Results for 'Linnart Mäll'

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  1.  19
    Humanistlike baastekstide kontseptsioonist. Kokkuvõte.Linnart Mäll - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:288-289.
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    On the concept of humanistic base texts.Linnart Mäll - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:281-287.
    I elaborated the concept of humanistic base texts when I was translating lndian and Chinese classical texts into Estonian. At present, I would classify as such the following works: "Bhagavadgītā", a part of Buddhist text's, "Lunyu" by Confucius and the Gospels according to Luke, Matthew and Mark, to mention only a few. This article gives a general survey of the concept, to be specified in the papers to follow.
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  3. How the Mind Explains Behavior: Folk Explanations, Meaning, and Social Interaction.Bertram F. Malle - 2004 - MIT Press.
    In this provocative monograph, Bertram Malle describes behavior explanations as having a dual nature -- as being both cognitive and social acts -- and proposes...
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  4. Malle, Bertram F. (2002) the Relation Between Language and Theory of Mind in Development and Evolution.Bertram F. Malle - 2002 - [Book Chapter].
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    Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition.Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.) - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Highlights the roles of intention and intentionality in social cognition.
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  6. Actor-observer asymmetries in explanations of behavior: New answers to an old question.Bertram F. Malle, Joshua Knobe & S. Nelson - 2007 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 9 (4):491-514.
    A long series of studies in social psychology have shown that the explanations people give for their own behaviors are fundamentally different from the explanations they give for the behaviors of others. Still, a great deal of uncertainty remains about precisely what sorts of differences one finds here. We offer a new approach to addressing the problem. Specifically, we distinguish between two levels of representation ─ the level of linguistic structure (which consists of the actual series of words used in (...)
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    Introduction: The significance of intentionality.Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 1--24.
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    Intentionality, Morality, and Their Relationship in Human Judgment.Bertram Malle - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):61-86.
    This article explores several entanglements between human judgments of intentionality and morality (blame and praise). After proposing a model of people’s folk concept of intentionality I discuss three topics. First, considerations of a behavior’s intentionality a ff ect people’s praise and blame of that behavior, but one study suggests that there may be an asymmetry such that blame is more affected than praise. Second, the concept of intentionality is constitutive of many legal judgments (e.g., of murder vs. manslaughter), and one (...)
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    The Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology.Bertram F. Malle & Philip Robbins (eds.) - 2025 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
    Moral psychology—broadly speaking, the study of how people reason and act morally—has a long and productive history. Initially a subfield of philosophy, it posed groundbreaking questions about the nature of values and virtues, the balance of reason and emotion, and the gap between “is” and “ought.” In the twentieth century, the rise of psychology expanded the a priori philosophical enterprise into an empirical science. In psychology, perspectives of development, social interaction, cognition, and neuroscience brought new understanding and new questions. Over (...)
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  10. El Hegel de Hegel y el Hegel de Marx.Rubén Salazar Mallén - 1966 - México,: B. Costa-Amic.
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    AI in the Sky: How People Morally Evaluate Human and Machine Decisions in a Lethal Strike Dilemma.Bertram F. Malle, Stuti Thapa Magar & Matthias Scheutz - 2019 - In Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, João Silva Sequeira, Gurvinder Singh Virk, Mohammad Osman Tokhi & Endre E. Kadar (eds.), Robotics and Well-Being. Springer Verlag. pp. 111-133.
    Even though morally competent artificial agents have yet to emerge in society, we need insights from empirical science into how people will respond to such agents and how these responses should inform agent design. Three survey studies presented participants with an artificial intelligence agent, an autonomous drone, or a human drone pilot facing a moral dilemma in a military context: to either launch a missile strike on a terrorist compound but risk the life of a child, or to cancel the (...)
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    The distinction between desire and intention: A folk-conceptual analysis.Bertram F. Malle & Joshua Knobe - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 45--67.
  13.  32
    Folk theories of consciousness.Bertram F. Malle - 2009 - In William P. Banks (ed.), Encyclopedia of Consciousness. Elsevier. pp. 251-263.
