Results for 'Les Johnston'

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  1.  8
    Marxism, class analysis, and socialist pluralism: a theoretical and political critique of Marxist conceptions of politics.Les Johnston - 1986 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
  2. «Laissant leur barque et leur père, ils le suivirent»(Mt.W. Johnston - 1984 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 106:76.
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    Le šibka narava: substanca in subjekt v Heglovi filozofiji.Adrian Johnston - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (3).
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    Archéologie du cadre cinématique.Ruth Johnston & Raphaël Koenig - 2016 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 16 (2):109-122.
    Les spécialistes de l’archéologie des médias défendent une conception non-linéaire de l’histoire du cinéma, en analysant la façon dont les avancées technologiques et les dispositifs concrets contribuent activement à modifier nos modes de perception. Meurtre dans un jardin anglais de Peter Greenaway constitue un exemple remarquable de « métacinéma » mettant en pratique l’archéologie des médias dans le corps même du film, par le biais de citations visuelles renvoyant à d’autres médias ou d’autres pratiques artistiques, comme la peinture de la (...)
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    La conscience : une histoire naturelle.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2007 - Synthesis Philosophica 22 (2):283-299.
    L’article montre que la question appropriée en matière de conscience n’est pas « comment la conscience s’articule dans la matière » mais de quelle manière la conscience est-elle un élément de l’évolution des formes animées. L’article décrit justement cette évolution en examinant des formes de vie réelles, y compris des bactéries et des invertébrés. Il donne raison à la thèse évolutionnaire selon laquelle les organes proprioceptifs externes, en tant que tels, se sont transformés et intériorisés au fil du temps en (...)
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    Porphyry, Sacrifice, and the Orderly Cosmos.Sarah Iles Johnston - 2010 - Kernos 23:115-132.
    Dans L’Antre des Nymphes, Porphyre répartit en trois groupes les dieux et les lieux des sacrifices qui leur sont offerts. Une telle division est connue des chercheurs qui s’intéressent à la manière dont les Grecs pourraient avoir organisé le monde divin et ses interventions. Mais on a méconnu d’autres affirmations que Porphyre produit à ce sujet dans le traité Sur la philosophie tirée des oracles. Dans les fr. 314 et 315, Porphyre cite de longs extraits d’oracles dans lesquels Apollon répartit (...)
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    Affective Life between Signifiers and Jouis-sens: Lacan’s Senti-ments and Affectuations.Adrian Johnston - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2).
    Not only is Lacan’s repeatedly advanced assertion that Freud categorically denies the existence of unconscious affects a misleading oversimplification of Freud’s various ambivalent discussions of this issue—Lacan’s own circumnavigations around the topic of affect are much more nuanced and subtle than either he or many of his commentators often acknowledge. What’s more, such complexities aren’t confined solely to the tenth seminar of 1962-1963 devoted to a sustained discussion of anxiety, a seminar to which Lacan sometimes appeals in response to criticisms (...)
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    Résonances traumatiques familiales chez des adolescents adoptés venant d'une autre culture.Didier Drieu & Gladys Johnston - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 177 (3):45-56.
    Les difficultés identitaires à l’adolescence sont particulières pour les enfants adoptés car en résonance avec diverses violences traumatiques en instance dans la famille. À partir d’un exemple d’une thérapie familiale, nous discutons de ces traumatismes qui se cumulent et dérégulent les rapports de transmission en entravant les processus de subjectivation des membres de la famille. Aussi, nous devons pouvoir penser le travail psychothérapeutique sous une forme de co-construction pour contenir, puis transformer ces souffrances traumatiques qui hantent le groupe familial.
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    Anne Johnstone, Jennifer Cunningham & Russell Leadbetter, A Century of Care: Erskine 1916-2016.Siân Reynolds - 2019 - Clio 49:288-290.
    Le care : le mot et la chose. Si la chose a toujours existé – le fait de prendre en charge et de soigner les enfants, les malades, les blessés, les vieilles personnes, entre autres – ce terme a connu une modification et revêtu une importance dans les pays anglophones qu’il n’avait pas il y a une trentaine d’années. En France, l’adoption – sans le traduire – du mot anglais dans ce sens moderne serait encore plus récente, datant des années (...)
