Results for 'Kolja Raube'

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  1.  8
    De ‘veiligheid-ontwikkeling nexus’ en de securitisering van het EU-beleid ten aanzien van ontwikkelingslanden.Stephan Keukeleire & Kolja Raube - 2013 - Res Publica 55 (4):541-544.
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    Allemagne : Une vision politicienne et institutionnelle.Micheline Theune, Christine Landfried, Wolfgang Settekorn, Jens-Christoph Müller, Kolja Raube & Astrid Reining - 2006 - Hermes 46:159.
    La couverture allemande dans le Welt plutôt conservateur, dans le Süddeutsche Zeitung libéral et dans le quotidien économique Handelsblatt du référendum français sur la Constitution européenne est analysée entre le 25 mai et le 4 juin 2005. Dans la couverture de ces trois quotidiens, dominent les ténors de la politique tandis que la voix du peuple n'apparaît qu'à travers la publication des sondages. Les articles se fondent sur des dépêches d'agences de presse et des médias français. Des rapports de correspondants (...)
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    From Jacobin flaws to transformative populism: Left populism and the legacy of European social democracy.Kolja Möller - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):309-324.
  4.  50
    Populism and the political system: A critical systems theory approach to the study of populism.Kolja Möller - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (2):299-322.
    This article outlines a critical systems theory approach to the study of populism by arguing that populism is an avenue of contestation which assumes a distinct role and function in the existing constitution of the political system. Most notably, it is characterised by the re-entry of a popular sovereignty dimension within regular political procedures. By taking up a critical systems theory perspective, it becomes possible to more precisely distinguish populism from other forms of politics, such as oppositional politics, social movement (...)
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    Moses and Aron: Reconsidering holistic politics.Kolja Möller - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (6):868-875.
    Drawing on Arnold Schönberg’s seminal opera “Moses and Aron”, the comment focuses on the role of holistic politics in Andrew Arato’s and Jean L. Cohen’s “Populism and Civil Society”. It argues that their anti-populist stance is too quick in dismissing a politics which is driven by representing and re-constituting the whole of the social order. Against this backdrop, a rejuvenation of the political left may not consist in a rejection of holism as such but in a popular politics which relies (...)
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    (1 other version)Die Welt als Wille zum Selbst.William L. Raub - 1904 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 17:260.
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  7. Stan i prawo natury. Samuela Clarke\'a krytyka Thomasa Hobbesa.Sławomir Raube - 2008 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 9:49-69.
  8.  14
    Sztuka jako symboliczna interpretacja świata w filozofii Cassirera.Sławomir Raube - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:105-115.
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  9. L'eurocentrisme de Marx: pour un dialogue du débat marxien avec les études postcoloniales.Kolja Lindner - 2010 - Actuel Marx 48 (2):106-128.
    Marx’s Eurocentrism : Postcolonial Studies and Marx Scholarship. This article takes as its starting-point the fourfold concept of Eurocentrism developed in postcolonial studies and global history. Against this backdrop, it traces the treatment of non-Western societies throughout Marx’s work. His 1853 articles on India are shown to be Eurocentric in every respect. They are partly based on a travel narrative written by François Bernier. Bernier’s text is analyzed in some detail as one of Marx’s sources. Marx’s treatment of the 1857-59 (...)
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  10. Marx's Eurocentrism. Postcolonial studies and Marx scholarship.Kolja Lindner - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 161:27-41.
    The text sets out from a fourfold concept of Eurocentrism developed in postcolonial studies and global history. Against this backdrop, it traces the treatment of non-Western societies throughout Marx's work. His 1853 articles on India are shown to be Eurocentric in every respect. They are partially based on a travel narrative by François Bernier. Bernier's text is analyzed in some detail as one of Marx's sources. Marx's treatment of the 1857-59 Indian rebellions also displays Eurocentric features. His writings on British (...)
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  11. Atomy, próżnia i wszechobecny Bóg, Clarke\'a i Newtona koncepcja materii.Sławomir Raube - 2010 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 22 (22).
  12.  44
    (1 other version)Bewertungen und empfehlungen in der methodologie wissenschaftlicher forschungsprogramme.Werner Raub & Dirk Koppelberg - 1978 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 9 (1):134-148.
    Die Kontroversen um Imre Lakatos' "Methodologie wissenschaftlicher Forschungsprogramme" haben zu der Frage geführt, ob auf Basis der von Lakatos entwickelten Standards für die Bewertung von konkurrierenden Theorien und Forschungsprogrammen auch heuristische Empfehlungen begründet werden können, die die von Wissenschaftlern auszuführenden Handlungen im Interesse der Maximierung von Erkenntnisfortschritt normieren. Eine solche Frage steht im Zusammenhang mit einem zentralen Anliegen der Popperschen Wissenschaftstheorie: "Wir wollen die Regeln, oder, wenn man will, die Normen aufstellen, nach denen sich der Forscher richtet, wenn er Wissenschaft (...)
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  13.  14
    Pułapki na mężczyzn i genderowe uniki.Sławomir Raube - 2014 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 26:495-498.