    People’s folk theory of consciousness encompasses three prototypes of conscious mental functioning: monitoring (awareness), choice, and subjective experience. All three are embedded in a broader folk theory of mind and thus closely linked to the concept of intentionality, action explanation, and a conception of free will. At least some of the prototypes of consciousness play a critical role in the assignment of personhood and responsibility. Recent discussions question the viability of folk conceptions of consciousness in light of work on the (...)
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  14. Modern moral psychology: A guide to the terrain.Bertram F. Malle & Philip Robbins - 2025 - In Bertram F. Malle & Philip Robbins (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
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  15. Integrating robot ethics and machine morality: the study and design of moral competence in robots.Bertram F. Malle - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (4):243-256.
    Robot ethics encompasses ethical questions about how humans should design, deploy, and treat robots; machine morality encompasses questions about what moral capacities a robot should have and how these capacities could be computationally implemented. Publications on both of these topics have doubled twice in the past 10 years but have often remained separate from one another. In an attempt to better integrate the two, I offer a framework for what a morally competent robot would look like and discuss a number (...)
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  16. Modern moral psychology: An introduction to the terrain.Bertram F. Malle & Philip Robbins - 2025 - In Bertram F. Malle & Philip Robbins (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
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    Studie zur indischen Philosophie und Soziologie: zur vergleichenden Philosophie u. Soziologie.Ram Adhar Mall - 1974 - Meisenheim (am Glan): Hain.
  18. (1 other version)Of windmills and straw men: Folk assumptions of mind and action.Bertram F. Malle - 2004 - In Susan Pockett (ed.), Does consciousness cause behaviour? Mit Press. pp. 207-231.
  19.  83
    Attributions as behavior explanations: Toward a new theory.Bertram Malle - 2003
    Attribution theory has played a major role in social-psychological research. Unfortunately, the term attribution is ambiguous. According to one meaning, forming an attribution is making a dispositional (trait) inference from behavior; according to another meaning, forming an attribution is giving an explanation (especially of behavior). The focus of this paper is on the latter phenomenon of behavior explanations. In particular, I discuss a new theory of explanation that provides an alternative to classic attribution theory as it dominates the textbooks and (...)
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  20.  24
    Spontaneous perspective taking toward robots: The unique impact of humanlike appearance.Xuan Zhao & Bertram F. Malle - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105076.
  21. Can Unintended Side Effects be Intentional? Resolving a Controversy Over Intentionality and Morality.Steve Guglielmo & Bertram F. Malle - 2010 - Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36:1635-1647.
    Can an event’s blameworthiness distort whether people see it as intentional? In controversial recent studies, people judged a behavior’s negative side effect intentional even though the agent allegedly had no desire for it to occur. Such a judgment contradicts the standard assumption that desire is a necessary condition of intentionality, and it raises concerns about assessments of intentionality in legal settings. Six studies examined whether blameworthy events distort intentionality judgments. Studies 1 through 4 show that, counter to recent claims, intentionality (...)
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    Folk explanations of intentional action.Bertram F. Malle - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 265--286.
  23.  67
    Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Gap Between Self and Others.Bertram F. Malle & Sara D. Hodges (eds.) - 2005 - Guilford.
    Leading scholars from psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy present theories and findings on understanding how individuals infer such complex mental states ...
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    People's judgments of humans and robots in a classic moral dilemma.Bertram F. Malle, Matthias Scheutz, Corey Cusimano, John Voiklis, Takanori Komatsu, Stuti Thapa & Salomi Aladia - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105958.
  25. Distinguishing Hope from Optimism and Related Affective States.Patricia Bruininks & Bertram F. Malle - 2006 - Motivation and Emotion 29 (4):324--352.
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  26. The folk concept of intentionality.Joshua Knobe & Bertram Malle - 1997 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 33:101-121.
