Results for 'Leonardo Peluso'

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  1.  24
    Reflexões acerca da presença de intérpretes de língua de sinais nos anos iniciais de escolarização.Ana Claudia Balieiro Lodi & Leonardo Peluso - 2018 - Bakhtiniana 13 (3):123-141.
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    On Painting.Leon Battista Alberti, John R. Spencer, Leonardo da Vinci & A. Philip Mcmahon - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (4):488-489.
  3.  20
    Análisis psicométrico del Cuestionario de Regulación Conductual de las Emociones en universitarios peruanos.Sergio Alexis Dominguez Lara, Jhonatan S. Navarro Loli, Candy Ariza Cruz, Leonardo A. Medrano & Denisse Manrique Millones - 2021 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 25 (1):72-86.
    The present study aimed to translate and identify the psychometric properties of the Behavioral Emotion Regulation Questionnaire in 315 university students from Lima, Peru, aged 16 to 44 years. The BERQ and the Multicultural Inventory of Trait State Depression were administered for the assessment. Evidence of internal structure validity was obtained through confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling, while evidence of validity in relation to other variables was obtained through linear regression analysis. The results indicate that the pentafactorial (...)
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    Editorial: Research on Emotion and Learning: Contributions from Latin America.Camilo Hurtado-Parrado, Carlos Gantiva, Alexander Gómez-A., Lucas Cuenya, Leonardo Ortega & Javier L. Rico - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Grief, Mindfulness and Neural Predictors of Improvement in Family Dementia Caregivers.Felipe A. Jain, Colm G. Connolly, Leonardo C. Moore, Andrew F. Leuchter, Michelle Abrams, Ramzi W. Ben-Yelles, Sarah E. Chang, Liliana A. Ramirez Gomez, Nora Huey, Helen Lavretsky & Marco Iacoboni - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  6. La cuestión del estado en el pensamiento social crítico latinoamericano.Arias Mejía, Juan Camilo & Leonardo Granato (eds.) - 2021 - Medellín, Colombia: Ediciones UNAULA.
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    Lendo Aristóteles por óculos judeus: Maimônides e os Oito Capítulos.José Edmar Lima Filho & Leonardo Lima Ribeiro - 2019 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):57-81.
    O artigo trata de apresentar a obra Oito Capítulos, Shemona Perakim (introdução ao Pirkei Avot, Ética dos Pais, uma das partes integrantes do Comentário de Mishná), de Maimônides (Rabi Moshé Ben Maimon, 1135-1204), procurando estabelecer uma compreensão introdutória dos elementos centrais que se referem ao tema da ética. A metodologia hermenêutica utilizada demonstra o caráter de imersão na obra em questão, traçando uma breve explanação de cada uma das seções componentes do texto maimonidiano, pela qual se procura, como fio condutor, (...)
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    Gêneros, sexualidades E infâncias: Cenas de crianças na contramão da inocência.Raquel Gonçalves Salgado & Leonardo Lemos de Souza - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (29).
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  9. Leonardo Bezzola: Photographs 1948-2007.Leonardo Bezzola, Andre Kamber & Clarenza Catullo - 2008 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
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    Psychological drivers in the adoption of morally controversial innovations: the moderating role of ethical self‐identity.Alessandro M. Peluso - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (3):252-263.
    The present article conceptualizes morally controversial innovations as a category of innovations that raise ethical issues due to their potentially undesirable long-term consequences on society or the natural environment. Then, it analyzes the case of biofuel crops by applying an extended version of the theory of planned behavior, which includes moral norm and ethical self-identity. The obtained results show that attitude and subjective norms are positively related to farmers' intention to grow biofuel crops. Yet the intention of those farmers with (...)
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    Prof. Leonardo Polo, Agradecimiento.Leonardo Polo - 2006 - Studia Poliana:35-38.
    Palabras de agradecimiento al promotor del Congreso Internacional y a los participantes en él. Asimismo, a la persona que ha trabajado en la labor de transcripción de mis escritos y a otros colaboradores míos. También a quienes han tomado en cuenta mis ideas para elaborar sus tesis doctorales, y a otros colegas cuyos planteamientos filosóficos distan de los míos. Como la filosofía es una actividad interminable, queda abierta la sucesiva investigación en mis propuestas.
