Results for 'Knowledge, Theory of (Buddhism)'

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  1.  59
    Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge.Richard H. Robinson - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (1):69-81.
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    Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge.K. N. Jayatilleke - 1963 - Foundations of Language 5 (4):560-562.
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    Buddhist theory of perception with special reference to Pramāṇa vārttika of Dharmakīrti.Chandra Shekhar Vyas - 1991 - New Delhi: Navrang. Edited by Dharmakīrti.
    Summary An attempt is made in this book to expound the Buddhist theory of perception as conceived by Dinnaga and Dharmkirti, especially as presented in Pramanavarttika of the latter. The study is divided into nine chapters. The first chapter deals with the Dinaga-Dharmakirti logico-epistemological sub-system within the overall system of Buddhist philosophy. The second chapter brings out the unique contribution of Pramanavarttika as a commentary to Pramanasamuccaya of Dinnaga. The third and fourth chapters are focused on the pre-Dinnaga and (...)
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    Theories of knowledge: its validity and its sources.Vēlūri Subbārāvu - 1998 - Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications.
  5.  12
    A philosophical development of Buddhist theory of Apoha: with reference to Nyāya-Buddhhist controversy.Lata Dilip Chhatre - 2022 - Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation.
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    Indian Buddhist studies on non-Buddhist theories of a self: the studies of Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika, Mīmāṃsā, Sāṃkhya, Jain, Vedānta and Vātsīputrīya theories of a self.James Duerlinger - 2022 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book addresses prominent views on the nature of the self in Indian philosophical traditions and presents Buddhist critiques of those conceptions through the translation and commentary on Śāntarakṣita's chapter in the Tattvasaṃgraha on theories of a self and Kamala-śīla's commentary on it in his Tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā. The book is comprised of an introduction presenting the theories of a self in the Indian Buddhist Middle Way philosophies and in the different philosophical schools Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla study and offers a background for (...)
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    Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge. [REVIEW]O. G. L. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):369-370.
    Were it not for its stratospheric price, this book should be unconditionally recommended to students of Indian philosophy. It is the most thorough and scholarly study of early Indian logic and epistemology to date, offering much more than its title promises. The author analyzes all the crucial questions in the history of early Indian philosophy, to the utmost detail, including the discussion of all previous significant literature on each specific subject. The author's sound knowledge of Western logic, however, often leads (...)
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    Walking along the paths of Buddhist epistemology.Madhumita Chattopadhyay - 2007 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Study done under the aegis of Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University.
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    A Hindu critique of Buddhist epistemology: Kumārila on perception: the "Determinatin of perception" chapter of Kumārila Bhaṭṭa's Ślokavārttika.John A. Taber - 2005 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon. Edited by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa.
    This is a translation of the chapter on perception by Kumarilabhatta's magnum opus, the Slokavarttika , which is one of the central texts of the Hindu response to the criticism of the logical-epistemological school of Buddhist thought. It is crucial for understanding the debates between Hindus and Buddhists about metaphysical, epistemological and linguistic questions during the classical period. In an extensive commentary, the author explains the course of the argument from verse to verse and alludes to other theories of classical (...)
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  10.  11
    A Hindu Critique of Buddhist Epistemology: Kumārila on Perception : the "Determination of Perception" Chapter of Kum̄arila Bhaṭṭa's Ślokavārttika : Translation and Commentary.John A. Taber & Kumåarila Bhaòtòta - 2005 - New York: Psychology Press. Edited by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa.
    This is a translation of the chapter on perception of Kumarilabhatta's magnum opus, the Slokavarttika, one of the central texts of the Hindu response to the criticism of the logical-epistemological school of Buddhist thought. In an extensive commentary, the author explains the course of the argument from verse to verse and alludes to other theories of classical Indian philosophy and other technical matters. Notes to the translation and commentary go further into the historical and philosophical background of Kumarila's ideas. The (...)
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  11.  13
    Persons of authority: the Ston pa tshad ma'i skyes bur sgrub pa'i gtam of a lag sha ngag dbang bstan dar: a Tibetan work on the central religious questions in Buddhist epistemology.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 1993 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner. Edited by Tom J. F. Tillemans.
  12. JAYATILLEKE, K. N. - "Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge". [REVIEW]N. Smart - 1966 - Mind 75:453.
