Results for 'Kirsten Nohr'

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  1.  14
    Practising Social Work Ethics Around the World: Cases and Commentaries.Sarah Banks & Kirsten Nohr (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    Ethics is an increasingly important theme in social work practice. Worldwide, social workers experience common ethical challenges in very different contexts – from disaster relief in China to child protection work in Palestine. This book takes as its starting point real life cases featuring ethical problems in the areas of: negotiating roles and boundaries, respecting rights, being fair, challenging and developing organisations and working with policy and politics. Each case opens with a brief introduction, is followed by two commentaries and (...)
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  2. Ethical Implications and Accountability of Algorithms.Kirsten Martin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):835-850.
    Algorithms silently structure our lives. Algorithms can determine whether someone is hired, promoted, offered a loan, or provided housing as well as determine which political ads and news articles consumers see. Yet, the responsibility for algorithms in these important decisions is not clear. This article identifies whether developers have a responsibility for their algorithms later in use, what those firms are responsible for, and the normative grounding for that responsibility. I conceptualize algorithms as value-laden, rather than neutral, in that algorithms (...)
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    Histories of sexology today: Reimagining the boundaries of scientia sexualis.Kirsten Leng & Katie Sutton - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (1):3-9.
    The historiography of sexology is young. It is also expanding at a remarkable pace, both in terms of the volume of publications and, more notably, in terms of its geographical, disciplinary, and intersectional reach. This special issue takes stock of these new directions, while offering new research contributions that expand our understanding of the interdisciplinary and transnational formation of this field from the late 19th through to the mid 20th century. The five articles that make up this special issue stage (...)
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    Beauty’s Ballad and the Colors of the Gown.Kirsten Bender - 1988 - Overheard in Seville 6 (6):25-29.
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  5. Conscious objections: God and the consciousness debates.Kirsten Birkett - 2006 - Zygon 41 (2):249-266.
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    Learning with diagrams: Effects on inferences and the integration of information.Kirsten R. Butcher & Walter Kintsch - 2004 - In A. Blackwell, K. Marriott & A. Shimojima, Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Springer. pp. 337--340.
  7. Cast Upon Their Own Resources.Kirsten Drotner - 1999 - In Morag Shiach, Feminism and cultural studies. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 89.
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    Self-Defining Worlds. The Anthropological Notion of Reality.Kirsten Hastrup - 1993 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 28 (1):61-79.
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    Gott als Möglichkeit: ein religionsphilosophischer Zugang.Andreas Nohr - 2020 - Hamburg: Medien Kontor Hamburg.
    Beginn : das Narrativ -- Traditionelle Denkmöglichkeiten -- Alternative Denkmöglichkeiten -- Unbedingte Möglichkeit -- Entfaltung -- Konsequenzen -- Schluss : das Narrativ.
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    Polemical Pain: Slavery, Cruelty, and the Rise of Humanitarianism.Kirsten Schultz - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (1):142-143.
  11.  25
    A Hermeneutics of Intimacy.Kirsten Wesselhoeft - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (1):165-192.
    All four of the volumes discussed here integrate erudite historical and textual scholarship in Islamic studies with clearly articulated ethical and theological projects of gender justice, which are in turn rooted in the authors’ engagements in Muslim communities worldwide. This combination is a hallmark of recent work on gender and sexuality in Islamic contexts, where scholars foreground the complex intersection of their own ethical standpoints, their historically and linguistically grounded exegesis of classical sources, and their hopes for gender justice in (...)
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    Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology: Introduction to the Symposium.Kirsten Martin, Katie Shilton & Jeffery Smith - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):307-317.
    While the ethics of technology is analyzed across disciplines from science and technology studies, engineering, computer science, critical management studies, and law, less attention is paid to the role that firms and managers play in the design, development, and dissemination of technology across communities and within their firm. Although firms play an important role in the development of technology, and make associated value judgments around its use, it remains open how we should understand the contours of what firms owe society (...)
