Results for 'Kavita Singh'

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  1.  33
    The effect of sung speech on socio-communicative responsiveness in children with autism spectrum disorders.Arkoprovo Paul, Megha Sharda, Soumini Menon, Iti Arora, Nayantara Kansal, Kavita Arora & Nandini C. Singh - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:146413.
    There is emerging evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of music based interventions for improving social functioning in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). While this evidence lends some support in favour of using song over spoken directives in facilitating engagement and receptive intervention in ASD, there has been little research that has investigated the efficacy of such stimuli on socio-communicative responsiveness measures. Here, we present preliminary results from a pilot study which tested whether sung instruction, as compared to spoken directives, (...)
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    Using indirect methods to understand the impact of forced migration on long-term under-five mortality.Kavita Singh, Unni Karunakara, Gilbert Burnham & Kenneth Hill - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (6):741.
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  3. Rationality Reunified.Keshav Singh - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Metaethics.
    It is now standard to distinguish between two kinds of rationality: substantive rationality, which consists in holding attitudes that are substantively reasonable or justified, and structural rationality, which consists in holding attitudes that fit together in the right ways. What, if anything, unifies these two kinds of rationality? In this paper, I propose that norms of rationality arise because we are epistemically limited beings who cannot directly ensure the correctness of our attitudes. Substantive and structural rationality represent two different ways (...)
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    The Guru Granth Sahib: Canon, Meaning and Authority.Michael C. Shapiro & Pashaura Singh - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):923.
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    The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and Nationalism in Late Colonial India.Iqbal Singh Sevea - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book reflects upon the political philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal, a towering intellectual figure in South Asian history, revered by many for his poetry and his thought. He lived in India in the twilight years of the British Empire and, apart from a short but significant period studying in the West, he remained in Punjab until his death in 1938. The book studies Iqbal's critique of nationalist ideology and his attempts to chart a path for the development of the 'nation' (...)
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    Multiple but dissectible functions of FEN‐1 nucleases in nucleic acid processing, genome stability and diseases.Binghui Shen, Purnima Singh, Ren Liu, Junzhuan Qiu, Li Zheng, L. David Finger & Steve Alas - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (7):717-729.
    Flap EndoNuclease‐1 (FEN‐1) is a multifunctional and structure‐specific nuclease involved in nucleic acid processing pathways. It plays a critical role in maintaining human genome stability through RNA primer removal, long‐patch base excision repair and resolution of dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeat secondary structures. In addition to its flap endonuclease (FEN) and nick exonuclease (EXO) activities, a new gap endonuclease (GEN) activity has been characterized. This activity may be important in apoptotic DNA fragmentation and in resolving stalled DNA replication forks. The multiple (...)
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    Microbe–Microbe, Microbe–Plant Biocommunication.Irena Sherameti, Paul Murugan, Shashibala Singh & Ajit Varma - 2010 - In Günther Witzany, Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms. Springer. pp. 439.
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  8. Maximize Presupposition! and local contexts.Raj Singh - 2011 - Natural Language Semantics 19 (2):149-168.
    Maximize Presupposition! is an economy condition that adjudicates between contextually equivalent competing structures. Building on data discovered by O. Percus, I will argue that the constraint is checked in the local contexts of embedded constituents. I will argue that this architecture leads to a general solution to the problem of antipresupposition projection, and also allows I. Heim’s ‘Novelty/Familiarity Condition’ to be eliminated as a constraint on operations of context change.
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    Punishing Mothers for Men’s Violence: Failure to Protect Legislation and the Criminalisation of Abused Women.Sarah Singh - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (2):181-204.
    This article explores the gender dynamics of ‘causing or allowing a child to die’, contrary to the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, section 5. This offence was intended to allow for prosecution where a child had been killed and it was uncertain who had killed him/her, but also to allow for prosecution of non-violent defendants who failed to protect him/her. More women than men have been charged and convicted of this offence signifying a reversal of usual patterns of (...)
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    Religious Agency and the Limits of Intersectionality.Jakeet Singh - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):657-674.
    This article probes the relative absence of religion within discussions of intersectionality, and begins to address this absence by bringing intersectionality studies into conversation with another significant field within feminist theory: the study of religious women's agency. Although feminist literatures on intersectionality and religious women's agency have garnered a great deal of scholarly attention, these two bodies of work have rarely been engaged together. After surveying both fields, I argue that research on religious women's agency not only exposes an ambiguity (...)
