Results for 'Laurence Pornin'

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    Le cadre institutionnel comme dépôt, quels effets sur les familles?Laurence Pornin - 2019 - Dialogue 2:61-76.
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  2. New technologies, the precautionary principle, and public participation.Laurence Boisson de Chazournes - 2009 - In Thérèse Murphy (ed.), New technologies and human rights. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Worker – Dominion and Form.Laurence Hemming, Bogdan Costea & Ernst Jünger - 2017 - Evanston, IL, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    Written in 1932, just before the fall of the Weimar Republic and on the eve of the Nazi accession to power, Ernst Jünger’s The Worker: Dominion and Form articulates a trenchant critique of bourgeois liberalism and seeks to identify the form characteristic of the modern age. Jünger’s analyses, written in critical dialogue with Marx, are inspired by a profound intuition of the movement of history and an insightful interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy. -/- Martin Heidegger considered Jünger “the only genuine follower (...)
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  4. The Character of Friendship.Laurence Thomas - forthcoming - In Danian Caluori (ed.), Thinking About Friendship: Historical and Contemporary Prespectives. Palgrave MacMillon.
    This essay discusss (1) the differences and commonalities between romantic love and friendship and (2) the differences and commonalities between parental love of friendship.
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  5. Partnerships for Knowledge Creation.Salvatore Parise & Laurence Prusak - 2006 - In Laurence Prusak & Eric Matson (eds.), Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: A Reader. Oxford University Press.
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  6. Theories and patterns of living.Laurence J. Rosán - 1949 - State College, Pa..
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    En teori om revolusjoner.Cédric Durand, Laurence Fontaine & Ulysse Lojkine - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (1-2):34-54.
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    La nécessité du mouvement éternel. Note exégétique à Aristote, Physique VIII, 5, 256b8-13.Luca Gili & Laurence Godin-Tremblay - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):725-740.
    ABSTRACTIn Physics VIII, 5, 256b8-13, Aristotle maintains that it is impossible that there is no motion, because he proved earlier on that it is necessary that there is always motion. In Physics VIII, 1, 251b23-28, Aristotle said that it is necessary that if time is eternal, then motion is also eternal. In Physics VIII, 5, 256b8-13, Aristotle speaks on the contrary about the necessity of eternal motion. In this paper, we show that the argument expounded in Physics VIII, 1, 251b23-28 (...)
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    Pour une société « suffisamment bonne » : reconnaître une pluralité de contributions et de parcours.Marie-Laurence Poirel & Clément - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    À partir des résultats d’une recherche qualitative et participative ayant impliqué des personnes qui vivent avec un problème de santé mentale, des intervenants et des gestionnaires de milieux de pratique en santé mentale et visant à explorer les représentations d’une intégration sociale jugée réussie, cet article propose une analyse et une réflexion sur les conditions de possibilité d’une société suffisamment bonne et inclusive pour les personnes vivant avec un problème de santé mentale. L’élargissement du prisme de la reconnaissance sociale s’est (...)
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  10. Moral Equality and Natural Inferiority.Laurence Thomas - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (3):379-404.
    This essay is a commentary upon "Race and Kant" by Thomas Hill, Jr and Bernard Boxill. They argue that although Kant in his anthropological writings took blacks to be inferior, his moral theory requires that they be shown the proper moral respect since blacks are persons nonetheless. I argue that this argument is sound, because the conception of inferiority that Kant attributed to blacks does not permit showing them the proper moral respect. Imagine a defective Mercedes Benz and a Ford (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Power and Domination: Theories and Practices.Laura Duhan Kaplan & Laurence F. Bove (eds.) - 1997 - Brill | Rodopi.
    The essays in this volume explore in detail many of the ways power structures our daily personal, political and intellectual lives, and evaluate the workings of power using a variety of theoretical paradigms, from Hobbesian liberalism to Foucauldian feminist postmodernism. Taken as a whole, the book aims towards an end to unjust and destructive uses of power and the flowering of an encouraging, educated empowerment for all human beings in a pluralistic world. Section I offers a progressive chain of arguments (...)
