Results for 'Kemp Ryan'

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  1.  11
    Chapter 11. Relocating the Highest Good: Kierkegaard on God, Virtue, and (This- Worldly) Happiness.Ryan S. Kemp - 2021 - In Samuel Stoner & Paul Wilford, Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 185-201.
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    (1 other version)Addiction as temporal disruption: interoception, self, meaning.Ryan Kemp - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-15.
    Addiction remains a challenging disorder, both to treat and to conceptualise. While the temporal dimension of addiction has been noted before, here the aim is to ground this understanding in a coherent phenomenological-neuroscience framework. Addiction is partly understood as drawing the subject into a predominantly “now” orientated existence, with the future closed or experienced as extremely distant. Another feature of this temporal structuring is that past experiences, which are crucial in advancing intentionally forward, are experienced in addiction as a void. (...)
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    The Role of Imagination in Kierkegaard’s Account of Ethical Transformation.Ryan S. Kemp - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (2):202-231.
    : In this essay, I argue that Kierkegaard endorses a “grace model” of ethical transformation – that radical normative change is not a function of agent-choice, rational or otherwise. After showing how grace functions in Kierkegaard’s account of religious transformation, I go on to argue that he offers a parallel account in the case of ethical conversion, the latter drawing from a description of transformation detailed in Kierkegaard’s Repetition. There we find an example of ethical transformation that challenges received interpretations (...)
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    Reason and Conversion in Kierkegaard and the German Idealists.Ryan S. Kemp & Christopher Iacovetti - 2020 - New York and London: Routledge. Edited by Christopher Iacovetti.
    In his late work Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, Immanuel Kant struggles to answer a straightforward, yet surprisingly difficult, question: how is radical conversion--a complete reorientation of a person's most deeply held values--possible? In this book, Ryan S. Kemp and Christopher Iacovetti examine how this question gets taken up by Kant's philosophical heirs: Schelling, Fichte, Hegel and Kierkegaard. More than simply developing a novel account of each thinker's position, Kemp and Iacovetti trace how each philosopher (...)
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  5. The Self-Transformation Puzzle: On the Possibility of Radical Self-Transformation.Ryan Kemp - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (2):389-417.
    In this paper, I argue that cases of radical selftransformation (cases in which an agent willfully changes a foundational element of their motivational structure) constitute an important philosophical puzzle. Though our inclination to hold people responsible for such changes suggests that we regard radical transformation as (in some sense) self-determined, it is difficult to conceive how a transformation that extends to the heart of an agent’s practical life can be attributed to the agent at all. While I contend that the (...)
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    In Defense of a Straightforward Reading of Fear and Trembling.Ryan Kemp - 2013 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2013 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 2013 Heft: 1 Seiten: 49-70.
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    Notes Towards a Phenomenological Reading of Lacan.Ryan Kemp - 2006 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 6 (1):1-9.
    Phenomenological psychotherapy, while critiquing psychoanalytic theories, has always sought to draw on and be inspired by these (and other) approaches. To read psychoanalysis through the lens of existential-phenomenology opens, deepens and perhaps even rehabilitates this body of work. In this paper, the work of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan is explored through a phenomenological reading of his early work. Aspects of his developmental theory, as well as certain of his theoretical innovations, are related to psychopathology and treatment and are explored (...)
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  8. The Temporal Dimension of Addiction.Ryan Kemp - 2009 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 40 (1):1-18.
    Knowledge concerning the relation of the addicted subject to time is deepened through a phenomenological analysis. The theoretical understanding of lived-time, or temporality, is explored with particular reference to the theories of Heidegger, Fuchs and van den Berg. Grounded in a description of the lived experiences of addicted persons, it is argued that the temporal relation of the addict is drawn, by the adoption of an addictive existence, primarily towards “the now” which predisposes the addict to various consequences. These include (...)
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  9. Revisiting Kant’s Deduction of Taste.Ryan S. Kemp - forthcoming - History of Philosophy Quarterly.
  10.  60
    Desiderata for a Viable Secular Humanism.Ryan Kemp - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (2):176-186.