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    Private Morality and the State.Mayavee Singh - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (3):507-521.
    The demarcation of the private and public life leads to role of the state in private life. Many individuals have been the unflinching voice for moral dissent. In the western philosophy, debate on private morality and public life was instigated by Attorney General’s Commission Report which was submitted in 1986 and recommended no blanket ban on homosexuality and prostitution. However, a contemporary liberalist, Ronald Dworkin, castigates this Report. He argues that the report has an antagonistic approach because of its permissive (...)
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    Narratives of Participation in Autism Genetics Research.Jennifer S. Singh - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (2):227-249.
    This article provides empirical evidence of the social context and moral reasoning embedded within a parents’ decision to participate in autism genetics research. Based on in-depth interviews of parents who donated their family’s blood and medical information to an autism genetic database, three narratives of participation are analyzed, including the altruistic parent, the obligated parent, and the diagnostic parent. Although parents in this study were not generally concerned with bioethical principles such as autonomy and the issues of informed consent and/or (...)
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  13.  42
    Notes on a Few Issues in the Philosophy of Psychiatry.A. R. Singh & S. A. Singh - 2009 - Mens Sana Monographs 7 (1):128.
    _The first part called the Preamble tackles: (a) the issues of silence and speech, and life and disease; (b) whether we need to know some or all of the truth, and how are exact science and philosophical reason related; (c) the phenomenon of Why, How, and What; (d) how are mind and brain related; (e) what is robust eclecticism, empirical/scientific enquiry, replicability/refutability, and the role of diagnosis and medical model in psychiatry; (f) bioethics and the four principles of beneficence, non-malfeasance, (...)
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  14. Quantum Entanglement Through Quaternions.J. P. Singh - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4):491.
  15.  29
    Recuerda que eres hijo de reyes. Reflexiones sobre el posible vínculo entre el Himno de la Perla y el Pseudo-Macario.Carlos-Marcelo Singh - 2024 - Teología y Vida 64 (4):503-526.
    La literatura nacida en ámbito monástico o asociada al mismo, ofrece aspectos ponderables sobre la antropología teológica. Señalaremos algunos conceptos al respecto, sobre todo a partir de la memoria y la construcción de la propia identidad. El Himno de la Perla se caracteriza por haber sido objeto de disímiles interpretaciones, siendo considerado desde un texto iranio a una composición gnóstica. Presentaremos una lectura narrativa, tomando como categorías de aproximación el recuerdo y el olvido, a partir de las cuales plantearemos un (...)
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    Risk-aware analysis for interpretations of probabilistic achievement and maintenance commitments.Qi Zhang, Edmund H. Durfee & Satinder Singh - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 317 (C):103864.
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  17.  36
    Overlooked contributions of Ayurveda literature to the history of physiology of digestion and metabolism.Aparna Singh, Sonam Agrawal, Kishor Patwardhan & Sangeeta Gehlot - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (2):1-19.
    Ayurveda is a traditional system of healthcare that is native to India and has a rich documented literature of its own. Most of the historians agree that the documentation of core Ayurveda literature took place approximately in between 400 BCE and 200 CE, while acknowledging that the roots of its theoretical framework can be traced back to a much earlier period. For multiple reasons many significant contributions of Ayurveda literature to various streams of biological and medical sciences have remained under-recognized (...)
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  18.  67
    Response to Commentators on “Will the 'Real Boy' Please Behave: Dosing Dilemmas for Parents of Boys with ADHD”.Ilina Singh - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (3):W10-W12.
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    Moral Legislation and Crime Against Women: Explorations in Indian and Western Values.Mayavee Singh - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):209-221.
    In recent years, the National Crime Records Bureau recommendation is that the growth rate of crime against women has skyrocketed in India, even higher than the population growth rate. According to lawyer, Kamlesh Vaswani, the commercial exploitation of coital activity paramount in pornography is the result of crimes against women, and fills perverse traits in the roots of society. Following that, he filed a petition (2013) in the Honourable Supreme Court to blanket ban pornography with the aim of diluting the (...)
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  20.  20
    Mensch erkenne dich selbst.Kirpal Singh - 1959 - Büdingen,: Lebensweiser-Verlag.
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    MSM poems.Ajai Singh - 2005 - Mens Sana Monographs 3 (2):53.
