Results for 'Koch Brothers'

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  1.  19
    This Century.Megan Kaminski - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):684.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:684 Feminist Studies 43, no. 3. © 2017 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Megan Kaminski This Century This century is full-on burning the past past carrying back lost to re-memory the year brings millennial want: a bright new coat red shoes an end to oil pipelines and student loans encase us all in warmth not waged labor drab curtains pulled aside reveal window onto window echo us many permutations bring (...)
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  2. Twenty-One Statements about Political Philosophy: An Introduction and Commentary on the State of the Profession.Mark R. Reiff - 2018 - Teaching Philosophy 41 (1):65-115.
    While the volume of material inspired by Rawls’s reinvigoration of the discipline back in 1971 has still not begun to subside, its significance has been in serious decline for quite some time. New and important work is appearing less and less frequently, while the scope of the work that is appearing is getting smaller and more internal and its practical applications more difficult to discern. The discipline has reached a point of intellectual stagnation, even as real-world events suggest that the (...)
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    Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist.Cristof Koch - 2011 - MIT Press.
    In which a scientist searches for an empirical explanation for phenomenal experience, spurred by his instinctual belief that life is meaningful. What links conscious experience of pain, joy, color, and smell to bioelectrical activity in the brain? How can anything physical give rise to nonphysical, subjective, conscious states? Christof Koch has devoted much of his career to bridging the seemingly unbridgeable gap between the physics of the brain and phenomenal experience. This engaging book--part scientific overview, part memoir, part futurist (...)
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    Seefahrten des Denkens: Dietmar Koch zum 60. Geburtstag.Dietmar Koch, Alina Noveanu, Julia Pfefferkorn & Antonino Spinelli (eds.) - 2017 - Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
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    Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain.Christof Koch & Joel L. Davis (eds.) - 1994 - MIT Press.
    This book originated at a small and informal workshop held in December of 1992 in Idyllwild, a relatively secluded resort village situated amid forests in the ...
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    Thieves of Virtue: When Bioethics Stole Medicine.Tom Koch - 2012 - MIT Press.
    Bioethics claimed to offer a set of generally applicable, universally accepted guidelines that would simplify complex situations. In Thieves of Virtue, Tom Koch argues that bioethics has failed to deliver on its promises.
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    Reflections of a Natural Scientist on Panpsychism.C. Koch - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (9-10):65-75.
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    Goals- and Burdens-based DMC as Expressions of Value Rather than Manifestations of DMC.Peter Maloy Koch - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):94-96.
    In “Three Kinds of Decision-Making Capacity for Refusing Medical Interventions,” Navin et al. (2022) propose two additional kinds of decision-making capacity that ought to be recognized in cases of...
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  9. Recent work in the theory of conceptual engineering.Steffen Koch, Guido Löhr & Mark Pinder - 2023 - Analysis 83 (3):589-603.
    A philosopher argues that state-sponsored cyberattacks against central military or civilian targets are always acts of war. What is this philosopher doing? According to conceptual analysts, the philosopher is making a claim about our concept of war. According to philosophical realists, the philosopher is making a claim about war per se. In a quickly developing literature, a third option is being explored: the philosopher is engineering the concept of war. On this view, the philosopher is making a proposal about which (...)
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    Disability and difference: balancing social and physical constructions.Tom Koch - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):370-376.
    The world of disability theory is currently divided between those who insist it reflects a physical fact affecting life quality and those who believe disability is defined by social prejudice. Despite a dialogue spanning bioethical, medical and social scientific literatures the differences between opposing views remains persistent. The result is similar to a figure-ground paradox in which one can see only part of a picture at any moment. This paper attempts to find areas of commonality between the opposing camps, and (...)
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  11. The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach.Christof Koch - 2004 - Roberts & Company.
    In "The Quest for Consciousness," Caltech neuroscientist Christof Koch explores the biological basis of consciousness.
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  12. Ameliorative projects, psychological essentialism, and the power of nouns.Steffen Koch - forthcoming - Mind and Language.
    Ameliorative projects design and propagate new linguistic content for some expressions we use for political or social justice purposes. These projects are often driven by an anti-essentialist agenda: they aim to debunk the idea that social categories such as “woman,” “man,” or “race” are constituted by natural essences. But critics argue that nouns tend to trigger essentialist thinking. And because ameliorative projects typically retain nouns, it is argued that these projects cannot achieve their anti-essentialist goals. In response, I argue that (...)
