Results for 'Leslie Jaye Kavanaugh'

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  1.  31
    The architectonic of philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz.Leslie Jaye Kavanaugh - 2007 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    Whereas the history of philosophy defines metaphysics as asking the question 'What is Being?'; here is asked 'Where is Being?' What is to be analyzed is indeed part of the tradition of metaphysics to inquire about Being qua being, but here the inquiry is into its structure, its position within the ontological whole. The concept of the 'architectonic' is borrowed from Kant... In this work, three philosophical structures are chosen for a more extensive examination: the three 'architectonics' are that of (...)
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    How Infectious Diseases Got Left Out – and What This Omission Might Have Meant for Bioethics.Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Charles B. Smith & Jeffrey Botkin - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):307-322.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we first document the virtually complete absence of infectious disease examples and concerns at the time bioethics emerged as a field. We then argue that this oversight was not benign by considering two central issues in the field, informed consent and distributive justice, and showing how they might have been framed differently had infectiousness been at the forefront of concern. The solution to this omission might be to apply standard approaches in liberal bioethics, such as autonomy (...)
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    How infectious diseases got left out – and what this omission might have meant for bioethics.Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Charles B. Smith & And Jeffrey Botkin - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):307–322.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we first document the virtually complete absence of infectious disease examples and concerns at the time bioethics emerged as a field. We then argue that this oversight was not benign by considering two central issues in the field, informed consent and distributive justice, and showing how they might have been framed differently had infectiousness been at the forefront of concern. The solution to this omission might be to apply standard approaches in liberal bioethics, such as autonomy (...)
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  4. Vertical Transmission of Infectious Diseases and Genetic Disorder: Are the Medical and Public Responses Consistent?Jay A. Jackson, Margaret P. Battin, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Leslie Francis, James Mason & Charles B. Smith - 2009 - In Angus Dawson & Marcel Verweij, Ethics, Prevention, and Public Health. Oxford University Press.
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    Decedents’ Reported Preferences for Physician-Assisted Death: A Survey of Informants Listed on Death Certificates in Utah.Jay A. Jacobson, Evelyn M. Kasworm, Margaret P. Battin, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Leslie P. Francis & David Green - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (2):149-157.
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    Syndromic Surveillance and Patients as Victims and Vectors.Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay Jacobson & Charles Smith - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (2):187-195.
    Syndromic surveillance uses new ways of gathering data to identify possible disease outbreaks. Because syndromic surveillance can be implemented to detect patterns before diseases are even identified, it poses novel problems for informed consent, patient privacy and confidentiality, and risks of stigmatization. This paper analyzes these ethical issues from the viewpoint of the patient as victim and vector. It concludes by pointing out that the new International Health Regulations fail to take full account of the ethical challenges raised by syndromic (...)
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  7.  17
    The Patient as Victim and Vector: The Challenge of Infectious Disease for Bioethics.Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis, Jay A. Jacobson & Charles B. Smith - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers, The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 269–288.
    The prelims comprise: Seeing Infectious Disease as Central The Birth of Bioethics Amid the Decline of Infectious Disease The Shifting Concerns of Public Health Bioethics and Public Health: How the Twain Didn't Meet The Case of HIV Bridging the Gap: Seeing Bioethics in Terms of the Patient as Victim and Vector An Ordinary Example Summing Up: Autonomous Agency in the Context of Infectious Disease Notes.
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    (1 other version)Toward Control of Infectious Disease: Ethical Challenges for a Global Effort.Charles B. Smith, Leslie P. Francis & Jay A. Jacobson - 2008 - In Michael Boylan, International Public Health Policy & Ethics. Dordrecht. pp. 191--214.
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    Study protocol for a pilot study to explore the determinants of knowledge use in a medical education context.Scott Reeves, Karen Leslie, Lindsay Baker, Eileen Egan-Lee, France Légaré, Ivan Silver, Jay Rosenfield, Brian Hodges, Vernon Curran, Heather Armson & Simon Kitto - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):829-832.
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  10. Leslie Armour and Edward T. Bartlett III, The Conceptualization of the Inner Life Reviewed by.Jay Newman - 1981 - Philosophy in Review 1 (1):1-3.
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  11. Are there Characteristics of Infectious Diseases that Raise Special Ethical Issues? 1.Charles B. Smith, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Leslie P. Francis, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Emily P. Asplund, Gretchen J. Domek & Beverly Hawkins - 2004 - Developing World Bioethics 4 (1):1-16.
