Results for 'Linda Hassing'

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  1.  48
    Does Venture Capital Backing Improve Disclosure Controls and Procedures? Evidence from Management’s Post-IPO Disclosures.Douglas Cumming, Lars Helge Hass, Linda A. Myers & Monika Tarsalewska - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (3):539-563.
    Firm managers make ethical decisions regarding the form and quality of disclosure. Disclosure can have long-term implications for performance, earnings manipulation, and even fraud. We investigate the impact of venture capital (VC) backing on the quality and informativeness of disclosure controls and procedures for newly public companies. We find that these controls and procedures are stronger, as evidenced by fewer material weaknesses in internal control under Section 302 of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, when companies are VC-backed. Moreover, these disclosures are informative (...)
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  2. Psychological Health in the Retirement Transition: Rationale and First Findings in the HEalth, Ageing and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS) Study.Magnus Lindwall, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Pär Bjälkebring, Sandra Buratti, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing, Georg Henning, Marie Kivi, Stefanie König, Valgeir Thorvaldsson & Boo Johansson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:277690.
    From an aging research and life-course perspective, the transition to retirement marks a significant life-event and provides a unique opportunity to study psychological health and coping during a period of substantial change in everyday life. The aim of the present paper is to: (a) outline the rationale of the HEalth, Ageing and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS) study, (b) describe the study sample, and (c) to present some initial results from the two first waves regarding the association between retirement status (...)
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  3. Mayan morality: An exploration of permissible harms.Linda Abarbanell & Marc D. Hauser - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):207-224.
    Anthropologists have provided rich field descriptions of the norms and conventions governing behavior and interactions in small-scale societies. Here, we add a further dimension to this work by presenting hypothetical moral dilemmas involving harm, to a small-scale, agrarian Mayan population, with the specific goal of exploring the hypothesis that certain moral principles apply universally. We presented Mayan participants with moral dilemmas translated into their native language, Tseltal. Paralleling several studies carried out with educated subjects living in large-scale, developed nations, the (...)
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    The Effect of Interactional Fairness and Detection on Taxpayers’ Compliance Intentions.Linda Thorne, Steven E. Kaplan & Jonathan Farrar - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):167-180.
    Although the role of fairness in tax compliance has been of increasing interest among the academic and professional tax communities, very little is known about the role of interactional fairness. Interactional fairness refers to the quality of the treatment provided to individuals from authority figures, such as tax authority representatives. We conduct an experiment using US taxpayers to examine the role of interactional fairness on tax compliance intentions, and how detection influences this relation. Taxpayers’ detection salience reflects their perceptions that (...)
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    Normative And Empirical Business Ethics: Separation, Marriage Of Convenience, Or Marriage Of Necessity?Linda Klebe Trevino - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):129-143.
    Abstract:This paper outlines three conceptions of the relationship between normative and empirical business ethics, views we refer to asparallel, symbiotic, andintegrative. Parallelism rejects efforts to link normative and empirical inquiry, for both conceptual and practical reasons. The symbiotic position supports a practical relationship in which normative and/or empirical business ethics rely on each other for guidance in setting agenda or in applying the results of their conceptually and methodologically distinct inquiries. Theoretical integration countenances a deeper merging ofprima faciedistinct forms of (...)
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  6. The sociobiology of sociopathy: An integrated evolutionary model.Linda Mealey - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18:523-541.
    Sociopaths are “outstanding” members of society in two senses: politically, they draw our attention because of the inordinate amount of crime they commit, and psychologically, they hold our fascination because most ofus cannot fathom the cold, detached way they repeatedly harm and manipulate others. Proximate explanations from behavior genetics, child development, personality theory, learning theory, and social psychology describe a complex interaction of genetic and physiological risk factors with demographic and micro environmental variables that predispose a portion of the population (...)
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    Emotion and memory narrowing: A review and goal-relevance approach.Linda J. Levine & Robin S. Edelstein - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (5):833-875.
    People typically show excellent memory for information that is central to an emotional event but poorer memory for peripheral details. Not all studies demonstrate memory narrowing as a result of emotion, however. Critically important emotional information is sometimes forgotten; seemingly peripheral details are sometimes preserved. To make sense of both the general pattern of findings that emotion leads to memory narrowing, and findings that violate this pattern, this review addresses mechanisms through which emotion enhances and impairs memory. Divergent approaches to (...)
