Results for 'Leonardo Manigrasso'

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  1. Parronchi traduttore di poesia: pratiche stilistiche e interferenze fra testi.Leonardo Manigrasso - 2010 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 31:231-252.
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    Governance of Biomedical Research in Singapore and the Challenge of Conflicts of Interest.Calvin Wai Loon Ho, Leonardo D. de Castro & Alastair V. Campbell - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (3):288-296.
    This article discusses the establishment of a governance framework for biomedical research in Singapore. It focuses on the work of the Bioethics Advisory Committee , which has been instrumental in institutionalizing a governance framework, through the provision of recommendations to the government, and through the coordination of efforts among government agencies. However, developing capabilities in biomedical sciences presents challenges that are qualitatively different from those of past technologies. The state has a greater role to play in balancing conflicting and potentially (...)
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    Editorial: Research on Emotion and Learning: Contributions from Latin America.Camilo Hurtado-Parrado, Carlos Gantiva, Alexander Gómez-A., Lucas Cuenya, Leonardo Ortega & Javier L. Rico - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Grief, Mindfulness and Neural Predictors of Improvement in Family Dementia Caregivers.Felipe A. Jain, Colm G. Connolly, Leonardo C. Moore, Andrew F. Leuchter, Michelle Abrams, Ramzi W. Ben-Yelles, Sarah E. Chang, Liliana A. Ramirez Gomez, Nora Huey, Helen Lavretsky & Marco Iacoboni - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Attentive-executive functioning and compensatory strategies in adult ADHD: A retrospective case series study.Martino Ceroni, Stefania Rossi, Giorgia Zerboni, Elena Biglia, Emiliano Soldini, Alessia Izzo, Lucia Morellini & Leonardo Sacco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundAdults with ADHD exhibit a neuropsychological profile that may present deficits in many cognitive domains, particularly attention and executive functions. However, some authors do not consider executive disfunction as an important part of the clinical profile of the syndrome; this could be related to the use of inappropriate neuropsychological tests, probably not adapted and not sufficiently ecological. Moreover, new data are required on specific correlation of attentive-executive symptoms with socio-demographic factors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the (...)
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    Educação, formação humana e ética: desafios à política educacional no contexto do neoliberalismo ortodoxo no Brasil.Magda Gisela Cruz dos Santos, Leonardo Dorneles Gonçalves & Paulo Eduardo Dias Taddei - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021028.
    In this essay, we discuss the relationship between education, human education and ethics in the context of orthodox neoliberalism, as well as some challenges presented to educational policy in Brazil. It is characterized as an exploratory study of a theoretical nature and is part of a set of three research projects at the doctoral level, carried out at a university in southern Brazil from 2017 to 2020. By contextualizing the current moment of neoliberalism in the country and presenting some foundations (...)
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    Lendo Aristóteles por óculos judeus: Maimônides e os Oito Capítulos.José Edmar Lima Filho & Leonardo Lima Ribeiro - 2019 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):57-81.
    O artigo trata de apresentar a obra Oito Capítulos, Shemona Perakim (introdução ao Pirkei Avot, Ética dos Pais, uma das partes integrantes do Comentário de Mishná), de Maimônides (Rabi Moshé Ben Maimon, 1135-1204), procurando estabelecer uma compreensão introdutória dos elementos centrais que se referem ao tema da ética. A metodologia hermenêutica utilizada demonstra o caráter de imersão na obra em questão, traçando uma breve explanação de cada uma das seções componentes do texto maimonidiano, pela qual se procura, como fio condutor, (...)
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    Modulation of Spectral Representation and Connectivity Patterns in Response to Visual Narrative in the Human Brain.Zahraa Sabra, Ali Alawieh, Leonardo Bonilha, Thomas Naselaris & Nicholas AuYong - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:886938.
    The regional brain networks and the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms subserving the cognition of visual narrative in humans have largely been studied with non-invasive brain recording. In this study, we specifically investigated how regional and cross-regional cortical activities support visual narrative interpretation using intracranial stereotactic electroencephalograms recordings from thirteen human subjects (6 females, and 7 males). Widely distributed recording sites across the brain were sampled while subjects were explicitly instructed to observe images from fables presented in “sequential” order, and a set (...)
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    Um guia conciso para a escrita de artigos filosóficos.Rodrigo Freitas Costa Canal & José Leonardo Annunziato Ruivo - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):1127-1141.
    Trata-se de uma tradução de um guia sobre como escrever um artigo filosófico, publicado pela Harvard College Writing Center como parte da série Writing Center Brief Guide Series do Writing Program da Harvard University. O texto discorre sobre o que se deve fazer num artigo propriamente filosófico, apresentando critérios sobre como se deve elaborar teses e argumentos filosóficos, e as possíveis objeções contra esses.
