Results for 'Lorraine Foreman‐Peck'

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  1.  50
    Action research and policy.Lorraine Foreman-Peck & Jane Murray - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (s1):145-163.
    This article examines the relationship between action research and policy and the kind of confidence teachers, policy makers and other potential users may have in such research. Many published teacher action research accounts are criticised on the grounds that they do not fully meet the conventional standards for reporting social scientific research, and by implication are held to be less trustworthy. Action research is nevertheless often seen by some academics and policy makers as a potential method for developing theory, disseminating (...)
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    Does Action Research Have a Future? A Reply to Higgins.Lorraine Foreman‐Peck & Ruth Heilbronn - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (1):126-143.
    This paper presents a view of action research as a valuable way in which teachers can pose fertile questions and engage in inquiry with transformative possibilities. This counters claims of its being at best a sterile method of teacher research and at worst a perilous trap for teachers.Chris Higgins has argued that AR has lost its original intention of empowering teachers and sealing the theory practice divide. He claims that it has degenerated into a method devoid of thought. In its (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education.Ruth Heilbronn & Lorraine Foreman-Peck (eds.) - 2015 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education_ presents a series of well-argued essays about the ethical considerations that should be addressed in teacher training and educational policies and practices. Brings together philosophical essays on an underserved yet urgent aspect of teacher education Explores the kinds of ethical considerations that should enter into discussions of a teacher’s professional education Illuminates the knowledge and understanding that teachers need to sustain their careers and long-term sense of well being Represents an important resource to stimulate contemporary (...)
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    Fictional Narrative and Truth: An Epistemic Analysis.Lorraine Foreman-Peck - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (3):118.
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    Fine, Arthur 30 Finley, MI 53 Fishburn, PC 133, 140,151 Fodor. J. 250, 271.R. W. Fogel, J. Foreman-Peck, R. E. Frank, G. Frege, B. S. Frey, B. Friedman, Michael Friedman, Milton Friedman, R. Gagnier & P. Galison - 2001 - In Uskali Mäki (ed.), The Economic World View: Studies in the Ontology of Economics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  6. Objectivity.Lorraine Daston & Peter Galison - 2007 - Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books. Edited by Peter Galison.
    Objectivity has a history, and it is full of surprises. In Objectivity, Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison chart the emergence of objectivity in the mid-nineteenth-century sciences--and show how the concept differs from its alternatives, truth-to-nature and trained judgment. This is a story of lofty epistemic ideals fused with workaday practices in the making of scientific images. From the eighteenth through the early twenty-first centuries, the images that reveal the deepest commitments of the empirical sciences--from anatomy to crystallography--are those featured (...)
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  7. Lorraine Code.Lorraine Code - 1998 - In Linda Alcoff (ed.), Epistemology: the big questions. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 124.
  8.  20
    Christianity and modern medicine: foundations for bioethics.Mark W. Foreman - 2022 - Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic. Edited by Lindsay C. Leonard.
    Christianity and Modern Medicine raises moral questions that were merely hypothetical just decades ago. Moreover, traditional moral models are incessantly challenged by the medical community at large, shifting the conversation to patient and societal rights within a framework of moral relativism and rendering the decision-making process morally vague and confusing. In Christianity and Modern Medicine, bioethicist Mark Wesley Foreman and attorney Lindsay C. Leonard delve into the major ethical issues facing today's medical professionals with the purpose of providing principles and (...)
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    Does Action Research Have a Future? A Reply to Higgins.Ruthheilbronn Lorraineforeman‐Peck - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (1).
  10. What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding & Susan Hekman - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):202-210.
    Feminist epistemologists who attempt to refigure epistemology must wrestle with a number of dualisms. This essay examines the ways Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding, and Susan Hekman reconceptualize the relationship between self/other, nature/culture, and subject/object as they struggle to reformulate objectivity and knowledge.
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  11. The Power Of Ignorance.Lorraine Code - 2004 - Philosophical Papers 33 (3):291-308.