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  12. Space, Time and Nature: The process and the myth.Marília Luiza Peluso, Wallace Wagner Rorigues Pantoja, Pamela Elizabeth Morales Arteaga & Maxem Luiz Araújo - 2015 - Time - Technique - Territory 6 (1):1-23.
    The article fits into the debate regarding space, time and nature in dialogue with the world lived by subjects that build up themselves or are built as mythological heroes, source of speech and spacial concrete practices. It's a poorly explored field in Geography that recently approaches to the cultural dynamic debate, to the symbolic field and also to their spacialization processes. The aim is to discuss the possibility of understanding in the present time about the space organization processes related to (...)
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  13.  20
    Logica dei sensi. Estetica e teoria della conoscenza in Benedetto Croce.Rosalia Peluso - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):53-63.
    This essay offers a general interpretation of Benedetto Croce’s aesthetics as a theory of knowledge. It takes its title from Croce’s famous work in the 1931, Le Due Scienze Mondane; l’Estetica e l’Economica, in which Croce describes the process of development of modern aesthetics as the affirmation of a logica dei sensi ; a definition developed from the “poetic logic” in Vico’s Scienza Nuova. The essay starts with a comparison with Gilles Deleuze’s logic of sense, or thought of the surface, (...)
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  14.  6
    L'identico e i molteplici: meditazioni michelstaedteriane.Rosalia Peluso - 2011 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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    O desenvolvimento da teoria semiótica de Husserl de 1890 a 1901.Daniel Peluso Guilhermino - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):649-674.
    RESUMO O artigo tem por objetivo analisar a mudança no regime do signo que ocorreu na filosofia de Husserl entre os anos de 1890 e 1901. Para tanto, partimos da reconstrução da teoria do simbolismo apresentada em Sobre a Lógica dos Signos, de 1890, e analisamos a recepção de algumas de suas teses centrais em Investigações Lógicas, de 1901. Querse, com isso, sublinhar a relevância histórica deste pequeno tratado de 1890 para a fenomenologia madura de Husserl. Ver-se-á, específicamente, que a (...)
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  16. What is Aesthetic Progress?Rosalia Peluso - 2024 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 310 (4):75-88.
    Dans le monde contemporain, la notion de progrès doit être considérée comme un « rebut », un « anachronisme », dont la réflexion sur l’histoire doit se passer. La logique des événements, à partir du XXe siècle, a exposé la faillibilité de cette loi qui, depuis les Lumières, semblait régir le cours de l’histoire humaine. Benedetto Croce a longuement réfléchi sur l’idée de progrès et en a souligné diverses limites. Dans sa réflexion la plus aboutie sur l’histoire, il distingue le (...)
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  17. Augenblick and the rush' of extraordinary encounters : empathy and sociality with non-human radical others in Amazonia.Daniela Peluso - 2022 - In Francesca Mezzenzana & Daniela Peluso, Conversations on empathy: interdisciplinary perspectives on imagination and radical othering. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Contra miglior voler voler mal pugna: il Dante di Simmel e Kelsen.Alessandra Peluso - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  19.  14
    Hannah Arendt: la vita della libertà: filosofia e politica.Alessandra Peluso - 2021 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
  20.  7
    La cura Goethe: poesia e storia in Benedetto Croce.Rosalia Peluso - 2022 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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    Lessico crociano: un breviario filosofico-politico per il futuro.Rosalia Peluso (ed.) - 2016 - Napoli: La scuola di Pitagora editrice.
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  22. Liberi di essere: questioni (bio)etiche con Georg Simmel.Alessandra Peluso - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  23.  20
    Maestro e allievo: filosofi, educatori: Kant, Nietzsche, Simmel.Alessandra Peluso - 2020 - Lecce: Pensa multimedia.
  24.  17
    Palabras de agradecimiento de Leonardo Polo con motivo de la imposición de la Cruz de Carlos III del Gobierno de Navarra.Leonardo Polo - 2009 - Studia Poliana:224-226.
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  25.  23
    Conversations on empathy: interdisciplinary perspectives on imagination and radical othering.Francesca Mezzenzana & Daniela Peluso (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In the aftermath of a global pandemic, amidst new and ongoing wars, genocide, inequality, and staggering ecological collapse, some in the public and political arena have argued that we are in desperate need of greater empathy - be this with our neighbours, refugees, war victims, the vulnerable or disappearing animal and plant species. This interdisciplinary volume asks the crucial questions: How does a better understanding of empathy contribute, if at all, to our understanding of others? How is it implicated in (...)
