Results for 'Louis-Gabriel Gauny'

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  1.  43
    Politics and Aesthetics: Jacques Rancière and Louis-Gabriel Gauny.Stuart Blaney - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This paper argues that much of Jacques Rancière’s redefinition of emancipation owes a lot to one key character from his archival research on nineteenth-century worker-poets, Louis-Gabriel Gauny, the self-proclaimed plebeian philosopher. This is especially the case in regard to Rancière’s understanding of subjectivation forming a double of the self and a double of social reality as worlds within worlds. The paper puts forward that Gauny’s form of emancipation is valid today as an aesthetic revolution that reveals (...)
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  2. En marge de la Sainte-Alliance.Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise Bonald - 1967 - Paris,: Les Belles lettres. Edited by Senfft von Pilsach, Friedrich Christian Ludwig & Jean René Derré.
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  3. Théorie du pouvoir politique et religieux.Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise Bonald - 1965 - Paris,: Union générale d'éditions. Edited by Colette Capitan.
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    La noche de los proletarios de Jacques Rancière como posibilidad para pensar en otro tipo de comunidad.Diana Milena Patiño Niño - 2017 - Universitas Philosophica 34 (68):243-262.
    The primary focus of this work is to show that it is possible to find a certain way to think the community, a very different kind of community to those ways of conceiving the community from a certain dialectic of inclusion and exclusion, defining an inside and an outside of the collective, a proper and improper. In that sense, we believe that through the aforementioned work emerges a concern for the community but in a rather shifted from how we usually (...)
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  5. Considérations politiques sur les coups d'Etat, Pour une théorie baroque de l'action politique, « Le Temps et l'histoire ».Gabriel Naudé, Louis Marin & Françoise Charles-Daubert - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (1):126-128.
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  6. Panthéisme, action, oméga chez Teilhard de Chardin.Gabriel Dussault, Louis Gendron & André Haguette - 1963 - Paris: Desclée, De Brouwer. Edited by Louis Gendron & André Haguette.
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    Hartz on American Liberal TraditionThe Liberal Tradition in America: An Interpretation of American Political Thought Since the Revolution.Ralph H. Gabriel & Louis Hartz - 1956 - Journal of the History of Ideas 17 (1):136.
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    Annales de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Gand. Vol.III.Gaston Bachelard, Louis Lavelle & Gabriel Marcel - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50 (3):325-326.
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    Introduction: Justifying a Retrospective Approach.Jean-Gabriel Ganascia & Jean-Louis Lebrave - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (196):3-7.
    Today, with the digitisation of texts, sounds and images and their circulation on the Internet, we are deploying new techniques for storing knowledge which will increasingly supplement and even replace older memory recording systems, such as books, vinyl discs, and photographs on celluloid. It looks as if the extent of these changes will be far reaching. And if, as many believe, the practical methods of inscribing thought have an impact on the way it is developed through the writing and reading (...)
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    Introduction.Jean-Gabriel Ganascia & Jean-Louis Lebrave - 2001 - Diogène 196 (4):3-.
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    Louis Jurine: Chirurgien et naturaliste . René Sigrist, Vincent Barras, Marc Ratcliff.Gabriel Gohau - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):402-403.
  12. La philosophie spirituelle de Louis Lavelle.Gabriel Widmer - 1953 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 153 (3):196-203.
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    Louis Althusser: cuestiones del leninismo.Gabriel Albiac - 1976 - Madrid: Distribuidor exclusivo, ZYX.
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  14. Conscience Morale et Loi Humaine selon Gabriel Vazquez, S.J.LOUIS VEREECKE - 1957
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  15. Entrées: Edmond Richer; Louis Machon; Laurent Meillet; Zacharie de Lisieux; David Home; Louis Molinier.Frédéric Gabriel - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes.
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    La Philosophie de Gabriel Marcel.Louis-B. Geiger - 1965 - Dialogue 3 (4):426-432.
    M. K.T. Gallagher a entrepris la t^che difficile d'introduirele public philosophique américain dans l'univers de la pensée de Gabriel Marcel. Tâche difficile, non pas tant parce que la mentalité américaine serait plus qu'une autre réfractaire à cette pensée—on pourrait faire remarquer en effet l'influence exercée très tôt sur la formation et l'évolution de la pensée marcellienne par J. Royce—mais en raison de la nature toute particulière de la manière m≖me dont Marcel philosophe.
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    Gabriel Danzig, Apologizing for Socrates. How Plato and Xenophon created our Socrates.Louis-André Dorion - 2012 - Philosophie Antique 12:300-304.
