Results for 'Leung Sumie'

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  1.  39
    The role of stimulus train length in mismatch negativity (MMN) abnormalities in schizophrenia: A comparison of the 'roving' and 'oddball' MMN paradigms.Leung Sumie, Greenwood Lisa-Marie, Michie Patricia & Croft Rodney - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2.  34
    Acute glycine administration increases mismatch negativity in chronic schizophrenia.Greenwood Lisa-Marie, Leung Sumie, Michie Patricia, Green Amity, Nathan Pradeep, Fitzgerald Paul, Johnston Patrick, Solowij Nadia, Kulkarni Jayashri & Croft Rodney - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3.  48
    Tao and logos.Thomas In-Sing Leung - 1998 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 25 (1):131-146.
  4.  31
    An algebraic truth in divination.Koon-Loon Leung - 1982 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 9 (2):243-257.
  5.  10
    Anachronism of emancipation or fidelity to politics.Jelica Šumi - 2004 - In Simon Critchley & Oliver Marchart, Laclau: A Critical Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 182.
  6.  28
    Gender, agency, and coercion.Sumi Madhok, Anne Phillips & Kalpana Wilson (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Drawing on recent feminist discussions, this collection critically reassesses ideas about agency, exploring the relationship between agency and coercion in greater depth and across a range of disciplinary perspectives and ethical contexts.
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    Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting.Alicia S. M. Leung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):43-55.
    This paper studies the relationship between organizational ethical climate and the forms of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), including in-role and extra-role behaviors, and examines the mediating effect of employee loyalty. A sample of employees from a traditional Hong Kong-based company was used as a study group. The purpose of this study was to examine the causes and implications of how various ethical work climates affect employee performance. Based on a model proposed by Victor and Cullen, ethical climate is arranged from (...)
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    Strategies for Social and Environmental Disclosure: The Case of Multinational Gambling Companies.Tiffany Cheng-Han Leung & Robin Stanley Snell - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (3):447-467.
    This study investigates how firms in the gambling industry manage their corporate social disclosures about controversial issues. We performed thematic content analysis of CSDs about responsible gambling, money laundering prevention and environmental protection in the annual reports and stand-alone CSR reports of four USA-based multinational gambling firms and their four Macao counterparts. This study draws on impression management theory, camouflage theory and corporate integrity theory to examine the gambling firms’ CSDs. We infer that the CSD strategies of gambling firms in (...)
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    The one, the true, the good… or not: Badiou, Agamben, and atheistic transcendentality.King-Ho Leung - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (1):75-97.
    This article offers a reading of the “transcendental” character of Alain Badiou’s and Giorgio Agamben’s ontologies. While neither Badiou nor Agamben are “transcendental” philosophers in the Kantian sense, this article argues that their respective projects of ontology both recover aspects of the “classical” conception of the transcendentals. Not unlike how pre-modern philosophers conceived of oneness, truth and goodness as transcendental properties of all things, both Badiou’s and Agamben’s ontologies present various structures which can be universally predicated of all being. However, (...)
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    Meaning and Intuitive Act in the Logical Investigations.Ka-Wing Leung - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (2):125-142.
    This essay attempts to approach the dispute over the conceptualist or non-conceptualist interpretation of Husserl’s conception of intentional experience from a specific question: Is the intuitive act essentially a carrier of meaning? In the sixth Investigation, Husserl apparently tries to show that intuition is no carrier of meaning and therefore must be unified with a meaning-conferring act in order to be meaningful. But it seems to me that the brief arguments given by Husserl here are far from conclusive and that (...)
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  11.  62
    Heidegger on Animal and World.Ka-Wing Leung - 2010 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 10 (1):237-250.
  12.  23
    Vernacular rights cultures: the politics of origins, human rights, and gendered struggles for justice.Sumi Madhok - 2021 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses two central questions: What does it mean to shift the epistemic centre of human rights thinking and to decolonise global human rights? And, how to study the 'active' conceptual, empirical, epistemic and political life of rights in 'most of the world'? To address these questions, this book introduces and develops the framework of vernacular rights cultures. The study of vernacular rights cultures is an interdisciplinary, conceptual, epistemic, methodological and empirical project. It intervenes in the current impasse of (...)
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    From criticism to approval: A reconsideration of Ji’s Yogācāra position on Madhyamaka.Sumi Lee - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (4):329-353.
