Results for 'Kimlyn Bender'

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  1.  49
    The ethics of immanence: The metaphysical foundations of Spinoza's moral philosophy.Kimlyn J. Bender - 2000 - Sophia 39 (2):31-55.
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    Peeing under surveillance: bathrooms, gender policing, and hate violence.Kyla Bender-Baird - 2016 - Gender, Place and Culture 23 (7):983-988.
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    Nature and culture of finger counting: Diversity and representational effects of an embodied cognitive tool.Andrea Bender & Sieghard Beller - 2012 - Cognition 124 (2):156-182.
  4. The other side of Israel: My journey across the Jewish-Arab divide [Book Review].Robert Bender - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 116:23.
    Bender, Robert Review of: The other side of Israel: My journey across the Jewish-Arab divide, by Susan Nathan, 2005 Harper Collins, 300 pages.
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    Gīlavītarāgaprabandhaḥ of PaṇḍitācāryaGilavitaragaprabandhah of Panditacarya.Ernest Bender - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):576.
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    Current Perspectives on Cognitive Diversity.Andrea Bender & Sieghard Beller - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  7.  11
    A response to Michael Clinton's On Bender's orientation to models: Towards a philosophical debate on covering laws, theory, emergence and mechanisms in nursing science.Miriam Bender - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (4):e12463.
    My purpose in this short response to Clinton's interesting article On Bender's orientation to models: Towards a philosophical debate on covering laws, theory, emergence and mechanisms in nursing science, which is published in this issue, is not to provide any counterargument to Clinton's interpretation of my own argument; readers are welcome to interrogate both articles at their leisure and make their own conclusions. What I will do instead is provide a brief critical assessment of my own (il)logic re bringing (...)
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    The Role of Culture and Evolution for Human Cognition.Andrea Bender - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1403-1420.
    Since the emergence of our species at least, natural selection based on genetic variation has been replaced by culture as the major driving force in human evolution. It has made us what we are today, by ratcheting up cultural innovations, promoting new cognitive skills, rewiring brain networks, and even shifting gene distributions. Adopting an evolutionary perspective can therefore be highly informative for cognitive science in several ways: It encourages us to ask grand questions about the origins and ramifications of our (...)
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  9. Anthropology in Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender, Edwin Hutchins & Douglas Medin - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):374-385.
    This paper reviews the uneven history of the relationship between Anthropology and Cognitive Science over the past 30 years, from its promising beginnings, followed by a period of disaffection, on up to the current context, which may lay the groundwork for reconsidering what Anthropology and (the rest of) Cognitive Science have to offer each other. We think that this history has important lessons to teach and has implications for contemporary efforts to restore Anthropology to its proper place within Cognitive Science. (...)
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    Models versus theories as a primary carrier of nursing knowledge: A philosophical argument.Miriam Bender - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12198.
    Theories and models are not equivalent. I argue that an orientation towards models as a primary carrier of nursing knowledge overcomes many ongoing challenges in philosophy of nursing science, including the theory–practice divide and the paradoxical pursuit of predictive theories in a discipline that is defined by process and a commitment to the non‐reducibility of the health/care experience. Scientific models describe and explain the dynamics of specific phenomenon. This is distinct from theory, which is traditionally defined as propositions that explain (...)
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    Heidegger’s Hermeneutical Grounding of Science.Frederic L. Bender - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10:203-238.
    It is argued that, despite the neglect which Heidegger’s writings on science have generally received, the “fundamental ontology” of Being and Time reveals certain structures of experience crucial for our understanding of science; and that, as these insights cast considerable doubt upon the validity of the empiricist/positivist conception of science, Heidegger deserves considerably better treatment as an incipient philosopher of science than has been the case thus far. His arguments for the distortive effects of the alleged “change over” from praxis (...)
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  12.  30
    Aesthetic Quality and Aesthetic Experience.John W. Bender - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (2):173-175.
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  13.  21
    The Perfectibility of Man.Frederic L. Bender - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (2):232-234.
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  14.  46
    Powers and Abilities in Early Modern Philosophy.Sebastian Bender & Dominik Perler (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores different accounts of powers and abilities in early modern philosophy. It analyzes powers and abilities as a package, hopefully enabling us to better understand them both and to see similarities as well as dissimilarities. While some prominent early modern accounts of power have been studied in detail, this volume covers lesser-known thinkers and several early modern women philosophers. The volume also investigates early modern accounts of powers and abilities in a more systematic fashion than has been previously (...)
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  15. Realism, supervenience, and irresolvable aesthetic disputes.John W. Bender - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (4):371-381.
  16.  41
    Anger and Rank in Tonga and Germany: Cognition, Emotion, and Context.Andrea Bender, Hans Spada, Stefan Seitz, Hannah Swoboda & Simone Traber - 2007 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 35 (2):196-234.
  17. Supervenience and the justification of aesthetic judgments.John Bender - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1):31-40.
  18. Sensitivity, sensibility, and aesthetic realism.John W. Bender - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (1):73-83.
