Results for 'Lexical innovation'

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  1. Lexical innovation and the periphery of language.Luca Gasparri - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (1):39-63.
    Lexical innovations (e.g., zero-derivations coined on the fly by a speaker) seem to bear semantic content. Yet, such expressions cannot bear semantic content as a function of the conventions of meaning in force in the language, since they are not part of its lexicon. This is in tension with the commonplace view that the semantic content of lexical expressions is constituted by linguistic conventions. The conventionalist has two immediate ways out of the tension. The first is to preserve (...)
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  2. The Problem of Lexical Innovation.Josh Armstrong - 2016 - Linguistics and Philosophy 39 (2):87-118.
    In a series of papers, Donald Davidson :3–17, 1984, The philosophical grounds of rationality, 1986, Midwest Stud Philos 16:1–12, 1991) developed a powerful argument against the claim that linguistic conventions provide any explanatory purchase on an account of linguistic meaning and communication. This argument, as I shall develop it, turns on cases of what I call lexical innovation: cases in which a speaker uses a sentence containing a novel expression-meaning pair, but nevertheless successfully communicates her intended meaning to (...)
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  3. Copredication, dynamic generalized quantification and lexical innovation by coercion.Robin Cooper - unknown
    We propose a record type theoretical account of cases of copredication which have motivated the introduction of dot types in the Generative Lexicon. We will suggest that using record types gives us a simple and intuitive account of dot types and also makes a connection between copredication and the use of hypothetical contexts in a record type theoretic analysis of dynamic generalized quantifiers. We propose a view of lexical innovation which draws both on Pustejovsky’s original work on the (...)
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    Lexical Innovation through Borrowing in Modern Standard Arabic.Frederic J. Cadora & Majed F. Said - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):343.
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    Iconicity, Ratosh’s lexical innovations, and beyond.Michal Ephratt - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):83-104.
    Yonatan Ratosh, a renowned Hebrew poet, made his living as a translator. His translations and lists found in his lexical legacy, contain thousands of his suggestions for new Hebrew terms. Among them many instances stand out that manifest some sort of similarity between the concept and the term proposed by Ratosh, thus raising the issue of iconicity. This paper takes a closer look at these instances, integrating theoretical aspects of iconicity and issues concerning lexicon in general, and Ratosh’s means (...)
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    On metonymy-based lexical innovations in Nigerian Pidgin English and Tok Pisin: A cognitive linguistic perspective.Krzysztof Kosecki - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (1):49-70.
    As contact languages, pidgins and creoles arise in mixed linguistic environments. Drawing much of their vocabularies from one, frequently European, language and – to a lesser extent – from a number of indigenous languages, they have lexicons that are reduced in comparison with those of their lexifiers. To compensate for the poor lexification, pidgin and creoles create novel polysemy-based extensions of lexical items or develop periphrastic constructions equivalent of the missing lexical roots. Assuming a cognitive linguistic perspective, which (...)
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    Using data-mining to identify and study patterns in lexical innovation on the web.Daphné Kerremans, Jelena Prokić, Quirin Würschinger & Hans-Jörg Schmid - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (1):174-200.
    This paper presents the NeoCrawler – a tailor-made webcrawler, which identifies and retrieves neologisms from the Internet and systematically monitors the use of detected neologisms on the web by means of weekly searches. It enables researchers to use the web as a corpus in order to investigate the dynamics of lexical innovation on a large-scale and systematic basis. The NeoCrawler represents an innovative web-mining tool which opens up new opportunities for linguists to tackle a number of unresolved and (...)
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    The dynamics of lexical innovation.Quirin Würschinger, Jelena Prokić, Daphné Kerremans & Hans-Jörg Schmid - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (1):1-7.
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    From speaker innovation to lexical change.Terttu Nevalainen - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (1):8-29.
    Applying a sociolinguistic approach to the study of neologisms, this paper discusses the actuation and diffusion of new words in Early Modern English (EModE; 1500–1700) and draws some parallels with word coining in the comparable but more recent period of Early Modern Finnish (EModF; 1810–1880). The success of this exercise ultimately depends on the data and tools available for ascertaining the status of neologisms in a broader synchronic and diachronic context. The use of historical dictionaries and digital databases shows that (...)
