Results for 'Kealagh Robinson'

922 found
  1.  33
    Rapid Review and Meta-Meta-Analysis of Self-Guided Interventions to Address Anxiety, Depression, and Stress During COVID-19 Social Distancing.Ronald Fischer, Tiago Bortolini, Johannes Alfons Karl, Marcelo Zilberberg, Kealagh Robinson, André Rabelo, Lucas Gemal, Daniel Wegerhoff, Megan Chrystal & Paulo Mattos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:563876.
    We conducted a rapid review and quantitative summary of meta-analyses that have examined interventions which can be used by individuals during quarantine and social distancing to manage anxiety, depression, stress and subjective well-being. A literature search yielded 34 meta-analyses (total number of studies k = 1,390, n = 145,744) that were summarized. Overall, self-guided interventions showed small to medium effects in comparison to control groups. In particular, self-guided therapeutic approaches (including cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness, and acceptance-based interventions), selected positive psychology interventions, and (...)
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    Reseña "Justicia social emancipadora, democracia ciudadana y crisis del Estado" de Zulay C. Díaz-Montiel y Álvaro B. Márquez-Fernández.Robinson Salazar Pérez & Nchamah Miller - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (51):159-166.
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    II Edición del seminario de investigaciones epistémica: matriz epistémica para comprender los problemas políticos y sociales de América Latina en el siglo XXI.Robinson Salazar - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (36):137-138.
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    Troca Transcendental, justiça e direitos humanos em Otfried Höffe.Robinson dos Santos - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (1).
    Um dos grandes problemas postos pelo tema dos direitos humanos à filosofia é, entre outros, o de sua fundamentação filosófica. No pano de fundo deste debate, surgem questões específicas: como se pode fundamentar/justificar filosoficamente a exigência de reconhecimento aos direitos humanos? Neste estudo, procuro abordar, de modo direto, o núcleo argumentativo sobre o qual está estruturada da proposta de Höffe. Para ele, os direitos humanos têm uma profunda relação com a noção de justiça. O conceito de justiça, na sua concepção, (...)
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    Current Methods in Historical Semantics.Kathryn Allan & Justyna A. Robinson (eds.) - 2011 - De Gruyter Mouton.
    Innovative, data-driven methods provide more rigorous and systematic evidence for the description and explanation of diachronic semantic processes. The volume systematises, reviews, and promotes a range of empirical research techniques and theoretical perspectives that currently inform work across the discipline of historical semantics. In addition to emphasising the use of new technology, the potential of current theoretical models (e.g. within variationist, sociolinguistic or cognitive frameworks) is explored along the way.
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    Future Generations, Ethics and Trandport Policy.Edward Page & Nicholas Robinson - 1995 - Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick.
  7.  2
    A Moral Methode of Ciuile Policie, Contayninge a Learned and Fruictful Discourse of the Institution, State and Gouernment of a Common Weale: Abridged Oute of the Commentaries of the Reuerende and Famous Clerke, Franciscus Patricius, Byshop of Caieta in Italye.Francesco Patrizi & Richard Robinson - 1576 - Imprinted at London ... By Thomas Marsh.
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    Is Hare a naturalist?H. M. Robinson - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (1):73-86.
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    Speculative and practical.S. J. †peter W. Robinson - 1968 - Heythrop Journal 9 (1):037–049.
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  10.  25
    Making Treatment Choices From “Dark Places”: A Role for Ethics Consultation.Gail Leslie, Ellen M. Robinson, Mary Zwirner, John J. Purcell & Cornelia Cremens - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):72-74.
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    Is the refractory phase theory adequate to explain mental fatigue?M. F. Robinson - 1931 - Psychological Review 38 (3):229-241.
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    Lotze's System of Philosophy.Daniel S. Robinson - 1972 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (1):130-131.
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    Brains and People.William S. Robinson - 1990 - Behavior and Philosophy 18 (2):101-104.
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    Imagination, Desire and Prescription.H. M. Robinson - 1980 - Analysis 41 (1):55 - 59.
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    An Anthology of Modern Philosophy.Harold A. Larrabee & Daniel Sommer Robinson - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42 (5):532.
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    Critical Notice.Michael Robinson & Michael Mckenna - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 89 (2):485-489.
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    Aristotle's Theory of the Will.David B. Robinson - 1980 - Philosophical Books 21 (4):208-213.
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  18.  46
    Baal in Hellas.Theodore H. Robinson - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (04):201-.
    In proportion to their numbers the Semitic peoples have exercised a greater influence on the course of human history as a whole than any other of the large races of mankind. As far as our records carry us, it appears that the early spirit of exploration and adventure, as distinct from racial migration, had its origin with them. Even in Homeric times, the Phoenician trader or pirate was a familiar feature of the Mediterranean world. Greece, commonly regarded by us as (...)
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  19.  38
    Biography of Lü KuangBiography of Lu Kuang.Richard H. Robinson & Richard B. Mather - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (3):280.
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  20. Borden Parker Bowne's Letters to William Torrey Harris.Daniel S. Robinson - 1955 - Philosophical Forum 13:89.
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  21.  41
    Church Alonzo. Binary recursive arithmetic. Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, ser. 9 vol. 36 , pp. 39–55.Julia Robinson - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):35-35.
  22.  52
    Concepts and Ideas.Hoke Robinson - 2006 - Southwest Philosophy Review 22 (2):139-142.
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    Conceptual aspects of “laterality” syndromes.Daniel N. Robinson - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):33-34.
