Results for 'Levinas: modernity'

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  1.  93
    Alterity and Transcendence.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    Internationally renowned as one of the great French philosophers of the twentieth century, the late Emmanuel Levinas remains a pivotal figure across the humanistic disciplines for his insistence--against the grain of Western philosophical tradition--on the primacy of ethics in philosophical investigation. This first English translation of a series of twelve essays known as _Alterity and Transcendence_ offers a unique glimpse of Levinas defining his own place in the history of philosophy. Published by a mature thinker between 1967 and (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Totality and infinity: an essay on exteriority.Emmanuel Levinas - 1961 - Hingham, MA: distribution for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    INTRODUCTION Ever since the beginning of the modern phenomenological movement disciplined attention has been paid to various patterns of human experience as ...
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    Entre Nous: Essays on Thinking-of-the-Other.Emmanuel Levinas - 2000 - Columbia University Press.
    Emmanuel Levinas is one of the most important figures of twentieth-century philosophy. Exerting a profound influence upon such thinkers as Derrida, Lyotard, Blanchot, and Irigaray, Levinas's work bridges several major gaps in the evolution of continental philosophy--between modern and postmodern, phenomenology and poststructuralism, ethics and ontology. He is credited with having spurred a revitalized interest in ethics-based philosophy throughout Europe and America. _Entre Nous_ (Between Us) is the culmination of Levinas's philosophy. Published in France a few years (...)
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    Positivité et transcendance: suivi de Lévinas et la phénoménologie.Emmanuel Lévinas & Jean-Luc Marion - 2000 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    La pensée d'Emmanuel Lévinas a d'emblée été connue des philosophes et des universitaires, dès son premier ouvrage, La théorie de l'intuition chez Husserl, en 1930. Avec " Totalité et Infini " (en l963), il fut reconnu comme un innovateur puissant et originel pour son développement de la phénoménologie. Pourtant, plus récemment, l'immense intérêt du public pour Lévinas s'est déplacé, plutôt, vers les conséquences ou les marges de son projet initial. Ce déplacement a sa légitimité, prouvant au moins la pertinence politique (...)
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    Hors sujet.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1987 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    La 4ème de couv. indique : "Avec "Hors sujet", Emmanuel Levinas revient et approfondit sa réflexion sur le noyau dur de sa philosophie : la relation avec l’Autre. Méditation superbe qui entraîne vers l’analyse des "Droits de l’homme et droits d’autrui", une approche singulière du "Langage quotidien" et de la "rhétorique sans éloquence", ou encore de "La Transcendance des mots". En chemin, le philosophe retrouve la trace de ceux auprès desquels il a fortifié sa propre pensée – Merleau-Ponty, Jankélévitch, (...)
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    Noms propres.Emmanuel Levinas - 2014 - Fata Morgana.
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    As If Consenting to Horror.Emmanuel Levinas & Paula Wissing - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):485-488.
    I learned very early, perhaps even before 1933 and certainly after Hitler’s huge success at the time of his election to the Reichstag, of Heidegger’s sympathy toward National Socialism. It was the late Alexandre Koyré who mentioned it to me for the first time on his return from a trip to Germany. I could not doubt the news, but took it with stupor and disappointment, and also with the faint hope that it expressed only the temporary lapse of a great (...)
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    Noms propres: Agnon, Buber, Celan [et al.].Emmanuel Lévinas - 1987 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
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    La noción de "horizonte" como reflejo de las disputas astronómicas en torno a la posición de la Tierra.Leonardo Levinas & Aníbal Szapiro - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (4):763-784.
    Analizamos las transformaciones de la noción de "horizonte" en la modernidad a través de sus usos en obras científicas del período 1440-1624; en particular, en el marco de la discusión que tuvo lugar a propósito de la disputa entre geocentristas y heliocentristas con relación al argumento ptolemaico que establecía que el comportamiento del horizonte probaba la posición central de la Tierra. Señalamos cómo el concepto de "horizonte" es representativo de otros conceptos fundamentales que caracterizan a los sistemas cosmológicos en pugna, (...)
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  10. Levinas, Habermas and modernity.Nicholas H. Smith - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (6):643-664.
    This article examines Levinas as if he were a participant in what Habermas has called `the philosophical discourse of modernity'. It begins by comparing Levinas' and Habermas' articulations of the philosophical problems of modernity. It then turns to how certain key motifs in Levinas' later work give philosophical expression to the needs of the times as Levinas diagnoses them. In particular it examines how Levinas interweaves a modern, post-ontological conception of `the religious' or (...)