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    Die Mondeklipsen von BM 41004 rev. 18.Johannes Von Koch - 2001 - Centaurus 43 (3-4):176-183.
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  14. The externalist challenge to conceptual engineering.Steffen Koch - 2021 - Synthese 198 (1):327–348.
    Unlike conceptual analysis, conceptual engineering does not aim to identify the content that our current concepts do have, but the content which these concepts should have. For this method to show the results that its practitioners typically aim for, being able to change meanings seems to be a crucial presupposition. However, certain branches of semantic externalism raise doubts about whether this presupposition can be met. To the extent that meanings are determined by external factors such as causal histories or microphysical (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Why Conceptual Engineers Should Not Worry About Topics.Steffen Koch - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1-21.
    This paper argues for explanatory eliminativism about topics (and cognates, such as subject matters) relative to the domain of conceptual engineering. It has become usual to think that topics serve an important explanatory role in theories of conceptual engineering, namely, to determine the limits of revision. I argue, first, that such limits can be understood either as thenormative limitspertaining to the justification of conceptual engineering, as themetaphysical limitspertaining to the identity of the concepts in question, or as theterminological limitspertaining to (...)
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  16.  81
    Totipotency, twinning, and ensoulment at fertilization.Rose Koch-Hershenov - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (2):139 – 164.
    From fertilization to approximately the sixteenth day of development, human embryonic cells are said to have the capacities of totipotency and monozygotic twinning, both of which are problematic to a theory of ensoulment at fertilization. In this article I will address the problems which these capacities pose to such a theory and present an interpretation of the biological data which renders ensoulment at fertilization more plausible. I will then argue that not only is an ensoulment theory consistent with current biological (...)
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  17. Attention and consciousness: two distinct brain processes.Christof Koch & Naotsugu Tsuchiya - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (1):16-22.
  18.  66
    Die Selbstbeziehung der Negation in Hegels Logik.Anton Friedrich Koch - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 53 (1):1 - 29.
    Den Ausgangspunkt des Aufsatzes bildet Dieter Henrichs These, daß die Negation in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik selbstreferentiell und autonomisiert vorkommt. Sie wird als exegetische These an dem daseinslogischen Sachverhalt des Anderen seiner selbst sowie am Übergang von der Seins- zur Wesenslogik bewährt und wie folgt differenziert: In der Seinslogik erscheint die Selbstbeziehung der Negation als mit Unmittelbarem kontaminiert, erst in der Wesenslogik trifft sie autonomisiert hervor. Mittel der Differenzierung ist der mengentheoretische Begriff der Unfundiertheit, der es ferner erlaubt, die These (...)
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  19.  34
    MAID’s slippery slope: a commentary on Downie and Schuklenk.Tom Koch - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):670-671.
    Canadian ethicists Jocelyn Downie and Udo Schuklenk seek to assess the effect of Canada’s decriminalisation of ‘medical assistance in dying’ ‘to inform Canada’s ongoing discussions and because other countries will confront the same questions if they contemplate changing their assisted dying law.’1 Their assessment focuses on two arguments earlier levied against expansion of these procedures. The first is that of a ‘slippery slope’ and the second is what they disingenuously call, ‘social determinants of health’. They conclude that, in both cases, (...)
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  20.  58
    Living Versus Dying “With Dignity”: A New Perspective on the Euthanasia Debate.Tom Koch - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):50.
    There has been no informed or honest debate in North America over the issue of liberalized euthanasia. Despite thousands of newspaper stories, scores of learned academic articles, a handful of closely analyzed legal decisions, and hours of broadcast news and talk show imagery, a full discussion is yet to begin.
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  21. Engineering what? On concepts in conceptual engineering.Steffen Koch - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1955-1975.
    Conceptual engineers aim to revise rather than describe our concepts. But what are concepts? And how does one engineer them? Answering these questions is of central importance for implementing and theorizing about conceptual engineering. This paper discusses and criticizes two influential views of this issue: semanticism, according to which conceptual engineers aim to change linguistic meanings, and psychologism, according to which conceptual engineers aim to change psychological structures. I argue that neither of these accounts can give us the full story. (...)
