Results for 'Louise Manning'

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  1.  44
    Participant experience of invasive research in adults with intellectual disability.Catherine Jane McAllister, Claire Louise Kelly, Katherine Elizabeth Manning & Anthony John Holland - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (9):594-597.
    Clinical research is a necessity if effective and safe treatments are to be developed. However, this may well include the need for research that is best described as ‘invasive’ in that it may be associated with some discomfort or inconvenience. Limitations in the undertaking of invasive research involving people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are perhaps related to anxieties within the academic community and among ethics committees; however, the consequence of this neglect is that innovative treatments specific to people with ID (...)
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    Man and Mediator in Repos du Septième Jour.Louise Mahru Potter - 1970 - Renascence 22 (4):207-217.
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  3. Feminism Without Metaphysics or a Deflationary Account of Gender.Louise Antony - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (3):529-549.
    I argue for a deflationary answer to the question, “What is it to be a woman?” Prior attempts by feminist theorists to provide a metaphysical account of what all and only women have in common have all failed for the same reason: there is nothing women have in common beyond being women. Although the social kinds man and woman are primitive, their existence can be explained. I say that human sex difference is the material ground of systems of gender; gender (...)
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    The English Philosophic Lyric.Louise Henriette Zwager - 1931 - R. West.
    The term "Philosophic lyric".--Introductory chapter.--The "return to nature"; Wordsworth's "philosophy of nature".--The period between Wordsworth and Meredith.--Wordsworth and Meredith as poets of nature.--Browning and Meredith as poets of man.--Conclusion.
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    Diderot and Lessing as exemplars of a post-Spinozist mentality.Louise Crowther - 2010 - London: Maney Pub. for the Modern Humanities Research Association.
    Renowned as the chief challenger of traditional views of morality, man's freedom, and religion from 1650-1750, Benedict de Spinoza (1632-77) spread alarm and ...
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    Ethics by design: Responsible research & innovation for AI in the food sector.Peter J. Craigon, Justin Sacks, Steve Brewer, Jeremy Frey, Anabel Gutierrez, Naomi Jacobs, Samantha Kanza, Louise Manning, Samuel Munday, Alexsis Wintour & Simon Pearson - 2023 - Journal of Responsible Technology 13 (C):100051.
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    A philosophy of reality.Eva Louise Young - 1930 - Manchester,: University Press.
    side or other from his conception of reality ; for though some kind of reality is generally allowed to exist on the other side, ... Thus to the ordinary man philosophy seems to offer no choice, but either to destroy absolutely one half of his sense of ...
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  8. The Branding of Patriarchy.Louise Goueffic - manuscript
    Paper 3 This paper discusses how patriarchy made the name 'man' their Brand. It would guarantee their entitlement to rule and control the masses by repeating man in so many names. Partial lists are shown.
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  9. The creative mind.Henri Bergson & Mabelle Louise Andison - 1946 - New York,: Philosophical library. Edited by Mabelle L. Andison.
    The final published book by Nobel Prize-winning author and philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), La pensée et le mouvant (translated here as The Creative Mind), is a masterly autobiography of his philosophical method. Through essays and lectures written between 1903 and 1923, Bergson retraces how and why he became a philosopher, and crafts a fascinating critique of philosophy itself. Until it leaves its false paths, he demonstrates, philosophy will remain only a wordy dialectic that surmounts false problems. With masterful skill and (...)
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    The african animal other: Decolonizing nature.Louise du Toit - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (2):130-142.
    The main claim in this article is that the traditionally Western and currently dominant understandings of the figures of “Nature” and “Animal” underlie and structure different forms of oppression and should be critically confronted. The racial-sexual subjugation of the colonized African draws symbolically on the older Western symbolic subjugations of Animal and Woman. In the Great Chain of Being of Western metaphysics it is Woman’s sexual body that links humans to the domain of the animal, and Man’s intellect that distinguishes (...)
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    Facing the sexual demon of colonial power:1 Decolonising sexual violence in South Africa.Louise du Toit & Azille Coetzee - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (2):214-227.
    In this article the authors discuss in broad strokes the work of two theorists, namely Nigerian sociologist Oyèrónkẹ́ Oyěwùmí and Argentinian philosopher Maria Lugones to argue that a specific logic of sexualisation accompanied, permeated and coloured the colonial project of racialising the ‘native’. The sexual wound which to a great extent explains the abjection of the racialised body, is a key aspect of the colony and should therefore also be a central theme in any properly critical discourse on decolonisation in (...)
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    Michel Lisse, Marie-Louise Mallet and Ginette Michaud (eds): Jacques Derrida, Séminaire: La bête et le souverain Volume I (2001–2002): Editions Galilée, Paris, 2008, 467 pp, ISBN 978-2-7186-0775-7 (paper) EUR 33,00. [REVIEW]Chris Hackett - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (3):439-443.
  13. [no title].J. G. Manning - unknown
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    The Craft of Politics: Witching Times.Erin Manning - 2005 - Theory and Event 8 (3).
