Results for 'Lorraine Sheremeta'

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  1.  11
    Harmonizing commercialization and gene patent policy with other social goals.Lorraine Sheremeta, R. Gold & Timothy Caulfield - 2003 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, Populations and genetics: legal and socio-ethical perspectives. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 423--452.
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  2. Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a comprehensive account of the major philosophical works on friendship and its relationship to self-love. The book gives central place to Aristotle's searching examination of friendship in the Nicomachean Ethics. Lorraine Pangle argues that the difficulties surrounding this discussion are soon dispelled once one understands the purpose of the Ethics as both a source of practical guidance for life and a profound, theoretical investigation into human nature. The book also provides fresh interpretations of works on friendship (...)
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    Eudaimonic Ethics: The Philosophy and Psychology of Living Well.Lorraine L. Besser - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book_, _Lorraine Besser-Jones develops a eudaimonistic virtue ethics based on a psychological account of human nature. While her project maintains the fundamental features of the eudaimonistic virtue ethical framework—virtue, character, and well-being—she constructs these concepts from an empirical basis, drawing support from the psychological fields of self-determination and self-regulation theory. Besser-Jones’s resulting account of "eudaimonic ethics" presents a compelling normative theory and offers insight into what is involved in being a virtuous person and "acting well." This original contribution (...)
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    The Philosophy of Happiness: An Interdisciplinary Introduction.Lorraine L. Besser - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge Press.
    Emerging research on the subject of happiness-in psychology, economics, and public policy-reawakens and breathes new life into long-standing philosophical questions about happiness. By analyzing this research from a philosophical perspective, Lorraine L. Besser is able to weave together the contributions of other disciplines, and the result is a robust, deeply contoured understanding of happiness made accessible for nonspecialists. This book is the first to thoroughly investigate the fundamental theoretical issues at play in all the major contemporary debates about happiness, (...)
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  5. Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on Gendered Locations.Lorraine Code - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    The arguments in this book are informed at once by the moral-political implications of how knowledge is produced and circulated and by issues of gendered subjectivity. In their critical dimension, these lucid essays engage with the incapacity of the philosophical mainstream's dominant epistemologies to offer regulative principles that guide people in the epistemic projects that figure centrally in their lives. In its constructive dimension, ____Rhetorical__ ____Spaces__ focuses on developing productive, case-by-case analyses of knowing other people in situations where social-political inequalities (...)
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  6.  20
    Biographies of Scientific Objects.Lorraine Daston (ed.) - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    Why does an object or phenomenon become the subject of scientific inquiry? Why do some of these objects remain provocative, while others fade from center stage? And why do objects sometimes return as the focus of research long after they were once abandoned? Addressing such questions, _Biographies of Scientific Objects_ is about how whole domains of phenomena—dreams, atoms, monsters, culture, society, mortality, centers of gravity, value, cytoplasmic particles, the self, tuberculosis—come into being and sometimes pass away as objects of scientific (...)
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    An orientation-contingent achromatic aftereffect.Lorraine G. Allan & Nadia Tirimacco - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (1):54-55.
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    The attack and defense games.Roman M. Sheremeta - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The attack-and-defense game is a game in which an attacker has an incentive to revise the status quo and a defender wants to protect it. The asymmetry in objectives creates incompatible interests and results in a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. However, this equilibrium could be heavily impacted by behavioral considerations.
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    Екологічне вчення бенедикта XVI в контексті сучасних викликів епохи.Volodymyr Sheremeta - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:429-434.
    Modernity confronts us with a variety of crises. Crises of spouses and families, political and economic crises are all just some of the long list of challenges of the modern era, where the ecological crisis, which manifests itself in destructive human activities in relation to nature, which leads to the destruction of the preconditions for the existence of the person itself, is a special place.
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    The Historiography of Early Neo-Thomism and the Study of the Views of Ukrainian Neotomists of the First Half of the XX Century.Oksana Sheremeta - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:80-95.
    In the article, the author substantiates the thesis that the study of the historiography of early Neo-Thomism is extremely important for research on the history of its Ukrainian branch and, accordingly, the creation of its Ukrainian historiography. Early Neotomism is a significant stage in the development of Neotomism. Under its influence, Ukrainian neo-Thomists Andrei Sheptytsky, J. Slipyj, and M. Konrad formed their views. Its study is an important part of the historiography of Ukrainian Neo-Thomism. The study of early Neo-Thomism helps (...)
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    Unimodal Versus Bimodal EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback of a Motor Imagery Task.Lorraine Perronnet, Anatole Lécuyer, Marsel Mano, Elise Bannier, Fabien Lotte, Maureen Clerc & Christian Barillot - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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  12. Objectivity.Lorraine Daston & Peter Galison - 2007 - Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books. Edited by Peter Galison.
