Results for 'Laura Vandeweghe'

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  1.  12
    Food Approach and Food Avoidance in Young Children: Relation with Reward Sensitivity and Punishment Sensitivity.Laura Vandeweghe, Leentje Vervoort, Sandra Verbeken, Ellen Moens & Caroline Braet - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  2. Autonomy and personal integration.Laura Waddell Ekstrom - 2005 - In J. Stacey Taylor (ed.), Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and Its Role in Contemporary Moral Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  3. Humility for Everyone: A No‐Distraction Account.Laura Frances Callahan - 2021 - Wiley: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (3):623-638.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Volume 104, Issue 3, Page 623-638, May 2022.
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  4. Does size matter? The state of the art in small business ethics.Laura J. Spence - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (3):163–174.
    In this paper the exclusive focus on large firms in the field of business ethics is challenged. Some of the idiosyncrasies of small firms are explained, and links are made between these and potential ethical issues. A review of the existing literature on ethics in small firms demonstrates the lack of appropriate research, so that to date we can draw no firm conclusions in relation to ethics in the small firm. Recommendations are made as to the way forward for small (...)
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  5. Episodios filosóficos del platonismo: ecos y tensiones.Laura Benítez Grobet, Leonel Toledo Marín & Alejandra Velázquez Zaragoza (eds.) - 2016
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    The Sound of Smell: Associating Odor Valence With Disgust Sounds.Laura J. Speed, Hannah Atkinson, Ewelina Wnuk & Asifa Majid - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12980.
    Olfaction has recently been highlighted as a sense poorly connected with language. Odor is difficult to verbalize, and it has few qualities that afford mimicry by vision or sound. At the same time, emotion is thought to be the most salient dimension of an odor, and it could therefore be an olfactory dimension more easily communicated. We investigated whether sounds imitative of an innate disgust response can be associated with unpleasant odors. In two experiments, participants were asked to make a (...)
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  7. Illusion of transparency.Laura Schroeter - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):597 – 618.
    It's generally agreed that, for a certain a class of cases, a rational subject cannot be wrong in treating two elements of thought as co-referential. Even anti-individualists like Tyler Burge agree that empirical error is impossible in such cases. I argue that this immunity to empirical error is illusory and sketch a new anti-individualist approach to concepts that doesn't require such immunity.
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  8. Free will, chance, and mystery.Laura Ekstrom - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 113 (2):153-80.
    This paper proposes a reconciliation between libertarian freedomand causal indeterminism, without relying on agent-causation asa primitive notion. I closely examine Peter van Inwagen''s recentcase for free will mysterianism, which is based in part on thewidespread worry that undetermined acts are too chancy to befree. I distinguish three senses of the term chance I thenargue that van Inwagen''s case for free will mystrianism fails,since there is no single construal of the term change on whichall of the premises of his argument for (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Definition in Plato's Meno. An inquiry in the light of logic and semantics into the kind of definition intended by Socrates when he asks « What is virtue? ».Laura Grimm - 1965 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:513-514.
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    Meinong Strikes Again. Return to Impossible Objects 100 Years Later.Laura Mari & Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (25).
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    From Non-Place to Rhizome.Laura Menatti - 2011 - Environment, Space, Place 3 (2):22-50.
    Rosario Assunto, an Italian philosopher of aesthetics begins one of his most interesting and dense essays with a terrifying image about the Earth where we live—“calvizie della terra dissacrata” (1983, 15)—meaning that the Earth becomes bald because of the actions of the man and loses every characteristics of beauty and sacredness. According to Assunto’s theory the homo oeconomicus is the author and the promoter of a Promethean, titanic, industrial, and malodorous town where the sense of art, beauty, and the harmony (...)
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    Developing a ‘moral compass tool’ based on moral case deliberations: A pragmatic hermeneutic approach to clinical ethics.Laura Hartman, Suzanne Metselaar, Guy Widdershoven & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1012-1021.
    Although moral case deliberation (MCD) is evaluated positively as a form of clinical ethics support (CES), it has limitations. To address these limitations our research objective was to develop a thematic CES tool. In order to assess the philosophical characteristics of a CES tool based on MCDs, we drew on hermeneutic ethics and pragmatism. We distinguished four core characteristics of a CES tool: (a) focusing on an actual situation that is experienced as morally challenging by the user; (b) stimulating moral (...)