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  22. 41. Measuring Seepage Losses from Fish Ponds.Raj Vir Singh - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay, Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co..
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  23.  16
    Move structure and communication style of leaders’ messages in corporate discourse: A cross-cultural perspective.Rita Gill Singh & Cindy Sing-Bik Ngai - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (3):276-295.
    As an important tool to influence stakeholders’ perception, leader messages, subsumed under public relations discourse, play an integral role in corporate communication. Drawing on the analysis of linguistic move structure and communication styles employed by researchers, this study adopts a multidimensional framework by using both discourse and quantitative analysis to compare how leaders in Global 500 corporations in China and the United States rely upon specific linguistic features to engage stakeholders in corporate discourse published on their websites. The results show (...)
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  24. N-policy for finite queueing models with unreliable server and working vacation.Aditya Pratap Singh & Amita Bhagat - 2022 - In Bhagwati Prasad Chamola, Pato Kumari & Lakhveer Kaur, Emerging advancements in mathematical sciences. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Non-Violence, Gandhi and Our Times.R. Raj Singh - 1990 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (1):35-41.
  26. New studies in Indian and comparative philosophy.R. Raj Singh & Jacqueline Kumar - 2025 - Champaign, IL: Common Ground Research Networks.
    This book presents groundbreaking research on critical themes in Indian philosophy, challenging traditional interpretations often shaped by entrenched scholarly biases. It offers fresh perspectives on pivotal topics and includes comparative analyses of Western philosophers such as Schopenhauer and Simone Weil, who were deeply influenced by Indian philosophical thought. Their engagements with Indian philosophy are critically assessed, following a detailed exploration of their enduring interest and contributions to the field.
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    Obituary-Dr. A. Venkoba Rao.Ajai Singh - 2005 - Mens Sana Monographs 3 (2):55.
  28.  13
    Open Space Making Visible the ‘Petty’ and ‘Grotesque’ of the Nation's Narrative: Dialogue with Tripurari Sharma.Lata Singh - 2006 - Feminist Review 84 (1):130-140.
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    On the recrystalization behaviour of rare earth oxide thin films.H. P. Singh & O. N. Srivastava - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (161):1079-1081.
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    ‘Other Thoughts’ to Guide Research Educators, Candidates and Managers.Michael Singh - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):535-539.
  31.  29
    Proposal about scientific names giving.Ajai R. Singh - 2012 - Mens Sana Monographs 10 (1):181.
  32.  50
    Perception, inference, and the veridicality of natural constraints.Manish Singh & Donald D. Hoffman - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):395-396.
    Pylyshyn's target article argues that perception is not inferential, but this is true only under a narrow construal of inference. A more general construal is possible, and has been used to provide formal theories of many visual capacities. This approach also makes clear that the evolution of natural constraints need not converge to the “veridical” state of the world.
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  33.  15
    Posthumanist nomadisms across non-Oedipal spatiality.Java Singh & Indrani Mukherjee (eds.) - 2021 - Wilmington, Delaware, United States: Vernon Press.
    As an epistemological perspective, 'nomadism' is an emerging field of scholarship, offering intersectionality with eco-criticism, feminism, post-colonialism, migration studies, and translation. Much of the scholarship that uses the precepts of nomadism to read cultural texts and phenomena is scattered as separate articles in academic journals or as single chapters in books wherein the primary focus is the intersectional fields. Few book-length publications solely focus on the ramifications of nomadism; Posthumanist Nomadisms across non-Oedipal Spatiality fills that void. The fifteen chapters in (...)
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  34.  50
    Philosophy of Change Management.S. K. Singh - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:157-163.
    The persons who adapt to changes as may be necessary in the course of their existence not only survive in the struggle for existence but also thrive and enjoy their lives in the best possible way under the given circumstances. For, life consists in various relationships, which are in constant movement and change.Therefore dealing with change or change-management has got pivotal importance in all walks of humans’ lives. In order to facilitate smooth change all big and small inheritances have to (...)
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    Principles of contour information: Reply to Lim and Leek (2012).Manish Singh & Jacob Feldman - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (3):678-683.
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    Philosophy of evolution: Western and Indian.Jaideva Singh - 1970 - [Mysore]: Prasārānga, University of Mysore.
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    Practice of Faith under COVID-19: Exceptional Cases.David Emmanuel Singh - 2020 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 37 (4):306-316.
