Results for 'L. Hartshorn'

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  1.  36
    Hartshorne’s Response.Charles Hartshorne & L. Bryant Keeling - 1993 - Process Studies 22 (3):172-172.
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    Philosophers Speak of God, By Charles Hartshorne and William L. Reese.Charles Hartshorne & William L. Reese - 1963 - University of Chicago Press.
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  3. Philosophers speak of God.Charles Hartshorne & William L. Reese - 1954 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 59 (1):100-101.
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  4. Philosophers Speak of God. By Robert Whittemore.Charles Hartshorne & W. L. Reese - 1953 - Ethics 64 (1):69-70.
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    Book Review:L'Avenir de L'Esthetique: Essay Sur L'Objet d'une Science Naissante. Etienne Souriau. [REVIEW]Charles Hartshorne - 1929 - International Journal of Ethics 40 (1):132-.
  6.  28
    Embden, G. 271 Engels, E 57 (n. 11).R. M. Evans, R. Galambos, N. Geschwind, K. Grelling, K. Gunderson, L. Hartshorn, W. Heisenberg, G. Hinton, G. H. Hogeboom & P. Hoyningen-Huene - 1992 - In Ansgar Beckermann, Hans Flohr & Jaegwon Kim, Emergence or Reduction?: Prospects for Nonreductive Physicalism. New York: De Gruyter.
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    Hartshorne and Neoclassical Metaphysics. [REVIEW]L. C. R. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):762-763.
    In this work Peters presents an interpretive summary of the metaphysical position which he considers the foremost attempt to radically reinterpret the classical philosophical notions of substance, causality and deity—the theory of fact-as-such or of concreteness, which has been critically and constructively developed in the work of Charles Hartshorne. This study is valuable as a guide to Hartshorne’s philosophical speculations and is essentially up-to-date. Peters has included in his analyses a formerly unpublished manuscript of Hartshorne’s which has since been incorporated (...)
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    Hartshorne's modal proof.R. L. Purtill - 1966 - Journal of Philosophy 63 (14):397-409.
  9. The Impossibility of Hartshorne's God.Henry L. Ruf - 1976 - Philosophical Forum 7 (3):345.
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  10. Collected Papers. Vol. I. Principles of philosophy, vol. II. Elements of Logics.Charles Sanders Peirce, Charles Hartshorne & Paul Weiss - 1934 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 118 (9):284-284.
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    Hartshorne on God and Physical Prehensions.Bowman L. Clarke - 1986 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 34:29-40.
  12. The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne.L. E. Hahn - 1994 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 36 (3):190-192.
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  13. S. Sia, "God in process thought: A study in Charles Hartshorne's concept of God".H. L. Ruf - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 21 (1):48.
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    Charles Hartshorne. [REVIEW]L. Bryant Keeling - 1974 - Process Studies 4 (4):300-302.
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    Process Philosophy and Theology: Whitehead and Hartshorne.T. L. S. Sprigge - 2006 - In The God of Metaphysics. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Whitehead and Hartshorne are considered the founding fathers of process philosophy as a fully worked out metaphysic. Both believe that the basic stuff of the world is experience, which comes into being in what William James called ‘drops of experience’ or ‘momentary experiential wholes’. Both believe that each such momentary whole prehends earlier such wholes, and makes itself into a unitary reality with these prehended past wholes as its raw material. They also believe that creativity is a basic feature of (...)
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    Hartshorne’s Process Theism and Big Bang Cosmology.David Haugen & L. Bryant Keeling - 1993 - Process Studies 22 (3):163-171.
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    Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. ByCharles Hartshorne ByPaul WeissScientific Metaphysic (U.S.A. Cambridge London Harvard University Press Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford. 1935. Pp. x + 462. Price 5 dollars; 21s.). [REVIEW]L. Susan Stebbing - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (46):230-.
