Results for 'Keith G. Fennen'

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  1.  34
    Descartes on Indeterminate Judgment and Great Deeds.Keith G. Fennen - 2012 - International Philosophical Quarterly 52 (1):21-39.
    A critical examination of Descartes’s Passions of the Soul and Discourse on Method reveals that indeterminate judgments (judgments that do not involve certainty) play a fundamental role in the Cartesian corpus. The following paper establishes this claim and argues that such an analysis provides an avenue for understanding the relationship that Descartes envisions between his Discourse and its readers as well as for understanding his attempts to establish his new science. Finally, it argues that Descartes’s provocative claim in the Passions (...)
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    The Strains of Commitment: The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies.Keith G. Banting & Will Kymlicka (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the politics of diversity, and explores potential sources of support for an inclusive solidarity, in particular political sources of solidarity.
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    Moral Injury: Contextualized Care.Keith G. Meador & Jason A. Nieuwsma - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (1):93-99.
    Amidst the return of military personnel from post-9/11 conflicts, a construct describing the readjustment challenges of some has received increasing attention: moral injury. This term has been variably defined with mental health professionals more recently conceiving of it as a transgression of moral beliefs and expectations that are witnessed, perpetrated, or allowed by the individual. To the extent that morality is a system of conceptualizing right and wrong, individuals’ moral systems are in large measure developmentally and socially derived and interpreted. (...)
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    Religion in Medicine and Health.Keith G. Meador - 2021 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 64 (4):577-586.
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    The effectiveness of concepts at various levels of awareness.Keith G. Davis & Harrie F. Hess - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (1):62.
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    Wordsworth and Philosophy: Empiricism and Transcendentalism in the Poetry.Keith G. Thomas - 1989 - University of Rochester Press.
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  7. A problem about the meaning of intuitionist negation.Keith G. Hossack - 1990 - Mind 99 (394):207-219.
  8.  43
    Who/se We Are: Baptism as Personhood.Keith G. Meador & Joel James Shuman - 2000 - Christian Bioethics 6 (1):71-83.
    The attempt to arrive at some consensus on precisely what qualifies a human as a person represents one of the more persistently debated and widely significant issues in modern biomedical ethics. The attribution of personhood has been and continues to be a powerful tool in moral discourse. Biomedical and bioethical debates about personhood seem especially morally significant in late modernity given the recent trends in biomedical technology. Our attempts to formally articulate universally agreed upon criteria for personhood represent some of (...)
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    Setting Medicine in the Context of a Faithful Christian Life.Farr A. Curlin & Keith G. Meador - 2016 - Christian Bioethics 22 (1):1-4.
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    Ethical judgments on selected accounting issues: An empirical study. [REVIEW]Keith G. Stanga & Richard A. Turpen - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (10):739 - 747.
    This study investigates the judgments made by accounting majors when confronted with selected ethical dilemmas that pertain to accounting practice. Drawing upon literature in philosophy and moral psychology, it then examines these judgments for potential gender differences. Five case studies, each involving a specific ethical dilemma that a practicing accountant might face, were administered to 151 acounting majors (males = 67; females = 84), in four sections of intermediate accounting II at a large, state university. The results suggest that although (...)
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    The plain truth: Descartes, HUET, and skepticism (review).Keith Fennen - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):pp. 106-107.
    Thomas Lennon’s book is an important contribution to Descartes scholarship in that it systematically challenges the standard interpretation of the Meditations, i.e., that Descartes sought to refute skepticism and failed, arguing instead that a notion of intellectual integrity rests at the root of Descartes’s thought. All the while, these aims are accomplished through an analysis of the Censura philosophiae cartesianae by Pierre-Daniel Huet, a skeptic and fierce critic of Descartes.Beyond introducing Huet and his relationship to Cartesians like Pierre-Sylvain Regis and (...)
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    Embedding Ethics Education in Clinical Clerkships by Identifying Clinical Ethics Competencies: The Vanderbilt Experience.Alexander Langerman, William B. Cutrer, Elizabeth Ann Yakes & Keith G. Meador - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (2):163-174.
    The clinical clerkships in medical school are the first formal opportunity for trainees to apply bioethics concepts to clinical encounters. These clerkships are also typically trainees’ first sustained exposure to the “reality” of working in clinical teams and the full force of the challenges and ethical tensions of clinical care. We have developed a specialized, embedded ethics curriculum for Vanderbilt University medical students during their second year to address the unique experience of trainees’ first exposure to clinical care. Our embedded (...)
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  13.  47
    Priming without awareness: What was all the fuss about?Keith E. Stanovich & Dean G. Purcell - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):47-48.
  14.  46
    Discourse on Method. [REVIEW]Keith Fennen - 2008 - Teaching Philosophy 31 (3):283-286.
  15.  13
    The effect of stimulus probability on the speed and accuracy of naming alphanumeric stimuli.Keith E. Stanovich & Robert G. Pachella - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (4):281-284.