    This paper examines the characteristics of infectious diseases that raise special medical and social ethical issues, and explores ways of integrating both current bioethical and classical public health ethics concerns. Many of the ethical issues raised by infectious diseases are related to these diseases’ powerful ability to engender fear in individuals and panic in populations. We address the association of some infectious diseases with high morbidity and mortality rates, the sense that infectious diseases are caused by invasion or attack on (...)
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  12.  53
    Should rapid tests for hiv infection now be mandatory during pregnancy? Global differences in scarcity and a dilemma of technological advance.Charles B. Smith, Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis & Jay A. Jacobson - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):86–103.
    Since testing for HIV infection became possible in 1985, testing of pregnant women has been conducted primarily on a voluntary, ‘opt-in’ basis. Faden, Geller and Powers, Bayer, Wilfert, and McKenna, among others, have suggested that with the development of more reliable testing and more effective therapy to reduce maternal-fetal transmission, testing should become either routine with ‘opt-out’ provisions or mandatory. We ask, in the light of the new rapid tests for HIV, such as OraQuick, and the development of antiretroviral treatment (...)
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    The Uncontrolling Love of God: An Open and Relational Account of Providence by Thomas Jay Oord. [REVIEW]Leslie A. Muray - 2018 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 39 (3):102-104.
    For some time now, I have written and talked about Thomas Jay Oord as the most "cutting edge" person on the theological scene today. This may sound like a bold claim, but what Oord has accomplished in bridging the gap between evangelicals and liberals is remarkable both in terms of background and personal commitment. He has a foot in the evangelical camp, yet as a product of Claremont Graduate University, he has another foot solidly in the liberal camp. Intellectually, at (...)
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    "The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research 1923-1950," by Martin Jay; "Critical Theory," by Max Horkheimer; "Dialectic of Enlightenment," by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adomo; "Negative Dialectics," by Theodor W. Adorno; "The Jargon of Authenticity," by Theodor W. Adorno; and "The Critique of Domination," by Trent Schroyer. [REVIEW]John F. Kavanaugh - 1975 - Modern Schoolman 52 (4):427-432.
  15.  19
    12 Ethical Issues in Pain Management: Disability Assessment and Determination.Jaye E. Hefner - 2006 - In B. L. Gant & M. E. Schatman, Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management. pp. 195.
  16.  10
    Crisis, Resilience, and the Time of Law.Jaye Ellis - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 32 (2):305-320.
    The important and no longer novel insight from ecology that ecosystems are dynamic and ever-changing along immensely complex causal pathways prompts the further insight that environmental protection regimes should promote not a particular ecosystemic end state, but rather ecosystem resilience, or the capacity to absorb and adapt to stress without compromising essential function. For law to embrace resilience as an objective, it is argued, it must itself be dynamic and flexible, capable of learning and adaptation. This poses potentially serious challenges (...)
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    David R. Blumenthal.Hava Tirosh-Samuelson & Aaron W. Hughes (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    David R. Blumenthal is Jay and Leslie Cohen Professor of Judaic Studies at Emory University. He has contributed greatly to the growth of Jewish Studies, the place of Judaism in Religious Studies, interreligious dialogue, and the reframing of Judaism in light of the Holocaust, postmodernism, and poststructuralism. For Blumenthal, theology is an ongoing reflection about everything we believe and do in the context of the living tradition.
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    Managing Sick Leave in the University: Bureaucracy and Discretion.Chrystal Jaye, Lauralie Richard, Claire Amos & Geoff Noller - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (2):211-227.
    This study examined the challenges for supervisors and managers of managing sick leave within a New Zealand university. We used a qualitative research design, interviewing 20 university staff across the academic and service divisions who had managerial roles. We applied Habermas’ distinctions of technical instrumental, practical relational, and emancipatory critical transformative interests, and his twofold distinction of system and lifeworld to our analysis. The primary findings suggest that while the technical instrumental discourses were dominant within the university bureaucracy, managers drew (...)
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  19.  18
    Young Children's Understanding of Pretense.Paul L. Harris & Robert D. Kavanaugh - 1993
  20. Pretense and representation: The origins of "theory of mind.".Alan M. Leslie - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (4):412-426.
  21.  10
    Longing for Total Dichotomies.Leslie Paul Thiele - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (2):218-247.
    ABSTRACT Bernard Yack’s Longing for Total Revolution asserts that a prominent tradition of modern moral and political theory is founded on the binary opposition between nature and culture. Yack rejects this dichotomy in favor of an Aristotelean outlook, and in so doing embraces the opposition between the ancients and the moderns. Neither binary is as oppositional as Yack suggests. There is, however, a more viable distinction to be made between the ancients and the moderns—concerning the role played by teleology—and it (...)
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  22. The Authority of the State.Leslie Green - 1988 - Clarendon Press.
