Results for 'Kenia S. Correa-Jaraba'

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  1. Involuntary Capture and Voluntary Reorienting of Attention Decline in Middle-Aged and Old Participants.Kenia S. Correa-Jaraba, Susana Cid-Fernández, Mónica Lindín & Fernando Díaz - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2.  22
    Migrant Hispanic Families of Young Children: An Analysis of Parent Needs and Family Support.Linda S. Behar-Horenstein, Vivian I. Correa & Cheryl L. Beverly - 1995 - Education and Culture 12 (2):3.
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    Analysis of a Stamp Mill of Mexico’s Antique Mines.Juan Carlos Jauregui-Correa - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):5-17.
    This paper presents a detailed analysis of a previous work that described the dynamic behavior of an antique stamp mill. The stamp mill application was for breaking ore stones as part of silver production. The dynamic analysis was established from a modern description of the kinematic chain. Since there is no technical data or archeological reports, the model was reconstructed using the dimensions described in original documents and assuming the operation conditions from different technical references. The model was validated using (...)
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    The gift of correspondence in Classical Rome: Friendship in Cicero's Ad Familiares and Seneca's Moral Epistles.Soledad Correa - 2013 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 36 (1):189-193.
    En este artículo, nos preguntamos si es pertinente un análisis del personaje de Medea de Eurípides, y más concretamente, de su filicidio, a la luz de la doctrina aristotélica de la acción. Resulta dudoso, y quizás equívoco, hablar de "responsabilidad" (en sentido aristotélico) en el caso de la heroína, ya que sus motivaciones, como las de todo héroe trágico, tienen un doble signo: enfrentado a una ἀνάγκη superior, también desea lo que está forzado a hacer. Además, Medea no es una (...)
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  5. 320 xlvi.Johannis de, Ramon Garcia de, Juan A. Casaubon, Victorino Rodriguez, S. Gersh, Giuseppe Abba, Carlos I. Massini Correas, Josef Pieper, Jurgen Habermas & Jacobus Ramirez - 1991 - Sapientia 180:320.
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  6. Agrobiotecnologias: difusion de cultivos transgenicos en Argentina y Brasil.A. Ferrazzino, A. Bocchicchio, J. Souza, C. Banchero, C. Correa, S. Bergel & M. Sosa Belaústegui - 2004 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 4 (6).
  7. On Pearl's Hierarchy and the Foundations of Causal Inference.Elias Bareinboim, Juan Correa, Duligur Ibeling & Thomas Icard - 2022 - In Hector Geffner, Rita Dechter & Joseph Halpern (eds.), Probabilistic and Causal Inference: the Works of Judea Pearl. ACM Books. pp. 507-556.
    Cause and effect relationships play a central role in how we perceive and make sense of the world around us, how we act upon it, and ultimately, how we understand ourselves. Almost two decades ago, computer scientist Judea Pearl made a breakthrough in understanding causality by discovering and systematically studying the “Ladder of Causation” [Pearl and Mackenzie 2018], a framework that highlights the distinct roles of seeing, doing, and imagining. In honor of this landmark discovery, we name this the Pearl (...)
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  8.  27
    Unity and universality in Schopenhauer's spherical cosmology.Luan Corrêa da Silva - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12:e19.
    The purpose of this speech is to present the philosophical image of the sphere, used by Schopenhauer, as a privileged hermeneutic resource for the understanding of his metaphysics and cosmology. With this image, it is possible to articulate a set of logically contradictory conceptual oppositions, such as uno/multiple, universal/particular, whole/part, eternal/temporal, rest/movement, presented by the philosopher in the terms “will” and “representation”. Concretely, it is about understanding the difficult interaction between the micro and macrocosm of nature, as well as the (...)
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  10.  1
    Empathy in Art and Science: Embodied Cognition and Affect in Film.Graça P. Corrêa - 2025 - Global Philosophy 35 (1):1-12.
    Empathy is a major aspect of the interplay between filmmaking and reception. Philosophers and neuroscientists have asserted how film’s technical and conceptual devices seemingly simulate the streamings of consciousness by rendering through images the very processes of thought. More recently, in a noteworthy collaborative work between neuroscience and film theory, Vittorio Gallese and Michele Guerra (2020) have observed how the process of “embodied simulation” is at the basis of empathy, making possible intense and diversified experiences of space, objects and other (...)