    Objectivity has a history, and it is full of surprises. In Objectivity, Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison chart the emergence of objectivity in the mid-nineteenth-century sciences--and show how the concept differs from its alternatives, truth-to-nature and trained judgment. This is a story of lofty epistemic ideals fused with workaday practices in the making of scientific images. From the eighteenth through the early twenty-first centuries, the images that reveal the deepest commitments of the empirical sciences--from anatomy to crystallography--are those featured (...)
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  13.  97
    Living with AI personal assistant: an ethical appraisal.Lorraine K. C. Yeung, Cecilia S. Y. Tam, Sam S. S. Lau & Mandy M. Ko - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2813-2828.
    Mark Coeckelbergh (Int J Soc Robot 1:217–221, 2009) argues that robot ethics should investigate what interaction with robots can do to humans rather than focusing on the robot’s moral status. We should ask what robots do to our sociality and whether human–robot interaction can contribute to the human good and human flourishing. This paper extends Coeckelbergh’s call and investigate what it means to live with disembodied AI-powered agents. We address the following question: Can the human–AI interaction contribute to our moral (...)
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  14. Lorraine Code.Lorraine Code - 1998 - In Linda Alcoff, Epistemology: the big questions. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 124.
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    Ground-Zero Empiricism.Lorraine Daston - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S55-S57.
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    McCollough effects as conditioned responses: Reply to Dodwell and Humphrey.Lorraine G. Allan & Shepard Siegel - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (2):342-346.
  17. What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding & Susan Hekman - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):202-210.
    Feminist epistemologists who attempt to refigure epistemology must wrestle with a number of dualisms. This essay examines the ways Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding, and Susan Hekman reconceptualize the relationship between self/other, nature/culture, and subject/object as they struggle to reformulate objectivity and knowledge.
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    Paradoxes of Trace and Erasure: Reading Derrida Through Kentridge.Lorraine Affourtit - 2014 - Semiotics:277-292.
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    Romance Online.Lorraine Bryers - 2010 - Semiotics:166-174.
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    Physical versus semantic classification of nonverbal forms: A cross-cultural experiment.Lorraine Kirk & Michael Burton - 1976 - Semiotica 17 (4).
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    Review: Neuerscheinungen: Mary O'Brien: The Politics of Reproduction.Lorraine Markotic - 1992 - Die Philosophin 3 (5):103-108.
  22.  10
    Feeling Gender Speak: Intersubjectivity and Fieldwork Practice with Women Who Prostitute in Lima, Peru.Lorraine Nencel - 2005 - European Journal of Women's Studies 12 (3):345-361.
    This article discusses a dimension of fieldwork methodology often overlooked. It concerns the act of feeling and how this subjective ability contributes to understanding cultural meanings, which are unspoken or encoded in dialogue, but remain unarticulated. The discovery of this dimension in fieldwork eventually brought several epistemological principles into question pertaining to power and intersubjectivity subscribed to in a feminist or critical anthropology. Simultaneously, the use of this dimension in fieldwork gave insight into the relational construction of gender identity - (...)
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  23. Counselling and HIV Testing: Ethical Dilemmas.Lorraine Sherr - 2001 - In Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin, Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality. Clarendon Press.
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  24.  14
    Від неотомізму до модернізму: творчість Г. Костельника у світлі сучасних досліджень.Oksana Sheremeta - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:53-65.
    У статті здійснено спробу відповісти на питання, у чому причина суперечливих оцінок філософських ідей о. Гаврила Костельника дослідниками, та з’ясувати філософський контекст його творчості. З’ясовано, що в історії вивчення творчої спадщини Г. Костельника традиційно склалися кілька позицій у визначенні його філософських поглядів. Згідно з першою, Костельника вважають неотомістом (М. Олексюк, І. Мірчук,), який звертається до досягнень позитивізму (І. Мірчук): згідно з другою, – представником української гілки Львівсько-Варшавської школи (С. Іваник); згідно з третьою – модерністом (о. О. Гірник). У першому випадку (...)
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    Kangaroos: The non-issue.Lorraine Thorne - 1998 - Society and Animals 6 (2):167-182.
    The international trade in kangaroo skin and meat has been contested on ecological and ethical grounds for several decades. Yet, it continues unabated. This article reviews the constitutive practices of the kangaroo network, drawing on Actor Network Theory to provide insights into why and how this trade continues. Questions of agency, network, and space are explored in this account, which looks at the real and imagined geographies of the kangaroo trade.
