Results for 'L. Homo'

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  1. (1 other version)L'homo phenomenologicus.F. Gonseth - 1964 - Archives de Philosophie 27 (3):454.
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  2. L'Homo nella vita sociale.Francesco de Sarlo - 1932 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 39 (3):14-14.
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    L'homo estheticus.Paul Wernert - 1952 - Revue de Synthèse 72 (1):75-108.
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  4. L'"homo poieticus".Pier Paolo Ottonello - 1994 - Filosofia Oggi 17 (68):411-422.
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    L'homo sapiens: largage et socialité. E. Buyssens - 1952 - Revue de Synthèse 72 (1):5-36.
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    L'«homo religiosus» des origines à nos jours: à propos d'un nouveau Traité.Jacques Étienne - 1994 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 25 (1):60-64.
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    L'homo sacer comme objet du discours de l'Université.Slavoj Zizek - 2003 - Cités 16 (4):25.
    L’envers de la psychanalyse, Séminaire XVII sur les quatre discours, est la réponse de Lacan aux événements de 1968. Son postulat est bien résumé par son détournement du célèbre graffiti anti-structuraliste lu sur les murs de Paris en 1968 : « Les structures ne marchent pas dans les rues ! »..
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    Homo Cosmicus: opyt antropologicheskoĭ kosmologii monografii︠a︡.L. A. Maksimenko - 2011 - Omsk: Omskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet.
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    L'homo œconomicus et l'analyse politique.Jean-François Laslier - 2004 - Cités 19 (3):133.
    Expliciter un comportement, c’est spécifier les motifs de l’action. Ces motifs peuvent être rationnels ou non, conscients ou non, justes ou non, ce qui importe est non pas que soit spécifiée directement l’action effectuée par l’agent mais que soit explicitée la cause du choix de cette action, et donc, indirectement, que le soient les actions que..
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    Valeur et responsabilité de l’homo oeconomicus.Philippe Lauria - 2016 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 18 (1):130-143.
    The main task of the article is to propose a critical analyses of the thesis of François Flahault that homo oeconomicus – an abstract subject of the cleaved Western consciousness – is responsible of economism and its mischiefs. The author shows the positive aspects of Flahault's interpretation, but also his simplifications and errors, by traversing the historical backgrounds of the concept of homo oeconomicus leading to the sophisms of the new economic doxa and its erroneous values.
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  11. L. Homo. Les Institutions Politiques Romaines, De La Cité À L'etat. [REVIEW]J. Bidez - 1929 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 8 (3):907-910.
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    L'homo religiosus.Paul Chalus - 1952 - Revue de Synthèse 72 (1):37-73.
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    Homo sapiens: A good fit to theory, but posing some enigmas.Janet L. Leonard - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):26-27.
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    Homo faber or homo credente? What defines humans, and what could Homo naledi contribute to this debate?Detlev L. Tönsing - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
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  15. Repenser la rationalité économique : de l’homo oeconomicus à l’homo relationalis.Lingua Graziano & Pezzano - 2012 - Noesis 20:283-302.
    Malgré bien des réductions journalistiques, la rationalité économique fondée sur l’idée de l’homo oeconomicus – un individu atome qui maximise son propre intérêt à travers un calcul utilitariste de coûts et de profits – est aujourd’hui l’objet de nombreuses critiques. L’article analyse ainsi deux types de critiques : une critique externe et une critique interne. Les deux soulignent que pour comprendre la rationalité économique, nous avons besoin d’un horizon anthropologique plus vaste, apte à mettre en discussion l’image de l’homme (...)
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    Scientology 8-80: the discovery and increase in the genus homo sapiens.L. Ron Hubbard - 1969 - East Grinsteed (Sussex),: Department of Publications World Wide.
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  17. Mr Wells on the Fate of Homo Sapiens.L. P. Jacks - 1939 - Hibbert Journal 38:161.
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    Evidence for POT expansion in early Homo: A pretty theory with ugly (or no) paleoneurological facts.Ralph L. Holloway - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):191-193.