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    De fines y elecciones pirrónicos. Un análisis comparativo de DL 9.107-8 y M 9.141-67.Alfonso Correa Motta - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (159):227-258.
    El artículo presenta un análisis comparativo de los últimos parágrafos de la Vida de Pirrón de Diógenes Laercio (9.107-8) y de un capítulo del Adversus ethicos de Sexto Empírico ( _M_ 11.[5].141-67). Los resultados de este análisis harán plausible la hipótesis de una fuente común, reproducida parcialmente en DL, pero elaborada y refinada en Sexto. En ambos textos son centrales las nociones de fin y de elección. Se presentan las diferencias entre ambos textos entorno a la primera, y las tensiones (...)
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  12.  25
    Crise da democracia e da educação no Brasil.Sergio Roberto Moraes Corrêa - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (78):1315-1357.
    Esse artigo é fruto de um projeto de pesquisa, que busca estabelecer um diálogo Sul-Sul entre o pensamento do educador Paulo Freire e o sociólogo Boaventura Santos, com foco nos temas da democracia e da educação pública na atualidade da sociedade brasileira (2014-2020). Essa pesquisa se assentou numa abordagem qualitativa, priorizando a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. No entanto, para fins de delimitação desse artigo e de socialização de alguns resultados, centro a análise na contribuição do pensamento de Paulo Freire a (...)
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    Diógenes laercio IX 61-116: Pirrón Y Los pirrónicos.Alfonso Correa Motta & Sánchez Castro - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):215-238.
    El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza (...)
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    The idea of University in pope Francis.Jorge Baeza Correa - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48:225-249.
    Resumen La idea de la Universidad en el papa Francisco, expresada en sus diversos discursos, cartas y homilías dirigidas al mundo universitario, permiten identificar un conjunto de desafíos que invitan a volver a visitar Ex Corde Ecclesiae ya 30 años después de su publicación. Este artículo, a través de un análisis documental de 30 textos del papa Francisco, específicamente referidos a la universidad o estudiantes universitarios, mediante un análisis estadístico de datos textuales y luego un análisis cualitativo de carácter temático, (...)
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    Students’ decisions about the teacher’s types of written feedback on short stories in English.Roxanna Correa Pérez & Jael Flores Flores - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (2):248-264.
    This study examines feedback provided by an English teacher to Chilean secondary student texts, in the context of writing short stories collaboratively in an English as a foreign language class. The study aimed to analyze students’ decisions about the teacher’s types of feedback on their short stories. For this investigation, and under the context of qualitative research, there were analyzed 6 consecutive drafts of the students’ short stories, of a public high school in Chile. This is a qualitative research with (...)
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    The Pharmaceutical Market for Biological Products in Latin America: A Comprehensive Analysis of Regional Sales Data.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Juan S. Izquierdo-Condoy, Jorge Eduardo Vasconez-González, Gabriela Dávila, Trigomar Correa & Raúl Fernández-Naranjo - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):39-61.
    The global market for biologics and biosimilar pharmaceutical products is experiencing rapid expansion, primarily driven by the continuous discovery of new molecules. However, information regarding Latin America’s biological market remains limited.
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  17. Advances in Natural Deduction: A Celebration of Dag Prawitz's Work (Trends in Logic Book 39).Luiz Carlos Pereira, Herman Hauesler & Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva - 2014 - Springer.
    This collection of papers, celebrating the contributions of Swedish logician Dag Prawitz to Proof Theory, has been assembled from those presented at the Natural Deduction conference organized in Rio de Janeiro to honour his seminal research. Dag Prawitz’s work forms the basis of intuitionistic type theory and his inversion principle constitutes the foundation of most modern accounts of proof-theoretic semantics in Logic, Linguistics and Theoretical Computer Science.
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    Health technologist in clinical laboratory’s professional training model from the integration of basic biomedical-laboratory sciences.Mercedes Caridad García González, Enrique Loret de Mola López, Rolando Miguel Bermejo Correa, José Luis Cadenas Freixas & Humberto Silvio Varela de Moya - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):239-257.
    RESUMEN El presente trabajo está dirigido a exponer elementos inherentes al modelo de superación profesional del tecnólogo de la salud en laboratorio clínico desde la integración ciencias básicas biomédicas-laboratorio. Entre los métodos teóricos empleados, el analítico-sintético permitió la determinación de los fundamentos epistemológicos y praxiológicos del proceso de superación, el inductivo-deductivo posibilitó la determinación de las categorías que surgen en el proceso investigativo, el sistémico estructural funcional para fundamentar el carácter de sistema del modelo y la modelación con la finalidad (...)