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    Einstein's reinterpretation of the Fizeau experiment: How it turned out to be crucial for special relativity.Alejandro Cassini & Marcelo Leonardo Levinas - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 65 (C):55-72.
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  12.  50
    Emmanuel Levinas on Secularization in Modern Society.Ze’ev Levy - 2005 - Levinas Studies 1:19-35.
    In his philosophical texts Levinas privileges le dire, which always presupposes the relation to the other, over le dit, which transforms the other into an objective entity. Likewise in his analysis of thinking, he does not limit himself to the thought itself but aspires to reach what he characterizes by the word “transcendence.” This is a cardinal concept of his philosophy; it is not restricted to the religious meaning that God and God’s essence are beyond human comprehension, but expresses (...)
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  13.  33
    (3 other versions)Emmanuel lévinas and the critique of modern political philosophy.Sun Xiangchen - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (s1):155-165.
  14.  33
    Modernity in French Thought: Excess in Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jean-François Lyotard.Richard Beardsworth - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (137):67-95.
  15.  10
    Die Versprechen der Moderne und die Zukunft der Geschichte. Zur Geschichtsphilosophie Ricœur- mit Blick auf Kant, Levinas und Derrida.Burkhard Liebsch - 2013 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 38 (3):299-320.
    It is well known that time and again the end of history has been announced. Nevertheless, Ricoeur felt obliged to remain true to the practical implications of promises which were connected with modernity. This essay shows that for Ricoeur the binding character of these promises is yet at stake and that he refuses to believe that especially the history of Europe is to be regarded as a cemetery of broken promises which, consequently, could not be taken seriously any more (...)
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    Levinas, Judaism, and the Feminine: The Silent Footsteps of Rebecca.Claire Elise Katz - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    Challenging previous interpretations of Levinas that gloss over his use of the feminine or show how he overlooks questions raised by feminists, Claire Elise Katz explores the powerful and productive links between the feminine and religion in Levinas’s work. Rather than viewing the feminine as a metaphor with no significance for women or as a means to reinforce traditional stereotypes, Katz goes beyond questions of sexual difference to reach a more profound understanding of the role of the feminine (...)
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  17. Levinas’s Ethics of Responsibility: limits within the concepts of Proximity and Plurality.Laila Haghbayan - manuscript
    Looking at responsibility within a Lévinasian sense, human beings are firstly seen not in the philosophically traditional sense, of being egocentric, but rather seen as ethical subjects based on “the other” (Lévinas & Hand, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to examine the notion of responsibility as Lévinas conceptualized in the idea that human beings are responsible for not only themselves but for others. Lévinas within “Ethics as First Philosophy” (Lévinas & Hand, 1989) states that before all other forms (...)
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  18. Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other.Eric Sean Nelson - 2020 - Albany, NY, USA: State University of New York Press.
    PDF with introduction and front and back materials. Abstract: A provocative examination of the consequences of Levinas’s and Adorno’s thought for contemporary ethics and political philosophy. This book unfolds a dialogue between Emmanuel Levinas and Theodor W. Adorno, using their thought to address contemporary environmental and social-political situations. Eric S. Nelson explores the “non-identity thinking” of Adorno and the “ethics of the Other” of Levinas with regard to three areas of concern: the ethical position of nature and (...)
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  19. Marion, Levinas, and Heidegger on the question concerning ontotheology.Joeri Schrijvers - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (2):207-239.
    In this article, the differences between Jean-Luc Marion, Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Heidegger’s approaches to ontotheology are discussed. Whereas Marion argues for a historical approach to this question, i.e., testing whether ontotheology can be detected in this or that thinker in this history of philosophy, this article aims, with Levinas and Heidegger, for an ontological approach to the question concerning ontotheology. In this regard, this text expresses wonder about Marion’s claim that Medieval theology would not have succumbed to (...)
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    Emmanuel Levinas and the New Science of Judaism.Michael Sohn - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):626-642.
    This article addresses Emmanuel Levinas's re-conceptualization of Jewish identity by examining his response to a question he himself poses: “In which sense do we need a Jewish science?” First, I attend to Levinas's critique of modern science of Judaism, particularly as it was understood in the critical approaches of the nineteenth-century school of thought, Wissenschaft des Judentums. Next, I detail Levinas's own constructive proposal that would, in his words, “enlarge the science of Judaism.” He retrieved classical textual (...)
