Results for 'László Áron'

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  1.  12
    La nécessité de fait selon Aristote et la phénoménologie.László Tengelyi † - 2014 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 36:11-30.
    Les travaux de Saul Aron Kripke et la logique modale contemporaine établissent que la simultanéité de la nécessité et de l’a prioricité constitutives de la métaphysique kantienne résulte d’une confusion entre nécessités aléthique et épistémique. Cela conduit à un renouveau de la métaphysique, fondée sur une nécessité réelle de type non-a priori, c’est-à-dire une nécessité de fait. Celle-ci est perceptible chez Aristote au travers de la conception d’une nécessité hypothétique. Cette conception est ré-élaborée en une métaphysique phénoménologique par Husserl (« (...)
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    The Collected Works of Aron Gurwitsch. [REVIEW]Daniel Marcelle - 2011 - Studia Phaenomenologica 11:365-370.
    Daniel Marcelle, Aron Gurwitsch, The Collected Works of Aron Gurwitsch, Volume I: Constitutive Phenomenology in Historical Perspective, Dordrecht: Springer, 2009; Volume II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology, Dordrecht: Springer, 2010; Volume III: The Field of Consciousness: Theme, Thematic Field, and Margin, Dordrecht: Springer, 2010; Claudia Șerban, Jean-Luc Marion, Certitudes negatives, Paris: Grasset, 2010; Christian Rössner, Hans-Dieter Gondek, László Tengelyi, Neue Phanomenologie in Frankreich, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011; Daniel Dwyer, Hans-Helmuth Gander, Husserl-Lexikon, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2010; Délia Popa, Jean-François Lavigne, Acceder au (...)
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  3. (1 other version)A logic for theories in flux Laszlo Polos and Michael T. Hannan.Laszlo Polos - 2004 - Logique Et Analyse 185 (47):85-121.
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    Phenomenologie de la Perception.Aron Gurwitsch - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (3):442-445.
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    L'abécédaire de Raymond Aron.Raymond Aron - 2019 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire. Edited by Dominique Schnapper & Fabrice Gardel.
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    The Field of Consciousness.Aron Gurwitsch - 1964 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
  7. L'histoire Et Ses Interprétations Entretiens Autour de Arnold Toynbee, Sous la Direction de Raymond Aron, Avec la Participation de Othmar Anderle [Et Al.].Raymond Aron - 1961 - Mouton.
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    Ethics in the Economy: Handbook of Business Ethics / Edited by Laszlo Zsolnai.László Zsolnai (ed.) - 2004 - P. Lang.
    The book aims to provide a comprehensive, new look at business ethics topics and models from a European perspective. Apart from theoretical arguments and empirical data, case studies and games are used to get closer to real life problematics of business. The book is written by leading business ethics professors of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS). Chapters of the handbook first describe the central issue and the latest theories and practices. They then introduce new approaches and analyze real (...)
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    Spirituality and ethics in management.László Zsolnai (ed.) - 2004 - Boston, Mass.: Kluwer Academic.
    This book is a collection of scholarly papers, which focus on the role of spirituality and ethics in renewing contemporary management praxis. The basic argument is that a more inclusive, holistic and peaceful approach to management is needed if business and political leaders are to uplift the environmentally degrading and socially disintegrating world of our age. The book uses diverse value-perspectives (Hinduism, Catholicism, Buddhism and Humanism) and a variety of disciplines to extend traditional reflections on corporate purpose. It focuses on (...)
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    Phenomenology of Perception.Aron Gurwitsch, M. Merleau-Ponty & Colin Smith - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (3):417.
  11.  25
    (1 other version)The Phenomenological Approach to Psychiatry: An Introduction to Recent Phenomenological Psychopathology.Aron Gurwitsch, J. H. Van Den Berg & Marvin Farber - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (3):419.
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    (1 other version)Über ein Problem, betreffend die Definition des Begriffes der allgemein‐rekursiven Funktion.László Kalmár - 1955 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 1 (2):93-96.
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    Smith/Schliesser's Enlightenment.László Kontler - 2018 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 16 (3):248-251.
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    Algerian Imprints: Ethical Space in the Work of Assia Djebar and Hélène Cixous.Brigitte Weltman-Aron - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Born and raised in French Algeria, Assia Djebar and Hélène Cixous represent in their literary works signs of conflict and enmity, drawing on discordant histories so as to reappraise the political on the very basis of dissensus. In a rare comparison of these authors' writings, _Algerian Imprints_ shows how Cixous and Djebar consistently reclaim for ethical and political purposes the demarcations and dislocations emphasized in their fictions. Their works affirm the chance for thinking afforded by marginalization and exclusion and delineate (...)
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    Two Unrecognized Karrāmī TextsTwo Unrecognized Karrami Texts.Aron Zysow - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):577.
