Results for 'Labour trafficking'

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  1. Prostitution and trafficking for sexual labour.Julia O'Connell Davidson - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows, The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
  2. Life Interrupted: Trafficking into Forced Labor in the United States.[author unknown] - 2014
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    Assessing Human Trafficking and Cybercrime Intersections Through Survivor Narratives.Suleman Lazarus, Chiang Mina & Button Mark - 2025 - Deviant Behavior 37 (4):1-27.
    This study examines how cybercriminals exploit deceptive recruitment tactics and digital platforms to entrap and exploit victims in human trafficking within the cybercrime context. It employs Migration and Transnationalism perspectives to elucidate the intersection of human trafficking and cybercrime operations in Cambodia. Using thematic analysis of victim testimonies, we identify six main themes: (1) Deception and Recruitment, (2) Manipulation and Control, (3) Exploitation and Forced Labor, (4) Trading and Movement, (5) Scamming Methods, and (6) Escape and Rescue. While (...)
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    Book Review: Life Interrupted: Trafficking into Forced Labor in the United States by Denise Brennan. [REVIEW]Edward Snajdr - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):745-747.
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  5. Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration, and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo.[author unknown] - 2011
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    Vulnerability in Domestic Discourses on Trafficking: Lessons from the Indian Experience.Prabha Kotiswaran - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (3):245-262.
    In recent years, rather than addressing the needs of sex workers themselves or of trafficked persons, international anti-trafficking law has been mobilised towards an ideological end, namely the abolition of sex work. The vulnerability of ‘third world’ female sex workers in particular has provided a potent image for justifying state intervention backed by the full force of the criminal law. Moral legitimacy has been afforded to this by a radical feminist discourse which views sex workers as nothing but hapless (...)
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    Book Review: Marriage Trafficking: Women in Forced Wedlock by Kaye Quek Revisiting the Law and Governance of Trafficking, Forced Labor and Modern Slavery by Prabha Kotiswaran. [REVIEW]Sreya Banerjea - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):202-205.
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    Trafficking and Prostitution: The Growing Exploitation of Migrant Women in Greece.Gabriella Lazaridis - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (1):67-102.
    This article concentrates on the rapid growth of trafficking in women from Eastern and Central Europe who end up working in the sex industry in Athens. Such movement of people is constituted around global networks of female labour. The social processes and mechanisms that produce and reproduce the somatic and social exploitation of female migrants caught in the web of the sex industry are analysed. These processes are responsible for a continuation and accentuation of women’s loss of power (...)
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  9. Trafficking and women's rights: Beyond the sex industry to 'other industries'.Christien van den Anker - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (2):163 – 182.
    In this article I put forward three lines of argument. Firstly, the current debate on trafficking in human beings focuses narrowly on exploitation in the sex industry. This has produced a stand-off between moralists and liberals which is detrimental to developing strategies to combat trafficking. Moreover, this narrow focus leads to missing out the large numbers of women who are trafficked into other industries. It also masks some of the root causes of trafficking. In this article I (...)
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    Business and Human Trafficking: A Social Connection and Political Responsibility Model.Michelle Westermann-Behaylo, Judith Schrempf-Stirling & Harry J. Van Buren - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):341-375.
    Human trafficking is one of the most lucrative international criminal activities and is widespread across a variety of industries. The response to human trafficking in corporate supply chains has been dominated by analyses of due diligence obligations. Existing scholarship, however, has cast doubt on the effectiveness of corporate due diligence in addressing human trafficking, because human trafficking is the outcome of macro-level social structures that are created by and consist of multiple actors, including business. The outsourcing (...)
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  11. Victims of Trafficking, Reproductive Rights, and Asylum.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2016 - Oxford Handbook of Reproductive Ethics.
    My aim is to extend and complement the arguments that others have already made for the claim that women who are citizens of economically disadvantaged states and who have been trafficked into sex work in economically advantaged states should be considered candidates for asylum. Familiar arguments cite the sexual violence and forced labor that trafficked women are subjected to along with their well-founded fear of persecution if they’re repatriated. What hasn’t been considered is that reproductive rights are also at stake. (...)
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    Book Review: Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration, and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo by Rhacel Salazar Parreñas. [REVIEW]Miho Iwata - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (3):424-426.