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  15. in Differences in identity in global philosophy and religion.Russell Re Manning, Sarah Flavel & Lydia Azadpour (eds.) - 2019
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    Pragmatism and the Quest for truth.Richard N. Manning - 1992 - Metaphilosophy 23 (4):350-362.
  17.  19
    through Curriculum Integration.Mariana Souto-Manning - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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    Professionalism in Greek Athletics.C. A. Manning - 1917 - Classical Weekly 11:74-78.
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    Linking Words and Worlds through Curriculum Integration.Mariana Souto-Manning - 2008 - Journal of Thought 43 (1-2):97.
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  20. What is conversation theory?Thomas Manning - 2023 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 30 (1-2):45-63.
    The purpose of the following text is to give readers a general introduction to Gordon Pask’s conversation theory, which is considered here to be a cybernetic and epistemological account of concept-forming and concept-sharing through conversational discourse and practice. While Pask devoted three lengthy tomes to articulate the theory and its applications, I believe it is necessary to give readers who are interested in conversation theory a general introduction to what I believe are the key features of his work in this (...)
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    A new anatomy: Domenico Bertoloni-Meli: Mechanism, experiment, disease: Marcello Malpighi and seventeenth-century anatomy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, 456pp, $45 PB.Gideon Manning & Cynthia Klestinec - 2014 - Metascience 24 (1):65-69.
    Howard Adelmann’s majestic five volume Marcello Malpighi and the Evolution of Embryology was published nearly 50 years ago. A mix of paraphrase and translation, as well as extended commentary, Adelmann described Malpighi as “one of the cardinal figures in the history of biology. As we look back over the three centuries that separate him from us, he may, for all his towering stature, at first glance seem a distant figure. And yet he and his work are not so remote after (...)
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    Milena Buchs and Max Koch, Postgrowth and Wellbeing: Challenges to Sustainable Welfare.Rachel Manning - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (6):713-715.
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    Descartes and the Bologna affair.Gideon Manning - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (1):1-13.
    Descartes is well known as a mathematician and natural philosopher. However, none of Descartes's biographers has described the invitation he received in 1633 to fill a chair in theoretical medicine at the University of Bologna, or the fact that he was already sufficiently known and respected for his medical knowledge that the invitation came four years before his first publication. In this note I authenticate and contextualize this event, which I refer to as the ‘Bologna affair’. I transcribe the letter (...)
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  24. Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church [Book Review].Kevin Manning - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (1):113.
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    Exploiting Context for Biomedical Entity Recognition: From Syntax to the Web.Christopher Manning - unknown
    We describe a machine learning system for the recognition of names in biomedical texts. The system makes extensive use of local and syntactic features within the text, as well as external resources including the web and gazetteers. It achieves an F- score of 70% on the Coling 2004 NLPBA/BioNLP shared task of identifying five biomedical named entities in the GENIA corpus.
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    Conditions of Peace. By E. H. Carr. (London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. 1942. Pp. xxiv + 279. Price 12s. 6d. net.).C. A. W. Manning - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (69):91-.
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    Always More Than One: Individuation’s Dance.Erin Manning - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    In _Always More Than One_, the philosopher, visual artist, and dancer Erin Manning explores the concept of the "more than human" in the context of movement, perception, and experience. Working from Whitehead's process philosophy and Simondon's theory of individuation, she extends the concepts of movement and relation developed in her earlier work toward the notion of "choreographic thinking." Here, she uses choreographic thinking to explore a mode of perception prior to the settling of experience into established categories. Manning (...)
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    Caring Cryonics?Rita C. Manning - 2002 - In Charles Tandy & Scott R. Stroud, The philosophy of Robert Ettinger. Parkland, Fla.: Universal Publishers. pp. 97.
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    Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the British Museum, Vol. 4: Ptolemaic Legal Texts from the Theban Area.J. G. Manning & Carol A. R. Andrews - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):304.
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    Forward and backward recall in the suffix paradigm.Susan Karp Manning - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (4):199-202.
  31. Justified acceptance, information, and knowledge.R. N. Manning - 1994 - Philosophical Forum 25 (3):212-230.
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  32. The legitimation of combat for the soldier.F. Manning & D. Marlowe - 1990 - In Thomas C. Wyatt & Reuven Gal, Legitimacy and commitment in the military. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 69--89.
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    The mind of Jeremy Bentham.David John Manning - 1968 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The author reflects on the relation between the different veins of Bentham's thought and on the various experiences which influenced them.
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    The Philosophical Significance of Stephen Neale’s Facing Facts.Richard N. Manning - 2006 - ProtoSociology 23:31-49.
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  35. Black Leadership (Book Review).Manning Marable - 2000 - Science and Society 64 (3):384.
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    Mutual enrichment between psychology and theology.Russell Re Manning (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The relationship between psychology and Christian theology has been one of the most important topics in the science and religion field. Discussions, however, are too frequently one-sided. This book takes an alternative approach, following the lead of Fraser Watts, the contributions develop various aspects of the mutual enrichment of each discipline by the other. Beyond outdated models of conflict and independence, this book highlights areas of fruitful enhancement at the interface of Christian belief and practice with psychology. Set out in (...)