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  16. Systems Perspective of Amazon Mechanical Turk for Organizational Research: Review and Recommendations.Melissa G. Keith, Louis Tay & Peter D. Harms - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Why Professors Ignore Cheating: Opinions of a National Sample of Psychology Instructors.Patricia Keith-Spiegel, Barbara G. Tabachnick, Bernard E. Whitley Jr & Jennifer Washburn - 1998 - Ethics and Behavior 8 (3):215-227.
    To understand better why evidence of student cheating is often ignored, a national sample of psychology instructors was sampled for their opinions. The 127 respondents overwhelmingly agreed that dealing with instances of academic dishonesty was among the most onerous aspects of their profession. Respondents cited insufficient evidence that cheating has occurred as the most frequent reason for overlooking student behavior or writing that might be dishonest. A factor analysis revealed 4 other clusters of reasons as to why cheating may be (...)
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  18. The S'mkhya system.A. Berriedale Keith, Percy Brown, F. Otto Schrader, H. G. Rawlinson, V. S. Ghate & A. Faddegon - 1920 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 89:138-146.
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  19. Thinking and reasoning: A reader's guide.Keith J. Holyoak & Robert G. Morrison - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison, The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--9.
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    The "Dénouement" of "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind".Keith Lehrer & David G. Stern - 2000 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 17 (2):201 - 216.
  21. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel.Keith W. Carley, J. M. Miller & G. M. Tucker - 1974
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    Organizational Virtue Orientation and Family Firms.G. Tyge Payne, Keith H. Brigham, J. Christian Broberg, Todd W. Moss & Jeremy C. Short - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (2):257-285.
    ABSTRACT:This manuscript develops the concept of organizational virtue orientation (OVO) and examines differences between family and non-family firms on the six organizational virtue dimensions of Integrity, Empathy, Warmth, Courage, Conscientiousness, and Zeal. Using content analysis of shareholder letters fromS&P 500companies, our analyses find that there are significant differences between family and non-family firms in their espoused OVO, with family firms generally being higher. Specifically, family firms were significantly higher on the dimensions of Empathy, Warmth, and Zeal, but lower on Courage. (...)
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    Brain States That Encode Perceived Emotion Are Reproducible but Their Classification Accuracy Is Stimulus-Dependent.Keith A. Bush, Jonathan Gardner, Anthony Privratsky, Ming-Hua Chung, G. Andrew James & Clinton D. Kilts - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:361826.
  24.  28
    Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation.Keith N. Schoville, Leo G. Purdue, Lawrence E. Toombs & Gary Lance Johnson - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (3):572.
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    Distributed Neural Processing Predictors of Multi-dimensional Properties of Affect.Keith A. Bush, Cory S. Inman, Stephan Hamann, Clinton D. Kilts & G. Andrew James - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  26.  16
    Mapping Liability of Origin and Mimetism in MNE Engagement Across the UN Sustainable Development Goals: An Analysis of Sustainability Reports.Keith L. Whittingham, Alessia Argiolas, Dante I. Leyva-de la Hiz & Andrew G. Earle - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (4):804-847.
    The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) offer a comprehensive framework for global sustainable development, embraced by both UN member states and multinational enterprises (MNEs). The SDGs take a holistic approach and emphasize the need to align public- and private-sector actions. However, understanding the effectiveness of the SDG framework in coordinating stakeholder actions remains a challenge. This study explores how MNEs engage with the SDGs as a function of their home countries’ SDG profiles. Leveraging institutional theory, we test competing mechanisms (...)
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  27. Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Gay Men and Lesbians: The Role of Motivation to Respond Without Prejudice.Keith Markman, Jennifer Ratcliff, G. Daniel Lassiter & Celeste Snyder - 2006 - Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (10):1325-1338.
    Research has uncovered consistent gender differences in attitudes toward gay men, with women expressing less prejudice than men (Herek, 2003). Attitudes toward lesbians generally show a similar pattern, but to a weaker extent. The present work demonstrated that motivation to respond without prejudice importantly contributes to these divergent attitudes. Study 1 revealed that women evince higher internal motivation to respond without prejudice (IMS, Plant & Devine, 1998) than do men and that this difference partially mediates the relationship between gender and (...)
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    Ethics in academia: Students' vies of professors' actions.Patricia C. Keith-Spiegel, Barbara G. Tabachnick & Melanie Allen - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (2):149 – 162.
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    Academic freedom and permanent tenure in academic appointments.Geoffrey Caston, S. E., Keith & S. G. Fleet - 1985 - Minerva 23 (1):96-150.
  30. Self-Ownership, Communism and Equality.G. A. Cohen & Keith Graham - 1990 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 64 (1):25 - 61.
  31.  15
    Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science.Alan G. Gross & William M. Keith - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines the nature of rhetorical theory and criticism, the rhetoric of science, and the impact of poststructuralism and postmodernism on contemporary accounts of rhetoric.
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    The objects of action and perception.Melvyn A. Goodale & G. Keith Humphrey - 1998 - Cognition 67 (1-2):181-207.
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    Probing unconscious visual processing with the Mccollough effect.G. Keith Humphrey & Melvyn A. Goodale - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (3):494-519.
