Results for 'L. Rensoli'

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  1. The ideal of philosophical life in Leibniz, gw.L. Rensoli - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 24 (1):101-111.
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  2. GW Leibniz: Europe, China and the idea of civilization.L. Rensoli Laliga - 2003 - Pensamiento 59 (225):353-376.
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  3. Pascal y Leibniz: Razón y sentimientos.L. Rensoli Laliga - 1997 - Estudios Filosóficos 46 (132):287-303.
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    On the Rev. L. F. Mills' Edition of the Gathas.Maurice Bloomfield & L. H. Mills - 1882 - American Journal of Philology 3 (12):499.
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    Toward a quantitative theory of secondary reinforcement.L. B. Wyckoff - 1959 - Psychological Review 66 (1):68-78.
  6. Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior: Clark L. Hull's Theoretical Papers, with Commentary.Clark L. Hull, A. Amsel & M. E. Rashotte - 1985 - Behaviorism 13 (2):171-182.
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    Health equity knowledge development: A conversation with Black nurse researchers.Cheryl L. Cooke, Doris M. Boutain, JoAnne Banks & Linda D. Oakley - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1).
    Can the institutional systems that prepare Black nurse researchers question the ways their systemic pathways have impacted health equity knowledge development in nursing? We invite our readers to keep this question in mind and engage with our conversation as Black nurse researchers, scholars, educators, and clinicians. The purpose of our conversation, and this article, is to explore the transactional impact of knowledge development pathways and Black faculty retention pathways on the state of health equity knowledge in nursing today. Over a (...)
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    The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics in Special Relativity.L. Gavassino - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1554-1586.
    We critically revisit the definition of thermal equilibrium, in its operational formulation, provided by standard thermodynamics. We show that it refers to experimental conditions which break the covariance of the theory at a fundamental level and that, therefore, it cannot be applied to the case of moving bodies. We propose an extension of this definition which is manifestly covariant and can be applied to the study of isolated systems in special relativity. The zeroth law of thermodynamics is, then, proven to (...)
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    Transhumanist Genetic Enhancement: Creation of a ‘New Man’ Through Technological Innovation.George L. Mendz & Michael Cook - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (2):105-126.
    The transhumanist project of reshaping human beings by promoting their improvement through technological innovations has a broad agenda. This study focuses on the enhancement of the human organism through genetic modification techniques. Transhumanism values and a discussion of their philosophical background provide a framework to understand its ideals. Genetics and ethics are employed to assess the claims of the transhumanist program of human enhancement. A succinct description of central concepts in genetics and an explanation of current techniques to edit the (...)
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    Mutual (Mis)understanding: Reframing Autistic Pragmatic “Impairments” Using Relevance Theory.Gemma L. Williams, Tim Wharton & Caroline Jagoe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A central diagnostic and anecdotal feature ofautismis difficulty with socialcommunication. We take the position that communication is a two-way,intersubjectivephenomenon—as described by thedouble empathy problem—and offer uprelevance theory(a cognitive account of utterance interpretation) as a means of explaining such communication difficulties. Based on a set of proposed heuristics for successful and rapid interpretation of intended meaning, relevance theory positions communication as contingent on shared—and, importantly,mutuallyrecognized—“relevance.” Given that autistic and non-autistic people may have sometimes markedly different embodied experiences of the world, we (...)
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    L. Oesterreich (Neuendettelsau): Rhetorische Revisionen der Philosophie...Peter L. Oesterreich - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (2):177 - 182.
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  12. Infinistic Methods.L. Henkin - 1961 - Pergamon Press.
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  13. Dean, L. R. and Deferrari, R. J.: Selections from Roman Historians.A. L. Messer - 1918 - Classical Weekly 12:184.
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  14. Finding Written Law.Benjamin L. S. Nelson - manuscript
    In this paper I argue that textualism is far less attractive as a theory of written law than some of its modern proponents think. For it is not usually sensible to expect the grammatical meaning of a provision to determine its appropriate legal meaning. Factors that are unrelated to grammar in the identification of law (e.g., legal theory, context) do too much of the work. **Draft -- acknowledgments welcome, but please do not cite.**.
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  15. The C. L. R. James Reader.Anna Grimshaw, C. L. R. James, Keith Hart & Robert A. Hill - 1996 - Science and Society 60 (2):220-226.
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  16. Dismantling reality. H. Lawson, L. Appignanesi, eds.R. L. Gregory - 1989 - In Hilary Lawson & Lisa Appignanesi (eds.), Dismantling Truth: Reality in the Post-modern World. London: Weidenfeld. pp. 93--100.
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    The torah of Levinasian time.L. I. N. Yael - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):81-99.