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  22.  19
    Multiple predictions during language comprehension: Friends, foes, or indifferent companions?Trevor Brothers, Emily Morgan, Anthony Yacovone & Gina Kuperberg - 2023 - Cognition 241 (C):105602.
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    Platonismus im Mittelalter: Akad. Festrede.Josef Koch - 1948 - Scherpe.
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    Kant, Fichte, Hegel und die Logik. Kleine Anmerkungen zu einem großen Thema.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2017 - In Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts (eds.), Logik / Logic. De Gruyter. pp. 291-316.
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  25. There is no dilemma for conceptual engineering. Reply to Max Deutsch.Steffen Koch - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (7):2279-2291.
    Max Deutsch has recently argued that conceptual engineering is stuck in a dilemma. If it is construed as the activity of revising the semantic meanings of existing terms, then it faces an unsurmountable implementation problem. If, on the other hand, it is construed as the activity of introducing new technical terms, then it becomes trivial. According to Deutsch, this conclusion need not worry us, however, for conceptual engineering is ill-motivated to begin with. This paper responds to Deutsch by arguing, first, (...)
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    The Meaning of Eugenics: Reflections on the Government of Genetic Knowledge in the Past and the Present.Lene Koch - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (3):315-331.
    ArgumentThe recent development of molecular genetics has created concern that society may experience a new eugenics. Notions about eugenics and what took place in the 1930s and 1940s are actively shaping questions about which uses of the new genetics should be considered illegitimate. Drawing upon a body of historiographical literature on Scandinavian eugenics, this paper argues that the dominant view of eugenics as morally and scientifically illegitimate is not tenable when it comes to the uses of compulsion, political motivation, and (...)
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  27. The Anti-Conceptual Engineering Argument and the Problem of Implementation.Steffen Koch - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1):73-85.
    Conceptual engineering concerns the assessment and improvement of our concepts. But how can proposals to engineer concepts be implemented in the real world? This is known as the implementation challenge to conceptual engineering. In this paper, I am concerned with the meta-philosophical implications of the implementation challenge. Specifically, must we overcome the implementation challenge prior to undertaking conceptual engineering? Some critics have recently answered this question affirmatively. I intend to show that they are mistaken. I argue as follows. First, successful (...)
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  28.  76
    The difference that difference makes: Bioethics and the challenge of "disability".Tom Koch - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (6):697 – 716.
    Two rival paradigms permeate bioethics. One generally favors eugenics, euthanasia, assisted suicide and other methods for those with severely restricting physical and cognitive attributes. The other typically opposes these and favors instead ample support for "persons of difference" and their caring families or loved ones. In an attempt to understand the relation between these two paradigms, this article analyzes a publicly reported debate between proponents of both paradigms, bioethicist Peter Singer and lawyer Harriet McBryde Johnson. At issue, the article concludes, (...)
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  29. How words matter: A psycholinguistic argument for meaning revision.Steffen Koch - 2024 - Mind and Language:364-380.
    Linguistic interventions aim to change our linguistic practices. A commonly discussed type of linguistic intervention is meaning revision, which seeks to associate existing words with new or revised meanings. But why does retaining old words matter so much? Why not instead introduce new words to express the newly defined meanings? Drawing on relevant psycholinguistic research, this paper develops an empirically motivated, general, and practically useful pro tanto reason to retain rather than replace the original word during the process of conceptual (...)
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  30. Some thoughts on consciousness and neuroscience.Christof Koch & Francis Crick - 2000 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The New Cognitive Neurosciences: 2nd Edition. MIT Press.
  31.  22
    The Irrelevance of History: In Defense of a Pure Functionalist Theory of Territorial Jurisdiction.Kjartan Koch Mikalsen - 2020 - Ratio Juris 33 (3):291-306.
    This article defends a pure functionalist theory of territorial jurisdiction according to which a state’s moral right to rule over a territory rests on its present moral performance as a freedom‐enabling institutional structure. A common objection against functionalist theories is that they cannot explain why it matters that one particular state has exclusive jurisdiction over a certain territory. This deficiency is often associated with the annexation challenge, which is supposed to show that functionalist theories cannot deal adequately with cases of (...)