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    Labor Migration in Israel.Rebeca Raijman & Adriana Kemp - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:177-193.
    This paper describes the ways by which state regulations created fertile soil on which legal labor migration in Israel developed into an unfree labor force. We show how state policies effectively subject foreign workers to a high degree of regulation, giving employers and manpower agencies mechanisms of control that they do not have over Israeli citizens. These mechanisms create a group of non-citizen workers that are more desirable as cheap, flexible, exploitable and expendable employees through enforcing atypical employment relations: fixed-term (...)
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    The Sexual Politics of Anti-Trafficking Discourse.Prabha Kotiswaran - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (1):43-65.
    20 years since the negotiation of the Palermo Protocol on Trafficking in 2000, the anti-trafficking field has gone from an early, almost exclusive preoccupation with sex work to addressing extreme exploitation in a range of labour sectors. While this might suggest a reduced focus on the nature of the work performed and a greater focus on the conditions under which it is performed, in reality, anti-trafficking discourse remains in the grip of polarised positions on sex work (...)
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    Exacerbating Pre-Existing Vulnerabilities: an Analysis of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Trafficking in Sudan.Audrey Lumley-Sapanski, Katarina Schwarz, Ana Valverde Cano, Mohammed Abdelsalam Babiker, Maddy Crowther, Emily Death, Keith Ditcham, Abdal Rahman Eltayeb, Michael Emile Knyaston Jones, Sonja Miley & Maria Peiro Mir - 2023 - Human Rights Review 24 (3):341-361.
    COVID-19 has caused far-reaching humanitarian challenges. Amongst the emerging impacts of the pandemic is on the dynamics of human trafficking. This paper presents findings from a multi-methods study interrogating the impacts of COVID-19 on human trafficking in Sudan—a critical source, destination, and transit country. The analysis combines a systematic evidence review, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group with survivors, conducted between January and May of 2021. We find key risks have been exacerbated, and simultaneously, critical infrastructure for identifying (...)
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    Of Frames, Cons and Affects: Constructing and Responding to Prostitution and Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation. [REVIEW]Anna Carline - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (3):207-225.
    This article provides a critical analysis of the manner in which prostitution and trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation was ‘framed’ by official discourses in order to support the reforms in England and Wales contained within the Policing and Crime Act 2009. Drawing upon the recent work of Judith Butler, emphasis will be placed on how the schema of the vulnerable prostitute was fundamental to invoking emotional affects, which justified certain political effects, especially the move towards criminalising the (...)
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    Beyond Liberalism: Marxist Feminism, Migrant Sex Work, and Labour Unfreedom.Katie Cruz - 2018 - Feminist Legal Studies 26 (1):65-92.
    In this article, I use a Marxist feminist methodology to map the organisation of migrant sex workers’ socially reproductive paid and unpaid labour in one city and country of arrival, London, UK. I argue that unfree and ‘free’ labour exists on a continuum of capitalist relations of production, which are gendered, racialised, and legal. It is within these relations that various actors implement, and migrant sex workers contest, unfree labour practices not limited to the most extreme forms. (...)
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    Criminalizing Health-Related Behaviors Dangerous to Others? Disease Transmission, Transmission-Facilitation, and the Importance of Trust.Leslie Pickering Francis & John G. Francis - 2012 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 6 (1):47-63.
    Statutes criminalizing behavior that risks transmission of HIV/AIDS exemplify use of the criminal law against individuals who are victims of infectious disease. These statutes, despite their frequency, are misguided in terms of the goals of the criminal law and the public health aim of reducing overall burdens of disease, for at least three important reasons. First, they identify individual offenders for punishment, a paradigm that is misplaced in the most typical contexts of transmission of infectious disease and even for HIV/AIDS, (...)
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    Sex as Slavery? Understanding Private Wrongs.Alison Brysk - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (3):259-270.
    The era of globalization has been accompanied by an increased awareness of private wrongs as well as acceleration of many forms of cross-border labor exploitation. The essay explores how refined distinctions between forced and free sex work could improve anti-trafficking policies. It addresses the understudied linkages between other forms of migration and sexual exploitation and suggests a triage approach to all forms of labor exploitation—based on harms rather than type of labor or victim. A better understanding of freedom, sex, (...)