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  26.  25
    The Routledge Companion to Virtue Ethics.Lorraine L. Besser & Michael Slote (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Virtue ethics is on the move both in Anglo-American philosophy and in the rest of the world. This volume uniquely emphasizes non-Western varieties of virtue ethics at the same time that it includes work in the many different fields or areas of philosophy where virtue ethics has recently spread its wings. Just as significantly, several chapters make comparisons between virtue ethics and other ways of approaching ethics or political philosophy or show how virtue ethics can be applied to "real world" (...)
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  27. What Can She Know?: Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In this lively and accessible book Lorraine Code addresses one of the most controversial questions in contemporary theory of knowledge, a question of fundamental concern for feminist theory as well: Is the sex of the knower epistemologically significant? Responding in the affirmative, Code offers a radical alterantive to mainstream philosophy's terms for what counts as knowledge and how it is to be evaluated. Code first reviews the literature of established epistemologies and unmasks the prevailing assumption in Anglo-American philosophy that (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Epistemic responsibility.Lorraine Code - 1987 - Hanover, N.H.: Published for Brown University Press by University Press of New England.
    Having adequate knowledge of the world is not just a matter of survival but also one of obligation. This obligation to "know well" is what philosophers have termed "epistemic responsibility." In this innovative and eclectic study, Lorraine Code explores the possibilities inherent in this concept as a basis for understanding human attempts to know and understand the world and for discerning the nature of intellectual virtue. By focusing on the idea that knowing is a creative process guided by imperatives (...)
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  29.  81
    Beyond Size: Predicting Engagement in Environmental Management Practices of Dutch SMEs.Lorraine M. Uhlaner, Marta M. Berent-Braun, Ronald J. M. Jeurissen & Gerrit de Wit - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):411-429.
    This study focuses on the prediction of the engagement of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in environmental management practices, based on a random sample of 689 SMEs. The study finds that several endogenous factors, including tangibility of sector, firm size, innovative orientation, family influence and perceived financial benefits from energy conservation, predict an SME’s level of engagement in selected environmental management practices. For family influence, this effect is found only in interaction with the number of owners. In addition to empirical (...)
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  30.  14
    From the Outside Looking In: One Woman's Acimowin.Lorraine Mayer - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):214-219.
    I struggle mamereTo bringYour wordsInto nokum'sCabinBut the wordsAre in battleCompetingfor my mindI am a mixed-blood woman raised in Canada where my two ancestries have competing worldviews, from social, political, and religious ideology to ancient philosophies. These mixed ancestries also come with different social expectations. In the social-political world of Native Studies where I walk daily, my French grandmother, mamere, is argued as coming from a world of privilege because she was white-skinned, and my Cree grandmother, nokum is thought to come (...)
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  31. Why literary devices matter.Lorraine K. C. Yeung - 2021 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 60 (1):19-37.
    This paper investigates the emotional import of literary devices deployed in fiction. Reflecting on the often-favored approach in the analytic tradition that locates fictional characters, events, and narratives as sources of readers’ emotions, I attempt to broaden the scope of analysis by accounting for how literary devices trigger non-cognitive emotions. I argue that giving more expansive consideration to literary devices by which authors present content facilitates a better understanding of how fiction engages emotion. In doing so, I also explore the (...)
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  32.  96
    Virtue is Knowledge: The Moral Foundations of Socratic Political Philosophy.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The relation between virtue and knowledge is at the heart of the Socratic view of human excellence, but it also points to a central puzzle of the Platonic dialogues: Can Socrates be serious in his claims that human excellence is constituted by one virtue, that vice is merely the result of ignorance, and that the correct response to crime is therefore not punishment but education? Or are these assertions mere rhetorical ploys by a notoriously complex thinker? Lorraine Smith Pangle (...)
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    Meaning to the rescue?Lorraine K. C. Yeung - 2022 - Think 21 (62):73-85.
    Facing a recent surge in anti-natalist arguments saying that human procreation is immoral, some defend human procreation by saying that procreative parenting adds meaning to parents’ life. This article examines one such defence, and argues that it does not suffice to rescue human procreation from the challenges to procreation.
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    Orientation-contingent color aftereffects: Retinal specificity.Lorraine G. Allan & C. A. G. Hayman - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (1):27-30.
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    Die moralisierten Objektivitäten der Wissenschaft.Lorraine Daston - 2016 - In Julian Nida-Rümelin, Moral, Wissenschaft und Wahrheit. De Gruyter. pp. 79-110.
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    We are the Dance: Cinema, Death and the Imaginary in the Thought of Edgar Morin.Lorraine Mortimer - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 64 (1):77-95.