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  8.  69
    Naming in young children: a dumb attentional mechanism?Linda B. Smith, Susan S. Jones & Barbara Landau - 1996 - Cognition 60 (2):143-171.
  9.  80
    The Socio-Cultural Embeddedness of Individuals' Ethical Reasoning in Organizations (Cross-Cultural Ethics).Linda Thorne & Susan Bartholomew Saunders - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (1):1 - 14.
    While models of business ethics increasingly recognize that ethical behavior varies cross-culturally, scant attention has been given to understanding how culture affects the ethical reasoning process that predicates individuals' ethical actions. To address this gap, this paper illustrates how culture may affect the various components of individuals' ethical reasoning by integrating findings from the cross-cultural management literature with cognitive-developmental perspective. Implications for future research and transnational organizations are discussed.
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  10. Merleau-ponty on the concept of style.Linda Singer - 1981 - Man and World 14 (2):153-163.
    This essay traces the development of the concept of style in merleau- ponty's thought as both an aesthetic and an ontological category. the importance of this concept is that what merleau-ponty first noticed as the signifying potential of style in painting develops into a general category descriptive of a more comprehensive aspect of our being-in-the-world. style is crucial for merleau-ponty's thought since it provides a way of describing the foundational field of meaning that perception discloses, and also of characterizing the (...)
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  11. On the Virtue of Minding Our Own Business.Linda Radzik - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (2):173-182.
    Sometimes we should mind our own business. But at other times it would be wrong to mind one's own business. This paper explores the tension between these two claims by presenting a tendency to mind one's own business as an Aristotelian-style virtue. It is furthered argued that this is a different virtue than tolerance.
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  12.  38
    Action Alters Shape Categories.Linda B. Smith - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (4):665-679.
    Two experiments show that action alters the shape categories formed by 2-year-olds. Experiment 1 shows that moving an object horizontally (or vertically) defines the horizontal (or vertical) axis as the main axis of elongation and systematically changes the range of shapes seen as similar. Experiment 2 shows that moving an object symmetrically (or asymmetrically) also alters shape categories. Previous work has shown marked developmental changes in object recognition between 1 and 3 years of age. These results suggest a role for (...)
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  13. Reconciliation.Linda Radzik & Colleen Murphy - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Particular conceptions of reconciliation vary across a number of dimensions. As section 1 explains, the kind of relationship at issue in a specific context affects the type of improvement in relations that might be necessary in order to qualify as reconciliation. Reconciliation is widely taken to be a scalar concept. Section 2 discusses the spectrum of intensity along which kinds of improvement in relationships fall, and indicates why, in particular contexts, theorists often disagree about the point along this spectrum that (...)
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  14. Dehumanizing Women: Treating Persons as Sex Objects.Linda LeMoncheck - 1985 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The book is designed to be of interest to women's studies students wishing an introduction to a specifically philosophical analysis of the problem of sex objectification, as well as to philosophers interested in the contemporary moral issues of sexism and sex stereotyping.
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    (1 other version)The Cultural Fix: An Anthropological Contribution to Science and Technology Studies.Linda L. Layne - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (4):492-519.
    Since at least the 1960s, science and technology studies scholars have distinguished between technological and social fixes. The author introduces a new concept for the STS theoretical tool kit—the cultural fix—and illustrates this concept using examples from her own research on pregnancy loss and neonatal intensive care, as well as that of anthropologists Katherine Newman and Sherry Ortner on downward mobility and unemployment in the United States. It is argued that the cultural fix represents a distinctive anthropological contribution to the (...)
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  16.  24
    Jarry and the pragmatics of iconophilia.Linda Klieger Stillman - 1986 - Semiotica 58 (1-2):123-138.
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  17. Public Attitudes Toward Animal Research: Some International Comparisons.Linda Pifer, Kinya Shimizu & Ralph Pifer - 1994 - Society and Animals 2 (2):95-113.
    A comparative analysis was made of the public's attitudes toward the use of animals in scientific research in 15 different nations. The intensity of opposition to animal research was found to vary from relatively low levels in Japan and the United States to much higher levels in France, Belgium, and Great Britain. More women than men were opposed to animal research in all 15 nations. Scientific knowledge, or the lack of knowledge, was not found to have a consistent relationship with (...)
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  18.  82
    Privacy and the Standing to Hold Responsible.Linda Radzik - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (3-4):333-354.