    Abstract Taking my point of entry from George Eliot's reference to ?the power of Ignorance?, I analyse some manifestations of that power as she portrays it in the life of a young woman of affluence, in her novel Daniel Deronda. Comparing and contrasting this kind of ignorance with James Mill's avowed ignorance of local tradition and custom in his History of British India, I consider how ignorance can foster immoral beliefs which, in turn, contribute to social-political arrangements of dominance and (...)
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  12. Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on Gendered Locations.Lorraine Code - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    The arguments in this book are informed at once by the moral-political implications of how knowledge is produced and circulated and by issues of gendered subjectivity. In their critical dimension, these lucid essays engage with the incapacity of the philosophical mainstream's dominant epistemologies to offer regulative principles that guide people in the epistemic projects that figure centrally in their lives. In its constructive dimension, ____Rhetorical__ ____Spaces__ focuses on developing productive, case-by-case analyses of knowing other people in situations where social-political inequalities (...)
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  13.  59
    Desperately seeking difference Jackie Stacey.Lorraine Gamman - 1999 - In Jessica Evans & Stuart Hall (eds.), Visual culture: the reader. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications in association with the Open University. pp. 390.
  14. Institute on Human Values in Medicine Human Values Teaching Programs for Health Professionals.Lorraine L. Hunt & Edmund D. Pellegrino - 1974 - Society for Health and Human Values.
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    Wunder und Beweis im frühneuzeitlichen Europa.Lorraine Oaston - 1998 - In Gary Smith & Matthias Kröß (eds.), Die ungewisse Evidenz. De Gruyter. pp. 13-68.
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  16. The perversion of autonomy and the subjection of women: discourses of social advocacy at century's end.Lorraine Code - 2000 - In Catriona Mackenzie & Natalie Stoljar (eds.), Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. New York: Oxford University Press.
  17. "Another Motivation for First Matter".John Peck - 2024 - In David Svoboda, Prokop Sousedík & Lukáš Novák (eds.), Second Scholasticism — Analytical Metaphysics — Christian Apologetics. Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: editiones scholasticae. pp. 229-266.
    Aristotelians traditionally motivate the doctrine of first (“prime”) matter by claiming that substantial change requires a subject. Without gainsaying that motivation, I propose another: first matter is a necessary postulate for the sort of unity proper to a substance. This motivation arises if one examines a claim that Patrick Toner and Robert Koons share: (TM′) the possession of emergent causal powers is necessary for substancehood. I first explain how TM′ represents the application of “Merricks’s Dictum” (“For a macrophysical object to (...)
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  18. Testimony, Advocacy, Ignorance: Thinking Ecologically About Social Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 2008 - In Duncan Pritchard, Alan Millar & Adrian Haddock (eds.), Social Epistemology. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    Parva Naturalia.A. L. Peck - 1955 - Clarendon Press. Edited by W. D. Ross.
    Oxford Scholarly Classics brings together a number of great academic works from the archives of Oxford University Press. Reissued in a uniform series design, they will enable libraries, scholars, and students to gain fresh access to some of the finest scholarship of the last century.
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    Wonders and the Order of Nature 1150–1750.Lorraine Daston - 1998 - Zone Books.
    Wonders and the Order of Nature is about the ways in which European naturalists from the High Middle Ages through the Enlightenment used wonder and wonders, the passion and its objects, to envision themselves and the natural world. Monsters, gems that shone in the dark, petrifying springs, celestial apparitions---these were the marvels that adorned romances, puzzled philosophers, lured collectors, and frightened the devout. Drawing on the histories of art, science, philosophy, and literature, Lorraine Daston and Katharine Park explore and (...)
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  21.  20
    Biographies of Scientific Objects.Lorraine Daston (ed.) - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    Why does an object or phenomenon become the subject of scientific inquiry? Why do some of these objects remain provocative, while others fade from center stage? And why do objects sometimes return as the focus of research long after they were once abandoned? Addressing such questions, _Biographies of Scientific Objects_ is about how whole domains of phenomena—dreams, atoms, monsters, culture, society, mortality, centers of gravity, value, cytoplasmic particles, the self, tuberculosis—come into being and sometimes pass away as objects of scientific (...)