    When perceiving, explaining, or criticizing human behavior, people distinguish between intentional and unintentional actions. To do so, they rely on a shared folk concept of intentionality. In contrast to past speculative models, this article provides an empirically-based model of this concept. Study 1 demonstrates that people agree substantially in their judgments of intentionality, suggesting a shared underlying concept. Study 2 reveals that when asked to directly define the term intentional, people mention four components of intentionality: desire, belief, intention, and awareness. (...)
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    Philosophie als Therapie: eine interkulturelle Perspektive.Ram Adhar Mall - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. Edited by Damian Peikert.
    Angeregt durch Pierre Hadots bahnbrechendes Buch Philosophie als Lebensform ist in den letzten Jahren das griechische und romische Denken als eine Art philosophische Praxis in den Blick gekommen. Philosophie sei nicht nur eine Schule des Denkens, sondern auch eine Schule des Lebens. Philosophie eroffne die Moglichkeit einer Bekehrung des Menschen, die das ganze Leben verandert und das Wesen desjenigen verwandelt, der sie vollzieht. Im Zusammenspiel von vita contemplativa und vita activa vermag ein Mensch eine Lebenseinstellung zu kultivieren, die auch dann (...)
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  28. [Book Chapter] (in Press).Bertram F. Malle - 2003
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  29. The relation between language and theory of mind in development and evolution.Bertram F. Malle - 2002 - In Malle, Bertram F. (2002) the Relation Between Language and Theory of Mind in Development and Evolution. [Book Chapter]. pp. 265-284.
    Considering the close relation between language and theory of mind in development and their tight connection in social behavior, it is no big leap to claim that the two capacities have been related in evolution as well. But what is the exact relation between them? This paper attempts to clear a path toward an answer. I consider several possible relations between the two faculties, bring conceptual arguments and empirical evidence to bear on them, and end up arguing for a version (...)
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    Eros et labor.Laurence Mall - 2007 - Clio 25:217-247.
    Dans son immense Tableau de Paris (1781-1788), Mercier accorde une place inhabituelle au travail des femmes, surtout des femmes du peuple. Or ce ne sont pas les conditions de travail en soi ou la production des travailleuses mais leur corps sexué, leur moralité et leur identité sociale qu’il situe au premier plan. Ses esquisses et descriptions sont fortement érotisées: le travail est envisagé comme mise à l’épreuve physique et morale du (beau) sexe. C’est au travail que peuvent se tisser des (...)
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    Gérard Genette, Figures of Literary Discourse.James Mall - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (4):454-455.
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    Hans-Georg Gadamers Hermeneutik interkulturell gelesen.Ram Adhar Mall - 2005 - Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz.
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  33. (1 other version)Folk theory of mind: Conceptual foundations of social cognition.Bertram F. Malle - 2003 - In [Book Chapter] (in Press). pp. 225-255.
    The human ability to represent, conceptualize, and reason about mind and behavior is one of the greatest achievements of human evolution and is made possible by a “folk theory of mind” — a sophisticated conceptual framework that relates different mental states to each other and connects them to behavior. This chapter examines the nature and elements of this framework and its central functions for social cognition. As a conceptual framework, the folk theory of mind operates prior to any particular conscious (...)
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  34. The God of phenomenology in comparative contrast to that of philosophy and theology.R. A. Mall - 1991 - Husserl Studies 8 (1):1-15.
    The work deals with Husserl's phenomenology of religion. The God of phenomenology in comparative contrast to that of philosophy and theology has to be a noematic correlate of a noetically lived experience. To this extend the idea of God is phenomenologically meaningful. Still the chasm between the God of phenomenology and that of theology remains unbridged. Husserl might have reconciled the two in his own person. Still there is some evidence that Husserl lived through the tension between his being a (...)
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  35. From Uncaused Will to Conscious Choice: The Need to Study, Not Speculate About People’s Folk Concept of Free Will.Andrew E. Monroe & Bertram F. Malle - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (2):211-224.