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  10. Part three, Experimental dialogues with traces / Kathleen Coessens. Rational spaces : the string quartets of Ben Johnston as experimental process / Bob Gilmore. The need for artistic experimentation when preparing organum duplum for performance : Léonin and Pérotin and twelfth- and thirteenth-century polyphony from L'École de Notre Dame / Penelope Turner. "Association" : a way of artistic experimentation that xan expand interpretation possibilities. [REVIEW]Valentin Gloor - 2017 - In Kathleen Coessens, Experimental encounters in music and beyond. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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    Contrasting approaches to a theory of learning.Timothy D. Johnston - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):125-139.
    The general process view of learning, which guided research into learning for the first half of this century, has come under attack in recent years from several quarters. One form of criticism has come from proponents of the so-called biological boundaries approach to learning. These theorists have presented a variety of data showing that supposedly general laws of learning may in fact be limited in their applicability to different species and learning tasks, and they argue that the limitations are drawn (...)
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  12. Consent and private liability in clinical research.Paul Miller & Josephine Johnston - 2009 - In Oonagh Corrigan, The limits of consent: a socio-ethical approach to human subject research in medicine. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  13. Implicit memory: History and current status.Daniel L. Schacter - 1987 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 13 (3):501-18.
    Je lui ai associÉ un court extrait d'une revue de questions portant sur le même thème. Implicit memory is revealed when previous experiences facilitate perf on a task that does not require conscious or intentional recollection of those expces. Explicit memory is revealed when perf on a task requires conscious recolelction of previous expces. Il s'agit de defs descriptives qui n'impliquent pas l'existence de deux systs de mÉmo sÉparÉs. Historiquement Descartes est le premier ˆ faire mention de phÉnomènes de mÉmo (...)
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    Enaction: Toward a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science.John Stewart, Olivier Gapenne & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo (eds.) - 2010 - Bradford.
    This book presents the framework for a new, comprehensive approach to cognitive science. The proposed paradigm, enaction, offers an alternative to cognitive science's classical, first-generation Computational Theory of Mind. _Enaction_, first articulated by Varela, Thompson, and Rosch in _The Embodied Mind_, breaks from CTM's formalisms of information processing and symbolic representations to view cognition as grounded in the sensorimotor dynamics of the interactions between a living organism and its environment. A living organism enacts the world it lives in; its embodied (...)
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  15. The Function of Sensory Awareness.Mark Johnston - 2006 - In Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne, Perceptual experience. New York: Oxford University Press.
  16. Dispositional Theories of Value.Michael Smith, David Lewis & Mark Johnston - 1989 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 63 (1):89-174.
  17.  24
    The Rhetoric of Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of Cultural Transformation.David Johnston - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    The description for this book, The Rhetoric of Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of Cultural Transformation, will be forthcoming.
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  18. The authority of affect.Mark Johnston - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (1):181-214.
    A while ago I pulled the short straw, and became chair of my department. One nice part of the job is to praise people I work with, which I can do sincerely because they are very praiseworthy. I also have to read a lot of praise by others; the familiar things—project evaluations, letters of recommendation, promotion dossiers, and so on and so forth. As a result, I have learnt to attend to praise a little more closely.
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    Self and Emotional Life: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Neuroscience.Adrian Johnston & Catherine Malabou - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Adrian Johnston and Catherine Malabou defy theoretical humanities' deeply-entrenched resistance to engagements with the life sciences. Rather than treat biology and its branches as hopelessly reductive and politically suspect, they view recent advances in neurobiology and its adjacent scientific fields as providing crucial catalysts to a radical rethinking of subjectivity. Merging three distinct disciplines--European philosophy from Descartes to the present, Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis, and affective neuroscience-- Johnston and Malabou triangulate the emotional life of affective subjects as conceptualized in philosophy (...)
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    Early Sāṁkhya: an essay on its historical development according to the texts.Edward Hamilton Johnston - 1937 - Motilal Banarsidass.
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    Ethical Design and Use of Robotic Care of the Elderly.Carolyn Johnston - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):11-14.