    If POT (parieto-occipital-temporal junction) reorganization came earlier in australopithecines than in Homo, it is likely that the selective pressures were different, and not necessarily directed toward language. The brain endocast evidence for the POT in A. afarensis is actually better than it is for early Homo.
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    De l’éthique sociale à l’éthique gouvernementale : voyage au cœur de l’homo communicans.Dion Michel - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    L’éthique gouvernementale s’est développée comme réflexion critique au cœur des institutions gouvernementales. L’auteur entend situer l’éthique gouvernementale dans ses rapports avec l’éthique sociale et l’éthique fondamentale après avoir défini ces notions. Au cœur de cette articulation, l’éthique gouvernementale se veut la gardienne de l’animal politique pour le respect du plus grand bonheur de tous et de chacun.
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  20. Conflict between empiricism and idealism 277 the homo juridicus and the inadequacy of law as a Norm of life.Giorgio Del Vecchio & L. L. Zarrilli - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt.
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    HOMO ECO-RELIGIOSUS Sebuah Sharing Permenungan, Hipotesis untuk Diskusi.Al Andang L. Binawan - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):209-227.
    For quite a while homo religiosus has been marginalized and trivialized by homo techno-economicus, which gives more emphasis to the corporal and material dimensions of humanity. The negative effects of the techno-economicus paradigm engender the reemergence of homo ecologicus, which offers wisdom of life. Homo ecologicus has also been quite marginalized from the life of humanity. The reemergence of homo ecologicus, in turn, would give a new hope for the reemergence of the face of the (...)
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    Déterminismes sociaux et liberté individuelle: la querelle de l'"homo sociologicus".Raymond Boudon - 1978 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2:179.
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    Homo religiosus: From a semiotic point of view. [REVIEW]William L. Power - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 21 (2):65 - 81.
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    La manutenzione: un compito filosofico per l'homo faber.Marco Mazzone - 2017 - Roma: Carocci editore.
    Che relazione c’è tra capacità di ragionamento e felicità? Cos’è la democrazia, e perché dovremmo curarcene? Questo libro risponde a domande del genere, a partire da un’idea semplice e potente su cosa significa essere umani: l’idea che siamo costruttori, e che tra le cose che costruiamo ci sono le persone, le lingue, la capacità di pensare, gli obblighi morali, le istituzioni sociali e politiche. Insomma, ciò che è più importante per la nostra vita richiede un paziente lavoro di costruzione, e (...)
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    On the question of models of functioning of modern society.L. Zak & V. V. Tsiganov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (3):205.
    The article deals with a topic of the role of science in current society and focuses on the role of political economy. There has been a critical feedback to the fact that the social sciences subordinate themselves to the interests of power instead of looking for the models of healthy society. These models should correspond with the changes in the society and should not allow to be tied with unchanging paradigms and various ‘-isms‘. Political economy should deal with the topic (...)
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  26. EVOLUTIONARY RISK OF HIGH HUME TECHNOLOGIES. Article 1. STABLE ADAPTIVE STRATEGY OF HOMO SAPIENS.V. T. Cheshko, L. V. Ivanitskaya & V. I. Glazko - 2014 - Integrative Anthropology (2):4-14.
    Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens (SASH) is a result of the integration in the three-module fractal adaptations based on three independent processes of generation, replication, and the implementation of adaptations — genetic, socio-cultural and symbolic ones. The evolutionary landscape SASH is a topos of several evolutionary multi-dimensional vectors: 1) extraversional projective-activity behavioral intention (adaptive inversion 1), 2) mimesis (socio-cultural inheritance), 3) social (Machiavellian) intelligence, 4) the extension of inter-individual communication beyond their own social groups and their own species (...)
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  27. Gabriel Marcel, homo viator. [REVIEW]E. L. Allen - 1951 - Hibbert Journal 50:193.