    Madhyamaka and Yogācāra are two Mahāyāna schools which have distinct systems. In the seventh century East Asia, the doctrinal distinction between the two schools was received as doctrinal contrast in the polemic circumstance of Emptiness-Existence controversy. In this context, Ji 基, the putative founder of East Asian Yogācāra school, has been normally considered by scholars to have advocated ‘Existence’ in opposition to ‘Emptiness’. It is problematic, however, to brand Ji’s Yogācāra position simply as anti-Madhyamaka. Although Ji evidently expresses evident criticism (...)
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    (1 other version)Legal Commentary.Sumy Menon - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):262-264.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Legal CommentarySumy Menon, Senior Associate in ResearchThis case involves the balancing of a young person’s right to autonomy and the desire to protect her from harm. No Singapore court decision has determined whether the doctor owes a duty to the parents of the doctor’s 16-year-old patient, to warn them that their child is engaging in sexual activities, and who subsequently has had an abortion. Similarly, the issue of whether (...)
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    Nihon shisōshi no kanōsei.Kazuo Ōsumi (ed.) - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Heibonsha.
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    Topography and ideology: Caesar's monument and the aedes divi ivlii in Augustan Rome.Geoffrey S. Sumi - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (1):205-229.
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    Fukakai na shisōka Motoori Norinaga: sono shisō kōzō to "magokoro".Sumie Watanabe - 2011 - Tōkyō: Iwata Shoin.
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  18.  28
    Towards theorising corporate social irresponsibility: The Déjà Vu cases of collapsed forestry ventures.Tiffany C. H. Leung, Artie W. Ng, Andreas G. F. Hoepner & Maretno A. Harjoto - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1452-1469.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 32, Issue 4, Page 1452-1469, October 2023.
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  19.  28
    Axiomatizing AECs and applications.Samson Leung - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (5):103248.
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  20.  55
    Nursing Management of Medication Errors.Leung Andrew Luk, Wai I. Milly Ng, Kam Ki Stanley Ko & Vai Ha Ung - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (1):28-39.
    Medication error is the most common and consistent type of error occurring in hospitals. This article attempts to explore the ethical issues relating to the nursing management of medication errors in clinical areas in Macau, China. A qualitative approach was adopted. Seven registered nurses who were involved in medication errors were recruited for in-depth interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. Regarding the management of patients, the nurses acknowledged the mistakes but did not disclose the incidents to (...)
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  21.  21
    Zhu Xi on Emotional Ambivalence.Yat-Hung Leung - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):277-295.
    This article discusses the phenomenon of emotional ambivalence, especially in the moral context. After a nuanced classification of the phenomenon that facilitates accurate evaluation and treatment, it argues that Zhu Xi 朱熹 acknowledges the phenomenon and can provide insights particularly into cases that involve conflicting moral emotions. In light of Zhu, the criterion of motivational harmony rather than motivational unity can more pertinently account for the motivational state of the virtuous persons facing moral emotional ambivalences. This can avoid a certain (...)
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  22.  63
    Gratitude to the Ultimate Reality in Zhu Xi: A Case Suggesting How God can be a Fitting Target of Prepositional Gratitude.Yat-Hung Leung - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1385-1400.
    Marcus William Hunt argues that prepositional gratitude to God is metaphysically impossible. This is because a fitting target of prepositional gratitude should be able to be benefited in return. Having the maximum well-being, God cannot be benefited in return and fails to be a fitting target. This view is debatable as some argue that God’s well-being can be increased in some peculiar sense. This paper proposes that Zhu Xi (1130-1200), a Confucian philosopher in China, can offer some plausible perspective. The (...)
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  23. Fukurawa Yukichi to shinkyōiku.Sumie Kobayashi - 1950
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  24. Kyoikugaku josetsu.Sumie Kobayashi - 1950
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  25.  98
    Autonomy, gendered subordination and transcultural dialogue.Sumi Madhok - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (3):335 – 357.
    This paper is a theoretical and empirical investigation into whether persons in subordinate social contexts possess agency and if they do, how do we recognise and recover their agency given the oppressive conditions of their lives. It aims to achieve this through forging closer links between the philosophical arguments and the ethnographic evidence of women's agency. Through such an exercise, this paper hopes to bridge the existing gap between feminist theoretical interventions and feminist politics as well as to increase 'sociological (...)