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    A Capabilities-Based Account of Wellbeing.Peter Koch - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):85-87.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 85-87.
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    The Naturalisation of Growth: Marx, the Regulation Approach and Bourdieu.Max Koch - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (1):9-27.
    This paper analyses the hegemony of the growth paradigm through the example of its naturalisation in capitalist production and consumption relations. Applying a combination of theoretical elements from the Marxian tradition, the Regulation approach and Bourdieusian sociology, emphasis is placed on how the growth imperative is reflected in people's minds and bodies. It becomes hegemonic because it appears to be the natural way of steering economy and society. As a result, all people – including working people – benefit from the (...)
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  34. Carnapian explications, experimental philosophy, and fruitful concepts.Steffen Koch - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (6):700-717.
    It seems natural to think that Carnapian explication and experimental philosophy can go hand in hand. But what exactly explicators can gain from the data provided by experimental philosophers remains controversial. According to an influential proposal by Shepherd and Justus, explicators should use experimental data in the process of ‘explication preparation’. Against this proposal, Mark Pinder has recently suggested that experimental data can directly assist an explicator’s search for fruitful replacements of the explicandum. In developing his argument, he also proposes (...)
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  35. Literary Ethics and the Problem of Moral Rationalism in Proust and Sartre.Robyn Brothers - 1997 - Dissertation, Brown University
    This study focuses on the question of individualism in the works of Marcel Proust and Jean-Paul Sartre, particularly with regard to the issue of ethical and political selfhood. If there is to be a fruitful interaction between descriptive narrative ethics and proscriptive ethical theory, the role of the literary imagination needs to be reassessed. The resurging interest in redefining the humanist project begs the question of why exponents of individual liberty and group authority remain firmly opposed to one another. Therefore (...)
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  36. Il potere della contraddizione nella teoria e nella prassi politica.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2010 - Giornale di Metafisica 32 (2):277-296.
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    Eugenic Sterilisation in Scandinavia.Lene Koch - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (3):299-309.
    The view that eugenics was based on unscientific views has been put forward by a number of historians. It has been claimed that the early phase of eugenics, so-called mainline eugenics, was unscientific, biased against the lower classes, and racist. An ensuing reform eugenic phase, however, has been considered scientifically sound and politically progressive. This paper, based on recent studies of eugenic sterilisation in Scandinavia, challenges this view. The political and scientific arguments in favour of eugenic sterilisation laws in Scandinavia (...)
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    O tema do “deus sem ciúme”: da aphthonia grega à non invidentia agostiniana.Isabelle Koch - 2001 - Discurso 32:49-70.
    Sabemos que a noção de criação não tem lugar nas antigas cosmologias. a não ser nos discursos míticos, como o Timeu de Platão. A despeito dessa ausência, os Padres da Igreja não hesitaram em procurar, nas cosmogêneses das filosofias gregas. conceitos adequados a ajudá-los a comentar o Gênesis e a lidar com a criação do mundo e dos seres que o habitam. A partir daí, ocorreu a retomada, às vezes surpreendente, de certos conceitos, cujo sentido foi então profundamente modificado, sob (...)
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    Perceptual Experience as the Locus of Existence.Anton Friedrich Koch - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape (eds.), Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 339-347.
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    Was wir (nicht) tun, wenn wir über Gründe urteilen — Kommentar zu Constructing Practical Reasons.Felix Koch - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (4):566-571.
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  41. Solitude in Ancient Taoism.Philippe J. Koch - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (148):78-91.
    In so far as the Tao Te Ching and the Chuang Tzu are life-philosophies, they are philosophies of solitude. My aim in the following pages is to explain and defend this claim, clarifying the distinctive kind of solitude that is taught by Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.
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    Response to Special Section: Cloning: Technology, Policy, and Ethics.Tom Koch & Mary Rowell - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (2):241-245.
    A recent issue of CambridgeQuarterlyofHealthcareEthics provides a fascinating look into the uncertainties surrounding the subject of human cloning. As Nelkin and Lindee point out, for example, the popular assumption is that this technology will lead to individual immortality. life everlasting for the deserving.considers the use of cloning for the replication of human individuals to be ethically unacceptable.”.
