artificial intelligence — suggesting that this area of study may be a driving force behind the potential for Latin America. This paper explores how NeuroAI could enable Latin America to bridge the (...)
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    Beyond Connectivity: The Internet of Food Architecture Between Ethics and the EU Citizenry.Luca Leone - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (3):423-438.
    This contribution deals with the ethical challenges arising from the IoT landscape with reference to a specific context, i.e. the realm of agri-food. In this sector, innumerable web-connected tools, platforms and sensors are constantly interacting with consumers/users/citizens, by reshaping and redefining the core elements and functions of machine–human being relationships. By sketching out the main pillars which ethics of the Internet of Food is founded on, my argument posits that the civic hybridization of knowledge production mediated by IoT technologies may (...)
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    Language context modulates reading route: an electrical neuroimaging study.Karin A. Buetler, Diego de León Rodríguez, Marina Laganaro, René Müri, Lucas Spierer & Jean-Marie Annoni - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Noise in cognition : bug or feature?Adam N. Sanborn, Jian-Qiao Zhu, Jake Spicer, Pablo León-Villagrá, Lucas Castillo, Johanna K. Falbén, Yun-Xiao Li, Aidan Tee & Nick Chater - forthcoming - .
    Noise in behavior is often viewed as a nuisance: while the mind aims to take the best possible action, it is let down by unreliability in the sensory and response systems. How researchers study cognition reflects this viewpoint – averaging over trials and participants to discover the deterministic relationships between experimental manipulations and their behavioral consequences, with noise represented as additive, often Gaussian, and independent. Yet a careful look at behavioral noise reveals rich structure that defies easy explanation. First, both (...)
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    Godel's Disjunction: The Scope and Limits of Mathematical Knowledge.Leon Horsten & Philip Welch (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    The logician Kurt Godel in 1951 established a disjunctive thesis about the scope and limits of mathematical knowledge: either the mathematical mind is equivalent to a Turing machine (i.e., a computer), or there are absolutely undecidable mathematical problems. In the second half of the twentieth century, attempts have been made to arrive at a stronger conclusion. In particular, arguments have been produced by the philosopher J.R. Lucas and by the physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose that intend to show that the (...)
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  6. Cristo en la creación: de Fray Luis de León a Teilhard de Chardin.Juan de Sahagún Lucas - 1998 - Revista Agustiniana 39 (118):321-352.
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  7. Too naturalist and not naturalist enough: Reply to Horsten.Luca Incurvati - 2008 - Erkenntnis 69 (2):261 - 274.
    Leon Horsten has recently claimed that the class of mathematical truths coincides with the class of theorems of ZFC. I argue that the naturalistic character of Horsten’s proposal undermines his contention that this claim constitutes an analogue of a thesis that Daniel Isaacson has advanced for PA. I argue, moreover, that Horsten’s defence of his claim against an obvious objection makes use of a distinction which is not available to him given his naturalistic approach. I suggest a way out of (...)
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  8. The Poetics- D. W. Lucas: Aristotle, Poetics. Introduction, Commentary, and Appendixes. Pp. xxviii+313. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. Cloth, 50 s. net. - Leon Golden and O. B. Hardison: Aristotle, Poetics. A Translation and Commentary for Students of Literature. Pp. xi+307. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Stiff paper, 26 s. - L. J. Potts: Aristotle on the Art of Fiction. An English translation of the Poetics with an introductory essay and explanatory notes. Pp. 94. Cambridge: University Press, 1968. Stiff paper, 7 s[REVIEW]Margaret Hubbard - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (2):176-181.
  9.  26
    Anthony Grafton. Leon Battista Alberti: Master Builder of the Italian Renaissance. xii + 417 pp., frontis., illus., index.New York: Hill & Wang, 2000. $35. [REVIEW]Jane Aiken - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):112-113.
    Anthony Grafton, like Jacob Burckhardt before him, begins his appreciation of Leon Battista Alberti by reviewing how the fifteenth‐century Italian author created a many‐faceted identity through willful self‐fashioning. Grafton, however, offers the reader a much richer Bildungsroman than the older portrait and exposes many forces undercutting the monolithic character of Burckhardt's Renaissance, the same forces that may provide a key to the contrary and doubt‐ridden persona frequenting Alberti's writings. Alberti's ambitions and the leitmotifs of his life from his youthful aspirations (...)
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    The Spiral of Digital Falsehood in Deepfakes.Massimo Leone - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):385-405.
