Results for 'Kiyohiro Maeda'

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  1. "Ga" no shisō: Maeda Sengaku Hakushi kanreki kinen ronshū.Sengaku Maeda & Tåokyåo Daigaku (eds.) - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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  2. Genres as Rules.Kiyohiro Sen - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    What is unique about art genres? In this paper, I will show that genres are best understood as clusters of regulative rules for appreciation. Evaluation, interpretation, and other appreciative responses to a work of art are sensitive to how the work is categorised, and genres are the categories that play a normative role in this context. Genres as rules have social foundations and arise from a speech act that I distinguish from classification and call framing. Based on this account, I (...)
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  3. An Institutional Theory of Art Categories.Kiyohiro Sen - 2022 - Debates in Aesthetics 18 (1):31-43.
    It is widely acknowledged that categories play significant roles in the appreciation of artworks. This paper argues that the correct categories of artworks are institutionally established through social processes. Section 1 examines the candidates for determining correct categories and proposes that this question should shift the focus from category membership to appreciative behaviour associated with categories. Section 2 draws on Francesco Guala’s theory of institutions to show that categories of artworks are established as rules-in-equilibrium. Section 3 reviews the explanatory benefits (...)
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  4. A Study of Consciousness in Farming and Fishing Villagers: Religious Faith through Festivals of Gods! Sumiko Hattorr 147 Eliciting the Maturity in Structural Knowledge through Concepts Sorting Task.Hiroshi Maeda & Kazuko Shinohara - 1999 - Educational Studies 41:301.
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  5. Bēdānta no tetsugaku.Sengaku Maeda - 1980
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  6. Edo kōki no shisō kūkan.Tsutomu Maeda - 2009 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
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  7. (1 other version)Indo-teki shikō.Sengaku Maeda - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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  8.  34
    Post-event Processing Predicts Impaired Cortisol Recovery Following Social Stressor: The Moderating Role of Social Anxiety.Shunta Maeda, Tomoya Sato, Hironori Shimada & Hideki Tsumura - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:302895.
    There is growing evidence that individuals with social anxiety show impaired cortisol recovery after experiencing social evaluative stressors. Yet, little is known regarding the cognitive processes underlying such impaired cortisol recovery. The present study examined the effect of post-event processing (PEP), referred to as repetitive thinking about social situations, on cortisol recovery following a social stressor. Forty-two non-clinical university students (23 women, 19 men, mean age = 22.0 ± 2.0 years) completed the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), followed by a (...)
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  9. Shakai sonzai no ronri.Takae Maeda - 1978
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    Texte de l’espace – espace du texte.Ai Maeda - 2021 - Philosophie 150 (3):68-90.
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    That’s Beyond My Imagination!Kiyohiro Sen - 2024 - Contemporary Aesthetics 22.
    According to one strongly supported view, fiction is a functional kind that communicates imaginings. Combining this definitional thesis with a plausible principle concerning functional kinds leads to the following evaluative thesis: features that contribute to communicating imaginings constitute good-making features as fiction, and features that impede this constitute bad-making features as fiction. However, this thesis is at odds with the actual practice of fiction. Critics can show their admiration for complicated works of fiction by stating, “That’s beyond my imagination!” I (...)
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  12.  44
    Court Rank for Village Shrines: The Yoshida House's Interactions with Local Shrines during the Mid-Tokugawa Period.Hiromi Maeda - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 29 (3-4):325-358.
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    Indo chūsei shisō kenkyū.Sengaku Maeda (ed.) - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
  14. Kinsei Nihon no Jugaku to heigaku.Tsutomu Maeda - 1996 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
  15.  18
    Modification of Eye–Head Coordination With High Frequency Random Noise Stimulation.Yusuke Maeda, Makoto Suzuki, Naoki Iso, Takuhiro Okabe, Kilchoon Cho & Yin-Jung Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The vestibulo-ocular reflex plays an important role in controlling the gaze at a visual target. Although patients with vestibular hypofunction aim to improve their VOR function, some retain dysfunction for a long time. Previous studies have explored the effects of direct current stimulation on vestibular function; however, the effects of random noise stimulation on eye–head coordination have not previously been tested. Therefore, we aimed to clarify the effects of high frequency noisy vestibular stimulation on eye–head coordination related to VOR function. (...)
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    Rapid Return for School Refusal: A School-Based Approach Applied With Japanese Adolescents.Naoki Maeda & David Heyne - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:481775.
    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often effective in the treatment of school refusal (SR). Its usefulness is limited, however, if youth displaying SR also refuse to attend treatment sessions. In these cases parents and school staff may consider using school-based interventions that do not rely on face-to-face assessment and treatment with the young person. The current study examined the effectiveness of a school-based intervention applied in Japan to achieve rapid return to school among adolescents displaying SR. Between 2009 and 2015, (...)