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  26.  29
    From the Analysis of the Political Embodiment in Heidegger’s Black Notebooks to a Brief Comparison With Confucianism.Leung Po Shan - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):275-290.
    In Heidegger’s Black Notebooks some ideas about political embodiment can be found, which have come under suspicion to justify the Third Reich’s race law. In the following article, the analysis and discussion of Heidegger’s political embodiment will firstly be traced back to the traditional understanding of the human as a “rational animal”, and will then look at how the “racial being” is subsequently developed and eventually transformed into political absolute subjectivism. Moreover, Heidegger’s in-depth explanation and critique on Nietzsche’s metaphysics, which (...)
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  27. Plotinus on Matter's Participation in the Forms.Atsushi Sumi - 2007 - Dionysius 25.
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  28.  34
    Evidence‐based medical education –quo vadis?Gabriel M. Leung & Janice M. Johnston - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):353-364.
  29.  23
    Race and class bias in qualitative research on women.Marianne L. A. Leung, Elizabeth Higginbotham & Lynn Weber Cannon - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (4):449-462.
    Exploratory studies employing volunteer subjects are especially vulnerable to race and class bias. This article illustrates how inattention to race and class as critical dimensions in women's lives can produce biased research samples and lead to false conclusions. It analyzes the race and class background of 200 women who volunteered to participate in an in-depth study of Black and White professional, managerial, and administrative women. Despite a multiplicity of methods used to solicit subjects, White women raised in middle-class families who (...)
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  30.  46
    Recent Publications.Janny H. C. Leung - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86 (3):765-767.
    [Adapted from publisher-provided promotional materials by English Book Review Editor, Janny HC Leung]M. Catherine Gruber (2014) I’m Sorry for What I’ve Done: The Language of Courtroom Apologies. Oxford University Press, USA, ISBN: 978-0-19-932566-5This book examines 52 apologetic allocutions produced during federal sentencing hearings. The practice of inviting defendants to make a statement in their own behalf is a long-standing one and it is understood as offering defendants the opportunity to impress a judge or jury with their remorse, which could (...)
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  31.  30
    The Meaning of ‘Mind-made Body’ (S. manomaya-k?ya, C. yisheng shen???) in Buddhist Cosmological and Soteriological systems.Sumi Lee - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 31 (1):65-90.
    The ‘mind-made body’ is seen as a subtle body attained by a Buddhist adept during meditative practice. Previous research has elucidated this concept as having important doctrinal significance in the Buddhist cosmological system. The P?li canonical evidence shows that the manomaya-k?ya is not merely a spiritual byproduct of meditative training, but also a specific existential mode of being in the system of the three realms. Studies of the manomaya-k?ya to date, however, have focused mostly on early P?li materials, and thus (...)
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  32. pt. 1. Epistemology and marginality.Sumi Madhok & Mary Evans - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing, The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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    Plotinus on Phaedrus 247D7-E1.Atsushi Sumi - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):404-420.
  34. Comparing the Inculturation Process of the Gospel between Western and Chinese Civilizations.John Cheng Wai-Leung - 2012 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 35 (1-2):108-133.
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  35. Developing Aquinas’ Missing Metaphysical Concept of Christ.John Cheng Wai-Leung - 2010 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 33 (1-2):67-84.
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  36. (1 other version)Re-visiting St. Thomas' Concept of God as Truth Itself from the Perspective of Qi in the Guanzi's Four Daoist Chapters.John Cheng Wai-Leung - 2007 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 30 (3):212-231.
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  37.  88
    The Picture of Artificial Intelligence and the Secularization of Thought.King-Ho Leung - 2019 - Political Theology 20 (6):457-471.
    This article offers a critical interpretation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a philosophical notion which exemplifies a secular conception of thinking. One way in which AI notably differs from the conventional understanding of “thinking” is that, according to AI, “intelligence” or “thinking” does not necessarily require “life” as a precondition: that it is possible to have “thinking without life.” Building on Charles Taylor’s critical account of secularity as well as Hubert Dreyfus’ influential critique of AI, this article offers a theological (...)
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  38.  27
    Hanf number of the first stability cardinal in AECs.Samson Leung - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (2):103201.
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    The Technologisation of Grace and Theology: Meta-theological Insights from Transhumanism.King-Ho Leung - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (4):479-495.