    The article defines the research field of a semiotically oriented philosophy of digital communication. It lays out its methodological perspective, pointing out how the fake has always been at the center of semiotic research. It traces the origin of deepfakes back to the conception of GANs, whose essential semiotic workings it expounds on. It enucleates the specificities of the digital fake, especially in the production of artificial faces. It reviews the deepfake phenomenon, enunciating its most recent statistics, prevalent areas of (...)
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  11. Taking stock of legal ontologies: a feature-based comparative analysis.Valentina Leone, Luigi Di Caro & Serena Villata - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (2):207-235.
    Ontologies represent the standard way to model the knowledge about specific domains. This holds also for the legal domain where several ontologies have been put forward to model specific kinds of legal knowledge. Both for standard users and for law scholars, it is often difficult to have an overall view on the existing alternatives, their main features and their interlinking with the other ontologies. To answer this need, in this paper, we address an analysis of the state-of-the-art in legal ontologies (...)
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  12. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) 2.0: A Manifesto of Open Challenges and Interdisciplinary Research Directions.Luca Longo, Mario Brcic, Federico Cabitza, Jaesik Choi, Roberto Confalonieri, Javier Del Ser, Riccardo Guidotti, Yoichi Hayashi, Francisco Herrera, Andreas Holzinger, Richard Jiang, Hassan Khosravi, Freddy Lecue, Gianclaudio Malgieri, Andrés Páez, Wojciech Samek, Johannes Schneider, Timo Speith & Simone Stumpf - 2024 - Information Fusion 106 (June 2024).
    As systems based on opaque Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to flourish in diverse real-world applications, understanding these black box models has become paramount. In response, Explainable AI (XAI) has emerged as a field of research with practical and ethical benefits across various domains. This paper not only highlights the advancements in XAI and its application in real-world scenarios but also addresses the ongoing challenges within XAI, emphasizing the need for broader perspectives and collaborative efforts. We bring together experts from diverse (...)
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  13. “Vertendo vel etiam commentando in Latinam redigam formam” (In Aristotelis peri hermeneias commentarium. Editio secunda, II, 79.23 - 80.1). Boèce ou l’art de bien traduire (en commentant) et de bien commenter (en traduisant).Leone Gazziero - 2017 - Rursus 10:1-117.
    Celebrated as the equal to the great philosophers of old, namely Plato and Aristotle, whom – as Cassiodorus put it – he taught to speak Latin better than they spoke Greek, Boethius aspired to fully emancipate Roman culture from its Greek models through translations and exegesis so faithful they would leave nothing more to be desired from the original. The essay focuses on Boethius philhellenism, without complexes insofar as it had little to do either with the mixed feelings of his (...)
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  14. Présuppositions linguistiques et enjeux philosophiques des paralogismes liés à la forme de l’expression dans les Réfutations sophistiques d’Aristote.Leone Gazziero - 2016 - In Godart-Wendling Béatrice & Raïd Layla, B. Godart-Wendling et L. Raïd (éd.), A la recherche de la présupposition, London, Iste Editions, 2016. Iste. pp. 33-52.
    Pour des raisons essentiellement liées à la vocation des textes où la notion de présupposition a fait son apparition, c’est la présupposition d’existence qui s’est imposée la première à l’attention des philosophes du langage. Elle a également déterminé l’orientation des débats en les focalisant sur quelques problèmes traditionnels, au premier chef desquels le problème de l’absence de référence de certaines expressions et celui des imperfections du langage naturel. Contrairement aux noms propres et aux descriptions définies, les termes qui signifient des (...)
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    English Poetry.Leone Vivante - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (3):345-346.
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    Education and development.Leone Burton - 1969 - British Journal of Educational Studies 17 (2):129-145.
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    A philosophy of potentiality.Leone Vivante - 1955 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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    The Effects of Animacy and Syntax on Priming: A Developmental Study.Leone Buckle, Elena Lieven & Anna L. Theakston - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  19. Decisions, Diachronic Autonomy, and the Division of Deliberative Labor.Luca Ferrero - 2010 - Philosophers' Imprint 10:1-23.
    It is often argued that future-directed decisions are effective at shaping our future conduct because they give rise, at the time of action, to a decisive reason to act as originally decided. In this paper, I argue that standard accounts of decision-based reasons are unsatisfactory. For they focus either on tie-breaking scenarios or cases of self-directed distal manipulation. I argue that future-directed decisions are better understood as tools for the non-manipulative, intrapersonal division of deliberative labor over time. A future-directed decision (...)
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  20. Conditional Intentions.Luca Ferrero - 2009 - Noûs 43 (4):700 - 741.