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  17. Tōyō ni okeru ningenkan: Indo shisō to Bukkyō o chūshin to shite.Sengaku Maeda (ed.) - 1987 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  18. Categorizing Art.Kiyohiro Sen - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Tokyo
    This dissertation examines the practice of categorizing works of art and its relationship to art criticism. How a work of art is categorized influences how it is appreciated and criticized. Being frightening is a merit for horror, but a demerit for lullabies. The brushstrokes in Monet's "Impression, Sunrise" (1874) look crude when seen as a Neoclassical painting, but graceful when seen as an Impressionist painting. Many of the judgments we make about artworks are category-dependent in this way, but previous research (...)
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  19.  16
    Time Pressure and In-group Favoritism in a Minimal Group Paradigm.Kaede Maeda & Hirofumi Hashimoto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20. Kyōiku kiso ron.Hiroshi Maeda - 1970
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  21. Pasukaru.Yōichi Maeda - 1968
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  22. Pasukaru to gendai.Yōichi Maeda - 1969
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    The way to liberation: indological studies in Japan.Sengaku Maeda (ed.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Manohar Publishers & Distribitors.
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    External constraints on female political participation.Yukio Maeda - 2005 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 6 (3):345-373.
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    Exploring the Nexus of Psychological Safety and Physical Health in the Workplace: A Machine Learning Augmented Study.Satoshi Maeda - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 53 (3):295-315.
    This paper investigates the connection between psychological safety at work and physical health outcomes. Employing data from roughly a thousand respondents in Tokyo in 2021 and utilizing machine learning techniques along with traditional statistics, the study reveals that this popular concept in the field of business management and organization behavior, “psychological safety” at work, can enhance physical health of workers under certain conditions. The finding that its effect remains even when mental stress levels are controlled along with basic ascriptive variables, (...)
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    Quidditistic Qualia).Takahiro Maeda - 2009 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 37 (1):29-38.
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    The Relationship between Hospital Market Competition, Evidence-Based Performance Measures, and Mortality for Chronic Heart Failure.Jared Lane K. Maeda & Anthony T. Lo Sasso - 2012 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 49 (2):164-175.
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    How Do the Hospital Prices Paid by Medicare Advantage Plans and Commercial Plans Compare With Medicare Fee-for-Service Prices?Jared Lane K. Maeda & Lyle Nelson - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801877965.
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    Perceptual Experience as a Cross-Time Relation.Takahiro Maeda - 2007 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 35 (1):29-38.
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    Potential influence of decision time on punishment behavior and its evaluation.Kaede Maeda, Yuka Kumai & Hirofumi Hashimoto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies on whether punishers are rewarded by reputational gains have yielded conflicting results. Some studies have argued that punitive behaviors potentially result in a positive evaluation, while others have found the opposite. This study aims to clarify the conditions that lead to the positive evaluation of costly punishment. Study 1 utilized one-round and repeated public goods game situations and manipulated decision time for participants’ punitive behavior toward the non-cooperative person in the situation. We also asked participants to report their (...)
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  31.  13
    Fickle Judgments in Moral Dilemmas: Time Pressure and Utilitarian Judgments in an Interdependent Culture.Hirofumi Hashimoto, Kaede Maeda & Kaede Matsumura - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the trolley problem, a well-known moral dilemma, the intuitive process is believed to increase deontological judgments, while deliberative reasoning is thought to promote utilitarian decisions. Therefore, based on the dual-process model, there seems to be an attempt to save several lives at the expense of a few others in a deliberative manner. This study examines the validity of this argument. To this end, we manipulate decision-making time in the standard trolley dilemma to compare differences among 119 Japanese female undergraduates (...)
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    Reuse of cardiac organs in transplantation: an ethical analysis.Shoichi Maeda Eisuke Nakazawa, Aru Akabayashi Keiichiro Yamamoto, Margie Yuzaburo Uetake, Richard H. Shaw & Akira Akabayashi A. Demme - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-7.
    This paper examines the ethical aspects of organ transplant surgery in which a donor heart is transplanted from a first recipient, following determination of death by neurologic criteria, to a second recipient. Retransplantation in this sense differs from that in which one recipient undergoes repeat heart transplantation of a newly donated organ, and is thus referred to here as “reuse cardiac organ transplantation.” Medical, legal, and ethical analysis, with a main focus on ethical analysis. From the medical perspective, it is (...)