    The modern state claims supreme authority over the lives of all its citizens. Drawing together political philosophy, jurisprudence, and public choice theory, this book forces the reader to reconsider some basic assumptions about the authority of the state. Various popular and influential theories - conventionalism, contractarianism, and communitarianism - are assessed by the author and found to fail. Leslie Green argues that only the consent of the governed can justify the state's claims to authority. While he denies that there (...)
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  23. Universes.John Leslie - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  24.  12
    Making It Ethical.Leslie T. Wilkins - 1972 - Hastings Center Report 2 (5):9-9.
  25.  38
    Philosopher of precision and soul: Introducing Walker Percy.Leslie Marsh - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):983-998.
    This article introduces the work of philosopher-novelist Walker Percy to the Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science readership. After some biographical and contextual preliminaries, I suggest that the conceptual collecting feature to Percy's work is his critique of abstractionism manifest in a tripartite congruence of Cartesianism, derivatively misapplied science, and social atomism.
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  26. (1 other version)Infinite Minds, a Philosophical Cosmology.John Leslie - 2001 - Philosophy 77 (302):625-634.
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  27. Modularity, development and "theory of mind".Alan M. Leslie & Brian J. Scholl - 1999 - Mind and Language 14 (1):131-153.
    Psychologists and philosophers have recently been exploring whether the mechanisms which underlie the acquisition of ‘theory of mind’ (ToM) are best charac- terized as cognitive modules or as developing theories. In this paper, we attempt to clarify what a modular account of ToM entails, and why it is an attractive type of explanation. Intuitions and arguments in this debate often turn on the role of develop- ment: traditional research on ToM focuses on various developmental sequences, whereas cognitive modules are thought (...)
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  28.  42
    Classical, Christian, and Muslim Remains in the Construction of Imperial Seville (1520-1635).Amanda Jaye Wunder - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (2):195-212.
    How were various strata of local history—Classical, Christian, and Muslim—incorporated into the building of imperial Seville (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries), and what was the impact of the critical approach to evidence developed in Renaissance Italy on actual urban projects? Three case-studies—of a noble palace, the Casa de Pilatos; of a public park, the Alameda de Hércules; and of a carpentry treatise by master builder Diego López de Arenas—reveal the malleable role of historical evidence in monumental construction projects based on classical (...)
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    Oxford studies in philosophy of law volume 4.John Gardner, Leslie Green & Brian Leiter (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides a forum for some of the best new philosophical work on law, by both senior and junior scholars from around the world. The chapters range widely over issues in general jurisprudence (the nature of law, adjudication, and legal reasoning); the philosophical foundations of specific areas of law (from criminal law to evidence to international law); the history of legal philosophy; and related philosophical topics that illuminate the problems of legal theory.
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    The 'obligation' to screen and its effect on autonomy.Yvonne Lau & Chrystal Jaye - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (4):495-505.
    In the United States, disease screening is offered to the public as a consumer service. It has been proposed that the act of “consumption” is a manifestation of agency and that the decision to consume is an exercise of autonomy. The enthusiasm of the American public for disease screening and the expansion in the demand for all sorts of disease screening in recent years can be viewed as an expression of such autonomy. Here, we argue that the enthusiasm for disease (...)
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    Anarchism and French Catholicism in Esprit.B. Jaye Miller - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (1):163.
  32.  12
    Necessary Knowledge: Piagetian Perspectives on Constructivism.Leslie Smith & Leslie Allan Smith - 1993 - Psychology Press.
    The main conclusion drawn in this text is that Piaget's accounts of the construction of necessary knowledge continue to have an intelligible and respectable bases.
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  33. Generics Oversimplified.Sarah-Jane Leslie - 2015 - Noûs 49 (1):28-54.
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  34. Generic Generalizations.Sarah-Jane Leslie & Adam Lerner - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Kant's System of Rights.Leslie Arthur Mulholland - 1990 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book marks a total departure from previous studies of the Boxer War. It evaluates the way the war was perceived and portrayed at the time by the mass media. As such the book offers insights to a wider audience than that of sinologists or Chinese historians. The important distinction made by the author is between image makers and eyewitnesses. Whole categories of powerful image makers, both Chinese and foreign, never saw anything of the Boxer War but were responsible for (...)
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    Prospects for a cognitive neuropsychology of autism: Hobson's choice.Alan M. Leslie & Uta Frith - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):122-131.
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    Relative Identity.Leslie Stevenson - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (110):83.
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    Planning and acting in partially observable stochastic domains.Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Michael L. Littman & Anthony R. Cassandra - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 101 (1-2):99-134.
