Results for 'Kata Horváth'

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  1.  30
    Deconstructing Procedural Memory: Different Learning Trajectories and Consolidation of Sequence and Statistical Learning.Peter Simor, Zsofia Zavecz, Kata Horváth, Noémi Éltető, Csenge Török, Orsolya Pesthy, Ferenc Gombos, Karolina Janacsek & Dezso Nemeth - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Perceiving structure in unstructured stimuli: Implicitly acquired prior knowledge impacts the processing of unpredictable transitional probabilities.Andrea Kóbor, Kata Horváth, Zsófia Kardos, Dezso Nemeth & Karolina Janacsek - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104413.
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  3. How (not) to react to experimental philosophy.Joachim Horvath - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (4):447-480.
    In this paper, I am going to offer a reconstruction of a challenge to intuition-based armchair philosophy that has been put forward by experimental philosophers of a restrictionist stripe, which I will call the 'master argument'. I will then discuss a number of popular objections to this argument and explain why they either fail to cast doubt on its first, empirical premise or do not go deep enough to make for a lasting rebuttal. Next, I will consider two more promising (...)
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  4. Intuitive Expertise in Moral Judgments.Joachim Horvath & Alex Wiegmann - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (2):342-359.
    According to the ‘expertise defence’, experimental findings suggesting that intuitive judgments about hypothetical cases are influenced by philosophically irrelevant factors do not undermine their evidential use in (moral) philosophy. This defence assumes that philosophical experts are unlikely to be influenced by irrelevant factors. We discuss relevant findings from experimental metaphilosophy that largely tell against this assumption. To advance the debate, we present the most comprehensive experimental study of intuitive expertise in ethics to date, which tests five well- known biases of (...)
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  5. Intuitive expertise and intuitions about knowledge.Joachim Horvath & Alex Wiegmann - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (10):2701-2726.
    Experimental restrictionists have challenged philosophers’ reliance on intuitions about thought experiment cases based on experimental findings. According to the expertise defense, only the intuitions of philosophical experts count—yet the bulk of experimental philosophy consists in studies with lay people. In this paper, we argue that direct strategies for assessing the expertise defense are preferable to indirect strategies. A direct argument in support of the expertise defense would have to show: first, that there is a significant difference between expert and lay (...)
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  6. Philosophical Analysis: The Concept Grounding View.Joachim Horvath - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (3):724-750.
    Philosophical analysis was the central preoccupation of 20th-century analytic philosophy. In the contemporary methodological debate, however, it faces a number of pressing external and internal challenges. While external challenges, like those from experimental philosophy or semantic externalism, have been extensively discussed, internal challenges to philosophical analysis have received much less attention. One especially vexing internal challenge is that the success conditions of philosophical analysis are deeply unclear. According to the standard textbook view, a philosophical analysis aims at a strict biconditional (...)
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    Formants Portrayed in the Turkish Cypriot Press November 15 Ceremonies.Münevver Kata - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1709-1717.
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    Knowledge and normality.Joachim Horvath & Jennifer Nado - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11673-11694.
    In this paper, we propose a general constraint on theories of knowledge that we call ‘normalism’. Normalism is a view about the epistemic threshold that separates knowledge from mere true belief; its basic claim is that one knows only if one has at least a normal amount of epistemic support for one’s belief. We argue that something like normalism is required to do full justice to the normative role of knowledge in many key everyday practices, such as assertion, inquiry, and (...)
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  9. Experimental philosophy and the method of cases.Joachim Horvath & Steffen Koch - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 16 (1):e12716.
    In this paper, we first briefly survey the main responses to the challenge that experimental philosophy poses to the method of cases, given the common assumption that the latter is crucially based on intuitive judgments about cases. Second, we discuss two of the most popular responses in more detail: the expertise defense and the mischaracterization objection. Our take on the expertise defense is that the available empirical data do not support the claim that professional philosophers enjoy relevant expertise in their (...)
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    The sacrament of marriage as revelation of God.Tibor Horvath & J. S. - 1970 - Heythrop Journal 11 (4):388–407.
  11. (1 other version)URAM as an intellectual democracy: Comments on Francis X. Clooney's' URAM is What I Say It is, The Challenge of the Possibly Superior Sanskrit-Language Thinking'.T. Horvath - 1999 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 22 (1):90-91.
