Results for 'Laicism of State, Politics of Religion, Brazil'

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  1.  11
    Laicism: idolatry trap or constitutional nihilism.Samer Alnasir - 2021 - International Journal of Political Thought 16:333–356.
    The concept of sovereignty and laicism still being instrumented into different projection to that’s which have been conceived and used for through the french revolution and the old regime. This article is not to discuss that, but to delight how another concept deduced from it becomes antagonistic with it in the French context. Laicity referred to the French V constitution, or the act of 1905, it’s not what it appear, and mostly known in the french literature, this article is (...)
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  2. The State of Religion and Politics.Pablo Cristóbal Jiménez Lobeira - 2018 - Australian Outlook.
    The separation of church and state isn’t the same as separating religion from politics. Countries that have enshrined secularism have found themselves discussing religious architecture, law and clothing.
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    The Politics of Postsecular Religion: Mourning Secular Futures.Ananda Abeysekara - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Ananda Abeysekara contends that democracy, along with its cherished secular norms, is founded on the idea of a promise deferred to the future. Rooted in democracy's messianic promise is the belief that religious—political identity-such as Buddhist, Hindu, Sinhalese, Christian, Muslim, or Tamil—can be critiqued, neutralized, improved, and changed, even while remaining inseparable from the genocide of the past. This facile belief, he argues, is precisely what distracts us from challenging the violence inherent in postcolonial political sovereignty. At the same time, (...)
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    Normative theorizing and political data: toward a data-sensitive understanding of the separation between religion and state in political theory.Nahshon Perez & Jonathan Fox - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (4):485-509.
    This article has two main goals: to examine and classify the ways data can be used to advance normative theorizing in political theory, and to demonstrate such usages in the contested disciplinary field of religion–state relations and specifically regarding the hotly debated model of the separation of religion and state. Regarding the former, it is suggested here that the general observation that evaluation of political institutions must rely on proper understanding of such institutions and hence be data-sensitive, can be further (...)
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    Freedom of Religion, Institution of Conscientious Objection and Political Practice in Post-Communist Slovakia 1.Jana Plichtová & Magda Petrjánošová - 2008 - Human Affairs 18 (1):37-51.
    Freedom of Religion, Institution of Conscientious Objection and Political Practice in Post-Communist Slovakia1 The example of Slovakia is used to show how one of the post-socialist countries failed in fulfilling the demanding task of securing freedom of religious belief (including the right to conscientious objection) and, at the same time, securing all other human rights. An analysis of the methods used for changing the policies of pluralism and neutrality of the state into a policy of discrimination (e.g. concerning the registration (...)
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    Ayahuasca Religions in Acre: Cultural Heritage in the Brazilian Borderlands.Beatriz Caiuby Labate - 2012 - Anthropology of Consciousness 23 (1):87-102.
    The Brazilian ayahuasca religions, Santo Daime, Barquinha, and União do Vegetal, have increasingly sought formal recognition by government agencies in Brazil and other countries to guarantee their legal use of ayahuasca, which contains DMT, a substance that is listed. This article focuses on new alliances and rifts that have emerged between and among different ayahuasca groups as they have sought and in some cases achieved formal recognition and legitimacy at the state and national levels in Brazil and abroad. (...)
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  7. The Confusion of the Symbol and That Which Is Symbolised: Religion, the Nation State, Politics and Society.Richard Startup - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):54-68.
    The extent of confusion between symbols and that which is symbolised is examined across five institutional spheres. Religion is the institution most marked by confusion of this type; indeed in some respects the symbolic mes- sage of religion may be the extent of the substantive reality. On the other hand, the very existence of the nation state may be judged to depend upon the exercise of the human imagination; hence providing a source of instability which may lead to the excesses (...)
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    Nation-States, the Race-Religion Constellation, and Diasporic Political Communities: Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, and Paul Gilroy.Anya Topolski - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (3):266-281.
    In Who Sings the Nation-State?, co-written with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Judith Butler identifies the paradox between the seemingly global decline of the nation-state and the steadfast strength of its genealogical force. According to Butler, “Arendt allows us to realise that this may also be because the nation-state as a form was faulty from the start.” In the first section of the article, I focus on Butler’s analysis of Israel/Palestine as a failed nation-state and seek to identify its faulty start. I (...)
