Results for 'Liliana Rodrigues'

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  1.  94
    Passive data collection on Reddit: a practical approach.Tiago Rocha-Silva, Conceição Nogueira & Liliana Rodrigues - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (3):453-470.
    Since its onset, scholars have characterized social media as a valuable source for data collection since it presents several benefits (e.g. exploring research questions with hard-to-reach populations). Nonetheless, methods of online data collection are riddled with ethical and methodological challenges that researchers must consider if they want to adopt good practices when collecting and analyzing online data. Drawing from our primary research project, where we collected passive online data on Reddit, we explore and detail the steps that researchers must consider (...)
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  2. The Ofences of the Imagination: The Grotesque in Kant’s Aesthetics.Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics:1-17.
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgement, Kant claims that ‘the English taste in gardens or the baroque taste in furniture pushes the freedom of the imagination almost to the point of the grotesque’ (KU 5:242). This paper attempts to reconstruct Kant’s views on the grotesque as a theoretical foundation for the modern conception of the grotesque as a negative aesthetic category. The first section of the paper considers and ultimately rejects the interpretation of the grotesque as a difficult (...)
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    Creaciones docentes: ética, estética y política (más allá de la resistencia al acontecimiento de la pandemia).Nilda Alves, Rafaela Rodrigues da Conceição & Talita Malheiros - 2021 - Voces de la Educación:132-151.
    El presente artículo discute el acontecimiento pandemia y su significado en las ‘_practicateorías_’ docentes, recordando que la posición del gobierno no se orientó, anteriormente, ni a la formación ni a la distribución de dispositivos que permitieran la comunicación pedagógica. Sin embargo, la presencia cotidiana de dichos dispositivos en la vida de los ‘_practicantespensantes_’ de las escuelas permitió que las acciones curriculares se desarrollaran de forma creativa.
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    Living Life Through Sport: The Transition of Elite Spanish Student-Athletes to a University Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.Pau Mateu, Eduard Inglés, Miquel Torregrossa, Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques, Natalia Stambulova & Anna Vilanova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Handling Crimes of Omission by reconciling a criminal core ontology with UFO.Cleyton Mário de Oliveira Rodrigues, Camila Bezerra, Fred Freitas & Italo Oliveira - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (1):7-39.
    Whereas ordinary legal documents are deployed as text documents for human consumption, AI & Law focuses on tackling the challenges surrounding the development of legal ontologies to assign meaning...
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  6. Costs of Agronomic Practices: Profitability at Different Scales of Sugarcane Production in Brazil.Marco Túlio Ospina-Patino, Fernando Rodrigues Amorim, Alequexandre Galvez de Andrade, Mohammad Jahangir Alam & Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2022 - International Journal of Business Administration 13 (5):32-43.
    The diversity in agronomic practices being used by sugarcane producers in Brazil determines differences in economic performance and cost structure. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cost of six systems of agronomic practices using fixed or variable rates for soil amendment, fertilizer, and defensive applications and assess the profitability of these systems at three scales of sugarcane production. We then describe the data sample related to the 2019–2020 harvest season and collected from fifty-five sugarcane producers in the (...)
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    How to classify domain entities into top-level ontology concepts using large language models.Alcides Lopes, Joel Carbonera, Fabricio Rodrigues, Luan Garcia & Mara Abel - 2024 - Applied ontology:1-29.
    Classifying domain entities into their respective top-level ontology concepts is a complex problem that typically demands manual analysis and deep expertise in the domain of interest and ontology engineering. Using an efficient approach to classify domain entities enhances data integration, interoperability, and the semantic clarity of ontologies, which are crucial for structured knowledge representation and modeling. Based on this, our main motivation is to help an ontology engineer with an automated approach to classify domain entities into top-level ontology concepts using (...)
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    Martingalas y el juego de la ruleta.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias & Sergio Augusto Fernández Henao - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  9. [Life tables 1988-1990].J. B. Casterline, E. C. Cooksey, A. F. Ismail, P. Chequer, N. Hearst, E. S. Hudes, E. Castilho, G. Rutherford, L. Loures & L. Rodrigues - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (2):245-60.
