Results for 'Lorentz transformations'

979 found
  1.  24
    Lorentz Transformation Under a Discrete Dynamical Time and Continuous Space.Roland Riek - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-12.
    The Lorentz transformation of space and time between two reference frames is one of the pillars of the special relativity theory. As a result of the Lorentz transformation, space and time are only relative and are entangled, while the Minkowski metric is Lorentz invariant. For this reason, the Lorentz transformation is one of the major obstructions in the development of physical theories with quantized space and time. Here is described the Lorentz transformation of a physical (...)
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  2.  75
    The lorentz transformation group of the special theory of relativity without Einstein's isotropy convention.Abraham Ungar - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (3):395-402.
    Inertial frames and Lorentz transformations have a preferred status in the special theory of relativity (STR). Lorentz transformations, in turn, embody Einstein's convention that the velocity of light is isotropic, a convention that is necessary for the establishment of a standard signal synchrony. If the preferred status of Lorentz transformations in STR is not due to some particular bias introduced by a convention on signal synchronism, but to the fact that the Lorentz transformation (...)
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  3.  28
    The Lorentz Transformation in a Fishbowl: A Comment on Cheng and Read’s “Why Not a Sound Postulate?”.Daniel Shanahan - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-22.
    In support of their contention that it is the absence of a subsisting medium that imbues the speed of light with fundamentality, Bryan Cheng and James Read discuss certain “fishbowl universes” in which physical influences evolve, not at the speed of light, but that of sound. The Lorentz transformation simulated in these sonic universes, which the authors cite from the literature of analogue gravity, is not that of Einstein, for whom an aether was “superfluous”, but that of the earlier (...)
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  4.  43
    Successive Lorentz transformations of the electromagnetic field.Abraham A. Ungar - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (5):569-589.
    A velocity-orientation formalism to deal with compositions of successive Lorentz transformations, emphasizing analogies shared by Lorentz and Galilean transformations, has recently been developed. The emphasis in the present article is on the convenience of using the velocity-orientation formalism by resolving a paradox in the study of successive Lorentz transformations of the electromagnetic field that was recently raised by Mocanu. The paradox encountered by Mocanu results from the omission of the Thomas rotation (or, precession) which (...)
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  5.  49
    The Proof that Maxwell Equations with the 3D E and B are not Covariant upon the Lorentz Transformations but upon the Standard Transformations: The New Lorentz Invariant Field Equations.Tomislav Ivezić - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (9):1585-1615.
    In this paper the Lorentz transformations (LT) and the standard transformations (ST) of the usual Maxwell equations (ME) with the three-dimensional (3D) vectors of the electric and magnetic fields, E and B, respectively, are examined using both the geometric algebra and tensor formalisms. Different 4D algebraic objects are used to represent the usual observer dependent and the new observer independent electric and magnetic fields. It is found that the ST of the ME differ from their LT and (...)
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  6.  53
    On the linearity of the Lorentz transformations.Joachim V. Peschke - 1992 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 23 (2):313-314.
    On the Linearity of the Lorentz transformations. U. Hoyer's argument for the linearity is discussed and a modification of the argument is proposed.
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  7.  30
    Galilean and Lorentz Transformations in a Space with Generalized Uncertainty Principle.V. M. Tkachuk - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (12):1666-1679.
    We consider a space with Generalized Uncertainty Principle which can be obtained in the frame of the deformed commutation relations. In the space with GUP we have found transformations relating coordinates and times of moving and rest frames of reference in the first order over the parameter of deformation. In the non-relativistic case we find the deformed Galilean transformation which is rotation in Euclidian space–time. This transformation is similar to the Lorentz one but written for Euclidean space–time where (...)
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  8. Unification through Lorentz transformations to realms of simple harmonicity and reciprocal space.Melvin Alonzo Cook - 1955 - Salt Lake City,: Salt Lake City.