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    An Arian in the New World: The Brazil Journal of Christopher Arciszewski.Aleksander Sitkowiecki - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (10):93-110.
    Christopher Arciszewski, Arian mercenary and man of many facets, conducted a journal in which, it is suspected, he described military campaigns, the state of the colony and other interesting phenomena he was able to observe during his time of service in Brazil. In 1641, Gerard Vossius was completing his magnum opus De theologia. In Chapter 8 of the first volume, Vossius discusses the “cult of the demon” among various peoples. As an example the Netherlander erudite provides a colorful description (...)
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    Orthodox Judaism in the twentieth century: an alternative modernity Orthodox Judaism and the Politics of Religion: From Prewar Europe to the State of Israel, by Daniel Mahla. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 318 pp., £75.00, ISBN 9781108481519 Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of Tradition, by Naomi Seidman. London: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization [Liverpool University Press], 2019, 448 pp., $44.95, ISBN 9781906764962 The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel, by Alexander Kaye. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, 272 pp., £28.99, ISBN 9780190922740 Halakha and the Challenge of Israeli Sovereignty, by Asaf Yedidya. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019, 220 pp., $100, ISBN 9781498534970. [REVIEW]Itamar Ben Ami - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (4):747-759.
    A prevalent scholarly view holds that Orthodox Judaism in the twentieth century was opposing or challenging modernity, since it refused to assign religion its appropriate modern place as a distinct sphere of values. The goal of this review essay is to reconsider the connection between Orthodox Judaism and modernity. Based on four recent works on Orthodox Judaism during the first decades of twentieth century, which are devoted to political mobilization, gender, theocracy, and law, the essay explores, first, the modern methods (...)
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    National Political Community and the Politics of Income Taxation in Brazil and South Africa in the Twentieth Century.Evan S. Lieberman - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (4):515-555.
    Why was the South African state so much more successful than the Brazilian state in its attempts to collect income taxes during the twentieth century? Nationally distinctive tax policies and patterns of administration can be explained by examining the impact of contrasting definitions of National Political Community, specified in critical constitutions written around the turn of the century. The ways in which racial and spatial cleavages were addressed in the 1891 Brazilian constitution and the 1909 South Africa Act influenced the (...)
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    The end of religion: feminist reappraisals of the state.Kathleen McPhillips & Naomi R. Goldenberg (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Feminist theory has enhanced and expanded the agency, influence, status and contributions of women throughout the globe. However, feminist critical analysis has not yet examined how the assumption that religion is natural, timeless, universal and omnipresent supports sexist and race based oppression. This book proposes radical new thinking about religion in order to better comprehend and confront the systematic disempowerment of women and marginalized groups. Utilising feminist and post-colonial analysis of access, equity and violence, contributors draw on recent critical theory (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Spinoza on the Political Value of Freedom of Religion.Edward Halper - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (2):167-182.
    The last chapter of Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise (TTP) is a brief for freedom of religion. In our enthusiasm for Spinoza's conclusion it is easy to overlook the blatant contradiction between this thesis and the central claim of the immediately preceding chapter that "right over matters of religion is vested entirely in the sovereign." There Spinoza emphasizes the necessity that there be but one sovereign in the state and the threat that autonomous religious authorities would pose to the authority of this (...)
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  14. Brill's companion to the legacy of Greek political thought: women, religion, culture and the state.David Carter, Rachel Foxley & Liz Sawyer (eds.) - 2025 - Boston: Brill.
    A wealth of political literature has survived, from political theory by Plato and Aristotle to the variety of prose and verse literature that more broadly demonstrate political thinking. However, despite the extent of this legacy, it can be surprisingly hard to say how ancient Greek political thought has made its influence present, or whether this influence has been sustained across the centuries. This volume includes a range of disciplinary responses to issues surrounding the legacy of Greek political thought, demonstrating the (...)
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  15.  21
    The Birth of a New Political Philosophy: Religion and Positivism in Nineteenth-Century Brazil.Rodney Rhodes Gollo - 2012 - In Gregory D. Gilson & Irving W. Levinson (eds.), Latin American Positivism: New Historical and Philosophic Essays. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  16.  17
    The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion.Marcel Gauchet - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Marcel Gauchet has launched one of the most ambitious and controversial works of speculative history recently to appear, based on the contention that Christianity is "the religion of the end of religion." In The Disenchantment of the World, Gauchet reinterprets the development of the modern west, with all its political and psychological complexities, in terms of mankind's changing relation to religion. He views Western history as a movement away from religious society, beginning with prophetic Judaism, gaining tremendous momentum in Christianity, (...)
