Results for 'Katharina Spieß'

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  1.  27
    Relations Among Maternal Life Satisfaction, Shared Activities, and Child Well-Being.Nina Richter, Rebecca Bondü, C. Katharina Spiess, Gert G. Wagner & Gisela Trommsdorff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)VIII. Gedichte.Katharina Ratschko - 2013 - In Paul Michael Lützeler & Michael Kessler, Hermann-Broch-Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 275-290.
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    Die geschichtsphilosophie von Karl Lamprecht.Emil Jakob Spiess - 1921 - Erlangen,: Junge & sohn, Universitäts-buchdruckerei.
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    Feministische Ethik und christliche Sozialethik.Christian Spiess & Katja Winkler (eds.) - 2008 - Berlin: Lit.
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  5. Ignaz Paul Vital Troxler.Emil Jakob Spiess - 1967 - München,: Francke. Edited by Ignaz Paul Vitalis Troxler.
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    Leitbilder in den Sozialwissenschaften: Begriffe, Theorien und Forschungskonzepte.Katharina D. Giesel - 2007 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Katharina D. Giesel befasst sich mit den Fragen, was in den verschiedensten Sozialwissenschaften unter Leitbildern verstanden wird, wie diese Kategorie konzeptionell in Forschungs- und Handlungskonzepte eingebunden wird und inwiefern ...
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    Understanding collective agency in bioethics.Katharina Beier, Isabella Jordan, Claudia Wiesemann & Silke Schicktanz - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):411-422.
    Bioethicists tend to focus on the individual as the relevant moral subject. Yet, in highly complex and socially differentiated healthcare systems a number of social groups, each committed to a common cause, are involved in medical decisions and sometimes even try to influence bioethical discourses according to their own agenda. We argue that the significance of these collective actors is unjustifiably neglected in bioethics. The growing influence of collective actors in the fields of biopolitics and bioethics leads us to pursue (...)
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    Technik als Problem des Ausdrucks: Über die naturphilosophischen Implikationen technikphilosophischer Theorien.Katharina D. Martin - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Formwerdung, als Vorgang des Ausdrückens, ist eine der Natur inhärente technische Dimension - so eine These über den Zusammenhang von Technik- und Naturphilosophie. Demnach überzeugen die techniktheoretischen Überlegungen von Kapp, Deleuze/Guattari und Simondon insbesondere, weil dort Technik als ein Problem des Ausdrucks behandelt wird. Um diesen Gedanken auszuführen, spannt Katharina D. Martin einen Bogen von Lamarck über Schelling und Uexküll bis zu Deleuze. Dabei gelingt es ihr nicht nur, die vielfältigen Diskurse transdisziplinär zu vermitteln, sie führt uns auch zu (...)
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    Relational Capacity: Broadening the Notion of Decision-Making Capacity in Paediatric Healthcare.Katharina M. Ruhe, Eva De Clercq, Tenzin Wangmo & Bernice S. Elger - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):515-524.
    Problems arise when applying the current procedural conceptualization of decision-making capacity to paediatric healthcare: Its emphasis on content-neutrality and rational cognition as well as its implicit assumption that capacity is an ability that resides within a person jeopardizes children’s position in decision-making. The purpose of the paper is to challenge this dominant account of capacity and provide an alternative for how capacity should be understood in paediatric care. First, the influence of developmental psychologist Jean Piaget upon the notion of capacity (...)
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  10. Recognition and Social Justice: A Roman Catholic View of Christian Bioethics of Long-Term Care and Community Service.Christian Spiess - 2007 - Christian Bioethics 13 (3):287-301.
    Contemporary Christian ethics encounters the challenge to communicate genuinely Christian normative orientations within the scientific debate in such a way as to render these orientations comprehensible, and to maintain or enhance their plausibility even for non-Christians. This essay, therefore, proceeds from a biblical motif, takes up certain themes from the Christian tradition (in particular the idea of social justice), and connects both with a compelling contemporary approach to ethics by secular moral philosophy, i.e. with Axel Honneth's reception of Hegel, as (...)