    People’s concept of free will is often assumed to be incompatible with the deterministic, scientific model of the universe. Indeed, many scholars treat the folk concept of free will as assuming a special form of nondeterministic causation, possibly the notion of uncaused causes. However, little work to date has directly probed individuals’ beliefs about what it means to have free will. The present studies sought to reconstruct this folk concept of free will by asking people to define the concept (Study (...)
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    Three puzzles of mindreading.Bertram F. Malle - 2005 - In Bertram F. Malle & Sara D. Hodges (eds.), Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Gap Between Self and Others. Guilford. pp. 26--43.
  37.  25
    Directions and Challenges in Studying Folk Concepts and Folk Judgments.Bertram Malle & Steven Guglielmo - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):321-329.
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    Experience and reason.Ram Adhar Mall - 1973 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    INTRODUCTORY The twin concepts of "experience" and "reason" are the most deceitful in the long history of philosophy and there are theories based on them which represent extreme forms of empiricism and rationalism. The rationalism is generally contrasted with empiricism and this contrast depends on the opposition btween experience and reason. These problems are as old as the life of philospohy and philosophers have always struggled hard to overcome the traditional opposition between these two concepts...The present work thematizes this age-old (...)
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  39.  16
    The now and future of social robots as depictions.Bertram F. Malle & Xuan Zhao - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e39.
    The authors at times propose that robots are mere depictions of social agents (a philosophical claim) and at other times that people conceive of social robots as depictions (an empirical psychological claim). We evaluate each claim's accuracy both now and in the future and, in doing so, we introduce two dangerous misperceptions people have, or will have, about social robots.
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    Philosophy and philosophies – cross-culturally considered.Ram Adhar Mall - 1998 - Topoi 17 (1):15-27.
  41. The best country in the world?: India, where the cow is the holy mother.Sangeeta Mall - 2017 - Australian Humanist, The 125:5.
    Mall, Sangeeta The most popular Indian street food is the pani puri. The snack is a combination of solid and liquid, a watery bomb of sweet, sour and tangy flavours, a complete sensory delight, much like Indian society, though 'delight' might not be the right descriptor at times. Freedom of expression, individual rights, civil liberties, equality before law, all the cornerstones of a democracy, have been given to the Indian people by the founding fathers in the form of a robust (...)
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    Ida mõtteloo leksikon: Lõuna- Ida- ja Sise-Aasia.Linnart Mäll - 2006 - Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Orientalistikakeskus. Edited by Märt Läänemets & Teet Toome.
  43. Attribution processes.B. F. Malle - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 14--913.
  44.  9
    Ébouriffer le Saint-Esprit : le regard impertinent de Diderot sur la peinture religieuse dans les Salons.Laurence Mall - 2022 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 30 (2):91-103.
    Dans ses volumineux Salons rédigés pour la Correspondance littéraire de Grimm, Diderot, un des pionniers de la critique d’art, décrit et juge les peintures exposées au Salon carré du Louvre sous l’égide de l’Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. Lorsqu’est en jeu la peinture à sujet religieux, encore abondante à son époque, le salonnier adopte différentes positions, de la neutralité à la satire. Les figures religieuses dans certains tableaux (dévots, saints, personnages divins) suscitent cependant l’adoption occasionnelle d’une stratégie critique (...)
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    Balzac: Semiotique du personnage romanesque: l'exemple d'Eugenie Grandet.James Mall, Roland Le Huenen & Paul Perron - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (4):469.
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  46. Encuentros culturales históricos. Hermenéutica de la Interculturalidad.R. A. Mall - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 74:1-10.
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    Hume's concept of man.Ram Adhar Mall - 1967 - New York,: Allied Publishers.
  48. (1 other version)Intentional action in folk psychology.Bertram F. Malle - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Blackwell.
  49. Metonymic Reflections on Shankara's Concept of Brahman and Plato's Seventh Epistle.Ram A. Mall - 1991 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 9:89-102.
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    Nagarjunas Philosophie interkulturell gelesen.Ram Adhar Mall - 2006 - Nordhausen: Bautz.
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