    The topic of time is central to Levinas's philosophy. By examining aspects of the Biblical stories of Abraham and Moses compared with Greek myths, mainly that of Cronos devouring his children, this paper aims to show that Levinas's view of time, though certainly indebted to the Greek (i.e. philosophical) tradition, contains traces of Biblical experiences. Moreover, Levinas's interpretation of time will serve as a concrete demonstration of the way the Jewish experience enables Levinas to express his criticism of the philosophical-Greek (...)
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  18. Fī ẓilāl al-ʻaqīdah wa-al-akhlāq: muḥāḍarāt al-Sayyid Kamāl al-Ḥaydarī.Kamāl Ḥaydarī - 2007 - Īrān: Dār Farāqid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Measuring Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results: Psychometric Properties of the 12-Item SOAR Scale.Matthew L. Cole, Jacqueline M. Stavros, John Cox & Alexandra Stavros - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results is a strengths-based framework for strategic thinking, planning, conversations, and leading that focuses on strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results. The SOAR framework leverages and integrates Appreciative Inquiry to create a transformation process through generative questions and positive framing. While SOAR has been used by practitioners since 2000 as a framework for generating positive organizational change, its use in empirical research has been limited by the absence of reliable and valid measures. We report on the reliability, (...)
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    Christian Wolff e l'ermeneutica dell'Illuminismo.Ferdinando L. Marcolungo (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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  21. Psychoanalysis and Philosophy of Mind:Unconscious mentality in the 21st century.S. Brakel, L., Boag & V. Talvete (eds.) - 2017 - Karnac.
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    Beneath the Black Robes of Ignatius and Mariana: Limited Liberty within an Interventionist Order.L. B. Edgar - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):16-27.
    The Society of Jesus sprang from the devout faith of a sidelined soldier who traded in his weapons to form a militant order of Catholic Reformers sworn to serve the Papacy as missionary soldiers of Christ. Specialization in education led Jesuits to roles as theologians of the 16th Century, including as members of the School of Salamanca, whose Jesuit members mostly took pro-market positions on free enterprise. One learned Jesuit in particular deviated from his order’s default position of papal dirigisme (...)
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  23. The God Who Provides: Biblical Images of Divine Nourishment.L. Juliana & M. Claassens - 2004
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  24. Hunger and Happiness: Feeding the Hungry, Nourishing Our Souls.L. Shannon Jung - 2009
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    Notes on the Nalopakhyanam or Tale of Nala, for the Use of Classical Students.C. R. L. & John Peile - 1881 - American Journal of Philology 2 (8):516.
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    Історичні форми релігійного лідерства на основі іудейських традицій.L. M. Moskalenko - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:125-133.
    The basic structural units of society, as a highly organized social system, are social institutions, which allow to create a strong and stable system of relations between people, to form a social order. Leadership is one of the main elements that ensures the functioning of a social institute. The specific traits and particular attributes of political leadership are actively explored by scholars, while spiritual leadership with its particular characteristics remains unaddressed. In the modern world, the institute of leadership in Judaism (...)
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    Соціальна доктрина римо-католицької церкви: Творча робота жінки.L. M. Pohorila - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:142-149.
    The urgency of the issues discussed in the article is due to the fact that a person always stood and will be at the center of the interests of any religious structure, and especially if that structure is such an authoritative, powerful and influential Church as the Roman Catholic one. Today, centralized Catholicism presents its social position as a moral improvement of a person through cooperation with other people for the sake of a common and perfect future. The purpose of (...)
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    Note on Aristophanes Vespae 818-823.L. A. Post - 1932 - American Journal of Philology 53 (3):266.
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    Studies in the Platonic Epistles with a Translation and Notes.L. A. Post & Glenn R. Morrow - 1936 - American Journal of Philology 57 (2):205.
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    Apontamentos acerca do Idealismo Transcendental no contexto da Crítica da razão pura de Kant.Renata Cristina L. Andrade - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (19):52.
    Este trabalho pretende oferecer uma exposição e caracterização de certas marcas do Idealismo Transcendental presente na primeira Crítica de Kant. Para a realização dos presentes propósitos teremos como apoio algumas passagens do Prefácio à segunda edição da Crítica da razão pura, determinados pontos da Estética Transcendental, bem como tomaremos enquanto base de nossas reflexões a sexta seção da antinomia da razão pura, presente na Crítica da razão pura, denominada de “O idealismo transcendental como chave para a solução da dialética cosmológica”. (...)
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    Think Unique: Perceptions of Uniqueness Increases Resistance to Persuasion and Attitude-Intention Relations.Kevin L. Blankenship, Kelly A. Kane & Marielle G. Machacek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present research examines whether the perceived uniqueness of one’s thoughts and salience of uniqueness motivations can influence attitude strength and resistance. Participants who rated their thoughts as relatively unique formed attitudes that showed greater correspondence with behavioral intentions to act on the attitude (Study 1). In Study 2, participants who recalled a previous purchase motivated by the desire to be unique (versus to fit in) after generating message counterarguments were less persuaded (more resistant) and reported greater willingness to act (...)