    Philip Kitcher has recently worried that the New Atheists, by mounting an attack against religion tout court, risk alienating a large swath of ‘religious’ people whose way of life is, to Kitcher's mind, innocuous. Encouraging a more moderate response, Kitcher thinks certain non-threatening modes of religious existence should be protected. In this article, I argue that while Kitcher's attempt to provide balance to the secularism debate is a great service, he ultimately fails to distinguish innocuous modes of religious belief from (...)
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    Reviving the no‐bad‐action problem in Kant's ethics.Ryan S. Kemp - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):347-358.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Kant on the bounds of promise making: A Mendelssohnian account.Ryan S. Kemp - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):453-467.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Kant's subjective deduction: A reappraisal.Ryan S. Kemp - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):945-957.
    In the A-preface of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant kindly warns his readers to pay special attention to the chapter on the “Deduction of the Pure Concepts of the Understanding.” Looking to mitigate the reader's effort, Kant goes on to explain the chapter's methodology, suggesting that the inquiry will have “two sides.” One side deals with the “objective validity” of the pure categories of the understanding; he calls this the “objective deduction.” The other deals with the powers of cognition (...)
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  14.  10
    The Routledge Guidebook to Kierkegaard’s Either/Or.Ryan Kemp - 2019 - Routledge.
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  15. The Contingency of Evil: Rethinking the Problem of Universal Evil in Kant's 'Religion'.Ryan Kemp - 2011 - In Oliver Thorndike, Rethinking Kant: Volume 3. Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this paper I explore how three seemingly incompatible Kantian theses–a libertarian notion of freedom, the inscrutability of one’s fundamental moral maxim, and the ubiquity of evil–can each be maintained without contradiction. I do this by arguing against the popular notion that in his 'Religion within the Bounds of Mere Reason,' Kant attributes 'radical evil' to all human beings.
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  16. Cambridge Critical Guide to Either-Or.Ryan Kemp & Walter Wietzke (eds.) - forthcoming - Cambridge University Press.
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    Kierkegaard's Either/Or: A Critical Guide.Ryan S. Kemp & Walter Wietzke (eds.) - 2023 - Cambridge.
    This collection of essays strikes new ground in our understanding of Kierkegaard's Either/Or and his authorship as a whole.
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    Kierkegaard on the Transformative Significance of Depression.Ryan S. Kemp - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (4):553-576.
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    Kierkegaard’s Strong Anti-Rationalism: Offense as a Propaedeutic to Faith.Frank Della Torre & Ryan Kemp - 2022 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 27 (1):193-214.
    In a now classic paper, Karen Carr argues that Kierkegaard is a religious “anti-rationalist”: He holds that reason and religious truth exist in necessary tension with one another. Carr maintains that this antagonism is not a matter of the logical incoherence of Christianity, but rather the fact that genuine submission to Christ precludes approaching him through demonstration. In this essay, we argue that while Kierkegaard is in fact an anti-rationalist, the literature has failed to appreciate the full strength of his (...)
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    Thomas Reid’s Theory of Perception. [REVIEW]Catherine Kemp - 2007 - Hume Studies 33 (2):339-344.
    Review of Ryan Nichols, _Thomas Reid's Theory of Perception_ (Oxford University Press, 2007).
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    Reason and Conversion in Kierkegaard and the German Idealists by Ryan S. Kemp and Christopher Iacovetti.Mark Alznauer - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (2):382-384.
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  22. Review of Reason and Conversion in Kierkegaard and the German Idealists, Ryan S. Kemp and Christopher Iacovetti. [REVIEW]G. Anthony Bruno - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (1):169-173.
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  23. Clean energy water disinfection for small, remote rurual communities (werc environmental design contest).Ryan M. Lee - 2011 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 12.
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  24. Noise in and as music.Aaron Cassidy & Aaron Einbond (eds.) - 2013 - Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press.