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  19. Considérations méthodologiques pour aborder la compétence à « réfléchir » ou à « faire réfléchir » sur sa pratique en enseignement.Philippe Chaubet, Enrique Correa Molina & Colette Gervais - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):28-40.
    Résumé : L’article propose une démarche méthodologique permettant d’identifier la réflexion professionnelle chez des stagiaires en formation à l’enseignement. En effet, la capacité d’analyser sa pratique de façon réflexive est une composante d’une compétence professionnelle à développer selon le Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Une certaine forme de réflexion chez les étudiants est donc à acquérir et, du point de vue des tuteurs de stage, à faire acquérir. Quels sont les critères implicites que les enseignants associés des écoles ou les (...)
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  20.  41
    Counterfactual Analysis by Algorithmic Complexity: A Metric Between Possible Worlds.Nicholas Corrêa & Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveira - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (4):1-35.
    Counterfactuals have become an important area of interdisciplinary interest, especially in logic, philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics, psychology, decision theory, and even artificial intelligence. In this study, we propose a new form of analysis for counterfactuals: analysis by algorithmic complexity. Inspired by Lewis-Stalnaker's Possible Worlds Semantics, the proposed method allows for a new interpretation of the debate between David Lewis and Robert Stalnaker regarding the Limit and Singularity assumptions. Besides other results, we offer a new way to answer the problems (...)
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    Considerações filosóficas sobre as entrevistas de solicitação de refúgio.Diogo Gurgel & Andressa Maciel Corrêa - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):44-60.
    In this paper, we intend to demonstrate that the asylum request process can have its semantic and politic structures evidenced from an access via philosophy of language. In order to elucidate the normative nature of this social practice and to take a critical stance in relation to the treatment given to the refuge interview as it has been done in our country, we resort to certain concepts developed by the so called later Wittgenstein. Looking for a more complete treatment of (...)
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  22. Correa De Oliveira, Plinio: "révolution Et Contre-révolution".J. L. S. E. & Staff - 1961 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 20 (76):108.
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  23. The Dialectica Categories.Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Cambridge, Uk
    This thesis describes two classes of Dialectica categories. Chapter one introduces dialectica categories based on Goedel's Dialectica interpretation and shows that they constitute a model of Girard's Intuitionistic Linear Logic. Chapter two shows that, with extra assumptions, we can provide a comonad that interprets Girard's !-course modality. Chapter three presents the second class of Dialectica categories, a simplification suggested by Girard, that models (classical) Linear Logic and chapter four shows how to provide modalities ! and ? for this second class (...)
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    Hipótese sobre a noção de prefácio em Édouard Glissant.Alcione Correa Alves - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):207-238.
    Resumo: Este texto visa a estabelecer linhas iniciais a uma apropriação da premissa do Caribe como prefácio às Américas, conforme o ensaio Introduction à une poétique du Divers, de Édouard Glissant, compreendendo-o em um quadro de pensamento negro americano. A apropriação da premissa de Glissant almeja propor bases a uma ferramenta metodológica, fundamentada na centralidade epistemológica do lugar, subsidiando análises literárias a respeito de um corpus de literaturas afro-americanas. Este texto, inicialmente, parte da hipótese de que qualquer literatura nacional pode (...)
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    On the Ethics of Democratic Access to Web Information.Flavio Soares Correa da Silva - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1-2):97-107.
    Floridi’s work, although diverse and multifaceted, portrays a solid coherence across his different lines of work. Among his wealth of interests and results, we highlight his recent work on information logics, on the ethics of information technology, and his rigorous (and vigorous) philosophical analysis of recent technological trends and developments in information technology. In the present article we illustrate, by means of some connecting arguments, the diversity and coherence of Floridi’s work. We also show how his work, although fundamentally philosophical (...)
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    Silence and Solitude: Some Questions About Moral Philosophy in Hannah Arendt.Indi Nara Corrêa Fernandes - 2021 - Pólemos 8 (15):149-162.
    Hannah Arendt’s essays and lessons compiled in the work Responsibility and Judgment are the guiding principle behind this paper, which intends to address certain moral issues recovered by the author after the publication of Eichmann in Jerusalem ”“ A Report on the Banality of Evil. Taking as focus the relation of the human being to himself, in other words, the silent relation characteristic of the individual who thinks, the author presents the thesis under which, even in the absence of others, (...)
