Results for 'Katherine Bankole-Medina'

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  1.  39
    Marli F. Weiner. With, Mazie Hough. Sex, Sickness, and Slavery: Illness in the Antebellum South. xii + 267 pp., index. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012. $60. [REVIEW]Katherine Bankole-Medina - 2014 - Isis 105 (2):459-460.
  2. The Metaphysics of Social Groups.Katherine Ritchie - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (5):310-321.
    Social groups, including racial and gender groups and teams and committees, seem to play an important role in our world. This article examines key metaphysical questions regarding groups. I examine answers to the question ‘Do groups exist?’ I argue that worries about puzzles of composition, motivations to accept methodological individualism, and a rejection of Racialism support a negative answer to the question. An affirmative answer is supported by arguments that groups are efficacious, indispensible to our best theories, and accepted given (...)
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    The Emergence of Autobiographical Memory: A Social Cultural Developmental Theory.Katherine Nelson & Robyn Fivush - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):486-511.
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    Concept, word, and sentence: Interrelations in acquisition and development.Katherine Nelson - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (4):267-285.
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    Are high-level aftereffects perceptual?Katherine R. Storrs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  6. Dissolving the epistemic/ethical dilemma over implicit bias.Katherine Puddifoot - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (sup1):73-93.
    It has been argued that humans can face an ethical/epistemic dilemma over the automatic stereotyping involved in implicit bias: ethical demands require that we consistently treat people equally, as equally likely to possess certain traits, but if our aim is knowledge or understanding our responses should reflect social inequalities meaning that members of certain social groups are statistically more likely than others to possess particular features. I use psychological research to argue that often the best choice from the epistemic perspective (...)
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  7. Epistemic Authority: Preemption or Proper Basing?Katherine Dormandy - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (4):773-791.
    Sometimes it is epistemically beneficial to form a belief on authority. When you do, what happens to other reasons you have for that belief? Linda Zagzebski’s total-preemption view says that these reasons are “preempted”: you still have them, but you do not use them to support your belief. I argue that this situation is problematic, because having reasons for a belief while not using them forfeits you doxastic justification. I present an alternative account of belief on authority, the proper-basing view, (...)
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    Knowledge Held in Common: Tales of Luther Burbank and Science in the American Vernacular.Katherine Pandora - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):484-516.
    During the first half of the twentieth century, the horticulturist Luther Burbank was largely considered an irrelevant figure by the scientific community, despite winning acclaim from the public as an eminent scientist. In examining the intellectual, social, and political claims embedded in texts by and about Burbank, this essay argues that consideration of the Burbank stories as they circulated in the vernacular realm can aid historians in understanding the dynamics of science in American life. Among the themes it addresses are (...)
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  9. Stereotyping: The multifactorial view.Katherine Puddifoot - 2017 - Philosophical Topics 45 (1):137-156.
    This paper proposes and defends the multifactorial view of stereotyping. According to this view, multiple factors determine whether or not any act of stereotyping increases the chance of an accurate judgment being made about an individual to whom the stereotype is applied. To support this conclusion, various features of acts of stereotyping that can determine the accuracy of stereotyping judgments are identified. The argument challenges two existing views that suggest that it is relatively easy for an act of stereotyping to (...)
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    Sobre democracia y desarrollo.José Medina Echevarría - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 35:287-298.
  11. La economía política y el espíritu del liberalismo: el factor del «dinero».Carlos Medina Labayru - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (310):1025-1042.
    La economía ortodoxa oculta la cualidad esencial del dinero en tanto institución social de orden intelectual. En su lugar, lo presenta como una mercancía con el fin de ajustar de este modo su teoría del dinero al contexto teórico general del mercado como una esfera independiente del campo social que se autorregula virtuosamente por sí mismo, de manera natural, sin ninguna intervención externa. Sostengo que este sesgo naturalista tiene, no obstante, unos fundamentos que van más allá de una mera posición (...)
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    Interaction versus observation: A finer look at this distinction and its importance to autism.Elizabeth Redcay, Katherine Rice & Rebecca Saxe - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):435 - 435.