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    The State and the Politics of Knowledge.Michael W. Apple - 2003 - Routledge.
    _The State and the Politics of Knowledge_ extends the insightful arguments Michael Apple provided in _Educating_ _the "Right" Way_ in new and truly international directions. Arguing that schooling is, by definition, political, Apple and his co-authors move beyond a critical analysis to describe numerous ways of interrupting dominance and creating truly democratic and realistic alternatives to the ways markets, standards, testing, and a limited vision of religion are now being pressed into schools.
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  18. A Secular State for a Postsecular Society? Postmetaphysical Political Theory and the Place of Religion.Maeve Cooke - 2007 - Constellations 14 (2):224-238.
  19.  5
    The making of state religion: Political economy and historical evidence.Roland Vaubel - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (1):9-33.
    The paper tries to explain the introduction of state religions. I start by analyzing the meaning of state religion and the instruments of state intervention in religion. I then discuss the rulers' religious objectives and derive ten testable hypotheses about the factors favoring the introduction of state religions and about the choice of instruments. In the main section of the paper I examine the circumstances in which state religions have been introduced. The sample contains thirty-one state religions. The period stretches (...)
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  20.  29
    Radical Political Theology: Religion and Politics After Liberalism.Clayton Crockett - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    In the 1960s, the strict opposition between the religious and the secular began to break down, blurring the distinction between political philosophy and political theology. This collapse contributed to the decline of modern liberalism, which supported a neutral, value-free space for capitalism. It also deeply unsettled political, religious, and philosophical realms, forced to confront the conceptual stakes of a return to religion. Gamely intervening in a contest that defies simple resolutions, Clayton Crockett conceives of the postmodern convergence of the secular (...)
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  21.  59
    Love of Country and Love of God: The Political Uses of Religion in Machiavelli.Benedetto Fontana - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):639-658.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Love of Country and Love of God: The Political Uses of Religion in MachiavelliBenedetto Fontana*This paper will discuss the place of religion in Machiavelli’s thought. 1 The traditional and generally accepted interpretation presents Machiavelli’s religion as a belief system whose value is determined by its functional utility to the state. In this he is said to resemble Cicero, 2 Montesquieu, 3 and Tocqueville, 4 among others. This view is (...)
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  22.  9
    Chapter 1. the international aspect of the synergy of religion and politics under the conditions of digitalization and environmental changes.Ігор ІЩЕНКО - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 1 (1):6-25.
    The first chapter reveals the international aspect of the synergy of religion and politics in the digital age. The author analyzed the specifics of various manifestations of religious beliefs in the environment against the backdrop of extreme events associated with revolutions and the COVID-2019 pandemic. Digital platforms serve as regulators of the religious impulse, which can both stabilize the social situation and transfer it to a state of bifurcation. The author paid considerable attention to the study of the impact (...)
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  23.  33
    “Ganhando o Brasil para Jesus”: alguns apontamentos sobre a influência do movimento fundamentalista norte-americano sobre as práticas políticas do pentecostalismo brasileiro("Winning Brazil for Jesus":some notes about the American fundamentalist movement).Daniel Rocha - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (22):583-604.
    Este artigo apresenta uma breve reflexão sobre a politização do fundamentalismo protestante norte-americano e sua possível influência no tipo de práxis sociopolítica que vem caracterizando o pentecostalismo brasileiro a partir de meados da década de 1980. Partindo de uma discussão sobre o que seria, de fato, o fundamentalismo e sobre os desenvolvimentos e reconfigurações desse movimento ao longo da história norte-americana, buscar-se-á analisar a influência e os possíveis paralelos entre o fundamentalismo e o recente engajamento político-eleitoral que vêm marcando o (...)
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    Liberal Neutrality and State Support for Religion.Leni Franken - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book focuses on the financing of religions, examining some European church-state models, using a philosophical methodology. The work defends autonomy-based liberalism and elaborates how this liberalism can meet the requirements of liberal neutrality. The chapters also explore religious education and the financing of institutionalized religion. This volume collates the work of top scholars in the field. Starting from the idea that autonomy-based liberalism is an adequate framework for the requirement of liberal neutrality, the author elaborates why a liberal state (...)
