Results for 'Karen Gaukel'

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    Theodor Litt - Pädagoge und Philosoph: sein Ringen um die Freiheit in Forschung und Lehre.Karen Gaukel - 2011 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Edited by Peter Gutjahr-Löser & Dieter Schulz.
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    Meeting the universe halfway: quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning.Karen Barad - 2007 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    A theoretical physicist and feminist theorist, Karen Barad elaborates her theory of agential realism, a schema that is at once a new epistemology, ontology, and ethics.
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  3. Making Things Up.Karen Bennett - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    We frequently speak of certain things or phenomena being built out of or based in others. Making Things Up concerns these relations, which connect more fundamental things to less fundamental things: Karen Bennett calls these 'building relations'. She aims to illuminate what it means to say that one thing is more fundamental than another.
  4. The teleological notion of 'function'.Karen Neander - 1991 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69 (4):454 – 468.
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  5. Pruning the tree of life.Karen Neander - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (1):59-80.
    argue that natural selection does not explain the genotypic arid phenotypic properties of individuals. On this view, natural selection explains the adaptedness of individuals, not by explaining why the individuals that exist have the adaptations they do, but rather by explaining why the individuals that exist are the ones with those adaptations. This paper argues that this ‘Negative’ view of natural selection ignores the fact that natural selection is a cumulative selection process. So understood, it explains how the genetic sequences (...)
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    A history of God: the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Karen Armstrong - 1993 - New York: Gramercy Books.
    Over 700,000 copies of the original hardcover and paperback editions of this stunningly popular book have been sold. Karen Armstrong's superbly readable exploration of how the three dominant monotheistic religions of the world—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—have shaped and altered the conception of God is a tour de force. One of Britain's foremost commentators on religious affairs, Armstrong traces the history of how men and women have perceived and experienced God, from the time of Abraham to the present. From classical (...)
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  7. Explaining Complex Adaptations: A Reply to Sober’s ”Reply to Neander’.Karen Neander - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (4):583-587.
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    Humanism: A Defense.Karen Ng - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (1):145-163.
    This paper develops an approach to humanist social critique that combines insights from Marx and Fanon. I argue that the concept of the human operative in humanist social critique should be understood both as the normative background against which questions of human flourishing and dehumanization can come into view, and as the evolving demand for universal human emancipation. Far from being abstract, essentialist, or ahistorical, Marx and Fanon show that humanist social critique operates through a dialectic between particular, socially and (...)
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    Relational data paradigms: What do we learn by taking the materiality of databases seriously?Karen M. Wickett & Andrea K. Thomer - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Although databases have been well-defined and thoroughly discussed in the computer science literature, the actual users of databases often have varying definitions and expectations of this essential computational infrastructure. Systems administrators and computer science textbooks may expect databases to be instantiated in a small number of technologies, but there are numerous examples of databases in non-conventional or unexpected technologies, such as spreadsheets or other assemblages of files linked through code. Consequently, we ask: How do the materialities of non-conventional databases differ (...)
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    A Moral Philosophy of Their Own? The Moral and Political Thought of Eighteenth-Century British Women.Karen Green - 2015 - The Monist 98 (1):89-101.
    Despite the fact that the High-Church Tory, Mary Astell, held political views diametrically opposed to the Whiggish Catharine Trotter Cockburn and Catharine Macaulay, it is here argued that their metaethical views were surprisingly similar. All were influenced by a blend of Christian universalism and Aristotelian eudaimonism, which accepted the existence of a law of nature, that we strive for happiness, and that happiness results from living in accord with our God-given nature. They differed with regard to epistemological issues; the means (...)
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    The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives.Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon (eds.) - 2001 - Erlbaum.
    This book brings together the leading researchers on these issues and for the first time in literature, illustrates how a unified approach based on the idea of ...
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  12. Spacetime Emergence: Collapsing the Distinction Between Content and Context?Karen Crowther - 2022 - In Shyam Wuppuluri & Ian Stewart (eds.), From Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Exploring the Role of Content and Context. Springer Nature. pp. 379–402.
    Several approaches to developing a theory of quantum gravity suggest that spacetime—as described by general relativity—is not fundamental. Instead, spacetime is supposed to be explained by reference to the relations between more fundamental entities, analogous to `atoms' of spacetime, which themselves are not (fully) spatiotemporal. Such a case may be understood as emergence of \textit{content}: a `hierarchical' case of emergence, where spacetime emerges at a `higher', or less-fundamental, level than its `lower-level' non-spatiotempral basis. But quantum gravity cosmology also presents us (...)