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  10.  27
    Lexical trends in Facebook and Twitter texts of selected Nigerian Pentecostal churches: A stylistic inquiry.Lily Chimuanya, Christopher Awonuga & Innocent Chiluwa - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):45-83.
    The influx of religious activities and religious discourse on the Internet has made it pertinent to examine the fundamental roles of language in the expression, presentation, understanding, and advancement of any set of religious beliefs and practices. One main aspect of online religious activities that continues to arrest the attention of scholars is the uniqueness of language used by religious practitioners. For instance, new linguistic strategies and devices have emerged as a result of bending language to suit trends on a (...)
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    A Lexical Approach to Identifying Dimensions of Organizational Culture.Derek S. Chapman, Paige Reeves & Michelle Chapin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:344361.
    A comprehensive measure of organizational culture was developed using a lexical approach, a method typically employed within the study of personality. 1761 adjectives were narrowed down and factor analyzed, which resulted in the identification of a nine factor solution to organizational culture, including the dimensions of: Innovative, Dominant, Pace, Friendly, Prestigious, Trendy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Traditional, and Diverse. Comprised of 135 adjectives most frequently used in describing organizational culture by current employees of several hundred organizations, the Lexical Organizational (...)
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    Lexical and Social Effects on the Learning and Integration of Inflectional Morphology.Péter Rácz & Ágnes Lukács - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (8):e13483.
    People learn language variation through exposure to linguistic interactions. The way we take part in these interactions is shaped by our lexical representations, the mechanisms of language processing, and the social context. Existing work has looked at how we learn and store variation in the ambient language. How this is mediated by the social context is less understood.We report on the results of an innovative experimental battery designed to test how learning variation is affected by a variable's social indexicality. (...)
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  13.  10
    Lexical Exploration of the In-Between: Linguistic Imaginary and Mind’s Topic.Véronique Costa - 2016 - Iris 37:15-33.
    Associé à l’instabilité et à l’insaisissable, mais aussi aux liens et contacts multiples, le concept d’entre-deux semble échapper à toute définition construite sur des oppositions binaires. Il figure parmi les notions à la mode. Nous semblons innover « entre ». L’« entre-deux » nous intéresse comme image heuristique. Parce que le lexique est source de questionnement, laboratoire ou observatoire de nos imaginaires, nous proposons ici une exploration lexicale de cet « entre-deux ». Elusive, associated to the instability, but also to (...)
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    The Role of Defaultness in Affecting Pleasure: The Optimal Innovation Hypothesis Revisited.Rachel Giora, Shir Givoni, Vered Heruti & Ofer Fein - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (1):1-18.
    The Optimal Innovation Hypothesis, following from the Graded Salience Hypothesis, is being reviewed and revisited. The attempt is to expand the notion of Optimal Innovation to allow it to apply to both stimuli’s coded meanings as well as their noncoded, constructed interpretations. According to the Optimal Innovation Hypothesis, Optimal Innovations, when devised, will be more pleasing than nonoptimally innovative counterparts. Unlike such competitors, Optimal Innovations deautomatize familiar coded alternatives, which invoke unconditional responses alongside novel but distinct ones, (...)
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  15.  63
    Change Don’t Come Easy: Nonnegotiable Meanings.Una Stojnić & Ernie Lepore - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    We often use language creatively, introducing new expressions on the fly. That we can successfully communicate with novel expressions without antecedent semantic knowledge has led many to a dynamic meaning hypothesis: namely, we can actively renegotiate extant semantic conventions to better suit our communicative, practical, and even normative concerns. We argue that this hypothesis is a mistake: meanings are non-negotiable, and so, lexical innovation cannot proceed by way of meaning-negotiation.
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    ONOMATURGE: An artificial intelligence tool and paradigm for supporting national and native language fostering policies. [REVIEW]Ephraim Nissan - 1991 - AI and Society 5 (3):202-217.
    We expose the implications of lexical innovation as supported by the ONOMATURGE knowledge-based paradigm, for policies intended to foster native or national languages. In certain cases, the survival of native cultures, as supported by their language, depends on their ability to fill lexical gaps due to the technological gap. In certain other cases, the native culture itself is not in crisis (e.g., in the case of the national language of a sovereign country), but the local technologists or (...)
