Results for 'Lisa Töbel'

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  1. The Subject-as-Object Problem.Lisa Doerksen - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Thinking about oneself as a subject leaves unanswered fundamental questions about one’s identity as an object: about which thing one is, about what kind of thing one is, and about whether one exists at all. I put forward a new way of thinking about these questions by outlining the subject-as-object problem, a problem for inquiry directed at oneself qua subject. I argue that the source of the problem lies in the relationship between a basic precondition for inquiry – that something (...)
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    Two challenges for participatory deliberative democracy: expertise and the workplace.Lisa Herzog - 2020 - Krisis 40 (1):91-98.
    This essay is part of a dossier on Cristina Lafont's book Democracy without Shortcuts.
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    Limits of remote working: the ethical challenges in conducting Mental Health Act assessments during COVID-19.Lisa Schölin, Moira Connolly, Graham Morgan, Laura Dunlop, Mayura Deshpande & Arun Chopra - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):603-607.
    COVID-19 has created additional challenges in mental health services, including the impact of social distancing measures on care and treatment. For situations where a detention under mental health legislation is required to keep an individual safe, psychiatrists may consider whether to conduct an assessment in person or using video technology. The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 does not stipulate that an assessment has to be conducted in person. Yet, the Code of Practice envisions that detention assessments would (...)
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    Movement Matters! Understanding the Developmental Trajectory of Embodied Planning.Lisa Musculus, Azzurra Ruggeri & Markus Raab - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Human motor skills are exceptional compared to other species, no less than their cognitive skills. In this perspective paper, we suggest that “movement matters!,” implying that motor development is a crucial driving force of cognitive development, much more impactful than previously acknowledged. Thus, we argue that to fully understand and explain developmental changes, it is necessary to consider the interaction of motor and cognitive skills. We exemplify this argument by introducing the concept of “embodied planning,” which takes an embodied cognition (...)
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    Virtue, Body, Mind and Spirit in the Shijing: New Perspectives on Pre-Warring States Conceptions of Personhood and Virtue.Lisa Raphals - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (1):28-39.
    This paper addresses the location of virtue within a virtuous person. It examines the relations of body, mind and spirit in the Shijing 詩經, which describes virtue in terms of the bodies and minds of virtuous agents. I argue that virtue is attributed to outward behavior, rather than inner state, and that that behavior is described via the performance of the shen or gong body.
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    When Doing the Right Thing is Impossible.Lisa Tessman - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In this accessible yet throught-provoking work, Lisa Tessman takes us through gripping examples of the impossible demands of morality -- some epic, and others quotidian -- whose central predicament is: How do we make decisions when morality demands we do something that we cannot?
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    Film and ethics: foreclosed encounters.Lisa Downing - 2010 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Libby Saxton.
    Film Ethics considers a range of films and texts of film criticism alongside disparate philosophical discourses of ethics by Levinas, Derrida, Foucault, ...
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  8. Public Health Ethics Theory: Review and Path to Convergence.Lisa M. Lee - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (1):85-98.
    For over 100 years, the field of contemporary public health has existed to improve the health of communities and populations. As public health practitioners conduct their work – be it focused on preventing transmission of infectious diseases, or prevention of injury, or prevention of and cures for chronic conditions – ethical dimensions arise. Borrowing heavily from the ethical tools developed for research ethics and bioethics, the nascent field of public health ethics soon began to feel the limits of the clinical (...)
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    Domain-specific and domain-general processes underlying metacognitive judgments.Lisa M. Fitzgerald, Mahnaz Arvaneh & Paul M. Dockree - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:264-277.
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    A dynamical scan-path model for task-dependence during scene viewing.Lisa Schwetlick, Daniel Backhaus & Ralf Engbert - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (3):807-840.
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  11. Care worker migration and transnational justice.Lisa A. Eckenwiler - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (2):171-183.
    Department of Philosophy and Center for Health Policy, Research and Ethics, George Mason University, 4400 University Avenue, MS 2D7, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA. Tel.: +1 703 993 1724; Fax: +1 5703 993 1555; Email: leckenwi{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> . Abstract Here I consider the migration of health workers and propose a conception of transnational justice that can best address the concerns it raises, including the perpetuation of global health inequities. My focus will be (...)