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  13. Epistemic Emotions and the Value of Truth.Laura Candiotto - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (4):563-577.
    In this paper, I discuss the intrinsic value of truth from the perspective of the emotion studies in virtue epistemology. The strategy is the one that looks at epistemic emotions as driving forces towards truth as the most valuable epistemic good. But in doing so, a puzzle arises: how can the value of truth be intrinsic and instrumental? My answer lies in the difference established by Duncan Pritchard between epistemic value and the value of the epistemic applied to the case (...)
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  14. The limits of conceptual analysis.Laura Schroeter - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (4):425-453.
    It would be nice if good old a priori conceptual analysis were possible. For many years conceptual analysis was out of fashion, in large part because of the excessive ambitions of verificationist theories of meaning._ _However, those days are over._ _A priori conceptual analysis is once again part of the philosophical mainstream._ _This renewed popularity, moreover, is well-founded. Modern philosophical analysts have exploited developments in philosophical semantics to formulate analyses which avoid the counterintuitive consequences of verificationism, while vindicating our ability (...)
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  15. Expressions of Caring: Relational virtues in Buber's ethics.Laura Grams - 2017 - In Oliver Leaman & Curtis Hutt (eds.), Jewish Religious and Philosophical Ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  16. Definition in Plato's Meno an Inquiry in the Light of Logic and Semantics Into the Kind of Definition Intended by Socrates When He Asks "What is Virtue?".Laura Grimm - 1962 - Oslo University Press.
  17. Introduction.Laura Hengehold - 2021 - In Jean Godefroy Bidima & Laura Hengehold (eds.), African Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century: Acts of Transition. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  18. Freedom, Coherence, and the Self.Laura Waddell Ekstrom - 1993 - Dissertation, The University of Arizona
    A plausible theory of human freedom must give some account of both alternate possibilities and self-determination. Debate over the correct interpretation of the first feature gives rise to the metaphysical problem of whether or not freedom is compatible with the thesis of determinism, according to which, given the actual past and the actual laws of nature, there is at any time only one physically possible future. It is my view that persons act freely only if the thesis of determinism is (...)
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    Freedom as Expression: Natality and the Temporality of Action in Merleau‐Ponty and Arendt.Laura McMahon - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (1):56-79.
    This paper draws on the philosophies of Maurice Merleau‐Ponty and Hannah Arendt in order to explore the nature of free action. Part one outlines three familiar ways in which we often understand the nature of freedom. Part two argues that these common understandings of freedom are rooted in impoverished conceptions of time and subjectivity. Part three engages with Arendt’s conception of natality alongside Merleau‐Ponty’s conception of expression in order to argue that the freely acting self draws in improvisational manners on (...)
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    Empty Space, Silence, and Absence.Laura Gow - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (7):496-507.
    The idea that we can perceive absences is becoming increasingly popular in contemporary philosophy of mind, and seeing empty space and hearing silence are alleged to be two paradigmatic examples. In this paper, I remain neutral over the question of whether empty space experiences and experiences of silence are genuinely perceptual phenomena, however, I argue that these experiences do not qualify as absence experiences. Consequently, our experiences of empty space and silence cannot be appealed to as proof of the perceptual (...)
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  21. Medicalization, medical necessity, and feminist medicine.Laura Purdy - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (3):248–261.
    New and proposed medical technologies continually challenge our vision of what constitutes appropriate medical treatment. As scholars and consumers grapple with the meaning of innovation, one common critical theme to surface is that it constitutes undesirable medicalization. But we are embodied creatures who can often benefit from medical knowledge; in addition, rejection of medicalization may be in some cases based on an untenable appeal to nature. Harnessing the power of medicine for women’s welfare requires us to rethink the goals of (...)
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    Pseudo-Lucian’s Cnidian Aphrodite: A Statue of Flesh, Stone, and Words.Laura Bottenberg - 2020 - Millennium 17 (1):115-138.