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    Linguistic markers of schizophrenia: a case study of Robert Walser.Ivan Nenchev, Tatjana Scheffler, Heiner Stuke, Benjamin Wilck, Sandra Anna Just & Christiane Montag - 2024 - Proceedings of the 9Th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (Clpsych 2024).
    We present a study of the linguistic output of the German-speaking writer Robert Walser using Natural Language Processing (NLP). We curated a corpus comprising texts written by Walser during periods of sound health, and writings from the year before his hospitalization, and writings from the first year of his stay in a psychiatric clinic, all likely attributed to schizophrenia. Within this corpus, we identified and analyzed a total of 20 linguistic markers encompassing established metrics for lexical diversity, semantic similarity, (...)
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  18.  16
    Landmarks of Economic Terminology: The First Portuguese Translation of Elémens du commerce.João Paulo Silvestre, Alina Villalva & Esperança Cardeira - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (8):1189-1201.
    SummaryThe history of languages is closely related to the history of other human activities. Ideally, hypotheses that are designed for linguistic questions on independent grounds should help to consolidate theories in other knowledge fields, such as the history of ideas. This paper deals with the first Portuguese translation of Forbonnais's Elémens du commerce, considering it as a lexical corpus. The linguistic analysis aims to contribute to the general knowledge about this text and its translations. Furthermore, a lexical analysis (...)
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    ‘Genealogical Misfortunes’: Achille Mbembe's (Re-)Writing of Postcolonial Africa.Michael Syrotinski - 2012 - Paragraph 35 (3):407-420.
    In his latest work, Sortir de la grande nuit, the Cameroonian social theorist Achille Mbembe nuances his description of the ontological status of the postcolonial African subject, which he had theorized extensively in his best-known text, On the Postcolony, and at the same time exploits the conceptual resources of a number of Jean-Luc Nancy's lexical innovations. This recent text is also a reprise of an earlier autobiographical essay, and the gesture of this ‘reinscription’ is critical to our understanding of (...)
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    (1 other version)Clitics and Clause Structure.Cleo Condoravdi & Paul Kiparsky - unknown
    In late Medieval Greek and many modern dialects, pronominal clitics are syntactically adjoined to an IP projection. In another set of dialects they have become syntactically adjoined to a verbal head. In the most innovating dialects (which include Standard Greek) they are agreement affixes. Extending the Fontana/Halpern clitic typology, we propose a trajectory of lexicalization from Xmax clitics via X0 clitics to lexical affixes. The evolution of clitic placement also reveals the rise of a composite functional projection ΣP.
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    Context Based and Non-Context Based Interpretation of English Compounds in Legal Discourse-A Case Study with ESP Law Students.Jeta Hamzai - 2021 - Seeu Review 16 (1):66-79.
    Due to new innovations and changes, every language needs new words simply because there is a need for new words to name new things. It is a common occurrence for a speaker to use some words in a way that has never been used before in order to communicate directly about certain facts or ideas. When new inventions and changes come into people’s lives, there is a need to name them and talk about them. If a new word is used (...)
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    The (ir)reversibility of English binomials: corpus, constraints, developments.Sandra Mollin - 2014 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This book focuses on binomials (word pairs such as heart and soul, rich and poor, or if and when), and in particular on the degree of reversibility that English binomials demonstrate. Detailed and innovative corpus linguistic analyses investigate the correlates of the degree of reversibility, linguistic constraints that influence the ordering and reversibility of binomials and the diachronic development of reversibility. In addition, judgment data are analyzed for their convergence and divergence with corpus data regarding degrees of reversibility. The book (...)
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  23. The Official Catalog of Potential Literature Selections.Ben Segal - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):136-140.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 136-140. In early 2011, Cow Heavy Books published The Official Catalog of the Library of Potential Literature , a compendium of catalog 'blurbs' for non-existent desired or ideal texts. Along with Erinrose Mager, I edited the project, in a process that was more like curation as it mainly entailed asking a range of contemporary writers, theorists, and text-makers to send us an entry. What resulted was a creative/critical hybrid anthology, a small book in which each page opens (...)
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    Reference to possible worlds.Matthew Stone - 1999 - Technical Report 49, Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science.
    In modal subordination, a modal sentence is interpreted relative to a hypothetical scenario introduced in an earlier sentence. In this paper, I argue that this phenomenon reflects the fact that the interpretation of modals is an ANAPHORIC process. Modal morphemes introduce sets of possible worlds, representing alternative hypothetical scenarios, as entities into the discourse model. Their interpretation depends on evoking sets of worlds recording described and reference scenarios, and relating such sets to one another using familiar notions of restricted, preferential (...)