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    In difesa dell'umano: problemi e prospettive.L. Boi, Umberto Curi, L. Maffei & Luigi Miraglia (eds.) - 2022 - Napoli: Vivarium Novum.
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    Rewriting Mortality: Gift and Atonement in Cur Deus Homo.Austin L. Campbell - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):719-728.
    The model of atonement presented in Anselm of Canterbury's Cur Deus Homo has aroused a host of worries from theologians. The gist of their criticism is that Anselm inscribes redemptive violence into theology and thus encourages passive acquiescence to abusive power structures or even licenses the violence of abusers. Some suggest that the way forward would be to jettison Anselm's account and develop alternatives that are not liable to the same abuses. This paper argues that while alternatives may be (...)
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    L'umano e il presagio del divino: l'homo religious tra interiorità, misticismo e trascendenza.Tiziano Conti - 2022 - Roma: LAS.
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  31. On Human Nature.David L. Hull - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:3-13.
    If species are the things that evolve at least in large part through the action of natural selection, then both genetic and phenotypic variability are essential to biological species. If all species are variable, then Homo sapiens must be variable. Hence, it is very unlikely that the human species as a biological species can be characterized by a set of invariable traits. It might be the case that at this moment in evolutionary history, all human beings happen to possess (...)
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    Le Haut-Empire Histoire Romaine. [Tome III.] Le Haut-Empire. Par L. Homo. Pp. 668. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1933. Paper, 60 francs. [REVIEW]A. F. Giles - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (02):78-79.
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    Homo œconomicus ou animal laborans. L’agent économique est-il le devenir de l’être humain?Marlyse Pouchol - 2018 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 19 (1):135-167.
    L’article présente et analyse deux représentations de l’agent économique : celle de l’ homo œconomicus chez John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) puis celle de l’ animal laborans, expression que l’on trouve chez Hannah Arendt (1906-1975). Chacun des deux auteurs se situe en opposition à une conception de Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) qui identifie l’être humain à un agent économique, être rationnel, apte au calcul et au raisonnement logique pour son cas personnel mais qui n’est cependant pas un être raisonnable, c’est-à-dire susceptible (...)
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    Burke Contra Kierkegaard: Kenneth Burke's Dialectic via Reading Soren Kierkegaard.G. L. Ercolini - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (3):207-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.3 (2003) 207-222 [Access article in PDF] Burke Contra Kierkegaard:Kenneth Burke's Dialectic via Reading Søren Kierkegaard G. L. Ercolini Isaac—to his children Lived to tell the tale— Moral—with a Mastiff Manners may prevail. —Emily Dickinson Kenneth Burke employs the term dialectic throughout his works and yet, despite its profuse recurrence, the term remains ambiguous. Much secondary scholarship has focused on Burke and dialectics, and still the (...)
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  35. Storiografia e filosofia del linguaggio.Carlo Giacon & L. Malusa (eds.) - 1975 - Padova: Antenore.
    Malusa, L. Le origini moderne della storia della filosofia.--Tombolato, V. La "crisi" della filosofia della storia.--Piaia, G. Marsilio da Padova e Lutero.--Marcolungo, F. Principi e sistema: saggio sui rapporti Wolff-Leibniz.--Micheli, G. Il pensiero politico di Kant.--Snichelotto, G. Il pragmatismo irrazionalistico di G. Papini.--Accame, L. L'Ecce homo e il ritorno del linguaggio.--Sbisa, M. Metalinguaggio e atti linguistici.--Leonardi, P. Tre tipi di filosofia del linguaggio.--Rosada, G. I metodi della deduzione naturale.
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    Digitized Нumanism.G. L. Tulchinskii - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 11:28-43.
    The humanitarian thought did not encounter such challenges that we face today. Biotechnologies outline the perspectives of “posthuman” personology, while digitalization and robotization of almost all spheres of social practice bring to the fore the idea of homodicy – justifying the need for human existence. The article analyzes four blocks of challenges to humanitarian knowledge: (1) achievements in medicine, prosthetics, transplantology and genetic engineering, which outlined the separation of a sentient subject from traditional anthropomorphism (“posthuman” personology); (2) studies of the (...)