    The aim of this paper is to analyse a literary response to antiquity’s most alluring work of art, the Cnidian Aphrodite. It argues that the ecphrasis of the statue in the Amores develops textual and verbal strategies to provoke in the recipients the desire to see the Cnidia, but eventually frustrates this desire. The ecphrasis thereby creates a discrepancy between the characters’ aesthetic experience of the statue and the visualisation and aesthetic experience of the recipients of the text. The erotic (...)
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    Covid-19 and Mental Health: Could Visual Art Exposure Help?Laura M. H. Gallo, Vincent Giampietro, Patricia A. Zunszain & Kai Syng Tan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A worldwidemental health crisis is expected, as millions worldwide fear death and disease while being forced into repeated isolation. Thus, there is a need for new proactive approaches to improve mental resilience and prevent mental health conditions. Since the 1990s, art has emerged as an alternative mental health therapy in the United States and Europe, becoming part of the social care agenda. This article focuses on how visual esthetic experiences can create similar patterns of neuronal activity as those observed when (...)
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    (1 other version)Modern Socratic Dialogue and Resilient Democracy: Creating the Clearing for an American Bildung.Laura Mueller - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4):83-104.
    This article puts forth Modern Socratic Dialogue as a pedagogical tool for cultivating an American Bildung. Beginning with Michael Hogue’s work on “resilient democracy,” an associational ethos that is vulnerable and based on our lived uncertainty. To further establish this American Bildung, I investigate what it means to be American. Drawing from the works of Michael Walzer and Gloria Anzaldúa, I establish that “American” means unfinished, pluralistic, and embraces ambiguity. The question of how to cultivate this pluralistic, ambiguous, and vulnerable (...)
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  25. Diagrams in Biology.Laura Perini - 2013 - The Knowledge Engineering Review 28 (3):273-286.
    Biologists depend on visual representations, and their use of diagrams has drawn the attention of philosophers, historians, and sociologists interested in understanding how these images are involved in biological reasoning. These studies, however, proceed from identification of diagrams on the basis of their spare visual appearance, and do not draw on a foundational theory of the nature of diagrams as representations. This approach has limited the extent to which we under- stand how these diagrams are involved in biological reasoning. In (...)
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    Quality Characteristics for Clinical Ethics Support in the Netherlands.Laura Hartman, Eva Van Baarle, Marielle Diepeveen, Guy Widdershoven & Bert Molewijk - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (1):22-32.
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    Intuitive and analytical processes in insight problem solving: a psycho-rhetorical approach to the study of reasoning.Laura Macchi & Maria Bagassi - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (1):53-67.
    Language and thought share a unitary cognitive activity, addressed by an interpretative function. This interpretative effort reveals the assonance between the attribution of meaning to an utterance and the discovery of a solution via restructuring in insight problem solving. We suggest a view of complex integrated analytical thinking, which assumes that thinking processes information in different ways, depending on the characteristics of the tasks the subject has to solve, so that reasoning results in a stepwise, rule-based process or in a (...)
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  28. Form and Function: A Semiotic Analysis of Figures in Biology Textbooks.Laura Perini - 2012 - In Nancy Anderson & Michael R. Dietrich (eds.), The Educated Eye Visual Culture and Pedagogy in the Life Sciences. Upne. pp. 235-254.
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    Conceptualizing and Fostering the Quality of CES Through a Dutch National Network on CES.Laura Hartman, Guy Widdershoven, Eva van Baarle, Froukje Weidema & Bert Molewijk - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (2):169-186.
    The prevalence of Clinical ethics support services is increasing. Yet, questions about what quality of CES entails and how to foster the quality of CES remain. This paper describes the development of a national network, which aimed to conceptualize and foster the quality of CES in the Netherlands simultaneously. Our methodology was inspired by a responsive evaluation approach which shares some of our key theoretical presuppositions of CES. A responsive evaluation methodology engages stakeholders in developing quality standards of a certain (...)
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    How Radical Is Embodied Creativity? Implications of 4E Approaches for Creativity Research and Teaching.Laura H. Malinin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:492290.