    Although a second-person neuroscience has high ecological validity, the extent to which a second- versus third-person neuroscience approach fundamentally alters neural patterns of activation requires more careful investigation. Nonetheless, we are hopeful that this new avenue will prove fruitful in significantly advancing our understanding of typical and atypical social cognition.
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    Science in the Everyday World.Katherine Pandora & Karen A. Rader - 2008 - Isis 99 (2):350-364.
  14.  54
    Mono-Causal and Multi-Causal Theories of Disease: How to Think Virally and Socially about the Aetiology of AIDS.Katherine Furman - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (2):107-121.
    In this paper, I utilise the tools of analytic philosophy to amalgamate mono-causal and multi-causal theories of disease. My aim is to better integrate viral and socio-economic explanations of AIDS in particular, and to consider how the perceived divide between mono-causal and multi-causal theories played a role in the tragedy of AIDS denialism in South Africa in the early 2000s. Currently, there is conceptual ambiguity surrounding the relationship between mono-causal and multi-causal theories in biomedicine and epidemiology. Mono-causal theories focus on (...)
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  15. Can Semantics Guide Ontology?Katherine Ritchie - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):24-41.
    Since the linguistic turn, many have taken semantics to guide ontology. Here, I argue that semantics can, at best, serve as a partial guide to ontological commitment. If semantics were to be our guide, semantic data and semantic treatments would need to be taken seriously. Through an examination of plurals and their treatments, I argue that there can be multiple, equally semantically adequate, treatments of a natural language theory. Further, such treatments can attribute different ontological commitments to a theory. Given (...)
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  16. Metaphysics and relativity.Katherine Hawley - 2009 - In Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron, The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics. New York: Routledge.
    This is a very introductory introduction to some ways in which the special and general theories of relativity may bear upon metaphysical questions about the nature of time and space, and the persistence of objects.
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    Popular Science in National and Transnational Perspective: Suggestions from the American Context.Katherine Pandora - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):346-358.
    ABSTRACT In what ways can the study of science and popular culture in the American context contribute to ongoing debates on popularization and popular science? This essay suggests that, for several reasons, attention to the antebellum era offers the most significant opportunity to realize more sophisticated understandings of science in American popular culture. First, it enables us to take advantage of comparative opportunities, both by benefiting from the advanced state of historiography for Victorian popular science and by engaging with a (...)
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    Environmental Aesthetics and Public Environmental Philosophy.Katherine W. Robinson & Kevin C. Elliott - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (2):175-191.
    We argue that environmental aesthetics, and specifically the concept of aesthetic integrity, should play a central role in a public environmental philosophy designed to communicate about environmental problems in an effective manner. After developing the concept of the “aesthetic integrity” of the environment, we appeal to empirical research to show that it contributes significantly to people’s sense of place, which is, in turn, central to their well-being and motivational state. As a result, appealing to aesthetic integrity in policy contexts is (...)
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    Scientific Research on Nanotechnology in Latin American Journals Published in SciELO: Bibliometric Analysis of Gender Differences.Elizabeth Duran, Katherine Astroza, Jaime Ocaranza-Ozimica, Damary Peñailillo, Iskra Pavez-Soto & Rodrigo Ramirez-Tagle - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):113-118.
    Papers on nanotechnology in the Scientific Electronic Library Online database were studied bibliometrically. The terms ‘nanotechnology’, ‘nanoparticle’, ‘graphene’, ‘fullerene’, ‘nanotube’ and ‘quantum dot’ were used for the search in their singular and plural forms in three languages, and a total of 1205 papers were selected for the study to assess the frequency rates of the study variables. The results of the study are presented in this article focusing on gender differences.
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    An axiomatic approach to maintaining the consistency of a hypermedia information system based on the SEM-HP model.L. Garcia-Cabrera, N. Medina-Medina, P. J. Sanchez & L. Martinez - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):1045-1074.
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    Playing only one instrument may be not enough: Limitations and future of the antiangiogenic treatment of cancer.Ana R. Quesada, Miguel Ángel Medina & Emilio Alba - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (11):1159-1168.