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  37. Language and life history: A new perspective on the development and evolution of human language.John L. Locke & Barry Bogin - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):259-280.
    It has long been claimed that Homo sapiens is the only species that has language, but only recently has it been recognized that humans also have an unusual pattern of growth and development. Social mammals have two stages of pre-adult development: infancy and juvenility. Humans have two additional prolonged and pronounced life history stages: childhood, an interval of four years extending between infancy and the juvenile period that follows, and adolescence, a stage of about eight years that stretches from (...)
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    RIES, Julien, éd., L'expression du sacré dans les grandes religions. Vol. III. Mazdéisme, cultes isiaques, religion grecque, manichéisme, Nouveau Testament, Vie de l'Homo religiosus RIES, Julien, éd., L'expression du sacré dans les grandes religions. Vol. III. Mazdéisme, cultes isiaques, religion grecque, manichéisme, Nouveau Testament, Vie de l'Homo religiosus. [REVIEW]Paul-Hubert Poirier - 1988 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 44 (1):121-121.
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    Paleolithic ornaments: implications for cognition, demography and identity.Steven L. Kuhn & Mary C. Stiner - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (2):40 - 48.
    Beads and other ‘body ornaments’ are very widespread components of the archaeological record of early modern humans (Homo sapiens). They appear first in the Middle Stone Age in Africa, and somewhat later in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Eurasia. The manufacture and use of ornaments is widely considered to be evidence for significant developments in human cognition. In our view, the appearance of these objects represents the interaction of evolved cognitive capacities with changing social and demographic conditions. Body ornamentation (...)
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    Homo divinans: l'impensé de la parole et de la mort.Gérard Bucher - 2023 - Mont-Saint-Aignan: Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre.
    Ayant depuis son premier livre exploré son hypothèse d'une naissance de notre langage articulé, humain, à partir de l'expérience de la mort d'autrui comme autre soi-même, Gérard Bucher expose dans un dernier ouvrage les raisons des travaux d'une vie entière. La poésie, pour Bucher, c'est ce qui reste (et qui, ainsi, nous est légué, génération après génération), d'une scène (ou archiscène) au cours de laquelle rien de moins que les clés de notre humanité nous sont données. Dans Homo divinans, (...)
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    L’Antéchrist Suivi de Ecce Homo.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1974 - De Gruyter.
    No detailed description available for "L'Antéchrist suivi de Ecce Homo".
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    Contradiction and Legislation Regarding the Right to Life.Kevin L. Flannery - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1323-1333.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Contradiction and Legislation Regarding the Right to LifeKevin L. Flannery, S.J.Unborn Human Life and Fundamental Rights: Leading Constitutional Cases under Scrutiny. Edited by Pilar Zambrano and William Saunders, with concluding reflections by John Finnis. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019.The most fundamental principle of law is the principle of non-contradiction. This is Thomas Aquinas's position in the seminal article on the natural law, Summa theologiae I-II, question 94, article 2, where, (...)
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    Elementer til en teori om den destituerende magt.Giorgio Agamben & Rasmus L. Bojesen - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 72:55-70.
    This essay by Giorgio Agamben is based on a lecture given in central France in the summer of 2013. Responding directly to recent occupations and insurrections – from Cairo and Istanbul to London and New York City – Agamben builds upon his existing work in order to develop and clarify his understanding of the political, and in particular, the notion of destituent power. In contrast to attempts to affirm a constituent power independent of a relation to constituted power, which for (...)
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    An energetics-based approach to understanding the menstrual cycle and menopause.Roberta L. Hall - 2004 - Human Nature 15 (1):83-99.
    To explain the menstrual cycle and menopause, human biologists during the past several decades have developed new models of the evolutionary origins and maintenance of female reproductive patterns that address both ultimate and proximate causation. Hypotheses proposed for these processes generally offer explanations for menstruation or for menopause, but not for both; ultimately, these explanations must be integrated. Reviewing current explanations, this paper offers an energetics-based evolutionary rationale compatible with past adaptations of Homo sapiens and with ecological patterns in (...)