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    The separation of technology and ethics in business ethics.Kirsten E. Martin & R. Edward Freeman - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (4):353-364.
    The purpose of this paper is to draw out and make explicit the assumptions made in the treatment of technology within business ethics. Drawing on the work of Freeman (1994, 2000) on the assumed separation between business and ethics, we propose a similar separation exists in the current analysis of technology and ethics. After first identifying and describing the separation thesis assumed in the analysis of technology, we will explore how this assumption manifests itself in the current literature. A different (...)
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    Consequences of Moral Transgressions: How Regulatory Focus Orientation Motivates or Hinders Moral Decoupling.Kirsten Cowan & Atefeh Yazdanparast - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):115-132.
    How can firms mitigate the impact of moral violations on consumer evaluations? This question has pervaded the business ethics literature. Though prior research has identified decoupling as a moral reasoning strategy where consumers separate moral judgments from evaluations, it is unclear what motivates individuals to decouple. It is the objective of this research to explore regulatory focus theory as a motivating factor for moral decoupling. Three experiments are undertaken. Study one demonstrates that with a prevention mindset as opposed to promotion (...)
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    On Kirsten Malmkjær, Translation and creativity London, Routledge, 2020, pp. 140.Kirsten Malmkiær, Defeng Li & Marco Josep Borrillo - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
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    A world unglued: simultanagnosia as a spatial restriction of attention.Kirsten A. Dalrymple, Jason J. S. Barton & Alan Kingstone - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  17.  18
    On Kirsten Malmkjær, Translation and creativity London, Routledge, 2020, pp. 140.Kirsten Malmkjær, Defeng Li & Josep Marco Borillo - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
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  18. How to be consistent without saving the greater number.Kirsten Meyer - 2006 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (2):136–146.
  19.  41
    Spatiality and Agency: A Phenomenology of Containment.Kirsten Jacobson - 2020 - Puncta 3 (2):54-75.
    In this essay, I consider how spatial experience is fundamentally connected to the development and maintenance of “existential healthy” agency. More specifically, I examine how our formation as choosing, active, and self-defining persons is dependent upon the spatially-thick and interpersonally-interwoven “gestures” through which we develop a lived sense of space as supportive and cooperative or hostile and threatening. I conclude from this both that existentially healthy agency is always already a relational capacity, and, more central to my focus here, that (...)
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    Does autonomy count in favor of labeling genetically modified food?Kirsten Hansen - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (1):67-76.
    In this paper I argue that consumerautonomy does not count in favor of thelabeling of genetically modified foods (GMfoods) more than for the labeling of non-GMfoods. Further, reasonable considerationssupport the view that it is non-GM foods ratherthan GM foods that should be labeled.
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  21.  51
    Are Algorithmic Decisions Legitimate? The Effect of Process and Outcomes on Perceptions of Legitimacy of AI Decisions.Kirsten Martin & Ari Waldman - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):653-670.
    Firms use algorithms to make important business decisions. To date, the algorithmic accountability literature has elided a fundamentally empirical question important to business ethics and management: Under what circumstances, if any, are algorithmic decision-making systems considered legitimate? The present study begins to answer this question. Using factorial vignette survey methodology, we explore the impact of decision importance, governance, outcomes, and data inputs on perceptions of the legitimacy of algorithmic decisions made by firms. We find that many of the procedural governance (...)
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    Empirical Methods in Animal Ethics.Kirsten Persson & David Shaw - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (5):853-866.
    In this article the predominant, purely theoretical perspectives on animal ethics are questioned and two important sources for empirical data in the context of animal ethics are discussed: methods of the social and methods of the natural sciences. Including these methods can lead to an empirical animal ethics approach that is far more adapted to the needs of humans and nonhuman animals and more appropriate in different circumstances than a purely theoretical concept solely premised on rational arguments. However, the potential (...)
