Long Li [5]Longjie Li [3]Longxian Li [2]Longzhao Li [1]
Longmu Li [1]Long-Yuan Li [1]Longkai Li [1]
  1. Neighbor Similarity Based Agglomerative Method for Community Detection in Networks.Jianjun Cheng, Xing Su, Haijuan Yang, Longjie Li, Jingming Zhang, Shiyan Zhao & Xiaoyun Chen - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-16.
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    Predicting Missing Links Based on a New Triangle Structure.Shenshen Bai, Longjie Li, Jianjun Cheng, Shijin Xu & Xiaoyun Chen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
    With the rapid growth of various complex networks, link prediction has become increasingly important because it can discover the missing information and predict future interactions between nodes in a network. Recently, the CAR and CCLP indexes have been presented for link prediction by means of different triangle structure information. However, both indexes may lose the contributions of some shared neighbors. We propose in this work a new index to make up the weakness and then improve the accuracy of link prediction. (...)
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    Finding Missing Links in Complex Networks: A Multiple-Attribute Decision-Making Method.Longjie Li, Shenshen Bai, Mingwei Leng, Lu Wang & Xiaoyun Chen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
    Link prediction, which aims to forecast potential or missing links in a complex network based on currently observed information, has drawn growing attention from researchers. To date, a host of similarity-based methods have been put forward. Usually, one method harbors the idea that one similarity measure is applicable to various networks, and thus has performance fluctuation on different networks. In this paper, we propose a novel method to solve this issue by regarding link prediction as a multiple-attribute decision-making problem. In (...)
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  4. Physical Activity for Executive Function and Activities of Daily Living in AD Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Lin Zhu, Long Li, Lin Wang, Xiaohu Jin & Huajiang Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objectives: The present study aimed to systematically analyze the effects of physical activity on executive function, working memory, cognitive flexibility, and activities of daily living in Alzheimer's disease patients and to provide a scientific evidence-based exercise prescription.Methods: Both Chinese and English databases were used as sources of data to search for randomized controlled trials published between January 1980 and December 2019 relating to the effects of physical activity on executive function, working memory, cognitive flexibility, and ADL issues in AD patients. (...)
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    Does Number Perception Cause Automatic Shifts of Spatial Attention? A Study of the Att-SNARC Effect in Numbers and Chinese Months.Dexian He, Xianyou He, Tingting Zhao, Jing Wang, Longzhao Li & Max Louwerse - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A nonlinear macroscopic multi-phasic model for describing interactions between solid, fluid and ionic species in biological tissue materials.Long-Yuan Li & Peter M. Pinsky - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (2):300-314.