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  9.  25
    Graphical Representations for the Successive Lorentz Transformations. Application: Lorentz Contraction and Its Dependence on Thomas Rotation.Riad Chamseddine - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (4):428-457.
    A new vectorial representation for the successive Lorentz transformations has recently been proved very convenient to achieve a straightforward treatment of the Thomas rotation effect. Such a representation rests on equivalent forms for the pure Lorentz transformation and SLT whose physical meaning escaped us. The present paper fills this gap in by showing that those equivalent forms could represent appropriate world lines, lines and planes of simultaneity. Those geometric elements are particularly convenient to build up two new (...)
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  10.  90
    A Modified Lorentz-Transformation–Based Gravity Model Confirming Basic GRT Experiments.Jan Broekaert - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (5):839-864.
    Implementing Poincaré’s geometric conventionalism a scalar Lorentz-covariant gravity model is obtained based on gravitationally modified Lorentz transformations (or GMLT). The modification essentially consists of an appropriate space-time and momentum-energy scaling (“normalization”) relative to a nondynamical flat background geometry according to an isotropic, nonsingular gravitational affecting function Φ(r). Elimination of the gravitationally unaffected S 0 perspective by local composition of space–time GMLT recovers the local Minkowskian metric and thus preserves the invariance of the locally observed velocity of light. (...)
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  11.  81
    The lorentz transformation and "space-time".Evander Bradley McGilvary - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (13):337-349.
  12. More about lorentz transformation equations.Max Born - 1961 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 (46):150-151.
  13.  28
    Time isotropy, Lorentz transformation and inertial frames.Somajit Dey - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:123-127.
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  14. Quaternions, Maxwell equations and Lorentz transformations.M. Acevedo, J. López-Bonilla & M. Sánchez - 2005 - Apeiron 12:371-384.
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  15.  17
    Einstein and the search for the logical unity of the world: principle of relativity and generalisation of lorentz transformations.Vinícius Carvalho Da Silva - 2024 - Griot 24 (1):194-204.
    In this article we analyse the role of the principle of relativity and the generalisation of Lorentz transformations in Einstein's relativistic physics, whose philosophical ideal was the construction of an image of nature endowed with maximum unity and logical simplicity. In his critical-rationalist realism, Einstein aimed to develop a "conception of the world" that expressed the logical unity of nature. Throughout his scientific career, this philosophical programme led him to produce "great syntheses", seeking compatibility between different physical systems.
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  16.  77
    On the general form of Lorentz transformations.T. M. Kalotas & A. R. Lee - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (9-10):787-792.
    We present a derivation of the homogeneous Lorentz transformations that arrives immediately at the general form without the usual specialization in thex direction.
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  17.  23
    Mechanical Model of Maxwell’s Equations and of Lorentz Transformations.Lachezar S. Simeonov - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (3):1-22.
    We present a mechanical model of a quasi-elastic body which reproduces Maxwell’s equations with charges and currents. Major criticism against mechanical models of electrodynamics is that any presence of charges in the known models appears to violate the continuity equation of the aether and it remains a mystery as to where the aether goes and whence it comes. We propose a solution to the mystery—in the present model the aether is always conserved. Interestingly it turns out that the charge velocity (...)
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  18.  35
    Zur Linearität der Lorentz-TransformationenOn the linearity of the Lorentz transformations.Joachim Peschke - 1992 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 23 (2):313-314.
    U. Hoyer's argument for the linearity is discussed and a modification of the argument is proposed.
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  19.  33
    Antiparticles from special Relativity with ortho-chronous and antichronous Lorentz transformations.Erasmo Recami & Waldyr A. Rodrigues - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (7):709-718.
    Special Relativity can be based on the whole proper group of both ortho- and antichronous Lorentz transformations, and a clear physical meaning can be given also to antichronous (i.e., nonorthochronous) Lorentz transformations. From the active point of view, the latter requires existence, for any particle, of its antiparticle within a purely relativistic, classical context. From the passive point of view, they give rise to frames “dual” to the ordinary ones, whose properties—here briefly discussed—are linked with the (...)