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  25.  13
    The state of desire: religion and reproductive politics in the promised land.Lea Taragin-Zeller - 2023 - New York: New York University Press.
    How does state policy shape our most intimate desires? This groundbreaking anthropological approach to the study of desire shows how Orthodox desires and their discontents are reshaped at the intersection of religion, reproduction and politics, highlighting how ethical choreographies between personal desire and the state emerge even in the most traditional settings.
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    The Crisis of Authority From Holy Obedience to Bold Moral Imagination in European Christianity.Kajsa Ahlstrand - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:49-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Crisis of Authority From Holy Obedience to Bold Moral Imagination in European ChristianityKajsa AhlstrandIf we speak of a crisis of authority in Christianity we need to have some kind of common understanding of Christianity. The religion called Christianity is found in all inhabited continents and in a great variety of cultural forms. Two recent lists of countries with the greatest number of Christians show that the United States (...)
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  27.  49
    (1 other version)The Common Structure of Religion, Philosophy and Politics in Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.Eli Diamond - 2000 - Philosophy 10:57-110.
    In his Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Spinoza seeks to separate religion from philosophy and from politics. Yet the true metaphysical understanding of God remains relevant to a proper grasp of the state for Spinoza. Through identifying a common logical structure underlying Spinoza’s conception of God and the two subjects of the TTP - the relation of faith and reason, and the origin of the state and its relation to individual citizens – the paper attempts to demonstrate that Spinoza’s argument for the (...)
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  28.  39
    A critical analysis of the impact of religion on the Nigerian struggle for nationhood.Chioma P. Onuorah - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    Religion plays a vital role in the formation of conscience and therefore is very important in determining how people co-exist in a society. Nigerian citizens live in regions other than their ethnic geographical areas, but they are not recognised as people of the same destiny and subjects of equal rights. The long period of military dictatorship that truncated the country's democracy since the civil war gave Nigerians a constitution which adopted the Sharia legal system within a purported secular state. This (...)
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  29.  22
    Relation of religion and practical politics: Contextual adoption of constitutional Islamic jurisprudence for Muslim clerics in Indonesia.Imam Yahya & Sahidin Sahidin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    Some clerics (ulama) in the Islamic world are of the view that practical politics is closely related to Islam, which regulates how an order of state is run. This view historically departs from Islamic constitutional jurisprudence texts that justify political Islam. Likewise, some Islamic boarding schools’ (pesantren) clerics, better known as kyai in Indonesia, are of the view that practical politics is not only a world affair but also an activity based on the application of Islamic legal principles (...)
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    The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere.Judith Butler, Jurgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Cornel West & Craig Calhoun (eds.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    _The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere_ represents a rare opportunity to experience a diverse group of preeminent philosophers confronting one pervasive contemporary concern: what role does—or should—religion play in our public lives? Reflecting on her recent work concerning state violence in Israel-Palestine, Judith Butler explores the potential of religious perspectives for renewing cultural and political criticism, while Jürgen Habermas, best known for his seminal conception of the public sphere, thinks through the ambiguous legacy of the concept of "the (...)
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  31.  23
    The State as “a Consequence of the Curse of Humanity”: The Late Schelling’s Philosophy of Religion and of the State.Christian Danz - 2014 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 21 (1-2):28-46.
    This paper analyzes the hitherto neglected political philosophy contained in Schelling’s Berlin lectures on the philosophy of mythology and of revelation in the context of the complex and politically charged debates of the German Vormärz period. It will be shown that, in his political philosophy, the Berlin Schelling rejects social contract models of the state and follows conservative theorists who conceive of the state as a collective order that supersedes the individual, while at the same time preserving the freedom of (...)
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  32. State and government in medieval Islam: an introduction to the study of Islamic political theory: the jurists.Ann K. S. Lambton - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    I RELIGION AND POLITICS: THE LAW Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, believes in the divine origin of government. It follows, therefore, that political ...
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    (1 other version)Reason of State.Harro Höpfl - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1113--1115.
    A term of art, originally Italian, becoming common usage in other European vernaculars in the late sixteenth century. It meant practical reflection, albeit in writing and general in form, about all aspects of statecraft . It claimed practical usefulness in virtue of its grounding in experience and history, contrasting itself with “mirrors of princes,” which were supposedly ignorant of the realities of politics. More narrowly, reason of state meant a “Machiavellian” disregard for legal, moral, and religious considerations when the (...)