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  22. Ecological Thinking: The Politics of Epistemic Location.Lorraine Code - 2006 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Arguing that ecological thinking can animate an epistemology capable of addressing feminist, multicultural, and other post-colonial concerns, this book critiques the instrumental rationality, hyperbolized autonomy, abstract individualism, and exploitation of people and places that western epistemologies of mastery have legitimated. It proposes a politics of epistemic location, sensitive to the interplay of particularity and diversity, and focused on responsible epistemic practices. Starting from an epistemological approach implicit in Rachel Carson’s scientific projects, the book draws, constructively and critically, on ecological theory (...)
  23.  30
    Waste Reduction Behaviors at Home, at Work, and on Holiday: What Influences Behavioral Consistency Across Contexts?Lorraine E. Whitmarsh, Paul Haggar & Merryn Thomas - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Philosophy of Happiness: An Interdisciplinary Introduction.Lorraine L. Besser - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge Press.
    Emerging research on the subject of happiness-in psychology, economics, and public policy-reawakens and breathes new life into long-standing philosophical questions about happiness. By analyzing this research from a philosophical perspective, Lorraine L. Besser is able to weave together the contributions of other disciplines, and the result is a robust, deeply contoured understanding of happiness made accessible for nonspecialists. This book is the first to thoroughly investigate the fundamental theoretical issues at play in all the major contemporary debates about happiness, (...)
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    Living with AI personal assistant: an ethical appraisal.Lorraine K. C. Yeung, Cecilia S. Y. Tam, Sam S. S. Lau & Mandy M. Ko - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2813-2828.
    Mark Coeckelbergh (Int J Soc Robot 1:217–221, 2009) argues that robot ethics should investigate what interaction with robots can do to humans rather than focusing on the robot’s moral status. We should ask what robots do to our sociality and whether human–robot interaction can contribute to the human good and human flourishing. This paper extends Coeckelbergh’s call and investigate what it means to live with disembodied AI-powered agents. We address the following question: Can the human–AI interaction contribute to our moral (...)
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  26. What Can She Know?: Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In this lively and accessible book Lorraine Code addresses one of the most controversial questions in contemporary theory of knowledge, a question of fundamental concern for feminist theory as well: Is the sex of the knower epistemologically significant? Responding in the affirmative, Code offers a radical alterantive to mainstream philosophy's terms for what counts as knowledge and how it is to be evaluated. Code first reviews the literature of established epistemologies and unmasks the prevailing assumption in Anglo-American philosophy that (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Epistemic responsibility.Lorraine Code - 1987 - Hanover, N.H.: Published for Brown University Press by University Press of New England.
    Having adequate knowledge of the world is not just a matter of survival but also one of obligation. This obligation to "know well" is what philosophers have termed "epistemic responsibility." In this innovative and eclectic study, Lorraine Code explores the possibilities inherent in this concept as a basis for understanding human attempts to know and understand the world and for discerning the nature of intellectual virtue. By focusing on the idea that knowing is a creative process guided by imperatives (...)
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    The Learning of Liberty: The Educational Ideas of the American Founders.Lorraine Smith Pangle & Thomas L. Pangle - 1993 - Lawrence, KS : University Press of Kansas.
    "This very important book is original, sweeping, and wise about the relation between education and liberal democracy in the United States. The Pangles reconsider superior ideas from the founding period in a way that illuminates any serious thinking on American education, whether policy-oriented or historical". -- American Political Science Review. "An important and thoughtful book, stimulating for citizens as well as scholars". -- Journal of American History.
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    The political philosophy of Benjamin Franklin.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2007 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University.
    The most famous man of his age, Benjamin Franklin was an individual of many talents and accomplishments. He invented the wood-burning stove and the lightning rod, he wrote Poor Richard's Almanac and The Way to Wealth, and he traveled the world as a diplomat. But it was in politics that Franklin made his greatest impact. Franklin's political writings are full of fascinating reflections on human nature, on the character of good leadership, and on why government is such a messy and (...)