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    CORPO, POÉTICA E ANCESTRALIDADE: Uma entrevista com Eduardo Oliveira.Alexandre De Oliveira Fernandes, Adson Rodrigues de Oliveira & Serinaldo Oliveira Araújo - 2020 - Odeere 5 (9):07.
    Eduardo Davi Oliveira, autor de livros como “Cosmovisão Africana no Brasil” e “Filosofia da Ancestralidade, é professor do Doutorado Multi-Institucional e Multidisciplinar em Difusão do Conhecimento. Ele nos concedeu a presente entrevista durante evento da Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia – UFSB, intitulado “Corpo, Poética e Ancestralidade”, o qual ocorreu de 11 a 17 de Março de 2019, na cidade de Porto Seguro, Bahia. Nossa conversa foi atravessada por temas como epistemologia negra, saberes milenares do povo Bakongo, mitologia dos (...)
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    Las ataduras de la libertad: autoridad, igualdad y derechos.López Lopera & Liliana María - 2007 - Medellín: Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT.
    El libro se ocupa de las maneras dominantes como el liberalismo ha entendido la libertad y de las ingentes dificultades que este pensamiento enfrenta cuando quiere materializarse en política, es decir, cuando piensa en el poder, el Estado ...
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    Santuários e peregrinações religiosas: considerações em torno da dimensão ritualística da religiosidade.Lisete S. Mendes Mónico, José Barbosa Machado & Valentim Rodrigues Alferes - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):194-222.
    Looking to understand religiosity as a social factor, contributory of constructions of meaning and omnipresent in diverse historical and cultural universes, this article focuses on the ritualistic dimension of religiosity. Adopting as a research problem the religious pilgrimages, take particular note of the shrines as symbolic markers towards the supernatural. This work has a double aim: to carry out a review and critical analysis of the religious pilgrimages and to study the specificity of the pilgrimages to the Shrine of Fatima, (...)
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  13.  10
    Omnis potestas a Deo': Álvaro pais e a origem ou a causa eficiente do poder secular.José Antônio de Camargo Rodrigues de Souza - 2008 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 35:37-84.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau e sua política.Ubiratane De Moraes Rodrigues - 2024 - Perspectivas 8 (3):247-276.
    Tradução do artigo “Jean-Jacques Rousseau et sa politique”, de Eric Weil.
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    El aprendizaje de las matemáticas desde filosofía para/con niños.Yuli Piracoca Hernández & Liliana Andrea Mariño díaz - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-25.
    The article presents the theoretical construction of the relationship between mathematics learning and philosophy for/with children. The selection of a documentary corpus allowed delimiting the object of study. Then, thematic and analytical cards were elaborated to interpret the main statements, in which divergences and convergences between philosophy for/with children and the learning of mathematics were evidenced. The text is organized in six sections: Mathematical thinking as experience; Philosophy for/with children: a space for thinking; Reasoning, argumentation and logical thinking: a matter (...)
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    Gender and Antiquity Dossier: problems and methods.Agatha Pitombo Bacelar & Letticia Batista Rodrigues Leite - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03305-03305.
    Presentation of Dossier Gender and Antiquity: problems and methods.
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    Reverse engineering and cognition panglossian memories?Jonathan Echeverri Álvarez & Liliana Chaves Castaño - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (155):145-170.
    Daniel C. Dennett ha dedicado una parte considerable de su obra a concebir una aplicación de la ingeniería inversa y el adaptacionismo para explicar la evolución de la mente humana. Dennet considera esta perspectiva como una posibilidad prometedora en el desarrollo de una psicología científica, en contraposición al "materialismo eliminacionista" de la neurociencia. En este artículo se expone una aproximación conceptual y se examina un antecedente filosófico en las discusiones sobre el adaptacionismo en biología y psicología evolutiva: la intencionalidad o (...)
