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  1.  10
    Beyond structure: the power and limitations of mathematical thought in common sense, science, and philosophy.Louk Fleischhacker - 1995 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The ideal of mathematical exactness is strongly paradigmatic for modern science, for which Mathematics practically functions as a metaphysical foundation. This strongly influenced Philosophy. In our century, however, critical voices arise, even from the ranks of scientists. Reflection on the foundations of Mathematics has produced a deeper insight into its nature. The tendency to judge content by structure becomes less predominant. Metaphysics is no longer rejected as only producing constructions with unjustified claims to necessity. This book combines contemporary Philosophy of (...)
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  2. Creativiteit in arbeid en automatie. Een wysgerige beschouwing over de verandering van de arbeid als gevolg van de informatietechnologie Travail créatif et automatisation. Considérations philosophiques sur le changement du travail consécutif à la technologie informatique.Louk Fleischhacker - 1988 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 80 (4):272-287.
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  3. de henide als paradigma. Otto Weiningers invloed op Ludwig Wittgenstein.Louk Fleischhacker - 1998 - de Uil Van Minerva 15.
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  4. Het mathematische ideaal.Louk Fleischhacker - 1993 - de Uil Van Minerva 9.
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  5.  79
    Mathematics and the mind of God.Louk Fleischhacker - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (1):67-72.
    Mathematics and the Mind of God is the synopsis of a leture held at a symposium under this title at the Free University of Amsterdam in 1995. It takes a critical position with respect to the suggestion that there is a shortcut from the exact sciences to theology. It is true that mathematics is the pure form in which the exactness of these sciences can be expressed. The fundamental principle of it, however, the structurability of our world of experience, is (...)
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  6.  56
    Technology and Human Dignity.Louk Fleischhacker - 1999 - International Philosophical Quarterly 39 (1):77-92.
  7.  48
    The mathematization of life, or whether the mathematical sciences still allow of doubt.L. Fleischhacker & M. Brainard - 1993 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 16 (1):245-258.
  8. The non-linearity of the development of technology and the techno-scientific system.Louk Fleischhacker - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 81 (1):301-310.
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  9.  11
    The three degrees of reflection and the limits of modern science.Louk Eduard Fleischhacker - 1996 - Philosophia Scientiae 1 (S1):145-152.
  10.  25
    Some Remarks on the Relationship between Russell's* Vicious‐Circle Principle and Russell's Paradox.P. Vatrdy & L. Fleischhacker - 1979 - Dialectica 33 (1):3-19.
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  11.  31
    Deontic logic and the axoim of necessity: The consequences of a misinterpretation. [REVIEW]L. E. Fleischhacker & J. Kuper - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (1):67-74.
  12. Hegel. Zelfbewustzijn, begeerte en de ander. Het hoofdstuk over zelfbewustzijn als begeerte in Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes. Vertaling, commentaar en essay: ‘Liefde, begeerte en zelfbewustzijn’. [REVIEW]Louk Fleischhacker - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):390-391.
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  13.  8
    Reflexiviteit en metafysica: bijdragen aan het symposium ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van prof. J.H.A. Hollak, georganiseerd door de Universiteiten van Amsterdam, Nijmegen en Twente gezamenlijk.J. H. A. Hollak, Thomas Baumeister & Louk Fleischhacker - 1987
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