Results for 'Karol Meisels'

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  1.  34
    Critique de la Mesure. G. Beneze.Karol Meisels - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (2):258-259.
  2.  19
    Essai sur les Definitons Experimentales des Operations Chimiques. Paul Renaud. [REVIEW]Karol Meisels - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (2):259-259.
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    Course in General Linguistics: Translated by Wade Baskin. Edited by Perry Meisel and Haun Saussy.Perry Meisel (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    The founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure inaugurated semiology, structuralism, and deconstruction and made possible the work of Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Lacan, thus enabling the development of French feminism, gender studies, New Historicism, and postcolonialism. Based on Saussure's lectures, _Course in General Linguistics_ traces the rise and fall of the historical linguistics in which Saussure was trained, the synchronic or structural linguistics with which he replaced it, and the new look of diachronic linguistics that (...)
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    Is it good for the jews? A response to Brian Klug's ‘a plea for distinctions: Disentangling anti-americanism from anti-semitism’: Meisels is it good for the jews?Tamar Meisels - 2008 - Think 7 (20):85-90.
    Tamar Meisels responds to the preceding article.
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    Kardynał Karol Wojtyła — filozof moralista.Karol kardynał Wojtyła - 1979 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 27 (2):15-32.
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    Targeted Killing, Assassination, and the Problem of Dirty Hands.Tamar Meisels - 2023 - The Journal of Ethics 27 (4):585-599.
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    Contemporary Just War: Theory and Practice.Tamar Meisels - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    -This book offers a renewed defense of traditional just war theory and considers its application to certain highly controversial contemporary cases, particularly in the Middle East. The first part of the book addresses and responds to the central theoretical criticisms levelled at traditional just war theory. It offers a detailed defense of civilian immunity, the moral equality of soldiers and the related dichotomy between jus ad bellum and jus in bello, and argues that these principles taken together amount to a (...)
  8.  19
    Evolution of Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes: A Novel Alternative Paradigm.Richard P. Meisel - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (9):1900212.
    Sex chromosomes can differ between species as a result of evolutionary turnover, a process that can be driven by evolution of the sex determination pathway. Canonical models of sex chromosome turnover hypothesize that a new master sex determining gene causes an autosome to become a sex chromosome or an XY chromosome pair to switch to a ZW pair (or vice versa). Here, a novel paradigm for the evolution of sex determination and sex chromosomes is presented, in which there is an (...)
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  9.  26
    Territorial Rights: Second Edition.Tamar Meisels - 2009 - Springer Netherlands.
    Liberal defences of nationalism, prevalent since the mid-1980’s, have largely neglected the fact that nationalism is primarily about land. Territorial Rights examines the generic types of territorial claims customarily put forward by national groups as justification for their territorial demands, within the framework of what has come to be known as ‘liberal nationalism’.
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  10.  37
    The Trouble with Terror: Liberty, Security and the Response to Terrorism.Tamar Meisels - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is terrorism and can it ever be defended? Beginning with its definition, proceeding to its possible justifications, and culminating in proposals for contending with and combating it, this book offers a full theoretical analysis of the issue of terrorism. Tamar Meisels argues that, regardless of its professed cause, terrorism is diametrically opposed to the requirements of liberal morality and can only be defended at the expense of relinquishing the most basic of liberal commitments. Meisels opposes those who (...)
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  11.  9
    Environmental Just Wars: Jus ad Bellum and the Natural Environment.Tamar Meisels - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    War is bad for the environment, yet the environmental ramifications of warfare have not been widely addressed by just war theorists and revisionist philosophers of war. The law and legal scholars have paid more attention to protecting nature during armed conflict. But because the law focuses invariably on rules mitigating the conduct of hostilities rather than on objective justice of cause, environmental jus ad bellum has been explored even less extensively than environmental ethics in war. Setting out with the presumption (...)
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  12.  58
    Territorial Rights.Tamar Meisels - 2005 - Law and Philosophy 72 (1):1-11.