    Angiogenesis plays an essential role in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. After initial pessimism about the usefulness of the antiangiogenic therapeutic approach for cancer, interest has increased in the development of antiangiogenic compounds after the first clinical approval of an antiangiogenic therapy. The anti‐vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibody bevacizumab has recently been approved for use in combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic colorectal and non‐small cell lung cancer patients. However, no survival benefit has been demonstrated in anti‐VEGF (...)
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    Application and Assessment of an Ethics Presentation for Accounting and Business Classes.L. Murphy Smith, Katherine T. Smith & Elizabeth Vallery Mulig - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):153-164.
    This paper describes a presentation on ethics for accounting and business students. In 2001 and 2002, major corporate failures such as Enron and Worldcom, combined with questionable accounting practices, made ethics a paramount concern to persons working in business and accounting. While financial statement analysis and regulatory requirements are important technical topics, the issue of ethics provides faculty a unique and very appropriate setting to discuss deeper truths about doing business and living life well. This paper briefly describes the development (...)
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    Physical Determinants in the Emergence and Inheritance of Multicellular Form.Stuart A. Newman & Marta Linde-Medina - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (3):274-285.
    We argue that the physics of complex materials and self-organizing processes should be made central to the biology of form. Rather than being encoded in genes, form emerges when cells and certain of their molecules mobilize physical forces, effects, and processes in a multicellular context. What is inherited from one generation to the next are not genetic programs for constructing organisms, but generative mechanisms of morphogenesis and pattern formation and the initial and boundary conditions for reproducing the specific traits of (...)
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  24.  74
    Factors affecting willingness to share electronic health data among California consumers.Katherine K. Kim, Pamela Sankar, Machelle D. Wilson & Sarah C. Haynes - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):25.
    Robust technology infrastructure is needed to enable learning health care systems to improve quality, access, and cost. Such infrastructure relies on the trust and confidence of individuals to share their health data for healthcare and research. Few studies have addressed consumers’ views on electronic data sharing and fewer still have explored the dual purposes of healthcare and research together. The objective of the study is to explore factors that affect consumers’ willingness to share electronic health information for healthcare and research. (...)
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    A descriptivist approach to trait conceptualization and inference.Katherine G. Jonas & Kristian E. Markon - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (1):90-96.
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    Tibetan Logic.Katherine Rogers - 2008 - Snow Lion Publications. Edited by Phur-bu-lcog Byams-pa-rgya-mtsho.
    Rogers takes up each of the manual's topics in turn, providing explanation and commentary, and investigates the role of reasoning in the Ge-luk-pa system of ...
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  27. Argument from Personal Narrative: A Case Study of Rachel Moran's Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution.Katherine Dormandy - 2016 - Res Philosophica 93 (3):601-620.
    Personal narratives can let us in on aspects of reality which we have not experienced for ourselves, and are thus important sources for philosophical reflection. Yet a venerable tradition in mainstream philosophy has little room for arguments which rely on personal narrative, on the grounds that narratives are particular and testimonial, whereas philosophical arguments should be systematic and transparent. I argue that narrative arguments are an important form of philosophical argument. Their testimonial aspects witness to novel facets of reality, but (...)
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  28.  43
    The influence of embodiment on multisensory integration using the mirror box illusion.Jared Medina, Priya Khurana & H. Branch Coslett - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:71-82.
  29.  27
    (1 other version)General covariance from the perspective of Noether's Theorems.Katherine Brading & Harvey Brown - 2002 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 37 (79):59-86.
    Analysis of Emmy Noether's 1918 theorems provides an illuminating method for testing the consequences of coordinate generality, and for exploring what else must be added to this requirement in order to give general covariance its far-reaching physical significance. The discussion takes us through Noether's first and second theorems, and then a third related theorem due originally to F. Klein. Contact will also be made with the contributions of, principally, J.L. Anderson, A. Trautman, P.A.M. Dirac, R. Torretti and the father of (...)