  39.  44
    Toward an ecological theory of social perception.Leslie Z. McArthur & Reuben M. Baron - 1983 - Psychological Review 90 (3):215-238.
  40. Not everything is a contest: sport, nature sport, and friluftsliv.Leslie A. Howe - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (3):437-453.
    Two prevalent assumptions in the philosophy of sport literature are that all sports are games and that all games are contests, meant to determine who is the better at the skills definitive of the sport. If these are correct, it would follow that all sports are contests and that a range of sporting activities, including nature sports, are not in fact sports at all. This paper first confronts the notion that sport and games must seek to resolve skill superiority through (...)
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  41. Altering the Narrative of Champions: Recognition, Excellence, Fairness, and Inclusion.Leslie A. Howe - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (4):496-510.
    This paper is an examination of the concept of recognition and its connection with identity and respect. This is related to the question of how women are or are not adequately recognised or respected for their achievements in sport and whether eliminating sex segregation in sport is a solution. This will require an analysis of the concept of excellence in sport, as well as the relationship between fairness and inclusion in an activity that is fundamentally about bodily movement. I argue (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Intensity and the Sublime: Paying Attention to Self and Environment in Nature Sports.Leslie A. Howe - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (1):1-13.
    This paper responds to Kevin Krein’s claim in that the particular value of nature sports over traditional ones is that they offer intensity of sport experience in dynamic interaction between an athlete and natural features. He denies that this intensity is derived from competitive conflict of individuals and denies that nature sport derives its value from internal conflict within the athlete who carries out the activity. This paper responds directly to Krein by analysing ‘intensity’ in sport in terms of the (...)
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    An analysis of psychotherapy versus placebo studies.Leslie Prioleau, Martha Murdock & Nathan Brody - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):275-285.
    Smith, Glass, and Miller have reported a meta-analysis of over 500 studies comparing some form of psychological therapy with a control condition. They report that when averaged over all dependent measures of outcome, psychological therapy is. 85 standard deviations better than the control treatment. We examined the subset of studies included in the Smith et al. metaanalysis that contained a psychotherapy and a placebo treatment. The median of the mean effect sizes for these 32 studies was. 15. There was a (...)
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  44. The Authority of the State.Leslie Green - 1988 - Philosophy 64 (250):566-567.
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    Providing medically assisted dying in Canada: a qualitative study of emotional and moral impact.Janine Penfield Winters, Chrystal Jaye, Neil John Pickering & Simon Walker - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    PurposeMedical assistance in dying (MAiD) in Canada places the medical provider at the centre of the process. The MAiD provider holds primary responsibility for determining eligibility and becomes acquainted with patients’ inner desires and expressions of suffering. This is followed by the MAiD procedure of administering the lethal agent and being present at the death of eligible patients. We report participants’ perceptions of the emotional and moral impacts of this role.MethodologyTwo years after MAiD was legalised in Canada, 22 early-adopting physician (...)
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    Implicit religion, Anglican cathedrals, and spiritual wellbeing: The impact of carol services.Leslie J. Francis, Ursula McKenna & Francis Stewart - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    Rooted in the field of cathedral studies, this paper draws into dialogue three bodies of knowledge: Edward Bailey’s notion of implicit religion that, among other things, highlights the continuing traction of the Christian tradition and Christian practice within secular societies; David Walker’s notion of the multiple ways through which in secular societies people may relate to the Christian tradition as embodied within the Anglican Church and John Fisher’s notion of spiritual wellbeing as conceptualised in relational terms. Against this conceptual background, (...)
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    Employing imaginative rationality: using metaphor when discussing death.Rebecca Llewellyn, Chrystal Jaye, Richard Egan, Wayne Cunningham, Jessica Young & Peter Radue - 2017 - Medical Humanities 43 (1):71-72.
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    The nature of learned categorical perception effects: a psychophysical approach.Leslie A. Notman, Paul T. Sowden & Emre Özgen - 2005 - Cognition 95 (2):B1-B14.
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  49. Facing Ethical Challenges in the Workplace: Conceptualizing and Measuring Professional Moral Courage.Leslie E. Sekerka, Richard P. Bagozzi & Richard Charnigo - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):565-579.
    Scholars have shown renewed interest in the construct of courage. Recent studies have explored its theoretical underpinnings and measurement. Yet courage is generally discussed in its broad form to include physical, psychological, and moral features. To understand a more practical form of moral courage, research is needed to uncover how ethical challenges are effectively managed in organizational settings. We argue that professional moral courage (PMC) is a managerial competency. To describe it and derive items for scale development, we studied managers (...)
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  50. Hobbes.Leslie Stephen - 1905 - International Journal of Ethics 15 (3):391-394.
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