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    La trata en España: Una interpretación de los Derechos Humanos en perspectiva de género.Sara García Cuesta - 2012 - Dilemata 10:45-64.
    Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation (TFSE) is a historical phenomenon, connected to the social and sexual organization of labour. It survives because a part of the population is considered a lucrative commodity, in a global business operation that causes millions of victims worldwide nowadays. The protection of the fundamental rights of victims is not considered top priority by States, compared to the priorization given to irregular migration and organized crime control. Thus, this situation supposes a disregard of human (...) as a violation of Human Rights. This approach transcends TFSE and argues that the violations of Human Rights implicit in human trafficking are linked to the sexual division of labour, differentially affecting men and women. Furthermore, TFSE is already formally recognized as a form of gender violence. Women around the world are in socially inequality positions that are conducive to the risk of being trafficked, especially for sexual exploitation. This paper deals with a contextualized reflection on the case of Spain, as a border-territory of the European Union. (shrink)
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    Female immigration in Russia: Social risks and prevention.Veronika Romanenko & Olga Borodkina - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):174-187.
    There is an increasing number of female migrants among the international migrants in Russia. The purpose of this study is to identify the social risks female migrants face. Statistics and data from surveys were analyzed, interviews were held with experts providing practical assistance to women and focus groups were conducted with female migrants. The employment sector in which young female migrants face the most risks and are likely to work illegally is commercial sex services. The social risks are mainly related (...)
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    Global Feminist Ethics.Peggy Desautels, James L. Nelson, Sabrina Hom, Virginia Held, Marilyn Fischer & Victoria Davion - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This volume is fourth in the series of annuals created under the auspices of The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST). The topics covered herein-from peacekeeping and terrorism, to sex trafficking and women's paid labor, to poverty and religious fundamentalism-are vital to women and to feminist movements throughout the world.
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    Allusion and Broken VAW: The Hermeneutics in Cebuano-Visayan Feminist Poetry.Kathleen B. Solon-Villaneza - 2014 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 5 (1).
    Violence against women is a global stigma. At least two conditionsstirred the global community: Malala Yousafzai who took a bullet in 2012 andwho advocate girl’s education to date, and the 2014 reported kidnap of 300Nigerian girls by Boko Haram. There are oppressive stereotypes of women.Violence can come in different forms. These can come as verbal abuse, intimatepartners violence, non-intimate partner violence, trafficking, forced prostitution,exploitation of labor, debt bondage, physical and sexual violence, sex selectiveabortion, female infanticide and femicide, deliberate neglect (...)
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    Radicalizing the Local: 60 Linear Miles of Transborder Conflict.Teddy Cruz - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (4):107 - c2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Radicalizing the Local: 60 Linear Miles of Transborder ConflictTeddy Cruz (bio)2008estudio teddy cruzmedium: collage and vinyl wallpaperThe international border between the US and Mexico at the San Diego-Tijuana checkpoint is one of the most trafficked in the world. A 60-linear-mile cross-section—tangential to the border wall—between these two border cities compresses the most dramatic issues currently challenging our normative notions of architecture and urbanism.This transborder “cut” begins 30 miles north (...)
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    “From Hegelian Terror to Everyday Courage.” In Global Feminist Ethics. Ed. Rebecca Whisnant and Peggy DesAutels. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.Bat-Ami Bar On - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This volume is fourth in the series of annuals created under the auspices of The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. The topics covered herein_from peacekeeping and terrorism, to sex trafficking and women's paid labor, to poverty and religious fundamentalism_are vital to women and to feminist movements throughout the world.
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    Global Feminist Ethics.Rebecca Whisnant & Peggy DesAutels (eds.) - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This volume is fourth in the series of annuals created under the auspices of The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. The topics covered herein—from peacekeeping and terrorism, to sex trafficking and women's paid labor, to poverty and religious fundamentalism—are vital to women and to feminist movements throughout the world.
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    State Crime, the Media, and the Invasion of Panama.Christina Jacqueline Johns & P. Ward Johnson - 1994 - Praeger.