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    The sacrament of ordination as revelation of God.S. J. Tibor Horvath - 1971 - Heythrop Journal 12 (1):44–52.
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  13. Arguing about thought experiments.Alex Wiegmann & Joachim Horvath - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-23.
    We investigate the impact of informal arguments on judgments about thought experiment cases in light of Deutsch and Cappelen’s mischaracterization view, which claims that philosophers’ case judgments are primarily based on arguments and not intuitions. If arguments had no influence on case judgments, this would seriously challenge whether they are, or should be, based on arguments at all—and not on other cognitive sources instead, such as intuition. In Experiment 1, we replicated Wysocki’s (Rev Philos Psychol 8(2):477–499, 2017) pioneering study on (...)
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  14. Introduction: Experimental Philosophy and Its Critics, Parts 1 and 2.Joachim Horvath & Thomas Grundmann - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (3):283-292.
    In this brief introduction, we would first like to explain how these two special issues of Philosophical Psychology ( 23.3 and 23.4 ) actually came about. In addition, we will provide an outline of their overall structure and shortly summarize the featured papers.
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    Romania.Réka Horváth - 2024 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 43 (3):329-345.
    In this article, the author presents the results of the research conducted in the framework of GSBE 2022–2024 on business ethics education in Romanian universities. The courses tought in universities cover key topics such as: ethics and morality; social responsibility; ethics in new technologies; corruption; human rights. Respondents to the survey identified as important topics for the coming years issues such as: risk related to digitalization; influencing the media; business ethics and artificial intelligence; responsibility of technology companies for the effects (...)
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  16. Conceptual analysis and natural kinds: the case of knowledge.Joachim Horvath - 2016 - Synthese 193 (1):167-184.
    There is a line of reasoning in metaepistemology that is congenial to naturalism and hard to resist, yet ultimately misguided: that knowledge might be a natural kind, and that this would undermine the use of conceptual analysis in the theory of knowledge. In this paper, I first bring out various problems with Hilary Kornblith’s argument from the causal–explanatory indispensability of knowledge to the natural kindhood of knowledge. I then criticize the argument from the natural kindhood of knowledge against the method (...)
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  17. Lowe on Modal Knowledge.Joachim Horvath - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):208-217.
    In recent work, E. J. Lowe presents an essence-based account of our knowledge of metaphysical modality that he claims to be superior to its main competitors. I argue that knowledge of essences alone, without knowledge of a suitable bridge principle, is insufficient for knowing that something is metaphysically necessary or metaphysically possible. Yet given Lowe's other theoretical commitments, he cannot account for our knowledge of the needed bridge principle, and so his essence-based modal epistemology remains incomplete. In addition to that, (...)
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  18. Understanding as a Source of Justification.Joachim Horvath - 2020 - Mind 129 (514):509-534.
    The traditional epistemological approach towards judgments like BACHELORS ARE UNMARRIED or ALL KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE is that they are justified or known on the basis of understanding alone. In this paper, I develop an understanding-based account which takes understanding to be a sufficient source of epistemic justification for the relevant judgments. Understanding-based accounts face the problem of the rational revisability of almost all human judgments. Williamson has recently developed a reinforced version of this problem: the challenge from expert revisability. This (...)
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  19. Why the conditional probability solution to the swamping problem fails.Joachim Horvath - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 79 (1):115-120.
    The Swamping Problem is one of the standard objections to reliabilism. If one assumes, as reliabilism does, that truth is the only non-instrumental epistemic value, then the worry is that the additional value of knowledge over true belief cannot be adequately explained, for reliability only has instrumental value relative to the non-instrumental value of truth. Goldman and Olsson reply to this objection that reliabilist knowledge raises the objective probability of future true beliefs and is thus more valuable than mere true (...)
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    Bridging formal and conceptual semantics: selected papers of BRIDGE-14.Kata Balogh & Wiebke Petersen (eds.) - 2017 - Düsseldorf: DUP.
    The articles in this volume are the outcome of the successful BRIDGE Workshop held in Düsseldorf in 2014. The workshop gathered a number of distinguished researchers from formal semantics and conceptual semantics and aimed to initiate a deeper conversation and collaboration instead of separating the two sides as competing views. The workshop provided a platform to further discuss parallelisms on specific semantic issues on the one hand and on the other hand to confront opposed claims from the two different perspectives. (...)
