Results for 'Laymi Bolivians'

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  1. academics and knowledge 56–57 acupuncture 179 African-American religions 73–106 African artists 170–171, 173 Afro-Cuban Santería 73–106. [REVIEW]Laymi Bolivians - 1995 - In Richard Fardon (ed.), Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 137--234.
  2. academics and knowledge 53–54 acupuncture 165 African-American religions 69–99 African artists 157–158, 160 Afro-Cuban Santería 69–99. [REVIEW]Laymi Bolivians - 1995 - In Richard Fardon (ed.), Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 12--25.
  3. Exquisite 15th century glass beaker.Bolivian Textile Ban - 1990 - Minerva 1.
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    A Redemptive Response to Marital Breakdowns: The Santa Cruz, Bolivian experience.Raphael Samuel - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (1):64-70.
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    The Workers' Movement and the Bolivian Revolution Reconsidered.Paul Cammack - 1982 - Politics and Society 11 (2):211-222.
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    The Workers' Movement and the Bolivian Revolution.Bert Useem - 1980 - Politics and Society 9 (4):447-469.
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    Thinking what I might write in this epilogue as I drive home one night, I switched on the radio to be confronted by somewhat unusual music. It turned out to be the Icelandic “folk” singer, Ólöf Arnalds, playing music on a churango, a lute-like instrument from the Bolivian Andes, traditionally made with the shell of an armadillo. I later found a review of her 2010 CD Innundir Skinni. [REVIEW]John Connell - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 261.
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    La lengua de los tobas bolivianos en un vocabulario inédito del franciscano Hermán Cattunar (c. 1911)1The language of the Bolivian Toba in an unpublished vocabulary by Franciscan Hermán Cattunar. [REVIEW]María Belén Carpio & Marcela Mendoza - 2021 - Corpus.
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    Indians of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Notes on cultural change in the Bolivian Andes. [REVIEW]Herbert Wilhelmy - 1970 - Philosophy and History 3 (1):109-109.
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    La deuda con la belleza: textos 2019-2021.Hinderer Cruz & Max Jorge - 2022 - La Paz: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.
    Collection of essays previously published by Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, a Bolivian-German writer, curator and philosopher. From 2019 to 2020 he was the director of Bolivia's National Museum of Art (Museo Nacional de Arte, MNA) in La Paz. "The texts that make up this publication appeared in the newspaper La Razón, of La Paz, between October 13, 2019 and August 24, 2021, the first five in the supplement "Tendencias" and the remaining three in the section "Voces". At the end of (...)
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  11. Viscarra, Nietzsche: Las virtudes del genio y la comunicación de la “cultura superior”. Viscarra, Nietzsche. The virtues of genius and the communication of "superior culture".Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2020 - Journal de Comunicación Social 10 (10):147-165.
    Bolivian writer Victor Hugo Viscarra is a constant figure on whom a good number of readers have focused their attention. Review after review of his work has been appearing in the Bolivian press and, in that sense, readers have taken his writings with a blind acceptance omitting in such a way a position that goes beyond the literary frontier. The existence of any work on Viscarra’s role as a thinker, his views on politics, the customs of society itself or the (...)
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    Motley Society, Plurinationalism, and the Integral State.Anne Freeland - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (3):99-126.
    This article examines Bolivian vice president Álvaro García Linera’s use of concepts originating in the work of Antonio Gramsci and Bolivian sociologist René Zavaleta Mercado. Zavaleta’s concept of sociedad abigarrada has a history of misappropriation in which García Linera participates by articulating it with the related concept of the estado aparente to claim that the merely ‘apparent’ state which does not effectively represent the heterogeneous social reality of a country like Bolivia is abolished with the official establishment of the Plurinational (...)
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    Crítica de la razón boliviana: elementos para una crítica de la subjetividad del boliviano con conciencia colonial, moderna y latino-americana.S. Bautista & Juan José - 2010 - [La Paz?]: Grito del Sujeto.
  14. Crítica de la razón boliviana: elementos para una crítica de la subjetividad del boliviano-latino-americano.S. Bautista & Juan José - 2005 - México: [S.N..
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    Emergencia y naturaleza del pensamiento filosófico en Bolivia: una crítica a la tesis de Guillermo Francovich.Jaime Cardozo Larrea - 2017 - [Bolivia]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    Hijos de la roca.Guillermo Francovich & Waldo Ross - 1954 - México,: Ediciones Orión. Edited by Waldo Ross.
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    El pensamiento filosófico en Bolivia: antología: enfoque crítico-socio-cultural.Jesús Taborga (ed.) - 2001 - La Paz, Bolivia: J. Taborga.