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  13. Pictorial representation: A matter of resemblance.Karen Neander - 1987 - British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (3):213-226.
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    Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences.Karen Kastenhofer & Susan Molyneux-Hodgson (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access edited book provides new thinking on scientific identity formation. It thoroughly interrogates the concepts of community and identity, including both historical and contemporaneous analyses of several scientific fields. Chapters examine whether, and how, today’s scientific identities and communities are subject to fundamental changes, reacting to tangible shifts in research funding as well as more intangible transformations in our society’s understanding and expectations of technoscience. In so doing, this book reinvigorates the concept of scientific community. Readers will discover (...)
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  15. Types of Traits: Function, structure, and homology in the classification of traits.Karen Neander - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.), Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 402--422.
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    A different order of difficulty: literature after Wittgenstein.Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This innovative critical study reinterprets Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy for the study of modernist and contemporary literature and brings Wittgenstein into literary conversations around problems of difficulty, ethical instruction, and the yearning for transformation. Central to Karen Zumhagen-Yekple͹'s book are her critical readings of key modernist texts by Franz Kafka, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce. Throughout, Zumhagen-Yekplé brings to bear an interpretive framework that she derives from Wittgenstein's gnomic "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" (first published in English in 1922, the "annus mirabilis" of (...)
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    WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AS A GIFT OR BURDEN?: Marital Power Across Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.Karen D. Pyke - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (1):73-91.
    Based on interviews with a random sample of white women who are in a second marriage, this article examines changes in women's marital power across marriage, divorce, and remarriage. In some marriages, women's market work is not considered a resource and hence does not have a positive effect on marital power, particularly when husbands are employed in low-status occupations. Conversely, women who are domestically oriented do not necessarily suffer a loss of power. Hochschild's concept of “economy of gratitude” illuminates the (...)
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  18. Medical Texts Made Simple-Dream or Reality?Inger Askehave & Karen Korning Zethsen - 2000 - Hermes 25:63-74.
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  19. Assessing the Quality of Human Research Protection Programs: The Experience at the Department of Veterans Affairs.Min-fu Tsan, Karen Smith & Baochong Gao - 2010 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (4):16-19.
    Considerable efforts have been made in recent years to improve the safety of human subjects who participate in research. However, there are no data to demonstrate that we have made human research safer. There is a critical need to determine whether we have achieved our goal of better protecting research subjects. We have developed 16 quality indicators for assessing the quality of human research protection programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our experience implementing these quality indicators at the VA (...)
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    On the Philosophical Significance of Eighteenth-Century Female ‘Republicans’.Karen Green - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):371-380.
    While agreeing with Bergès on the importance for philosophy of reading the works of women such as Roland, Gouges, and Grouchy, her account of them as committed to the concept of liberty as non-domination, articulated by Philip Pettit, is questioned. It is argued that their views are more accurately described as involving a commitment to the tradition of positive liberty, that was criticised by Berlin in his famous essay ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’. The republican writings of Catharine Macaulay are shown (...)
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    Organizational Preparedness for Coping With a Major Crisis or Disaster.Karen L. Fowler, Nathan D. Kling & Milan D. Larson - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (1):88-103.
    This research presents the results of an exploratory empirical study that assessed perceived organizational preparedness for coping with a major crisis or disaster. A scale was developed and tested to measure perceptions of organizational preparedness. Hypotheses were tested to examine variations in perception of crisis preparedness. Potential for occurrence of crises was also examined and demographics collected. Findings indicate that top-level and middle-level managers have a higher level of perceived preparedness than employees, no differences in perceived preparedness based on size (...)
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  22. Cross-situational language learning: The effects of grammatical categories as constraints on referential labeling.Padraic Monaghan & Karen Mattock - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 27.
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  23. The Philosophy of the Yogasutra: an introduction.Karen O'Brien-Kop - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The first introduction of the Yogsutra to present the Sanskrit text as a classic of world philosophy.
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  24. Does nursing have the power to change the health care system.Sandra S. Sweeney & Karen E. Witt - 1990 - In Joanne McCloskey Dochterman & Helen K. Grace (eds.), Current Issues in Nursing. Mosby. pp. 3.
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    The Interest of Philosophy of Mathematics (Education).Karen François - 2024 - Philosophia Mathematica 32 (1):137-142.
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    Taming Tiger Dads: Hegemonic American Masculinity and South Korea’s Father School.Karen Pyke & Allen Kim - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (4):509-533.