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    (1 other version)Anglo and Marxist Philosophy of Education: Can the Gulf be Bridged?Attila Horvath - 1989 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 2 (2):3-10.
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    Synergistic Disparities and Public Health Mitigation of COVID-19 in the Rural United States.Kata L. Chillag & Lisa M. Lee - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):649-656.
    Public health emergencies expose social injustice and health disparities, resulting in calls to address their structural causes once the acute crisis has passed. The COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting and exacerbating global, national, and regional disparities in relation to the benefits and burdens of undertaking critical basic public health mitigation measures such as physical distancing. In the United States, attempts to address the COVID-19 pandemic are complicated by striking racial, economic, and geographic inequities. These synergistic inequities exist in both urban and (...)
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    Descendants of Pelops in the Fifth Century BC.András Patay-Horváth - 2021 - Hermes 149 (3):260.
    Family relations between Greek eponymous heroes almost certainly reflect political or commonly agreed ethnic relationships between the communities concerned. Pelops and his proverbially numerous descendants are investigated here from this perspective and it is argued that the creation of eponymous Pelopids was primarily due to political motivations. Pelops as one of the most remote ancestors of Sparta was used, already by the 5th century BC, to establish connections on a mythological level with those cities which became the allies of the (...)
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  24. In defence of metaphysical analyticity.Frank Hofmann & Joachim Horvath - 2008 - Ratio 21 (3):300-313.
    According to the so-called metaphysical conception of analyticity, analytic truths are true in virtue of meaning (or content) alone and independently of (extralinguistic) facts. Quine and Boghossian have tried to present a conclusive argument against the metaphysical conception of analyticity. In effect, they tried to show that the metaphysical conception inevitably leads into a highly implausible view about the truthmakers of analytic truths. We would like to show that their argument fails, since it relies on an ambiguity of the notion (...)
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  25. The modal argument for a priori justification.Joachim Horvath - 2009 - Ratio 22 (2):191-205.
    Kant famously argued that, from experience, we can only learn how something actually is, but not that it must be so. In this paper, I defend an improved version of Kant's argument for the existence of a priori knowledge, the Modal Argument , against recent objections by Casullo and Kitcher. For the sake of the argument, I concede Casullo's claim that we may know certain counterfactuals in an empirical way and thereby gain epistemic access to some nearby, nomologically possible worlds. (...)
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    Cardiac and Proprioceptive Accuracy Are Not Related to Body Awareness, Perceived Body Competence, and Affect.Áron Horváth, Luca Vig, Eszter Ferentzi & Ferenc Köteles - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Interoception in the broader sense refers to the perception of internal states, including the perception of the actual state of the internal organs and the motor system. Dimensions of interoception include interoceptive accuracy, i.e., the ability to sense internal changes assessed with behavioral tests, confidence rating with respect to perceived performance in an actual behavioral test, and interoceptive sensibility, i.e., the self-reported generalized ability to perceive body changes. The relationship between dimension of cardioceptive and proprioceptive modalities and their association with (...)
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  27. Semantic features of early verb vocabularies.Sabrina Horvath, Leslie Rescorla & Sudha Arunachalam - 2018 - In Kristen Syrett & Sudha Arunachalam, Semantics in language acquisition. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  28. Between conflict and consensus: Why democracy needs conflicts and why communities should delimit their intensity.Szilvia Horváth - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (2):264-281.
    The contemporary agonist thinker, Chantal Mouffe argues that conflicts are constitutive of politics. However, this position raises the question that concerns the survival of order and the proper types of conflicts in democracies. Although Mouffe is not consensus-oriented, consensus plays a role in her theory when the democratic order is at stake. This suggests that there is a theoretical terrain between the opposing poles of conflict and consensus. This can be discussed with the help of concepts and theories that seem (...)
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    Philosophie au masculin? Georg Simmel et les images de la virilité à l'aube de l'ère nazie.Suzanne Horvath - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (6):1011-1030.
    (1997). Philosophie au masculin? Georg Simmel et les images de la virilité à l'aube de l'ère nazie. The European Legacy: Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 1011-1030.