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    Origins and Limitations of State-based Advocacy: Brazil’s AIDS Treatment Program and Global Power Dynamics.Matthew Flynn - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (1):3-28.
    Brazil has occupied a central role in the access to medicines movement, especially with respect to drugs used to treat those with the human immunodeficiency virus that causes the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Contrary to previous literature centered on the role of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, politicians seeking electoral gains, and civil society activists, I argue that the state, especially the National AIDS Program, led the struggle in contesting a corporate-driven international intellectual property regime. After reviewing the origins of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Place of Nationality in Hegel's Philosophy of Politics and Religion: a Defense of Hegel on the Charges of Racism and National Chauvinism.Nicholas Mowad - 2012 - In Angelica Nuzzo (ed.), Hegel on Religion and Politics. State University of New York Press. pp. 157.
    I analyze Hegel’s conception of nationality in order to make clear how he conceives the precise relation between the state and religion. This analysis also allows me to draw conclusions about whether Hegel can be considered racist or Eurocentric. My project involves understanding nationality as Hegel presents it in the anthropology: viz., as a form of spirit immersed in nature and closely related to geography. The geographical features of a nation’s land are reflected in its national religion; its nation-state is (...)
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  36.  15
    The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life.Susan Mendus (ed.) - 2000 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life _Susan Mendus gathers a group of distinguished public figures—philosophers, historians, lawyers, and religious leaders—to reflect on a core issue within contemporary political debate. At the close of a century that will be remembered for its two world wars and its eruptions of genocide, the contributors examine the importance of an insistence on tolerance and the dangers of its lack, both historically and in the present day. How can toleration be fostered in (...)
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    Religion and State - from separation to cooperation?: legal-philosophical reflections for a de-secularized world (IVR Cracow Special Workshop).Barend Christoffel Labuschagne & Ari Marcelo Solon (eds.) - 2009 - [Baden-Baden]: Nomos.
    Religion is increasingly a social and political factor in post-modern societies nowadays and the question of the role of religion in the public sphere is more and more brought to the fore: a challenge to legal philosophers. Should religion be only a private affair, or should the public dimension of religion be more acknowledged? Do we have to interpret the freedom of religion and the separation of church and state in a strict (laicist) sense, or do we have to allow (...)
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    Modernity, Secularism and Islam.E. Fuat Keyman - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (2):215-234.
    The resurgence of religious movements all over the world, their varying claims to identity and politics (from public deliberations to fundamentalism), and their success in generating system-transforming effects in both national and world politics have indicated clearly that there is a need to uncover the invisible interconnections between religion and politics. Moreover, the way in which religion has been striking back has taken different forms. From religious and terrorist fundamentalism to multiculturalism, from communitarian claims to the religious (...)
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    A critical analysis of the impact of religion on the Nigerian struggle for nationhood.Oguejiofo C. P. Ezeanya, Benjamin O. Ajah, Christopher N. Ibenwa, Chioma P. Onuorah & Ugomma A. Eze - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    Religion plays a vital role in the formation of conscience and therefore is very important in determining how people co-exist in a society. Nigerian citizens live in regions other than their ethnic geographical areas, but they are not recognised as people of the same destiny and subjects of equal rights. The long period of military dictatorship that truncated the country’s democracy since the civil war gave Nigerians a constitution which adopted the Sharia legal system within a purported secular state. This (...)
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    The long crisis of the nation-state and the rise of religions to the public stage.Manlio Graziano - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (4-5):351-356.
    The aim of this article is to identify the main factors of the current crisis of the nation-state and to demonstrate how many of the voids left by this crisis are filled by religions. The main characteristic of the nation-state is the principle of sovereignty. The apogee of the nation-state is the political form of industrialization. National identity is possible only when the state proves to its citizens that the fact of being a member of it carries benefits and privileges (...)
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    Ethics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger Delta.Melissa Browning - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger DeltaMelissa BrowningEthics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger Delta Nimi Wariboko Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2010. 193 pp. $60.00In Ethics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger Delta, Nimi Wariboko offers a new definition of temporal orientation, arguing (...)
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    (1 other version)Spinoza's critique of religion.Leo Strauss - 1965 - New York,: Schocken Books.