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  18. Criminalidade organizada E justiça penal negociada: Delação premiada.Luiz Flávio Gomes & Marcelo Rodrigues da Silva - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Tradução do original "Note sur quand et comment Sartre a-t-il découvert Hegel?", de Vincent de Coorebyter.Fabrício Rodrigues Pizelli - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (2):146-149.
    Este texto, que integra os anais do Bulletin d’information du Groupe d’Études Sartriennes, de 1997, configura-se como uma imprescindível indicação bibliográfica e historiográfica sobre os primeiros contatos de Sartre com o pensamento hegeliano e quais foram suas leituras na recepção tardia do pensamento hegeliano na França. Desse modo, Coorebyter recorre não somente aos textos biográficos de Sartre, mas aos relatos biográficos de Simone de Beauvoir e às correspondências que se situam no período de desenvolvimento intelectual e redação da ontologia madura (...)
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  20.  15
    Nos tornamos obsoletos? Por uma política dos artefatos.Guilherme Rodrigues Tozo - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 23 (1).
    A partir das considerações sobre a essência da técnica e do artefato, procuramos pensar o seu valor e seu potencial na cultura e na sociedade, e estabelecer em que medida há uma dimensão política sobre esse problema para, então, tentar mostrar que tecnologia precisa possuir um tipo necessário de política. No presente trabalho, partindo do artigo de Langdon Winner e de considerações sobre tecnologia e sociedade, bem como nos valendo de outros nomes do ramo com perspectivas diferentes sobre a técnica, (...)
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  21.  11
    O Pensamento político de Cunha Leal nos anos 1960.Júlio Rodrigues da Silva - 2017 - Cultura:313-328.
    O pensamento político de Francisco Pinto da Cunha Leal (1880-1970) sofreu uma constante evolução ao longo da sua vida pública. A emergência do Estado Novo, nos anos 30 e 40 do século XX, tornou-o num oposicionista, levando-o a denunciar as suas violências e a desconstruir os seus mitos numa intransigente defesa da democracia. Nos inícios dos anos 60, confrontado com as novas realidades políticas, nascidas da Guerra Fria (1947-1991) e da crise do sistema colonial português (1961), aproveitando a relativa tolerância (...)
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  22.  11
    Paulo Freire: tantos anos depois.Carlos Rodrigues Brandão - 2021 - Rio de Janeiro: Wak Editora.
    Paulo Freire cem anos, sessenta anos, quarenta anos depois : introdução -- Paulo Freire : educação, a cultura e a universidade : memórias de uma história quase esquecida -- Escrito à mão, escrito no exílio -- Alguns livros, alguns nomes : memórias do que começou a surgir na América Latina entre os anos 1960 e os anos 1970 -- Entre Rubem Alves e Paulo Freire -- A Pedagogia do Oprimido antes da Pedagogia do Oprimido -- Qual Paulo? Qual educação? : (...)
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  23. "A. Jacobi Nas Lições Sobre a História da Filosofia" de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Gabriel Rodrigues da Silva & Robson Caixeta Silva - 2025 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (41):414-425.
    A tradução que se segue é baseada na seção dedicada à filosofia de Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743–1819), presente nas Lições sobre a história da filosofia (Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie) de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831). O recorte em questão encontra-se no vigésimo volume (Band 20) da edição Theorie Werkausgabe (TWA), organizada por Karl Markus Michel e Eva Moldenhauer, e publicada pela editora alemã Suhrkamp em 1986.
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    A exclusão do outro.José Ivan Rodrigues de Sousa Filho - 2024 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 29 (1):91-100.
    Book review: Habermas, J. (2023). Uma nova mudança estrutural da esfera pública e a política deliberativa. Tradução de Denilson Luís Werle. São Paulo: Editora Unesp.
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  25. O espírito e a letra: a crítica da imaginação pura, em Fichte.Torres Filho & Rubens Rodrigues - 1975 - São Paulo: Editora Ática.
