Results for 'Kana Imuta'

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  1.  46
    Gollin's levels-by-levels approach: the importance of manipulating the task dimension when assessing age-related changes and individual differences in decision making.Kana Imuta, Josh Hewitt & Damian Scarf - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Taking the burden off: a study of the quality of ethics consultation in the time of COVID-19.Lulia Kana, Andrew Shuman, Raymond De Vries & Janice Firn - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (4):244-249.
    BackgroundThe quality of ethics consults is notoriously difficult to measure. Survey-based assessments cannot capture nuances of consultations. To address this gap, we conducted interviews with health professionals who requested ethics consults during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodHealthcare professionals requesting ethics consultation between March 2020 and May 2020 at a tertiary academic medical centre were eligible to participate. We asked participants to comment on the consults they called and thematically analysed responses to identify features associated with optimal quality consultations.ResultsOf (...)
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    Beauty and cuteness in peripheral vision.Kana Kuraguchi & Hiroshi Ashida - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Change in the graphics of journal articles in the life sciences field: analysis of figures and tables in the journal “Cell”.Kana Ariga & Manabu Tashiro - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3):1-34.
    The purpose of this study is to examine how trends in the use of images in modern life science journals have changed since the spread of computer-based visual and imaging technology. To this end, a new classification system was constructed to analyze how the graphics of a scientific journal have changed over the years. The focus was on one international peer-reviewed journal in life sciences, Cell, which was founded in 1974, whereby 1725 figures and 160 tables from the research articles (...)
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    An exploratory study for analyzing interactional processes of group discussion: the case of a focus group interview.Kana Suzuki, Ikuyo Morimoto, Etsuo Mizukami, Hiroko Otsuka & Hitoshi Isahara - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (2):233-249.
    The purposes of this study are (a) to establish a measurement for evaluating conversational impressions of group discussions, and (b) to make an exploratory investigation on their interactional processes which may affect to form those impressions. The impression rating and factor analysis undertaken first give us four factors concerning conversational impressions of “focus group interviews (FGIs)”: conversational activeness, conversational sequencing, the attitudes of participants and the relationships of participants. In relation to the factors of conversational activeness and conversational sequencing in (...)
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    Brain connectivity in autism.Rajesh K. Kana, Lucina Q. Uddin, Tal Kenet, Diane Chugani & Ralph-Axel Mã¼Ller - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  7.  9
    Face Inversion Effect on Perceived Cuteness and Pupillary Response.Kana Kuraguchi & Kei Kanari - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Resolving counterintuitive consequences in law using legal debugging.Wachara Fungwacharakorn, Kanae Tsushima & Ken Satoh - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (4):541-557.
    There are cases in which the literal interpretation of statutes may lead to counterintuitive consequences. When such cases go to high courts, judges may handle these counterintuitive consequences by identifying problematic rule conditions. Given that the law consists of a large number of rule conditions, it is demanding and exhaustive to figure out which condition is problematic. For solving this problem, our work aims to assist judges in civil law systems to resolve counterintuitive consequences using logic program representation of statutes (...)
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    Self-Extending Symbiosis: A Mechanism for Increasing Robustness Through Evolution.Hiroaki Kitano & Kanae Oda - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (1):61-66.
    Robustness is a fundamental property of biological systems, observed ubiquitously across species and at different levels of organization from gene regulation to ecosystem. The theory of biological robustness argues that robustness fosters evolv-ability and that together they entail various tradeoffs as well as characteristic architectures and mechanisms. We argue that classes of biological systems have evolved to enhance their robustness by extending their system boundary through a series of symbioses with foreign biological entities . A series of major biological innovations (...)
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  10.  80
    Object Categorization Processing Differs According to Category Level: Comparing Visual Information Between the Basic and Superordinate Levels.Kosuke Taniguchi, Kana Kuraguchi, Yuji Takano & Shoji Itakura - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11.  14
    Sabine Clarke, Science at the End of Empire: Experts and the Development of the British Caribbean, 1940–62. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018. Pp. 224. ISBN 978-1-5261-3138-6. £80.00 (hardback). [REVIEW]Sandip Kana - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Science 53 (4):593-594.