    Cet ouvrage rassemble six études, dont trois (les chapitres 1, 2 et 6 ; voir p. 14) sont des versions révisées d’articles parus antérieurement dans divers périodiques. Il ne s’agit donc pas d’une monographie qui développe une argumentation continue sur un même thème, mais d’un recueil d’études distinctes sur différents dialogues socratiques, plus précisément sur les Apologies de Platon et de Xénophon (chap. 1 : « Plato and Xenophon on Socrates’ Behavior in Court (The Apologies) », p. 19-68),...
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    Negli intrecci della storiografia: la via di Louis Mink.Gabriele Garavini - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (2):333-347.
  19.  29
    Who’s black and why? A hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race.Gabriel Sabbagh - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (3):580-588.
    This paper is prompted by the publication of a book by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Andrew S. Curran on the contest launched in 1739 by the Bordeaux Academy on the origin of black skin and hair. The most influential work submitted as part of this contest was an essay by Pierre Barrère. This paper has two parts, one devoted to a review of the book, the other to the discovery of a cogent text, which was certainly written by (...)
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  20.  10
    Lire Althusser aujourd'hui.Gabriel Albiac (ed.) - 1997 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce volume contient les contributions au colloque « Lire Althusser aujourd'hui » organisé les 16 et 17 octobre 1995 à l'Ecole normale supérieure, par l'Institut Mémoires de l'Edition Contemporaine. La publication de l'Avenir dure longtemps, puis de nombreux autres inédits, ont donné à la pensée de Louis Althusser un regain d'actualité, indissociable d'une profonde modification de la lecture qui peut être faite de son oeuvre. On ne peut pas lire Althusser aujourd'hui comme on le faisait de son vivant. A (...)
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  21.  11
    A woman who defends all the persons of her sex: selected philosophical and moral writings.Gabrielle Suchon - 2010 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Domna C. Stanton, Rebecca May Wilkin & Gabrielle Suchon.
    During the oppressive reign of Louis XIV, Gabrielle Suchon (1632–1703) was the most forceful female voice in France, advocating women’s freedom and self-determination, access to knowledge, and assertion of authority. This volume collects Suchon’s writing from two works—Treatise on Ethics and Politics (1693) and On the Celibate Life Freely Chosen; or, Life without Commitments (1700)—and demonstrates her to be an original philosophical and moral thinker and writer. Suchon argues that both women and men have inherently similar intellectual, corporeal, and (...)
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  22. The mind-brain problem in cognitive neuroscience (only content).Gabriel Vacariu & Vacariu - 2013
    (June 2013) “The mind-body problem in cognitive neuroscience”, Philosophia Scientiae 17/2, Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (eds.): 1. William Bechtel (Philosophy, Center for Chronobiology, and Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science University of California, San Diego) “The endogenously active brain: the need for an alternative cognitive architecture” 2. Rolls T. Edmund (Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, Oxford, UK) “On the relation between the mind and the brain: a neuroscience perspective” 3. Cees van Leeuwen (University of Leuven, Belgium; Riken Brain Science (...)
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  23. Enseñar la sophrosyne: el uso del elenchos del Sócrates de Jenofonte [Traducción de Facundo Bey y Julia Rabanal].Gabriel Danzig - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 2021 (31):1-39. Translated by Facundo Bey & Julia Rabanal.
    In contrast to the abundance of discussion of Plato’s portrayal of the Socratic elenchos, relatively little work has been done on the elenchos as it appears in Xenophon. The reason is obvious: Xenophon makes much less use of the elenchus than Plato and what he does offer is not as interesting philosophically. Nevertheless, there are good reasons to look more closely at Xenophon’s portrait. It provides a corrective to the excessively intellectualizing portrait of the elenchus found in Plato’s writings, and (...)
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    Xenophon and Socrates - Narcy, Tordesillas Xénophon et Socrate. Actes du colloque d'Aix-en-Provence . Suivis de les écrits socratiques de Xénophon. Supplément bibliographique par Louis-André Dorion. Pp. 322. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2008. Paper, €32. ISBN: 978-2-7116-1987-0. [REVIEW]Gabriel Danzig - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):40-42.
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    The trouble with ontological liberalism.Louis Morelle - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (3):453-465.
    Several recent philosophical projects, notably Bruno Latour's empirical meta-physics, Tristan Garcia's formal ontology, Graham Harman's object-oriented philosophy, and Markus Gabriel's new realism, have insisted there is a need for an “egalitarian” or “flat” ontology that would grant an equal ontological status to entities of every kind, whether actual, abstract, material, or fictional. This article groups all of these projects under the heading of “ontological liberalism” and argues that they are inherently problematic, as they sacrifice conceptual coherence and explanatory usefulness (...)