    This article examines some of the recent theological critiques of the movement of technological human enhancement known as ‘transhumanism’. Drawing on the comparisons between grace and technology often found in the theological discourse on transhumanism, this article argues that the Thomistic distinction between healing grace and elevating grace can not only supplement the theological analysis of transhumanism and its ethical implications, but also help Christian theologians and ethicists become more aware of how the phenomenon of technology may have implicitly shaped (...)
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  40.  67
    The Moral Significance of Art in Kant's Critique of Judgment: Imagination and the Performance of Imperfect Duties.Wing Sze Leung - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 52 (3):87.
    Debates among contemporary philosophers and literary scholars on the moral value of representational art revolve around how art appreciation influences the audience—whether viewer or reader. Martha Nussbaum, a distinguished scholar in law and ethics who has initiated many lively dialogues on this subject, holds that we have a great deal to learn from literary works—in particular, realist novels—because they so concretely depict the ways in which personal and social circumstances shape human emotions, actions, and choices. While Charles Dickens’s Hard Times (...)
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  41.  30
    Coloniality, Political Subjectivation and the Gendered Politics of Protest in a ‘State of Exception’.Sumi Madhok - 2018 - Feminist Review 119 (1):56-71.
    In this paper, I shall make the following propositions: in order to conceptually capture and represent the acts of political protest in a state of exception, we will need to reorient and supplement our representational apparatuses and also our theoretical frameworks for thinking about the gendered modes of protest under emergency laws and political abandonment. Through an analysis of the ‘naked protest’ of the Meira Peibis in Manipur, a ‘state of exception’ in democratic India, I shall argue that a series (...)
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  42.  92
    A Deontic Counterpart of Lewis's S1.Kam Sing Leung & R. E. Jennings - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (2):217-230.
    In this paper we investigate nonnormal modal systems in the vicinity of the Lewis system S1. It might be claimed that Lewis's modal systems (S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5) are the starting point of modern modal logics. However, our interests in the Lewis systems and their relatives are not (merely) historical. They possess certain syntactical features and their frames certain structural properties that are of interest to us. Our starting point is not S1, but a weaker logic S1 (S1 (...)
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  43.  9
    Existing and Emerging Capabilities in the Governance of Medical AI.Gilberto K. K. Leung, Yuechan Song & Calvin W. L. Ho - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (3):307-311.
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  44.  24
    Should Screening of Student and Qualified Nurses for Bloodborne Infections be Compulsory and Infected Individuals Excluded from Work?W.-C. Leung - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (2):133-141.
  45.  68
    The implications of Confucianism for education today.F. K. S. Leung - 1998 - Journal of Thought 33:25-36.
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  46.  32
    The Shanghai-Tientsin Connection: Li Hung-chang's Political Control over Shanghai.Yuen-Sang Leung - 1990 - Chinese Studies in History 24 (1-2):152-167.
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    Computer-aided thinking by mapping text-objects into metric spaces.Yasuyuki Sumi, Koichi Hori & Setsuo Ohsuga - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 91 (1):71-84.
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  48. Heidegger’s Concept Of Fore-structure And Textual Interpretation.Ka-Wing Leung - 2011 - Phainomena 79:23-40.
    The concept of fore-structure is central to Heidegger’s idea of interpretation. Gadamer later incorporated this concept into his own theory of philosophical hermeneutics. But there are indeed certain signifcant differences between their accounts of the fore-structure, and these differences are o ften neglected by scholars. This essay will first present Heidegger’s concept of fore-structure, and then we will demonstrate the differences between Heidegger and Gadamer. At last, we will draw out some implications of Heidegger’s concept of fore-structure to textual Interpretation.
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  49.  39
    Liang Cai. Witchcraft and the Rise of the First Confucian Empire.Vincent S. Leung - 2017 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 44 (1-2):110-113.
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    Living Paradoxes: On Agamben, Taylor, and Human Subjectivity.King-Ho Leung - 2019 - Télos 187:85-106.
    Over the last two decades, Giorgio Agamben and Charles Taylor have produced important and influential genealogical works on the philosophical and political conceptions of secularity. Yet in their recent work, both of these thinkers have respectively returned to a prominent theme in their earlier works: Human life. This essay offers a parallel reading of Agamben and Taylor as post-Heideggerian critics of the modern conception of human subjectivity. Through examining these their respective characterizations of modern subjectivity — namely Taylor’s account of (...)
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