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    Forgiving Grave Wrongs Alisa L. Carse and Lynne Tirrell.Alisa L. Carse - 2010 - In Christopher R. Allers & Marieke Smit (eds.), Forgiveness In Perspective. Rodopi Press. pp. 66--43.
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    Plagiarism as a Social Contract, a New Way to Approach Plagiarism.Jess L. Gregory - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (3):407-424.
    Most cases of plagiarism involve a power differential where not every person has the same ability to enter into a social contract. A social contract requires that each party understands the expectations or norms of the contract, has a voice in setting or changing the norms and has the ability to exit the contract. If those with less power want to gain power then they have to engage in activities bound by norms set by others with little or no ability (...)
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    Women Healing the Globe, Preserving the Tibetan Plateau.Janice L. Poss - 2021 - Feminist Theology 29 (3):264-289.
    The Tibetan Plateau’s Permafrost is melting at an alarming rate. Six of the world’s major rivers are sourced in the Tibetan Himalayas that are warming at a faster rate than the rest of the earth. If the temperature of the region continues to increase, the rivers will dry up and the earth will warm at an even faster rate. Buddha Yeshe Tsogyal, long considered the Mother of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, was the consort of Padmasambhava. She reached “complete liberation” or Nirvana (...)
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    The Food and Drug Administration’s Federal Review of a Pediatric Muscular Dystrophy Protocol.Donna L. Snyder & Robert M. Nelson - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (1):18-20.
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    Catherine of Siena’s crusade letters: Spirituality and political context.Diana L. Villegas - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):9.
    Catherine of Siena has been credited with original views regarding the crusade as political policy and with influencing Gregory XI to carry this out. In this article, I argued that while Catherine of Siena did not succeed in furthering the crusade – nor did she initiate this policy – her crusade correspondence leaves us a legacy that reveals significant aspects of her spirituality. Over 40 letters to ecclesiastical authorities, Kings, Queens, leaders of city states, knights and her own followers reveal (...)
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  37. Compassionate love.L. G. Underwood - forthcoming - Encyclopedia of Bioethics.
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    Habermas. Editor, Jason L. Powell.Jason L. Powell (ed.) - 2012 - Nova Science Publishers.
    Biography of Habermas -- Critical theory -- Habermas and his works -- An assessment of the impact of Habermas -- Conclusion.
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    Notes on the Cover Artist.L. Wright - 2014 - British Journal of Aesthetics 54 (4):515-515.
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  40. The Challenge of Quality.L. Wyszewianski - 1988 - Inquiry (Misc) 25:1-197.
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    Lost Doctrines of Guan Yin as Seen in the Jingmen Guodian Chu Slips.L. I. Xueqin - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 32 (2):55-60.
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    Ethical asects of overcoming classical armed conflicts’ consequences.L. V. Yakushev - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):401-406.
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    Deformation mechanisms of ultra-thin Al layers in Al/SiC nanolaminates as a function of thickness and temperature.L. W. Yang, C. Mayer, N. Chawla, J. Llorca & J. M. Molina-Aldareguía - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-20.
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  44. The emerging information society.L. W. Zacher - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (9/10):83-97.
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    Khudozhestvennoe soznanie.L. A. Zaks - 1990 - Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Uralʹskogo universiteta.
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    Sovremennai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡: slovarʹ i khrestomatii︠a︡.L. V. Zharov (ed.) - 1995 - Rostov-na-Donu: "Feniks".
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    Phenomenology of Natural Science.L. Hardy & Lester Embree (eds.) - 1992 - Washington, DC, USA: Springer Verlag.
    Contemporaryphilosophyseems a great swirling almost chaos. Every situation must seem so at the time, probably because philosophy itself resists structura tion and because personal and political factors within as well as without the discipline must fade in order for the genuinely philosophical merits of performances to be assessed. Nevertheless, some remarks can still be made to situate the present volume. For example, at least half of philosophy on planet Earth is today pursued in North America (which is not to say (...)
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  48. Mementʻo mori, chugŭm ŭl kiŏk hara: Hanʼgugin ŭi chugŭmnon.Yŏl-gyu Kim - 2001 - Sŏul-si: Kungni.
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  49. Traité de l'argumentation. La nouvelle rhétorique, coll. « Sociol. gén. et philos, sociale ».Ch Perelman & L. Olbrechts-Tyteca - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (3):351-352.
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  50. Dakin, D. 138 Danforth, M. 197–199 Danilov, I. 192,193 deCerteau, M. 118,129,212 deHeusch, L. 188.L. Abu-Lughod, Abubakr Al Rhasi, E. Ahern, Chief80 Ajamu, Don Pedro Allqamamani, M. Archer, Kaj Arhem, Denise Arnold, Arvi Sena & T. Asad - 1995 - In Richard Fardon (ed.), Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge.
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