    A colleague of Roland Barthes at the CNRS in the 1950s and cowriter and friend of Cornelius Castoriadis until the latter's death, Edgar Morin has until recently been too little known in the English-speaking world. In an oeuvre that spans half a century, attempting to combine in ongoing dialogue the `humanities' and `sciences', Morin has written on scientific method, fundamental anthropology, politics, contemporary life and popular culture. He is an advocate of `complex' thought, thought which does not reduce, rationalize and (...)
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    Reason and character: the moral foundations of Aristotelian political philosophy.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This book is a fresh examination of Aristotle's teaching on the relation between reason and moral virtue in the Nicomachean Ethics, taking as its point of departure the oft-noted, but still perhaps not sufficiently appreciated fact, that this treatise is the first half of a two-volume work on political science. As such, it lays the foundation for Aristotelian political science and, in significant ways, for the field of political science altogether. The proper aim of the political community according to Aristotle (...)
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  38. The Philosophy of Friendship: Aristotle and the Classical Tradition on Friendship and Self-Love.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 1999 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    This dissertation explores fundamental ethical questions through an examination of the key classical discussions of friendship: Plato's Lysis, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Cicero's Laelius, and Montaigne's and Bacon's essays on friendship. ;Should and can people act selflessly for one another's good? Is our concern for friendship and love rooted in neediness or in strength? Is it possible to love another simply for his own sake, or only because of the benefits that we seek for ourselves? Are the best friendships found between (...)
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    ‘Making it’ in the Merchant’s Tale: Chaucer’s signs of January’s fall.Lorraine K. Stock - 1987 - Semiotica 63 (1-2):171-184.
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    Commentary on "Loopholes, Gaps, and What is Held Fast".Lorraine Code - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (4):255-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Loopholes, Gaps, and What Is Held Fast”Lorraine Code (bio)Keywordsepistemology, incredulity, knowing other people, memory, testimonyNancy Potter’s compelling essay points to some of the limitations of the theoretical apparatus that the post-positivist empiricist epistemologies of the Anglo-American mainstream make available for evaluating experiential memory claims in general, and “false memory syndrome” in particular. The loopholes and gaps in these theories of knowledge push urgent questions about testimony, (...)
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    Waste Reduction Behaviors at Home, at Work, and on Holiday: What Influences Behavioral Consistency Across Contexts?Lorraine E. Whitmarsh, Paul Haggar & Merryn Thomas - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Miller, Christian B. Character and Moral Psychology.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. 269. $55.00.Lorraine L. Besser - 2016 - Ethics 126 (2):521-525.
  43.  22
    EPISTEMOLOGY: Voice and Voicelessness: A Modest Proposal?Lorraine Code - 1997 - In Janet A. Kourany, Philosophy in a Feminist Voice: Critiques and Reconstructions. Princeton University Press. pp. 204-230.
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    Capitalism and Arithmetic: The New Math of the Fifteenth CenturyFrank J. Swetz.Lorraine Daston - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):517-518.
  45. Mathematical probability and the reasonable man of the eighteenth century.Lorraine J. Daston - 1983 - In Joseph Warren Dauben & Virginia Staudt Sexton, History and Philosophy of Science: Selected Papers : Monthly Meetings, New York, 1979-1981, Selection of Papers. New York Academy of Sciences.
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    Women's rights and bioethics.Lorraine Dennerstein & Margret M. Baltes (eds.) - 2000 - Paris: UNESCO.
    This book, based on the Round Table on Bioethics and Women held at UNESCO during the Fourth Session of the International Bioethics Committee (IBC), presents the ...
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    Desperately seeking difference Jackie Stacey.Lorraine Gamman - 1999 - In Jessica Evans & Stuart Hall, Visual culture: the reader. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications in association with the Open University. pp. 390.
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    Forgiveness as a therapeutic concern for today's phenomenological-existential therapy.Lorraine Gravereau, Arnaud Plagnol & Christian Thiboutot - unknown
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  49. Sustainable Learning: Inclusive Practices for 21st Century Classrooms.Lorraine Graham, Jeanette Berman & Anne Bellert - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Sustainable Learning: Inclusive Practices for 21st Century Classrooms provides readers with the knowledge and skills to be confident and effective inclusive teachers. The authors show that these skills are essential to quality teaching – teaching that is evidence-based, purposeful, relevant and responsive to students' needs. The book employs three overarching frameworks to examine inclusive practices in education: equity, values and sustainability. Chapter features include: • 'Think and do' exercises • Examples, case studies and vignettes • Tables, figures and diagrams to (...)
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  50. Du consentement à la représentation politique: Rousseau critique de Locke?Ludmilla Lorrain - 2022 - In Johanna Lenne-Cornuez & Céline Spector, Rousseau et Locke. Dialogues critiques. Liverpool, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press.
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