Results for 'Katsunori Kobayashi'

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  1.  36
    The Present Situation and the Problems of University Physical Education.Susumu Sugiyama, Katsunori Kobayashi & Masayuki Nara - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 23 (2):1-15.
  2. The Pragmatic Intelligence of Habits.Katsunori Miyahara & Ian Robertson - 2021 - Topoi 40 (3):597-608.
    Habitual actions unfold without conscious deliberation or reflection, and yet often seem to be intelligently adjusted to situational intricacies. A question arises, then, as to how it is that habitual actions can exhibit this form of intelligence, while falling outside the domain of paradigmatically intentional actions. Call this the intelligence puzzle of habits. This puzzle invites three standard replies. Some stipulate that habits lack intelligence and contend that the puzzle is ill-posed. Others hold that habitual actions can exhibit intelligence because (...)
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  3. Narrative self-constitution as embodied practice.Katsunori Miyahara & Shogo Tanaka - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Narrative views of the self argue that we constitute our self in self-narratives. Embodied views hold that our self is shaped through embodied experiences. In that case, what is the relation between embodiment and narrativity in the process of self-constitution? The question demands a clear definition of embodiment, but existing studies remains unclear on this point (section 2). We offer a correction to this situation by drawing on Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of the body that highlights its habituality. On this account, the (...)
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  4. Discerning genuine and artificial sociality: a technomoral wisdom to live with chatbots.Katsunori Miyahara & Hayate Shimizu - forthcoming - In Vincent C. Müller, Aliya R. Dewey, Leonard Dung & Guido Löhr (eds.), Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art. Berlin: SpringerNature.
    Chatbots powered by large language models (LLMs) are increasingly capable of engaging in what seems like natural conversations with humans. This raises the question of whether we should interact with these chatbots in a morally considerate manner. In this chapter, we examine how to answer this question from within the normative framework of virtue ethics. In the literature, two kinds of virtue ethics arguments, the moral cultivation and the moral character argument, have been advanced to argue that we should afford (...)
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    Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika philosophy and text science.Katsunori Hirano - 2012 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private.
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    Anrakushi to keihō.Katsunori Kai - 2003 - Tōkyō: Seibundō.
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    Posuto genomu shakai to ijihō.Katsunori Kai (ed.) - 2009 - Tōkyō: Shinzansha.
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    Seishoku iryō to ijihō =.Katsunori Kai (ed.) - 2014 - Tōkyō: Shinzansha.
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    Shūmatsuki iryō to ijihō.Katsunori Kai (ed.) - 2013 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Shinzansha.
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    Fukuzatsukei shakai no rinrigaku: seisei henka no naka de kōi wa dō arubeki ka.Michinori Kobayashi - 2000 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  11. Missing Out On the Radicalism of Neurophenomenology?Katsunori Miyahara - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):368-370.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Never Mind the Gap: Neurophenomenology, Radical Enactivism, and the Hard Problem of Consciousness” by Michael D. Kirchhoff & Daniel D. Hutto. Upshot: An exegetical worry about Kirchhoff and Hutto’s exposition of neurophenomenology is pointed out. Combining this exegetical critique with an examination of the “strict identity” in the strict identity thesis, I argue that there is more affinity between neurophenomenology and REC than they think.
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  12.  29
    Situated self-awareness in expert performance: a situated normativity account of riken no ken.Katsunori Miyahara & Miguel Segundo-Ortin - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-25.
    We explore the nature of expert minds in skilled performance by examining classic Japanese dramatist Zeami’s account of skilled expertise in Noh drama. Zeami characterizes expert minds by the co-existence of mushin and riken no ken. Mushin is an empty state of mind devoid of mental contents. Riken no ken is a distinctive form of self-awareness, where the actor embodies a common perspective with the audience upon one’s own performance. Conventional accounts of riken no ken present it as a form (...)
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  13. Artificial life in HyperReality.Katsunori Shimohara - 2001 - In Nobuyoshi Terashima & John Tiffin (eds.), Hyperreality: Paradigm for the Third Millenium. New York: Routledge. pp. 80.
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  14.  38
    Enactive pain and its sociocultural embeddedness.Katsunori Miyahara - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (5):871-886.
    This paper disputes the theoretical assumptions of mainstream approaches in philosophy of pain, representationalism and imperativism, and advances an enactive approach as an alternative. It begins by identifying three shared assumptions in the mainstream approaches: the internalist assumption, the brain-body assumption, and the semantic assumption. It then articulates an alternative, enactive approach that considers pain as an embodied response to the situation. This approach entails the hypothesis of the sociocultural embeddedness of pain, which states against the brain-body assumption that the (...)
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  15.  79
    The integrated structure of consciousness: phenomenal content, subjective attitude, and noetic complex.Katsunori Miyahara & Olaf Witkowski - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (4):731-758.
    We explore the integrated structure of consciousness by examining the “phenomenological axioms” of the “integrated information theory of consciousness ” from the perspective of Husserlian phenomenology. After clarifying the notion of phenomenological axioms by drawing on resources from Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, we develop a critique of the integration axiom by drawing on phenomenological analyses developed by Aron Gurwitsch and Merleau-Ponty. This axiom is ambiguous. It can be read either atomistically as claiming that the phenomenal content of conscious experience (...)