    Johns and Johnson analyze the invasion of Panama in order to explore the ways in which the War on Drugs has been used as an ideological justification for a projection of U.S. state power into Latin America. They characterize the Bush Administration's reasons for the invasion as cynical ideological rhetoric which covered up strategic interests the United States had in deposing Noriega and replacing him with a more cooperative regime. The authors particularly discuss the role of media coverage, including the (...)
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    The Complicated Web of Trauma Proliferation Experienced by ‘Un-homed’ Immigrant Women Exploited in Illicit Massage Businesses.Lumina S. Albert & Hansa Lysander Manohar - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (3):265-291.
    There has been an alarming increase in the numbers of illicit massage businesses (IMB) in the United States and the revenue generated by this illegal industry. Although empirical research on IMBs is scant, it is well documented that most of the women exploited in IMBs are immigrant women entrapped in trafficking situations involving commercial sex and/or labor exploitation. First, our research comprises an exploratory study of women exploited in US illicit massage parlors using a sample of news articles highlighting (...)
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    Global Feminist Ethics: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory.Rebecca Whisnant & Peggy DesAutels (eds.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    This volume is fourth in the series of annuals created under the auspices of The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST). The topics covered herein-from peacekeeping and terrorism, to sex trafficking and women's paid labor, to poverty and religious fundamentalism-are vital to women and to feminist movements throughout the world.
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    Anti-slavery international.Mary Cunneen - 2005 - Journal of Global Ethics 1 (1):85 – 92.
    Despite the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, slavery is not confined to the past. Many forms of slavery exist worldwide today, as highlighted by increased recent awareness of trafficking. International, and some national, legislation to combat contemporary slavery and trafficking exists, yet these practices continue. As important as legislation is its effective and sensitive implementation. With trafficking, we need to recognise the complexities of forced labour within a global context and move policy beyond its current (...)
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    Global Feminist Ethics.Lynne S. Arnault, Bat-Ami Bar On, Alyssa R. Bernstein, Victoria Davion, Marilyn Fischer, Virginia Held, Peter Higgins, Sabrina Hom, Audra King, James L. Nelson, Serena Parekh, April Shaw & Joan Tronto - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This volume is fourth in the series of annuals created under the auspices of The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory . The topics covered herein_from peacekeeping and terrorism, to sex trafficking and women's paid labor, to poverty and religious fundamentalism_are vital to women and to feminist movements throughout the world.
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    Will the Real Sex Slave Please Stand Up?Julia O'Connell Davidson - 2006 - Feminist Review 83 (1):4-22.
    This paper critically explores the way in which ‘trafficking’ has been framed as a problem involving organized criminals and ‘sex slaves’, noting that this approach obscures both the relationship between migration policy and ‘trafficking’, and that between prostitution policy and forced labour in the sex sector. Focusing on the UK, it argues that far from representing a step forward in terms of securing rights and protections for those who are subject to exploitative employment relations and poor working (...)
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  33. Recovering the Human in Human Rights.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2014 - Law, Culture, and Humanities:1-30.
    It is often said that human rights are the rights that people possess simply in virtue of being human – that is, in virtue of their intrinsic, dignity-defining common humanity. Yet, on closer inspection the human rights landscape doesn’t look so even. Once we bring perpetrators of human rights abuse and their victims into the picture, attributions of humanity to persons become unstable. In this essay, I trace the ways in which rights discourse ascribes variable humanity to certain categories of (...)
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    Gender and Global Justice.Alison M. Jaggar (ed.) - 2013 - Polity.
    Issues of global justice have received increasing attention in academic philosophy in recent years but the gendered dimensions of these issues are often overlooked or treated as peripheral. This groundbreaking collection by Alison Jaggar brings gender to the centre of philosophical debates about global justice. -/- The explorations presented here range far beyond the limited range of issues often thought to constitute feminists’ concerns about global justice, such as female seclusion, genital cutting, and sex trafficking. Instead, established and emerging (...)
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  35. Africa's Understanding of the Slave Trade: Oral Accounts.Djibril Tamsir Niane - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):75-90.
    Antao Gonçalves, a Portuguese explorer, began the slave trade in 1445 with the first purchase of slaves on the African coast: “nine Blacks and some gold powder in exchange for European merchandises.” Portuguese sailors continued this trade until the end of the fifteenth century. The slaves, black for the most part, were brought to Portugal or sold in the markets of Lagos, which were crowded with buyers seeking colored servants. These slaves also served in the development of the Atlantic Isles (...)