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    Familial Coercion to Participate in Genetic Family Studies: Is There Cause for IRB Intervention?Lisa S. Parker & Charles W. Lidz - 1994 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 16 (1/2):6.
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    The common and distinct neural bases of affect labeling and reappraisal in healthy adults.Lisa J. Burklund, J. David Creswell, Michael R. Irwin & Matthew D. Lieberman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Genetics, commodification, and social justice in the globalization era.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):221-238.
    : he commercialization of biotechnology, especially research and development by transnational pharmaceutical companies, is already excessive and is increasingly dangerous to distributive justice, human rights, and access of marginal populations to basic human goods. Focusing on gene patenting, this article employs the work of Margaret Jane Radin and others to argue that gene patenting ought to be more highly regulated and that it ought to be regulated with international participation and in view of concerns about solidarity and the common good. (...)
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    Under duress: Community and individual as solace and escape in the Middle East.Lisa Anderson - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (4):512-521.
    Examination of the fluidity of communal and individual identity in the Middle East and North Africa suggests that such identities are not stable, singular or mutually exclusive but shaped by circumstances, particularly political and economic duress. An approach that adopts the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics may be more productive in understanding identity politics in the region and in general.
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    The DSM, big pharma, and clinical practice guidelines: Protecting patient autonomy and informed consent.Lisa Cosgrove - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (1):11-25.
    The author of this paper discusses why the issue of financial conflicts of interest in psychiatry has important public health implications for women and why FCOI complicate the informed consent process. For example, when psychiatric diagnostic and treatment guidelines are unduly influenced by industry, informed consent becomes a critical issue, because women may be assigned diagnostic labels that are not valid and may also be receiving imbalanced or even inaccurate information about their mental health treatment options. However, mere disclosure of (...)
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    Lorenzo valla and the intellectual origins of humanist dialectic.Lisa Jardine - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (2):143-164.
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    Renegotiating Aquinas.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (2):193-217.
    While Roman Catholic feminist ethicists typically endorse moral realism and crosscultural standards of justice, they also have been influenced by the postmodern interrogation of abstract reason and moral universalism. As theologians writing after the Second Vatican Council, they are increasingly sensitive to the communal and ecclesial dimensions of morality and of Christian ethics, and to the integral relation of Christian faith and ethics. This essay will consider two approaches to Catholic feminist ethics that differ in the relative weight they give (...)
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  19. Dismantling the Self/Other Dichotomy in Science: Towards a Feminist Model of the Immune System.Lisa Weasel - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (1):27-44.
    Despite the development of a vast body of literature pertaining to feminism and science, examples of how feminist phifosophies might be applied to scientific theories and practice have been limited. Moreover, most scientists remain unfamiliar with how feminism pertains to their work. Using the example of the immune system, this paper applies three feminist epistemologies feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint theory, and feminist postmodernismtoassess competingchims of immune function within a feminist context.
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  20. Critical Indigenous Philosophy: Disciplinary Challenges Posed by African and Native American Epistemologies.Jennifer Lisa Vest - 2000 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    In this thesis, I examine recent proposals for the creation of African and Native American forms of Indigenous philosophy and show how the discussions and debates in these fields challenge the disciplinary boundaries of modern Academic Western philosophy. With regard to African philosophy, I critique the debates in the Anglophone literature, teasing out those aspects of the debates which pose substantial epistemological challenges to mainstream [Western] philosophy, focusing, in particular, on assumptions about the intersections between philosophy, culture, science, and universality (...)
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    Contribution of transcranial oscillatory stimulation to research on neural networks: an emphasis on hippocampo-neocortical rhythms.Lisa Marshall & Sonja Binder - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  22.  19
    Middle range theory development using King's conceptual system.Lisa Davis - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (4):283-284.
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  23. Ebonics and culturally responsive instruction.Lisa Delpit - 2008 - In Alexandra Miletta & Maureen McCann Miletta (eds.), Classroom Conversations: A Collection of Classics for Parents and Teachers. The New Press.
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    Understanding other's emotions: From affective resonance to empathic action.Lisa A. Parr - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):44-45.