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  16. Neo-pragmatic intentionality and enactive perception: a compromise between extended and enactive minds.Katsunori Miyahara - 2011 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (4):499-519.
    The general idea of enactive perception is that actual and potential embodied activities determine perceptual experience. Some extended mind theorists, such as Andy Clark, refute this claim despite their general emphasis on the importance of the body. I propose a compromise to this opposition. The extended mind thesis is allegedly a consequence of our commonsense understanding of the mind. Furthermore, extended mind theorists assume the existence of non-human minds. I explore the precise nature of the commonsense understanding of the mind, (...)
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  17. On the Unity of Collingwood's Philosophy: From Process to Self-Creation.Chinatsu Kobayashi & Mathieu Marion - 2006 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 12 (2):125-157.
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  18.  21
    Review Article: How Good an Historian Shall I Be?Chinatsu Kobayashi - 2005 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 11 (2):115-136.
    The title of Marnie Hughes-Warrington's study, 'How Good an Historian Shall I Be?', is taken from a 1930 pam-phlet by Collingwood, in which, assuming that 'there are as many historians as there are human beings', he inferred that 'the question is not 'Shall I be an historian or not?' but How good an historian shall I be?'' . Hughes-Warrington takes this to be 'probably the most important question we can ask' . Indeed, she believes that 'historical education' is 'a duty (...)
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  19. Shintoism: Nature's own religion.A. Kobayashi - 2001 - Journal of Dharma 26 (1):87-95.
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  20.  7
    "Shutai" no yukue: Nihon kindai shisōshi e no ichi shikaku.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2010 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
    「主体」はもちろんsubjectの翻訳語である。明治以降、この語がわが国に入ってくると、「主観」「主体」「主語」などさまざまな翻訳語があらわれる。たとえば西田幾多郎は、初期は「主観」をつかっているが、 後期になると「主体」しか出てこなくなる。この移行ははたして何を意味するのだろうか。戦後には、「主体性論争」がわき起こり、たとえば学生運動では「主体性」という言葉がキーワードとなった。明治期の受容から、 戦後、そして現代に至るまで、それぞれの時代の趨勢となった思想に伏流する「主体」を追い続け、日本近代思想史にあらたな視座を提供する、知的興奮にあふれた一冊。.
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  21. Seisei ruten no tetsugaku: jinsei to sekai o kangaeru.Michinori Kobayashi - 2024 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  22.  16
    Dreyfus and Zeami on Embodied Expertise.Katsunori Miyahara - 2021 - In Karyn L. Lai (ed.), Knowers and Knowledge in East-West Philosophy: Epistemology Extended. Springer Nature. pp. 345-366.
    This chapter explores a non-intellectualist approach to skilled expertise by comparing modern phenomenological philosopher Hubert Dreyfus’ account of absorbed coping with fifteenth-century Japanese dramatist Zeami Motokiyo’s account of Noh performance. It begins by presenting Dreyfus’ account of skilled performance and skill development, which envisages “conceptual mindedness” as the enemy of expertise. It then moves on to introduce Zeami’s account of skilled expertise in Noh by focusing on three key concepts, namely mushin, shoshin, and hana. By comparing these two similarly non-intellectualist (...)
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  23.  67
    A propositional fragment of leśniewski's ontology and its formulation by the tableau method.Mitsunori Kobayashi & Arata Ishimoto - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (2-3):181 - 195.
    The propositional fragment L 1 of Leniewski's ontology is the smallest class (of formulas) containing besides all the instances of tautology the formulas of the forms: (a, b) (a, a), (a, b) (b,). (a, c) and (a, b) (b, c). (b, a) being closed under detachment. The purpose of this paper is to furnish another more constructive proof than that given earlier by one of us for: Theorem A is provable in L 1 iff TA is a thesis of first-order (...)
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  24.  46
    Functions of consciousness: conceptual clarification.Takuya Niikawa, Katsunori Miyahara, Hiro Taiyo Hamada & Satoshi Nishida - 2022 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 2022 (1).
    There are many theories of the functions of consciousness. How these theories relate to each other, how we should assess them, and whether any integration of them is possible are all issues that remain unclear. To contribute to a solution, this paper offers a conceptual framework to clarify the theories of the functions of consciousness. This framework consists of three dimensions: (i) target, (ii) explanatory order, and (iii) necessity/sufficiency. The first dimension, target, clarifies each theory in terms of the kind (...)
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  25.  85
    (1 other version)Neo-pragmatism and enactive intentionality.Shaun Gallagher & Katsunori Miyahara - 2012 - In Jay Schulkin (ed.), Action, perception and the brain: adaptation and cephalic expression. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  26. Wax On, Wax Off! Habits, Sport Skills, and Motor Intentionality.Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio, Katsunori Miyahara & Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):609-622.
