Implementing Poincaré’s geometric conventionalism a scalar Lorentz-covariant gravity model is obtained based on gravitationally modified Lorentz transformations (or GMLT). The modification essentially consists of an appropriate space-time and momentum-energy scaling (“normalization”) relative to a nondynamical flat background geometry according to an isotropic, nonsingular gravitational affecting function Φ(r). Elimination of the gravitationally unaffected S 0 perspective by local composition of space–time GMLT recovers the local Minkowskian metric and thus preserves the invariance of the locally observed velocity of light. The associated energy-momentum GMLT provides a covariant Hamiltonian description for test particles and photons which, in a static gravitational field configuration, endorses the four ‘basic’ experiments for testing General Relativity Theory: gravitational (i) deflection of light, (ii) precession of perihelia, (iii) delay of radar echo, (iv) shift of spectral lines. The model recovers the Lagrangian of the Lorentz–Poincaré gravity model by Torgny Sjödin and integrates elements of the precursor gravitational theories, with spatially Variable Speed of Light (VSL) by Einstein and Abraham, and gravitationally variable mass by Nordström