    Mamerto Oyala Cuéllar -- Guillermo Francovich -- José Antonio Arze -- Roberto Prudencio -- Augusto Pescador -- Luis Carranza Siles -- Manfredo Kempff Mercado -- Federico Blanco Catacora -- Rubén Carrasco de la Vega -- Marvin Sandi.
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    La filosofía en Bolivia.Guillermo Francovich - 1945 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Losada, s.a..
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    Decoupling from international food safety standards: how small-scale indigenous farmers cope with conflicting institutions to ensure market participation.Geovana Mercado, Carsten Nico Hjortsø & Benson Honig - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):651-669.
    Although inclusion in formal value chains extends the prospect of improving the livelihoods of rural small-scale producers, such a step is often contingent on compliance with internationally-promoted food safety standards. Limited research has addressed the challenges this represents for small rural producers who, grounded in culturally-embedded food safety conceptions, face difficulties in complying. We address this gap here through a multiple case study involving four public school feeding programs that source meals from local rural providers in the Bolivian Altiplan. Institutional (...)
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  20. Pensadores cruceños.Marcelino Pérez Fernández - 1992 - Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Editorial Quinto Centenario.
    José María Bozo -- Manuel Ignacio Salvatierra -- Manuel María Caballero -- Manuel Antonio Paniagua -- José Peredo Antelo.
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    Introduction.Jeffery R. Webber - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (3):77-82.
    This introduction situates the work of Zavaleta in the field of Bolivian intellectual history, Latin American Studies, and Latin American Marxism. It also explains the objectives of the symposium and the logic underlying its constituent parts.
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    Between Pachamama and Mother Earth: Gender, Political Ontology and the Rights of Nature in Contemporary Bolivia.Miriam Tola - 2018 - Feminist Review 118 (1):25-40.
    Focusing on contemporary Bolivia, this article examines promises and pitfalls of political and legal initiatives that have turned Pachamama into a subject of rights. The conferral of rights on the indigenous earth being had the potential to unsettle the Western ontological distinction between active human subjects who engage in politics and passive natural resources. This essay, however, highlights some paradoxical effects of the rights of nature in Bolivia, where Evo Morales’ model of development relies on the intensification of the export-oriented (...)
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    Das Problem der Kolonialität des Geschlechts.Breny Mendoza - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (1):67-82.
    In this article, Breny Mendoza examines and critically discusses María Lugones’ concept of the “coloniality of gender.” Lugones’ influential thesis asserts that the binarity of gender was introduced in the colonies as part of colonial rule and displaced previously predominant egalitarian systems of gender relations. As Mendoza outlines, this thesis has been challenged in recent years by Latin American and indigenous feminisms (such as the Argentinean anthropologist Rita Segato, and indigenous feminists from countries such as Bolivia, Guatemala, and Mexico). In (...)
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    “The Finest in Any Museum in the World”: Collecting Pre-Conquest Antiquities in the Southern Andes, ca. 1850–1911.Stefanie Gänger - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):541-551.
    Centered on the collection of pre-conquest antiquities formed by Miguel Garcés, a Puno landowner and antiquary, this article studies the creole antiquarian landscape of the Southern Andes over the late 1800s and early 1900s. Historians have commonly taken the fact that many of the area's private collections were later sold to museums abroad as a testament to this antiquarian landscape's fragility and precariousness. This article argues that the collections' very volatility, dissolution, and mobility also, somewhat paradoxically, contributed to their centrality. (...)
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    L'ipotesi del meticciato in America latina. Dal multiculturalismo neoliberale alle differenze come forme di contenzioso.Maura Brighenti & Verónica Gago - 2013 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 25 (49).
    The dispute on mongrelization starts to play a fundamental role in Latin America inside the modernist debates about the national unity between the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, to later acquire an unprecedented global diffusion in the eighties and the nineties of the last century. Using the writings of the Bolivian sociologist Silvia River Cusicanqui and of the Argentinian anthropologist, who has long since been active in Brazil, Rita Segato, the essay reconstructs the (...)
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    De la révolution nationale à la victoire d'Evo Morales.Hervé Do Alto - 2007 - Actuel Marx 42 (2):84-96.
    From the National Revolution to the Victory of Evo Morales. A Review of a Half Century of Struggles in Popular Bolivia (1952-2007) The « Bolivian democratic and cultural revolution », often presented as a symbol of the leftward turn of Latin America, and which is led by Evo Morales, is without doubt part of the country’s nationalist and anti-oligarchic tradition, fruit of the revolution of 1952. The current revolutionary phase cannot however be entirely reduced to this tradition, insofar as it (...)
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    El indianismo en la filosofía latinoamericana: una deuda invisible.Alex Ibarra Peña - 2020 - Otrosiglo 4 (2):61-68.