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  26.  61
    The Effect of Negative Message Framing on Green Consumption: An Investigation of the Role of Shame.Gianluigi Guido, Isabella Soscia, Alessandro Peluso, Matteo Angelis & Cesare Amatulli - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):1111-1132.
    Despite society’s increasing sensitivity toward green production, companies often struggle to find effective communication strategies that induce consumers to buy green products or engage in other environmentally friendly behaviors. To add clarity to this situation, we investigated the effectiveness of negative versus positive message framing in promoting green products, whereby companies highlight the detrimental versus beneficial environmental consequences of choosing less versus more green options, respectively. Across four experiments, we show that negatively framed messages are more effective than positively framed (...)
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  27.  9
    Ragione estetica ed ermeneutica del senso: studi in memoria di Leonardo Amoroso.Alberto L. Siani & Leonardo Amoroso (eds.) - 2022 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    RODOLFO ARANGO (editor).Leonardo García Jaramillo - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 25:149-158.
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    Of Other Thoughts: Non-traditional ways to the doctorate. A guidebook for candidates and supervisors.Zeus Leonardo - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):539-541.
  30.  61
    (2 other versions)Dos textos anticipadores sobre máquinas algebráicas Y sobre automática.Quevedo Leonardo Torres - 1986 - Theoria 2 (1):7-9.
    Com recuerdo y fiel homenaje a nuestro genial compatrinta, el ingeniero e inventar santanderino Leonardo Torres Quevedo, THEORIA quiere reeoger hoy en sus páginas dos breves, claros y luminosostextos -el primero sobre máquinas algébricas (1901) y el segundo sobre el alcance de una nueva ciencia: la Automática (1915)- de aquel español itinerante e infatigable que, como muy contadascompatriotas, supo aliar claridad y rlgor lógico en las definiciones de los conceptos básicos y desbordante inventiva creadora en la estricta y audaz (...)
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  31. The Color of Supremacy: Beyond the discourse of ‘white privilege’.Zeus Leonardo - 2004 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 36 (2):137-152.
  32.  5
    Machiavelli the scientist.Leonardo Olschki - 1945 - Berkeley, Calif.,: The Gillick press.
  33.  22
    Aspectos ontológicos y epistémicos de los procesos económicos basados en expectativas. Hacia una ampliación de la agenda en la filosofía de la economía moderna.Leonardo Ivarola - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 23:68-92.
    La filosofía estándar de la economía presupone que en el dominio de los fenómenos económicos subyacen regularidades estables, las cuales pueden explicarse mediante el funcionamiento de mecanismos o de máquinas socioeconómicas. Asimismo, se considera que una vez puestos en funcionamiento, su comportamiento no necesita de subsecuentes intervenciones. Esto implica asumir que los procesos socioeconómicos tienen una naturaleza semejante a los de las ciencias naturales. No obstante, dichas regularidades son por lo general examinadas a la luz de algún modelo económico, por (...)
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  34. Monism and Presocratic Philosophy.Leonardo Taran - 2003 - In Andreas Bächli & Klaus Petrus, Monism. Frankfurt: Ontos. pp. 9--11.
  35.  13
    Asesinar, robar y fornicar: los absolutos morales en Aristóteles.Leonardo Ramos Umaña - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:199-219.
    En el libro II de la Ética Nicomaquea (EN), Aristóteles menciona 6 casos para los cuales la fórmula según la cual la virtud es el término medio no aplica, esto es, 3 acciones y 3 pasiones donde no es posible pensar ocasión o modo correctos de realizarlas, acciones y pasiones que siempre estarán mal independientemente del contexto y del agente, lo que hoy día llamaríamos «absolutos morales». Dentro de la bibliografía secundaria tal afirmación no ha suscitado gran polémica, pero poco (...)
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  36.  17
    Robustness and Autonomy in Biological Systems: How Regulatory Mechanisms Enable Functional Integration, Complexity and Minimal Cognition Through the Action of Second-Order Control Constraints.Leonardo Bich - 2018 - In Marta Bertolaso, Silvia Caianiello & Emanuele Serrelli, Biological Robustness. Emerging Perspectives from within the Life Sciences. Cham: Springer. pp. 123-147.