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    Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas.Robert Gibbs - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    Robert Gibbs radically revises standard interpretations of the two key figures of modern Jewish philosophy--Franz Rosenzweig, author of the monumental Star of Redemption, and Emmanuel Levinas, a major voice in contemporary intellectual life, who has inspired such thinkers as Derrida, Lyotard, Irigaray, and Blanchot. Rosenzweig and Levinas thought in relation to different philosophical schools and wrote in disparate styles. Their personal relations to Judaism and Christianity were markedly dissimilar. To Gibbs, however, the two thinkers possess basic affinities with (...)
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    Levinas and the Ancients.Brian Schroeder & Silvia Benso (eds.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    The relation between the Greek and Judeo-Christian traditions is "the great problem" of Western philosophy, according to Emmanuel Levinas. In this book Brian Schroeder, Silvia Benso, and an international group of philosophers address the relationship between Levinas and the world of ancient thought. In addition to philosophy, themes touching on religion, mythology, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, ethics, and politics are also explored. The volume as a whole provides a unified and extended discussion of how an engagement between Levinas (...)
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  23.  21
    After Lévinas: Assessing Zygmunt Bauman’s ‘ethical turn’.Benjamin Adam Hirst - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (2):184-198.
    The centrality of Lévinasian ethics to Zygmunt Bauman’s sociological vision has been affirmed by a number of writers. However, the way in which Bauman attempts to think through the implications of this ethical framework for political decision-making on a global scale has been seen as highly problematic. In recent years, Bauman has arguably begun to veer towards what can be seen as a more ‘legislative’ position, prioritizing what Lévinas calls archic issues relating to government, foundation and sovereignty, and arguably jettisoning (...)
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  24.  19
    Divine Invisibility and Ethical Epistemology in Late Modernity: Heidegger, Jonas and Levinas.Elad Lapidot - unknown
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    Emmanuel Levinas, une introduction.Maurice R. Hayoun - 2018 - [Paris]: Pocket.
    Le présent ouvrage, rédigé par un philosophe germaniste et hébraïsant, expose l'émergence d'un Emmanuel Levinas dans son entièreté, et dont l'idée centrale consiste à présenter le judaïsme, non pas comme une confession, mais comme une authentique catégorie de l'universel. Levinas a mis en avant les sources talmudiques, notamment le Midrash dont il donne de lumineuses interprétations éthico-philosophiques. Il a refusé de reprendre les enseignements des philosophes judéo-allemands du XIXe siècle qui avaient pourtant jeté les fondements du judaïsme moderne (...)
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    Levinas e Heidegger.Giuliano Sansonetti - 1998 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Levinas's Humanism of the Other and King Lear.Lisa S. Starks - 2022 - Levinas Studies 16:75-92.
    Levinas’s Humanism of the Other may be seen as a meditation of King Lear. His philosophy offers what a critique of traditional and modern anti-humanism urgently needs: an ethics that precedes being. It provides a necessary ethical foundation needed to investigate questions of the human and humanity that Shakespeare examines so thoroughly in this powerful tragedy. Prefiguring Levinas’s later philosophy, Shakespeare dramatizes this humanism of the other through the suffering and vulnerability of the body. Lear’s and Gloucester’s parallel (...)
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  28. Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision.Hans Blumenberg, David Michael Levin & Joel Anderson - 1993 - In David Kleinberg-Levin (ed.), Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision. The University of California Press.
    This collection of original essays by preeminent interpreters of continental philosophy explores the question of whether Western thought and culture have been dominated by a vision-centered paradigm of knowledge, ethics, and power. It focuses on the character of vision in modern philosophy and on arguments for and against the view that contemporary life and thought are distinctively "ocularcentric." The authors examine these ideas in the context of the history of philosophy and consider the character of visual discourse in the writings (...)
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    Kierkegaard, Levinas and the Question of Escaping Metaphysics.Andrea Hurst - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):169-187.
    While Kierkegaard and Levinas may well be thought of as religious or ethical thinkers, I should not like the reader to be misled by this into assuming that this article is primarily about religion or ethics. Rather, my main concern may more properly be described as metaphysical or epistemological, for I am interested in certain styles of thinking that underlie the religious/ethical themes dealt with here. Thus, this article aims to show that in relation to traditional metaphysical styles, and (...)
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    Levinas and Nineteenth-Century Literature: Ethics and Otherness From Romanticism Through Realism.Donald R. Wehrs & David P. Haney (eds.) - 2009 - University of Delaware Press.
    The third section considers the relevance of Levinas's work for reassessments of the realist novel through essays on Austen, Dickens, and George Eliot.