    The McCollough effect, an orientation-contingent color aftereffect, has been known for over 30 years and, like other aftereffects, has been taken as a means of probing the brain's operations psychophysically. In this paper, we review psychophysical, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging studies of the McCollough effect. Much of the evidence suggests that the McCollough effect depends on neural mechanisms that are located early in the cortical visual pathways, probably in V1. We also review evidence showing that the aftereffect can be induced without (...)
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    A functional theory of the McCollough effect.Peter C. Dodwell & G. Keith Humphrey - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):78-89.
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    The development of word recognition mechanisms: Inference and unitization.Keith E. Stanovich, Dean G. Purcell & Richard F. West - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (2):71-74.
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    Anonymity, pseudonymity, or inescapable identity on the net (abstract).Deborah G. Johnson & Keith Miller - 1998 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 28 (2):37-38.
    The first topic of concern is anonymity, specifically the anonymity that is available in communications on the Internet. An earlier paper argues that anonymity in electronic communication is problematic because: it makes law enforcement difficult ; it frees individuals to behave in socially undesirable and harmful ways ; it diminishes the integrity of information since one can't be sure who information is coming from, whether it has been altered on the way, etc.; and all three of the above contribute to (...)
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    The Power-Places of Central Tibet: The Pilgrim's Guide.E. G. & Keith Dowman - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):178.
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    Introduction.G. Keith Humphrey & Randolph Blake - 2001 - Brain and Mind 2 (1):1-4.
  39. Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science.Alan G. Gross, William M. Keith & Dudley D. Cahn - 1999 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 32 (3):282-285.
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    How States are Using the Turning Point Model State Public Health Act.M. Jane Brady, Keith Kutler & James G. Hodge - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):97-99.
  41. Situativity and learning.R. Keith Sawyer & James G. Greeno - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins, The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 347--367.
  42.  24
    Body Image Concerns in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Longitudinal Study.Melissa Henry, Justine G. Albert, Saul Frenkiel, Michael Hier, Anthony Zeitouni, Karen Kost, Alex Mlynarek, Martin Black, Christina MacDonald, Keith Richardson, Marco Mascarella, Gregoire B. Morand, Gabrielle Chartier, Nader Sadeghi, Christopher Lo & Zeev Rosberger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveHead and neck cancer treatments are known to significantly affect functionality and appearance, leading to an increased risk for body image disturbances. Yet, few longitudinal studies exist to examine body image in these patients. Based on a conceptual model, the current study aimed to determine, in patients newly diagnosed with HNC: the prevalence, level, and course of body image concerns; correlates of upon cancer diagnosis body image concerns; predictors of immediate post-treatment body image concerns; and association between body image concerns (...)
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    Reproductive Ethics. [REVIEW]C. Keith Boone, R. Snowden, G. D. Mitchell, E. M. Snowden, Robert H. Blank & Michael D. Bayles - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (4):46.
    Book reviewed in this article: Artificial Reproduction: A Social Investigation. By R. Snowden, G.D. Mitchell, and E. M. Snowden. Redefining Human Life: Reproductive Technologies and Social Policy. By Robert H. Blank. Reproductive Ethics. By Michael D. Bayles.
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  44. The Mind Bursary.Frank Cioffi Obscurantism, G. A. Equality, Keith Graham, Peter Carruthers, Cynthia MacDonald, Paul Snowden, Howard Robinson, David Over, Paul Guyer & Ralph Walker - 1990 - Mind 99:394.
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    What is important about McCollough effects? Reply to Allan and Siegel.P. C. Dodwell & G. Keith Humphrey - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (2):347-350.
  46. Un-making artificial moral agents.Deborah G. Johnson & Keith W. Miller - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (2-3):123-133.
    Floridi and Sanders, seminal work, “On the morality of artificial agents” has catalyzed attention around the moral status of computer systems that perform tasks for humans, effectively acting as “artificial agents.” Floridi and Sanders argue that the class of entities considered moral agents can be expanded to include computers if we adopt the appropriate level of abstraction. In this paper we argue that the move to distinguish levels of abstraction is far from decisive on this issue. We also argue that (...)
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  47.  31
    Recognition memory for pictures: Dynamic vs. static stimuli.Alvin G. Goldstein, June E. Chance, Margo Hoisington & Keith Buescher - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):37-40.
  48. Business, Ethics, and Global Climate Change.Denis G. Arnold & Keith Bustos - 2005 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 24 (1):103-130.
    After providing a brief history of global climate change, we consider and reject the influential position that free markets and responsive democracies relieve corporations of obligations to protect the environment. Five main objections to the free market view are presented, focusing in particular on the roles of business organizations in the transportation and electricity generation sectors. Ethically grounded management and public policy recommendations are offered.
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    Runway extinction as a joint function of acquisition reward percentage and extinction punishment intensity.Richard G. Ratliff & Keith N. Clayton - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):574.
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  50. The J.H.B. Bookshelf.Gregg Mitman, Garland E. Allen, Joseph Cain, Nancy G. Slack, Keith R. Benson, Lily E. Kay & Alix Cooper - 1994 - Journal of the History of Biology 27 (2):359-373.
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