    How do non-Western men interact with and understand the form of Western masculinity associated with global dominance? Is their experience of Western hegemonic masculinity’s denigration of their national/ethnic masculinity similar to what occurs among subordinated nonwhite and lower-class men in Western countries? We take up this subject in our study of the South Korean Father School movement, which trains Korean men to become more involved and loving family men. Our analysis of the discursive practices of Father School organizational leadership and (...)
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    Where mathematics becomes Political. representing Humans.Karen François & Laurent de Sutter - 2004 - Philosophica 74 (2).
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    On subjects, objects, and ground: Life as the form of judgment.Karen Ng - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):1162-1175.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 29, Issue 4, Page 1162-1175, December 2021.
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    Does science persecute women? The case of the 16th–17th century witch-Hunts.Karen Green & John Bigelow - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (2):195-217.
    I. Logic, rationality and ideology Herbert Marcuse once claimed that the ‘“rational” is a mode of thought and action which is geared to reduce ignorance, destruction, brutality, and oppression.’ He echoed a widespread folk belief that a world in which people were rational would be a better world. This could be taken as an optimistic empirical conjecture: if people were more rational then probably the world would be a better place (a trust that ‘virtue will be rewarded’, so to speak). (...)
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  30. Frege on Existence and Non‐existence.Karen Green - 2015 - Theoria 81 (4):293-310.
    Despite its importance for early analytic philosophy, Gottlob Frege's account of existence statements, according to which they classify concepts, has been thought to succumb to a number of well-worn criticisms. This article does two things. First, it argues that, by remaining faithful to the letter of Frege's claim that concepts are functions, the Fregean account can be saved from many of the standard criticisms. Second, it examines the problem that Frege's account fails to generalize to cases which involve definite descriptions (...)
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  31. Conscience and the Concealments of Metaphor in Hobbes's "Leviathan".Karen S. Feldman - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (1):21 - 37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.1 (2001) 21-37 [Access article in PDF] Conscience and the Concealments of Metaphor in Hobbes's Leviathan Karen S. Feldman Introduction Conscience is not a topic of terribly heated debate in Hobbes research. 1 Nevertheless, my claim in this article is that conscience in the Leviathan, which Hobbes poses as an example of the dangers of metaphor, is not merely an example of the dangers of (...)
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    Social Media and Mobile Apps for Health Promotion in Australian Indigenous Populations: Scoping Review.Carl Brusse, Karen Gardner, Daniel McAullay & Michelle Dowden - 2014 - Journal of Medical Internet Research 16 (12):e280.
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  33. Six Theories of Justice: Perspectives from Theological and Philosophical Ethics.Karen Lebacqz - 1986
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    In Good Light.Roger Eberhard, Karen Sinsheimer & Bernhard Schlink - 2011 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
    As an effect of the recent economic and financial crisis in the USA, a vast number of people have suddenly lost their jobs and income and often also their home. Many of them still live in their cars or even just in the streets. In spring 2007, the young.
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    Author's Response to'Book Review: Equality, Dignity, and Same-Sex Marriage: A Rights Disagreement in Democratic Societies'.Man Yee Karen Lee - 2011 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 36:196-200.
  36. The Nature and Utility of the Temporally Extended Self.Lemmon Chris Moore Karen - 2001 - In Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon (eds.), The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives. Erlbaum.
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    Social Metadata for Libraries , Archives and Museums Part 2 : Survey Analysis.Karen Smith-Yoshimura, Carol Jean Godby, Ken Varnum & Elizabeth Yakel - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Metadata helps users locate resources that meet their specific needs. But metadata also helps us to understand the data we find and helps us to evaluate what we should spend our time on. Traditionally, staff at libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) create metadata for the content they manage. However, social metadata—content contributed by users—is evolving as a way to both augment and recontextualize the content and metadata created by LAMs. Many cultural heritage institutions are interested in gaining a better understanding (...)
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  38. Laat ons niet ernstig blijven, Huldeboek voor Jean Paul Van Bendegem.Bart Van Kerkhove, Karen François, Steffen Ducheyne & Patrick Allo (eds.) - 2018 - Academia Press.
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    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 12.Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics is the forum for the best new work in this flourishing field. Much of the most interesting work in philosophy today is metaphysical in character: this series is a much-needed focus for it.
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    Popular Sexual Knowledges and Women's Agency in 1920s England: Marie Stopes's Married Love and E.M. Hull's the Sheik.Karen Chow - 1999 - Feminist Review 63 (1):64-87.