    In this paper, I will discuss the various ways in which intentions can be said to be conditional, with particular attention to the internal conditions on the intentions’ content. I will first consider what it takes to carry out a conditional intention. I will then discuss how the distinctive norms of intention apply to conditional intentions and whether conditional intentions are a weaker sort of commitments than the unconditional ones. This discussion will lead to the idea of what I call (...)
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  21. The Latin “Third Man”. A Survey and Edition of Texts from the XIIIth Century.Leone Gazziero - 2012 - Cahiers de L’Institut du Moyen Age Grec Et Latin 81:11-93.
    Latin commentators came across the « Third Man » in Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi. The way they dealt with the argument is a fair illustration of how they were both faithful to the text and innovative in their understanding of its most challenging issues. Besides providing a detailed survey of all manuscript sources, the introductory essay shows that Latin interpretation originates from a mistake in Boethius’ translation which radically transformed the argument. The edition makes available for the first time a considerable (...)
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  22.  32
    Boundaries and identities in religious conversion.Massimo Leone - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):485-500.
    Religious conversion revolutions the boundaries which delimit personal identity. Therefore, the main semiotic problem of mental and cultural representations of this religious phenomenon is to convey simultaneously a feeling of sameness and otherness, identity and change. In the present paper, mirrors are analysed as cultural mechanisms which enable representations to accomplish this paradoxical task. After a brief survey concerning literature on mirrors, some early-modern religious texts using these optical instruments as representative devices are analysed in-depth: a painting of the Magdalene’s (...)
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    Introduction to Semiotics of World Cultures.Massimo Leone - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):7-12.
    Tourism industry is increasingly stripping traveling of one of its most fundamental anthropological and existential values: its being a laboratory in which travelerscan temporarily experience the disruption of their regime of sedentary belonging, protected by a plan of return. According to this perspective, non-touristy travelingis one of the best ways to test the limits of one’s tolerance to cultural diversity and acknowledge, as a consequence, the identity of one’s cultural and existential‘home.’ Yet, modern and contemporary travelogues mostly extol the traveler’s (...)
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  24. Ὁ ἄπειρος πρῶτος τὴν ψῆφον βαλέτω. Leaving No Pebble Unturned in Sophistici elenchi, 1.Leone Gazziero - 2021 - In Gazziero Leone, Le langage. Lectures d’Aristote. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 241-343.
    Relying on evidence from fifteen epigraphic collections and sixty-odd ancient sources as well as discussing a literature of over five hundred titles, the essay’s highly unorthodox conclusions are a case in point of the micrological ideal of achieving novelty on any given subject by way of transcribing and studying first-hand all relevant materials – edited and unedited alike. The paper’s ambition was to shed new light on one of the most intriguing analogies of the whole Aristotelian corpus, namely the comparison (...)
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  25. Exempla docent. How to Make Sense of Aristotle’s Examples of the Fallacy of Accident (Doxography Matters).Leone Gazziero - 2015 - Acta Philosophica 24 (2):333-354.
    Scholarly dissatisfaction with Aristotle’s fallacy of accident has traditionally focused on his examples, whose compatibility with the fallacy’s definition has been doubted time and again. Besides a unified account of the fallacy of accident itself, the paper provides a formalized analysis of its several examples in Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi. The most problematic instances are dealt with by means of an internal reconstruction of their features as conveyed by Aristotle’s text and an extensive survey of their interpretation in the Byzantine and (...)
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  26. Aristote et le langage. Mode d’emploi.Leone Gazziero - 2021 - In Gazziero Leone, Le langage. Lectures d’Aristote. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 1-8.
    Quelque nombreuses et quelque influentes qu'elles soient par ailleurs, les vues d'Aristote sur le langage se caractérisent à la fois par leur hétérogénéité et par leur marginalité. Sans faire nulle part du langage et de la signification l'objet d'une investigation autonome et méthodique, Aristote multiplie les remarques et les digressions à leur sujet, que ce soit dans ses écrits d'éthique et de politique ou dans ses traités d'histoire et de philosophie naturelle, ou encore dans ses manuels de dialectique, de poétique (...)
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    Ancient tradition and modern audacity: On the (proto-) semiotic ideas of Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz.Massimo Leone - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):247-268.
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    The Theory of Knowledge in António Sérgio: between polemics and pedagogy.Carlos Leone - 2012 - Cultura:25-31.
    Este texto apresenta as linhas mestras do pensamento de António Sérgio sobre Filosofia do Conhecimento e ensaia uma interpretação delas face ao pensamento português seu contemporâneo.