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    Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas: philosophy and the politics of revelation.Leora Batnitzky - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas, two twentieth-century Jewish philosophers and two extremely provocative thinkers whose reputations have grown considerably over the last twenty years, are rarely studied together. This is due to the disparate interests of many of their intellectual heirs. Strauss has influenced political theorists and policy makers on the right while Levinas has been championed in the humanities by different cadres associated with postmodernist thought. In Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophy and the Politics of (...)
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    In Proximity: Emmanuel Levinas and the Eighteenth Century.Melvyn New, Robert Bernasconi & Richard A. Cohen - 2001 - Texas Tech University Press.
    In a world in which everything is reduced "to the play of signs detached from what is signified," Levinas asks a deceptively simple question: Whence, then, comes the urge to question injustice? By seeing the demand for justice for the other—the homeless, the destitute—as a return to morality, Levinas escapes the suspect finality of any ideology.Levinas’s question is one starting point for In Proximity, a collection of seventeen essays by scholars in eighteenth-century literature, philosophy, history, and religion, (...)
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  33.  65
    Plato, Levinas, and Transcendence.Michael L. Morgan - 2019 - Levinas Studies 13:85-102.
    Although Levinas frequently references Plato positively, they are engaged in different philosophical enterprises. Whereas Levinas takes his place in the tradition of modern moral philosophy for which the atrocities of the twentieth century are undeniable burdens, Plato is concerned with cultivating dispositions that promote psychological and social harmony. For Levinas, Plato’s Form of the Good signals a dual commitment, on the one hand to the primacy of ethical action to existence, and on the other to the connection (...)
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    Arendt, Levinas, and the Justification of Violence.Joe Larios - 2020 - Arendt Studies 4:177-202.
    By bringing the work of Arendt and Levinas together, this paper hopes to show a possible avenue for addressing the lack of a heteronomous object guiding the public realm in Arendt. This is first clarified with reference to the lack of a clear criterion for the deployment of violence as found in On Violence and proceeds to show how a criterion can be excavated from her comments elsewhere and clarified through a comparison with the thought of Levinas in (...)
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    Levinas and an ethics for science education.David W. Blades - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (5):647–664.
    Despite claims that STS science education promotes ethical responsibility, this approach is not supported by a clear philosophy of ethics. This paper argues that the work of Emmanuel Levinas provides an ethics suitable for an STS science education. His concept of the face of the Other redefines education as learning from the other, rather than about the other. Extrapolating the face of the Other to the non‐human world suggests an ethics for science education where the goal of pedagogy is (...)
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    Levinas's Jewish thought: between Jerusalem and Athens.Ephraim Meir - 2008 - Jerusalem: the Hebrew University Magnes Press.
    This book situates Levinas in the pantheon of modern Jewish thinkers, discussing a number of themes that frequently occur in Jewish thought. The author presents Levinas's oeuvre, which comprises two parts - his Jewish, "confessional" writings and his philosophical, "professional" writings - as a unity. The question of the exact relationship between these two types of writings is a lively discussion in present day scholarship. How does Levinas perceive the relationship between revelation and philosophy, the biblical address (...)
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    Emmanuel Levinas’s “Religion and Idea of the Infinite” (1982).Michael Portal - 2023 - Levinas Studies 17:1-15.
    In 1982 Emmanuel Levinas contributed a “lesson” on religion to a series in Le Monde. Intended for a general audience, Levinas’s lesson is a clear and concise introduction to his thought in general—and, in particular, to the curious persistence of the idea of God or the Infinite despite modernity. After the death of God, what remains, invoking Descartes, is the “idea of God” or even the “expectation” of God (and, so, of some greater “meaning [sens] and justification”). (...)
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    Ethics, Exegesis and Philosophy: Interpretation After Levinas.Richard A. Cohen - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The reputation and influence of Emmanuel Levinas has grown powerfully. Well known in France in his lifetime, he has since his death become widely regarded as a major European moral philosopher profoundly shaped by his Jewish background. A pupil of Husserl and Heidegger, Levinas pioneered new forms of exegesis with his post-modern readings of the Talmud, and as an ethicist brought together religious and non-religious, Jewish and non-Jewish traditions of contemporary thought. Richard A. Cohen has written a book (...)
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    Levinas en Barth: een godsdienstwijsgerige en ethische vergelijking.Johannes Frederik Goud - 1984 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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  40. Levinas en Barth: een godsdienstwijsgerige en ethische vergelijking.Johan Goud - 1984 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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    Emmanuel Levinas, Radical Orthodoxy, and an Ontology of Originary Peace.Brock Bahler - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (3):516-539.