  18. The Ontological Argument of Charles Hartshorne.G. L. GOODWIN - 1978
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    Hartshorne and natural evil: A response. [REVIEW]Barry L. Whitney - 1996 - Sophia 35 (2):39-46.
  20.  26
    The Worship of God as “Sick Men’s Dreams”.L. Scott Smith - 2018 - Process Studies 47 (1):111-129.
    This article analyzes David Hume’s influential critique of worship from a process point of view informed by the thought of Whitehead and Hartshorne.
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    Creativity in American Philosophy, by Charles Hartshorne.T. L. S. Sprigge - 1987 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 18 (2):207-209.
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  22. Process and Divinity Philosophical Essays Presented to Charles Hartshorne.William L. Reese & Eugene Freeman - 1964 - Open Court.
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  23. Daniel A. Dombrowski, Analytic Theism, Hartshorne, and the Concept of God Reviewed by.Charles L. Creegan - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (6):402-404.
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    Rahner and Hartshorne on Divine Immutability.J. Norman King & Barry L. Whitney - 1982 - International Philosophical Quarterly 22 (3):195-209.
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  25. The Idea of God: A Whiteheadian Critique of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Concept of God. [REVIEW]L. S. W. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (1):132-133.
    Cooper’s book criticizes the traditional "absolutist" Christian doctrine of God, as exemplified in Aquinas, and concludes with a constructive chapter on "Redemption and Process Theism." His critique is chiefly Hartshornean, not Whiteheadian in character. Cooper, adding nothing of substance to Hartshorne’s extant critique, instead scrutinizes the Thomistic texts to show just how and where the difficulties noted by Hartshorne arise. The final chapter, which leans heavily on Whitehead is chiefly a summary of the usual charges against process theism, together with (...)
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    Does God Influence the World’s Creativity?Barry L. Whitney - 1981 - Philosophy Research Archives 7:613-622.
    Since Hartshorne rejects Whitehead's doctrine of eternal objects, this seems to deny Hartshorne's God any causal influence via providing initial subjective aims to the world's creatures. If there are no specific eternal objects as possibilities to be actualized by creatures, there can be no specific initial aims. Hartshorne's metaphysics, however, can be rendered coherent at this point by interpreting the initial aims as hierarchies of indeterminate possibilities which are not specific until rendered so by creatures. Such an interpretation is coherent (...)
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    C.S. Peirce and the Nested Continua Model of Religious Interpretation by Gary Slater.Michael L. Raposa - 2017 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53 (3):491-495.
    The impact of Peirce's philosophy of religion on subsequent religious thinkers was almost immediate. Within five years of the appearance of Peirce's "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God," in 1913, Josiah Royce published his brilliant Hibbert Lectures on The Problem of Christianity, delivered at Oxford earlier that year. It was the first—and in many respects remains the most impressive—attempt to adapt Peirce's ideas for the purposes of articulating a comprehensive philosophical theology. During the last 100 years, only a (...)
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    Existential faith and biblical philosophy.William L. Power - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 72 (3):199-210.
    In this article, I present a case for a kind of existential theology which would be philosophical and metaphysical, though not broadly Platonic and classical, and biblical though not illogical. What I present will be an attempt to clarify and justify what I call "existential hayatological theism". In so doing I will draw on insights from what Edmond La B Cherbonnier and Claude Tresmontant designated as "biblical philosophy" and "biblical metaphysics" as well as from the neo-classical philosophies of Charles Hartshorne (...)
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  29. The God of Metaphysics.T. L. S. Sprigge - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Many thinkers have said that a God whose existence is argued for metaphysically would have no religious significance even if he existed. This book examines the God or Absolute which emerges in various metaphysical systems and asks whether he, she, or it could figure in any genuinely religious outlook. The systems studied are those of Spinoza, Hegel, T. H. Green, F. H. Bradley (very briefly), Bernard Bosanquet, Josiah Royce, A. N. Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne. There is also a chapter on Kierkegaard (...)