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  13.  61
    Against a Hindu God: Buddhist Philosophy of Religion in India.Parimal G. Patil - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Comparative philosophy of religions -- Disciplinary challenges -- A grammar for comparison -- Comparative philosophy of religions -- Content, structure, and arguments -- Epistemology -- Religious epistemology in classical India: in defense of a Hindu god -- Interpreting Nyāya epistemology -- The Nyāya argument for the existence of Īśvara -- Defending the Nyāya argument -- Shifting the burden of proof -- Against Īśvara: Ratnakīrti's Buddhist critique -- The section on pervasion: the trouble with natural relations -- Two arguments -- The (...)
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  14.  84
    Perception: An Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge.Bimal Krishna Matilal - 1986 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book is a defence of a form of realism which stands closest to that upheld by the Nyãya-Vaid'sesika school in classical India. The author presents the Nyãya view and critically examines it against that of its traditional opponent, the Buddhist version of phenomenalism and idealism. His reconstruction of Nyãya arguments meets not only traditional Buddhist objections but also those of modern sense-data representationalists.
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  15.  23
    Contributions to the development of Tibetan Buddhist epistemology: from the eleventh to the thirteenth century.Leonard W. J. Van der Kuijp - 1983 - Wiesbaden: F. Steiner.
  16.  29
    A Critical Analysis of Dignāga’s Refutation of Non-Buddhist Schools Theory of Perception.Bhima Kumar Kukkamalla - 2024 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 41 (1):1-16.
    Among the means of valid cognition, the one which appears first in every enumeration, which was considered as being the basis of all other means of knowledge and which was considered as a legitimate method of knowledge by all schools of Indian thought is perception (pratyakṣa). With regard to perception, we can naturally expect such questions as ‘what is it to perceive’ or ‘what do we mean when we say that something is perceived’. It is generally believed that the philosophical (...)
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  17. Dkaʾ gnad kyi don gsal bar byed pa dus kyi me loṅ: a synthetic study of the Prasaṅgika methodology in the interpretation of difficult points in the understanding of Buddhist philosophy. Tshul-Khrims-Rgya-Mtsho - 1983 - New Delhi: Mongolian Lama Guru Deva.
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  18. Buddhist epistemology in the Geluk school: three key texts.Jonathan Samuels - 2025 - New York, NY, USA: Wisdom. Edited by Dar-Ma-Rin-Chen, ʼjam-Dbyangs-Bzhad-Pa Ngag-Dbang-Brtson-ʼgrus & Jonathan Samuels.
    This volume includes translations of three separate Tibetan works composed by individuals who are now regarded as iconic figures of the Geluk school of Buddhism. The first work is Banisher of Ignorance: An Ornament of the Seven Treatises on Pramāṇa, by Khedrup Gelek Palsang (1385-1438), and the second is On Preclusion and Relationship, by Gyaltsab Darma Rinchen (1364-1432). The authors-popularly known as Khedrup Jé and Gyaltsab Jé-are represented as the foremost disciples of Tsongkhapa Losang Drakpa (1357-1419), and each succeeded (...)
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  19.  41
    Ignorance, Knowledge, and Omniscience: At and Beyond the Limits of Faith and Reason after Shinran : Reflections on The Boundaries of Knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and Science, with Special Attention to Dennis Hirota.Amos Yong - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:201-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ignorance, Knowledge, and Omniscience: At and Beyond the Limits of Faith and Reason after Shinran:Reflections on The Boundaries of Knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and Science, with Special Attention to Dennis HirotaAmos YongAlthough published in the series Religion, Theologie und Naturwissenschaft, Paul Numrich's edited volume is really about epistemology in religion and science, in particular about human knowing in Buddhist and Christian traditions shaped by the world of science (...)
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  20.  22
    Buddhist Logic and Epistemology: Studies in the Buddhist Analysis of Inference and Language.Bimal Krishna Matilal & Robert D. Evans - 2012
    Most of the papers presented at a conference held at Oxford in August 1982.
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  21. Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogācāra Buddhism and the C H’Eng Wei-Shih Lun.Dan Lusthaus - 2002 - New York, NY: Routledgecurzon.
    Preface Part One Buddhism and Phenomenology Ch.1Buddhism and Phenomenology Ch.2 Husserl and Merleau-Ponty Part Two The Four Basic Buddhist Models in India Introduction Ch.3 Model One: The Five Skandhas Ch.4 Model Two: Pratitya-samutpada Ch.5 Model Three: Tridhatu Ch.6 Model Four: Sila-Samadhi-Prajna Ch.7 Asamjni-samapatti and Nirodha-samapatti Ch.8 Summary of the Four Models Part Three Karma, Meditation, and Epistemology Ch.9 Karma Ch.10 Madhyamikan Issues Ch.11 The Privilaging of Prajna-paramita Part Four Trimsika and Translations Ch.12 Texts and Translations Part Five The Ch’eng (...)