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    The Putin Regime and the Heritage of Dissidence.Robert Horvath - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (145):7-30.
    The revival of dissidence was one of the paradoxes of the Putin era. During the terminal crisis of the Soviet Union and the early years of the Yeltsin presidency, the dissidents of the 1970s were celebrated as prophets of democracy and Russian nationhood. But unlike their East Central European counterparts, they achieved little political success in the post-Communist era. Despite Boris Yeltsin's pose as a disciple of Sakharov and his courtship of Solzhenitsyn, the most prominent dissidents were at the margins (...)
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    Excellence V. Effectiveness: Macintyre’s Critique of Business.Charles M. Horvath - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):499-532.
    Abstract:Alasdair Maclntyre (1984) asserts that the ethical systems of the Enlightenment (formalism and utilitarianism) have failed to provide a meaningful definition of “good.” Lacking such a definition, business managers have no internal standards by which they can morally evaluate their roles or acts. Maclntyre goes on to claim that managers have substituted external measures of “winning” or “effectiveness” for any internal concept of good. He supports a return to the Aristotelian notion of virtue or “excellence.” Such a system of virtue (...)
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  32. Biological explanations of human sexuality: the genetic basis of sexual orientation.Christopher Horvath - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse, The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Pulcinella, or the metaphysics of the nulla: in between politics and theatre.Agnes Horvath - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (2):47-67.
    This article argues that Pulcinella, a figure of classical Italian commedia dell’arte, could also be considered as emblematic for the reordering of politics in the early-modern and modern periods. By placing emphasis on the common underlying theatrical aspects of ‘representation’, it effectively connects the absolutist and democratic periods and helps us to understand why actors and acting came to play such a prominent role in contemporary politics, whether as politicians imitating actors, or as actors actually becoming politicians. The article also (...)
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  34. Testimony, Transmission, and Safety.Joachim Horvath - 2008 - Abstracta 4 (1):27-43.
    Most philosophers believe that testimony is not a fundamental source of knowledge, but merely a way to transmit already existing knowledge. However, Jennifer Lackey has presented some counterexamples which show that one can actually come to know something through testimony that no one ever knew before. Yet, the intuitive idea can be preserved by the weaker claim that someone in a knowledge-constituting testimonial chain has to have access to some non-testimonial source of knowledge with regard to what is testified. But (...)
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    Stag Hunt.Brooke Horvath - 2014 - Arion 21 (3):43.
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  36. Les chaussures de qui ? L'identité des oeuvres d'art.Gizela Horvath - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (2):283-297.
    Le problème de l’identité dans le monde de l’art est pertinent sous de nombreux aspects. Cet article vise à examiner l’identité de l’oeuvre d’art. L’examen est construit en trois étapes : le problème d’identification d’un objet en tant qu’oeuvre d’art, le problème des propriétés pertinentes d’une oeuvre d’art et la question de l’auteur de l’oeuvre comme décisive (ou pas) pour l’identification d’une oeuvre d’art. Ces questions se sont posées avec l’évolution de la pratique artistique et de la théorie de l’art (...)
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    Books do furnish a life: The personal library as Doppelgänger.Stephen Horvath - 2005 - Logos 16 (3):159.
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    Daniel Moreno, Santayana the Philosopher. Philo.Nóra Horváth - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (1).
    George Santayana is not one of the most famous, yet one of the few whose huge oeuvre offers different ways to explain his main notions in connection with a number of possible topics within philosophy. At first sight it takes a real challenge to choose Santayana as a central topic in contemporary research but later one can realize that the spaciousness of the Santayanan oeuvre can provide new opportunities of its interpretation in every time. Daniel Moreno with his doctoral dissertation (...)
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  39. Jesus Christ as Ultimate Reality and Meaning. A Contribution to the Hermeneutics of Counciliar Theology.Tibor Horvath - 1993 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 16 (3-4):255-289.
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  40. Theodore Karman, Paul Wigner, John Neumann, Leo Szilard, Edward Teller and Their Ideas of Ultimate Reality and Meaning.Tibor Horvath - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (2-3):123-146.
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  41. The Research on URAM: A New Philosophical Discipline for Universities and Colleges to Challenge the Young beyond the Present.Tibor Horvath - 1983 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 6 (4):339-342.