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  11.  41
    Die Dialektik der Elternschaft im Zeitalter der Reprogenetik Ein ethischer Dialog.Katharina Beier & Claudia Wiesemann - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (6):855-871.
    Human reproduction in the age of reprogenetics raises fundamental ethical and political questions. Critics of so-called liberal eugenics like Jürgen Habermas have sparked an ethical debate on whether selective genetic manipulation might undermine the natural basis of the moral self-conception and autonomy of future generations. Contrary to this perception, the authors of this article argue for a dialectic understanding of the moral challenges arising from human natality: Freedom and dependency, sociality and human embodiment, autonomy and relatedness likewise determine our human (...)
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    Von den Schwierigkeiten der Zuspitzung Replik auf Udo Tietz' „hilfslosen Antistalinismus des Bert Brecht“.Katharina Bluhm - 1992 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (6):679-688.
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    Religiöse Erfahrung und Entscheidungsfindung: eine empirisch-pastoraltheologische Studie zur Biografie junger Menschen in Orden und geistlichen Gemeinschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum.Katharina Karl - 2015 - Würzburg: Echter.
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    Veränderte Perspektiven für Roma in Europa nach der Osterweiterung der europäischen Union.Katharina Köhler - 2005 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2006 (jg):296-303.
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    Entangled Speech: Semiotic sympoiesis for the posthuman commons.Klaus Spiess - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (1):203-214.
    In our performanceEntangled Speech, we connect the integration of microbial agency into a new complex ‘common good’ with the shared values of language. Drawing on a posthuman commons we aim for a hybrid language that not only processes formal symbols but also interacts with the microbes in the speaker’s mouth. We argue that the metaphors historically used to frame the relationship between microbiomes and speech cannot account for the co-creative material relationship between human speech and posthuman microbial, environmental and biotechnological (...)
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    Futuros sacerdotes do Senhor: a decisão vocacional entre seminaristas em Santa Catarina.Marcos Alfonso Spiess - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (42):654-656.
    A proposta do presente trabalho é analisar desde uma perspectiva antropológica a decisão vocacional entre seminaristas catarinenses. O trabalho de campo através da “objetivação participante” foi desenvolvido no Seminário Filosófico de Santa Catarina, e ampliado para ex-seminaristas, estagiários e padres. Analisando discursos e práticas foi possível perceber como que o despertar da vocação e as decisões implicadas na caminhada vocacional estão relacionados às condições históricas, econômicas e sociais. O primeiro capítulo resgata a história da implantação das dioceses e seminários no (...)
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  17.  61
    Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation: The Nature of Inner Experience.Katharina T. Kraus - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    As the pre-eminent Enlightenment philosopher, Kant famously calls on all humans to make up their own minds, independently from the constraints imposed on them by others. Kant's focus, however, is on universal human reason, and he tells us little about what makes us individual persons. In this book, Katharina T. Kraus explores Kant's distinctive account of psychological personhood by unfolding how, according to Kant, we come to know ourselves as such persons. Drawing on Kant's Critical works and on his (...)
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  18.  42
    Mood states determine the degree of task shielding in dual-task performance.Katharina Zwosta, Bernhard Hommel, Thomas Goschke & Rico Fischer - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1142-1152.
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    Speaking two languages at once: Unconscious native word form access in second language production.Katharina Spalek, Noriko Hoshino, Yan Jing Wu, Markus Damian & Guillaume Thierry - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):226-231.
  20.  57
    Linking unfounded beliefs to genetic dopamine availability.Katharina Schmack, Hannes Rössler, Maria Sekutowicz, Eva J. Brandl, Daniel J. Müller, Predrag Petrovic & Philipp Sterzer - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21. Can Hegel Refer to Particulars?Katharina Dulckeit - 1986 - The Owl of Minerva 17 (2):181-194.
    Hegel introduced the Phenomenology of Mind as a work on the problem of knowledge. In the first chapter, entitled “Sense Certainty, or the This and Meaning,” he concluded that knowledge cannot consist of an immediate awareness of particulars ). The tradition discusses sense certainty in terms of this failure of immediate knowledge without, however, specifically addressing the problem of reference. Yet reference is distinct from knowledge in the sense that while there can be no knowledge of objects without reference, there (...)