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    Critical Commentary on Ervin Laszlo’s Paper “In Defense of Intuition”.Ervin Laszlo - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 23 (3).
    Dr. Laszlo’s hypothesis (2009) is in my opinion appealing on many levels. He proposes that phenomena of apparent transpersonal communication between human beings are due to the intermediary of information-carrying holograms in the reactive quantum vacuum produced by human brain activity. He also suggests that valid information regarding the world in general is available through the same mechanism, on the grounds that all material objects “excite the ground state of the [zero point] fi eld” and produce further such holograms. On (...)
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  17. La Philosophie Politique de Raymond Aron.Simone Goyard-Fabre & Raymond Aron - 1989 - Centre de Philosophy Politique Et Juridique de l'Université de Caen.
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    Transatlantic business ethics.Laszlo Zsolnai - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (1):97–105.
    The Business Ethics Center of the Budapest University of Economic Sciences organized a Transatlantic Business Ethics Summit on September 15–17, 2000 in Budapest, Hungary. The Summit was sponsored by the Community of European Management Schools and Procter & Gamble.The main function of the Summit was to provide a forum for leading American and European scholars to explore the background theories and value bases of business ethics from the perspective of the 21st century. The participants reflected on the state of the (...)
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  19. A non-egological conception of consciousness.Aron Gurwitsch - 1940 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (3):325-338.
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    Towards a Unionized Professoriat: The Dilemma of the Profession.Laszlo Hetenyi - 1977 - Education and Culture 2 (2):2.
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    Ein Direkter Beweis für die Allgemein‐Rekursive Unlösbarkeit des Entscheidungsproblems des Prädikatenkalküls der Ersten Stufe mit Identität.László Kalmár - 1956 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 2 (1-4):1-14.
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    On the reduction of the decision problem. First paper. Ackermann prefix, a single binary predicate.László Kalmár - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (1):1 - 9.
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    IX. Diktatur und Demokratie.László V. Ottlik - 1930 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 39 (1-4):215-245.
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    (1 other version)Diskussion über den modernen begriff Des proletariats und der arbeiterklasse in der sowjetischen fachliteratur.Laszlo Révész - 1971 - Studies in East European Thought 11 (4):250-275.
  25. Man and His Tragic Life: Based on Dostoevsky.LASZLO VATAI - 1954
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  26. Virtue as a Self-directed Art.Laszlo Versenyi - 1972 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 53 (3):274.
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    Introduction: Matters of Fact.Aron Vinegar - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (1):7-11.
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    Memoirs: Fifty Years of Political Reflection.Raymond Aron - 1990 - Holmes & Meier Publishers.
    Aron reflects with simplicity and depth on industrial society, communism, the future of democracy, peace and war, the nuclear age, and also Charles de Gaulle, Jean-Paul Sartre, Andre Malraux, Henry Kissinger and others.
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    Art History and Visual Culture without World.Aron Vinegar - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (1):123-134.
    Aron Vinegar’s essay explores art history and visual culture’s dependence on a phenomenological conception of world, which is based on a hermeneutics of facticity, intentionality, and ontological difference. He argues that the ‘basic concept’ of world has structured the field of art history and visual culture in implicit and explicit ways, thus dictating many of its commitments and concerns. One of the primary limitations of this commitment to world, is that it has resulted in art history and visual culture’s tendency (...)
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    Esquisse de la phénoménologie constitutive.Aron Gurwitsch & Lester Embree - 2002 - Paris: Vrin. Edited by José Huertas-Jourda & Lester Embree.
    Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973) est surtout connu du public fancophone par son ouvrage de 1957: Theorie du champ de la conscience. C'est la periode parisienne (de l'automne 1933 au printemps 1940) de Gurwitsch que le present volume documente tres precisement: il presente d'abord pour la premiere fois, les resultats substantiels d'un ouvrage en gestation qui n'aura pas vu le jour du vivant de l'auteur et qui rassemble, sous le titre Esquisse de la phenomenologie constitutive, les materiaux des cours et conferences sur (...)
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    A Systems View of Ervin Laszlo, from One Generation to the Next: An Edited and Annotated Autobiographical Piece.Alexander Laszlo, Christopher Laszlo & Ervin Laszlo - 2011 - World Futures 67 (4-5):219 - 243.
    This article represents a concerted Laszlo effort. What you will find here is a collection of autobiographical reflections written by Ervin Laszlo that speaks to his involvement with the field of systems thinking and his impact on it, interspersed with comments and illustrative examples on points of special interest. As such, this essay should be read as a reflection piece?one in which a new generation of Laszlos muse on the power and inspiration of the vision that has served as a (...)
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  32. Imprecise Bayesianism and Global Belief Inertia.Aron Vallinder - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (4):1205-1230.