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    The feeling of life itself: why consciousness Is widespread but can't be computed.Christof Koch - 2019 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Preface : consciousness redux -- What is consciousness? -- Who is conscious? -- Animal consciousness -- Consciousness and the rest -- Consciousness and the brain -- Tracking the footprints of consciousness -- Why we need a theory of consciousness -- Of wholes -- Tools to measure consciousness -- The uber-mind and pure consciousness -- Does consciousness have a function? -- Computationalism and experience -- Computers can't simulate experience -- Consciousness : here, there but not everywhere -- Coda : why this (...)
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    The Gulf Between; Surrogate Choices Physician Instructions, and Informal Network Respones.Tom Koch - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (2):185.
    Healthcare Providers advising patient surrogates on the appropriateness of continued care for comatose patients have often been sharply criticized for coercive behavior toward patient surrogates; with failing to provide them with adequate information; and for a general failure to adequately cinsider the cimplex needs and hopes of patients, their surrogates, and caregivers. Because decisions on the continuation or withdrawal of care often need the legal approval of surrogates the failure of both medical personnel and patient families to understand each other's (...)
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    Transparency of Conflicts of Interest: A Mixed Blessing? The Patients' Perspective.Cora Koch, Marlene Stoll, David Klemperer & Klaus Lieb - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (6):27-29.
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    Some further ideas regarding the neuronal basis of awareness.Christof Koch & Francis Crick - 1994 - In Christof Koch & Joel L. Davis (eds.), Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. MIT Press. pp. 93.
  47.  11
    Platon und die Physis.Dietmar Koch, Irmgard Männlein-Robert & Niels Weidtmann (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Der vorliegende Band umfasst Beitrage zu einem zentralen Thema bei Platon: 'Physis' kann bei Platon im naturwissenschaftlichen Sinne als physische, biologische, materielle Natur oder im ubertragenen Sinne als eigenes Wesen, etwa hinsichtlich Seele, Kosmos oder Gottlichem, verstanden werden. So werden in diesem Band medizinische, biologische und kosmologische Ansatze ebenso wie ontologische, epistemologische und padagogische Themen zu Platons 'Physis'-Konzept fokussiert. Die zeitgenossische Nomos-Physis-Diskussion Platons mit den Sophisten sowie seine sprach- und kulturphilosophischen Uberlegungen spielen hier eine wichtige Rolle. Die anspruchsvolle literarische Gestaltung (...)
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    Romance and Reason: Ontological and Social Sources of Alienation in the Writings of Max Weber.Andrew M. Koch - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    Alienation, as a theme, deeply pervaded both the work and life of Max Weber, one of the pillars of modern sociology. In this excellent new book, Andrew M. Koch analyzes the genesis of the conecpt of alienation and then, in a brilliant and imaginative turn, works to recreate the context in which Weber understood alienation in both the intellectual and lived sense.
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    Aestheticscapes und joint speech als ästhetische Strategie: Analyse eines katholischen Fürbittgebets mit ‚Exorzismus‘.Anne Koch - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 28 (2):259-275.
    ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag erläutert anhand von zwei Aestheticscapes einer charismatischen katholischen Gemeinschaft, wie mit unterschiedlichen ästhetischen Strategien das Erleben beeinflusst wird. Das hat zur Folge, dass die religiöse Botschaft multimedial intensiv und nachhaltig bei den Teilnehmenden verankert wird. Zentrale und in der Literatur schon gut belegte These ist, dass dies über den Zustand einer Absorption stattfinden kann. In den beiden Ritualsequenzen der Fallbeispiele sind es jeweils unterschiedliche Elemente aus den multimodalen Aestheticscapes, die den hypnotischen Zustand einführen, und unterschiedliche semantische Inhalte, die (...)
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  50. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement.Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.) - 2012 - John Benjamins.
    Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement is an interdisciplinary volume with contributions from philosophers, cognitive scientists, and movement therapists. Part one provides the phenomenologically grounded definition of body memory with its different typologies. Part two follows the aim to integrate phenomenology, conceptual metaphor theory, and embodiment approaches from the cognitive sciences for the development of appropriate empirical methods to address body memory. Part three inquires into the forms and effects of therapeutic work with body memory, based on the integration of theory, (...)
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