  19.  51
    Access for the terminally ill to experimental medical innovations: A three-pronged threat.Shira Bender, Lauren Flicker & Rosamond Rhodes - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (10):3 – 6.
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  20.  31
    The culture of extinction: toward a philosophy of deep ecology.Frederic L. Bender - 2003 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
  21. Women in Cambridge: A Men's university - though of a mixed type [Book Review].Robert Bender - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:23.
    Bender, Robert Review of: Women in Cambridge: A Men's university - though of a mixed type, by Rita McWilliams-Tullberg, Gollancz 1975, 255 pp.
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  22. General but defeasible reasons in aesthetic evaluation: The particularist/generalist dispute.John W. Bender - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (4):379-392.
  23.  44
    Clients or citizens?Thomas Bender - 1996 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 10 (1):123-134.
    John McKnight's The Careless Society tellingly exposes the ways the professionalized welfare state creates dependency. But McKnight is too quick to condemn this result as the product of professional self‐interest, and to posit as the alternative a selfless, republican model of community. He overlooks the more realistic possibility that the pursuit of their interests by social groups empowered to take care of themselves would better serve those interests, and would simultaneously create a feeling of interdependence and civic responsibility.
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    The Contemporary Human Service Professional.Hilary E. Bender - 1978 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 53 (3):272-282.
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    Unreckoned Misleading Truths and Lehrer’s Theory of Undefeated Justification.John W. Bender - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Research 17:465-481.
    According to Keith Lehrer’s coherence theory, knowledge is true acceptance whose justification is undefeated by a falsehood. It has recently become clear that Lehrer’s handling of important Gettier-inspired problems depends upon his position that only falsehoods accepted by the subject can act as defeaters of knowledge. I argue against this and present an example in which an unreckoned truth---one neither believed nor believed to be false by the subject---defeats knowledge. I trace the negative implications of this matter for the coherence (...)
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    Taoism and western anarchism.Frederic L. Bender - 1983 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 10 (1):5-26.
  27.  36
    Reconciling nursing's art and science dualism: Toward a processual logic of nursing.Miriam Bender & Dave Holmes - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12293.
    There is an enduring debate in nursing regarding the art–science dualism, involving an articulation of two distinct ‘kinds’ of disciplinary knowledge: objective/scientific and subjective/artistic. Nursing identifies both as necessary, yet unbridgeable, which creates problems in constructing a coherent disciplinary knowledge base. We describe how this problem arises based on an ontological assumption of two different kinds of ‘stuff’ in the world: that with essential determinate properties and that without essential properties. We experiment with a solution by ontologically understanding the world (...)
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    (1 other version)Real Beauty.John W. Bender - 1997 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):714-717.
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  29.  27
    John Mortimer Hunt, Jr (1943–2008).Henry V. Bender - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (4):496-497.
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  30.  78
    Is Leibniz's Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles Necessary or Contingent?Sebastian Bender - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    The Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles —the principle that no two numerically distinct things are perfectly similar—features prominently in Leibniz’s metaphysics. Despite its centrality to his philosophical system, it is surprisingly difficult to determine what modal status Leibniz ascribes to the PII. On many occasions Leibniz appears to endorse the necessity of the PII. There are a number of passages,however, where Leibniz seems to imply that numerically distinct indiscernibles are possible, which suggests that he subscribes to a merely contingent (...)
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  31. Chronotypes: the construction of time.John B. Bender & David E. Wellbery (eds.) - 1991 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Time belongs to a handful of categories (like form, symbol, cause) that are genuinely transdisciplinary. Time touches every dimension of our being, every object of our attention - including attention itself. It therefore can belong to no single field of study. Of course, this universalist view of time is not itself universal but rather is a product of the modern age, an age that conceived of itself as the 'new' time. Time has thus gained new importance as a theme of (...)
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  32. The cultural challenge in mathematical cognition.Andrea Bender, Dirk Schlimm, Stephen Crisomalis, Fiona M. Jordan, Karenleigh A. Overmann & Geoffrey B. Saxe - 2018 - Journal of Numerical Cognition 2 (4):448–463.
    In their recent paper on “Challenges in mathematical cognition”, Alcock and colleagues (Alcock et al. [2016]. Challenges in mathematical cognition: A collaboratively-derived research agenda. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2, 20-41) defined a research agenda through 26 specific research questions. An important dimension of mathematical cognition almost completely absent from their discussion is the cultural constitution of mathematical cognition. Spanning work from a broad range of disciplines – including anthropology, archaeology, cognitive science, history of science, linguistics, philosophy, and psychology – we (...)
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  33. Of adding oranges and apples: how non-abstract representations may foster abstract numerical cognition.Andrea Bender & Sieghard Beller - 2016 - In Philippe Chassy & Wolfgang Grodd, Abstract mathematical cognition. [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
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  34.  56
    On the assessment of genetic technology: Reaching ethical judgments in the light of modern technology.Wolfgang Bender, Katrin Platzer & Kristina Sinemus - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):21-32.