    En el siguiente texto presentaré algunas ideas planteadas por el amauta boliviano Fausto Reinaga a favor de la liberación indianista y de la revitalización de las concepciones de mundo herederas de la sabiduría ancestral andina. Para esto ofreceré un breve contexto de la escasa presencia de la idea del indio en autores de la tradición de la filosofía latinoamericana que aún no ha sabido reconocer la importancia de este pensamiento alternativo a la concepción de mundo occidental. In the following text, (...)
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    Descolonizando el cuerpo.Kantuta Quirós & Aliocha Imhoff - 2008 - Multitudes 35 (4):184.
    This article takes a renewed look at Chicana political performance and urban intervention art in Latin America. Art-in-action has been a particularly fertile tradition in Latin America ever since the sixties, and more recently it has inspired a large number of performing artists working within a feminist and/or queer perspective. Here we would like to introduce the work of Chicano artist Guillermo Gómez-Peña and his band of performers, « La Pocha Nostra », and also that of the Bolivian collective « (...)
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    The Pay-Offs to Sociability.Victoria Reyes-García, Ricardo A. Godoy, Vincent Vadez, Isabel Ruíz-Mallén, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas W. McDade & Susan Tanner - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (4):431-446.
    Previous research addressing the association between leisure and happiness has given rise to the hypothesis that informal social activities might contribute more to happiness than solitary activities. In the current study, we tested how the two types of leisure—social and solitary—contribute to a person’s subjective sense of well-being. For the empirical estimate, we used four consecutive quarters of data collected from 533 people over the age of 16, from 13 Tsimane’ hunter-farmer villages in the Bolivian Amazon. Results suggest that only (...)
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    Lineamenti di un sistema di filosofia trascendentale d'ispirazione boliviana.Antonio Vacca - 2009 - Cultura 6 (2):185-209.
    This essay is a coherent and consistent system of transcendental philosophy, which portrays a reality, hidden by the veils of the exterior appearance, unknowable in the inner fundamental nature, lack of any meaning, where evil and good, moral and immoral are empty words without any possible content, hollow shells. A reality where the necessity rules everything, where the man is in the same level of any other manifestation of the Being and where the human freedom is only an illusion of (...)
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  31. Biopolitics and Racist Ideology in Bolivia. Biopolítica e ideología racista en Bolivia.Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 42 (125):20-53.
    The concept of biopolitics is undoubtedly situated in contemporary reflections with Michel Foucault as one of its notable representatives in theoretical development. In this sense, recent research, even stepping away from the ideas put forward by Foucault, has given way to valuable notions, as in the cases of Esposito, Agamben, and Lemke. Evidently, racism becomes important because of its magnitude and, above all, the actuality that crosses the limits in the complex Bolivian reality. The relationship between racism and biopolitics converges (...)
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    Judith Butler y las facetas de la “vulnerabilidad”: el poder de “agencia” en el activismo artístico de Mujeres Creando.María del Carmen Molina Barea - 2018 - Isegoría 58:221-238.
    The present paper adresses the objective of elucidating the phenomenological mechanisms which, according to the celebrated queer theory author Judith Butler, operate within performative politics. In this connection, this paper analyses the power of agency of minor identities as a resistance force against what Butler calls frames and its politic-ontological regularisation. Such biopolitical potential is fostered by the vulnerability and precarity of abject bodies. In this context, it will be considered the case of Bolivian anarcha-feminist group Mujeres Creando, which generates (...)
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    Álvaro García Linera y la sociología de Pierre Bourdieu. Una traducción desde Bolivia y el marxismo crítico.Juan Pablo Patriglia - 2022 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 28:415-440.
    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la lectura y los usos que realiza Álvaro García Linera de la sociología de Pierre Bourdieu. El marco teórico para realizar dicho estudio lo constituye la categoría gramsciana de traducción, referida al ejercicio de trazar equivalencias entre diferentes lenguajes científicos, filosóficos, políticos e históricos. La hipótesis que se sostiene es que García Linera traduce los principales conceptos de la sociología de Bourdieu a partir de un doble movimiento. Primero, a través de su puesta (...)
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    Religious Dualism and the Problem of Dual Religious Identity.Jonathan A. Seitz - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:49-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Dualism and the Problem of Dual Religious IdentityJonathan A. SeitzThe word “dualism” is used in many senses. It can refer to the separation of mind and body in classical Western philosophy or to the separation of divine and human in some religious traditions, but religious dualism is also used in the social sciences to describe how two religious systems may relate to each other. Personally, I am interested (...)