    Radical Orthodoxy, a growing movement among contemporary Christian theologians, argues that the prominent philosophical paradigms of modern and postmodern thought lack transcendence, are ultimately nihilistic, and are guided by an ontology of violence. Among the thinkers Radical Orthodoxy criticizes are Hegel, Nietzsche, and Hobbes, but surprisingly also the Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, whom they claim offers an ethics for nihilists. In this essay, I analyze the claims of two prominent thinkers in Radical Orthodoxy, John Milbank and Catherine Pickstock, and (...)
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    Levinas on Empathy, Desire, and the Caress.Simon Thornton - 2024 - Human Studies 47 (3):553-572.
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    Levinas's beginnings: ethics, politics, and origins.Nancy Levene - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):43-54.
    It is commonplace in philosophy, political theory, and theology to speak of the other and the problem of the identity of the West. No one has done as much to foreground the language of the other in recent years as Emmanuel Levinas, whose works have sparked a renewed interest in ethics across the humanities. Moreover, few have advanced as forceful a critique of European otherness, not only its exclusivity (whereby the other is marginalized) but also its hegemony (whereby the (...)
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    Service Learning in Light of Emmanuel Levinas.Glen L. Sherman - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (5):477-492.
    Emmanuel Levinas, a twentieth century French Continental philosopher, proposed an original understanding of ethics which has serious implications for the particular activities within higher education designated as service learning and community service. First I will define service learning and community service and briefly review the theoretical and philosophical justifications typically employed to substantiate and ground these activities within higher education. Next, I will explicate key aspects from Levinas’ ethical philosophy important for reconceptualizing service learning, and discuss their significance (...)
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    Levinas as a Media Theorist.Amit Pinchevski - 2014 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 47 (1):48-72.
    This article explores the way Levinas communicates his ethical message through the media at work in his work: speech, writing, and rare references to modern media. Levinas's ethical message concerns the import of the relation with the other, a relation that interrupts any attempt at its thematization, including Levinas's own philosophy. Levinas's text serves as an exemplary medium for this ethical message in conveying the teaching of ethics along with the interruption it advocates. The article then (...)
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    Education in nonviolence: Levinas' Talmudic readings and the study of sacred texts.Hanan Alexander - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):58-68.
    The essay offers a Jewish account of education in nonviolence by examining the first of Emmanuel Levinas' Talmudic readings ‘Toward the Other.’ I begin by exploring Levinas' unique philosophy of religious education, which nurtures responsibility for the other, as part of an alternative to enlightenment-orientated modern Jewish thought pioneered by the likes of Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber, and Franz Rosenzweig. I then consider a question raised by Yusef Waghid and Zehavit Gross at the 2012 meeting of the Philosophy (...)
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  47. Aesthetics: On Levinas’ Shadow.Matthew Sharpe - 2005 - Colloquy 9:29-46.
    Emmanuel Levinas’ aesthetics has been critically discussed much less than other components of his philosophy. In one way, this is not surprising, given Levinas’ wider post-war project. Nevertheless, in the late 1940s, the very time his influential later philosophy was taking shape, Levinas published a series of papers on literary criticism, and on the nature of art. istents and Existence, the text where Levinas first announces his project of “leaving the climate” of Heidegger’s thought, contains in (...)
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    A Time for the Marginal: Levinas and Metz on Biblical Time.Manuel Losada-Sierra & John Mandalios - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):411-423.
    In the modern consideration of historical time, reason is the driving force of progress through a homogenous, linear and continuum time. In fact, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries humanity was witnessing a history of progress in which it appeared that history was progressing towards a better world. However, the tragedies of the twentieth century indicate the opposite. Western reason proved unable to stop the barbarism of war. At the heart of this panorama, according to Emmanuel Levinas and Johann (...)
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    Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida: The Question of Difference.Lisa Foran & Rozemund Uljée (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book explores the relation between Heidegger, Levinas and Derrida by means of a dialogue with experts on the work of these mutually influential thinkers. Each essay in this collection focuses on the relation between at least two of these three philosophers focusing on various themes, such as Alterity, Justice, Truth and Language. By contextualising these thinkers and tracing their mutually shared themes, the book establishes the question of difference and its ongoing radicalization as the problem to which phenomenology (...)
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    Ontotheological turnings? Marion, Lacoste and Levinas on the decentring of modern subjectivity.Joeri Schrijvers - 2006 - Modern Theology 22 (2):221-253.
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