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  22.  18
    Studies in the Buddhist epistemological tradition: proceedings of the Second International Dharmakīrti Conference, Vienna, June 11-16, 1989.Ernst Steinkellner (ed.) - 1991 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
    Dieser Band beinhaltet Beiträge der in Wien 1989 veranstalteten Dharmakirti-Tagung, die einen wissenschaftsgeschichtlich bedeutsamen Schritt von den bisher ueblichen doxo-graphischen Arbeiten zu problemgeschichtlich vorgehenden Arbeiten gebracht hat.
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    Zhi shi yu jie tuo: cu cheng zong jiao zhuan hua zhi ti yan de Zang chuan fo jiao zhi shi lun = Knowledge and liberation: Tibetan Buddhist epistemology in support of transformative religious experience.Anne C. Klein - 2012 - Taibei Shi: Fa gu wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
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    The wisdom of not-knowing: essays on psychotherapy, Buddhism and life experience.Bob Chisholm & Jeff Harrison (eds.) - 2016 - Axminster, England: Triarchy Press.
    "We often find that the state of not-knowing can be a precursor to moments of rich discovery which possess a dynamic, transformative power that exceeds any prior expectation." From the Introduction In daily life, when we see, hear or touch something that we don't recognise, we are instantly at our most alert. In that condition of 'not-knowing' we are in a state of alive, lithe awareness: asking questions, inviting input, open to learning, looking for significance and meaning... These essays, most (...)
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  25. Buddhist epistemology.S. R. Bhatt - 2000 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Dignāga.
    This volume provides a clear and exhaustive exposition of Buddhist epistemology and logic, based on the works of classical thinkers such as Vasubandhu, Dinnaga,..
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  26.  9
    A sourcebook of early Buddhist philosophy.David J. Kalupahana - 2007 - Dehiwala: Buddhist Cultural Centre.
    Translation of selected portions of Buddhist canonical literature.
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    Identity and identity-based generalizations: a critique of the Buddhist doctrine of Tādātmya-Vyāpti.Nandita Bandyopadhyay - 2002 - Kolkata: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
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    The boundaries of knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and science.Paul David Numrich (ed.) - 2008 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    This volume brings together insights from religion (represented by Buddhism and Christianity) and science to address the question, What can we know about ...
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  29.  11
    Indian philosophy of knowledge: comparative study.L. C. Shastri - 2002 - Delhi, India: Global Vision Pub. House.
    The Objective Of This Highly Rewarding Book Indian Philosophy Of Knowledge Is To Highlight The Main Purpose Of Gaining Knowledge. The Highest Knowledge In Vedas And Upanisads Is The Knowledge Of Brahman Which Leads To Liberation. The Sankhya System Promises Complete Cessation Of All Sorrows. The Yoga Is Entirely Devoted To The Attainment Of Kaivalya. Gautama, In His Nyayasutra Asserts That Their Knowledge Would Lead To The Attainment Of The Liberation. The Vaisesika And Mimamsa Begins With The Interpretation Of Dharma (...)
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  30. Thai Higher Education and an Epistemological Theory of Attasammāpaṇidhi.Theptawee Chokvasin - 2019 - Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects 49:63-72.
    This essay is a philosophical construction of an epistemological theory of self-knowledge when one is an autonomous moral agent with right self-guidance. It is called, in Buddhist thought, Attasammāpaṇidhi, which means the characteristics of right self-conduct or right self-guidance. An exploration of the concept is important in Thai higher education because of the related Buddhist precept of Yonisomanasikāra, which are methods of thinking with critical reflections. This chapter considers some explanations of what knowledge might be when one knows that (...)
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    The Tattvasaṃgraha of Śāntarakṣita: selected Metaphysical chapters.Charles Goodman - 2022 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Charles Goodman.
    The Tattvasaṃgraha, or Encyclopedia of Metaphysics, is the most influential and most frequently studied philosophical text from the late period of Indian Buddhism. This edition includes verses by Śāntarakṣita (c. 725-788 CE), which are clarified and expounded in the commentary of his student Kamalaśīla (c. 740-795 CE); both of these authors played crucial roles in founding the Buddhist tradition of Tibet. In the Tattvasaṃgraha, they explain, discuss and critique a vast range of views and arguments from across the whole (...)
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  32.  9
    Buddhist epistemology, logic, and language.Lata Dilip Chhatre - 2015 - Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation.