    In order to be held responsible, it is not enough that you’ve done something blameworthy, someone else must also have the standing to hold you responsible. But a number of critics have claimed that this concept of ‘standing’ doesn’t hold up to scrutiny and that we should excise it from our analyses of accountability practices. In this paper, I examine James Edwards’ (2019) attempt to define standing. I pose objections to some key features of Edwards’ account and defend an alternative. (...)
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  19.  30
    Standing and Accountability.Linda Radzik - 2023 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 68 (2):153–159.
    Increasingly, philosophers who write about moral responsibility and accountability practices invoke the concept of “standing,” a term they claim to borrow from legal contexts. Yet critics point out that these philosophers have been maddeningly unclear about what standing is. Worse yet, no single account of the concept of “standing” seems to accommodate its current usage. This essay presents a thin account of standing, defends its usefulness in philosophical analyses of accountability practices, and develops further conceptual tools for thinking about standing.
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  20.  55
    (2 other versions)Handbook for health care ethics committees.Linda Farber Post - 2007 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Blustein & Nancy N. Dubler.
    The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires as a condition of accreditation that every health care institution -- hospital, nursing home, or home care agency -- have a standing mechanism to address ethical issues. Most organizations have chosen to fulfill this requirement with an interdisciplinary ethics committee. The best of these committees are knowledgeable, creative, and effective resources in their institutions. Many are wellmeaning but lack the information, experience, and skills to negotiate adequately the complex ethical (...)
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  21.  66
    Judging Politically: Symposium on Linda M. G. Zerilli’s A Democratic Theory of Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2016.Hélène Landemore, Davide Panagia & Linda M. G. Zerilli - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):611-642.
  22.  18
    A model of perceptual classification in children and adults.Linda B. Smith - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (1):125-144.
  23.  22
    Reflecting and Advancing the Transformation: Catholic Theological Ethics and the Journal of Religious Ethics, 1973–2023.Linda Hogan - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (2):236-261.
    This essay considers how the JRE has engaged Catholic ethics in the last 50 years and how the concerns of Catholic ethics during this period of exceptional change are reflected and developed in the JRE. It discusses the transformation of Catholic ethics by focusing on the transitions: (i) from classical to historical consciousness; (ii) from an essentialist concept of human nature to a dynamic concept of the moral subject; (iii) from abstract to contextual moral reason; and (iv) from a discourse (...)
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  24.  50
    Ethical Decision-Making Differences Between Philippines and United States Students.Linda Flaming, Gilda Agacer & Nancy Uddin - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (1):65-79.
    In today's global marketplace, the Philippines provide a unique example of an Asian culture with established economic ties to the West. In this study, Philippine and United States undergraduate business students responded to 13 vignettes describing questionable ethical actions in business situations. Results reveal significant differences between groups for 9 of the 13 vignettes. For 4 vignettes, Philippine participants were more disapproving of the actions, and for another 5, United States participants were more disapproving. The study suggests that cultural differences (...)
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  25.  49
    Whose DAM account? Attentional learning explains Booth and Waxman.Linda B. Smith, Susan S. Jones, Hanako Yoshida & Eliana Colunga - 2003 - Cognition 87 (3):209-213.
  26. Pain: Ethics, Culture, and Informed Consent to Relief.Linda Farber Post, Jeffrey Blustein, Elysa Gordon & Nancy Neveloff Dubler - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (4):348-359.
    As medical technology becomes more sophisticate the ability to manipulate nature and manage disease forces the dilemma of when can becomes ought. Indeed, most bioethical discourse is framed in terms of balancing the values and interests and the benefits and burdens that inform principled decisions about how, when, and whether interventions should occur. Yet, despite advances in science and technology, one caregiver mandate remains as constant and compelling as it was for the earliest shaman—the relief of pain. Even when cure (...)
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  27.  12
    Research based on existing clinical data and biospecimens: a systematic study of patients’ opinions.Arne Einar Vaaler, Linda Tømmerdal Roten & Hilde Eikemo - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundThe aim of the present survey was to investigate newly discharged hospital patients’ opinions on secondary use of their hospital data and biospecimens within the context of health research in general and, more specifically, on genetic research, data sharing across borders and cooperation with the health industry.MethodsA paper questionnaire was sent to 1049 consecutive newly discharged hospital patients.ResultsThe vast majority of the respondents preferred to be informed or to receive no notification at all for secondary research on their health data (...)