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    From shipwreck to constellation: Rethinking Meillassoux on Mallarmé from a semiotic perspective.John Arnold Falcon Hopkins - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (231):57-86.
    This essay assesses Quentin Meillassoux’s numerological approach to Mallarmé’s problematic but formally innovative poem “Un Coup de dés,” using a semiotic methodology to reveal the deficiencies of that approach from the viewpoint of literary theory. Section 1 describes my expanded version of Michael Riffaterre’s semiotic theory of the structure of modern poetry. Poems are generated by two underlying propositions, each of which governs the structure of a set of symbolic images on the textual surface. These “matricial” propositions are linked by (...)
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    Texts, Textual Acts and the History of Science.Karine Chemla & Jacques Virbel - unknown
    The book presents the outcomes of an innovative research programme in the history of science and implements a Text Act Theory which extends Speech Act Theory, in order to illustrate a new approach to texts and textual communicative acts. It examines assertives (absolute or conditional statements, forecasts, insurance, etc.), directives, declarations and enumerations, as well as different types of textual units allowing authors to perform these acts: algorithms, recipes, prescriptions, lexical templates for terminological studies and enumerative structures. The book (...)
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    Might Interjections Encode Concepts? More Questions than Answers.Manuel Cruz - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (2):241-270.
    Might Interjections Encode Concepts? More Questions than Answers This paper reflects on the conceptual nature of interjections. Although there are convincing reasons to claim that interjections do not encode concepts, arguments can be adduced to question such claim. In fact, some pragmatists have contended that they may be conceptual elements. After reviewing both the non-conceptualist and conceptualist approaches to interjections, this paper discusses some reasons that can be given to reconsider the conceptuality of interjections. Nevertheless, it adopts an intermediate standpoint (...)
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    Legilinguistic Features of a Semantic Field: COVID-19 in Written News/Media in Hebrew and Arabic.Judith Rosenhouse - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (3):859-882.
    This paper examines and compares some legilinguistic features in news/media reports in Hebrew, and in Arabic in Israel and Egypt during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the beginning of 2021. The goal was to find frequent and innovated expressions in the communication media during the COVID-19 period. The research question was, since there are linguistic differences between these language-varieties: would differences be found also on the legilinguistic level? Hebrew and Arabic were studied because of their different status. In Israel, (...)
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    Rise and be surprised: Aspectual profiling and mirativity in Odia light verb constructions.Maarten Lemmens & Kalyanamalini Sahoo - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (1):123-164.
    In this paper, we present our Construction Grammar account of light verb constructions in the Indo-Aryan language Odia. These light verb constructions are asymmetric complex verb predicates that combine a main verb with a light verb. While the LVs are form-identical with a lexical verb, they are “light” because they have lost their lexical content as well as their argument structure. We argue that LV constructions present a coherent system: they all modulate the interpretation of the event encoded (...)
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    Linguistique implicite et linguistique explicite chez Claude Lévi-Strauss.Domenico Silvestri & Catherine Millasseau - 2013 - Diogène 238 (2):68-77.
    In this paper the affiliation of Lévi-Strauss with the functional structuralism of Trubetzkoy and Jakobson is defined as “explicit linguistics” and the consonance with the works of Franz Boas is also thrown into relief. As “implicit linguistics” is defined his accurate attention to lexical facts, in the case of questions of nomenclature and in particular of the terminology of kinship. As this regards, Lévi-Strauss perfectly captures not only the differences between linguistic systems and anthropological systems, but also their respective (...)
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    Quantitative Conceptual History.Jani Marjanen - 2023 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 18 (1):46-67.
    With the emergence of large digitized collections of historical texts, scholarship in the humanities has increasingly turned to studying texts as data. This article argues that seeing text as data is particularly apt for the study of conceptual history. The quantitative perspective allows for rethinking the analytical terminology used to study the transformation of political and social terminology. Further, quantitative conceptual history requires re-evaluation on four levels. First, it forces scholars of conceptual history to reconsider the role of reception in (...)