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    Prof. Leonardo Polo, Agradecimiento.Leonardo Polo - 2006 - Studia Poliana:35-38.
    Palabras de agradecimiento al promotor del Congreso Internacional y a los participantes en él. Asimismo, a la persona que ha trabajado en la labor de transcripción de mis escritos y a otros colaboradores míos. También a quienes han tomado en cuenta mis ideas para elaborar sus tesis doctorales, y a otros colegas cuyos planteamientos filosóficos distan de los míos. Como la filosofía es una actividad interminable, queda abierta la sucesiva investigación en mis propuestas.
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    Response.Sarah Jane Toledano & Leonardo D. de Castro - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):241-242.
    Fast food companies like Siam Burger that participate in health awareness campaigns create a conflict of interest between the social responsibility of promoting health and the business interest of increasing sales through marketing strategies like advertising. Alternative options of raising health awareness without mitigating the involvement of fast food companies either by denying advertisements or having a third party foundation should be explored.
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    Principales concepciones filosóficas de libertad Y su presencia en la constitución ecuatoriana.Fernando Marcelo Vasconez & Leonardo Torres León - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 32:165-200.
    Resumen Este artículo examina siete concepciones filosóficas acerca de la libertad -incluyendo la distinción entre libertad negativa y positiva, liberal y republicana-, ejemplificándolas con representantes de la historia de la filosofía. Por otra parte, para enriquecer la mirada desde un texto jurídico concreto, examinamos la Constitución ecuatoriana de 2008. El propósito principal que ha animado esta investigación es el de sondear las distintas visiones que se han propuesto sobre la libertad, en su triple relación con: 1) los valores, tales como (...)
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    Palabras de agradecimiento de Leonardo Polo con motivo de la imposición de la Cruz de Carlos III del Gobierno de Navarra.Leonardo Polo - 2009 - Studia Poliana:224-226.
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  14. Leonardo Bezzola: Photographs 1948-2007.Leonardo Bezzola, Andre Kamber & Clarenza Catullo - 2008 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
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  15. (1 other version)Is defining life pointless? Operational definitions at the frontiers of Biology.Leonardo Bich & Sara Green - 2017 - Synthese:1-28.
    Despite numerous and increasing attempts to define what life is, there is no consensus on necessary and sufficient conditions for life. Accordingly, some scholars have questioned the value of definitions of life and encouraged scientists and philosophers alike to discard the project. As an alternative to this pessimistic conclusion, we argue that critically rethinking the nature and uses of definitions can provide new insights into the epistemic roles of definitions of life for different research practices. This paper examines the possible (...)
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    What Is Happening to Our Beautiful Land?Leonardo Z. Legasi - 2007 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 4 (2):487-496.
  17. Hacia una epistemología política: la tensión entre ciencia y política en la filosofía de la ciencia del positivismo lógico.Leonardo G. Rodríguez Zoya - 2010 - A Parte Rei 69:15.
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    Evaluación crítica de los compromisos epistemológicos, ideológicos y políticos de la neuroeconomía aplicada a políticas públicas.Leonardo Bloise, Carlos Arias Grandio & Guillermo Folguera - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (47):135-162.
    En este artículo, mostramos ciertos supuestos no explicitados en la noción de individuo humano en la que se basan los enfoques teóricos de la neuroeconomía y la economía conductual para desarrollar sus programas de investigación e intervención. También abordamos los compromisos epistemológicos, ideológicos y políticos desde los cuales conciben, estudian e intervienen en la conducta humana. En lugar de un individuo producto de un proceso de socialización, lo que se presenta es un cerebro aislado con numerosas funciones cognitivas atribuidas, cuya (...)
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    La via della metafisica.Leonardo Messinese - 2019 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  20. Dimensions of Anxiety, Age, and Gender: Assessing Dimensionality and Measurement Invariance of the State-Trait for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA) in an Italian Sample.Leonardo Carlucci, Marley W. Watkins, Maria Rita Sergi, Fedele Cataldi, Aristide Saggino & Michela Balsamo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ragione estetica ed ermeneutica del senso: studi in memoria di Leonardo Amoroso.Alberto L. Siani & Leonardo Amoroso (eds.) - 2022 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  22. The Color of Supremacy: Beyond the discourse of ‘white privilege’.Zeus Leonardo - 2004 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 36 (2):137-152.
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    Antropología política de la ciencia. Un examen epistemológico de la tensión entre ciencia e ideología.Leonardo G. Rodríguez Zoya - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (55):11-38.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una crítica al concepto hegemónico-dominante de ciencia a través de un análisis de la construcción discursiva del paradigma de la simplificación heredado de la Modernidad. Se problematizan las exclusiones político-epistemológicas de la tradición del pensamien..