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    Heidegger in the Islamicate World.Kata Moser, Urs Gösken & Josh Hayes (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume offers insights into a unique philosophical landscape and enriches current Heidegger studies by offering fresh perspectives on his philosophy that are based on the traditions of Arabic and Persian Islamic philosophy.
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    Knowledge and Will: An Explorative Study on the Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Sweden.Kata Nylén, Martin Karlberg, Nina Klang & Terje Ogden - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    School-wide positive behavior support is a well-evaluated school approach to promoting a positive school climate and decreasing problem behaviors. Initial implementation is one of the most critical stages of program implementation. In this qualitative study, the initial implementation of SWPBIS in Swedish schools was studied using an implementation model of behavior change as guidance for interviews and analyses. The study makes significant contributions to previous research as little is known of the implementation of SWPBIS in Swedish context. Focus-group interviews were (...)
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    Die Perserbeute von Plataia, die Anfänge der elischen Münzprägung und die finanziellen Grundlagen der „Großbaustelle Olympia“.András Patay-Horváth - 2013 - Klio 95 (1):61-83.
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    (E.) Jensen The Greco-Persian Wars. A Short History with Documents. Pp. xx + 212, maps. Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc, 2021. Paper, US$18 (Cased, US$49). ISBN: 978-1-62466-954-5 (978-1-62466-955-2 hbk). [REVIEW]András Patay-Horváth - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):593-594.
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    Mischaracterization Reconsidered.Joachim Horvath - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    According to the mischaracterization objection developed by Max Deutsch and Herman Cappelen, philosophers do not appeal to intuitions as evidence for their judgments about thought experiment cases, but rather argue for their case judgments. Although Deutsch and Cappelen present numerous case studies in support of this claim, the reception of the mischaracterization objection has been surprisingly negative so far. In this paper, I will first clarify and elaborate the mischaracterization objection, explain its metaphilosophical significance, and then argue that all extant (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Taking the Metaphysics of Knowledge Seriously: A Response to Sven Bernecker’s “On the Metaphysics of Knowledge”.Joachim Horvath - forthcoming - In Markus Gabriel, Wolfgang Hogrebe & Andreas Speer, Das neue Bedürfnis nach Metaphysik – The New Desire for Metaphysics. De Gruyter.
    In his "On the Metaphysics of Knowledge" (this volume), Sven Bernecker introduces and defends a novel account of knowledge that he calls ‘identificationism’. In fact, Bernecker’s account is a hybrid view that combines a modal tracking condition – some variation on safety and/or sensitivity – with his original identificationist condition. The reason for including a tracking condition is that some Gettier cases, like the famous fake barn case, are best accommodated in this way. In making this more familiar claim, Bernecker (...)
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    Christine Globig (2021) Realitäten der Abhängigkeit. Fürsorge als ethisches Paradigma.Lea Chilian & Tabea Horvath - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (2):205-207.
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  49. Intuitions in Experimental Philosophy.Joachim Horvath - 2023 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Stephan Kornmesser, The Compact Compendium of Experimental Philosophy. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 71-100.
    This chapter proceeds from the standard picture of the relation between intuitions and experimental philosophy: the alleged evidential role of intuitions about hypothetical cases, and experimental philosophy’s challenge to these judgments, based on their variation with philosophically irrelevant factors. I will survey some of the main defenses of this standard picture against the x-phi challenge, most of which fail. Concerning the most popular defense, the expertise defense, I will draw the bleak conclusion that intuitive expertise of the envisaged kind is (...)
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  50. On the attempts made by Leibniz to justify his calculus.Miklos Horvath - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18 (1):60-71.
    In diesem Aufsatz erläutere ich Leibniz' Versuche, seinen Infinitesimalkalkül zu rechtfertigen. Die Untersuchung zielt ab auf ein klareres Verständnis, wie tief Leibniz die Begriffe, Ziele und Methoden im Hinblick auf das fragliche Problem faßte. Mein Überblick ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste stellt die Definition und den Gebrauch einiger Leibnizscher Begriffe dar, die bei der Rechtfertigung des Calculus eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im zweiten skizziere ich, auf welche Weise Leibniz die Infinitesimalrechnung zu rechtfertigen versuchte.
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