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    De Aparecida à Laudato Si’: Os pronunciamentos do Papa Francisco sobre ecologia antes da encíclica Laudato Si’.Nilton Rodrigues Junior & Francilaide de Queiroz Ronsi - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226913-226913.
    Nosso artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as posições do Papa Francisco em relação a temática da Ecologia em seus discursos, homilias, audiências entre outros pronunciamentos antes da publicação da encíclica Laudato Si’. Percorreremos esses pronunciamentos desde a primeira manifestação pública do Papa após sua eleição até a data da publicação da Encíclica. Na encíclica Laudato Si’ há um forte apelo à conversão ecológica a partir do entendimento do encontro com Jesus feitos nas relações com o mundo em sua totalidade: humano, (...)
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  27.  5
    De pré-marxiano a propriamente marxiano: o tratamento do crime e da punição em dois momentos da obra de Marx.Nayara Rodrigues Medrado - 2024 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 29 (1):305-335.
    Buscaremos, neste artigo, apontar as diferenças gerais na forma de compreensão do crime e da punição entre um Marx pré-marxiano e um Marx propriamente marxiano. Privilegiaremos, para isso, a análise de textos publicados pelo autor na Gazeta Renana em 1842, em esforço comparativo com obras posteriores, situadas entre 1844 e 1853.
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    Residência integrada multiprofissional em saúde do adulto e do idoso: um ano de formação de enfermeiras em atenção hospitalar.Fernanda Schommer Stein, Renata Simionato, Larissa Borges da Silva, Amábile Rodrigues de Souza Milani, Daniela da Silva Schneider & Solange Machado Guimarães - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Residências Integradas Multiprofissionais em Saúde são programas de pós-graduação caracterizados por ensino em serviço. A ULBRA oferece o programa com ênfase em Saúde do Adulto e do Idoso e Saúde Comunitária. Objetiva-se descrever as atividades realizadas em ambiente hospitalar por enfermeiras. Trata-se de um relato de experiência de enfermeiras residentes em relação ao primeiro ano de formação especializada. O primeiro ano de residência abrangeu atividades em unidades de internação, centro cirúrgico e unidade de tratamento intensivo. Diversas foram as atividades desenvolvidas (...)
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    The influences of sociocultural norms on women's decision to disclose intimate partner violence: Integrative review.Ayşe Güler, Rebecca C. Lee, Liliana Rojas-Guyler, Joshua Lambert & Carolyn R. Smith - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12589.
    Sociocultural norms against women can contribute to promoting intimate partner violence (IPV) and shape women's decision to disclose IPV. A cross‐cultural analysis of the existing literature is needed to present an overview of the influences of sociocultural norms on women's decisions regarding the disclosure of IPV across different cultural contexts. The purpose of the review was to synthesize published quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (MMs) studies to identify known sociocultural norms across different cultures that may influence women's decision to disclose (...)
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  30.  27
    Resilience and digital competences in higher education students.Pedro Emilio Jaimes Delgado, Liliana Margarita Pérez Olmos, Orlando Celis Salazar & Liliana Ramírez Pabón - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-8.
    Resilience and digital skills could be considered necessary competencies for the individual of the twenty-first century, which the current social reality suggests. For this reason we carried out a research in the institution of higher education -IES- Corporación Escuela Tecnológica del Oriente, of Bucaramanga-Colombia, which had a dual purpose: to describe resilience and digital competence in 356 of its students and establish a comparison between the values of these two aspects and those reported in other HEIs in Mexico, using a (...)
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    "El don de dar vida": Análisis de la producción de la mujer como persona en culturas híbridas.Karla Alejandra Contreras Tinoco & Liliana Ibeth Castañeda Rentería - 2021 - Endoxa 48:275-296.
    En este ensayo respondemos a la pregunta: ¿Qué posibilidades, obstáculos y tensiones ofrece “el don de dar vida” a la producción de la mujer como persona en México?, para ello analizamos una expresión común y de uso popular en México: “el don de dar vida”. Identificamos que la expresión tiene similitudes, aunque también diferencias con “el don” del que habló Marcel Mauss. Una de las diferencias es que actualmente la expresión “el don de dar vida” se usa en las culturas (...)