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    Morality, justice, and the law: the continuing debate.M. Katherine B. Darmer & Robert M. Baird (eds.) - 2007 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Intellectually stimulating articles, which grapple with the tough issues involving morality, justice, and the law. This balanced anthology will be of interest to philosophers, legal scholars, and anyone concerned about the relation of law to morality.
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    Practical Implications of the Minimally Conscious State Diagnosis in Adults.Karola V. Kreitmair & Katherine E. Kruse - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (4):628-639.
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  32. (1 other version)Metaphysical and Historical Claims in The Birth of Tragedy.Katherine Harloe - 2008 - In Manuel Dries, Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 275.
  33. Concealing and Concealment in Heidegger.Katherine Withy - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1496-1513.
    The self-concealing of being is a primary preoccupation of Heidegger's later thought, but neither Heidegger nor his interpreters have made clear precisely what it is. In this paper, I identify the self-concealing of being as the concealing of the worlding of the world, which is essential to and simultaneous with that worlding. In order to establish this, I sketch a taxonomy of the various phenomena of concealing and concealment in Heidegger's work by building on Mark Wrathall's four ‘planks’ of unconcealing (...)
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  34. Poincaré on the Foundations of Arithmetic and Geometry. Part 1: Against “Dependence-Hierarchy” Interpretations.Katherine Dunlop - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):274-308.
    The main goal of part 1 is to challenge the widely held view that Poincaré orders the sciences in a hierarchy of dependence, such that all others presuppose arithmetic. Commentators have suggested that the intuition that grounds the use of induction in arithmetic also underlies the conception of a continuum, that the consistency of geometrical axioms must be proved through arithmetical induction, and that arithmetical induction licenses the supposition that certain operations form a group. I criticize each of these readings. (...)
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    The high cost of water: Leslie Tomory: The history of the London water industry 1580–1820. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 314pp, $54.95 HB.Katherine Rinne - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):143-146.
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    Instinct and the Unconscious. A Contribution to a Biological Theory of the Psycho-Neuroses.Katherine Gilbert - 1923 - Philosophical Review 32 (3):342-343.
  37.  13
    A Companion to the Book of Margery Kempe.John H. Arnold & Katherine J. Lewis - 2010 - Ds Brewer.
    Margery Kempe and her Book studied in both literary and historical context.
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    Estética y emancipación: fantasma, fetiche, fantasmagoría.Mariana Botey & Cuauhtémoc Medina (eds.) - 2014 - México, D.F.: Siglo XXI.
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    Child Trafficking: Issues for Policy and Practice.V. Jordan Greenbaum, Katherine Yun & Jonathan Todres - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (1):159-163.
    Efforts to address child trafficking require intensive collaboration among professionals of varied disciplines. Healthcare professionals have a major role in this multidisciplinary approach. Training is essential for all professionals, and policies and protocols may assist in fostering an effective, comprehensive response to victimization.
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    Definitions, Distinctions, and Limitations: The Rhetoric of Plastic Surgery.Katherine Rogers - 2020 - Listening 55 (1):3-15.
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    Incorporating environmental ethics into the undergraduate engineering curriculum.Katherine Rowden & Bradley Striebig - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):417-422.
    The design and economic realities associated with Personal Computers (PCs) was used as a model for implementing ethical issues into the core-engineering curriculum. Historically, products have not been designed to be recycled easily. By incorporating environmental ethics into our classrooms and industries, valuable materials can be recovered and harmful materials can be eliminated from our waste stream. Future engineers must consider the economic cost-benefit analysis of designing a product for easy material recovery and recycling versus the true cost of the (...)
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  42.  52
    Solid-State and Molecular Theory: A Scientific BiographyJohn C. Slater.Katherine Sopka - 1978 - Isis 69 (2):320-321.
  43.  18
    Here Versus There: Creating British Sexual Politics Elsewhere.Kay Lalor & Katherine Browne - 2018 - Feminist Legal Studies 26 (2):205-213.