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    Effect of the Hand-Omitted Tool Motion on mu Rhythm Suppression.Kazuo Isoda, Kana Sueyoshi, Yuki Ikeda, Yuki Nishimura, Ichiro Hisanaga, Stéphanie Orlic, Yeon-Kyu Kim & Shigekazu Higuchi - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  13.  7
    “The Giant Black Elephant with white Tusks stood in a field of Green Grass”: Cognitive and brain mechanisms underlying aphantasia.Paula Argueta, Julia Dominguez, Josie Zachman, Paul Worthington & Rajesh K. Kana - 2025 - Consciousness and Cognition 127 (C):103790.
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  14. Identification of neural connectivity signatures of autism using machine learning.Gopikrishna Deshpande, Lauren E. Libero, Karthik R. Sreenivasan, Hrishikesh D. Deshpande & Rajesh K. Kana - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  15. Liṃkana Bārṇeṭa racita Biśva rahasye Āinashṭāina.Lincoln Barnett - 1957 - Ḍhākā: Mallika Brādārsa. Edited by EmaE Jabbāra.
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    «Wa kāna l-insānu akṯara šayʾin ǧadalan». Discusión y regateo con la divinidad en la tradición islámica.Pedro Buendía - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (1):e01.
    En la literatura árabe islámica pueden rastrearse diversos textos en torno a personajes de la Historia de Salvación que pleitean o discuten con la divinidad, como Adán y Eva, Moisés, ʿUzayr / Ezra y hasta el mismo profeta Muhammad. Dichos textos, dispersos en diversas fuentes árabes medievales, representan la recepción fragmentaria y discontinua que la rica literatura de debate medioriental tuvo en el imaginario religioso islámico, desde los textos sumerios y acadios hasta el género literario hebreo de la disputa o (...)
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  17. Kanādamunipraṇītam Vaiśeṣikadarśanam: Tarkārṇava Paṇḍitaratna (Uttamūr) Śrīvīrarāghavācāryaviracita-Rasāyanākhya-vyākhyopetam = Kaṇād's Vaiseshika darsana ; with Rasāyana-commentary. Kaṇāda - 1958 - Madras: For copies, V.S. Venkata Raghavacharya. Edited by Uttamur T. Viraraghavacharya.
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    Kana ja Orpheuse muna.Claus Emmeche - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (1):32-32.
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  19. Igrot kanaʹut.Moses Maimonides (ed.) - 1966
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  20. Aśōkana dharma śasanagaḷu.Shrinivas Ritti - 1966
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  21.  27
    Eye fixation and saccade during kana and kanji text reading: Comparison of English and Japanese text processing.Naoyuki Osaka - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):548-550.
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  22.  16
    Review of Man’yōshū Book 16: A New English Translation Containing the Original Text, Kana Transliteration, Romanization, Glossing and Commentary. By Alexander Vovin. [REVIEW]John Kupchik - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (4):1014-1016.
    Man’yōshū Book 16: A New English Translation Containing the Original Text, Kana Transliteration, Romanization, Glossing and Commentary. By Alexander Vovin. Leiden: Brill, 2021. Pp. xviii + 199. $168.
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  23. Dharma darśana, manana aura mūlyāṅkana: tulanātmaka śodha nibandha. Devendra - 1985 - Udayapura: Śrī Tāraka Guru Jaina Granthālaya.
    Comparative study of Indic philosophy and religion, from Jaina viewpoint.
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  24. Brahma-sūtroṃ para praṇīta Śakti-bhāshya kā adhyayana: Śāṅkara-Advaita Vedānta ke āloka meṃ usakā samīkshātmaka tathā tulanātmaka mūlyāṅkana.Suśīlā Kamaleśa - 1972 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Saṃskr̥ta Sīrīja Āphisa.
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    Bauddha evaṃ Jaina ācāra darśanoṃ meṃ naitika vicāra: eka mūlyāṅkana.Bhuvaneśvara Nātha Ojhā - 2012 - Dillī: Anāmikā Prakāśana.
    On ethical concepts of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain philosophy.
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    A Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese: The 1,850 Basic Characters and the Kana Syllabaries.E. H. S. - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):189.
  27. Bhāmatī: eka adhyayana: Vedāntadarśana ke sandarbha meṃ Vācaspati Miśra kā mūlyāṅkana.Īśvara Siṃha - 1983 - Rohataka: Manthana.