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    Accessing Indigenous Long-Term Care.Danielle Gionnas, Andria Bianchi, Leonard Benoit & Kevin Rodrigues - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (1):83-88.
    The purpose of this commentary is to present and respond to the gap that currently exists in providing culturally inclusive residential long-term care options for Indigenous peoples in Ontario. After presenting statistics regarding the Indigenous population and long-term care options, we argue that we have an ethical responsibility to offer more culturally inclusive long-term care.
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    Social Isolation During COVID-19 Pandemic. Perceived Stress and Containment Measures Compliance Among Polish and Italian Residents.Jakub Grabowski, Joanna Stepien, Przemyslaw Waszak, Tomasz Michalski, Roberta Meloni, Maja Grabkowska, Aleksandra Macul, Jakub Rojek, Liliana Lorettu, Iwona Sagan & Leszek Bidzan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundIn this study, we analyze the association of social isolation in the first phase of the pandemic with perceived stress among residents of Poland and Italy with a look at how these populations adjust to and comply with implemented regulations, guidelines, and restrictions.Materials and MethodsInternet survey with Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) and questions regarding mobility patterns, attitude, and propensity to adjust toward the implemented measures and current health condition was made among Polish and Italian residents (Cronbach’s alpha 0.86 and 0.79, (...)
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    Identidades: recortes multi e interdisciplinares.da Moita Lopes, Luiz Paulo & Liliana Cabral Bastos (eds.) - 2002 - Campinas, SP, Brasil: Mercado de Letras.
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    Entre Mead e Heidegger: a interioridade desdobrada e a formaç'o humana.Marli Teresinha Silva da Silveira, Raísla Girardi Rodrigues & Angelo Vitorio Cenci - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (71):819-852.
    Entre Mead e Heidegger: a interioridade desdobrada e a formaçâo humana Resumo: O artigo visa aproximar a abordagem da psicologia social de Mead e a perspectiva fenomenológico-existencial de Martin Heidegger da noção de interioridade desdobrada. Tal aproximação permite sustentar que há uma radical e inseparável reciprocidade entre homem/mulher e mundo. A radicalidade de tal reciprocidade suplanta a dicotomia interioridade e exterioridade, reaproximando o corpo do tempo, lugar mesmo da abertura existencial humana. Apresenta-se a noção de “self” como processo e a (...)
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    (1 other version)Réplica de Liliana Brezzo.Liliana M. Brezzo - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (3).
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    Immanent Realism: An Introduction to Brentano.Liliana Albertazzi - 2006 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This book guides the readers through Brentano's life and works, investigating into the inherent complexity of both his view of mental life and the related methodology.
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  38. Chapter Six Recognising Non-Western Thought in Human Rights Theory Maria Rodrigues.Maria Rodrigues - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh (eds.), Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 101.
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    Job Satisfaction of Fitness Professionals in Portugal: A Comparative Study of Gender, Age, Professional Experience, Professional Title, and Educational Qualifications.Liliana Ricardo Ramos, Dulce Esteves, Isabel Vieira, Susana Franco & Vera Simões - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:621526.
    This research characterizes and compares the job satisfaction of fitness professionals in Portugal between genders, ages, professional experience, professional title, and educational qualifications. A total of 401 fitness professionals answered the online questionnaire Job Satisfaction Scale, which has 16 factors rated on a Likert scale with seven levels. The statistical analysis comprises descriptive and statistical tests to compare the results of two (t-test) or more (ANOVA) groups. Overall, the results demonstrated that fitness professionals were moderately satisfied with their work. The (...)
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  40. Octavio Paz y el ensayo: conciencia y transparencia.Liliana Weinberg - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    Octavio Paz fue un lúcido intérprete de su siglo. Este trabajo explora aspectos decisivos de su propia definición como poeta y ensayista, así como de su trayectoria creativa y crítica, altamente representativa de las transformaciones del artista y el escritor contemporáneos. Los ecos de sus experiencias, prácticas de sociabilidad y lecturas, unidos a su sensibilidad y lucidez, hicieron que ya desde sus primeros textos en prosa Octavio Paz contribuyera a la reconfiguración del ensayo como género. Proponemos leer algunos textos del (...)