    What role does habit formation play in the development of sport skills? We argue that motor habits are both necessary for and constitutive of sensorimotor skill as they support an automatic, yet inherently intelligent and flexible, form of action control. Intellectualists about skills generally assume that what makes action intelligent and flexible is its intentionality, and that intentionality must be necessarily cognitive in nature to allow for both deliberation and explicit goal-representation. Against Intellectualism we argue that the habitual behaviours that (...)
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  27.  15
    Incremental processing and design of a parser for japanese: A dynamic approach.Masahiro Kobayashi - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 174--186.
  28.  8
    Jitsuzon shugi: ningen to wa nani ka.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1986 - Tōkyō: Sanshūsha.
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  29. Kyōiku no ningengakuteki kenkyū.Hirofusa Kobayashi - 1984 - Fukuoka-shi: Kyūshū Daigaku Shuppankai.
  30.  6
    L’ « Au-delà de l’essence » d’E.Reiko Kobayashi - 2015 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 6:125-143.
    Cet article examine le rapport entre l’Idée platonicienne du Bien et l’au-delà de l’essence de Levinas.
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    Social Perception and the Problem of Other Minds.Katsunori Miyahara - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 45:21-26.
    How do we understand other people’s minds? This is a descriptive problem of other minds, a question concerning the descriptive nature of social cognition or interpersonal understanding. There are currently three prominent approaches to this problem, namely, the theory theory approach, the simulation theory approach and the direct perception approach. Instead of trying to resolve the conflict between them, I will conduct a preliminary exploration concerning the nature of social perception or the experience of seeing other people. TT, ST and (...)
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  32. Chikyū bunmei to shūkyō: Tōyō Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo sōritsu 50-shūnen kinen ronbunshū.Masahiro Kobayashi (ed.) - 2013 - Tōkyō-to Hachiōji-shi: Tōyō Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo.
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    Hirata kokugaku no reikonkan.Takerō Kobayashi - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kōbundō.
  34. Hyōshō, kōzō to dekigoto.Yasuo Kobayashi & Hisaki Matsuura (eds.) - 2000 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  35. Kokutai shisō shi ron.Kenzō Kobayashi - 1942
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  36. Ronri to ronrigaku.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1971 - Edited by Heiji Teranaka.
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  37.  37
    The Shifting Other in Karatani Kōjin’s Philosophy.Toshiaki Kobayashi & John W. M. Krummel - 2016 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 4:17-31.
    In this article Kobayashi Toshiaki discusses the importance in all periods of Karatani’s oeuvre of the notion of an “exterior” that necessarily falls beyond the bounds of a system, together with the notion of “singularity” as that which cannot be contained within a “universal.” The existential dread vis-à-vis the uncanny other that Karatani in his early works of literary criticism had initially found to be the underlying tone in Sōseki’s works remained with Karatani himself throughout his career and is (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Perception and the problem of access to other minds.Nivedita Gangopadhyay & Katsunori Miyahara - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology (5):1-20.
    In opposition to mainstream theory of mind approaches, some contemporary perceptual accounts of social cognition do not consider the central question of social cognition to be the problem of access to other minds. These perceptual accounts draw heavily on phenomenological philosophy and propose that others' mental states are “directly” given in the perception of the others' expressive behavior. Furthermore, these accounts contend that phenomenological insights into the nature of social perception lead to the dissolution of the access problem. We argue, (...)
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  39. A preliminary report on the regulatory mechanisms of the antagonistic radular muscles.M. Kobayashi - 1981 - In G. Adam, I. Meszaros & E.I. Banyai (eds.), Advances in Physiological Science. pp. 23--83.
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    Collingwood's Letters to Alexander.Chinatsu Kobayashi - 2021 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 27 (2):145-196.
  41. Gendai no hō: taikeiteki 50-kō.Takasuke Kobayashi (ed.) - 1963 - Tōkyō: Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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  42. Hiromatsu Wataru, kindai no chōkoku.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2007 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
  43. Jitsuzon tetsugaku e no michi.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1954 - [n.p.]:
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  44. Kyoikugaku josetsu.Sumie Kobayashi - 1950
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    Nishida Kitarō no yūutsu.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2003 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    西田幾多郎(一八七〇‐一九四五)の人生。それは一人の人間の個別的な営みを超え、明治から昭和に至る奔流のただなかに姿を見せ始めた「日本」を集約し、体現するものだった。同時代の多彩な資料に基づく実証的手法 によって克明に描き出される哲学者の苦悩と格闘の人生に、近代日本の成立過程に現出した幾多の問題系を照射する斬新な評伝的批評。.
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    New Start for Organ Transplantation in Japan.Eiji Kobayashi - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (4):449-451.
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  47. Rekishigan.Hajime Kobayashi - 1943
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  48.  11
    Shinmatsu kōri shisō to Nihon.Takeshi Kobayashi - 2011 - Tōkyō: Kenbun Shuppan. Edited by Yutaka Satō.
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    Shakai no imēji: shakaigakuteki metafā no shosō.Shūichi Kobayashi & Takao Fukuyama (eds.) - 1991 - Matsudo-shi: Azusa Shuppansha.
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  50. Shokugyō no rinri.Yoshio Kobayashi, Helmut Erlinghagen & Junʼichi Okada (eds.) - 1958
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