    This reflection draws upon two recent ‘moments’ in British sexuality politics—a series of Parliamentary debates on Global LGBT rights and Brighton Pride’s campaign to ‘Highlight Global LGBT Communities’. It contrasts these two moments in order to demonstrate how, at a time when LGBT rights have ostensibly been ‘won’ in the UK, there is an increasing tendency to shift focus to the persecution of SOGI minorities elsewhere in the world. This shift in focus sets up a binary of here versus there (...)
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    Source, method, theory, practice: on reading two old English verse texts.Katherine OBrien O.‘Keefe - 1994 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (1):51-74.
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    The Meaning of Ātmahano Janāḥ in Īśā Upaniṣad 3The Meaning of Atmahano Janah in Isa Upanisad 3.Arvind Sharma & Katherine K. Young - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):595.
  46.  25
    Palabra Que Invoca y la Palabra Que Responde.Jorge Medina Delgadillo - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 120:183-194.
    El propósito de la investigación será analizar algunos textos de Ferdinand Ebner y de Emmanuel Levinas, con el fin de considerar a la persona, al mismo tiempo, apelada y libre respondiente al llamado: pasividad y actividad constitutivas de su existencia. Desde la Antigüedad, se ha considerado que la capacidad de «tener palabra» (λόγον ἔχον) es el elemento que nos distingue del resto de los animales; sin embargo, el tratamiento filosófico que recibió la noción de ‘palabra’ (λόγος, verbum), en la mayoría (...)
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    Poincaré on the Foundations of Arithmetic and Geometry. Part 2: Intuition and Unity in Mathematics.Katherine Dunlop - 2017 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 7 (1):88-107.
    Part 1 of this article exposed a tension between Poincaré’s views of arithmetic and geometry and argued that it could not be resolved by taking geometry to depend on arithmetic. Part 2 aims to resolve the tension by supposing not merely that intuition’s role is to justify induction on the natural numbers but rather that it also functions to acquaint us with the unity of orders and structures and show practices to fit or harmonize with experience. I argue that in (...)
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  48. Doktrin oder Diskurs? Fördern religiöse Verschiedenheiten die Erkenntnis der Wahrheit? [Doctrine or Discours: Does Religious Disagreement Promote Religious Knowledge?].Katherine Dormandy - 2017 - In Dormandy Katherine, Glaube und Politik in einer pluralen Welt.
    Wegen der Globalisierung und der Säkularisierung ist heute nicht mehr selbstverständlich davon auszugehen, dass die eigenen religiösen Überzeugungen richtig sind. Wie können Gläubige darauf reagieren? Eine nachvollziehbare Reaktion wäre zu versuchen, das eigene religiöse Glaubenssystem vor aller scheinbaren Konkurrenz zu schützen, indem man religiösen Dissens innerhalb oder außerhalb der Glaubensgemeinschaft unterbindet oder unterdrückt. Die Autorin argumentiert jedoch dafür, dass die Förderung von solchem Dissens die religiöse Erkenntnis eigentlich begünstigt und zwar selbst für diejenigen, die ihr eigenes religiöses Glaubenssystem möglichst bewahren (...)
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    Ethics and the Law.Katherine Duthie, Bashir Jiwani & Duncan Steele - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (4):347-358.
    Health care providers’ interpretation of law can have intended and unintended effects on health care delivery in Canada. At times, health care providers encounter situations where they perceive the law to conflict with their sense of what is most ethically justified. In many cases, these health care providers feel especially torn because they assume that the legal requirements must dictate the decision, and cannot be explored or questioned. We challenge this assumption: the law is not as cut-and-dried as some assume; (...)
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    Être au monde » et situation « d’attachement.Katherine Mansilla Torres - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:399-414.
    Nous présentons la notion d’« être au monde » de Merleau-Ponty, en prenant comme point de départ l’étude de l’auteur sur le rapport mère-enfant dans la première étape de l’enfance (de 0 à 3 mois). Dans cet article nous nous appuyons, spécifiquement, sur le cours tenu à la Sorbonne entre 1949 et 1952, influencé par les travaux de la psychologie de la Gestalt et de la psychanalyse, pour montrer comment, à partir de la relation et de l’unité mère-bébé, on peut (...)
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