    Study on Vācaspatimiśra's Bhāmatī, 10th century supercommentary of Śaṅkarācārya's Śārīrakamīmāṃsābhāṣya, Advaita commentary of Bādarāyaṇa's Brahmasūtra, basic Vedanta work.
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    Pūrṇavāda-prabodha: Bhāratīya darśana paramparā kā pūrṇavādī mūlyāṅkana.Vishnu Ramchandra Parnerkar - 2015 - Dillī: Akhila Bhāratīya Darśana-Parishad tathā Nyū Bhāratīya Buka Kôraporeśana.
    Comprehensive work on Hindu philosophy and spiritual life.
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  29. Gāndhī, punarmūlyāṅkana. Vishwanath (ed.) - 1969 - Jayapura: Prajñā Prakāśana.
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    Review of Kess & Miyamoto (1999): The Japanese Mental Lexicon: Psycholinguistic Studies of Kana and Kanji Processing. [REVIEW]Yoshimi Miyake-Loh - 2001 - Pragmatics and Cognition 9 (1):162-165.
  31.  19
    Hayız Döneminde Kadını Kirli Sayan Kadim Anlayışın Sünnetteki Uygulamayla Kaldırılması.Sehal Deniz Varlık - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):202-219.
    Kadınların mukaddes görevlerini, insan neslinin devamlılığını sağlamayı yerine getirebilmelerine imkân veren aylık kanama dönemlerinin ironik bir şekilde kirlilik sebebi sayılması kadim bir kabuldür. Belki de ilkel inançlarda kana yüklenen tabu anlamı bu kabulün benimsenmesinde rol oynamıştır. Her ne kadar feminist akımlarla beşeriyet tarihinin başlangıcındaki anaerkil dönemde kadınlara kutsallık katan doğurganlıklarının bir uzantısı olan adet görmelerinin, ataerkil düzene geçişle bir aşağılanma ve murdarlık sebebi sayılmaya başlandığı iddia edilmiştir. Fakat bu görüşün dayanakları doğruluğunu ispatlayacak sağlamlıkta olmadığı gibi alanın uzmanlarınca da ortaya (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity, health and well-being.Leigh Price - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (5):449-457.
    This themed issue of Journal of Critical Realism has a focus on interdisciplinarity, health and well-being.1 Specifically, the articles address topics such as homelessness, obesity (Kana...
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    An der Grenze: theologische Erkundungen zum Bösen.Béatrice W. Acklin Zimmermann & Barbara Schmitz (eds.) - 2007 - Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck.
    Béatrice Acklin Zimmermann Barbara Schmitz An der GrenzeTheologische Erkundungen zum BösenUnter dem Eindruck der schrecklichen Ereignisse vom 11. September 2001, von Beslan, Abu Ghraib und Kana ist das Interesse "am Bösen"wiedererwacht. Dabei fällt auf, dass die in Politik und Gesellschaft erfolgten Deutungen des Bösen geprägt sind durch klare Grenzziehungen zwischen "gut"und "böse", die zunehmend auch auf religiöse Kategorien wie Licht-Finsternis, gerecht-sündig, Tod-Leben rekurrieren. Dies provoziert die Frage nach der Trennschärfe von "gut"und "böse": Wo genau verläuft die Grenze zwischen "gut"und (...)
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    The Concept of Freedom in Art Education in Japan.Takuya Kaneda - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (4):12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.4 (2003) 12-19 [Access article in PDF] The Concept of Freedom in Art Education in Japan The concept of freedom has played a very important role in art education in Japan. Needless to say, freedom has been regarded as an essential principle of education in the West. Writers from Jean Jacques Rousseau to John Dewey stressed the significance of freedom in education. Especially, in (...)
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  35. Pei-Hsi's "Tzu-I" and the Rise of Tokugawa Philosophical Lexicography.John Allen Tucker - 1990 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    This study traces the impact of Ch'en Pei-hsi's Hsing-li tzu-i on the rise of philosophical lexicography in Tokugawa Japan . It suggests that the appearance of copies of the 1553 Korean edition of Pei-hsi's Tzu-i, brought to Japan in the wake of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea , crucially influenced both understandings of and reactions to Neo-Confucianism in Tokugawa Japan. Pei-hsi's Tzu-i, the study relates, served as the literary template for several early Tokugawa works, including Fujiwara Seika's Kana seiri (...)
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