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    Popular Sovereignty, Populism and Deliberative Democracy.Kolja Möller - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (1-2):14-36.
    This article investigates the relationship between popular sovereignty, populism, and deliberative democracy. My main thesis is that populisms resurrect the polemical dimension of popular sovereignty by turning “the people” against the “powerbloc” or the “elite”, and that it is crucial thatthis terrain not be ceded to authoritarian distortions of this basic contestatory grammar. Furthermore, I contend that populist forms of politics are compatible with a procedural and deliberative conception of democracy. Ifirst engage with the assumption that populism and a procedural (...)
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    (1 other version)Systemic corruption: constitutional ideas for an anti-oligarchic republic.Kolja Möller - 2021 - Jurisprudence 13 (1):162-167.
    The concentration of socio-economic power and social inequality are characteristic features of contemporary society. Not the least, they tend to undermine democratic legislation: Democratic constit...
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  16. Trust via hostages.W. Raub & J. Weesie - 2000 - Analyse & Kritik 22:19-43.
  17.  24
    Formwandel des Konstitutionalismus.Kolja Möller - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (2):270-289.
    This article argues that the passage to world society proliferates a structural transformation of constitutionalism. It is argued that its postdemocratic character is mainly rooted in a process where substantial policy objectives are constitutionalized on a higher-ranking level. While the first part of the article elaborates this diagnosis by combining systems-theoretical and post-marxist insights, the second part turns to a critique of contemporary theories about transnational constitutionalism. It reveals the shortcomings of cosmopolitan, societal and popular-sovereignty approaches in overcoming these postdemocratic (...)
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  18.  43
    Robert Chambers and William Whewell: a Nineteenth-Century Debate over the Origin of Language.Cymbre Quincy Raub - 1988 - Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (2):287.
  19. Duch mechaniki i apologetyki. Samuel Clarke i problem racjonalności wiary.Sławomir Raube - 2003 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 15 (15).
  20.  22
    Strategic Network Formation, Games on Networks, and Trust.Werner Raub, Vincenz Frey & Vincent Buskens - 2014 - Analyse & Kritik 36 (1):135-152.
    This paper brings two major research lines in current sociology together. Research on social networks has long focused primarily on network effects but meanwhile also addresses the emergence and dynamics of networks. Research on trust in social and economic relations shows that networks have effects on trust. Using game theory, we provide a simple model that allows for an integrated and simultaneous analysis of network effects on trust and for the endogenous emergence of the network. The model also allows for (...)
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  21.  26
    The Certainty of Knowledge and Faith in the Thought of John Locke and Samuel Clarke.Sławomir Raube - 2009 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 21:43-58.
  22. Wieczność, doczesność, rynek. Kilka uwag o etosie gospodarowania.Sławomir Raube - 2002 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 3:143-153.
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    Methodological Individualism and Formal Models.Werner Raub & Arnout van de Rijt - 2023 - In Nathalie Bulle & Francesco Di Iorio, The Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism: Volume II. Springer Verlag. pp. 373-399.
    This chapter is on when and how formalization and model building contribute to theory construction in methodological individualism. It shows that formalization is not always needed but can sometimes be useful for making assumptions explicit and for deriving implications that would appear out of reach of, or even go counter to, informal reasoning. The chapter focuses on examples from different theoretical approaches and research fields, including meanwhile ‘classic’ as well as more recent contributions. We sketch both insights that do not (...)
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    Eine Notiz über die Stabilisierung von Vertrauen durch eine Mischung von wiederholten Interaktionen und glaubwürdigen Festlegungen.Werner Raub - 1992 - Analyse & Kritik 14 (2):187-194.
    Various mechanisms are known that can stabilize trust relations. Examples are repeated interactions and credible commitments through warranties, deposits, and other kinds of ‘hostages’. Usually, these mechanisms are studied in isolation from one another. An integrated analysis is widely neglected. In this note, the effects of a ‘mix’ of mechanisms are analyzed. A simple case is offered, where a combination of repeated interactions and credible commitments can stabilize trust, while neither of the mechanisms alone can do so.
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    Reward and Punishment in Samuel Clarke’s Ethics.Sławomir Raube - 2008 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 20:47-59.
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    Theory and Empirical Research in Analytical Sociology: The Case of Cooperation in Problematic Social Situations.Werner Raub & Vincent Buskens - 2008 - Analyse & Kritik 30 (2):689-722.
    The integration of theory and empirical research in analytical social science has always been a core topic of Analyse & Kritik. This paper focuses on how analytical theory and empirical research have moved closer to each other in sociology, using rational choice theory and game-theoretic models as well as empirical research on problematic social situations (social dilemmas, collective action problems, etc.) as an example. We try to highlight the use of complementary research designs (surveys, vignette studies, lab experiments) for testing (...)
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    Resolving social conflicts through hostage posting: Theoretical and empirical considerations.Gideon Keren & Werner Raub - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (4):429.