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  29. (1 other version)From the linguistic ideology to the semiotic ideology. Reflections upon the denial. [Italian].Massimo Leone - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 14:236-249.
    A vast literature exists on the concept of “linguistic ideology.” Scholars generally agree on defining it as a set of ideas that the members of a community hold about the role of language in the community. Nevertheless, scholars generally disagree on whether these ideas are explicit or implicit. Different views on this point imply different methodologies: the analysis of explicit considerations on language in the first case, that of a more multifarious material in the second one. However, excluding implicit ideas (...)
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    Intracultural Awareness in Legal Language—Silvio Berlusconi’s Iconography of Law.Massimo Leone - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (3):579-595.
    Against the assumption that legal and normative systems are coextensive with geopolitical units and national spaces, the article advocates for the need to study how different legal and normative semiospheres, within the same geopolitical unit and national space, often give rise to ‘normolects’ that are transversal to socio-economic classes, ethnicities, and cultural lifestyles. The concept of legal and normative ‘imaginaries’ is useful to come to terms with the legal and normative semiotic ideology of such normolects, including their non-verbal dimension and (...)
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    Il dibattito tardo-medievale sulla povertà francescana e sul diritto di proprietà.Marialucrezia Leone - 2003 - Quaestio 3 (1):495-499.
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    Stellar, Solar and Laboratory Spectra: The History of Lockyer's Proto-elements.Matteo Leone & Nadia Robotti - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (3):241-266.
    Until now studies on the historical development of atomic spectroscopy have focused on three main aspects-its first applications as a method of chemical analysis, the formulation of spectral laws , and the rise of the old quantum theory. These developments of spectroscopy were based on the same assumption: the invariance of the atomic spectrum after fixing the chemical element . This paper shows that running alongside these lines of research there was another, no less important area of study based on (...)
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    The Pre-zygote Identity as a Moral Issue.Salvino Leone - 2008 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 14 (1):15-21.
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  34. Weak Rejection.Luca Incurvati & Julian J. Schlöder - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):741-760.
    ABSTRACTLinguistic evidence supports the claim that certain, weak rejections are less specific than assertions. On the basis of this evidence, it has been argued that rejected sentences cannot be premisses and conclusions in inferences. We give examples of inferences with weakly rejected sentences as premisses and conclusions. We then propose a logic of weak rejection which accounts for the relevant phenomena and is motivated by principles of coherence in dialogue. We give a semantics for which this logic is sound and (...)
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  35. How to be a minimalist about sets.Luca Incurvati - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (1):69-87.
    According to the iterative conception of set, sets can be arranged in a cumulative hierarchy divided into levels. But why should we think this to be the case? The standard answer in the philosophical literature is that sets are somehow constituted by their members. In the first part of the paper, I present a number of problems for this answer, paying special attention to the view that sets are metaphysically dependent upon their members. In the second part of the paper, (...)
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  36. The Philosophy of Love.Leone Ebreo, F. Friedeberg-Seeley & Jean H. Barnes - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):116-117.
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  37. L'io voglio di duns scoto come potenziale decostruttivo del totalitarismo in hannah arendt.Leone Tonia - 2004 - Miscellanea Francescana 104 (3-4):525-574.
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  38. Rejection and valuations.Luca Incurvati & Peter Smith - 2010 - Analysis 70 (1):3 - 10.
    Timothy Smiley’s wonderful paper ‘Rejection’ (1996) is still perhaps not as well known or well understood as it should be. This note first gives a quick presentation of themes from that paper, though done in our own way, and then considers a putative line of objection – recently advanced by Julien Murzi and Ole Hjortland (2009) – to one of Smiley’s key claims. Along the way, we consider the prospects for an intuitionistic approach to some of the issues discussed in (...)
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    Filosofia e teologia della vita activa: la sfera dell'agire pratico in Enrico di Gand.Marialucrezia Leone - 2014 - Bari: Edizioni di Pagina.
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  40. Dire et vouloir dire dans les arts du langage anciens et tardo-antiques. Introduction.Leone Gazziero - 2019 - Methodos 1 (19):1-8.
    « Qu’est-ce que le langage et à quoi sert-il ? » -/- « Qu’est-ce qu’un signe linguistique et en quoi consiste sa signification ? » -/- « Quels sont les effets que les expressions linguistiques produisent, les contraintes qu’il faut respecter et les précautions qu’il convient de prendre lorsqu’on les utilise ? » -/- Ce complexe de questions, dont on peut retracer l’origine dans un certain nombre de textes de l’Antiquité, oriente depuis les enjeux fondamentaux de la réflexion sur la (...)