    Modern ideas of embodiment have been influential in cognitive science for the past several decades, yet there is minimal evidence of embodied cognition approaches in creativity research or pedagogical practices for teaching creativity skills. With creativity research in crisis due to conceptual, methodological, and theoretical issues, radical embodied cognitive science (RECS) may offer a framework to move the field forward. This conceptual analysis examines the current state of creativity research from the 4E (embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended) cognition and RECS (...)
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    Individual differences fill the uncharted intersections between cognitive structure, flexibility, and plasticity in multitasking.Laura Broeker, Jovita Brüning, Yana Fandakova, Neda Khosravani, Andrea Kiesel, Veit Kubik, Sebastian Kübler, Dietrich Manzey, Irina Monno, Markus Raab & Torsten Schubert - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (6):1486-1494.
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  32. Alienation, autonomy, and the self.Laura Ekstrom - 2005 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 29 (1):45–67.
  33. Divine freedom and creation.Laura L. Garcia - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):191-213.
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    It's Not the Flu: Popular Perceptions of the Impact of COVID-19 in the U.S.Laura Niemi, Kevin M. Kniffin & John M. Doris - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Messaging from U.S. authorities about COVID-19 has been widely divergent. This research aims to clarify popular perceptions of the COVID-19 threat and its effects on victims. In four studies with over 4,100 U.S. participants, we consistently found that people perceive the threat of COVID-19 to be substantially greater than that of several other causes of death to which it has recently been compared, including the seasonal flu and automobile accidents. Participants were less willing to help COVID-19 victims, who they considered (...)
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    A Comparison of Wolff’s and Kant’s Receptions of Emanuel Swedenborg.Laura Follesa - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (1):1-22.
    Kant’s Dreams of a Spirit-Seer (1766) did not provide the sole perspective through which Emanuel Swedenborg’s work was known in Germany in the eighteenth century. Before Kant, another German philosopher was interested in Swedenborg from a completely different perspective: Christian Wolff. On the one hand, this paper analyzes the meaning of Wolff’s anonymous reviews of Swedenborg’s early writings published in Acta Eruditorum, the authorship of which was only recently discovered, in order to show Swedenborg’s intertwinement with German scholars during the (...)
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    Adaptive Esports for People With Spinal Cord Injury: New Frontiers for Inclusion in Mainstream Sports Performance.Laura Tabacof, Sophie Dewil, Joseph E. Herrera, Mar Cortes & David Putrino - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: People with Spinal Cord Injury are at risk of feeling socially disconnected. Competitive esports present an opportunity for people with SCI to remotely engage in a community. The aim of this study is to discuss barriers to esports participation for people with SCI, present adaptive solutions to these problems, and analyze self-reported changes in social connection.Materials and Methods: We presented a descriptive data collected in the process of a quality improvement initiative at Mount Sinai Hospital. In 2019, seven individuals (...)
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    Whose “loyal agent”? Towards an ethic of accounting.Laura S. Westra - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (2):119 - 128.
    In order to move towards an Ethic of Accounting, one must start by defining the function and role of the accountant. This in turn depends to a great extent on the identity of the client or whatever party the Accountant owes his loyal agency to. The issue is one of cardinal importance, and it is perceived as such by the accountants themselves. Loeb for instance says that the client-identity issue is overriding importance now, and will become even more crucial in (...)
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    How to Teach Ethics.Laura P. Hartman & Edwin M. Hartman - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (2):165-212.
    The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business has called for stronger ethics programs. There are two problems with this battle cry. First, the AACSB rejects, with weak arguments, the single best way to get ethics into the curriculum. Second, the AACSB can only vaguely describe some unpromising alternatives to that strategy. A number of leading business ethicists have challenged the AACSB to defend and clarify its views, to little avail. The proposed Procedures and Standards cannot by themselves bring about (...)
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  39. Van Fraassen on preparation and measurement.Laura Ruetsche - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):346.
    Van Fraassen's 1991 modal interpretation of Quantum Mechanics offers accounts of measurement and state preparation. I argue that both accounts overlook a class of interactions I call General Unitary Measurements, or GUMs. Ironically, GUMs are significant for van Fraassen's account of measurement because they challenge it, and significant for his account of preparation because they simplify it. Van Fraassen's oversight prompts a question about modal interpretations: developed to account for ideal measurement outcomes, can they consistently account as well for the (...)