    Liberal defences of nationalism have become prevalent since the mid-1980 s. Curiously, they have largely neglected the fact that nationalism is primarily about land. Should liberals throw up their hands in despair when confronting conflicting claims stemming from incommensurable national narratives and holy texts? Should they dismiss conflicting demands that stem solely from particular cultures, religions and mythologies in favour of a supposedly neutral set of guidelines? Does history matter? Should ancient injustices interest us today? Should we care who reached (...)
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    Osoba i czyn oraz inne studia antropologiczne.Karol Wojtyla - 2010 - Sententiae 23 (2):156-163.
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  14.  56
    The Legal Consensus About Forgoing Life-Sustaining Treatment: Its Status and Its Prospects.Alan Meisel - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (4):309-345.
    The legal consensus that has evolved through adjudication and legislation since the Karen Quinlan case in 1976 is founded on the premise that there is a bright line between passive euthanasia and active euthanasia. Indeed, the term passive euthanasia is often eschewed in favor of less emotionally-laden terminology such as "forgoing life-sustaining treatment" or "terminating life support" so as to further sever any possible connection with active euthanasia. Legal approval has been bestowed upon passive euthanasia under certain circumstances while active (...)
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  15.  46
    Experimental Philosophy of Identity and the Self, by Kevin Tobia.Sebastian Meisel - 2023 - Teaching Philosophy 46 (2):267-270.
  16.  12
    Humanizing Education: Critical Alternatives to Reform.Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Kristy S. Cooper, Sherry S. Deckman, Christina L. Dobbs, Chantal Francois, Thomas Nikundiwe & Carla Shalaby (eds.) - 2010 - Harvard Educational Review.
    _Humanizing Education_ offers historic examples of humanizing educational spaces, practices, and movements that embody a spirit of hope and change. From Dayton, Ohio, to Barcelona, Spain, this collection of essays from the _Harvard Educational Review_ carries readers to places where people have first imagined—and then organized—their own educational responses to dehumanizing practices and conditions. Contributors include Montse Sánchez Aroca, William Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Fernando Cardenal, Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade, Marco Garrido, Jay Gillen, Maxine Greene, Kathe Jervis, Nancy Uhlar Murray, Valerie (...)
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  17. O pojęciu moralności.Karol Frenkel - 1925 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 3 (4):433-478.
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    Judaism.Meir Meiseles - 1964 - [Kefer Habad? Israel;: sole agency in U. S. A. & Canada: Israeli Trade Co., New York.
  19. Preemptive Strikes – Israel and Iran.Tamar Meisels - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 25 (2):447-463.
    This essay looks at the contemporary just war theory literature on preventive war that has emerged largely in reaction to the US invasion of Iraq. Recent sanctions on Iran and the debate over its nuclear program now suggest the usefulness of a forward looking perspective on preventive strikes, rather than the retroactive analyses offered thus far primarily with reference to Iraq. With Iran closely in mind, I address the various arguments for and against preventive war indicating throughout that the various (...)
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    Refusing Treatment, Refusing to Talk, and Refusing to Let Go: On Whose Terms Will Death Occur?Alan Meisel - 1989 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 17 (3):221-226.
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  21. The stalled omnibus: Canadian parties in the 1960s.John Meisel - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  22.  11
    Man in the Field of Responsibility.Karol Wojtyla & Alfred Wierzbicki - 2011 - St. Augustine's Press.
  23.  39
    Can corrective justice ground claims to territory?Tamar Meisels - 2003 - Journal of Political Philosophy 11 (1):65–88.
  24.  14
    Chaos Imagined: Literature, Art, Science.Martin Meisel - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    The stories we tell in our attempt to make sense of the world, our myths and religion, literature and philosophy, science and art, are the comforting vehicles we use to transmit ideas of order. But beneath the quest for order lies the uneasy dread of fundamental disorder. True chaos is hard to imagine and even harder to represent, especially without some recourse to the familiar coherency of order. In this book, Martin Meisel considers the long effort to conjure, depict, and (...)
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  25.  76
    Liberal Nationalism and Territorial Rights.Meisels Tamar - 2003 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (1):31–43.