  24.  31
    Capitalism & Human Values.Frank S. Robinson - 2011 - Philosophy Now 83:28-31.
  25.  13
    Crucial Issues in Philosophy.Daniel S. Robinson - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (2):281-282.
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  26. Cross-modal interference: Overshadowing or response competition.C. W. Robinson & V. M. Sloutsky - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G., Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 605--610.
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  27.  34
    2. constitutive luck: On being determined.Daniel N. Robinson - 2002 - In Praise and Blame: Moral Realism and Its Applications: Moral Realism and Its Applications. Princeton Univ. Press. pp. 47-107.
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  28. Cerebral plurality and the unity of self.Daniel N. Robinson - 1982 - American Psychologist 37:904-910.
  29. Current thought: Magazines of the quarter.D. S. Robinson - 1947 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 28 (2):191.
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    Cook Wilson's view of judgment.Richard Robinson - 1928 - Mind 37 (147):304-317.
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  31. Dretske's etiological view.William S. Robinson - 1983 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 9:23-29.
  32.  28
    ¿Debió Sócrates haber aceptado el reto de Glaucón y Adimanto?Thomas M. Robinson - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34):11-26.
    Aunque el Libro I de República parece un diálogo socrático estándar sobre un término moral como justicia, que culmina con un estado de aparente aporía, se termina afirmando que la justicia es como un estado del alma caracterizado por el conocimiento. El libro I termina siendo el preámbulo para mostrar que ser justo es mejor que ser injusto, y que la justicia es en y por sí misma beneficiosa sin relación con cualquier ‘recompensa o consecuencia’ que devenga para el individuo (...)
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  33.  36
    (1 other version)Investing Against Global Warming.Jackson W. Robinson - 1998 - Business Ethics 12 (2):20-22.
  34. Introduction: Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: Rhizomatic Connections.Keith Robinson - 2009 - In Keith A. Robinson, Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: rhizomatic connections. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 1--44.
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    An Introduction to Living Philosophy: A General Introduction to Contemporary Types and Problems.Daniel Sommer Robinson - 1932 - Crowell.
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  36.  24
    Is the Sense of Agency in Schizophrenia Influenced by Resting-State Variation in Self-Referential Regions of the Brain?Jeffrey Robinson, Nils-Frederic Wagner & Georg Northoff - 2016 - Schizophrenia Bulletin 42 (2):270-276.
    Schizophrenia is a disturbance of the self, of which the attribution of agency is a major component. In this article, we review current theories of the Sense of Agency, their relevance to schizophrenia, and propose a novel framework for future research. We explore some of the models of agency, in which both bottom-up and top-down processes are implicated in the genesis of agency. We further this line of inquiry by suggesting that ongoing neurological activity (the brain’s resting state) in self-referential (...)
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  37.  38
    Kant and the View From Within.Hoke Robinson - 2000 - Southwest Philosophy Review 16 (1):1-10.
  38.  57
    Kant, Ginsborg, and Empirical Concepts.Hoke Robinson - 2008 - Southwest Philosophy Review 24 (1):201-209.
  39.  30
    Karanis. Topographical and Architectural Report of Excavations during the Seasons 1924-28.David M. Robinson, Arthur E. R. Boak & Enoch E. Peterson - 1932 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 52 (1):63.
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    (1 other version)Law and the Lawyers.Edward S. Robinson - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45:632.
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  41. La justicia en la República: fortalezas y debilidades de la teoría.Thomas Robinson - 2007 - Philosophica 32:63-73.
    En el presente artículo se pone en evidencia que existe una dicotomía entre la concepción de la justicia como estado del alma, por una parte, lo cual es defendido por Sócrates en el libro segundo de la República a partir del desafío de Glaucón, y una concepción relacional de la justicia tal como se puede ver en las Leyes, por otra. La diferencia entre estas dos concepciones estriba en el carácter paradigmático de la ciudad que se construye en la República (...)
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  42.  27
    L'acrasie, selon Aristote.Richard Robinson - 1955 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145:261 - 280.
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    Leavisian Thinking.Ian Robinson - 2016 - Philosophy and Literature 40 (1):127-136.
    Iknow that some people find that Leavis’s mode of thought and what he had to say about thinking are obscure or difficult. We are dealing with some profound matters, but some profundities can be elucidated as well in twenty minutes as twenty years. I think the subject can be treated briefly and lucidly, and the challenge to me is to do so.What counts as thinking? What does it cover? Narrow the question immediately to thinking about, so as to avoid tricky (...)
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  44. Lloyd Weinreb's Problems with Natural Law.Daniel N. Robinson - 1996 - In Robert P. George, Natural law, liberalism, and morality: contemporary essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  45. Metamemory influences on reports of recollective experience.Ja Robinson - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):521-521.
  46. Music & meaning.Jenefer Robinson (ed.) - 1997 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press.
    In order to promote new ways of thinking about musical meaning, this volume brings together scholars in music theory, musicology, and the philosophy of music,..
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  47. Moltke S. Gram, The Transcendental Turn: The Foundation of Kant's Idealism Reviewed by.Hoke Robinson - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (6):282-284.
  48.  8
    Nietzsche and postmodernism.Dave Robinson - 1999 - Lanham, Md.: Distributed in the U.S. by National Book Network.
    The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought--Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism.
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    No Title available: REVIEWS.N. H. G. Robinson - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (4):382-383.
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    On an Alleged Paradox of Consistency and Material Implication.Edward S. Robinson - 1970 - Critica 4 (11/12):111-122.
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