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    Paul Tillich.Russell Re Manning - 2018 - In Christopher D. Rodkey & Jordan E. Miller, The Palgrave Handbook of Radical Theology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 409-424.
    Paul Tillich is one of the most important theologians of the twentieth century, and he produced a corpus of work that is considered canon for Western theology. While his influence is broad in and beyond the field of religious studies, his historic or ideological connection to radical theology has been hotly debated for decades. This introduction engages Tillich’s work as a whole but focuses upon what elements of Tillich are specifically employed by radical theologians, but more importantly, makes the case (...)
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  38. Immigration and the Right to Health Care.Manning Rita - 2014 - In Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln, Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 131-147.
    There are now over 1.1 million people overseen by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), with about 33,000 detained in jails and federal detention centers around the country at any particular time. The average detention time is two months, but some are detained for much longer periods. Since its inception, one hundred and twenty one deaths and countless cases of medical neglect have occurred. Given its secrecy, and lack of accountability and oversight, it is not clear how many of these deaths (...)
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    Race, Reform, and Rebellion: The Second Reconstruction and Beyond in Black America, 1945-2006.Manning Marable - 2007 - University Press of Mississippi.
    An update of one of the indispensable political and social histories of African Americans since World War II.
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    How Hybrids Manage Growth and Social–Business Tensions in Global Supply Chains: The Case of Impact Sourcing.Chacko G. Kannothra, Stephan Manning & Nardia Haigh - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):271-290.
    This study contributes to the growing interest in how hybrid organizations manage paradoxical social–business tensions. Our empirical case is “impact sourcing”—hybrids in global supply chains that hire staff from disadvantaged communities to provide services to business clients. We identify two major growth orientations—“community-focused” and “client-focused” growth—their inherent tensions and ways that hybrids manage them. The former favors slow growth and manages tensions through highly integrated client and community relations; the latter promotes faster growth and manages client and community relations separately. (...)
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    Presumed consent in emergency neonatal research.D. J. Manning - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (4):249-253.
    Current methods of obtaining consent for emergency neonatal research are flawed. They risk aggravating the distress of parents of preterm and other sick neonates. This distress, and the inevitable time constraints, compromise understanding and voluntariness, essential components of adequately informed consent. Current practice may be unjust in over-representing babies of more vulnerable and deprived parents. The research findings may thus not be generalisable. Informing parents antenatally about the possible need for emergency neonatal research, with presumed consent and scope for opting (...)
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  42.  39
    Russian Dissenters. [REVIEW]Clarence Augustus Manning - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (10):270-274.
  43.  21
    God with Us. Three Meditations. [REVIEW]Clarence A. Manning - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (11):308-308.
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    Charles Dickens and the Oswego System.John Manning - 1957 - Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (1/4):580.
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    John Elliot and the inhabited sun.Robert J. Manning - 1993 - Annals of Science 50 (4):349-364.
    In July 1787, Dr John Elliot, apothecary and scientist, assaulted Miss Mary Boydell in the streets of London. Elliotś defenders sought his acquittal on the grounds of insanity, and cited as proof a paper in which he alleged the existence of intelligent life on the surface of the sun. He has since become a stock character in the history of astronomy, routinely cited as a pathetic example of the ignorance of his age. His reputation is undeserved since his claims were (...)
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    Neuroethology: Not losing sight of behaviour.Aubrey Manning - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (3):395-396.
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    Reply to Sartorelli on Pretense and Representing Fictional Objects.Luke Manning - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73 (2):193-196.
    I defend and clarify my arguments in "Real Representation of Fictional Objects" in response to criticisms from Joseph Sartorelli. In particular, I clarify why Kripke's notion of "levels of language" and a pragmatic principle suggested by van Inwagen do not support the view that works of fiction generate fictional objects but do not represent them.
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    Nietzsche's Gods: Critical and Constructive Perspectives.Russell Re Manning & Carlotta Santini (eds.) - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The place of God in Nietzsche’s thought remains central and controversial. Nietzsche’s proclamation of 'the death of God' is one of the most famous slogans in modern philosophy, seeming to encapsulate the nineteenth-century loss of religious faith in the affirmation that God has "turned out to be our oldest lie" and yet the nature of Nietzsche’s own ‘theology’ is far from clear. This volume engages with Nietzsche’s arguments about God, theology, and religion. The volume extends the discussion to an engagement (...)
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  49. Gordon Pask’s Conversation Theory and Interaction of Actors Theory: Research to Practice.Shantanu Tilak, Thomas Manning, Michael Glassman, Paul Pangaro & Bernard C. E. Scott - 2024 - Enacting Cybernetics 2 (1):1-22.
    This three-part paper presents Gordon Pask’s conversation theory (CT) and interaction of actors theory (IA) and outlines ways to apply these cybernetic approaches to designing technologies and scenarios for both formal and informal learning. The first part of the paper covers concepts central to CT and IA, explaining the relationship between conceptual and mechanical operators, and machines mediating informal and formal learning. The second part of the paper applies visual representations of CT and IA to understanding the use of Pask’s (...)
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  50.  32
    Winstanley and the Diggers, 1649–1999, edited by Andrew Bradstock.Brian Manning - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (3):229-238.
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