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    Buddhist critical spirituality: Prajñā and Śūnyatā.Shōhei Ichimura - 2001 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
    This book comprises fifteen research articles primarily based on the discipline of Indian and Buddhist Studies. The collection is designed to propose a Buddhist philosophy of religion--that the insight of Prajna and Sunyata initiates a future religion which is freed both from conflict between reasoning and believing, and from goal-oriented cycles of life. It addresses transformation from the conflict-ridden quest for a supreme being, to the search for a non-theistic nature of spirituality that provides a foundation for universal human happiness (...)
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  34.  24
    Quantum Reality and Theory of Śūnya.Siddheshwar Rameshwar Bhatt (ed.) - 2019 - Springer.
    The book deals with expounding the nature of Reality as it is understood in contemporary times in Quantum Physics. It also explains the classical Indian theory of Śūnya in its diverse facets. Thereafter it undertakes comparison between the two which is an area of great topical interest. It is a cross-disciplinary study by erudite Indian and western scholars between traditional Indian knowledge system and contemporary researches in Physical sciences. It points out how the theory of ‘Śūnyatā has many (...)
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    Religion and logic in Buddhist philosophical analysis: proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakirti Conference, Vienna, August 23-27, 2005.Helmut Krasser (ed.) - 2011 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
    The proceedings volume of the Fourth International Dharmakirti Conference, held in Vienna in 2005, includes a collection of thirty-six essays devoted to the work of one of the most influential philosophers of India, the sixth-century Buddhist scholar Dharmakirti. It is the next volume in a series of Dharmakirti conference proceedings that includes, to date, Studies in the Buddhist Epistemological Tradition (Vienna 1991) and Dharmakirti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy (Vienna 1999). The papers in this volume present (...)
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  36. Buddhist Epistemology: The Study of Pramana.Jonathan Stoltz - 2009 - Religion Compass 3 (4):537-548.
    Epistemology – the study of the nature and scope of knowledge – has been an integral topic in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist scholastic communities for the past 1500 years. This article provides an overview of the Buddhist epistemological tradition, emphasizing the central role that the concept of pramana plays in Indian theories of knowledge. After elucidating the two pramanas accepted by the Buddhist epistemological tradition, the article concludes by discussing the relationship between Buddhist epistemology and Buddhist soteriology.
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  37.  6
    Studies in Buddhism.Mangala R. Chinchore - 2007 - Delhi: New Bharatiya Book.
    Essays chiefly on Buddhist philosophy and logic.
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    Chinese Buddhism and the Threat of Atheism in Seventeenth-Century Europe.Thierry Meynard - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:3-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Chinese Buddhism and the Threat of Atheism in Seventeenth-Century EuropeThierry MeynardWhen the Europeans first came to Asia, they met with the multiform presence of Buddhism. They gradually came to understand that a common religious tradition connected the different brands of Buddhism found in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Japan, and China. I propose here to examine a presentation of Buddhism written in Guangzhou by the Italian Jesuit (...)
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  39.  19
    Race, Buddhism, and the Formation of Oriental ( Tōyō ) Philosophy in Meiji Japan.Yijiang Zhong - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):53-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Race, Buddhism, and the Formation of Oriental (Tōyō) Philosophy in Meiji JapanYijiang ZhongIntroduction: Why Race for Philosophy?This paper examines the discursive efforts by Inoue Tetsujirō井上哲次郎, the foremost figure in the establishment of philosophical study in Meiji Japan, to de-Westernize Buddhism for the purpose of redefining the Orient (Tōyō 東洋) and constructing Oriental philosophy in contribution to nation-state building in Japan1. Born in 1855 to a doctor’s family (...)
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    Northern Buddhism in the culture of the East Siberian region of Russia (on the history of the Irkutsk Spiritual Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church).Alexey Zykin & Mikhail Anatol'evich Aref'ev - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The study of the cultural activity of the Spiritual missions of the Russian Orthodox Church in various regions of Russia is one of the urgent tasks in the context of the problematic field of the theory of regionalism, cultural studies and socio-philosophical knowledge. Russian settlements on the territory of the Yenisei River basin and the entry of ethnic groups and territories of Yakutia and Buryatia into the Russian Empire has become one of the most important stages of the integration (...)
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    Absolutization: the source of dogma, repression, and conflict.Robert M. Ellis - 2022 - Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
    This book puts forward a theory of absolutization, bringing together a multi-disciplinary understanding of this central flaw in human judgement, and what we can do about it. This approach, drawing on Buddhist thought and practice, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, embodied meaning and systems theory, offers a rigorous introduction to absolutization as the central problem addressed in Middle Way Philosophy, which is a synthetic approach developed by the author over more than twenty years in a series of books. It challenges (...)