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  22.  23
    Early life epigenetic programming and transmission of stress‐induced traits in mammals.Katharina Gapp, Lukas von Ziegler, Ry Yves Tweedie-Cullen & Isabelle M. Mansuy - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (5):491-502.
    The environment can have a long‐lasting influence on an individual's physiology and behavior. While some environmental conditions can be beneficial and result in adaptive responses, others can lead to pathological behaviors. Many studies have demonstrated that changes induced by the environment are expressed not only by the individuals directly exposed, but also by the offspring sometimes across multiple generations. Epigenetic alterations have been proposed as underlying mechanisms for such transmissible effects. Here, we review the most relevant literature on these changes (...)
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    Face Attractiveness versus Artistic Beauty in Art Portraits: A Behavioral Study.Schulz Katharina & U. Hayn-Leichsenring Gregor - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Arthur C. Danto und das Phantasma vom "Ende der Kunst".Katharina Bahlmann - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Lassen sich für die Kunst noch begriffliche Grenzen ziehen? Oder ist sie in einer Zeit, in der alles Kunst sein kann, letztlich an ihr Ende gelangt? In diesem Spannungsfeld bewegen sich die kunsttheoretischen Schriften des amerikanischen Philosophen Arthur C. Danto. Einerseits hat er unablässig die These verfochten, die Entwicklung der Kunst sei mit künstlerischen Strömungen wie der Pop Art an ihr Ende gelangt. Andererseits hat er um eine überzeugende Konturierung des Kunstbegriffs gerungen und eine der vielversprechendsten Kunstphilosophien des 20. Jahrhunderts (...)
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  25. Praktische Notwendigkeit und persönliche Grenzen.Katharina Bauer - 2021
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  26. Ethical and legal aspects of research with human tissue in Europe (First International Conference, G ottingen).Katharina Beier - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer, The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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  27. Privacy, confidentiality and personality rights in biobanking and genetic research with human tissue (Second International Conference, G ottingen).Katharina Beier - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer, The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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    Interdisziplinäre Aspekte von historischer und philosophischer Frauenforschung.Katharina Fietze - 1993 - Die Philosophin 4 (7):33-39.
  29.  13
    Der Einfluss der stoischen Philosophie auf die Moralphilosophie der deutschen Aufklärung.Katharina Korn Franz - 1940 - Halle: Brühlsche Universitätsdruckerei.
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    Correction to: Medical Students’ Acquaintance with Core Concepts, Institutions and Guidelines on Good Scientific Practice: A Pre- and Post-questionnaire Survey.Katharina Fuerholzer, Maximilian Schochow, Richard Peter & Florian Steger - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-2.
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    (1 other version)The Public Intellectual as Survivor: The Cases of Josef Haslinger and Kathrin Röggla.Katharina Gerstenberger - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (159):120-131.
    ExcerptThis article compares two fairly recent autobiographical works about the experiences of two highly publicized global disasters: Josef Haslinger's Phi Phi Island: Ein Bericht (2004) and Kathrin Röggla's really ground zero: 11. september und folgendes (2001). Röggla was in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Haslinger was a victim of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand, where he vacationed with his family. Both tell stories that are at once intensely personal, relating threats to the narrator's very existence, and decidedly public, as (...)
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    Friederike Charlotte Leopoldine Luise von Brandenburg-Schwedt. „La Princesse d’Allemagne“.Katharina Grote - 2010 - In Ruth Hagengruber & Ana Rodrigues, Von Diana zu Minerva: philosophierende Aristokratinnen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 141-152.
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    Self-perfection, self-knowledge, and the supererogatory.Katharina Naumann - 2017 - Etica E Politica (1):319-332.