  30.  62
    The “Never Ending Poem”: Some Remarks on Dombrowski's Divine Beauty.Michael L. Raposa - 2010 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 31 (3):207-224.
    Just about a decade ago, at the very beginning of what has proven now to be a staggeringly long midlife crisis, I wrote a little book about the religious significance of boredom. (I think of this as yin to the yang of more commonplace considerations of the religious significance of beauty.) That book concluded with a brief meditation on “waiting,” in which I distinguished between waiting for meaning and the more proactively creative exercise of waiting on meaning. Daniel Dombrowski’s splendid (...)
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    Existential-Hayatological Theism.William L. Power - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (3):181-198.
    One of the oldest conceptions of theology is discourse of the poets about the gods and its philosophical interpretation. Judaism and Christianity borrowed this Greek understanding of theology and revised it only slightly to reflect its own monotheistic vision of God and God’s relations to and with the world of nature and human existence. The question as to which philosophy best explicates and justifies the oral and written mythopoetic discourse of the imaginative bards of Israel and the early Christian community (...)
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    Process theism: Does a persuasive God coerce?Barry L. Whitney - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):133-143.
    A fundamental tenet of the process philosophy founded by alfred north whitehead and charles hartshorne is that god's causal agency in the world is solely "persuasive," in contradistinction to much of traditional christian theism which portrays a more "coercive" god. The article, However, Seeks to show that hartshorne's God would appear to be somewhat coercive, E.G., In the imposition of the natural laws which are the limits to creaturely freedom and in the "luring" of creaturely actualizations of novel possibilities within (...)
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    Charles Hartshorne’nun Neoklasik Teizminde Kötülük Problemi.Tuncay Akgün - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:25-58.
    Öz Makalemizin konusu insanlığın kadim sorunlarından biri olan kötülük sorununu yirminci yüzyılın önemli filozoflarından biri olan Charles Hartshorne’un neoklasik teizmi çerçevesinde ele almaktır. Kötülük problemi elbette yeni bir problem değildir. Önemli olan ve aradığımız şey ise böylesine eski bir problem karşısında yeni bir şey duymak ya da söylemektir. Tarih boyunca birçok filozof ve teoloğun bu probleme dair ortaya koydukları açıklamalardan farklı olarak Hartshorne’un bizi heyecanlandıran tarafı hem zamanımıza çok yakın bir zamanda yaşaması hem de meseleye oldukça farklı bir bakış açısı (...)
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    Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method. [REVIEW]L. C. R. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (4):754-755.
    As the title indicates, this most recent of Hartshorne's works blends doctrinal exposition with analyses of methodological issues. Each of the sixteen chapters can be read as an independent essay, although the entire work is intended as "an essay in systematic metaphysics." The paradox is resolved once we realize that Hartshorne does not separate substantive discussion and the examination of methodological principles--the text exemplifies the principles latent in "creative synthesis" as he understands it. Each chapter takes shape out of a (...)
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    Plantinga, hartshorne, and the ontological argument.Patrick Grim - 1981 - Sophia 20 (2):12-16.
    R l purtill has claimed that the ontological argument that plantinga presents in "the nature of necessity" is basically the same as that offered in hartshorne's "the logic of perfection" and that it falls victim to the same criticisms. i argue that plantinga's ontological argument is different enough "not" to fall victim to purtill's criticisms. what makes plantinga's argument different, however, also makes it vulnerable to a different criticism: the god of plantinga's conclusion is not a being greater than which (...)
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    W kręgu filozofii procesu [recenzja] Charles Hartshorne, Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers, 1983. Ch. Hartshorne, W.L. Reese, Philosophers Speak of God, 1963. Eugene H. Peters, The Creative Advance. An Introduction to Process Philosophy as a C. [REVIEW]Józef Życiński - 1985 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 7.
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  37.  10
    Book Review:Philosophers Speak of God. Charles Hartshorne, W. L. Reese. [REVIEW]Robert Whittemore - 1953 - Ethics 64 (1):69-.