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    Binding Theory in LTAG.Williams Hall & Lucas Champollion - unknown
    This paper provides a unification-based implementation of Binding Theory (BT) for the English language in the framework of feature-based lexicalized tree-adjoining grammar (LTAG). The grammar presented here does not actually coindex any noun phrases, it merely outputs a set of constraints on co- and contraindexation that may later be processed by a separate anaphora resolution module. It improves on previous work by implementing the full BT rather than just Condition A. The main technical innovation consists in allowing lists to (...)
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    Processes of Local Transition of Ukraine’s Economy and Processes of Global Transition of the World Economy: Contemporary Changes in the Language Space.Svitlana Shestakova, Tetiana Levchenko, Halyna Bachynska, Tetiana Vilchynska, Oksana Verbovetska & Nina Svystun - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):358-383.
    The article is devoted to revealing the phenomenon of contemporary changes in the language space, in accordance with the processes of transition that take place in the economy of Ukraine in the context of knowledge representation, neuro-modeling and artificial intelligence. The relevance and expediency of the study are due to the uncertainty to some extent of innovative processes occurring in the development of the contemporary Ukrainian language in connection with the transitional processes in the economy. The relevance of the study (...)
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  34. " To Preserve and To Continue " Remarks On Montaigne's Conservatism.Jean Starobinski - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (118):103-120.
    This is how Montaigne explains the principles which he followed in his role as mayor, a statement whose very expression casts all the light needed on the nature of what has been called Montaigne's conservatism. In Montaigne's political language, to conserve is defined by its opposition to innovate. Conservation receives its lexical “value” from its contrasting relation with innovation and with “novelties.” This semantic pair, common in sixteenth-century French and in most European languages, is profoundly different from the (...)
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    The functions of definition in science.Peter Caws - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (3):201-228.
    Definition is viewed in this paper as a cohesive element of theory, providing links between scientific constructs. The problem is approached first in terms of three orders--the historical, the logical, and the heuristic--in which the structure of science may be put together; a study of these is necessary if difficulties about priority of definition are to be resolved. The main part of the paper is devoted to an exercise in theory-construction which illustrates the five principal functions of definition--the grounding of (...)
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    (1 other version)Borrowing and the historical LGBTQ lexicon.Nicholas Lo Vecchio - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (1):167-192.
    Unlike most areas involving taboo, where language-internal innovations tend to dominate, homosexuality is characterized by a basic international vocabulary shared across multiple languages, notably English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. Historically, the lexis of nonnormative gender identity has shared space with that of sexual orientation. This lexicon includes (inexhaustively) the following series of internationalisms:sodomite, bugger, bardash, berdache, tribade, pederast, sapphist, lesbian, uranist, invert, homosexual, bisexual, trans, gay, queer. This common terminology has resulted from language contact in a broad sense, and (...)
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    History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society by Riccardo Pozzo.Robert R. Clewis - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):156-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society by Riccardo PozzoRobert R. ClewisPOZZO, Riccardo. History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2021. vi + 231 pp. Cloth, $94.99In a forward-looking proposal, Pozzo lays out his vision for a multidisciplinary history of philosophy "from a global perspective." This book is "a long position paper, an extended essay dedicated to twenty-first century policies of philosophical research from (...)
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    “The Most Divinely Approved and Political Discord”: Thinking about Conflict in the Developing Polis.William G. Thalmann - 2004 - Classical Antiquity 23 (2):359-399.
    This paper considers literary responses to the role of competition in the polis of the late Geometric and Archaic periods through the semantics of the word eris , with particular reference to Hesiod's account of the two Erides at Works and Days 11–26. As Homeric and Epic Cycle usage makes clear, the innovation in this passage is not the assertion that there is a positive as well as a destructive form of eris but the qualitative polarization between them. This (...)
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    Tradition et changement phonétique dans une variété de contact : l’anglais de Lewis et Harris.Stephan Wilhelm - 2018 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 16 (1).
    La variété d’anglais parlée dans les Hébrides extérieures s’apparente, sur les plans grammatical et lexical, au Standard Scottish English. Sur les plan phonétique et phonologique, en revanche, elle diffère profondément de cette variété standard, en grande partie en raison de l’influence et de l’interférence du gaélique écossais.À partir de deux corpus d’enregistrements de locuteurs des îles de Lewis et Harris et d’observations réalisées ces seize dernières années dans les Hébrides extérieures, cet article propose une description des traits segmentaux et (...)