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    L'évolution et le développement du langage humain chez Homo Symbolicus et Pan Symbolicus.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh & Fields - 2012 - Labyrinthe 38 (38):39-79.
    Bien que la dichotomie classique homme/animal continue de sous-tendre la pensée scientifique occidentale, la génétique moléculaire prouve que les humains sont bien plus proches des chimpanzés et des bonobos que ne pouvaient le supposer les chercheurs en se fondant seulement sur l’évidence anatomique, il y a quelques décennies. Le degré de similitude de l’ADN entre humains, bonobos et chimpanzés autorise à nous classer tous trois comme espèces-sœurs. Ce qui signifie, aussi étrange que cela pui..
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    “When the Trickster Meets 'the big Other' Coyote Goes Cosmic”.Linda L. Revie - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (3).
    This article reads Cherokee academic/author Thomas King’s “The One About Coyote Going West” and Okanagan writer Jeannette Armstrong’s “This is a Story” to question whether these Aboriginal creation tales subvert the referential race codes and the kinds of hierarchical exclusion that take place in Caucasian discourses about Homo sapiens. To do so, it draws links between Slavoj Zizek’s post identity theories, and post-colonial and Indigenous literary and nationalist epistemologies, to challenge the implications of how the Coyote narratives transformation the (...)
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    Rhetorisches Denken: Zur Philosophie der Rhetorik Und Zur Rhetorik der Philosophie.Peter L. Oesterreich - 2019 - De Gruyter.
    Aus dem Zusammentreffen der Philosophischen Anthropologie mit der interdisziplinären Rhetorikforschung sind heute zwei neue komplementäre Tochterdisziplinen entstanden. Die eine ist die fundamentalrhetorische Anthropologie, welche den Menschen generell als homo rhetoricus definiert. Die andere klärt als rhetorische Metakritik die Philosophie selbst über ihre eigene, immanente Rhetorizität auf. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert exemplarische Beiträge zu diesem neuen rhetorischen Denken in zwei Teilen. Der erste enthält unter dem Titel „Zur Philosophie der Rhetorik“ die Arbeiten zur fundamentalrhetorischen Anthropologie. Ausgehend von grundlegenden Thesen zur (...)
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    Will to Power in Nietzsche's Published Works and the Nachlass.Linda L. Williams - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (3):447-463.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Will to Power in Nietzsche’s Published Works and the NachlassLinda L. WilliamsIt is universally acknowledged by scholars of Nietzsche’s work that will to power is one of the most important notions in Nietzsche’s writings, but strangely, like the other “central” notions of eternal recurrence and the Übermensch, there are relatively few aphorisms in either the published or unpublished material that include the term. In the case of will to (...)
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    Literal and Metaphorical uses of Discourse in the Representation of God.William L. Power - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):627-644.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LITERAL AND METAPHORICAL USES OF DISCOURSE IN THE REPRESENTATION OF GOD IN HIS SEMINAL work on the theory of signs, Charles Morris affirms that human beings are " the dominant sign-using animals" and that" the human mind is inseparable from the functioning of signs-if indeed mentality is not to be identified with such functioning." 1 By means of acculturation we learn to use and interpret signs, both linguistic and (...)
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    What Kind of Future is Humanity Consigned to by the Scientific and Technological Progress?Alexander L. Nikiforov & Никифоров Александр Леонидович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):123-137.
    In recent decades, more and more works have appeared, the authors of which are trying to predict possible scenarios for the future development of mankind. This article discusses 5 such scenarios: F. Fukuyama believes that all peoples and countries of the globe in the XXI century will develop in the direction of building a liberal-democratic society; Representatives of the Club of Rome in their latest report, based on statistical data of industrial development, substantiate the idea that by the middle of (...)
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