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    Traders’ Networks of Interactions and Structural Properties of Financial Markets: An Agent-Based Approach.Linda Ponta & Silvano Cincotti - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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  29. Justice in the family: A defence of feminist contractarianism.Linda Radzik - 2005 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 22 (1):45–54.
    Jean Hampton argues that we can detect exploitation in personal relationships by thinking about what we would agree to were we to set aside the emotional benefits we receive from those relationships. Hampton calls her account "feminist contractarianism," but it has recently been critiqued as decidedly unfeminist, on the grounds that it is hostile to women's interests and women's values. Furthermore, Hampton's requirement that we imaginatively distance ourselves from our emotional connections to our loved ones--the key element in her contractarian (...)
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    Chisholm and Brentano on intentionality.Linda L. McAlister - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (2):328-338.
    In the following we shall see, however, that Chisholm’s interpretation of Brentano’s intentionality doctrine is not wholly accurate, and that while the doctrine he sets forth as Brentano’s is an interesting and provocative one, it gives a misleading impression of what Brentano’s views actually were, by obscuring almost entirely the specific nature of the question Brentano was trying to solve, and by misreading the answer Brentano gave. If only for the sake of historical accuracy a corrective should be given, but, (...)
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  31.  26
    Facial self-perception: Its relation to objective appearance and self-concept.John B. Pittenger & Linda Musun Baskett - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):167-170.
  32.  9
    New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility: Locating the Missing Link.Stefan Heinemann, Linda O'Riordan & Piotr Zmuda (eds.) - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer Gabler.
    Providing a timely contribution to the ongoing questions surrounding topics which are by definition subject to varying stakeholder interpretations, this book addresses "the missing link" between theoretical CSR concepts and everyday management practice. It acts as a guide to awaken managers to the advantages of adopting a CSR "mindset" when developing sustainable business strategies. The book consists of three parts: 1) A theoretical realm which establishes the key concepts and rationale for the adoption of a sustainable CSR approach, 2) A (...)
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  33. Is It Morally Right to Use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in War?Linda Johansson - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (3):279-291.
    Several robotic automation systems, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are being used in combat today. This evokes ethical questions. In this paper, it is argued that UAVs, more than any other weapon, may determine which normative theory the interpretation of the laws of war (LOW) will be based on. UAVs have advantages in terms of reducing casualties for the UAV possessor, but they may at the same time make war seem more like a risk-free enterprise, much like a computer (...)
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  34. Science versus Society? Adversarial Attitudes in the Understanding of GM.Linda Hadfield - 2008 - In R. C. Hillerbrand & R. Karlsson, Beyond the Global Village. Environmental Challenges inspiring Global Citizenship. The Interdisciplinary Press.
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    Decisions at the End of Life Guided by Communities of Patients.Linda L. Emanuel & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (5):6.
    To guide treatment decisions for incompetent patients who have no advance directives, health care institutions should look to the preferences of their own communities of patients. That is the best way to ensure that incompetent patients' wishes will be followed.
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    Remembering facts versus feelings in the wake of political events.Linda J. Levine, Gillian Murphy, Heather C. Lench, Ciara M. Greene, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Carla Tinti, Susanna Schmidt, Barbara Muzzulini, Rebecca Hofstein Grady, Shauna M. Stark & Craig E. L. Stark - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-20.
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    Microfinance, Mission Drift, and the Impact on the Base of the Pyramid: A Resource‐Based Approach.R. Mitch Casselman & Linda M. Sama - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (4):437-461.
    This article draws on resource‐based theory and the literature on strategic intent to develop a theoretical model that explains the concept of mission drift in microfinance institutions . We argue that the differential strategic intents of commercially oriented, for‐profit, and socially oriented nonprofit organizations drive the acquisition of disparate resources and capabilities, which in turn drives distinct performance outcomes, including a focus on different markets within the overall base of the pyramid . The article suggests that it is the dynamic (...)
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  38. Sartre's Ethics of Authenticity.Linda A. Bell - 1992 - Studies in Soviet Thought 43 (1):64-65.
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  39.  13
    Two scientific perspectives on nerve signal propagation: how incompatible approaches jointly promote progress in explanatory understanding.Linda Holland, Henk W. de Regt & Benjamin Drukarch - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (4):1-25.