    Supererogation seems to be an important concept of common sense morality. However, assuming the existence of such a category seems to pose a serious problem for Kantian Ethics, given the all-encompassing role of duty. In fact, Kant seems to deny the possibility of such acts when he states in the second critique that “[b]y exhortation to actions as noble, sublime, and magnanimous, minds are attuned to nothing but moral enthusiasm and exaggerated self-conceit; [...] they are led into the delusion that (...)
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    Preface.Katharina Neges, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl & Christian Kanzian - 2017 - In Katharina Neges, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl & Christian Kanzian, Realism - Relativism - Constructivism: Proceedings of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Violated Expectations in the Cyberball Paradigm: Testing the Expectancy Account of Social Participation With ERP.Katharina Schuck, Michael Niedeggen & Rudolf Kerschreiter - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Actualités des recherches et des pratiques.Martine Spiess - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):105-113.
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    Freiheit - Natur - Religion: Studien zur Sozialethik.Christian Spiess (ed.) - 2010 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
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    Ethics and compliance programs in multinational organizations.Katharina Wulf - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
    The study examines how multinational organizations implement the concept of ethics and compliance programs into their businesses and the extent to which these programs were geared to the 2004 Amendments. The study explores the applicability of the 2004 Amendments and analyzes the instruments organizations use to successfully develop and maintain these programs. By including research from various fields, a theoretical framework was developed for implementing an ethics and compliance program that takes into account the 2004 Amendments.
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    Imperceptible Impressions and Disorder in the Soul: A Characterization of the Distinction between Calm and Violent Passions in Hume.Katharina Paxman - 2015 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 13 (3):265-278.
    Hume's explanation of our tendency to confuse calm passions with reason due to lack of feeling appears to present a tension with his claim that we cannot be mistaken about our own impressions. I argue that the calm/violent distinction cannot be understood in terms of presence/absence of feeling. Rather, for Hume the presence or absence of disruption and disordering of natural and/or customary modes of thought is the key distinction between the calm and violent passions. This reading provides new explanations (...)
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    End-of-Life Decision Making in Pediatrics: Literature Review on Children's and Adolescents’ Participation.Katharina M. Ruhe, Domnita O. Badarau, Bernice S. Elger & Tenzin Wangmo - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (2):44-54.
    Background: Pediatric guidelines recommend that children and adolescents participate in a developmentally appropriate way in end-of-life decision making. Shared decision making in pediatrics is unique because of the triadic relationship of patient, parents, and physician. The involvement of the patient may vary on a continuum from no involvement to being the sole decision maker. However, the effects of child participation have not been thoroughly studied. The aims of this literature review are to identify studies on end-of-life decision making in pediatrics, (...)
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    From Territorial to Monetary Sovereignty.Katharina Pistor - 2017 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 18 (2):491-517.
    State sovereignty is closely intertwined with, but not limited to, control over territory and people. It has long been recognized that control over monetary affairs is a critical part of genuine sovereignty. In this Article, I go a step further and argue that the relevance and importance of territorial versus monetary sovereignty has shifted in favor of the latter. This shift goes hand in hand with the rise of credit-based financial systems. Such systems depend, in the last instance, on backstopping (...)
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    Solving the Puzzle about Early Belief‐Ascription.Katharina A. Helming, Brent Strickland & Pierre Jacob - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (4):438-469.
    Developmental psychology currently faces a deep puzzle: most children before 4 years of age fail elicited-response false-belief tasks, but preverbal infants demonstrate spontaneous false-belief understanding. Two main strategies are available: cultural constructivism and early-belief understanding. The latter view assumes that failure at elicited-response false-belief tasks need not reflect the inability to understand false beliefs. The burden of early-belief understanding is to explain why elicited-response false-belief tasks are so challenging for most children under 4 years of age. The goal of this (...)
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    Cicero and Epicurus on Pleasure and Friendship.Katharina Volk - forthcoming - Classical Quarterly:1-15.
    abstract Ancient writers, including philosophers such as Aristotle, often depict friendship as a source of pleasure; by contrast, in his Laelius de amicitia, Cicero describes such relationships as sweet and delightful, but never connects them with uoluptas, which for him is a largely negative term reserved for Epicurean doctrine. This paper argues that there is more to this pointed use of language than Cicero’s well-known dislike of Epicureanism. Considering first the Latin philosophical vocabulary of pleasure and then the vexed question (...)