    Empathy is a developmental process whereby individuals come to understand the emotional states of others. While the exact nature of this process remains unknown, PAM's utility is that it establishes empathy along a continuum of behavior ranging from emotional contagion to cognitive forms, a very useful distinction for understanding the phylogeny and ontogeny of this important process. The model will undoubtedly fuel future research, especially from comparative domains where data are most problematic.
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    Biotech and Justice: Catching up with the Real World Order.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (5):34-44.
    Social policy questions in the U.S. are often framed in terms of individual rights, valorizing individual freedom and self‐determination. But this focus obscures the social and economic bases of health and disease. U.S. bioethics, as its counterparts in Africa and Asia have done, needs to restructure its philosophical framework and expand its moral criteria to consider how to define a global ethics.
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    Generalized stacking-faults and screw-dislocation core-structure in bcc iron: A comparison betweenab initiocalculations and empirical potentials.Lisa Ventelon & F. Willaime - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (7-8):1063-1074.
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    Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism.Lisa Kemmerer (ed.) - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    While explicitly set against a backdrop of sexism in social justice activism more generally, this book exposes causes, pervasiveness, harms, and possible directions for change with regard to sexism and male privilege in the animal activist movement. Employing the work of previous scholars, Dr. Lisa Kemmerer exposes the commonplace nature and causes of sexism and male privilege in social justice activism, then focuses on anymal activists, including new data that has not previously been published. The book also explores the (...)
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    The normal genome in twentieth-century evolutionary thought.Lisa Gannett - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (1):143-185.
    The Human Genome Project (HGP) has been criticised from an evolutionary perspective for three reasons: completely ignoring genetic variation; improperly treating either all or some genetic variation as deviation from a norm; and mistakenly seeking to define species in terms of essential properties possessed by all and only member organisms. The first claim is unfounded; the second and third claims are more on target. Nevertheless, it is a mistake to use the typological-population distinction to oppose molecular genetics and evolutionary genetics (...)
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  29. Liberal Rights Theory and Social Inequality: A Feminist Critique.Lisa Schwartzman - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (2):26-47.
    : Liberal rights theory can be used either to challenge or to support social hierarchies of power. Focusing on Ronald Dworkin's theory of rights and Catharine MacKinnon's feminist critique of liberalism, I identify a number of problems with the way that liberal theorists conceptualize rights. I argue that rights can be used to chal-lenge oppressive practices and structures only if they are defined and employed with an awareness and critique of social relations of power.
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    Set size, individuation, and attention to shape.Lisa Cantrell & Linda B. Smith - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):258-267.
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    'Abortion Pill' RU 486: Ethics, Rhetoric, and Social Practice.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (5):5-8.
    RU 486, an experimental drug to terminate early pregnancy, raises again the fundamental questions about the status of the early embryo: What are the morally relevant similarities and differences among contraception, early abortion and late abortion? And how does language affect both our social practices and attitudes concerning those social practices?
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    Catholics and Health Care.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2010 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 7 (1):29-49.
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    Holland, Suzanne, Karen Lebacqz, and Laurie Zoloth, eds. The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2002 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 2 (3):559-562.
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    Myth of Religious Violence: Secular Ideology and the Roots of Modern Conflict – By William T. Cavanaugh.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2012 - Modern Theology 28 (3):561-563.
  35. On Richard McCormick.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1993 - In Allen Verhey & Stephen E. Lammers (eds.), Theological voices in medical ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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    Sex, Marriage, and Community in Christian Ethics.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1983 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 58 (1):72-81.
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    The New Testament and Ethics: Communities of Social Change.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1990 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 44 (4):383-395.
    There is a broad recognition that moral norms are most usefully justified not as mere transcriptions of biblical rules, or even as sophisticated references to key narrative themes, but rather as coherent social embodiments of a community formed by Scripture.
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    Grief at Work: The Death of a Beloved Colleague Is a Loss Publicly and Privately Felt.Lisa Cassidy - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):150-151.
    My best friend Bernard died a few weeks ago after a long illness. We worked in adjacent offices teaching philosophy at our public state college for eighteen years. Bernard could simultaneously discuss Descartes's Third Meditation and cook you the perfect souffle while tossing scraps to his miniature poodle. He was a man of deep understanding, empathy, and humor. All who knew him were blessed.But the fact that I was Bernard's colleague, and nominally his chair, means my private grief is public.One (...)