    The Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety acknowledged understaffing and substandard care in residential aged care and home care services, and recommendations were made that that the Australian Government should promote assistive technology within aged care. Robotic care assistants can provide care and companionship for the elderly—both in their own homes and within health and aged care institutions. Although more research is required into their use, studies indicate benefits, including enabling the elderly to live independently at home, (...)
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  22.  12
    Prolegomena to Any Future Materialism: The Outcome of Contemporary French Philosophy.Adrian Johnston - 2013 - Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction; "One surely will be found one day to make an ontology with what I am telling you": the road to a post-Lacanian materialism -- Part One. Jacques Lacan: between the sacred and the secular -- 1. Conflicted matter: the challenge of secularizing materialism -- 2. Turning the sciences inside out: revisiting "Science and truth" -- 3. On deep history and psychoanalysis: phylogenetic time in Lacanian theory --Part Two. Alain Badiou: between form and matter -- 4. What matter(s) in ontology: (...)
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    Genes, interactions, and the development of behavior.Timothy D. Johnston & Laura Edwards - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (1):26-34.
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    Parting at the Shore: Chinese Painting of the Early and Middle Ming Dynasty, 1368-1580.Ellen Johnston Laing & James Cahill - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):202.
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  25. Stigma of Mental Illness-1: Clinical reflections.Amresh Shrivastava, Megan Johnston & Yves Bureau - 2012 - Mens Sana Monographs 10 (1):70.
    Although the quality and effectiveness of mental health treatments and services have improved greatly over the past 50 years, therapeutic revolutions in psychiatry have not yet been able to reduce stigma. Stigma is a risk factor leading to negative mental health outcomes. It is responsible for treatment seeking delays and reduces the likelihood that a mentally ill patient will receive adequate care. It is evident that delay due to stigma can have devastating consequences. This review will discuss the causes and (...)
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  26. Objectivity refigured: Pragmatism without verificationism.Mark Johnston - 1993 - In John Haldane & Crispin Wright, Reality, representation, and projection. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 85--130.
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  27. Teaching and learning ethics: Medical ethics and law for doctors of tomorrow: the 1998 Consensus Statement updated.G. M. Stirrat, C. Johnston, R. Gillon & K. Boyd - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):55-60.
    Knowledge of the ethical and legal basis of medicine is as essential to clinical practice as an understanding of basic medical sciences. In the UK, the General Medical Council requires that medical graduates behave according to ethical and legal principles and must know about and comply with the GMC’s ethical guidance and standards. We suggest that these standards can only be achieved when the teaching and learning of medical ethics, law and professionalism are fundamental to, and thoroughly integrated both vertically (...)
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    Per Se Modality and Natural Implication – an Account of Connexive Logic in Robert Kilwardby.Spencer Johnston - 2019 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 28 (3):449-479.
    We present a formal reconstruction of the theories of the medieval logician Robert Kilwardby, focusing on his account of accidental and natural inferences and the underlying modal logic that gives rise to it. We show how Kilwardby’s use of an essentialist modality underpins his connexive account of implication.
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    A Formal Reconstruction of Buridan's Modal Syllogism.Spencer Johnston - 2015 - History and Philosophy of Logic 36 (1):2-17.
    In this paper, we provide a historical exposition of John Buridan's theory of divided modal propositions. We then develop a semantic interpretation of Buridan's theory which pays particular attention to Buridan's ampliation of modal terms. We show that these semantics correctly capture his syllogistic reasoning.
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  30. Tractarian objects and logical categories.Colin Johnston - 2009 - Synthese 167 (1):145 - 161.
    It has been much debated whether Tractarian objects are what Russell would have called particulars or whether they include also properties and relations. This paper claims that the debate is misguided: there is no logical category such that Wittgenstein intended the reader of the Tractatus to understand his objects either as providing examples of or as not providing examples of that category. This is not to say that Wittgenstein set himself against the very idea of a logical category: quite the (...)
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  31. Symbols in Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Colin Johnston - 2007 - European Journal of Philosophy 15 (3):367-394.
    This paper is concerned with the status of a symbol in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. It is claimed in the first section that a Tractarian symbol, whilst essentially a syntactic entity to be distinguished from the mark or sound that is its sign, bears its semantic significance only inessentially. In the second and third sections I pursue this point of exegesis through the Tractarian discussions of nonsense and the context principle respectively. The final section of the paper places the forgoing work in (...)