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    Missing the Point: Comments on the Case Presented by Barbara Edwards.Laurence J. O’Connell - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):82-82.
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    The Prologue of the Old-English "Guthlac A".Laurence K. Shook - 1961 - Mediaeval Studies 23 (1):294-304.
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  14. Friendship in the Shadow of Technology.Laurence Thomas - 1981 - In John Arthur & Steven Scalet (eds.), Morality and Moral Controversies: Readings in Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall.
    This essay looks at the impact that technology is having upon friendship. For as we all know, it is nothing at all to see friends at a restaurant table all engaged in texting rather than talking to one another.
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  15. Self-respect, fairness, and living morally.Laurence M. Thomas - 2003 - In Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman (eds.), A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  16.  31
    Denis Lambin versus Joachim Périon : quel style pour traduire Aristote?Bernard-Pradelle Laurence - 2017 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 16.
    Cet article examine les choix de traduction, exposés dans deux préfaces se répondant, de deux traducteurs vers le latin de l’Ethique à Nicomaque, Joachim Périon, dont la traduction paraît en 1540, et Denis Lambin, dont le texte paraît en 1572. L’un et l’autre de ces traducteurs, à travers leur polémique, semblent en fait continuer les thèses d’un autre traducteur d’Aristote, théoricien du style de la traduction, Leonardo Bruni, dont le De interpretatione recta date de 1424-1426. Si Périon pense que le (...)
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    Les hydratants et lubrifiants vaginaux – Quel statut pour ce type de produits?Céline Couteau, Laurence Coiffard & Catherine Quequet - 2021 - Médecine et Droit 2021 (171):120-122.
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  18. Atrocities.Laurence Thomas - 2009 - In Clifton Bryant Dennis Peck (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Sage Publication.
    This essay discusses the character of many atrocities that have occurred throughout human history.
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    Equality and the mantra of diversity.Laurence Thomas - 2003
    This essay is part of a symposium on affirmative action that took place at the University of Cincinnati with the distinguished legal scholar Ronald Dworkin. I argue against affirmative action. And I discuss at length the votes of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and the dissent of Justice Clarence Thomas. I develop the idea of idiosyncratic excellence; and I argue that diversity is a weakness insofar as it (a) an excuse for social myopia and (b)an impediment to individuals seeing beyond their (...)
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  20. Sexual desire, moral choice, and human ends.Laurence Thomas - 2002 - Journal of Social Philosophy 33 (2):178–192.
  21.  10
    (1 other version)Editorial Franciscanum 172.Jaime Laurence Bonilla Morales - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-5.
    En este Editorial se presenta una reflexión sobre la gestión de la revista en Redalyc, para luego presentar los artículos de la sección de filosofía y de teología.
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    La sociologie cognitive.Fabrice Clément & Laurence Kaufmann (eds.) - 2011 - Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
    A l'âge où les sciences du cerveau et de la cognition apportent de fascinantes révélations sur les fondements matériels de la nature humaine, est-il possible pour la sociologie de continuer à réfléchir en vase clos, hors de l'effervescence scientifique qu’entraînent ces découvertes? Les auteurs qui s’expriment dans cet ouvrage exposent leurs points de vue argumentés sur le lien entre sciences de la cognition et sciences du social et sur les conditions d’élaboration d’une véritable sociologie cognitive. La diversité des perspectives offre (...)
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    Temps, rythmes, mesures: figures du temps dans les sciences et les arts.Laurence Dahan-Gaida (ed.) - 2012 - Paris: Hermann.
    À la fois omniprésent et incernable, le temps est une dimension omniprésente de nos existences, indissociable de notre rapport au cosmos, à la vie biologique, à la conscience mais aussi à l’histoire, à la culture et à la société. Parce qu’elle est au confluent de plusieurs champs d’expérience et de réflexion, la question du temps offre une passerelle privilégiée pour croiser des approches rarement invitées à se rencontrer : celles des sciences d’un côté (physique, biologie, médecine, cosmologie), celles des arts (...)