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  33.  15
    Between Fact and Fabrication: How Visual Art Might Nurture Environmental Consciousness.Rebecca Buening, Takuya Maeda, Kongmeng Liew & Eiji Aramaki - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:925843.
    Previous studies have highlighted the communicative limitations of artistic visualizations, which are often too conceptual or interpretive to enhance public understanding of (and volition to act upon) scientific climate information. This seems to suggest a need for greater factuality/concreteness in artistic visualization projects, which may indeed be the case. However, in this paper, we synthesize insights from environmental psychology, the psychology of art, and intermediate disciplines like eco-aesthetics, to argue that artworks—defined by their counterfactual qualities—can be effective for stimulating elements (...)
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    Current status of umbilical cord blood storage and provision to private biobanks by institutions handling childbirth in Japan.Misao Fujita, Shoichi Maeda, Taichi Hatta, Kenichiro Kawabe & Maho Murata - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundThe Act Regarding the Promotion of the Appropriate Supply of Hematopoietic Stem Cells for Transplant regulates only how public banks store and provide umbilical cord blood for research or transplantation. Japan had no laws to regulate how the private banks manage the procedures, harvesting, preparation, and storage of such blood. As a result, the status of UCB distribution remains unknown. We conducted a survey to investigate the current status of UCB storage and provision to private biobanks by Japanese institutions that (...)
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  35.  13
    Collegial Organizational Climate Alleviates Japanese Schoolteachers’ Risk for Burnout.Hirofumi Hashimoto & Kaede Maeda - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of the current study was to examine the influence of individuals’ help-seeking preference and their collective perception of the organizational climate in school on teachers’ mental health. Previous studies demonstrated that HSP was negatively associated with risk of burnout, suggesting that teachers who hesitate to seek help from their colleagues are more likely to have mental health problems. Thus, the current study hypothesized that a collegial organizational climate would be negatively associated with burnout. To test this hypothesis, we (...)
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    Attitudes toward clinical autopsy in unexpected patient deaths in Japan: a nation-wide survey of the general public and physicians.Etsuko Kamishiraki, Shoichi Maeda, Jay Starkey & Noriaki Ikeda - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (12):735-741.
    Context Autopsy is a useful tool for understanding the cause and manner of unexpected patient death. However, the attitudes of the general public and physicians in Japan about clinical autopsy are limited. Objective To describe the beliefs of the general public about whether autopsy should be performed and ascertain if they would actually request one given specific clinical situations where patient death occurred with the additional variable of medical error. To compare these attitudes with previously obtained attitudes of physicians practising (...)
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  37. Buntai.Shuichi Kato & Ai Maeda - 1989
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    Pseudoelasticity in Au-Cu-Zn thermoelastic martensite.S. Miura, S. Maeda & N. Nakanishi - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (3):565-581.
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    Longitudinal survey of depressive symptoms among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan.Kyoko Nomura, Teiichiro Yamazaki, Eri Maeda, Junko Hirayama, Kyoichi Ono, Masahito Fushimi, Kazuo Mishima & Fumio Yamamoto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While changes in response to the different stages of the pandemic remain unknown, this study investigated the longitudinal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on depressive symptoms in Japanese university students and identified factors associated with new onset of depression and suicidal ideation. Two surveys were conducted at one university in Akita, Japan, during the first COVID-19 outbreak period and 1 year later. Moderate depressive symptoms were defined as a Patient Health Questionnaire-9 score ≥ 10 and suicide-related ideation score ≥ 1 (...)
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  40.  26
    Incident-energy dependence of crystalline structures of ion beam deposited Au thin films.T. Takizawa, T. Maeda, M. Kiuchi, S. Yoshimura & S. Hamaguchi - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (10):1487-1495.
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    Explaining the Breakdown of Dominant Party Systems: Party Splits and the Mechanisms of Factional Bargaining.Shiro Sakaiya & Kentaro Maeda - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (3):397-415.
    This paper presents an explanation for the breakdown of dominant party systems. In contrast to previous works that examine how ruling parties lose their dominant position as a result of interparty competition, this paper focuses on how they are undermined from within by factional conflict. Through an overview of dominant party systems in the postwar world, we show that most of the ruling parties suffered from major splits that significantly reduced their electoral strengths before their final electoral defeat. In order (...)
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    Genetic basis for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy.Kazunori Shimada, Shuichiro Maeda & Shukuro Araki - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (5):208-212.
    Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is an inherited systemic amyloidosis, characterized by the extracellular deposition of fibrillar amyloid protein, i.e. a variant type of prealbumin, and by prominent peripheral nerve involvement. We recently established the basis of FAP, using a cloned human prealbumin cDNA, restriction endonuclease(s) and Southern blot procedures. This approach clearly revealed a direct link between mutation in the prealbumin gene and FAP; individuals with FAP are heterozygous for the prealbumin gene, carrying one normal and one mutant gene. Molecular (...)