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  30. Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a comprehensive account of the major philosophical works on friendship and its relationship to self-love. The book gives central place to Aristotle's searching examination of friendship in the Nicomachean Ethics. Lorraine Pangle argues that the difficulties surrounding this discussion are soon dispelled once one understands the purpose of the Ethics as both a source of practical guidance for life and a profound, theoretical investigation into human nature. The book also provides fresh interpretations of works on friendship (...)
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  31. Reassessing the Profile and Needs of Battered Women.Lorraine Greaves, Nelson Heapy & Alison Wylie - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 7 (2):292-303.
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    Responsibilism: a New Epistemological Focus.Lorraine Code - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 2:854-859.
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    The ethical professor: a practical guide to research, teaching and professional life.Lorraine Eden - 2018 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kathy Lund Dean & Paul M. Vaaler.
    Introduction -- Ethics and research -- Twenty questions : ethical research dilemmas and PHD students -- Research pitfalls for new entrants to the academy -- Scientists behaving badly: insights from the fraud triangle -- Slicing and dicing : ex ante approaches -- Slicing and dicing : ex post approaches -- Retraction : mistake or misconduct? -- Double-blind review in the age of google and powerpoint -- Ethics in research scenarios : what would you do? -- Thought leader : Michael A. (...)
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  34. Experiences gained from developing and integrating an expert system and a modern graphic display system for a swedish nuclear power plant control room.Torsten Foreman & Jan-Erik Stenmark - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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  35. The ethical use of paradoxical interventions in psychotherapy.D. M. Foreman - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (4):200-205.
    The purpose of this paper is to establish ethical guidelines for the use of paradoxical interventions in psychotherapy. These are defined as interventions which are counterintuitive, coercive, and which require non-observance by the client. Arguments are developed to show that such interventions are associated with a psychology that understands individuals solely in terms of their relationship: a 'strong interactionist' position. Ethical principles consistent with such a position are considered, and from these it is derived that: paradox is an ethical technique (...)
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    The family rule: a reply to Alderson.D. M. Foreman - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):499-500.
    In her commentary, Alderson makes four major criticisms of the family rule. She claims that: consent must be explicit; that consenting parties should be reasonably equal; that the concept of a family rule adds little to current understanding, and that the effect of applying the concept in practice will be to impair the consenting process. However, there are other important examples of implicit consent in daily life, and consent between unequals is common and unexceptionable. The family rule establishes an unequivocal (...)
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  37. Between the Psyche and the Social: Psychoanalytic Social Theory.Tamsin Lorraine, Robyn Ferrell, Kelly Oliver, Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks, Frances Restuccia, E. Ann Kaplan, Catherine Peebles, Emily Zakin, Lisa Walsh & Cynthia Willett (eds.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Between the Psyche and the Social is the first collection that specifically features the field of psychoanalytic social theory emerging in and between psychoanalysis, feminism, postcolonial studies, and queer theory, and across the disciplines of philosophy, literary, film, and cultural studies. This collection of essays takes the psychoanalytic study of social oppression in some new directions by engaging—indeed, stirring up—unconscious fantasies and ethical tensions at the heart of social subjectivity.
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    Ethics and Participation: Reflections on Research with Street Children.Lorraine Young Barrett - 2001 - Ethics, Place and Environment 4 (2):130-134.
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    White Ethnics and Black Liberation.Sidney M. Peck - 1970 - Social Theory and Practice 1 (1):12-16.
  40.  13
    Away Out Over Everything: The Olympic Peninsula and the Elwha River.Mary Peck - 2004 - Stanford General Books.
    "Peck's approach is less to document the land than to experience herself as part of its living systems. Her exquisite photographs are the artist's attempt to share that process." --Tim McNulty.