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    Reference: from conventions to pragmatics.Laure Gardelle, Laurence Vincent-Durroux & Hélène Vinckel (eds.) - 2023 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume provides an innovative approach to the referential process thanks to its focus on the relationship between conventions and discourse pragmatics. It brings together a cross-section of current research on referential conventions and pragmatic strategies, in a number of different fields (formal and theoretical linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, interactional linguistics, natural language processing), in a variety of verbal and non-verbal languages (English, German, different varieties of French, Indonesian, Belgian sign language) and in a diversity of contexts (the coining (...)
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    Hume, bioethics, and philosophy of medicine.Loretta M. Kopelman & Laurence B. McCullough - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (4):315 – 321.
  26.  8
    La sagesse de vivre: les philosophes et la mort.Laurence Vanin-Verna - 2009 - Bruxelles: Memogrames.
    Face à sa finitude, l'homme est désemparé. Il aborde l'existence par la question du " pourquoi ". " Pourquoi m'a-t-on donné la vie si c'est pour la reprendre? " Il est envahi par la colère, la révolte... puis, il cherche un sens à sa mort et pose un au-delà salvateur, un lieu où tout peut continuer autrement... ou encore il envisage une réincarnation; bref, quelque chose qui n'est plus " la fin de la fin ". Mais quand l'homme se fait (...)
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    A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought.Laurence G. Thompson, Wolfram Eberhard & G. L. Campbell - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):493.
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  28. Autonomy, Moral Behavior & the Self.Laurence Thomas - unknown
    UTONOMY IS VERY HIGHLY PRAISED as something that it is always good to have, and always good to have more of rather than less of.1 The idea seems to be that persons should be autonomous whatever else they might be, and that should act autonomously whatever else it is that they might do. Kantians are fond of saying that a person is autonomous if she or he chooses to live in accordance with the dictates of reason. This, in turn, directly (...)
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    Liberalism and the Holocause.Laurence Thomas - 1992 - Social Philosophy Today 7:437-450.
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    Should Race Matter? Unusual Answers to the Usual Questions.Laurence Thomas - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (4):647-650.
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    Virtue ethics and the arc of universality: Reflections on Punzo's reading of Kantian and virtue ethics.Laurence Thomas - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (1):25 – 32.
    While I agree with Punzo's central thesis that virtue ethics is superior to Kantian ethics, the aims of my comments are twofold. On the one hand, I draw attention to some ways in which Punzo overstates the case against Kantian ethics, noting that unattainable ideals as such are no mark against a moral theory. On the other, I build upon Punzo's insights in order to bring into sharper focus the superiority of virtue ethics. Accordingly, I distinguish between inter-species (Kantian ethics) (...)
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    Edited by EfthymiosNicolaïdisGreek alchemy from late antiquity to early modernity, Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2018, 198 pp. + 21 col. ill. ISBN : 9782503581910. [REVIEW]Anne-Laurence Caudano - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (2):430-431.
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    The dialogue of reason: an analysis of analytical philosophy.Laurence Jonathan Cohen - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Johnathan Cohen's book provides a lucid and penetrating treatment of the fundamental issues of contemporary analytical philosophy. This field now spans a greater variety of topics and divergence of opinion than fifty years ago, and Cohen's book addresses the presuppositions implicit to it and the patterns of reasoning on which it relies.
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    Agents of Change: Political Philosophy in Practice.Ben Laurence - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Ben Laurence argues for a political philosophy that unifies theory and practice in pursuit of change. He shows that the task of political philosophy is not complete until the political philosopher asks the question "What is to be done?" and deliberates about the answer with agents of change.
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    Basic numerical skills in children with mathematics learning disabilities: A comparison of symbolic vs non-symbolic number magnitude processing.Laurence Rousselle & Marie-Pascale Noël - 2007 - Cognition 102 (3):361-395.