  38.  11
    God in process thought: a study in Charles Hartshorne's concept of God.Santiago Sia - 1985 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    One of the controversial issQes which have recently come into prominence among philosophers and theologians is how one should understand the term l God. It seems that, despite the fact that a certain idea of God is assumed by not most, people, there is a degree of disagreement over the meaning many, if of the term. "God" is generally taken to refer to a supreme Being, the Creator, who is perfect and self-existent, holy, personal and loving. This understanding of "God" (...)
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  39.  21
    The Ontological Argument of Charles Hartshorne. [REVIEW]R. V. T. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):870-872.
    George L. Goodwin's doctoral dissertation sets out to accomplish two things in Hartshorne scholarship: provide an interpretive tool for understanding the validity of the ontological argument within an Hartshornean perspective and advance the discussion concerning the validity of de re modality considering the challenge posed by W. V. O. Quine. Goodwin attempts to prove that through the doctrine of temporal possibility Hartshorne has provided a means both for understanding the validity of the ontological argument and for meeting Quine's challenge with (...)
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    Artistic expression.John Hospers - 1971 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
    Art as communication, by L. Tolstoi.--Art, intuition, and expression, by B. Groce.--Art as expression, by R. G. Collingwood.--The Groce-Collingwood theory of art, by J. Hospers.--The act of expression, by J. Dewey.--Art and the language of the emotions, by C. J. Ducasse.--Music as impressive and music as expressive, by E. Gurney.--Expression, by G. Santayana.--The expressiveness of colors, by W. Kadinsky.--Expression and association, by C. Hartshorne.--Expressiveness, by R. Arnheim.--The expression theory of art, by O, K. Bouwsma.--The concept of expression in art, by (...)
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    (1 other version)Interview with Larry A. Hickman.Michela Bella, Matteo Santarelli & Larry A. Hickman - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (2).
    Michela Bella & Matteo Santarelli – What was the state of Pragmatism studies when you first encountered pragmatism? Larry A. Hickman – After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology I decided that I wanted to study philosophy. In order to prepare for graduate school, I spent a year taking philosophy courses at the University of Texas in Austin. The faculty included Charles Hartshorne, who was co-editor of the Peirce Collected Papers. There was also David L. Miller and George Gentry, b...
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  42.  15
    A Rational faith: essays in honor of Levi A. Olan.Levi Arthur Olan & Jack Bemporad (eds.) - 1977 - New York: Ktav Pub. House.
    Atlas, S. On the relation between subject and object.--Bamberger, B. Religion and the arts.--Bemporad, J. Man, God, and history.--Braude, W. C. The two lives of Hillel's sandwich.--Chapman, C. B. The health guilds, the public interest and the malpractice dilemma.--Feuer, L. Influence of Abba Hillel Silver on the evolution of Reform Judaism.--Hackerman, N. Ignorance, the motivation for understanding.--Hartshorne, C. Whitehead's metaphysical system.--Ogden, S. M. Prolegomena to a Christian theology of nature.--Sandmel, S. The rationalist denial of Jewish tradition in Philo.--Shakow, D. Educating (...)
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    Phenomenology: continuation and criticism.Dorion Cairns, Fred Kersten & Richard M. Zaner (eds.) - 1973 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    Cairns, D. My own life.--Chapman, H. The phenomenon of language.--Embree, L. E. An interpretation of the doctrine of the ego in Husserl's Ideen.--Farber, M. The philosophic impact of the facts themselves.--Gurwitsch, A. Perceptual coherence as the foundation of the judgment of prediction.--Hartshorne, C. Husserl and Whitehead on the concrete.--Jordan, R. W. Being and time: some aspects of the ego's involvement in his mental life.--Kersten, F. Husserl's doctrine of noesis-noema.--McGill, V. J. Evidence in Husserl's phenomenology.--Natanson, M. Crossing the Manhattan Bridge.--Spiegelberg, H. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Nature of religious experience.Eugene Garrett Bewkes, Julius Seelye Bixler & Douglas Clyde Macintosh (eds.) - 1937 - London,: Harper & Brothers.