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    Peculiarities and Problems of Criminal Liability for Work of Third Country Nationals while Implementing Directive 2009/52/EC. [REVIEW]Edita Gruodytė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1603-1618.
    While implementing Directive 2009/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 providing for minimum standards on sanctions and measures against employers of illegally staying third country nationals (hereinafter referred to as ‘Directive’), Lithuania supplemented the Lithuanian Criminal Code with an additional Article 292-1, entitled “Labour of illegally staying third country nationals in the Republic of Lithuania”, which came into force on 6 January 2012. The author of this article aims to find out whether the (...)
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    Gothic Trouble: Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and the Globalized Order.Marie Liénard-Yeterian - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6 (1):144-158.
    The article explores the way American author Cormac McCarthy uses the Gothic genre in his novel The Road as a means to address what has been called “our globalized order,” in particular the way it has turned human beings into consuming or consumed entities. Some dimensions of this globalized order indeed involve the reintroduction of slavery through human trafficking, unprecedented greed and labor capitalism, surveillance and personal data gathering. Hannah Arendt notes in The Origin of Totalitarianism that the disasters (...)
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  38. Marcel Stoetzler Postone's Marx: A Theorist of Modem Society, Its Social Movements and Its Imprisonment by Abstract Labour.Labor Time - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (3):261-283.
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  39. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3.Labor Day - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 20--21.
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  40. Understanding users' information constructs via a triadic method approach: a case study.Michel Labour - 2013 - In Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan & Thomas Mark Dousa, Theories of information, communication and knowledge: a multidisciplinary approach. New York: Springer.
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  41. lnvesting for Future Generations.Child Labor - 1999 - In Tʻae-chʻang Kim & James Allen Dator, Co-creating a public philosophy for future generations. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 173.
  42. Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism.Domestic-Labour Debate - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (4):237-243.
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    13 Gender, Ethnicity and Familial Ideology in Georgetown, Guyana.Female Labour Force & Participation Reconsidered - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed, Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies.
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    Care-ful Work: An Ethics of Care Approach to Contingent Labour in the Creative Industries.Ana Alacovska & Joëlle Bissonnette - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):135-151.
    Studies of creative industries typically contend that creative work is profoundly precarious, taking place on a freelance basis in highly competitive, individualized and contingent labour markets. Such studies depict creative workers as correspondingly self-enterprising, self-reliant, self-interested and calculative agents who valorise care-free independence. In contrast, we adopt the ‘ethics of care’ approach to explore, recognize and appreciate the communitarian, relational and moral considerations as well as interpersonal connectedness and interdependencies that underpin creative work. Drawing on in-depth interviews with creative (...)
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  45. All Te That Labor: An Essay on Christianity, Communism, and the Problem of Evil.Lester De Koster - 1956
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    Postlapsarian Meditations: Labor and Political Participation in Socrates and Aristotle, with a Kantian Footnote.Samuel A. Butler - 2015 - Constellations 22 (1):122-134.
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    Precarity, clinical labour and graduation from Ebola clinical research in West Africa.Arsenii Alenichev & Vinh-Kim Nguyen - 2019 - Global Bioethics 30 (1):1-18.
    ABSTRACTThe provision of gifts and payments for healthy volunteer subjects remains an important topic in global health research ethics. This paper provides empirical insights into theoretical debat...
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    Working poor, labour market and social protection in the EU: a comparative perspective.Yannis Dafermos & Christos Papatheodorou - 2012 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 6 (1/2):71.
  49. Agriculture and Farm Labor in the Soviet Zone of Germany.Frieda Wunderlich - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Value of the Commodity and Intellectual Labour.Tuytsyn Yury - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 22:117-123.
    The Paper is dedicated to philosophical fundamentals of the Marx’s theory of product value. The author proves that in the Marx’s theory the value of the product of labour and, correspondently, of the commodity is defined inaccurately. He thinks that the concept of labour, presented in the economic theory of K. Marx, undeservedly ignores the role of intellectual activity of an individual in production of material goods. Marx considered mental activity as integral part of physical labour. This (...)
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