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    The Routledge Companion to Virtue Ethics.Lorraine L. Besser & Michael Slote (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Virtue ethics is on the move both in Anglo-American philosophy and in the rest of the world. This volume uniquely emphasizes non-Western varieties of virtue ethics at the same time that it includes work in the many different fields or areas of philosophy where virtue ethics has recently spread its wings. Just as significantly, several chapters make comparisons between virtue ethics and other ways of approaching ethics or political philosophy or show how virtue ethics can be applied to "real world" (...)
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  42.  12
    Eudaimonic Ethics: The Philosophy and Psychology of Living Well.Lorraine L. Besser - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book_, _Lorraine Besser-Jones develops a eudaimonistic virtue ethics based on a psychological account of human nature. While her project maintains the fundamental features of the eudaimonistic virtue ethical framework—virtue, character, and well-being—she constructs these concepts from an empirical basis, drawing support from the psychological fields of self-determination and self-regulation theory. Besser-Jones’s resulting account of "eudaimonic ethics" presents a compelling normative theory and offers insight into what is involved in being a virtuous person and "acting well." This original contribution (...)
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    Prelude to philosophy: an introduction for Christians.Mark W. Foreman - 2014 - Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
    Unlike a full introduction to philosophy, Mark Foreman's book is a prelude to the subject, a prolegomenon that dispels misunderstandings and explains the rationale for engaging in philosophical reasoning. Concise and straightforward, Prelude to Philosophy is a guide for those looking to embark on the "examined life.".
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  44. Histories of scientific observation.Lorraine Daston & Elizabeth Lunbeck (eds.) - 2011 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    This book makes a compelling case for the significance of the long, surprising, and epistemologically significant history of scientific observation, a history ...
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  45. Probability and Evidence.Lorraine Daston - 1998 - In Daniel Garber & Michael Ayers (eds.), The Cambridge history of seventeenth-century philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1108--1144.
  46.  14
    From the Outside Looking In: One Woman's Acimowin.Lorraine Mayer - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):214-219.
    I struggle mamereTo bringYour wordsInto nokum'sCabinBut the wordsAre in battleCompetingfor my mindI am a mixed-blood woman raised in Canada where my two ancestries have competing worldviews, from social, political, and religious ideology to ancient philosophies. These mixed ancestries also come with different social expectations. In the social-political world of Native Studies where I walk daily, my French grandmother, mamere, is argued as coming from a world of privilege because she was white-skinned, and my Cree grandmother, nokum is thought to come (...)
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    Deleuze and Guattari's Immanent Ethics: Theory, Subjectivity, and Duration.Tamsin Lorraine - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Explains how the work of Deleuze and Guattari speaks to feminism and other progressive movements.
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  48.  74
    (1 other version)The moral authority of nature.Lorraine Daston & Fernando Vidal (eds.) - 2004 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    For thousands of years, people have used nature to justify their political, moral, and social judgments. Such appeals to the moral authority of nature are still very much with us today, as heated debates over genetically modified organisms and human cloning testify. The Moral Authority of Nature offers a wide-ranging account of how people have used nature to think about what counts as good, beautiful, just, or valuable. The eighteen essays cover a diverse array of topics, including the connection of (...)
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  49. Things That Talk: Object Lessons From Art and Science.Lorraine Daston (ed.) - 2004 - Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books.
    Imagine a world without things. There would be nothing to describe, nothing to explain, remark, interpret, or complain about. Without things, we would stop speaking; we would become as mute as things are alleged to be. In nine original essays, internationally renowned historians of art and of science seek to understand how objects become charged with significance without losing their gritty materiality. True to the particularity of things, each of the essays singles out one object for close attention: a Bosch (...)
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    Whose Boundary? An Individual Species Perspectival Approach to Borders.Steven L. Peck - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (3):274-279.
    Understanding ecological boundaries is recognized by ecologists as important for understanding ecosystem dynamics. All borders are borders in relation to some organism. However, much of the literature on habitat change ignores this basic ecological fact. In addition, borders are highly influenced by accidental or historical features of ecosystems, and researchers have in many cases defined them only in terms of convenience. Several viewpoints explored in this article reflect this skepticism about identifying ecosystems as real structured entities. I draw on Ghiselin’s (...)
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