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    Towards a Compositional Model of Ideology.Jennifer Ponce de León & Gabriel Rockhill - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):95-116.
    This article sets forth a compositional model of ideology by drawing on the tradition of historical materialism and further developing its insights into the aesthetic composition of reality. It demonstrates how ideology is not simply a set of false beliefs but is rather the process by which social agents are composed over time in every dimension of their existence, including their thoughts, practices, perceptions, representations, values, affects, desires, and unconscious drives. By working through a number of diverse debates and authors—ranging (...)
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  27. Traduction de Gabriel Naudé L'annexe latine au chapitre VI du supplément à l'histoire de Louis XI.Sylvie Taussig, Richard Goulet & Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 1999 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 35:161-169.
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    Astrik L. Gabriel, The University of Paris and Its Hungarian Students and Masters during the Reign of Louis XII and François Ier.(Texts and Studies in the History of Mediaeval Education, 17.) Notre Dame: US Subcommission for the History of Universities, University of Notre Dame; Frankfurt am Main: Josef Knecht, 1986. Pp. 238; 15 black-and-white facsimile plates, 1 color facsimile plate. $47. [REVIEW]William Courtenay - 1989 - Speculum 64 (2):427-428.
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  29. Politique, histoire et recommencement Des lettres dans l'addition a l'histoire de Louis XI de Gabriel naude.L. Bianchi - 1999 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 35:89-115.
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  30.  33
    George Gabriel Stokes on Stellar Aberration and the Luminiferous Ether.David B. Wilson - 1972 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (1):57-72.
    Acceptance of Augustin Fresnel's wave theory of light posed numerous questions for early nineteenth-century physicists. Among the most pressing was the problem of the properties of the luminiferous ether. Fresnel had shown that light waves were transverse. Therefore, since, among ordinary materials, only solids support transverse vibrations, there existed striking likenesses between highly tangible solids and the highly intangible ether. Accordingly, such men as Augustin-Louis Cauchy, James MacCullagh, Franz Neumann, and George Green constructed various theories of an elastic-solid ether.1 (...)
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  31.  16
    Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens ed. by Jean-Michel Racault (review).Andrew Cremer - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (1):168-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens ed. by Jean-Michel RacaultAndrew CremerJean-Michel Racault, ed. Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens. Saint-Denis (La Réunion): Presses Universitaires Indianocéaniques. 2020. 539 pp., illus. Paperback, €16. ISBN: 978 2 (...)
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    A World for All? Global Civil Society in Political Theology and Trinitarian Theology ed. by William Storrar, Peter Casarella, and Paul Louis Metzger, and: Public Theology for a Global Society: Essays in Honor of Max L. Stackhouse ed. by Deirdre King Hainsworth and Scott Paeth. [REVIEW]Jonathan Rothchild - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):205-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A World for All? Global Civil Society in Political Theology and Trinitarian Theology ed. by William Storrar, Peter Casarella, and Paul Louis Metzger, and: Public Theology for a Global Society: Essays in Honor of Max L. Stackhouse ed. by Deirdre King Hainsworth and Scott PaethJonathan RothchildA World for All? Global Civil Society in Political Theology and Trinitarian Theology Edited by William Storrar, Peter Casarella, and Paul (...) Metzger Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2011. 346 pp. $35.00Public Theology for a Global Society: Essays in Honor of Max L. Stackhouse Edited by Deirdre King Hainsworth and Scott Paeth Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010. 264 pp. $45.00The intersections of globalization, civil society, and public theological reflection remain fluid, contested, and complicated. Two edited volumes that have shared connections to Princeton’s Center of Theological Inquiry celebrate the contributions of Max Stackhouse (Public Theology for Global Society as a festschrift and A World for All? as a dedication) toward these intersections. Public Theology for a Global Society attends to neo-Calvinist debates about public theology and its applicability to family, finance, and technology, while A World For All? explores religious beliefs and practices in their contexts, the meanings of the Trinity, and the prospects for cultural, political, and religious dialogue within civil society.In Public Theology for a Global Society, the contributors engage Stackhouse’s work in terms of its “global reach and its ecclesial concern” (ix). The essays consider five overarching themes: covenant, natural law, and human rights; social pluralism and social justice; Christian responsibility for society; economic and political realism; and Christian ethics in a global era. One of the book’s strengths is that it ambitiously probes—as Stackhouse’s own work does—the substantive interrelationships of these themes. Harold