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    Depiction, Detection, and the Epistemic Value of Photography.Laura Perini - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 70 (1):151-160.
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    Cosmology, Astronomy, and Philosophy around 1800: Schelling, Hegel, Herder.Laura Follesa - 2022 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 12 (1):242-260.
    This article focuses on debates on philosophical knowledge, mathematics, and the empirical sciences by analyzing the positions on cosmological and astronomical knowledge, around 1800, of three German authors: Herder, Schelling, and Hegel. I show the mutual interdependence of Schelling’s and Hegel’s Naturphilosophie and Herder’s Ideen, and I then demonstrate that the latter’s position during the last years of his life was a reaction to Schelling’s and Hegel’s speculative philosophy. While Herder seems to ignore the works of the Naturphilosophen in his (...)
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  42. Realizability models for constructive set theories with restricted induction principles.Laura Crosilla - unknown
    This thesis presents a proof theoretical investigation of some constructive set theories with restricted set induction. The set theories considered are various systems of Constructive Zermelo Fraenkel set theory, CZF ([1]), in which the schema of $\in$ - Induction is either removed or weakened. We shall examine the theories $CZF^\Sigma_\omega$ and $CZF_\omega$, in which the $\in$ - Induction scheme is replaced by a scheme of induction on the natural numbers (only for  formulas in the case of the first theory, (...)
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    Victimhood dissociation and conflict resolution: evidence from the Colombian peace plebiscite.Laura Acosta - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):679-714.
    How does violence shape citizens’ preferences for conflict termination? The existing literature has argued that violence either begets sympathy for more violence or drives support for making peace. Focusing on the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement, this article finds that victimhood dissociation strongly shapes these preferences. With victimhood dissociation, a discrepancy exists between objective and subjective victimization, and the effect of violence on peace attitudes depends on citizens’ subjective interpretations of their personal experiences of violence. Citizens who do not experience violence (...)
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    Social Value Judgements in Healthcare: A Philosophical Critique.Laura R. Biron, Ruth Faden & Benedict Rumbold - 2012 - Journal of Health Organization and Management 26 (3):317-30.
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to consider some of the philosophical and bioethical issues raised by the creation of the draft social values framework developed to facilitate data collection and country-specific presentations at the inaugural workshop on "Social values and health priority setting" held in February 2011. -/- DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Conceptual analysis is used to analyse the term "social values", as employed in the framework, and its relationship to related ideas such as moral values. The structure of the framework (...)
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    The Contributions of Updating in Working Memory Sub-Processes for Sight-Reading Music Beyond Age and Practice Effects.Laura Herrero & Nuria Carriedo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Talisman-Images.Laura U. Marks - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):134-139.
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    The structural semiotics paradigm for marketing research: Theory, methodology, and case analysis.Laura R. Oswald - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (205):115-148.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 205 Seiten: 115-148.
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    Per Una nuova interpretazione di aristia, trgf 9 F 1.Laura Carrara - 2013 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 157 (1):35-45.
    In the only surviving fragment of Aristias’ Antaeus a difficulty arises when one tries to make sense of the proper name ∫Antaiov, which, in the only source that transmits the fragment, is featured just before what is usually considered to be the beginning of the fragment itself. Snell’s interpretation of ∫Antaiov as a piece of information provided by Herodian about the identity of the persona loquens is not convincing; however, the expunction of the word preferred by both Lehrs and Lentz (...)
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    The promise of empirical research in the study of informed consent theory and practice.Laura A. Siminoff, Marie Caputo & Christopher Burant - 2004 - HEC Forum 16 (1):53-71.
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    Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia.Laura Schoenberger & Alice Beban - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):301-312.
    In areas of land conflict, fear and the threat of violence work to reproduce imaginaries of land as a resource that powerful people can grab. An urgent question for agrarian scholars and activists is how people can overcome fear so that alternative imaginaries might flourish. In this article, we argue for attention to the affective dimension of imaginaries; ideas of what land is and should be are co-constituted through the material and social, imbued with powerful emotions that enable imaginaries to (...)
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