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  24. Organization needs organization: Understanding integrated control in living organisms.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93:96-106.
    Organization figures centrally in the understanding of biological systems advanced by both new mechanists and proponents of the autonomy framework. The new mechanists focus on how components of mechanisms are organized to produce a phenomenon and emphasize productive continuity between these components. The autonomy framework focuses on how the components of a biological system are organized in such a way that they contribute to the maintenance of the organisms that produce them. In this paper we analyze and compare these two (...)
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  25. Biological regulation: controlling the system from within.Leonardo Bich, Matteo Mossio, Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo & Alvaro Moreno - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (2):237-265.
    Biological regulation is what allows an organism to handle the effects of a perturbation, modulating its own constitutive dynamics in response to particular changes in internal and external conditions. With the central focus of analysis on the case of minimal living systems, we argue that regulation consists in a specific form of second-order control, exerted over the core regime of production and maintenance of the components that actually put together the organism. The main argument is that regulation requires a distinctive (...)
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    Effects of Baby Schema and Mere Exposure on Explicit and Implicit Face Processing.Leonardo Venturoso, Giulio Gabrieli, Anna Truzzi, Atiqah Azhari, Peipei Setoh, Marc H. Bornstein & Gianluca Esposito - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  27. Heraclitus: the river-fragments and their implications.Leonardo Taran - 1999 - Elenchos 20 (1):9-52.
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    (2 other versions)Dos textos anticipadores sobre máquinas algebráicas Y sobre automática.Quevedo Leonardo Torres - 1986 - Theoria 2 (1):7-9.
    Com recuerdo y fiel homenaje a nuestro genial compatrinta, el ingeniero e inventar santanderino Leonardo Torres Quevedo, THEORIA quiere reeoger hoy en sus páginas dos breves, claros y luminosostextos -el primero sobre máquinas algébricas (1901) y el segundo sobre el alcance de una nueva ciencia: la Automática (1915)- de aquel español itinerante e infatigable que, como muy contadascompatriotas, supo aliar claridad y rlgor lógico en las definiciones de los conceptos básicos y desbordante inventiva creadora en la estricta y audaz (...)
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    Contemporary Issues in Theory of Inquiry.Leonardo Flamini - unknown
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    La vita di ogni giorno: cinque lezioni di filosofia per imparare a stare al mondo.Leonardo Caffo - 2016 - Torino: Einaudi.
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    Educación y Política. Diversos Esquemas de Justicia, Igualdad y Subjetivación Educativas.Leonardo Colella - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:131-148.
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  32. Crítica de la ética civil.Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá - 1996 - Diálogo Filosófico 35:217-228.
    En los últimos tiempos, destacadas figuras del horizonte filosófico y teológico español se han declarado partidarias de lo que ha dado en llamarse ética civil. El propósito de este trabajo es exponer las razones por las que no puedo compartir la postura de mis distinguidos colegas. El estudio de algunos de sus textos -que serán citados abundantemente en lo que sigue- me ha empujado a la conclusión de que bajo el nombre de ética civil circulan confundidas dos propuestas morales diferentes, (...)
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  33. Irredentismo, descolonización y sionismo palestino: indagaciones preliminares.Leonardo Senkman - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
    El artículo indaga si es posible caracterizar como expresión del irredentismo el ethos palestino de Retorno a territories donde fueron expulsados en la guerra con Israel en 1948-49. Después de una reseña histórica sobre los campos de refugiados palestinos, y el rol de la UNRWA, se compara cuál fue el destino de refugiados de otras naciones irredentistas tras guerras de descolonización y poscoloniales. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre el dilema identitario y político acerca del Irredentismo palestino sin estado o la alternativa (...)
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  34. The Limits of Spinoza's Perfectionism.Leonardo Moauro - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11 (35):947-976.
    Spinoza is often described as an ethical perfectionist—one who accepts an account of the good centered on the development of our natural capacities. Perfectionists typically accept a perfectionist theory of value, in which the properties of good and evil are grounded in a normative property of perfection. Yet I argue that Spinoza rejects a perfectionist theory of value because he believes it conflicts with the doctrine of necessitarianism. This leads him to conclude that attributions of perfection in ethical contexts must (...)
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  35. Control Mechanisms: Explaining the Integration and Versatility of Biological Organisms.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2022 - Adaptive Behavior.
    Living organisms act as integrated wholes to maintain themselves. Individual actions can each be explained by characterizing the mechanisms that perform the activity. But these alone do not explain how various activities are coordinated and performed versatilely. We argue that this depends on a specific type of mechanism, a control mechanism. We develop an account of control by examining several extensively studied control mechanisms operative in the bacterium E. coli. On our analysis, what distinguishes a control mechanism from other mechanisms (...)