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    Enrichment metrics for the identification of stabilizers of the telomeric G quartet using genetic algorithm.Melissa Correa & Santiago Solorzano - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):13-23.
    In this study a combination of computer tools for coupling and virtual screening is detailed, in 108 active molecules and 3620 decoys to find stabilizers for G quadruplex. To have more precise results, combinations of coupling programs with fifteen energy scoring functions were applied. The validation and evaluation of the metrics was done with the CompScore genetic algorithm. The results showed an increase in BEDROC and EF of 50% compared to other strategies, as well as reflecting early recognition of active (...)
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    (1 other version)Karl-Otto Apel y El Punto de Vista Ético-Discursivo Sobre la Tolerancia Afirmativa.Mauricio Correa-Casanova - 2008 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 64:99-122.
    En este artículo, el autor desarrolla el problema de la tolerancia en una sociedad multicultural según el planteamiento de Karl-Otto Apel y el punto de vista de la ética del discurso. En este sentido, parte explicando que el problema actual de la tolerancia consiste en el desafío de abrir un espacio a las diferentes formas de vida socio cultural. Así, expone las contradicciones de la versión de tolerancia negativa en el liberalismo y las insuficiencias de la crítica comunitarista. Luego, se (...)
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    Las pasiones dolorosas en Aristóteles y su tratamiento en la Retórica.Andrés Covarrubias Correa - 2021 - Escritos 29 (63):213-224.
    This article addresses the importance of passions and their component of pain and pleasure in Aristotle's ethical reflection. Then, and assuming these antecedents, it analyzes anger and calm from the point of view of Rhetoric, to finally deal with the other painful passions described in this work in a broader way, in search of common aspects. He argues that Rhetoric provides important tools not only to provoke or mitigate a passion, but also to be able to redirect it in a (...)
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    Sobre la justificación racional de las normas: consideraciones a partir de las ideas de Sergio Cotta.Carlos I. Massini Correas - 2010 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (4):277-301.
    This paper analyzes the problem of rational justification of law in general and legal norms in particular, a problem highlighted by the so-called postmodern trends that deny the possibility and validity of these attempts. While the postmodern trends serve as a background to the discussion, the article provides a summary of rational justification of norms based on Sergio Cotta’s innovative approach, who is arguably one of the authors that has dealt to the topic with more prominence and consistency. Thus, the (...)
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    Studies on science, technology and society: in favor of political commitment.Horacio Correa Lucero - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (3):511-534.
    El artículo menciona el giro en favor de los enfoques participativos o comprometidos políticamente en el campo CTS, realizando una propuesta para su profundización desde una senda alineada con la teoría crítica de la tecnología. Inspirado en los aportes de Andrew Feenberg y Johan Söderberg, el artículo emprende esta tarea mediante la conjunción de conceptos de la perspectiva de la construcción social de la tecnología con aquellos de una tradición hegeliano-marxista interesada en visiones del sistema capitalista como una totalidad que (...)
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    (1 other version)Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Patricia R. Lawler, Ann Byrne von Hoffman, Thomas A. Barlow, David O. Porter, Teddie W. Porter, D. L. Bachelor, James R. Covert, Joan L. Roberts, Roy R. Nasstrom, Cole S. Brembeck, Lois S. Steinbert, John S. Packard, A. L. Sebaley, James Steve Counelis, Stephen P. Philips, Stephen W. Brown, Hector Correa & Robert E. Taylor - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (1-2):64-78.
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    Civil disobedience as a non-violence possibility: a philosophical reflection.Cacilda Jandira Corrêa Mezzomo & Marcelo Larger Carneiro - 2022 - Kant E-Prints 16 (3):35-59.
    In this article, we will discuss Civil Disobedience as a tool for non-violent protests. We will analyze the ideas from Thoreau to Kant, including the thoughts of Gandhi and Dworkin, verifying the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of their arguments in the political world. With regard to Dworkin and Gandhi, both inspired by Thoreau's thought, civil disobedience to norms provided a change in the political scenario, capable of effecting a mediation of conflicts through non-violence. Kant's perspective, in turn, presents the hypothesis (...)
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    ¿Existe una ética médica en Georges Canguilhem?Diego Alejandro Estrada Mesa & Claudia Elena Espinal Correa - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 57:433-457.