    This article examines popular discourses of women's sexuality in 1920s England and argues that sex manuals like Marie Stopes's Married Life and sex novels like E.M. Hull's The Sheik, despite their adherence to status quo values, were liberating for women through their affirmation of women's sexual subjectivity. Stopes's enormously popular book contributed strongly to a new understanding of women's sexual drives as natural and autonomous. The changing attitudes were reflected in the numbers of postwar women who actively participated in the (...)
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    Healing the Body Politic: the political thought of Christine de Pizan.Karen Green & Constant Mews (eds.) - 2005 - Turnhout: Brepols.
    The essays in this collection focus on Christine as a political writer and provide an important resource for those wishing to understand her political thought. They locate her political writing in the late medieval tradition, discussing her indebtedness to Aristotle, Aquinas and Augustine as well as her transformations of their thought. They also illuminate Christines political epistemology her understanding of political wisdom as a part of theology, the knowledge of God. New light is thrown on the circumstances which prompted Christine (...)
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    Cognitive and Emotional Appraisal of Motivational Interviewing Statements: An Event-Related Potential Study.Karen Y. L. Hui, Clive H. Y. Wong, Andrew M. H. Siu, Tatia M. C. Lee & Chetwyn C. H. Chan - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:727175.
    The counseling process involves attention, emotional perception, cognitive appraisal, and decision-making. This study aimed to investigate cognitive appraisal and the associated emotional processes when reading short therapists' statements of motivational interviewing (MI). Thirty participants with work injuries were classified into the pre-contemplation (PC,n= 15) or readiness stage of the change group (RD,n= 15). The participants viewed MI congruent (MI-C), MI incongruent (MI-INC), or control phrases during which their electroencephalograms were captured. The results indicated significant Group × Condition effects in the (...)
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    Excellent Traits in Public Health: Virtuous Structures and the Structure of Virtue.Karen M. Meagher - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):16-22.
    MacKay’s Public Health Virtue Ethics offers a distinctive approach to public health ethics, with social structures at the forefront. MacKay’s helpful overview of the recent literature considers three distinct referents for ascribing virtues in public health ethics: (i) individuals, such as public health practitioners, (ii) social structures, such as public health institutions and policies and (iii) the communities affected by public health policy. While MacKay is interested in virtuous structures, I am interested in the structure of virtue as a precursor (...)
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    Hybrid reasoning using universal attachment.Karen L. Myers - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 67 (2):329-375.
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    Scripture, ethics, and the possibility of same-sex relationships.Karen R. Keen - 2018 - Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co..
    The church's response to the gay and lesbian community: a brief history -- Same-sex relations in ancient Jewish and Christian thought -- Key arguments in today's debate on same-sex relationships -- Fifty shekels for rape? Making sense of Old Testament laws -- What is ethical? Interpreting the Bible like Jesus -- The question of celibacy for gay and lesbian people -- Is it Adam's fault? Why the origin of same-sex attraction matters -- Imagining a new response to the gay and (...)
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    iPads, Free Data and Young Peoples’ Rights: Refractions from a Universal Access Model During the Pandemic.Karen Louise Smith - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (3):414-441.
    The United Nations deemed internet access to be of critical importance for human rights in 2016. In 2020, schools around the world closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. As schools were closed, inequities in internet access gained widespread public attention as many educational opportunities shifted online. Amidst this shift, this paper analyzes an Ontario provincial announcement to provide 21,000 iPads and free data for young people, during the pandemic. The closure of schools in Ontario, Canada, meant that young people and families (...)
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  47. Shadows and anti‐images: Children's conceptions of light and vision. II.Elsa Feher & Karen Rice - 1988 - Science Education 72 (5):637-649.
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    Ethics applied.Michael Lewis Richardson & Karen K. White (eds.) - 1993 - New York: McGraw-Hill.
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  49. La tecnología de la fecundación in vitro y el argumento del potencial.Peter Singer & Karen Dawson - 1997 - Análisis Filosófico 17 (2):171-188.
    The authors focus on IVF technology to raise profound and disturbing questions about potentiality in the context of ex utero embryo. They explore different meanings of such notion. They suggest that the notion of potential is relatively clear in the context of naturally occuring process of pregnancy. But a laboratory embryo follows no “natural course”. It cannot become a person without the deliberate human act to transferring it to a uterus. They also connect the notion of potential with that of (...)
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  50. There Should Be No Room for Cruelty to Livestock.Peter Singer & Karen Dawn - unknown
    What would you do if your neighbors kept their dog permanently caged, never letting her out to exercise or relieve herself, in a crate so narrow that she could not turn around or lie down with her legs outstretched? You'd probably call the police and have them charged with animal cruelty. In California, that is how the vast majority of breeding sows and veal calves are treated -- and it's legal.
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