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    Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology. Visual Peception of Shape, Space and Appearance.Liliana Albertazzi (ed.) - 2013 - Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley.
    Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance Liliana Albertazzi. the sort I have in mind. What I am speaking of is the mandatory correlations between attributes of visual space (those of, e.g., surfaces, shape, distance, direction) and  ...
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    Naturalizing Phenomenology: A Must Have?Liliana Albertazzi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397576.
    Quite a few cognitive scientists are working toward a naturalization of phenomenology. Looking more closely at the relevant literature, however, the ‘naturalizing phenomenology’ proposals show the presence of different conceptions, assumptions, and formalisms, further differentiated by different philosophical and/or scientific concerns. This paper shows that the original Husserlian stance is deeper, clearer and more advanced than most supposed contemporary improvements. The recent achievements of experimental phenomenology show how to ‘naturalize’ phenomenology without destroying the guiding assumptions of phenomenology. The requirements grounding (...)
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    (1 other version)Brentano, Twardowski, and Polish Scientific Philosophy.Liliana Albertazzi - 1993 - In Jan Wolenski, Roberto Poli & Francesco Coniglione (eds.), Polish Scientific Philosophy: The Lvov-Warsaw School. Rodopi.
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    Voices in the Shadows: The Hidden Complexities of Being a Medical Interpreter.Liliana Crane - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):167-170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Voices in the Shadows:The Hidden Complexities of Being a Medical InterpreterLiliana CraneAs a Spanish interpreter at a Hospital for 16 years, I continue to be surprised at the lack of knowledge regarding the role of a Spanish Interpreter. Often the Spanish interpreter cannot interpret word for word; the interpreter's primary role is to find the best way to culturally convey messages between the provider and the patient so they (...)
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  45. (1 other version)At the roots of consciousness: Intentional presentations.Liliana Albertazzi - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (1):94-114.
    The Author argues for a non-semantic theory of intentionality, i.e. a theory of intentional reference rooted in the perceptive world. Specifically, the paper concerns two aspects of the original theory of intentionality: the structure of intentional objects as appearance (an unfolding spatio-temporal structure endowed with a direction), and the cognitive processes involved in a psychic act at the primary level of cognition. Examples are given from the experimental psychology of vision, with a particular emphasis on the relation between phenomenal space (...)
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  46. Conocimiento previo Y generación de inferencias lectoras en personas sordas.Liliana Isabel Neira - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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  47. Franz Brentano's Psychology Today. A Programme of Empirical and Experimental Metaphysics.Liliana Albertazzi - 2002 - Brentano Studien 10:107-118.
    In this article I try to emphasise the following three main points: 1. Brentano's metaphysics is not speculative; it is instead a programme for scientific research. 2. Some components of his metaphysics, especially those relating to the problem of perceptive continua -- and many aspects of it developed experimentally by his pupils -- are today discussed not only by philosophy but also by the cognitive sciences, more or less accurately, more or less consciously. 3. Some areas of the cognitive sciences (...)
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  48. The phenomenon of time in Brentanist tradition.Liliana Albertazzi - 1998/9 - Brentano Studien 7:163-192.
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    Just Hierarchy and its Critics: Part I.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues, Chen Renren & Demin Duan - 2023 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (4):403-406.
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  50. En busca de nosotros mismos. Acerca de la necesidad de la sabiduría para el hombre de Hoy.Liliana Beatríz Irizar - 2007 - Escritos 15 (35):280-297.
    En medio de una sociedad que nos invita constantemente a la extroversión, cabe preguntarnos si el encuentro con nosotros mismos a través de una actitud “interior” y reflexiva no puede representar un factor clave para detener, en alguna medida, el proceso de deshumanización que descompone a Occidente.
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