Breitenberg’s opening essay clarifies the meanings of public theology, but it does not account for recent developments, including comparative interventions that reconstruct modes of public theology.In the second section on key issues in public theology, John Witte speculates on whether Stackhouse would accept sixteenth-century Calvinist thinker Johannes Althusius’s “‘different and ‘even dangerous’” (36) theory of natural law. [End Page 205] Witte’s query, which begs comparisons vis-à-vis Catholic models of public theology frequently neglected in the book, is critically addressed by Don Browning’s essay. Browning’s theology of covenant includes a subordinate theory of natural law because “the concept of covenant cannot stand alone” (49). Other essays include reflections on covenant by Hak Joon Lee (which reconstructs Abraham Kuyper’s theory of sphere sovereignty) and Richard Mouw (which analyzes neo-Calvinist conceptions of law, covenant, and common morality). Similar to Browning’s caution to Stackhouse, Mouw censures a complete rejection of natural law (104); pace Browning’s critique, Mouw applauds Stackhouse’s insistence on the prominence of covenant in neo-Calvinist ethical and social theory. Interrogation of these disagreements by either the editors or the contributors would have strengthened the book.The book’s third section examines public theology in a global context. Differing from Stackhouse, William Schweiker charts the basic anthropological and existential components of a cosmopolitan conscience to overcome the universalist and particularist difficulties within public theology (134–38). Other thinkers appropriate interreligious dialogue as constructive models. Mark Heim contends that, in the face of massive global suffering, interreligious dialogue must promote human flourishing. Scott Paeth similarly sees dialogue as a mechanism for overcoming religiously motivated violence (166). Peter Paris, Shirley Roels, and Deirdre King Hainsworth all point to various features of technology as pathways to new articulations of public theology. In the concluding section, the contributors fittingly focus on the legacy of Stackhouse, namely, his long-standing interests in justification, justice, congregational life, and a “sobered version of Reformed theology vis-à-vis institutional responsibility and the retrieval of its theological substance” (Gabriel Fackre, 247).A World for All?, borne out of a 2005 conference in Edinburgh, approaches globalization within the modern ecumenical movement as illustrated by the affiliations of its three editors: William Storrar (ecumenical Protestant), Peter Casarella (Catholic), and Paul Metzger (Evangelical). The book examines the broader trajectories of globalization in conversation with “examples of churches around the world... playing a vital part... (shrink)
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    Philosophies et théologies au XXIe siècle: actes du colloque des 7-8-9 juillet 2016, abbaye Saint-Louis-du-Temple de Vauhallan.Claude Brunier-Coulin & Jean-François Petit (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Orizons.
    Une cloison étanche semble aujourd'hui séparer philosophie et théologie. Depuis l'époque moderne, chacune suit son propre destin, l'une sous l'autorité de la seule raison, l'autre se laissant guider par la Révélation ; l'une défend jalousement son autonomie, alors que l'autre se met délibérément à l'écoute d'une parole qui lui vient d'ailleurs. "Ose penser par toi-même", dit l'une. "Crois pour comprendre", réplique l'autre. Entre philosophie et théologie, entre Athènes et Jérusalem, la disjonction semble irréversible. Si l'hostilité entre elles n'est plus de (...)
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  34. Bell’s Theorem: Two Neglected Solutions.Louis Vervoort - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (6):769-791.
    Bell’s theorem admits several interpretations or ‘solutions’, the standard interpretation being ‘indeterminism’, a next one ‘nonlocality’. In this article two further solutions are investigated, termed here ‘superdeterminism’ and ‘supercorrelation’. The former is especially interesting for philosophical reasons, if only because it is always rejected on the basis of extra-physical arguments. The latter, supercorrelation, will be studied here by investigating model systems that can mimic it, namely spin lattices. It is shown that in these systems the Bell inequality can be violated, (...)
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  35. (1 other version)A Slim Book About Narrow Content.Gabriel Segal - 2000 - MIT Press.
    The book, written in a clear, engaging style, contains four chapters.
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    Medical ethics and the trolley problem.Gabriel Andrade - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 12.
    The so-called Trolley Problem was first discussed by Philippa Foot in 1967 as a way to test moral intuitions regarding the doctrine of double effect, Kantian principles and utilitarianism. Ever since, a great number of philosophers and psychologists have come up with alternative scenarios to further test intuitions and the relevance of conventional moral doctrines. Given that physicians routinely face moral decisions regarding life and death, the Trolley Problem should be considered of great importance in medical ethics. In this article, (...)
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  37. Turning anomie on its head: Fatalism as Durkheim's concealed and multidimensional alienation theory.Gabriel A. Acevedo - 2005 - Sociological Theory 23 (1):75-85.