    Despite recent efforts, little research has been done concerning the issue of medical ethics in Georges Canguilhem’s work. This is mainly due to the critical position the author takes regarding the humanistic medicine practices that began to proliferate after World War II. However, we hold that the medical philosopher´s insights do contribute to the field of medical ethics, since they rescue the patients’ individuality, which is highly valued in today´s person centered medicine: over the “objectifying” rationality of modern medicine. We (...)
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    Sobre a negatividade conceitual do sentimento ou a filosofia schopenhaueriana da linguagem.Luan Corrêa da Silva - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):173-188.
    Resumo: Arthur Schopenhauer possui uma concepção acerca da natureza do conceito que atravessa o seu pensamento, desde o início de sua produção filosófica. Inicialmente abordado a partir de sua acepção racional abstrata, em O mundo como vontade e como representação, o conceito adquire traços mais profundos em função do sentimento. O conceito “não-conceito” sentimento determinará os rumos da filosofia de Schopenhauer, ao evidenciar os limites da linguagem. A linguagem filosófica, por consequência, exprime um paradoxo, pois pretende expressar em linguagem abstrata (...)
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    Considerações sobre a teoria do cérebro triuno e sua relev'ncia para uma filosofia da mente e das emoções.Gabriel José Corrêa Mograbi - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (2):222-241.
    Este artigo estabelece algumas relações fundamentais entre evolução, a teoria do cérebro triuno e a relevância que esta pode ter para a fundamentação empírica de uma filosofia da mente e das emoções. Inicialmente, será especialmente considerada a posição do filósofo Ronald de Sousa no seu já clássico artigo “The Mind’s Bermuda Triangle: Philosophy of Emotions and Empirical Science”, parte do Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotions. A segunda seção discute a validade da teoria do “cérebro triuno” como abordagem neuroetológica evolutiva, (...)
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    Direitos humanos, propriedade privada e educação.Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes - 1985 - Trans/Form/Ação 8:25-28.
    The present text constitutes a summary of a talk given by the author at the III Conferência Brasileira de Educação. It is here claimed that there is a need to discuss the roots of the idea of rights of the individual and of its link, in Locke's founding thought, with property and, moreover, with the freedom and autonomy of the human person. Furthermore, a discussion is made of the liberal-rationalist assumption of the optimum allocation of social resources through the clash (...)
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    Marx, o cínico?Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes - 1983 - Trans/Form/Ação 6:37-43.
    This article was written in August 83, initially as a lecture at Jornada de Filosofia da UNESP. We begin with an approximation between Hegel and Marx and then we discuss the idea of work's force reproduction understood as a part of the capital. The latter is viewed as a kind of social relationship. This approach is attempeted on the basis of certain passages of Marx's The Capital and The Grundrisse as well. Finally, we interpret some nowdays developments under the point (...)
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    Racionalidade e controle nos processos sociais notas para um plano de trabalho.Reginaldo Carmello Correa de Moraes - 1984 - Trans/Form/Ação 7:21-24.
    The author exposes some stages judged necessary for the examination of the modern theories about the economic, social and cultural changes of brazilian history. On the other hand, this movement would have in view to search the epistemological grounds of such "Brazil's explanations". This text, it must be remembered, presents it self only as a work plan.O autor expõe etapas que julga necessárias para o exame de modernas teorias a respeito das transformações econômicas, sociais e culturais da história brasileira. Por (...)
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    Do Firms’ Slack Resources Influence the Relationship Between Focused Environmental Innovations and Financial Performance? More is Not Always Better.Dante I. Leyva-de la Hiz, Vera Ferron-Vilchez & J. Alberto Aragon-Correa - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):1215-1227.
    Environmental research has usually highlighted that the existence of slack resources in an organization helps allocate investment to innovative initiatives. However, the existing literature has paid very limited attention to how slack resources can influence the effects of focused and diversified innovations in different ways. Agency theory scholars claim that a manager’s first preference when confronted with discretionary resources will not generate positive investments for the firm, but their own opportunistic preferences. The differences between focused and diversified environmental innovations allow (...)
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  41. Pandemic Leadership: Sex Differences and Their Evolutionary–Developmental Origins.Severi Luoto & Marco Antonio Correa Varella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:633862.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global societal, economic, and social upheaval unseen in living memory. There have been substantial cross-national differences in the kinds of policies implemented by political decision-makers to prevent the spread of the virus, to test the population, and to manage infected patients. Among other factors, these policies vary with politicians’ sex: early findings indicate that, on average, female leaders seem more focused on minimizing direct human suffering caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, while male leaders implement (...)