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  20.  34
    Vectorial Form of the Successive Lorentz Transformations. Application: Thomas Rotation. [REVIEW]Riad Chamseddine - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (4):488-511.
    A complete treatment of the Thomas rotation involves algebraic manipulations of overwhelming complexity. In this paper, we show that a choice of convenient vectorial forms for the relativistic addition law of velocities and the successive Lorentz transformations allows us to obtain straightforwardly the Thomas rotation angle by three new methods: (a) direct computation as the angle between the composite vectors of the non-collinear velocities, (b) vectorial approach, and (c) matrix approach. The new expression of the Thomas rotation angle (...)
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  21.  45
    Derivation of the lorentz transformations from the constancy of the speed of light.Brent Mundy - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 44 (3):291-303.
  22.  76
    More about lorentz transformation equations.G. H. Keswani - 1960 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (41):50-55.
  23. Seven short essays on (1-V2/C2)-1/2: an epistemological analysis of the Lorentz transformation and the chronometric branch of relativistic physics.Carl Andrew Zapffe - 1977 - Baltimore: Zapffe.
  24. Simultaneity and the Constancy of the Speed of Light: Normalization of Space-time Vectors in the Lorentz Transformation.Robert J. Buenker - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (1):96-146.
  25.  32
    The Clock Riddle: The Failure of Einstein's Lorentz Transformation.Robert J. Buenker - 2012 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 19 (1):84-95.
  26.  73
    Discussions notes: The clock hypothesis and the lorentz transformations.W. G. V. Rosser - 1978 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (4):349-353.
  27.  63
    The introduction of Superluminal Lorentz transformations: A revisitation. [REVIEW]G. D. Maccarrone & Erasmo Recami - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (5):367-407.
    We revisit the introduction of the Superluminal Lorentz transformations which carry from “bradyonic” inertial frames to “tachyonic” inertial frames, i.e., which transform time-like objects into space-like objects, andvice versa. It has long been known that special relativity can be extended to Superluminal observers only by increasing the number of dimensions of the space-time or—which is in a sense equivalent—by releasing the reality condition (i.e., introducing also imaginary quantities). In the past we always adopted the latter procedure. Here we (...)
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  28.  23
    The global positioning system and the Lorentz transformation.Robert J. Buenker - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (3):254-269.
  29.  25
    On Carmeli's exotic use of the Lorentz transformation and on the velocity composition approach to special relativity.O. Costa de Beauregard - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (11):1153-1157.
    As shown by Ramarkrishnan, the faithful mapping, in the sense of Lie groups, of the real line onto the finite segment−1Lorentz-Poincaré transformation formulas. Composition of translations is merely one application of this. Carmeli has shown that composition of rotations is another one. There may be still others.
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  30.  51
    Extension of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments and its application to the representation of rotations and Lorentz transformations.H. Yamasaki - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (11):1139-1154.
    The use of the axial vector representing a three-dimensional rotation makes the rotation representation much more compact by extending the trigonometric functions to vectorial arguments. Similarly, the pure Lorentz transformations are compactly treated by generalizing a scalar rapidity to a vector quantity in spatial three-dimensional cases and extending hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments. A calculation of the Wigner rotation simplified by using the extended functions illustrates the fact that the rapidity vector space obeys hyperbolic geometry. New representations bring (...)
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  31.  47
    On the application of the lorentz transformation in O (3) electrodynamics.M. W. Evans - 2000 - Apeiron 7 (1-2):15.
  32.  36
    Tangible grounds for Lorentz and generalized Lorentz transformations.C. P. Viazminsky - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (1):94.
  33. The proof that Maxwell equations with the 3D E and B are not covariant upon the Lorentz transformations but upon the standart transformations: the new Lorentz invariant field equations.Ivezic Tomislav - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35:1585.
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  34. The Proof That the Standard Transformations of E and B Are Not the Lorentz Transformations.Tomislav Ivezić - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (9):1339-1347.