  36. The Question of the Agent of Change.Ben Laurence - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (4):355-377.
    In non-ideal theory, the political philosopher seeks to identify an injustice, synthesize social scientific work to diagnose its underlying causes, and propose morally permissible and potentially efficacious remedies. This paper explores the role in non-ideal theory of the identification of a plausible agent of change who might bring about the proposed remedies. I argue that the question of the agent of change is connected with the other core tasks of diagnosing injustice and proposing practical remedies. In this connection, I criticize (...)
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    Empathy and Alterity in Cultural Psychiatry.Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 36 (4):457-474.
  38.  12
    John Gregory and the Invention of Professional Medical Ethics and the Profession of Medicine.Laurence B. McCullough - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    The best things in my Ufe have come to me by accident and this book results from one such accident: my having the opportunity, out of the blue, to go to work as H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. 's, research assistant at the Institute for the Medical Humanities in the University of Texas Medi cal Branch at Galveston, Texas, in 1974, on the recommendation of our teacher at the University of Texas at Austin, Irwin C. Lieb. During that summer Tris "lent" (...)
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  39. (1 other version)In Defense of Pure Reason.Laurence BonJour - 2000 - Noûs 34 (2):302-311.
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  40. The myth of knowledge.Laurence BonJour - 2010 - Philosophical Perspectives 24 (1):57-83.
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    Tom Simpson, Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence, & Stephen Stich.Stephen Laurence - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 1--3.
  42. The New Utopian Politics of Ursula K. Le Guin's The Dispossessed.Laurence Davis, Peter Stillman & Ursula K. Le Guin - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (2):375-379.
    The Dispossessed has been described by political thinker Andre Gorz as 'The most striking description I know of the seductions—and snares—of self-managed communist or, in other words, anarchist society.' To date, however, the radical social, cultural, and political ramifications of Le Guin's multiple award-winning novel remain woefully under explored. Editors Laurence Davis and Peter Stillman right this state of affairs in the first ever collection of original essays devoted to Le Guin's novel. Among the topics covered in this wide-ranging, (...)
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    L’autonomie relationnelle : un nouveau fondement pour les théories de la justice.Laurence Ricard - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):139.
    Laurence Ricard | : La notion d’autonomie personnelle joue un rôle central dans les théories politiques contemporaines et, plus spécifiquement, dans les théories de la justice. Or, dans le paradigme libéral dominant, elle est définie par une compréhension rationaliste de l’agent individuel. La présente étude défend la nécessité de redéfinir ce concept d’autonomie à la lumière des développements philosophiques et psychologiques qui ont complexifié notre compréhension de la subjectivité. L’emploi du concept d’autonomie relationnelle développé par certains auteurs féministes et (...)
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    What a Philosopher Is: Becoming Nietzsche.Laurence Lampert - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The trajectory of Friedrich Nietzsche’s thought has long presented a difficulty for the study of his philosophy. How did the young Nietzsche—classicist and ardent advocate of Wagner’s cultural renewal—become the philosopher of Will to Power and the Eternal Return? With this book, Laurence Lampert answers that question. He does so through his trademark technique of close readings of key works in Nietzsche’s journey to philosophy: The Birth of Tragedy, Schopenhauer as Educator, Richard Wagner in Bayreuth, Human All Too Human, (...)
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    The border wars: a neo-Gricean perspective.Laurence R. Horn - manuscript
  46.  32
    Watching Eyes effects: When others meet the self.Laurence Conty, Nathalie George & Jari K. Hietanen - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 45:184-197.
  47. A Natural History of Negation.Laurence R. Horn - 1989 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 24 (2):164-168.
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    Nietzsche and Plato.Laurence Lampert - 2004 - In Paul Bishop (ed.), Nietzsche and antiquity: his reaction and response to the classical tradition. Rochester, NY: Camden House. pp. 204-219.
  49. Rights, Health, and Mental Disease.Laurence Houlgate - 1975 - Wayne Law Review 22 (67):87-95.
    Laurence Houlgate's critique of Shuman's "The Right to be Unhealthy" appearing at page 81 of the same issue of the Wayne Law Review.
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  50. The ethical concept of medicine as a profession: its origins in modern medical ethics and implications for physicians.Laurence B. McCullough - 2006 - Advances in Bioethics 10:17-27.
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