    We present a case study of two scientific perspectives on the phenomenon of nerve signal propagation, a bio-electric and a thermodynamic perspective, and compare this case with two accounts of scientific perspectivism: those of Michela Massimi and Juha Saatsi, respectively. We demonstrate that the interaction between the bio-electric perspective and the thermodynamic perspective can be captured in Saatsi’s terms of progress in explanatory understanding. Using insights from our case study, we argue that both the epistemic and pragmatic dimensions of scientific (...)
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    Interpretation of Law as Language Game: The Game of Giving and Asking for Reasons in the Courtroom.Linda Tvrdíková - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (2):549-565.
    In this text we will focus on the interpretation of law, specifically on the question of how the meaning of legal texts is created and recreated through judicial interpretation of law. To be able to explain how this happens, we will use the philosophy of language, in particular the philosophy of the late Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wilfrid Sellars and Robert B. Brandom. In their view, language is not a tool that serves primarily and exclusively to describe a world that exists independently (...)
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    The illusory function of dreams: Another example of cognitive bias.Linda Mealey - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):971-972.
    Patterns of dream content indicating a predominance of themes relating to threat are likely to reflect biases in dream recall and dream scoring techniques. Even if this pattern is not artifactual, it is yet reflective of threat-related biases in our conscious and nonconscious waking cognition, and is not special to dreams. [Revonsuo].
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  42.  34
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Linda Crawford, Stafford Kay, Jorge Jeria, Kenneth C. Schmidt, Edmund C. Short, Donald A. Dellow, Lewis E. Cloud, M. M. Chambers, George L. Dowd, L. David Weller Jr, J. J. Chambliss, Paul Nash, Robert V. Bullough Jr, Michael V. Belok & George D. Dalin - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (1):67-91.
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    Allen Thiher. Fiction Refracts Science: Modernist Writers from Proust to Borges. ix + 297 pp., bibl., index. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2005. $44.95. [REVIEW]Linda Simon - 2006 - Isis 97 (2):374-374.
  44. Readers, texts, and contexts: Adolescent romance fiction in schools.Linda K. Christian-Smith - 1991 - In Michael W. Apple & Linda K. Christian-Smith, The Politics of the textbook. New York: Routledge. pp. 191--212.
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  45. Transformation needs an agent : preparing senior professional practitioners to nurture character, virtue and professionalism in their supervisees.Della Fish & Linda de Cossart - 2018 - In David Carr, Cultivating Moral Character and Virtue in Professional Practice. New York: Routledge.
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  46. Ti esti–poion esti: Un aspetto Dell'argomentativita dialettica Del menone.Linda M. Napolitano Valditara - 1991 - Elenchos 12:197-220.
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    George S. Hendry. Theology of Nature. Pp. 258. (Westminster Press, 1980.). Paul & Linda Badham - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (4):521-523.
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    Hypatia's Daughters: 1500 Years of Women Philosophers.Linda Lopez McAlister (ed.) - 1996 - Indiana University Press.
    "I think many people would find it a useful resource, both in terms of information on particular philosophers and as a point of inspiration for designing courses that incorporate the work of women philosophers.... I expect I will refer individual students to this book as a resource for their own work and I will consult it in designing future courses." —Teaching Philosophy "With intelligence and agility, the writers [present] female thinkers who influenced the famous philosophers of their respective ages. This (...)
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    Lorenzo Valla: The Primacy of Rhetoric and the Demoralization of History.Linda Gardiner Janik - 1973 - History and Theory 12 (4):389-404.
    Lorenzo Valla's historical methodology was linked to his stress on rhetoric; he believed in oratorical persuasion, not logical argument. Refusing to screen historical events according to their moral value, he included accounts of all events. Truth was not for him an external standard, but a standard for judging propositions. Truth lay in the correct usage of words: correct language could create a correct picture of the world. Valla's concept of verisimilitude hinged on historical plausibility, not moral worth. History should be (...)
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  50. Relationships and Respect for Persons.Linda Radzik - 2016 - Windsor Studies in Argumentation, Vol. 4.
    Many theorists writing on the aftermath of wrongdoing have been influenced by Trudy Govier’s emphasis on interpersonal relationships. But George Sher has recently challenged this talk of relationships. Read descriptively, he argues, claims about the interpersonal effects of wrongdoing are either exaggerated or false. Read normatively, relationships add nothing to more traditional moral theory. In this essay, I argue that Govier’s relational framework both avoids Sher’s dilemma and enables her to develop the notion of respect for persons in ways that (...)
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