    This essay sets out from the strain of liberal political thought which, in recent years, has come to the defence of nationalism, and raises some preliminary thoughts concerning its appropriate application to the very concrete issue of national territorial rights. It asks what type of justifications could be morally acceptable to “liberal nationalism” for the acquisition and holding of territory. To this end, the paper takes a brief look at five central arguments for territorial entitlement which have become predominant in (...)
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  26.  27
    Environmental Ethics of War: Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello, and the Natural Environment.Tamar Meisels - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):399-429.
    The conduct of hostilities is very bad for the environment, yet relatively little attention has been focused on environmental military ethics by just war theorists and revisionist philosophers of war. Contemporary ecological concerns pose significant challenges to jus in bello. I begin by briefly surveying existing literature on environmental justice during wartime. While these jus in bello environmental issues have been addressed only sparsely by just war theorists, environmental jus ad bellum has rarely been tackled within JWT or the morality (...)
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  27.  17
    How to Deter Financial Misconduct if Crime Pays?Karol Marek Klimczak, Alejo José G. Sison, Maria Prats & Maximilian B. Torres - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):205-222.
    Financial misconduct has come into the spotlight in recent years, causing market regulators to increase the reach and severity of interventions. We show that at times the economic benefits of illicit financial activity outweigh the costs of litigation. We illustrate our argument with data from the US Securities and Exchanges Commission and a case of investment misconduct. From the neoclassical economic paradigm, which follows utilitarian thinking, it is rational to engage in misconduct. Still, the majority of professionals refrain from misconduct, (...)
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  28.  13
    When will we learn?Alan Meisel - 2010 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (5):9.
    A letter from Alan Meisel on "The Evolution of Consent Forms for Research: A Quarter Century of Changes," by Ilene Albala, Margaret Doyle, and Paul S. Appelbaum.
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  29.  17
    Uniwersalistyczna etyka współodpowiedzialności.Karol-Otto Apel - 1996 - Etyka 29:9-28.
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  30.  18
    (1 other version)On Absoluteness.Karol Habart - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (5):469-480.
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  31. Francesco Clemente and a memory of his childhood.M. E. Karoll - 1998 - In Donald Kuspit (ed.), Art Criticism. pp. 13--1.
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    Filozofia wartości a zadania pedagogiki.Karol Kotłowski - 1968 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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  33. Człowiek i technika--problemy filozoficzno-społeczne.Karol Matraszek & Klemens Piotrowski (eds.) - 1988 - Szczecin: Wydawn. Uczelniane Politechniki Szczecińskiej.
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  34.  63
    Economic warfare – the case of gaza.Tamar Meisels - 2011 - Journal of Military Ethics 10 (2):94-109.
    This paper reflects on the highly contested Israeli restrictions on the importation of civilian goods into the Gaza Strip, with reference to a wide range of principled questions within military ethics regarding sieges, sanctions and blockades. Beginning with Israel's unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and culminating in its recent easing of sanctions, the paper attempts to bring out the central issues of principle embedded in the political polemic: unilaterally terminated occupation; the responsibilities of a former, though recent, occupier; the (...)
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  35. Informed consent.Alan Meisel - 1981 - In Marc D. Hiller (ed.), Medical ethics and the law: implications for public policy. Cambridge: Ballinger Pub. Co..
  36.  15
    Interaction of factors affecting space localization.Paul Meisel & Seymour Wapner - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):430.
  37.  11
    Liberalism and Religion: A Comment on Jeff Spinner-Halev.Tamar Meisels - 2008 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law Forum 9 (2 Forum).
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  38.  61
    Line, Please.Alan Meisel, Antal E. Solyom, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Eliane Pfister, Jean F. Martin & James S. Boal - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (2):4-8.
  39.  64
    The Ethical Significance of National Settlement.Tamar Meisels - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):501 - 520.
    As an Israeli writing at the turn of the twenty-first century, I have become accustomed to hearing the word ‘settlement’ used by liberals almost invariably as a derogatory term. The Jewish settlements to the west of the Jordan river, now populated by close to a quarter of a million Jews, are often said to be a central obstacle to peace in the Middle East, as well as being immoral in and of themselves. Consistent liberals realize that this attitude poses a (...)