    Durkheim's underdeveloped notion of fatalism is the keystone for a bridge between two conceptual categories central to Marxian and Durkheimian theory: alienation and anomie. Durkheim does not necessarily disagree with Marx that excessive regulation can be socially damaging but chooses to highlight the effects of under- regulation. A Durkheimian critique of overregulation becomes possible if we turn away from anomie and toward Durkheim's idea of fatalism-a concept that I will argue here is unexpectedly consistent with Marx's notion of alienation. We (...)
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    Moral Treatment and the Personality Disorders.Louis C. Charland - 2004 - In Jennifer Radden (ed.), The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 64-77.
    This chapter argues that the conditions under the umbrella “personality disorders” actually constitute two very different kinds of theoretical entities. In particular, several core personality disorders are actually moral, and not medical, conditions. Thus, the categories that are held to represent them are really moral, and not medical, theoretical kinds. The chapter works back from the possibility of treatment to the nature of the kinds that are allegedly treated, revisiting 18th-century ideas of moral treatment along the way. The discussion closes (...)
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    The Love of Neuroscience: A Sociological Account.Gabriel Abend - 2018 - Sociological Theory 36 (1):88-116.
    I make a contribution to the sociology of epistemologies by examining the neuroscience literature on love from 2000 to 2016. I find that researchers make consequential assumptions concerning the production or generation of love, its temporality, its individual character, and appropriate control conditions. Next, I consider how to account for these assumptions’ being common in the literature. More generally, I’m interested in the ways in which epistemic communities construe, conceive of, and publicly represent and work with their objects of inquiry—and (...)
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    Lire le Capital.Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar, Roger Establet, Pierre Macherey & Jacques Rancière - 1996 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
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    Essays in self-criticism.Louis Althusser - 1976 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Reply to John Lewis: Note on "The critique of the personality cult". Remark on the category "Process without a subject or goal(s)"--Elements of self-criticism: On the evolution of the young Marx.--Is it simple to be a Marxist in philosophy? "Something new".
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    Schizophrenia, self-experience, and the so-called "negative symptoms": Reflections on hyperreflexivity.Louis Sass - 2000 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Exploring the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 149--82.
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  43. The heat of emotion: Valence and the demarcation problem.Louis Charland - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (8-10):82-102.
    Philosophical discussions regarding the status of emotion as a scientific domain usually get framed in terms of the question whether emotion is a natural kind. That approach to the issues is wrongheaded for two reasons. First, it has led to an intractable philosophical impasse that ultimately misconstrues the character of the relevant debate in emotion science. Second, and most important, it entirely ignores valence, a central feature of emotion experience, and probably the most promising criterion for demarcating emotion from cognition (...)
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    The Ultrapower Axiom and the GCH.Gabriel Goldberg - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (3):2150017.
    The Ultrapower Axiom is an abstract combinatorial principle inspired by the fine structure of canonical inner models of large cardinal axioms. In this paper, it is established that the Ultrapower A...
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    The mystery of being.Gabriel Marcel - 1949 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    v. 1. Reflection & mystery -- v. 2. Faith & reality.
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    O inferencialismu pro Pavla Maternu.Jiří Gabriel - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (2):120-122.
    Inferencialismus idealizuje proces získání významu v komunikaci. K tomu snadno najdeme protipříklady. Zcela zde chybí nějaká, zejména pojmová analýza a také nějaké rozhodovací (meta)pravidlo pro získání významu.
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  47. Plural quantification and classes.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (1):67-81.
    When viewed as the most comprehensive theory of collections, set theory leaves no room for classes. But the vocabulary of classes, it is argued, provides us with compact and, sometimes, irreplaceable formulations of largecardinal hypotheses that are prominent in much very important and very interesting work in set theory. Fortunately, George Boolos has persuasively argued that plural quantification over the universe of all sets need not commit us to classes. This paper suggests that we retain the vocabulary of classes, but (...)
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  48. Hollow Truth.Louis deRosset - 2021 - Philosophical Review 130 (4):533-581.
    A raft of new philosophical problems concerning truth have recently been discovered by several theorists. These problems concern the question of how ascriptions of truth are to be grounded. Most previous commentators have taken the problems to shed light on the theory of ground. In this paper, I argue that they also shed light on the theory of truth. In particular, I argue that the notion of ground can be deployed to clearly articulate one strand of deflationary thinking about truth, (...)
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  49. Unfolding Emotions: The Language and Socialization of Anger in Madagascar.Gabriel Scheidecker - 2020 - In Sonya E. Pritzker, Janina Fenigsen & James MacLynn Wilce (eds.), The Routledge handbook of language and emotion. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
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    The Significance of Religious Writings in the English Renaissance.Louis B. Wright - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1/4):59.
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