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    Nine Ideas for Including a Civic Engagement Theme in an Informal Logic Course.Lisa Cassidy - 2018 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 4:100-115.
    A class in informal logic can be an opportunity to do more than just cover the basic material of the subject. Critical Thinking can also foster civic engagement as experiential learning—in the course’s readings, assignments, in-class activities and discussions, and tests. I favor an inclusive understanding of civic engagement: the course theme is engaging with the concerns of the civis. The argument made throughout here is that the civic engagement theme is a way of doing experiential learning in informal logic. (...)
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    Thoughts on the Bioethics of Estranged Biological Kin.Lisa Cassidy - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):32-48.
    This paper considers the bioethics of estranged biological kin, who are biologically related people not in contact with one another (due to adoption, abandonment, or other long-term estrangement). Specifically, I am interested in what is owed to estranged biological kin in the event of medical need. A survey of current bioethics demonstrates that most analyses are not prepared to reckon with the complications of having or being estranged biological kin. For example, adoptees might wonder if a lack of contact with (...)
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  41. Foundational Goods and Private Lives.Lisa Fuller - 2002 - International Journal of Politics and Ethics 1.
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    The distinctiveness effect in the absence of conscious recollection: Evidence from conceptual priming.Lisa Geraci & Suparna Rajaram - 2004 - Journal of Memory and Language 51 (2):217-230.
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    Eigentumsrechte im Finanzsystem.Lisa Herzog - 2014 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62 (3).
    This paper asks how property rights in the financial system can be nor- matively justified. It argues that in the current financial system, we find property rights with very different normative bases, some of which are stronger than others. In fact, there is a systematic gap between the normative priorities (which property rights deserve protection?) and the de facto priorities (which property rights are in fact protected?). I draw on the three traditional approaches for justifying property rights, along Hegelian, Lockean (...)
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    Response.Lisa Bridle - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (2-3):225-226.
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    The Cult of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias in Caria.Lisa R. Brody - 2001 - Kernos 14:93-109.
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    Bioethics, the Gospel, and Political Engagement.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2015 - Christian Bioethics 21 (3):247-261.
    The substantive center of Christian ethics is Jesus’s ministry of the kingdom or reign of God, and its preferential inclusion of the poor, the outcast, and the sinner. What defines a gospel-based bioethics is a hopeful, practical commitment to improve the health of those who are most vulnerable to illness and early death because they lack basic needs. This commitment is distinctive of Christian bioethics, if not “unique” in the sense that no other bioethical approaches or traditions share it. To (...)
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    Malebranche and Ideas.Treatise on Nature and Grace.Lisa Downing, Steven Nadler, Nicolas Malebranche & Patrick Riley - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (1):122.
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    Applying aesthetics to everyday life: methodologies, history and new directions.Lisa Giombini & Adrián Kvokačka (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Applying Aesthetics to Everyday Life surveys current debates in the field of everyday aesthetics, examining its history, methodology and intersections with cognate research areas. Lisa Giombini and Adrián Kvokacka bring together an international team of renowned scholars who are shaping the present and future of the discipline. They demonstrate how the historical origins of everyday aesthetics emerges across the history of Western aesthetic thought, from Renaissance thinkers to the modern German philosophers Baumgarten, Kant and Heidegger. Chapters shed light on (...)
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    Women in Science Now: Stories and Strategies for Achieving Equity.Lisa M. P. Munoz - 2023 - Columbia University Press.
    Women working in the sciences face obstacles at virtually every step along their career paths. From subtle slights to blatant biases, deep systemic problems block women from advancing or push them out of science and technology entirely. Women in Science Now examines solutions to this persistent gender gap, offering new perspectives on how to make science more equitable and inclusive for all. This book shares stories and insights of women from a range of backgrounds working in various disciplines, illustrating the (...)
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    Unconscious processing of arabic numerals in unilateral neglect.Marinella Cappelletti & Lisa Cipolotti - 2006 - Neuropsychologia 44 (10):1999-2006.
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