    Traditional Bayesianism requires that an agent’s degrees of belief be represented by a real-valued, probabilistic credence function. However, in many cases it seems that our evidence is not rich enough to warrant such precision. In light of this, some have proposed that we instead represent an agent’s degrees of belief as a set of credence functions. This way, we can respect the evidence by requiring that the set, often called the agent’s credal state, includes all credence functions that are in (...)
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  33.  10
    Dostoyevsky Reads Hegel in Siberia and Bursts into Tears.Laszlo F. Foldenyi - 2020 - Yale University Press.
    _An exemplary collection of work from one of the world’s leading scholars of intellectual history__ “Földényi... stage[s] a broad metaphysical melodrama between opposites that he pursues throughout this fierce, provoking collection (expertly translated by Ottilie Mulzet).... He proves himself a brilliant interpreter of the dark underside of Enlightenment ambition.”—James Wood, _New Yorker__ László Földényi’s work, in the long tradition of public intellectual and cultural criticism, resonates with the writings of Montaigne, Walter Benjamin, and Thomas Mann. In this new essay collection, (...)
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    The creative cosmos: a unified science of matter, life and mind.Ervin Laszlo - 1993 - Edinburgh: Floris Books.
    The world's foremost systems philosopher presents a new scientific theory to explain how the universe defies our current understanding of fundamental physical laws.
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    Raymond Aron.Élisabeth Dutartre-Michaut & Raymond Aron (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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    Essai sur la théorie de l'histoire dans l'Allemagne contemporaine.Raymond Aron - 1938 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Automated Puzzle Solving.László Aszalós - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (1):99-116.
    Smullyan wrote his famous book of puzzles before the boom in automated theorem proving and he solved the puzzles by hand. Hence it is interesting to investigate whether all the puzzles can be solved with one method or not. The paper shows how this can be done with analytic tableaux.
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    Az Erőszak Kritikája: Tanulmányok.László Levente Balogh - 2011 - Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó.
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    Neurotransmitter organization of aggressive behavior.László Decsi & Julia Nagy - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):216-217.
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    Bradley Armour-Garb and Frederick Kroon, (Eds.), "Fictionalism in Philosophy.".Aron Dombrovszki - 2021 - Philosophy in Review 41 (4):267-269.
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    Eternal Verities: Timeless Truth, Ahistorical Standards, and the One True Story.Aron Edidin - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (2):259 - 271.
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    Beitrag zur phänomenologischen Theorie der Wahrnehmung.Aron Gurwitsch - 1959 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 13 (3):419 - 437.
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    Kants Theorie des Verstandes.Aron Gurwitsch - 2011 - Springer.
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  44. La philosophie transcendantale de Leibniz (II).Aron Gurwitsch & Thomas Piel - 2024 - Philosophie 162 (3):3-32.
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    Theory of the Priority of the Ordinal over the Cardinal Numbers.Aron Gurwitsch - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (2):365-410.
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    Complexity Thinking as a Tool to Understand the Didactics of Psychology.László Harmat & Anna Herbert - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:542446.
    The need to establish a research field within psychology didactics at secondary level has recently been voiced by several researchers internationally. An analysis of a Swedish case coming out of secondary level education in psychology presented here provides an illustration that complexity thinking – derived from complexity theory – is uniquely placed to consider and indicate possible solutions to challenges, described by researchers as central to the foundation of a new field. Subject-matter didactics is defined for the purpose of this (...)
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    Filosofskiĭ dnevnik ; Kant i Marks.Aron Ilʹich Rubin - 1988 - Ierusalim: Izd-vo "Kakholʹ-Lavan". Edited by A. I. Rubin.
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  48. On the meaning of Lorentz covariance.László E. Szabó - 2003 - Foundations Of Physics Letters 17:479-496.
    In classical mechanics, the Galilean covariance and the principle of relativity are completely equivalent and hold for all possible dynamical processes. In relativistic physics, on the contrary, the situation is much more complex: It will be shown that Lorentz covariance and the principle of relativity are not equivalent. The reason is that the principle of relativity actually holds only for the equilibrium quantities characterizing the equilibrium state of dissipative systems. In the light of this fact it will be argued that (...)
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  49. The biased nature of philosophical beliefs in the light of peer disagreement.László Bernáth & János Tőzsér - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4):363-378.
    This essay presents an argument, which it calls the Bias Argument, with the dismaying conclusion that (almost) everyone should significantly reduce her confidence in (too many) philosophical beliefs. More precisely, the argument attempts to show that the most precious philosophical beliefs are biased, as the pervasive and permanent disagreement among the leading experts in philosophy cannot be explained by the differences between their evidence bases and competences. After a short introduction, the premises of the Bias Argument are spelled out in (...)
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  50. William James' theory of the "transitive parts" of the stream of consciousness.Aron Gurwitsch - 1942 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 3 (June):449-477.
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