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    Waste Reduction Strategies: Factors Affecting Talent Wastage and the Efficacy of Talent Selection in Sport.Kathryn Johnston & Joseph Baker - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Deweyan Inquiry: From Education Theory to Practice.James Scott Johnston - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    The case for inquiry -- The case for Deweyan inquiry -- An account of general inquiry -- Inquiry in science education -- Inquiry in social science education -- Inquiry in art and art education -- Inquiry, embodiment, and kinaesthetics in education -- Conclusion.
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    Sensitivity to genuine versus posed emotion specified in facial displays.Tracey McLellan, Lucy Johnston, John Dalrymple-Alford & Richard Porter - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1277-1292.
  35.  31
    Zizek's Ontology: A Transcendental Materialist Theory of Subjectivity.Adrian Johnston - 2008 - Northwestern University Press.
    Slavoj Žižek is one of the most interesting and important philosophers working today, known chiefly for his theoretical explorations of popular culture and contemporary politics. This book focuses on the generally neglected and often overshadowed philosophical core of Žižek’s work—an essential component in any true appreciation of this unique thinker’s accomplishment. His central concern, Žižek has proclaimed, is to use psychoanalysis to redeploy the insights of late-modern German philosophy, in particular, the thought of Kant, Schelling, and Hegel. By taking this (...)
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  36.  58
    Developmental explanation and the ontogeny of birdsong: Nature/nurture redux.Timothy Johnston - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):617-630.
    Despite several decades of criticism, dichotomous thinking about behavioral development remains widespread and influential. This is particularly true in study of birdsong development, where it has become increasingly common to diagnose songs, elements of songs, or precursors of songs as either innate or learned on the basis of isolation-rearing experiments. The theory of sensory templates has encouraged both the dichotomous approach and an emphasis on structural rather than functional aspects of song development. As a result, potentially important lines of investigation (...)
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    Minimizing conflicts: a heuristic repair method for constraint satisfaction and scheduling problems.Steven Minton, Mark D. Johnston, Andrew B. Philips & Philip Laird - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 58 (1-3):161-205.
  38.  16
    A Revised Approach to Advance Personal Planning: The Role of Theory in Achieving “The Good Result”.Briony Johnston - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):421-431.
    This article explores traditional views of advance care planning in the broader context of advance personal planning, which also accounts for legal and financial matters. Criticisms of existing processes are noted, while the significance of interprofessional collaboration is highlighted. Reframing the purpose of advance personal planning as planning for the rest of life, rather than the end-of-life, and adopting a more holistic perspective informed by theory may help individuals to view advance personal planning as a routine, preventative exercise that safeguards (...)
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  39. Hobbes mortalism.David Johnston - 1989 - History of Political Thought 10 (4):647-663.
  40.  75
    Stigma of Mental Illness-2: Non-compliance and Intervention.Amresh Shrivastava, Megan Johnston & Yves Bureau - 2012 - Mens Sana Monographs 10 (1):85.
    The consequences of stigma are preventable. We argue that individual attention should be provided to patients when dealing with stigma. Also, in order to deal with the impact of stigma on an individual basis, it needs to be assessed during routine clinical examinations, quantified and followed up to observe whether or not treatment can reduce its impact. A patient-centric anti-stigma programme that delivers the above is urgently needed. To this end, this review explores the experiences, treatment barriers and consequences due (...)
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    Weight-Gain in Psychiatric Treatment: Risks, Implications, and Strategies for Prevention and Management.A. Shrivastava & M. E. Johnston - 2010 - Mens Sana Monographs 8 (1):53.
    Weight-gain in psychiatric populations is a common clinical challenge. Many patients suffering from mental disorders, when exposed to psychotropic medications, gain significant weight with or without other side-effects. In addition to reducing the patients' willingness to comply with treatment, this weight-gain may create added psychological or physiological problems that need to be addressed. Thus, it is critical that clinicians take precautions to monitor and control weight-gain and take into account and treat all problems facing an individual. In this review, we (...)