    Leo Strauss articulates the conflict between reason and revelation as he explores Spinoza's scientific, comparative, and textual treatment of the Bible. Strauss compares Spinoza's Theologico-political Treatise and the Epistles, showing their relation to critical controversy on religion from Epicurus and Lucretius through Uriel da Costa and Isaac Peyrere to Thomas Hobbes. Strauss's autobiographical Preface, traces his dilemmas as a young liberal intellectual in Germany during the Weimar Republic, as a scholar in exile, and as a leader of American philosophical thought. (...)
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    The Politics of Recognition and the Master State: Taylor and de Koninck on the Canadian Federation.Louis Finbarr Groarke - 1999 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 15:97-107.
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    Whose Civil Society?: The Politicization of Religion in Transitional Cuba.Kathleen A. Tobin - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):76-89.
    For decades, the United States has supported the development of civil society in various places around the world. Promoted as integral to democracy, civil society projects have come to include religion and religious freedom as significant components. U.S. experts point to tolerance of all faiths and the presence of voluntary religious association as essential checks to state power and necessary to a free society. Because of its unique relationship with Cuba, the United States support of civil society there has addressed (...)
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    In Search of Socrates M. L. McPherran: The Religion of Socrates . Pp. xii + 353. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. Cased, $35/£31.50. ISBN: 0-271-01581-0. G. M. Mara: Socrates' Discursive Democracy: Logos and Ergon in Platonic Political Philosophy . Pp. x + 324. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Cased, $65 (Paper, $21.95). ISBN: 0-7914-3299-8 (0-7914-3300-5 pbk). [REVIEW]V. A. Rodgers - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):106-.
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    State of Nature, Stages of Society: Enlightenment Conjectural History and Modern Social Discourse.Frank Palmeri - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Frank Palmeri sees the conjectural histories of Rousseau, Hume, Herder, and other Enlightenment philosophers as a template for the development of the social sciences in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Without documents or memorials, these thinkers, he argues, employed conjecture to formulate a naturalistic account of society's commercial and secular progression. This approach can be traced in the work of political economists, anthropologists, sociologists, and sociologists of religion, and its speculative framework creates a surprising ambivalence toward modernity in these (...)
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  47.  26
    Catholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference Edited by James F. Keenan, and: The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective by Charles E. Curran.Daniel Cosacchi - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):216-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference Edited by James F. Keenan, and: The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective by Charles E. CurranDaniel CosacchiCatholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference EDITED BY JAMES F. KEENAN Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2011. 337 pp. $40.00The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective CHARLES E. CURRAN Washington, (...)
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    Max Weber’s Analysis of Plebiscitary Leadership and the Debate on Multiple Modernities.M. V. Maslovskiy - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):107-122.
    The article considers Max Weber’s model of plebiscitary leadership and historical examples of plebiscitary democracy. It is argued that there is no clear distinction between plebiscitary democracy and dictatorship inWeber’s writings. As Stefan Breuer demonstrates, such a distinction allows us to broaden the application of Weberian concepts. Plebiscitary elements can be seen in the political life of non-Western states, which have been discussed from the multiple modernities perspective. However, while that perspective develops the Weberian sociological tradition, its representatives mostly do (...)
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    The long crisis of the nation-state and the rise of religions to the public stage.David M. Rasmussen, Volker Kaul & Alessandro Ferrara - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (4-5):351-356.
    The aim of this article is to identify the main factors of the current crisis of the nation-state and to demonstrate how many of the voids left by this crisis are filled by religions. The main characteristic of the nation-state is the principle of sovereignty. The apogee of the nation-state is the political form of industrialization. National identity is possible only when the state proves to its citizens that the fact of being a member of it carries benefits and privileges (...)
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  50. Beyond Abstraction: Marx and the Critique of the Critique of Religion.Alberto Toscano - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (1):3-29.
    This article reconsiders Marx’s thinking on religion in light of current preoccupations with the encroachment of religious practices and beliefs into political life. It argues that Marx formulates a critique of the anticlerical and Enlightenment-critique of religion, in which he subsumes the secular repudiation of spiritual authority and religious transcendence into a broader analysis of the ‘real abstractions’ that dominate our social existence. The tools forged by Marx in his engagement with critiques of religious authority allow him to discern the (...)
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