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  42.  50
    Schmitt e o problema da democracia: nostalgia da transcendência ou a representação como questão para a democracia.Cássio Corrêa Benjamin - 2008 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 49 (118):417-441.
    O artigo analisa a questão da democracia em Carl Schmitt. Para tanto, retoma seu conceito de forma política que inclui identidade e representação. Após apresentar uma distinção fundamental para a noção de democracia, deriva algumas conseqüências do contraste com as idéias de Schmitt. A representação e a identidade como formas políticas constituiriam, então, uma impossibilidade para a democracia. This article analyses the question of democracy in Schmitt's work. For this purpose, it reviews his concept of political form which includes identity (...)
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    Dissociating Explicit and Implicit Timing in Parkinson’s Disease Patients: Evidence from Bisection and Foreperiod Tasks.Giovanna Mioni, Mariagrazia Capizzi, Antonino Vallesi, Ángel Correa, Raffaella Di Giacopo & Franca Stablum - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    A Concrete Categorical Model for the Lambek Syntactic Calculus.Marcelo Da Silva Corrêa & Edward Hermann Haeusler - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):49-59.
    We present a categorical/denotational semantics for the Lambek Syntactic Calculus , indeed for a λlD-typed version Curry-Howard isomorphic to it. The main novelty of our approach is an abstract noncommutative construction with right and left adjoints, called sequential product. It is defined through a hierarchical structure of categories reflecting the implicit permission to sequence expressions and the inductive construction of compound expressions. We claim that Lambek's noncommutative product corresponds to a noncommutative bi-endofunctor into a category, which encloses all categories of (...)
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  45.  28
    Medical and midwifery students’ views on the use of conscientious objection in abortion care, following legal reform in Chile: a cross-sectional study.M. Antonia Biggs, Lidia Casas, Alejandra Ramm, C. Finley Baba & Sara P. Correa - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background In August 2017, Chile lifted its complete ban on abortion by permitting abortion in three limited circumstances: 1) to save a woman’s life, 2) lethal fetal anomaly, and 3) rape. The new law allows regulated use of conscientious objection in abortion care, including allowing institutions to register as objectors. This study assesses medical and midwifery students’ support for CO, following legal reform. Methods From October 2017 to May 2018, we surveyed medical and midwifery students from seven universities located in (...)
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    Stressors in Indoor and Field Brazilian Soccer: Are They Perceived as a Distress or Eustress?Maria Regina Ferreira Brandão, Luis Felipe Polito, Vania Hernandes, Mariana Correa, Ana Paula Mastrocola, Daniel Oliveira, Alessandra Oliveira, Larissa Moura, Marcelo Villas Boas Junior & Daniela Angelo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Soccer players inescapably live under stress during the sportive career, and many real-life aspects of soccer situations operate in the ongoing performance. This study’s main objective was to elaborate the List of Stressors in Professional Indoor and Field Soccer, a self-report instrument designed to measure the impact of 77 soccer situations upon the sport performance. Participants were 138 indoor and field soccer players from the Brazilian Premier League. Each situation was evaluated on a 7-point scale, ranging from the most negative (...)
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  47. The ILLTP Library for Intuitionistic Linear Logic.Carlos Olarte, Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva, Elaine Pimentel & Giselle Reis - manuscript
    Benchmarking automated theorem proving (ATP) systems using standardized problem sets is a well-established method for measuring their performance. However, the availability of such libraries for non-classical logics is very limited. In this work we propose a library for benchmarking Girard's (propositional) intuitionistic linear logic. For a quick bootstrapping of the collection of problems, and for discussing the selection of relevant problems and understanding their meaning as linear logic theorems, we use translations of the collection of Kleene's intuitionistic theorems in the (...)
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  48. Fostering integrity in business education: an analysis of academic administrators' perceptions at Spanish business schools.Blanca L. Delgado-Márquez, J. Alberto Aragón-Correa & Nuria E. Hurtado-Torres - 2011 - In Charles Wankel & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch (eds.), Management education for integrity: ethically educating tomorrow's business leaders. North America: Emerald.
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    The People, Democracy, and Authoritarianism in Rafael Correa's Ecuador.Carlos de la Torre - 2014 - Constellations 21 (4):457-466.
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    The People, Democracy, and Authoritarianism in Rafael Correa's Ecuador.Carlos Torre - 2014 - Constellations 21 (4):457-466.
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