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  42.  89
    The Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By GER Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi+ 175. Price not given. The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi+ 154. [REVIEW]Thomas L. Kennedy Philadelphia, Cross-Cultural Perspectives By K. Ramakrishna, Constituting Communities, Theravada Buddhism, Jacob N. Kinnard Holt & Jonathan S. Walters Albany - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):110-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By G.E.R. Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 175. Price not given.The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi + 154. Paper $10.00.The Autobiography of Jamgön Kongtrul: A Gem of Many Colors. By Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrön (...)
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  43.  10
    Understanding the mind: an explanation of the nature and functions of the mind.Kelsang Gyatso - 2002 - Glen Spey, NY: Tharpa Publications.
    This comprehensive explanation, based on Buddha's teachings and the experiences of accomplished meditators, offers a deep insight into the nature and functions of the mind. The first part describes different types of mind in detail, revealing the depth and profundity of Buddhist understanding of human psychology, and how this can be used to improve our lives. The second part is a practical guide to devbeloping and maintaining a light, positive mind--showing how to recognize and abandon states of mind that harm (...)
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  44.  8
    The Tattvasaṃgraha of Śāntarakṣita. Kamalaśīla - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Charles Goodman.
    The Tattvasaṃgraha, or Encyclopedia of Metaphysics, is the most influential and most frequently studied philosophical text from the late period of Indian Buddhism. This edition includes verses by Śāntarakṣita (c. 725-788 CE), which are clarified and expounded in the commentary of his student Kamalaśīla (c. 740-795 CE); both of these authors played crucial roles in founding the Buddhist tradition of Tibet. In the Tattvasaṃgraha, they explain, discuss and critique a vast range of views and arguments from across the whole (...)
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  45.  29
    The Buddhist Pramāṇa-Epistemology, Logic, and Language: with Reference to Vasubandhu, Dignāga, and Dharmakīrti.Hari Shankar Prasad - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (1-2):21-52.
    As the title of the present article shows, it highlights the three philosophically integrated areas – (1) pramāṇa-epistemology (theory of comprehensive knowledge involving both perception and inference), (2) logic (although a part of pramāṇa-epistemology, it has two modes, namely, inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning), and (3) language (or semantics, i.e. the double negation theory of meaning, which falls under inference). These are interconnected as well as overlapping within the Buddhist mainstream tradition of the process philosophy as opposed to (...)
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  46.  32
    Buddhism and modern physics, Volume 1.Robert Alan Paul - 2016 - Halifax, Canada: Self-published,
    The book investigates distinctions between independent individuality and interactive relationality in physical phenomena. This is a common topic for investigation in modern physics and philosophy of science, and the topic is explored using contemporary research in those disciplines. Additionally, it is common for Buddhism to focus on relationships, and it proposes that independent individual things do not exist. In the context of physical reality, I take this Buddhist view as a hypothesis and examine it critically. We evaluate its arguments (...)
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    Jinendrabuddhi's Viśālāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā. Jinendrabuddhi, Helmut Krasser & Horst Lasic - 2005 - Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. Edited by Ernst Steinkellner, Helmut Krasser & Horst Lasic.
    The present volume marks the beginning of a series of "Sanskrit Texts From the Tibetan Autonomous Region" jointly published by the publishing houses of the China Tibetology Research Center, Beijing, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, on the basis of a "General Agreement on Cooperative Studies of Copies of Sanskrit Texts and their Joint Publication" signed January 9, 2004. It is also the first result of a cooperation between the Chinese Tibetology Research Center and the Institute for Cultural and (...)
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  48.  3
    Buddhist phenomenology: a Theravāda perspective.Chandra B. Varma - 1993 - Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers.
  49.  50
    Know Thyself: The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge.Mitchell S. Green - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Know Thyself: The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge takes the reader on tour of the nature, value, and limits of self-knowledge. Mitchell S. Green calls on classical sources like Plato and Descartes, 20th-century thinkers like Freud, recent developments in neuroscience and experimental psychology, and even Buddhist philosophy to explore topics at the heart of who we are. The result is an unvarnished look at both the achievements and drawbacks of the many attempts to better know one's own self. Key topics (...)
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    Buddhism & science.Paul Dahlke - 1913 - London,: Macmillan. Edited by Sīlācāra.
    This book explores the compatibility between Buddhist thought and scientific method. It delves into the nature of cognition, perception, and morality from a Buddhist perspective, and critically evaluates scientific theories of evolution and the nature of the self. Lovers of philosophy, religion, or science will enjoy engaging with this thought-provoking text. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public (...)
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