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    L'apparire di Dio: per una metafisica teologica.Leonardo Messinese - 2015 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  37. Emergent processes as generation of discontinuities.Leonardo Bich & Gianluca Bocchi - 2012 - In G. MInati, Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change. World Scientific. pp. 135-146.
    In this article we analyse the problem of emergence in its diachronic dimension. In other words, we intend to deal with the generation of novelties in natural processes. Our approach aims at integrating some insights coming from Whitehead’s Philosophy of the Process with the epistemological framework developed by the “autopoietic” tradition. Our thesis is that the emergence of new entities and rules of interaction (new “fields of relatedness”) requires the development of discontinuous models of change. From this standpoint natural evolution (...)
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    Dos problemas sobre la invarianza para propósitos intervencionistas o de política.Leonardo Ivarola - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1005-1024.
    El uso de un conocimiento invariante para alcanzar propósitos intervencionistas o de política es comúnmente aceptado por los enfoques manipulabilistas. Sin embargo, dicho uso plantea dos problemáticas filosóficas que serán examinadas en el presente trabajo. El primer problema es ontológico, y refiere a la dificultad de encontrar genuinos factores causales estables en ciencias sociales. En este sentido, se mostrará que los fenómenos sociales no responden a una lógica de factores estables como los mecanismos o las «capacidades», sino que se adecúan (...)
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    Encuentros y desencuentros filosóficos y políticos entre Badiou y Rancière.Leonardo Colella - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    RESUMENEl objetivo de este artículo es contrastar las posturas filosóficas y políticas de Alain Badiou y Jacques Rancière, y aplicar los resultados de ese análisis al ámbito educativo. Para ello abordamos inicialmente las diferencias entre ambos autores respecto de sus teorías del sujeto, sus relaciones con Platón y sus propuestas ontológicas. A continuación consideramos, en primer lugar, una coincidencia acerca del carácter prescriptivo del concepto de «igualdad», y en segundo lugar, una divergencia respecto del «sujeto» y de las consecuencias disruptivas (...)
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    Hermeneutics dossier - presentation.Leonardo Kussler & Luiz Rohden - 2023 - Filosofia Unisinos 24 (2):1-3.
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  41. Popularidad, utopía y realidad del Buena Vista Social Club.Leonardo Acosta - forthcoming - Enfoques.
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    Evaluación de la gestión de los vicerrectorados académicos en las universidades zulianas.Leonardo Belloso & Cira de Pelekais - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 9 (1):11-25.
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  43. Lutero y la Teología de la Liberación: un mutuo desafío.Leonardo Boff - 1983 - Revista Agustiniana 24 (75):425-455.
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    Explanation without invariance: The case of socioeconomic processes.Leonardo Ivarola - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 54:266-277.
    The main models of scientific explanation assume the need for some kind of stable knowledge for assembling a good explanatory argument. While these approaches are useful in the natural sciences, it is doubtful that they are similarly applicable in the socioeconomic realm. In this paper it is expected to show that the logic of socioeconomic processes of being "possibility trees" or "open-ended results" makes regularities the exception rather than the rule. Alternatively, a mode of explanation that focuses on contextual factors (...)
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  45. La democracia deliberativa como ideal regulativo y concepto normativo.Leonardo García Jaramillo - 2006 - Universitas Philosophica 47:143-176.
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    De Hitchcock a Greenaway, pela história da filosofia de Julio Cabrera.Leonardo Kussler - 2011 - Filosofia Unisinos 12 (1):87-89.
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    From cybersin to cybernet. Considerations for a cybernetics design thinking in the socialism of the XXI century.Leonardo Lavanderos - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1279-1292.
    From its origins, cybernetics has based its desire on the concept of transverse nature, today transdisciplinary. Within its history, the breaking point is unquestionably Stafford Beer and the VMS applied in Salvador Allende's government. Chile's historical conditions and context undoubtedly allowed a series of conceptual emergencies that were not necessarily developed after the 1973 coup d'état. Beer's design, as he claims, could serve both a socialist vision and a fascist command. This tells us that the tool depends on the hand (...)
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    Brahman and the Ethos of Organization.Leonardo R. Silos - 2006 - Asian Institute of Management.
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    La filosofia morale di Malebranche.Leonardo Verga - 1964 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Discurso em homenagem ao Prof. José Henrique Santos por ocasião do lançamento do livro que celebra sua atividade intelectual e agradece seu trabalho em prol do Departamento de Filosofia, da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e da cultura filosófica brasileira.Leonardo Alves Vieira - 2003 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 44 (107):136-143.
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