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    The Effect of Distance on Moral Engagement: Event Related Potentials and Alpha Power are Sensitive to Perspective in a Virtual Shooting Task.Kirsten Petras, Sanne ten Oever & Bernadette M. Jansma - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Sorecery and Shamanism: Curanderos and Clients in Northern Peru.Kirsten Bonde - 1996 - Anthropology of Consciousness 7 (2):30-31.
    Sorcery and Shamanism: Curanderos and Clients in Northern Peru. Donald Joralemon and Douglas Sharon. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1993. 306 pp. $35.00 (cloth).
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    Sri Lanka. Tim Page. Text by Nigel Palmer.Kirsten Gunward - 1986 - Buddhist Studies Review 3 (2):181-182.
    Sri Lanka. Tim Page. Text by Nigel Palmer. Thames & Hudson, London 1984. 136pp. 92 photographs in colour. £20.
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    Der moralische Status von Tieren, Lebewesen und der Natur.Kirsten Meyer - 2011 - In Ralf Stoecker, Christian Neuhäuser & Marie-Luise Raters, Handbuch Angewandte Ethik. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler. pp. 823-829.
    Tieren, UmweltUmweltethikPflanzenPflanze, Ökosystemen, Arten oder der ganzen Natur wirdStatus, moralischer in der tier- und umweltethischenPflichtgegenüber Tieren Diskussion ein eigener moralischer Status zuerkannt. Wir haben demnach nicht lediglich Pflichten gegenüber anderen Menschen, sondern auch gegenüber der Natur. In der DiskussionPflichtgegenüber der Natur um den moralischen Status von Tieren, Lebewesen und der Natur geht es einerseits um die Frage, wer überhaupt einen eigenen moralischen Status hat, also z. B. nur Tiere oder auch Pflanzen. Weiterhin wird diskutiert, welche moralischen Forderungen mit diesem Status (...)
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  27.  18
    Pacifism and Moral Judgment.Kirsten Meyer - 2015 - In Ralf Stoecker & Marco Iorio, Actions, Reasons and Reason. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 127-140.
    Do we endanger peace by placing ourselves morally above others? Rudiger Bittner's pacifism is based on a general advocacy of peacefulness - and a warning against the corrupting influence of morality. It seems, however, that pacifists themselves need to make moral judgments. In the following, I will show that Bittner's critique of morality is well suited to guide the pacifist in deciding whether, when and how to deliver moral judgments.
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    Repliken zu den Kommentaren.Kirsten Meyer - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (1):149-152.
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  29. There Is Hope for a Tree: The Tree as Metaphor in Isaiah.Kirsten Nolan Nihsen & Danna Nolan Fewell - 1989
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    Transit Space: No Place is Nowhere.Kirsten Marie Raahauge - 2008 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 21 (3):125-130.
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    Rhyme and Word Placement in Storybooks Support High-Level Verb Mapping in 3- to 5-Year-Olds.Kirsten Read & Jacqueline Quirke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    VII. Verbesserungsansätze zum Designschutz in der Schiffbauindustrie.Kirsten-Inger Wöhrn - 2009 - In Designschutz in der Schiffbauindustriedesign Protection in the Shipbuilding Industry. Copyright and Design Patent Protection of Vessels: Urheber- Und Geschmacksmusterrechtlicher Schutz von Schiffsbauten. De Gruyter Recht.
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  33. I can't believe we made it" : Romanticism and Afropresentism in Works of African American Female Hip Hop and R'n'B Artists.Kirsten Zemke - 2022 - In James Rovira, Women in rock, women in romanticism. New York: Routledge.
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    Discourse analysis and the impact of the philosophy of E nlightenment in nursing research.Kirsten Beedholm, Kirsten Lomborg & Kirsten Frederiksen - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):112-120.
    Discourse analysis has been introduced into nursing research as an approach which has the potential to offer new perspectives and to pose new questions to taken‐for‐granted assumptions. However, critique has arisen that when applied to nursing studies, the epistemological foundation of the discourse analysis is often overlooked. It is furthermore claimed that the methodological inspiration does not lead to any new insights and that these studies can hardly be differentiated from more traditional studies. This study supports this critique, arguing that (...)