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    An experimental assessment of alternative teaching approaches for introducing business ethics to undergraduate business students.Scot Burton, Mark W. Johnston & Elizabeth J. Wilson - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (7):507 - 517.
    This study employs a pretest-posttest experimental design to extend recent research pertaining to the effects of teaching business ethics material. Results on a variety of perceptual and attitudinal measures are compared across three groups of students — one which discussed the ethicality of brief business situations (the business scenario discussion approach), one which was given a more philosophically oriented lecture (the philosophical lecture approach), and a third group which received no specific lecture or discussion pertaining to business ethics. Results showed (...)
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    Why We Should All Pay for Fertility Treatment: An Argument from Ethics and Policy.Josephine Johnston & Michael K. Gusmano - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (2):18-21.
    Since 1980, the number of twin births in the United States has increased 76 percent, and the number of triplets or higher‐order multiples has increased over 400 percent. These increases are due in part to increased maternal age, which is associated with spontaneous twinning. But the primary reason for these increases is that more and more people are undergoing fertility treatment. Despite an emerging (but not absolute) consensus in the medical literature that multiples, including twins, should be a far less (...)
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    Eating Outside the Box: FoodShare’s Good Food Box and the Challenge of Scale.Josée Johnston & Lauren Baker - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (3):313-325.
    The concept of scale is useful in analyzing both the strengths and limitations of community food security programs that attempt to link issues of ecological sustainability with social justice. One scalar issue that is particularly important but under-theorized is the scale of social reproduction, which is often neglected in production-focused studies of globalization. FoodShare Toronto's good food box (GFB) program, engages people in the politics of their everyday lives, empowering them to make connections between consumption patterns and broader political-economic, cultural, (...)
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  45. A Brief History of Justice.David Johnston (ed.) - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _A Brief History of_ _Justice_ traces the development of the idea of justice from the ancient world until the present day, with special attention to the emergence of the modern idea of social justice. An accessible introduction to the history of ideas about justice Shows how complex ideas are anchored in ordinary intuitions about justice Traces the emergence of the idea of social justice Identifies connections as well as differences between distributive and corrective justice Offers accessible, concise introductions to the (...)
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    A History of Light and Colour Measurement: Science in the Shadows.Sean F. Johnston - 2001 - Bristol, UK: Institute of Physics Press.
    2003 Paul Bunge Prize of the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation for the History of Scientific Instruments Judging the brightness and color of light has long been contentious. Alternately described as impossible and routine, it was beset by problems both technical and social. How trustworthy could such measurements be? Was the best standard of intensity a gas lamp, an incandescent bulb, or a glowing pool of molten metal? And how much did the answers depend on the background of the specialist? A (...)
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  47. Fear of Science: Transcendental Materialism and Its Discontents.Adrian Johnston - 2020 - In Russell Sbriglia & Slavoj Zizek, Subject lessons: Hegel, Lacan, and the future of materialism. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Resisting a Genetic Identity: The Black Seminoles and Genetic Tests of Ancestry.Josephine Johnston - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (2):262-271.
    In July 2000, the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma passed a resolution that would effectively expel a significant portion of its tribal members. The resolution amended the Nation's constitution by changing its membership criteria. Previously, potential members needed to show descent from an enrollee of the 1906 Dawes Rolls, the official American Indian tribal rolls established by the Dawes Commission to facilitate the allotment of reservation land. The amended constitution requires possession of one-eighth Seminole Indian blood, a requirement that a significant (...)
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    (1 other version)Wittgenstein and Moral Philosophy.Paul Johnston, D. Z. Phillips, Philip Shields & B. R. Tilghman - 1989 - Journal of Religious Ethics 22 (2):407-431.
    Recent books by Paul Johnston, D. Z. Phillips, Philip Shields, and B. R. Tilghman all depict Wittgenstein as centrally concerned with ethics, but they range from representing his main works as expressing and advocating a particular religious-ethical outlook to arguing that his work has no ethical content but aims primarily to clarify such logical distinctions as that between ethical and empirical judgments. All four books raise the question about the moral philosopher's proper role, and each suggests a rather different (...)
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    Crack nucleation in magnesium oxide bi-crystals under compression.T. L. Johnston, R. J. Stokes & C. H. Li - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (73):23-34.
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