    Living systems employ several mechanisms and behaviors to achieve robustness and maintain themselves under changing internal and external conditions. Regulation stands out from them as a specific form of higher-order control, exerted over the basic regime responsible for the production and maintenance of the organism, and provides the system with the capacity to act on its own constitutive dynamics. It consists in the capability to selectively shift between different available regimes of self-production and self-maintenance in response to specific signals and (...)
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    The myth of the protected worker: Southeast Asian micro-farmers in California agriculture.Jennifer Sowerwine, Christy Getz & Nancy Peluso - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):579-595.
    In this paper we highlight the racialized effects of agricultural labor laws on Southeast Asian family farmers in California’s Central Valley. We show how agricultural labor laws intended to protect farmworkers on industrial farms discriminate against and challenge small Southeast Asian refugee farmers. Hmong, Iu-Mien and Lao family farmers rely on cultural practices of labor reciprocity and unpaid help from extended family and clan networks to sustain the economic viability of their farms. This kind of labor sharing, a central tenet (...)
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  38. Parmenides: A Text with Translation, Commentary, and Critical Essays.Leonardo Taran - 1962 - Dissertation, Princeton University
  39. Territorialization and state power in Thailand.Peter Vandergeest & Nancy Lee Peluso - 1995 - Theory and Society 24 (3):385-426.
  40. Heraclitus: the river-fragments and their implications.Leonardo Taran - 1999 - Elenchos 20 (1):9-52.
  41.  22
    Aristotle Poetics : Editio Maior of the Greek Text with Historical Introductions and Philological Commentaries.Leonardo Tarán & Dimitri Gutas - 2012 - Brill.
    This important new editio maior of Aristotle's Poetics is based on all the primary sources and is accompanied by a details critical apparatus. The introductory chapters provide important new insights about the transmission of the text to the present day and especially the significance of the Syro-Arabic tradition.
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    Estetica e differenza in Wittgenstein: studi per un'estetica wittgensteiniana.Leonardo V. Distaso - 1999 - Roma: Carocci.
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  43. San Francisco de Asís visto por Max Scheler.Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá - 2004 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:815-842.
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    Esistenza e valore: Croce, De Martino e la crisi dello storicismo italiano.Leonardo Lattarulo - 1987 - Roma: Cadmo.
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  45. The Limits of Spinoza's Perfectionism.Leonardo Moauro - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11 (35):947-976.
    Spinoza is often described as an ethical perfectionist—one who accepts an account of the good centered on the development of our natural capacities. Perfectionists typically accept a perfectionist theory of value, in which the properties of good and evil are grounded in a normative property of perfection. Yet I argue that Spinoza rejects a perfectionist theory of value because he believes it conflicts with the doctrine of necessitarianism. This leads him to conclude that attributions of perfection in ethical contexts must (...)
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  46. Machiavelli the Scientist.Leonardo Olschki - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55:493.
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  47. Speusippus and Aristotle on Homonymy and Synonymy.Leonardo Tarán - 1978 - Hermes 106 (1):73-99.
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  48. Edoardo Massimilla, Scienza, professione, gioventù: rifrazioni weberiane.Leonardo Pica Ciamarra - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):866.
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    Expectations-based Processes – An Interventionist Account of Economic Practice: Putting the Direct Practice of Economics on the Agenda of Philosophy of Economics.Leonardo Ivarola, Gustavo Marques & Diego Weisman - 2013 - Economic Thought 2 (2):20.
    The paper starts by distinguishing between two kinds of economic practice: theoretical economic practice (TEP) (model and theory building) and direct economic practice (DEP) (the practical operation upon real economies). Most of the epistemological and philosophical considerations have been directed to the first type of practice, one of whose main goals is the discovery of particular sorts of economic laws, mechanisms and other regularities which throw light on relevant economic patterns. We do not deny that in some restricted domains these (...)
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    Reseña de “Economía, Ética y Ambiente ".Leonardo Ivarola - 2016 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 7 (1):173-178.
    Horacio Fazio EUDEBA 2013, 179 pp. ISBN: 978-950-23-2107-3.
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