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  35.  87
    Newton: From Certainty to Probability?Kirsten Walsh - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):866-878.
    Newton’s earliest publications contained scandalous epistemological claims: not only did he aim for certainty; he also claimed success. Some commentators argue that Newton ultimately gave up claims of certainty in favor of a high degree of probability. I argue that no such shift occurred. I examine the evidence of a probabilistic shift: a passage from query 23/31 of the Opticks and rule 4 of the Principia. Neither passage supports a probabilistic approach to natural philosophy. The aim of certainty, then, was (...)
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  36. Heidegger, Winnicott, and The Velveteen Rabbit: Anxiety, Toys, and the Drama of Metaphysics.Kirsten Jacobson - 2011 - In Peter R. Costello, Philosophy in Children's Literature. Lexington Books. pp. 1-20.
  37.  25
    Feminism and the Invisible Fat Man.Kirsten Bell & Darlene McNaughton - 2007 - Body and Society 13 (1):107-131.
    In this article we argue that the complex connections between gender and fatness have not been fully examined, particularly in so far as they relate to men. We consider the role of early feminist literature in establishing the idea that the fear of fatness is fundamentally tied up with patriarchy and the ways this also underwrites more recent examinations of fatness and gender. Moreover, we assert that popular feminist scholarship has actively produced the assumption that weight is not only a (...)
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    A Metaanalysis of Perceptual Organization in Schizophrenia, Schizotypy, and Other High-Risk Groups Based on Variants of the Embedded Figures Task.Kirsten R. Panton, David R. Badcock & Johanna C. Badcock - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  39.  94
    Understanding Privacy Online: Development of a Social Contract Approach to Privacy.Kirsten Martin - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (3):551-569.
    Recent scholarship in philosophy, law, and information systems suggests that respecting privacy entails understanding the implicit privacy norms about what, why, and to whom information is shared within specific relationships. These social contracts are important to understand if firms are to adequately manage the privacy expectations of stakeholders. This paper explores a social contract approach to developing, acknowledging, and protecting privacy norms within specific contexts. While privacy as a social contract—a mutually beneficial agreement within a community about sharing and using (...)
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  40.  13
    Was Sind Gene Nicht?: Über Die Grenzen des Biologischen Essentialismus.Kirsten Schmidt - 2013 - Transcript Verlag.
    Gene gelten im Allgemeinen als die Essenz eines Lebewesens, die all seine charakteristischen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Aus biologischer Sicht trifft diese Vorstellung jedoch längst nicht mehr zu. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches steht daher die Frage, warum und wie das essentialistische Denken die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung biologischer Forschungsprojekte immer noch beeinflusst. Anhand aktueller Erkenntnisse der Genetik und Epigenetik geht Kirsten Schmidt auf die Suche nach einer neuen Interpretation des Genbegriffs im Zeitalter der Postgenomik. Das Verständnis von Genen als dynamischen Prozessen erweist sich (...)
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    Talents, abilities and educational justice.Kirsten Meyer - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (8):799-809.
    The assumption that students are differently talented often underlies the public and philosophical debate about the justice of school systems. It is striking that despite the centrality of the notion of ‘talent’ in these debates, the concept is hardly ever explicated. I will suggest two explications: First, philosophers who point to different talents often assume that these are somehow fixed potentials that pose limits to what someone can achieve. According to this understanding, no matter how hard someone tries, she simply (...)
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  42. The Gift of Memory: Sheltering the I.Kirsten Jacobson - 2015 - In David Morris & Kym Maclaren, [no title]. Ohio University Press.
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  43. Concepts of Animal Welfare in Relation to Positions in Animal Ethics.Kirsten Schmidt - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 59 (2):153-171.