    In this paper it is exactly proved that the standard transformations of the three-dimensional (3D) vectors of the electric and magnetic fields E and B are not relativistically correct transformations. Thence the 3D vectors E and B are not well-defined quantities in the 4D space-time and, contrary to the general belief, the usual Maxwell equations with the 3D E and B are not in agreement with the special relativity. The 4-vectors E a and B a , as well-defined (...)
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  35. The non-invariant time and Lorentz-like transformations.Boris Culina - 2025 - Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 47:1-7.
    From the comparison of time in inertial frames, possible types of transformations between inertial frames are deduced. This elementary deduction directly relates the properties of time with the type of transformations. When all inertial frames measure the same time (time is absolute), the transformations are Galilean. When each inertial frame has its own time, different from the times of other inertial frames (time is not invariant) the transformations are Lorentz-like with the same positive parameter k. (...)
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  36. Observer-Dependence of Chaos Under Lorentz and Rindler Transformations.Baidyanath Misra - unknown
    The behavior of Lyapunov exponents λ and dynamical entropies h, whose positivity characterizes chaotic motion, under Lorentz and Rindler transformations is studied. Under Lorentz transformations, λ and h are changed, but their positivity is preserved for chaotic systems. Under Rindler transformations, λ and h are changed in such a way..
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  37. Observer-dependence of chaos under lorentz and rindler transformations.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    The behavior of Lyapunov exponents λ and dynamical entropies h, whose positivity characterizes chaotic motion, under Lorentz and Rindler transformations is studied. Under Lorentz transformations, λ and h are changed, but their positivity is preserved..
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  38. A new paradox and the reconciliation of Lorentz and Galilean transformations.Hongyu Guo - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8113-8142.
    One of the most debated problems in the foundations of the special relativity theory is the role of conventionality. A common belief is that the Lorentz transformation is correct but the Galilean transformation is wrong. It is another common belief that the Galilean transformation is incompatible with Maxwell equations. However, the “principle of general covariance” in general relativity makes any spacetime coordinate transformation equally valid. This includes the Galilean transformation as well. This renders a new paradox. This new paradox (...)
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  39.  86
    The Myth of FitzGerald-Lorentz Length Contraction and the Reality of Einstein's Velocity Transformation.Robert J. Buenker - 2013 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 20 (1):27.
  40.  14
    Time reversal operations, representations of the Lorentz group, and the direction of time.Frank Arntzenius - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (1):31-43.
    A theory is usually said to be time reversible if whenever a sequence of states S 1, S 2, S 3 is possible according to that theory, then the reverse sequence of time reversed states S 3 T, S 2 T, S 1 T is also possible according to that theory; i.e., one normally not only inverts the sequence of states, but also operates on the states with a time reversal operator T. David Albert and Paul Horwich have suggested that (...)
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  41.  35
    Electrodynamics of the Maxwell-Lorentz type in the ten-dimensional space of the testing of special relativity: A case for Finsler type connections. [REVIEW]Jose G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (3):269-291.
    It has recently been shown by Vargas, (4) that the passive coordinate transformations that enter the Robertson test theory of special relativity have to be considered as coordinate transformations in a seven-dimensional space with degenerate metric. It has also been shown by Vargas that the corresponding active coordinate transformations are not equal in general to the passive ones and that the composite active-passive transformations act on a space whose number of dimensions is ten (one-particle case) or (...)
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  42. Time reversal operations, representations of the Lorentz group, and the direction of time.Frank Arntzenius - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (1):31-43.
    A theory is usually said to be time reversible if whenever a sequence of states S 1 , S 2 , S 3 is possible according to that theory, then the reverse sequence of time reversed states S 3 T , S 2 T , S 1 T is also possible according to that theory; i.e., one normally not only inverts the sequence of states, but also operates on the states with a time reversal operator T . David Albert and (...)
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  43.  59
    Remarques sur la dérivation des transformations de Lorentz par A. N. Whitehead.Jean-Pascal Alcantara - 2008 - Chromatikon 4:9-20.