    One hundred years after Luigi Russolo's "The Art of Noises," this book exposes a cross-section of the current motivations, activities, thoughts, and reflections of composers, performers, and artists who work with noise in all of its many forms. The book's focus is the practice of noise and its relationship to music, and in particular the role of noise as musical material--as form, as sound, as notation or interface, as a medium for listening, as provocation, as data. Its contributors are first (...)
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  25.  9
    Cognitive Workload and Workload Transitions Elicit Curvilinear Hemodynamics During Spatial Working Memory.Ryan McKendrick & Amanda Harwood - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  26. Quine Versus Davidson: Truth, Reference, and Meaning.Gary Kemp - 2012 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Gary Kemp presents a penetrating investigation of key issues in the philosophy of language, by means of a comparative study of two great figures of late twentieth-century philosophy. He reveals unexplored tensions between the views of Quine and Davidson, and presents a powerful argument in favour of Quine and methodological naturalism.
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    A probabilistic model of cross-categorization.Patrick Shafto, Charles Kemp, Vikash Mansinghka & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):1-25.
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    Doctor training and practice of acupuncture: results of a survey.Gloria Y. Yeh, Mary Anne Ryan, Russell S. Phillips & Joseph F. Audette - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (3):439-445.
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    A Catholic Feminist Perspective on Pacem in Terris.Maura A. Ryan - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (1):67-82.
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    Anthoethnography: Emerging Research into the Culture of Flora, Aesthetic Experience of Plants, and the Wildflower Tourism of the Future.John C. Ryan - unknown
    How does anthoethnography contribute to the development of understandings of aesthetic experiences of wild plants and wildflower tourism? As exemplified by the quintessentially aesthetic industry of wildflower tourism, the culture of flora represents diverse engagements between people and plants. Such complex engagements offer further avenues for research. The critical methodology of anthoethnography has been one such approach to circumscribing the values, practices and rhetoric of wildflower tourism. Interviews have revealed perceptual phenomena such as the orchid and everlasting effects as two (...)
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    Des jeux narratifs aux fictions ludiques.Marie-Laure Ryan & A. -L. Rebreyend - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 11 (1):37.
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  32.  18
    Education of the Founding Fathers of the Republic.John K. Ryan - 1936 - New Scholasticism 10 (1):78-82.
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    Eugene Thacker (2010) After Life, London and Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Derek James Ryan - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (3):495-503.
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    Formation in holiness: Thomas Aquinas on Sacra doctrina.Fáinche Ryan - 2007 - Dudley, Mass.: Peeters.
    Far from feeling a need to leave their brains at the door of the church, as contemporary Christians may feel is asked of them, the suggestion is that the development of our intellect is central to human growth into the image and likeness of God."--P. [4], cover.
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    Gellner’s genealogy of the open society.Kevin Ryan - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 128 (1):113-125.
    A decade before Foucault began to work with the related concepts of biopolitics and biopower, Gellner posed a series of questions which are suggestive of a similar line of inquiry. Gellner did not pursue this strand of his thought as an historical sociologist however. Instead he packaged it into a functionalist account of how industrial society reproduces itself. In Gellner’s writings, biopolitics is both present and absent, like a redacted text. This is the focus of this article, which locates Gellner’s (...)
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    Introduction.Michael P. Ryan - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (4):543-547.
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    The social studies teacher-coach: A quantitative analysis comparing coaches and non-coaches across how/what they teach.Ryan T. Knowles, Andrea M. Hawkman & Sarah R. Nielsen - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):117-125.
    This quantitative study of 3557 high school teachers from 44 states assesses the implications of the social studies teacher-coach. The study compares social studies teacher-coaches and non-coaches in terms of teacher demographics and school contexts, disciplines taught, and instructional preferences. Substantial differences between coaches and non-coaches were found across gender, community type, and teaching experiences. Teacher-coaches disproportionately taught general classes such as government, Economics, and Geography, while non-coaches are more likely to teach Advanced Placement courses. Finally, self-report data measuring teacher's (...)
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  38.  8
    Über das Glück der Vornehmen: Nietzsche lesen–mit Friedrich Georg Jünger.Ryan Scheerlinck - 2018 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Andreas Urs Sommer, Nietzsche Und Die Konservative Revolution. De Gruyter. pp. 473-504.