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    Harmony and Paradox: Intensional Aspects of Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Luca Tranchini - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book investigates the role played by identity of proofs in proof-theoretic semantics. It develops a conception of proof-theoretic semantics as primarily concerned with the relationship between proofs (understood as abstract entities) and derivations (the linguistic representations of proofs). It demonstrates that identity of proof is a key both to clarify some —still not wholly understood— notions at the core of proof-theoretic semantics, such as harmony; and to broaden the range of the phenomena which can be analyzed using (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Phenomenal Conservatism.Luca Moretti - 2015 - Analysis 75 (2):296-309.
    I review recent work on Phenomenal Conservatism, the position introduced by Michael Huemer according to which if it seems that P to a subject S, in the absence of defeaters S has thereby some degree of justification for believing P.
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    Introduction.Massimo Leone - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):270-278.
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  44. Folk psychology as mental simulation.Luca Barlassina & Robert M. Gordon - 2017 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Mindreading (or folk psychology, Theory of Mind, mentalizing) is the capacity to represent and reason about others’ mental states. The Simulation Theory (ST) is one of the main approaches to mindreading. ST draws on the common-sense idea that we represent and reason about others’ mental states by putting ourselves in their shoes. More precisely, we typically arrive at representing others’ mental states by simulating their mental states in our own mind. This entry offers a detailed analysis of ST, considers theoretical (...)
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    On Muzzles and Faces: The Semiotic Limits of Visage and Personhood.Massimo Leone - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1275-1298.
    The essay investigates the anthropological concept of personhood from the point of view of the dialectics between two fundamental elements of the socio-cultural, linguistic, and semiotic construction of the self-identity of the human species: on the one hand, the human face and, on the other, the non-human muzzle. After demonstrating that their semantics is contrastively articulated in all Indo-European languages, and after showing that such contrast is featured also in several non-Indo-European languages, including those referring to supposedly alternative “ontologies of (...)
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  46. In defence of dogmatism.Luca Moretti - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):261-282.
    According to Jim Pryor’s dogmatism, when you have an experience with content p, you often have prima facie justification for believing p that doesn’t rest on your independent justification for believing any proposition. Although dogmatism has an intuitive appeal and seems to have an antisceptical bite, it has been targeted by various objections. This paper principally aims to answer the objections by Roger White according to which dogmatism is inconsistent with the Bayesian account of how evidence affects our rational credences. (...)
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    Beyond Authority: Hinge Constitutivism about Epistemic Normativity.Luca Zanetti - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):2261-2283.
    According to constitutivism, we can justify the authority of aims and norms on the ground that they are inescapable. Constitutivist views divide between ambitious and modest ones. According to ambitious constitutivism, the inescapability of aims grounds their unconditional authority, whereas according to modest constitutivism, the inescapability of aims only grounds their conditional authority. Either way, both forms of constitutivism share the assumption that inescapability grounds authority, which in turn presupposes that at the foundation of normativity we find aims and norms (...)
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    Sicut Aristoteles loquitur, sic exponit Boethius. Essai de “simplification” archéologique.Leone Gazziero - 2018 - In Jean-Baptiste Brenet & Laurent Cesalli, Sujet libre. Pour Alain de Libera. Vrin. pp. 149-154.
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  49. Qui imperitus est vestrum, primus calculum omittat. Aristotelis sophistici elenchi 1 in the Boethian Tradition.Leone Gazziero - 2023 - Ad Argumenta 4:75-118.
    The prologue of the Sophistici elenchi is as close an Aristotelian text gets to dealing with language as a subject matter in its own right, only in reverse. Language and its features bear consideration to the extent that they account for some major predicaments discursive reasoning is prone to, both as a separate and as a common endeavour. That being said, the linguistic pitfalls that trick us into thinking that whatever is the case for words and word-compounds is also the (...)
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    Drawing Invisible Wounds: War Comics and the Treatment of Trauma.Joshua M. Leone - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (3):243-261.
    Since the Vietnam War, graphic novels about war have shifted from simply representing it to portraying avenues for survivors to establish psychological wellness in their lives following traumatic events. While modern diagnostic medicine often looks to science, technology, and medications to treat the psychosomatic damage produced by trauma, my article examines the therapeutic potential of the comics medium with close attention to war comics. Graphic novels draw trauma in a different light: because of the medium’s particular combination of words and (...)
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