  44.  87
    Standing Waves in the Lorentz-Covariant World.Y. S. Kim & Marilyn E. Noz - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (7):1289-1305.
    When Einstein formulated his special relativity, he developed his dynamics for point particles. Of course, many valiant efforts have been made to extend his relativity to rigid bodies, but this subject is forgotten in history. This is largely because of the emergence of quantum mechanics with wave-particle duality. Instead of Lorentz-boosting rigid bodies, we now boost waves and have to deal with Lorentz transformations of waves. We now have some nderstanding of plane waves or running waves in (...)
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  45. Emergence and Interpretation of Lorentz Invariance.Michel Janssen - unknown
    In the course of his work on optics and electrodynamics in systems moving through the ether, the 19th-century medium for light waves and electric and magnetic fields, Lorentz discovered and exploited the invariance of the free-field Maxwell equations under what Poincaré later proposed to call Lorentz transformations. To account for the negative results of optical experiments aimed at detecting the earth’s motion through the ether, Lorentz, in effect, assumed that the laws governing matter interacting with light (...)
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  46. Relativistic Linear Spacetime Transformations Based on Symmetry.Friedman Yaakov & Gofman Yuriy - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (11):1717-1736.
    Usually the Lorentz transformations are derived from the conservation of the spacetime interval. We propose here a way of obtaining spacetime transformations between two inertial frames directly from symmetry, the isotropy of the space and principle of relativity. The transformation is uniquely defined except for a constant e, that depends only on the process of synchronization of clocks inside each system. Relativistic velocity addition is obtained, and it is shown that the set of velocities is a bounded (...)
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  47.  54
    Coulomb Potential from Lorentz Invariance in N Dimensions.Martin Land - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):597-631.
    Although Maxwell theory is O(3,1)-covariant, electrodynamics only transforms invariantly between Lorentz frames for special forms of the field, and the generator of Lorentz transformations is not generally conserved. Bérard, Grandati, Lages, and Mohrbach have studied the O(3) subgroup, for which they found an extension of the rotation generator that satisfies the canonical angular momentum algebra in the presence of certain Maxwell fields, and is conserved by the classical motion. The extended generator depends on the field strength, but (...)
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  48.  79
    The dependence of lorentz boost generators on the presence and nature of interactions.Gordon N. Fleming - unknown
    The long established but infrequently discussed dependence of Lorentz boost generators on the presence and nature of interactions is reviewed in this tutorial note. The last third of the note presents a discussion of the covariant transformation and evolution equations for the non-conserved partial generators of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group for interacting subsystems.
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  49.  53
    Poynting Theorem, Relativistic Transformation of Total Energy–Momentum and Electromagnetic Energy–Momentum Tensor.Alexander Kholmetskii, Oleg Missevitch & Tolga Yarman - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (2):236-261.
    We address to the Poynting theorem for the bound electromagnetic field, and demonstrate that the standard expressions for the electromagnetic energy flux and related field momentum, in general, come into the contradiction with the relativistic transformation of four-vector of total energy–momentum. We show that this inconsistency stems from the incorrect application of Poynting theorem to a system of discrete point-like charges, when the terms of self-interaction in the product \ and bound electric field \ are generated by the same source (...)
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  50.  62
    On the Non-Lorentz-Invariance of M.W. Evans' O(3)-Symmetry Law.Gerhard W. Bruhn - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (1):3-6.
    In 1992 M.W. Evans proposed the O(3) symmetry of electromagnetic fields by adding a constant longitudinal magnetic field to the well-known transverse electric and magnetic fields of circularly polarized plane waves, such that certain cyclic relations of a so-called O(3) symmetry are fulfilled. Since then M.W. Evans has elevated this O(3) symmetry to the status of a new law of electromagnetics. As a law of physics must be invariant under admissible coordinate transforms, namely Lorentz transforms, in 2000 he published (...)
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