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    ‘Don’t Think of Fukushima!’: The Ethics of Risk Reframing in ‘Nuclear for Climate’ Communications.Ryan M. Katz-Rosene - 2021 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 24 (2):164-186.
    In recent years an assemblage of nuclear energy proponents has coalesced around the notion of ‘Climate First’ – arguing that nuclear power is a necessary component of the fight against climate chan...
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    Reflections on Grassroots Democracy: Its Role in Creating Resilient and Sustainable Communities.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2015 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 25 (3):82-83.
    This paper will attempt to explain the relationship between disaster and human deprivation and trace the ills that result from it to institutional or policy failures. It then proposes grassroots leadership as a way of bridging the gap that faulty and undemocratic structural mechanisms make. The paper argues that democratic leadership is crucial in creating resilient and sustainable communities.
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  41. Philippians and Philemon.Bonnie B. Thurston & Judith M. Ryan - 2005
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    Introduction.Alan Ryan - 1979 - In John StuartHG Mill, An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: Volume 9. University of Toronto Press.
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    Noncoding RNAs and chronic inflammation: Micro‐managing the fire within.Margaret Alexander & Ryan M. O'Connell - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (9):1005-1015.
    Inflammatory responses are essential for the clearance of pathogens and the repair of injured tissues; however, if these responses are not properly controlled chronic inflammation can occur. Chronic inflammation is now recognized as a contributing factor to many age‐associated diseases including metabolic disorders, arthritis, neurodegeneration, and cardiovascular disease. Due to the connection between chronic inflammation and these diseases, it is essential to understand underlying mechanisms behind this process. In this review, factors that contribute to chronic inflammation are discussed. Further, we (...)
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  44.  13
    Corporate Selfhood and "Meditatio Vitae Futurae".Raymond Kemp Anderson - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (1):21-46.
    With John Calvin, the Reformed tradition found inseparable linkage between eschatology and ethics. Christians' decision making must include reflection about God's future re-creation of our corporate, corporeal selves, or else individualism or dualism will set in. Meditatio vitae futurae is to figure right alongside of the Creator's past word for us and His present intercourse as Spirit among us. Calvin's three foci here, trinitarian in intent, are Christologically informed. Comprising teleological, deontological, and contextual vectors for ethical consideration, they are to (...)
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  45.  7
    Karl Barth's Table Talk.Raymond Kemp Anderson - 2014 - Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. Edited by Karl Barth & John Hesselink.
    God for man, freedom to be himself, gracious and liberating -- Theological knowledge, faith's free response -- God, graciously veiled in nature, presents self in human terms -- Addressed by the Bible -- The issue of general revelation, biblical faith and nature -- Natural theology, a natural folly -- The ill-fated mirror, speculations always push towards monopoly -- If God is for real, why does God hide? -- How can anyone truly know God? -- Responding to God's eternity and glory (...)
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  46. Twenty-First Century Approaches to Literature: Futures.Jenny Andersson & Sandra Kemp (eds.) - 2021
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    Malaya through Four Centuries: An Anthology, 1500-1900.E. B. & N. J. Ryan - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):188.
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  48. John Duns Scotus, 1265-1965.B. M. Bonansea & John Kenneth Ryan - 1965 - Catholic University of America Press.
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    A Dispositional Internalist Evidentialist Virtue Epistemology.T. Ryan Byerly - 2014 - Logos and Episteme 5 (4):399-424.
    This paper articulates and defends a novel version of internalist evidentialism which employs dispositions to account for the relation of evidentialsupport. In section one, I explain internalist evidentialist views generally, highlighting the way in which the relation of evidential support stands at the heart of these views. I then discuss two leading ways in which evidential support has been understood by evidentialists, and argue that an account of support which employs what I call epistemic dispositions remedies difficulties arguably faced by (...)
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  50. Livro XII della Metafisica do Aristotele.Dario Composta, Ambrogio Manno, Eugene E. Ryan, Joseph Moreau, Giovanni Reale & David Ross - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 21 (2):221-222.
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