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    Fu chou guan de xing cha yu quan shi.Longxian Li - 2012 - Taibei shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    《復仇觀的省察與詮釋──先秦兩漢魏晉南北朝隋唐編》一書探討先秦至唐代的「復仇觀」,為跨學科、跨領域、跨文化之研究,作者李隆獻教授運用經傳、史書、經生之詮釋、儒士之論述,以及古注、類書、地志、冥界小說等 資料,透過歷時性考察,兼採宏觀與微觀方式,省察傳統「五倫復仇觀」的源起及其歷代境況與嬗變之跡,探索復仇觀在人類演進過程中的社會、文化意涵,並與不同文化的復仇觀相互映照。全書涉及復仇理論、復仇風氣、復仇 現象、復仇觀及其嬗變、復仇觀與法律的互涉、禮法衝突、鬼靈復仇等,乃當前探討復仇觀視野較為多元、全面的專著。 全書共分六大章: 壹、〈「五倫復仇觀」的源起與嬗變〉,以先秦至漢代─復仇觀確立的關鍵時期─的儒家經典為探討對象,追溯、分析此一觀念的起源與確立過程。中國的復仇觀因儒家思想的影響,逐漸發展為超越血緣復仇的「五倫復仇觀」。 再次就不同時代的儒家經典,考察其對復仇的觀念與態度,又次則比對《春秋》三《傳》復仇觀的異同,「餘論」則舉實例略論西方的復仇觀,「結論」藉由中、西復仇觀的比較,凸顯中國復仇觀在社會化的過程中受儒家思想影 響/規範/形塑,及經典/學術化的現象。 貳、〈先秦至唐代復仇型態的省察與詮釋〉述論先秦至唐代復仇型態的諸面向與典型案例,分析、歸納復仇事件的發展為六階段:一、復仇動機;二、復仇對象;三、復仇方式;四、地方官吏對復仇的態度;五、中央政府對復仇 的態度;六、時人/史傳對復仇的評價。後三階段涉及儒家復仇理論、人情常理與法律之間的往互辯證,為一般研究復仇相關論文較少論述者,有頗多可觀之處。 參、〈兩漢復仇風氣與《公羊》復仇理論關係重探〉,旨在釐清《公羊》「復仇理論」與兩漢復仇風氣的關係,進而詮釋漢代復仇盛行的各種原因。 肆、〈兩漢魏晉南北朝復仇與法律的互涉〉,探討復仇觀在兩漢、魏晉南北朝時期的嬗變之跡以及官方的法令規範與執法態度、輿論所反映的復仇觀與復仇與法律互涉的相關問題等進行省察與詮釋。 伍、〈隋唐時期復仇與法律的互涉〉,旨在探討隋唐復仇現象/復仇觀及其與法律的互涉,透過三個關鍵復仇案例─徐元慶復仇案例與陳子昂議及柳宗元〈駁復讎議〉、張琇兄弟復仇案例、梁悅復仇案例與韓愈〈復讎狀〉─的實 際考察來探討。最後,則析論與復仇相關的二則《唐律》 陸、〈先秦至唐代鬼靈復仇的省察與詮釋〉,透過先秦至唐代具有代表性的鬼靈復仇案例,分析各時代鬼靈復仇的動機、方式、特色,及其與天道、冥府、報應等信仰交涉的情況,探索先秦至唐代民間復仇觀的具體樣貌。 附錄、〈日本復仇觀管窺─以古典文學為重心〉,本文以日本古典文學為重心,管窺日本復仇觀的淵源與嬗變之跡。.
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    Ren ben fa lü guan yan jiu.Long Li & Hongfeng Zhan (eds.) - 2006 - Beijing: Zhongguo she ke chu ban she.
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    Relationship Between Gross Motor Skills and Inhibitory Control in Preschool Children: A Pilot Study.Jiajia Liu, Yiyan Li, Tang Zhou, Yanhua Lu, Menghao Sang, Longkai Li, Chunyi Fang, Wenwen Hu, Xiaojiao Sun, Minghui Quan & Jinyan Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    PurposeGross motor skills and inhibitory control which are both development in preschool stage is significant for preschooler to healthy growth. However, the evidence of relationship between them in preschoolers are still insufficient, most of studies only focus on youth. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine the association between GMS and IC in preschool children.MethodsThis cross-sectional study used baseline data from a previous intervention study of preschoolers conducted in 2018. GMS were assessed by using the Test for Gross (...)
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  10. Wu si shi qi si xiang shi lun.Longmu Li - 1990 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing.
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    "Wen xue xing" wen ti yan jiu: yi yu yan xue zhuan xiang wei can zhao = A study on literariness: centering on the linguistic turn.Long Li - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Xian Qin liang Han li shi xu shi yu lun.Longxian Li - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    中國「歷史敍事」源遠流長,濫觴於商周,成熟於戰國,至兩漢而鼎盛,其文本之豐贍多采,傲視寰宇。本書探討先秦兩漢「歷史敍事」,運用經傳、子史與出土文獻,以《左傳》、《國語》為主,輔以《清華大學藏戰國竹簡( 貳).繫年》、《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(五).姑成家父》,以及歷代經生、儒士之議論,援引「敍事學」、「詮釋學」觀念,綰合傳統經史學、文章學,兼採宏觀與微觀方式,省察中國「歷史敍事」的源起、特色與承變及 其歷史、文化意義,乃當前探討先秦兩漢「歷史敍事」較為多元、全面的專著。.
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    Mind–Body Exercises for PTSD Symptoms, Depression, and Anxiety in Patients With PTSD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Lin Zhu, Long Li, Xiao-zhi Li & Lin Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectivesThis study aims to systematically analyze the effects of mind–body exercises on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, depression, and anxiety in patients with PTSD. Furthermore, it intends to provide scientific evidence-based exercise prescriptions.MethodsChinese and English databases were used as data sources to search for studies on the effects of mind–body exercises on symptoms associated with patients with PTSD from January 1980 to November 2020. After a rigorous screening, 16 eligible randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis.ResultsMind–body exercises exerted a significant (...)
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