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    Nachwort.Thomas Voss & Werner Raub - 2009 - In Robert Axelrod, Die Evolution der Kooperation: Aus Dem Amerikanischen Übersetzt Und Mit Einem Nachwort von Werner Raub Und Thomas Voss. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 195-212.
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    Empiricism and the Absolute. [REVIEW]William L. Raub - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (3):80-81.
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    Zur Entstehung der Moral aus natürlichen Neigungen: Eine spieltheoretische Spekulation.Rainer Hegselmann, Werner Raub & Thomas Voss - 1986 - Analyse & Kritik 8 (2):150-177.
    Do individuals accept a moral point of view - if they are completely oriented towards their natural preferences and interests? The present article outlines the context of discussion concerning this question within moral philosophy and the social science. In addition it suggests a game-theoretical model with the help of which the question can be answered positively.
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  31. 'Hartmut Esser'Foundations of Social Theory'oder'Foundations of Sociology'? 129 Karl-Dieter Opp Micro-Macro Transitions in Rational Choice Explanations 143.Russell Hardin, Norman Braun, Werner Raub, Dennis C. Mueller & Peter Kappelhoff - 1992 - Analyse & Kritik 14 (2):114.
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  32. Protologik und formale Logik.Rainer Hegselmann & Werner Raub - 1982 - In Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Logik und Pragmatik: zum Rechtfertigungsproblem logischer Sprachregeln. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Zur logikabhängigkeit wissenschafts-theoretischer paradoxien.Rainer Hegselmann & Werner Raub - 1982 - Erkenntnis 17 (3):349 - 359.
    Investigations in meta-theoretical topics such as the definability of disposition terms or the explication of qualitative and quantitative concepts of confirmation, as well as discussions of various systems of modal logic, e.g., deontic logic, often deal with a number of well known paradoxes. In general, classical logic is used in deriving the paradox of the ravens, Goodman's paradox, the paradoxes of derived obligation, etc. The questions whether these paradoxes depend essentially on the use of classical logic and whether they can (...)
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    Kultura jako ekwilibium. Krytyczna filozofa Ernsta Cassirera.Sławomir Raube - 2014 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 26:143-155.
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    Atoms, Vacuum and Omnipresent God. The Problem of Matter in the Philosophy of Clarke and Newton.Sławomir Raube - 2010 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 22:35-49.
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  36. Bóg i Natura. Struktura świata stworzonego w filozofii Ralpha Cudwortha.Sławomir Raube - 1992 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 5 (5):91-106.
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    Deus explicatus: stworzenie i Bóg w myśli Ralpha Cudwortha.Sławomir Raube - 2000 - Białystok: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
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  38. Forma symboliczna w filozofii kultury Ernsta Cassirera.Sławomir Raube - 1990 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 3 (3):81-92.
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    Implosion of Humanity. The Biological Catastrophism in Max Scheler’s Philosophy.Sławomir Raube - 2013 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 25:107-123.
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  40. Metafizyka i etyka Samuela Clarke\'a.Sławomir Raube - 2011 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 23 (23).
  41. Mechanisms of cooperation.Werner Raub & Jeroen Weesie - 2011 - In Ann Brooks, Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
  42. Moralność ponad religijnymi konfliktami. Etyka brytyjskiego deizmu.Sławomir Raube - 2005 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 6:71-82.
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  43. Problem nagród i kar w etyce Samuela Clarke\'s.Sławomir Raube - 2008 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 20 (20).
  44.  12
    Religia na granicy mitu.Sławomir Raube - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (2):39-51.
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  45. Repairing the Tower of Babel: Notes on the Genesis of James Fergusson's "Historical Inquiry Into the True Principles of Beauty, More Especially with Reference to Architecture".Cymbre Quincy Raub - 1993 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    "Repairing the Tower of Babel" addresses three major themes. The thesis begins with the question of how James Fergusson felt he could describe both Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Auguste Comte as influential in the development of his own theory of beauty in art. Following from this initial question, the thesis examines in detail the attempts at the reconciliation of Romanticism and Positivism at the beginning of the nineteenth century, especially in the works of William Whewell, Auguste Comte, and Samuel Taylor (...)
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  46.  14
    Samuel Clarke’s Metaphysics and Ethics.Sławomir Raube - 2011 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 23:329-335.
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    Smutek i puste miejsce ontologii.Sławomir Raube - 2018 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 30 (2):107-114.
    Sadness is one of the most important philosophical issues. However, it was not often a problem that philosophers devoted a lot of time to. What does sadness involve? What are its consequences? What is its meaning? Sadness is a part of existence. How does philosophical reflection interpret this problem?
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  48.  21
    The German Enlightenment and Moses Mendelssohn. Philosophical and religious disputes.Sławomir Raube - 2013 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 25:333-337.
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    Życie jako sztuka i umiejętność zarządzania myślami.Sławomir Raube - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:439-442.
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  50. Zagadnienie pewności wiedzy i wiary w refleksji Johna Locke\'s i Samuela Clarke\'a.Sławomir Raube - 2009 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 21 (21).
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