    When animal ethicists deal with welfare they seem to face a dilemma: On the one hand, they recognize the necessity of welfare concepts for their ethical approaches. On the other hand, many animal ethicists do not want to be considered reformist welfarists. Moreover, animal welfare scientists may feel pressed by moral demands for a fundamental change in our attitude towards animals. The analysis of this conflict from the perspective of animal ethics shows that animal welfare science and animal ethics highly (...)
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    Bildung.Kirsten Meyer - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Revision of the author's Habilitationsschrift--Geottingen, 2009.
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    Masculinities in “Safe” and “Embattled” Organizations: Accounting for Pornographic and Feminist Magazines.Kirsten Dellinger - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (5):545-566.
    While research shows that there are familiar forms of doing masculinity involving distancing from femininity/women or from subordinated/marginalized masculinities/men, there is less emphasis on the fact that the content of these masculine performances varies depending on the specific cultural norms and ideologies present in an organization. The author relies on a comparative case study using in-depth interviews and participant observation in the accounting departments at a heterosexual men’s pornographic magazine and at a feminist magazine to examine how organizational culture shapes (...)
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    The Relevance View: Defended and Extended.Kirsten Mann - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (1):101-110.
    The Relevance View, exemplified by Alex Voorhoeve's Aggregate Relevant Claims, has considerable appeal. It accommodates our reluctance to aggregate weak claims in canonical cases like Life for Headaches, while permitting aggregation of claims in a range of other cases. But it has been the target of significant criticism. In an important recent paper, Patrick Tomlin argues that the view suffers from failures of internal logic, violating plausible consistency constraints and generating incoherent combinations of verdicts on cases. And in cases resembling (...)
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  47. A developed nature: A phenomenological account of the experience of home.Kirsten Jacobson - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (3):355-373.
    Though “dwelling” is more commonly associated with Heidegger’s philosophy than with that of Merleau-Ponty, “being-at-home” is in fact integral to Merleau-Ponty’s thinking. I consider the notion of home as it relates to Merleau-Ponty’s more familiar notions of the “lived body” and the “level,” and, in particular, I consider how the unique intertwining of activity and passivity that characterizes our being-at-home is essential to our nature as free beings. I argue that while being-at-home is essentially an experience of passivity—i.e., one that (...)
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    Patient involvement and institutional logics: A discussion paper.Kirsten Beedholm & Kirsten Frederiksen - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12234.
    The research into patient involvement is seldom concerned with the significance of cultural and structural factors. In this discussion paper, we illustrate our considerations on some of the challenges in implementing the ideal of patient involvement by showing how such factors take part in shaping the ways in which the intentions to involve patients are converted to practical interventions. The aim was to contribute to the approach dealing with contextual and structural factors of significance for patient involvement. With the idea (...)
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    Perceiving an exclusive cause of affect prevents misattribution.Kirsten I. Ruys, Henk Aarts, Esther K. Papies, Masanori Oikawa & Haruka Oikawa - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1009-1015.
    Affect misattribution occurs when affective cues color subsequent unrelated evaluations. Research suggests that affect misattribution decreases when one is aware that affective cues are unrelated to the evaluation at hand. We propose that affect misattribution may even occur when one is aware that affective cues are irrelevant, as long as the source of these cues seems ambiguous. When source ambiguity exists, affective cues may freely influence upcoming unrelated evaluations. We examined this using an adapted affect misattribution procedure where pleasant and (...)
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    Relevance and Nonbinary Choices.Kirsten Mann - 2021 - Ethics 132 (2):382-413.
    In cases where the claims of different groups of people compete, the Relevance View occupies a middle ground between aggregation and nonaggregation. It allows weaker claims to aggregate to outweigh a stronger claim just when the competing claims, compared pairwise, are sufficiently close in strength. The view has strong intuitive appeal when applied to simple binary choices, but I argue that attempts to extend it to nonbinary choices have been unsuccessful. I propose a new extension of the Relevance View to (...)
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