    Included here are some cases that highlight exceptional behaviour under the novel coronavirus pandemic that cuts across religious boundaries. The Christian cases were drawn from the United States and South Korea; Islamic cases were drawn both from India and Iran; and the Hindu and Sikh cases were highlighted from India. Of these, notably, Iran is a declared theocracy, whereas the United States and India are arguably contexts of rising Christian and Hindu theocracies. We are familiar with the evidence of the (...)
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    Propagation of SH waves in layered functionally gradient piezoelectric–piezomagnetic structures.B. M. Singh & J. Rokne - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (14):1690-1700.
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    Parts of visual shape as primitives for categorization.Manish Singh & Barbara Landau - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):36-37.
    Converging psychophysical evidence suggests that the human visual system parses shapes into component parts for the purposes of object recognition. We examine the Schyns et al. claim of “creation” of features in light of recent work on part-based representations of visual shape, particularly the perceptual rules that human vision uses to parse shapes.
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    P.B. Shelley's Philosophy of Love.Sarita Singh - 1988 - Mittal Publications.
    Poets are "the institutors of laws, and the founders of civil society, and the inventors of the arts of life, and the teachers who draw into a certain ...
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    Pulverizing the Monopoly of Mind: Three Roles of the Body in Cognition.Akhil Kumar Singh - 2019 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):19-29.
    For many decades, cognition has been viewed as a computational process in the brain. For cognition, the brain, body and the interaction with the environment are important. Conventional views are inclined towards the existence of discrete and internal representations realised by highly specific mechanisms in the brain. The Embodied approach challenges this view and accepts the evolution of cognitive abilities. There is a shift in focus from the belief that the brain is solely responsible for cognition to the thought that (...)
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  42.  22
    Questions That This Monograph Raises.A. R. Singh & S. A. Singh - 2007 - Mens Sana Monographs 5 (1):134.
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    Realm Between Immanent and Transcendent: Philosophy of K. Satchidananda Murty.R. P. Singh - 2015 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 32 (1):45-58.
    The present paper is an attempt to develop late Professor K. Satchidananda Murty’s quest to articulate Immanent and Transcendent in his philosophical journey from Upanishads to German idealism and Marxism. It is proposed to be achieved by explicating Murty’s understanding of the views of Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, and Marx on human condition and its transcendence or emancipation. For this purpose, I will discuss consciousness as the ultimate reality being transcendent and immanent in Vedanta as well as in German idealism. The (...)
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  44.  43
    Religious Diversity at Workplace: a Literature Review.Reetesh K. Singh & Mansi Babbar - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (2):229-247.
    The globalization, increased migration, and mobility of workforce necessitate the need to study religious diversity in organizations, which has not yet received adequate academic attention of management scholars. The paper attempts to define and understand the nuances of religious diversity with the help of certain theories from psychology and sociology domains. It aims to present the legal provisions of different countries regarding workplace religious discrimination and endeavours to synthesize and analyze the pros and cons of religious diversity at workplace. The (...)
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  45. Revival of Upaniṣadic thought in contemporary Indian philosophy.Sankatha Prasad Singh - 1974 - Patna: Delhi Pustak Sadan.
  46.  41
    Radhakrishnan's substantial reconstruction of the vedānta of śaṁkara.Ram Pratap Singh - 1966 - Philosophy East and West 16 (1/2):5-32.
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    Refusing the Performance: Disrupting Popular Discourses Surrounding Latino Male Teachers and the Possibility of Disidentification.Michael V. Singh - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (1):28-45.
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  48.  7
    Rights vis-à-vis Duties and Contemporary Human Rights Debate.Sudhir Singh & Abhishek Kumar - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (3):389-396.
    Most of the theories of rights propounded by philosophers, right from the beginning till the twentieth century, conceive rights either as a claim against the state or an obligation upon the state. Certainly such a conception has had something to do with the prevailing social, political and economic systems of the time concerned. Social, political and economic systems also had a particular relationship amongst them. Change in individual and social perspectives, values, priorities and beliefs has affected the philosophy of right. (...)
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    Convergence of a Two-Step Iterative Method for Nondifferentiable Operators in Banach Spaces.Abhimanyu Kumar, Dharmendra K. Gupta, Eulalia Martínez & Sukhjit Singh - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Kuka Movement.Thomas R. Metcalf & Fauja Singh Bajwa - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):670.
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