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  43.  30
    Galvanic Tongue Stimulation Inhibits Five Basic Tastes Induced by Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions.Kazuma Aoyama, Kenta Sakurai, Satoru Sakurai, Makoto Mizukami, Taro Maeda & Hideyuki Ando - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Edo Jugaku no Chūyō chūshaku.Tsuyuhiko Ichiki, Shunsaku Nakamura, Yūichirō Tajiri & Tsutomu Maeda (eds.) - 2012 - Tōkyō: Kyūko Shoin.
  45. Civic Performance Outcomes and Market Morality: Using NAEP to Address the Civic Efficacy of Charter Schools.Chrystal S. Johnson, Godwin Gyimah, Chenchen Lu, Yukiko Maeda & Jennifer Sdunzik - 2025 - Journal of Social Studies Research 49 (1):24-36.
    Advancing civic learning and competence remains a fundamental objective in social studies education. Persistent civic performance outcome gaps, similar to other educational achievement disparities, are influenced by race, class, and other social constraints. Charter schools, known for their innovative structures and curricula, are often proposed as a solution for enhancing civic outcomes, particularly for Black and Hispanic youth. This study analyzes the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2014 and 2018 Civics Grade 8 results using a multilevel regression model to (...)
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  46.  18
    Statistical Learning Model of the Sense of Agency.Shiro Yano, Yoshikatsu Hayashi, Yuki Murata, Hiroshi Imamizu, Takaki Maeda & Toshiyuki Kondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A sense of agency (SoA) is the experience of subjective awareness regarding the control of one’s actions. Humans have a natural tendency to generate prediction models of the environment and adapt their models according to changes in the environment. The SoA is associated with the degree of the adaptation of the prediction models, e.g., insufficient adaptation causes low predictability and lowers the SoA over the environment. Thus, identifying the mechanisms behind the adaptation process of a prediction model related to the (...)
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    Cuidados Psicológicos à Trabalhadores do Serviço Funerário.Cecilia Côrtes Carvalho, Isabela Garcia Rosa, Érika Perina Motoyama, Tatiane Sayuri Maeda, Giorgia Caterina Quattrone Troiano Valentim Cruz, Giovanna Vaz De Donno, Thais Fonseca Ares & Maria Helena Pereira Franco - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    Este relato de experiência discute um eixo de um projeto de ensino, pesquisa e extensão multi e interdisciplinar sobre educação e humanização da morte. Trata-se de ações da Psicologia destinadas à saúde mental dos trabalhadores do serviço funerário da cidade de São Paulo. A intervenção dividiu-se em duas etapas: visitas aos cemitérios, para aproximação daqueles pesquisadores à realidade e às demandas desses servidores; e oficinas com técnicas de dinâmica de grupo. Estas aconteceram por cinco meses, contaram com 130 participantes — (...)
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  48. Chapter VII. Space electricity 505.J. F. Clark, N. D. Clarence, H. Norinder, T. Obayashi, K. Maeda, R. C. Sagalyn & G. L. Gdalevich - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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  49. Gengo tetsugaku no chihei: Maruyama Keizaburō no sekai.Keizauburō Maruyama, Shūichi Kaganoi, Hideki Maeda, Kenji Tatsukawa & Kenzō Akaba (eds.) - 1993 - Tōkyō: Hatsubai Seiunsha.
  50.  40
    Peptide drugs accelerate BMP‐2‐induced calvarial bone regeneration and stimulate osteoblast differentiation through mTORC1 signaling. [REVIEW]Yasutaka Sugamori, Setsuko Mise-Omata, Chizuko Maeda, Shigeki Aoki, Yasuhiko Tabata, Ramachandran Murali, Hisataka Yasuda, Nobuyuki Udagawa, Hiroshi Suzuki, Masashi Honma & Kazuhiro Aoki - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (8):717-725.
    Both W9 and OP3‐4 were known to bind the receptor activator of NF‐κB ligand (RANKL), inhibiting osteoclastogenesis. Recently, both peptides were shown to stimulate osteoblast differentiation; however, the mechanism underlying the activity of these peptides remains to be clarified. A primary osteoblast culture showed that rapamycin, an mTORC1 inhibitor, which was recently demonstrated to be an important serine/threonine kinase for bone formation, inhibited the peptide‐induced alkaline phosphatase activity. Furthermore, both peptides promoted the phosphorylation of Akt and S6K1, an upstream molecule (...)
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