    Common sense realism, by E. G. Bewkes.--Theology and religious experience, by Vergilius Ferm.--A reasoned faith, by G. F. Thomas.--Can religion become empirical? By J. S. Bixler.--Value theory and theology, by H. R. Niebuhr.--The truth in myths, by Reinhold Niebuhr.--Is subjectivism in value theory compatible with realism and meliorism? By Cornelius Krusé.--The semi-detached knower: a note on radical empiricism, by R. L. Calhoun.--The new scientific and metaphysical basis for epistemological theory, by F. S. C. Northrop.--A psychological approach to reality, by Hugh (...)
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  45. Philosophical essays in memory of Edmund Husserl.Marvin Farber (ed.) - 1940 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    An approach to phenomenology, by D. Cairns.--Husserl's critique of psychologism: its historic roots and contemporary relevance, by J. Wild.--The ideal of a presuppositionless philosophy, by M. Farber.--On the intentionality of consciousness, by A. Gurwitsch.--The "reality-phenomenon" and reality, by H. Spiegelberg.--The phenomenological concept of "horizon", by H. Kuhn.--Phenomenology and logical empiricism, by F. Kaufmann.--Phenomenology and the history of science, by J. Klein.--Phenomenology and the social sciences, by A. Schuetz.--Art and phenomenology, by F. Kaufmann.--The relation of science to philosophy in the light (...)
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    Introducing philosophy: a text with integrated readings.Robert C. Solomon - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kathleen Marie Higgins & Clancy W. Martin.
    Philosophy is an exciting and accessible subject, and this engaging text acquaints students with the core problems of philosophy and the many ways in which they are and have been answered. Introducing Philosophy: A Text with Integrated Readings, Eighth Edition, insists both that philosophy is very much alive today and that it is deeply rooted in the past. Accordingly, it combines substantial original sources from significant works in the history of philosophy and current philosophy with detailed commentary and explanation that (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1983.Roland Hall - 1985 - Hume Studies 11 (2):192-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:192. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1983 The Hume literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; £9.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. Publications of the years 1977 to 1982 were listed in Hume Studies in previous Novembers. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of (...)
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  48. What reasonableness really is.Jaime Nubiola - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (2):125-134.
    The article focuses on the concept of reasonableness as described by American philosopher Charles S. Peirce in his writings dating between 1899 and 1908. Pierce's writings considered by the author are found in the books "Contributions to The Nation," vols. 1-4, edited by K. L. Ketner and J. E. Cook, and "Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce," vols. 1-8, edited by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss and A. W. Burks. The author considers 20th century Western philosophies of reason, pragmatism, scientism, thirdness, (...)
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    Bibliography of Charles Peirce 1976 through 1980.Christian J. W. Kloesel - 1982 - The Monist 65 (2):246-276.
    Serious study of Peirce began some fifty years ago, in 1931, with the publication of the first of six volumes of the Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss. Arthur Burks added two volumes to that collection in 1958. In the meantime there had appeared, and continued to appear, several one-volume editions, namely those by Morris R. Cohen, Justus Buchler, Vincent Tomas, Philip P. Wiener, and Edward C. Moore. A new era in Peirce scholarship (...)
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    Head, Heart, and God.Francis H. Parker - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (2):328 - 352.
    Of the philosophers in recent times who have striven to heal this rupture between head and heart perhaps none has caught the fancy or stirred the hopes of the American philosophical community as Alfred North Whitehead has. But since the master started this task too late in life, it was left to his disciples to complete his work. And of those disciples who have continued the master's healing in theology, perhaps none has been so energetic or resourceful as Professor Charles (...)
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