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    Les émotions dans le discours =.Peter Blumenthal, Iva Novakova & Dirk Siepmann (eds.) - 2014 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    Comment les mots permettent-ils d’appréhender ces objets obscurs que sont nos emotions? Diverses langues européennes offrent-elles les mêmes perspectives sur cette réalité mouvante, explorée aussi par plusieurs disciplines appliquées (didactique, lexicographie, traitement automatique des langues)? Le volume tente de répondre à ces questions en mettant en relief certaines innovations théoriques et méthodologiques en sémantique lexicale et en analyse du discours. How do words allow us to understand these obscure objects that are our emotions? Do various European languages offer the same (...)
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    Changing Words and Sounds: The Roles of Different Cognitive Units in Sound Change.Márton Sóskuthy, Paul Foulkes, Vincent Hughes & Bill Haddican - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):787-802.
    This study considers the role of different cognitive units in sound change: phonemes, contextual variants and words. We examine /u/-fronting and /j/-dropping in data from three generations of Derby English speakers. We analyze dynamic formant data and auditory judgments, using mixed effects regression methods, including generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs). /u/-fronting is reaching its end-point, showing complex conditioning by context and a frequency effect that weakens over time. /j/-dropping is declining, with low-frequency words showing more innovative variants with /j/ than (...)
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    (2 other versions)Is disclosure the right way to comply with stakeholders? The Shell case.David Crowther Esther Ortiz Martinez - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (1):13-22.
    This paper is part of an ongoing research project and builds upon a previous one in which we explain the failure of the Agency Theory through the Shell case. In that, we analysed the behaviour of Shell managers, who reclassified oil reserves, playing with the share price because they owned share options. This previous paper established an important literature framework that is continued and organized to go deeper into our analysis in this paper. The goal here is to show that (...)
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  43. The unexamined assumptions of intellectual property.Biotechnological Innovation - 2004 - Public Affairs Quarterly 18 (4).
  44. Product Liability Reform: What Happened to.J. Prod Innov Manag - forthcoming - Substance.
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    Wilhelm griesinger: Philosophy as the origin of a new psychiatry.Practical Innovator - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 53.
  46. The Emerging Concept of Responsible Innovation. Three Reasons why it is Questionable and Calls for a Radical Transformation of the Concept of Innovation.V. Blok & P. Lemmens - 2015 - In Bert-Jaap Koops, Ilse Oosterlaken, Henny Romijn, Tsjalling Swierstra & Jeroen van den Hoven (eds.), Responsible Innovation 2: Concepts, Approaches, and Applications. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 19-35.
    Abstract In this chapter, we challenge the presupposed concept of innovation in the responsible innovation literature. As a first step, we raise several questions with regard to the possibility of ‘responsible’ innovation and point at several difficulties which undermine the supposedly responsible character of innovation processes, based on an analysis of the input, throughput and output of innovation processes. It becomes clear that the practical applicability of the concept of responsible innovation is highly problematic (...)
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  47. Definitions and Conceptual Dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation: A Literature Review.Mirjam Burget, Emanuele Bardone & Margus Pedaste - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):1-19.
    The aim of this study is to provide a discussion on the definitions and conceptual dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation based on findings from the literature. In the study, the outcomes of a literature review of 235 RRI-related articles were presented. The articles were selected from the EBSCO and Google Scholar databases regarding the definitions and dimensions of RRI. The results of the study indicated that while administrative definitions were widely quoted in the reviewed literature, they were not (...)
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    Technological Innovation in Science: The Adoption of Infrared Spectroscopy by Chemists.Yakov Rabkin - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):31-54.
  49. Towards Responsible Research and Innovation in the Information and Communication Technologies and Security Technologies Fields.Rene Von Schomberg (ed.) - 2011 - Publications Office of the European Union.
  50.  83
    The Linear Model of Innovation: The Historical Construction of an Analytical Framework.Benoît Godin - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (6):639-667.
    One of the first frameworks developed for understanding the relation of science and technology to the economy has been the linear model of innovation. The model postulated that innovation starts with basic research, is followed by applied research and development, and ends with production and diffusion. The precise source of the model remains nebulous, having never been documented. Several authors who have used, improved, or criticized the model in the past fifty years rarely acknowledged or cited any original (...)
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