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    Frantz fanon en el pensamiento de Fausto reinaga: Cultura, revolución Y nuevo humanismo.Claudia Zapata & Elena Oliva - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:177-196.
    Este artículo propone explorar algunos de los vínculos que es posible establecer entre el pensamiento indígena y el afrodescendiente que se ha desarrollado en América Latina durante el siglo XX. El caso que aquí trabajamos pone en relación al Caribe con los Andes, y más específicamente, a un intelectual indígena de Bolivia y un afrocaribeño de Martinica: Fausto Reinaga y Frantz Fanon. Reparamos en las referencias que hace Reinaga a la obra de Fanon en sus libros inaugurales del pensamiento indianista, (...)
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  36. We, the Peoples: Populist Leadership, Neoliberalism and Decoloniality.Lars Cornelissen - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
    This article engages with the limits of Ernesto Laclau's theory of populism, focusing on the logic of popular identification. The central argument is that the Laclauian framework is incapable of accounting for recent forms of populism that articulate a decolonial mode of identification. More specifically, the article shows that for Laclau, leadership and exclusion are necessary components of popular identification, in which the identity of ‘the people' depends on the prior symbolic articulation of both an enemy and a leader. Although (...)
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    Yanak uywaña: la crianza mutua de las artes.Elvira Espejo Ayka - 2022 - La Paz: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.
    Elvira Espejo Ayca (Bolivia 1981) is an indigenous artist and was the director of the National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore in La Paz until 2020. "I'm going to address the topic I've prepared so we can travel together. I called him yanak uywaña, or mutual nurturing of the arts. It comes from a reflection of working with textile communities in the department of Oruro, in the Bolivian Andes." --Page 9 (Translation source unknown).
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    Revolution from Below: Cleavage Displacement and the Collapse of Elite Politics in Bolivia.Jean-Paul Faguet - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (2):205-250.
    For fifty years, Bolivia’s political party system was a surprisingly robust component of an otherwise fragile democracy, withstanding coups, hyperinflation, guerrilla insurgencies, and economic chaos. Why did it suddenly collapse around 2002? This article offers a theoretical lens combining cleavage theory with Schattschneider’s concept of competitive dimensions for an empirical analysis of the structural and ideological characteristics of Bolivia’s party system from 1952 to 2010. Politics shifted from a conventional left-right axis of competition, unsuited to Bolivian society, to an ethnic/rural–cosmopolitan/urban (...)
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    Why do mothers favor girls and fathers, boys?Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes-García, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, William R. Leonard, Tomás Huanca, Vincent Vadez & Karishma Patel - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (2):169-189.
    Growing evidence suggests mothers invest more in girls than boys and fathers more in boys than girls. We develop a hypothesis that predicts preference for girls by the parent facing more resource constraints and preference for boys by the parent facing less constraint. We test the hypothesis with panel data from the Tsimane’, a foraging-farming society in the Bolivian Amazon. Tsimane’ mothers face more resource constraints than fathers. As predicted, mother’s wealth protected girl’s BMI, but father’s wealth had weak effects (...)
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    Universal politics.Ilan Kapoor - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Zahi Anbra Zalloua.
    This book claims that there is a negativity at the core of all social articulations that provides the basis for a universal politics. Drawing principally on the work of Slavoj Žižek, the book suggests that the social is punctured by an impossibility-an incompletion-which rather than serving as a barrier to politics, lays a foundation for shared struggle. The book thus argues for a negative universality, rooted not in a positive element (e.g., identity-based politics) but a discordant one, so that under (...)
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    L’instrumentalisation des sites archéologiques incas. Questions d’éthique.Antoinette Molinié - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (3):57-65.
    On the occasion of Peru’s Independence, the champions of the Creole nation elevated the Inca State Indian to the status of a respectable ancestor, thus eliminating the Amerindian historicity of the population. The archaeological remains provide support to an indigenist ideology that ignores the sociological Indian, considered to be ontologically inferior. Today, these Inca vestiges contribute to the construction of the national narrative: the Inca solar cult is thus reinvented on the site of Sacsayhuaman. To what extent can the work (...)
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    En época de Constituyentes... es bueno entender cómo estamos constituidos.Jean Paul Guevara Avila - 2005 - Polis 10.
    En un contexto de transformaciones profundas en la sociedad boliviana, el autor plantea que más que una nueva teoría de la sociedad boliviana se requiere desarrollar otra mirada. En esta dirección, el presente artículo busca plantear un esquema renovado sobre las referencias desde las cuales deben encuadrar el debate los bolivianos y bolivianas. El texto aborda la construcción de matrices culturales, explicitando la moderna y la andina, y conecta matriz cultural con institucionalidad, para proponer una institucionalidad andina.
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