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  44.  22
    The basal chorionic trophoblast cell layer: An emerging coordinator of placenta development.Katharina Walentin, Christian Hinze & Kai M. Schmidt-Ott - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (3).
    During gestation, fetomaternal exchange occurs in the villous tree (labyrinth) of the placenta. Development of this structure depends on tightly coordinated cellular processes of branching morphogenesis and differentiation of specialized trophoblast cells. The basal chorionic trophoblast (BCT) cell layer that localizes next to the chorioallantoic interface is of critical importance for labyrinth morphogenesis in rodents. Gcm1‐positive cell clusters within this layer initiate branching morphogenesis thereby guiding allantoic fetal blood vessels towards maternal blood sinuses. Later these cells differentiate and contribute to (...)
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    The attraction of the ideal has no traction on the real: on adversariality and roles in argument.Katharina Stevens & Daniel Cohen - 2018 - Argumentation and Advocacy:forthcoming.
    If circumstances were always simple and all arguers were always exclusively concerned with cognitive improvement, arguments would probably always be cooperative. However, we have other goals and there are other arguers, so in practice the default seems to be adversarial argumentation. We naturally inhabit the heuristically helpful but cooperation-inhibiting roles of proponents and opponents. We can, however, opt for more cooperative roles. The resources of virtue argumentation theory are used to explain when proactive cooperation is permissible, advisable, and even mandatory (...)
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    Laurel, tongue and glory.Katharina Volk & James E. G. Zetzel - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):204-223.
    Cedant arma togae, ‘let arms yield to the toga’. Thus begins the famous verse from Cicero's poem on his consulship that highlights the protagonist's suppression of the Catilinarian conspiracy by favourably contrasting this political achievement with success on the battlefield. But how does the line continue? Its conclusion is transmitted in two different versions,concedat laurea laudiandconcedat laurea linguae, and scholars have long been divided over which one is Cicero's original text. In this paper, we revisit the issue and not only (...)
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    Circulation as a Visual Practice.Katharina Steiner & Lukas Engelmann - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (2-3):143-157.
    This special issue looks at some of the ways that images are adopted, co‐opted, and adapted in the life sciences and beyond. It brings together papers that investigate the role of visualization in scientific knowledge‐production with contributions that focus on the distribution and dissemination of knowledge to a broader audience. A commentary provides a critical perspective. In this editorial we introduce circulation as a practice to better understand scientific images. Along two themes, we highlight connections across the papers. First, the (...)
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  48. The Virtuous Arguer: One Person, Four Roles.Katharina Stevens - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):375-383.
    When evaluating the arguer instead of the argument, we soon find ourselves confronted with a puzzling situation: what seems to be a virtue in one argumentative situation could very well be called a vice in another. This paper will present the idea that there are in fact two sets of virtues an arguer has to master—and with them four sometimes very different roles.
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    Arthur C. Dantos Kunstphilosophie.Katharina Bahlmann & Daniel Martin Feige - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (2):116-134.
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    Die Freiheit des Subjekts Bei Schleiermacher: Eine Analyse Im Horizont der Debatte Um Die Willensfreiheit in der Analytischen Philosophie.Katharina Gutekunst - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Wie denkt Friedrich Schleiermacher, mit dem man zuerst die Bestimmung von Frömmigkeit als Gefühl der schlechthinnigen Abhängigkeit verbindet, die Freiheit des Subjekts? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, untersucht Katharina Gutekunst die relevanten Werke aus allen Schaffensperioden Schleiermachers: die Jugendschriften, die Monologen, die Erwählungsschrift, die Glaubenslehre und die Vorlesungen zu Psychologie, Philosophischer Ethik und Dialektik. Die Rekonstruktion und Diskussion der Freiheitstheorie Schleiermachers erfolgt dabei im Horizont der aktuellen Debatte um die Willensfreiheit in der analytischen Philosophie. So wird deutlich, dass Schleiermacher (...)
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