    The “Model for Reaching Ethical Judgments in the context of Modern Technologies — the Case of Genetic Technology”, which is presented here, has arisen from the project “Ethical Criteria bearing upon Decisions taken in the field of Biotechnology”. This project has been pursued since 1991 in the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Technikforschung (ZIT) of the Technical University of Darmstadt, with the purpose of examining decision-making in selected activities involving the production of transgenic plants that have a useful application. The model is (...)
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    Science and religion: opposing viewpoints.David L. Bender - 1981 - St. Paul, Minn.: Greenhaven Press. Edited by Bruno Leone.
    Presents opposing viewpoints about the relationship between religion and science, both historically and in the present.
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    Von Menschen und Tieren – Leibniz über Apperzeption, Reflexion und conscientia.Sebastian Bender - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 67 (2):214-241.
    This German paper investigates what kinds of abilities Leibniz ascribes to non-human animals and how they differ from the abilities he ascribes to humans. The paper attempts to clarify how the notions of perception, apperception, reflection, and conscientia are related for Leibniz. More specifically, the paper develops a new reading of section four of the Principles of Nature and Grace, which is a much-discussed passage in Leibniz scholarship. It argues for two claims: (i) Leibniz distinguishes between a reflective and a (...)
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  37. Wellbery, eds.John Bender & E. David - 1991 - In John B. Bender & David E. Wellbery, Chronotypes: the construction of time. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 139--55.
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  38. Divided we stand: Why inequality keeps rising [Book Review].Robert Bender - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (106):23.
    Bender, Robert Review(s) of: Divided we stand: Why inequality keeps rising, by OECD report, 2011.
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    Auspicious Omens in the Reign of the Last Empress of Nara Japan, 749-770.Ross Bender - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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  40. Bases for Criticisms of Teacher Unions.Judith G. Bender & Henry R. Weinstock - 1977 - Journal of Thought 12 (2):113-20.
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  41. Pallottino, massimo+ obituary.Hv Bender - 1995 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 88 (6):477-477.
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    Regimes of Description: In the Archive of the Eighteenth Century.John B. Bender & Michael Marrinan (eds.) - 2005 - Stanford University Press.
    As a group, the essays in this volume pose that question as a first attempt to write the archaeology of the nature and history of description in the digital age.
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  43. Some Catullan Echoes in Teaching Horace's Odes.Henry V. Bender - 2002 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 95 (4).
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  44. The ambiguities of Marx concepts of proletarian dictatorship and transition to communism.Frederic L. Bender - 1981 - History of Political Thought 2 (3):525-555.
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  45.  30
    Tracking the Global through the Local: Slon/Iskra’s Documentaries of Displacement.Martine Guyot-Bender - 2014 - Substance 43 (1):138-151.
    The French public has a distinct taste for realist representations of public crisis. Citing figures from the Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée (CNC), Sarah Cooper has shown that interest in documentary film is steadily on the rise in France (9), as attested to by the growing number of documentary festivals and documentary films recently released in theaters. Within this context, Martin O’Shaughnessy links the popularity of the social documentary genre to a series of political developments in (...)
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    The role of philosophy in the development and practice of nursing: Past, present and future.Miriam Bender, Pamela J. Grace, Catherine Green, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Marit Kirkevold, Olga Petrovskaya, Esma D. Paljevic & Derek Sellman - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (4):e12363.
    This article summarizes a virtual live‐streamed panel event that occurred in August 2020 and was cosponsored by the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) and the University of California, Irvine's Center for Nursing Philosophy. The event consisted of a series of three self‐contained panel discussions focusing on the past, present and future of IPONS and was moderated by the current Chair of IPONS, Catherine Green. The first panel discussion explored the history of IPONS and the journal Nursing Philosophy. The second (...)
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  47. Welcome.Frederic L. Bender - 1974 - Philosophy East and West 24 (3):251-252.
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    Ethics of University Research, Biotechnology and Potential Military Spin-off.Kathryn Nixdorff & Wolfgang Bender - 2002 - Minerva 40 (1):15-35.
    The paper provides a briefintroduction to the biotechnology revolutionand its impact upon biological researchrelevant to military uses. It describes thestatus of biological weapons today, and currentefforts to strengthen the Biological WeaponsConvention with a legally binding complianceprotocol. Specific modifications ofmicro-organisms that may be of military use arediscussed. Three examples of dual-use researchactivities are then used to highlight issuesand dilemmas in ethical decision making.
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  49. Turning Tides: Prospects for More Diversity in Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender, Sieghard Beller & Douglas L. Medin - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):462-466.
    This conclusion of the debate on anthropology’s role in cognitive science provides some clarifications and an overview of emergent themes. It also lists, as cases of good practice, some examples of productive cross-disciplinary collaboration that evince a forward momentum in the relationship between anthropology and the other cognitive sciences.
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  50. Convener's Report: The VIth World Sanskrit Conference.Ernest Bender - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):190.
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