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  40.  13
    The myth of the ruling class: Gaetano Mosca and the "elite": with the first English translation of the final version of The theory of the ruling class, foreword 1962.James Hans Meisel - 1980 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  41.  8
    Heideggerowska 'Gelassenheit' po polsku.Karol Sauerland - 2019 - Ruch Filozoficzny 75 (3):7.
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  42. Grounding, Essence, and Contingentism.Karol Lenart - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):2157-2172.
    According to grounding necessitarianism if some facts ground another fact, then the obtaining of the former necessitates the latter. Proponents of grounding contingentism argue against this claim, stating that it is possible for the former facts to obtain without necessitating the latter. In this article I discuss a recent argument from restricted accidental generalisations provided by contingentists that advances such possibility. I argue that grounding necessitarianism can be defended against it. To achieve this aim, I postulate a relationship between grounding (...)
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  43.  87
    Defining terrorism – a typology.Tamar Meisels - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (3):331-351.
    This paper argues that philosophers require a strict canonical definition of terrorism if they are to be of any use in morally evaluating the changing character war. This definition ought to be a narrow, critical one, articulating precisely what is wrong with terrorism and strictly specifying which incidents fall into this derogatory category and which do not. I argue against those who avoid definitions or adopt wide and apologetic ones. The latter claim neutrality for themselves and accuse those who define (...)
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  44. A theory of art.Karol Berger - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What, if anything, has art to do with the rest of our lives, and in particular with those ethical and political issues that matter to us most? Will art created today be likely to play a role in our lives as profound as that of the best art of the past? A Theory of Art shifts the focus of aesthetics from the traditional debate of "what is art?" to the engaging question of "what is art for?" Skillfully describing the social (...)
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  45.  29
    Debating Targeted Killing: Counter-Terrorism or Extrajudicial Execution?Tamar Meisels & Jeremy Waldron - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Known terrorists are often targeted for death by the governments of Israel and the United States. Several thousand have been killed by drones or by operatives on the ground in the last twenty years. Is this form of killing justified? Is there anything about it that should disturb us? In this for-and-against book, political theorists Jeremy Waldron and Tamar Meisels engage in extended debate to illuminate these issues. They consider the actions of targeting and hunting down named individuals, and (...)
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    Review of Karol Edward Soltan: The Causal Theory of Justice[REVIEW]Karol Edward Soltan - 1989 - Ethics 99 (3):637-638.
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  47. Aporia interusubiektywności a transcedentalna fenomenologia.Karol Lenart - 2017 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 45 (3):5-27.
    It is said that transcendental phenomenology faces an unavoidable aporia, according to which it is perfectly justified to accept the claim that the transcendental ego constitutes the sense of all external being, including other subjects, as well as the claim that other subjects constitute the sense of all external objects, since they are a community of transcendental egos. The essence of the aporia is that it is impossible to accept both of these claims if one accepts the conceptual schema of (...)
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  48. Nagi substrat i teoria jednostkowienia.Karol Lenart - 2017 - In Natalia Anna Michna (ed.), Kierunki badawcze w filozofii 2017 "Nowe Horyzonty wiedzy". pp. 67-76.
    W artykule rozważana jest koncepcja nagiego substratu w kontekście problemu indywiduacji. Głównym celem tekstu jest obrona teorii nagiego substratu (TNS) przed klasycznymi oraz współczesnymi zarzutami. Tok rozważań jest następujący: Autor we wstępie definiuje problem jednostkowienia i systematyzuje obecną dyskusję nad tym zagadnieniem. Następnie skupia się na porównaniu teorii wiązki i teorii nagiego substratu, ujętych jako alternatywne wyjaśnienia jednostkowości przedmiotów. Celem porównania dwóch teorii jest przedstawienie motywacji stojących za przyjęciem TNS. Głównym elementem tekstu jest punkt 2, w którym analizuje podstawowe założenia (...)
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    Niejedna rzeczywistość: racjonalizm krytyczny Leona Chwistka.Karol Chrobak - 2004 - Kraków: "Inter Esse". Edited by Leon Chwistek.
  50.  35
    Targeting Terror.Tamar Meisels - 2004 - Social Theory and Practice 30 (3):297-326.
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